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The telomere complex must allow nucleases and helicases to process chromosome ends to make them substrates for telomerase, while preventing these same activities from disrupting chromosome end-protection. Replication protein A (RPA) binds to single-stranded DNA and is required for DNA replication, recombination, repair, and telomere maintenance. In fission yeast, the telomere binding protein Taz1 protects telomeres and negatively regulates telomerase. Here, we show that taz1-d rad11-D223Y double mutants lose their telomeric DNA, indicating that RPA (Rad11) and Taz1 are synergistically required to prevent telomere loss. Telomere loss in the taz1-d rad11-D223Y double mutants was suppressed by additional mutation of the helicase domain in a RecQ helicase (Rqh1), or by overexpression of Pot1, a single-strand telomere binding protein that is essential for protection of chromosome ends. From our results, we propose that in the absence of Taz1 and functional RPA, Pot1 cannot function properly and the helicase activity of Rqh1 promotes telomere loss. Our results suggest that controlling the activity of Rqh1 at telomeres is critical for the prevention of genomic instability.  相似文献   

Yamashita A  Yamamoto M 《Genetics》2006,173(3):1187-1196
During meiotic prophase in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the nucleus oscillates between the two ends of a cell. This oscillatory nuclear movement is important to promote accurate pairing of homologous chromosomes and requires cytoplasmic dynein. Dynein accumulates at the points where microtubule plus ends contact the cell cortex and generate a force to drive nuclear oscillation. However, it remains poorly understood how dynein associates with the cell cortex. Here we show that S. pombe Num1p functions as a cortical-anchoring factor for dynein. Num1p is expressed in a meiosis-specific manner and localized to the cell cortex through its C-terminal PH domain. The num1 deletion mutant shows microtubule dynamics comparable to that in the wild type. However, it lacks cortical accumulation of dynein and is defective in the nuclear oscillation as is the case for the dynein mutant. We also show that Num1p can recruit dynein independently of the CLIP-170 homolog Tip1p.  相似文献   

Rab proteins are small GTPases that are essential elements of the protein transport machinery of eukaryotic cells. Each round of membrane transport requires a cycle of Rab protein nucleotide binding and hydrolysis. We have recently characterized a protein, Yip1p, which appears to play a role in Rab-mediated membrane transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we report the identification of a Yip1p-associated protein, Yop1p. Yop1p is a membrane protein with a hydrophilic region at its N terminus through which it interacts specifically with the cytosolic domain of Yip1p. Yop1p could also be coprecipitated with Rab proteins from total cellular lysates. The TB2 gene is the human homolog of Yop1p (Kinzler, K. W., Nilbert, M. C., Su, L.-K., Vogelstein, B., Bryan, T. M., Levey, D. B., Smith, K. J., Preisinger, A. C., Hedge, P., McKechnie, D., Finniear, R., Markham, A., Groffen, J., Boguski, M. S., Altschul, S. F., Horii, A., Ando, H. M., Y., Miki, Y., Nishisho, I., and Nakamura, Y. (1991) Science 253, 661-665). Our data demonstrate that Yop1p negatively regulates cell growth. Disruption of YOP1 has no apparent effect on cell viability, while overexpression results in cell death, accumulation of internal cell membranes, and a block in membrane traffic. These results suggest that Yop1p acts in conjunction with Yip1p to mediate a common step in membrane traffic.  相似文献   

The neuronal calcium sensor (NCS) proteins (e.g. recoverin, neurocalcins, and frequenin) are expressed at highest levels in excitable cells, and some of them regulate desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors. Here we present NMR analysis and genetic functional studies of an NCS homolog in fission yeast (Ncs1p). Ncs1p binds three Ca2+ ions at saturation with an apparent affinity of 2 microm and Hill coefficient of 1.9. Analysis of NMR and fluorescence spectra of Ncs1p revealed significant Ca2+-induced protein conformational changes indicative of a Ca2+-myristoyl switch. The amino-terminal myristoyl group is sequestered inside a hydrophobic cavity of the Ca2+-free protein and becomes solvent-exposed in the Ca2+-bound protein. Subcellular fractionation experiments showed that myristoylation and Ca2+ binding by Ncs1p are essential for its translocation from cytoplasm to membranes. The ncs1 deletion mutant (ncs1Delta) showed two distinct phenotypes: nutrition-insensitive sexual development and a growth defect at high levels of extracellular Ca2+ (0.1 m CaCl(2)). Analysis of Ncs1p mutants lacking myristoylation (Ncs1p(G2A)) or deficient in Ca2+ binding (Ncs1p(E84Q/E120Q/E168Q)) revealed that Ca2+ binding was essential for both phenotypes, while myristoylation was less critical. Exogenous cAMP, a key regulator for sexual development, suppressed conjugation and sporulation of ncs1Delta, suggesting involvement of Ncs1p in the adenylate cyclase pathway turned on by the glucose-sensing G protein-coupled receptor Git3p. Starvation-independent sexual development of ncs1Delta was also complemented by retinal recoverin, which controls Ca2+-regulated desensitization of rhodopsin. In contrast, the Ca2+-intolerance of ncs1Delta was not affected by cAMP or recoverin, suggesting that the two ncs1Delta phenotypes are mechanistically independent. We propose that Schizosaccharomyces pombe Ncs1p negatively regulates sporulation perhaps by controlling Ca2+-dependent desensitization of Git3p.  相似文献   

Fission yeast cells survive loss of the telomerase catalytic subunit Trt1 (TERT) through recombination-based telomere maintenance or through chromosome circularization. Although trt1Δ survivors with linear chromosomes can be obtained, they often spontaneously circularize their chromosomes. Therefore, it was difficult to establish genetic requirements for telomerase-independent telomere maintenance. In contrast, when the telomere-binding protein Taz1 is also deleted, taz1Δ trt1Δ cells are able to stably maintain telomeres. Thus, taz1Δ trt1Δ cells can serve as a valuable tool in understanding the regulation of telomerase-independent telomere maintenance. In this study, we show that the checkpoint kinase Tel1 (ATM) and the DNA repair complex Rad32-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) are required for telomere maintenance in taz1Δ trt1Δ cells. Surprisingly, Rap1 is also essential for telomere maintenance in taz1Δ trt1Δ cells, even though recruitment of Rap1 to telomeres depends on Taz1. Expression of catalytically inactive Trt1 can efficiently inhibit recombination-based telomere maintenance, but the inhibition requires both Est1 and Ku70. While Est1 is essential for recruitment of Trt1 to telomeres, Ku70 is dispensable. Thus, we conclude that Taz1, TERT-Est1, and Ku70-Ku80 prevent telomere recombination, whereas MRN-Tel1 and Rap1 promote recombination-based telomere maintenance. Evolutionarily conserved proteins in higher eukaryotic cells might similarly contribute to telomere recombination.  相似文献   

In fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) the homologue of the mammalian SUMO-1 ubiquitin-like modifier is encoded by the pmt3 gene. A two-hybrid screen using the telomere-binding protein Taz1p as bait identified Pmt3p as an interacting factor. In vitro experiments using purified components of the fission yeast Pmt3p modification system demonstrated that Taz1p could be modified directly by Pmt3p. The amino acid sequence of Taz1p contains a close match to the consensus modification site for SUMO-1, and a PEST sequence similar to those found in established SUMO-1 targets. Although previous experiments have identified an increase in telomere length as one consequence of the pmt3– genotype, we could not detect Pmt3p modification of Taz1p in protein extracts made from exponentially growing haploid cells or any effect of Pmt3p on the localization of GFP-Taz1p at discrete foci in the haploid cell nucleus.  相似文献   

A STE20/p65pak homolog was isolated from fission yeast by PCR. The pak1+ gene encodes a 72 kDa protein containing a putative p21-binding domain near its amino-terminus and a serine/threonine kinase domain near its carboxyl-terminus. The Pak1 protein autophosphorylates on serine residues and preferentially binds to activated Cdc42p both in vitro and in vivo. This binding is mediated through the p21 binding domain on Pak1p and the effector domain on Cdc42p. Overexpression of an inactive mutant form of pak1 gives rise to cells with markedly abnormal shape with mislocalized actin staining. Pak1 overexpression does not, however, suppress lethality associated with cdc42-null cells or the morphologic defeat caused by overexpression of mutant cdc42 alleles. Gene disruption of pak1+ establishes that, like cdc42+, pak1+ function is required for cell viability. In budding yeast, pak1+ expression restores mating function to STE20-null cells and, in fission yeast, overexpression of an inactive form of Pak inhibits mating. These results indicate that the Pak1 protein is likely to be an effector for Cdc42p or a related GTPase, and suggest that Pak1p is involved in the maintenance of cell polarity and in mating.  相似文献   

The fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) taz1 gene encodes a telomere-associated protein. It contains a single copy of a Myb-like motif termed the telobox that is also found in the human telomere binding proteins TRF1 and TRF2, and Tbf1p, a protein that binds to sequences found within the sub-telomeric regions of budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) chromosomes. Taz1p was synthesised in vitro and shown to bind to a fission yeast telomeric DNA fragment in a sequence specific manner that required the telobox motif. Like the mammalian TRF proteins, Taz1p bound to DNA as a preformed homodimer. The isolated Myb-like domain was also capable of sequence specific DNA binding, although with less specificity than the full-length dimer. Surprisingly, a protein extract produced from a taz1–fission yeast strain still contained the major telomere binding activity (complex I) we have characterised previously, suggesting that there could be other abundant telomere binding proteins in fission yeast. One candidate, SpX, was also synthesised in vitro, but despite the presence of two telobox domains, no sequence specific binding to telomeric DNA was detected.  相似文献   

Dolinski KJ  Heitman J 《Genetics》1999,151(3):935-944
The immunosuppressive drugs FK506 and rapamycin bind to the cellular protein FKBP12, and the resulting FKBP12-drug complexes inhibit signal transduction. FKBP12 is a ubiquitous, highly conserved, abundant enzyme that catalyzes a rate-limiting step in protein folding: peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerization. However, FKBP12 is dispensible for viability in both yeast and mice, and therefore does not play an essential role in protein folding. The functions of FKBP12 may involve interactions with a number of partner proteins, and a few proteins that interact with FKBP12 in the absence of FK506 or rapamycin have been identified, including the ryanodine receptor, aspartokinase, and the type II TGF-beta receptor; however, none of these are conserved from yeast to humans. To identify other targets and functions of FKBP12, we have screened for mutations that are synthetically lethal with an FKBP12 mutation in yeast. We find that mutations in HMO1, which encodes a high mobility group 1/2 homolog, are synthetically lethal with mutations in the yeast FPR1 gene encoding FKBP12. Deltahmo1 and Deltafpr1 mutants share two phenotypes: an increased rate of plasmid loss and slow growth. In addition, Hmo1p and FKBP12 physically interact in FKBP12 affinity chromatography experiments, and two-hybrid experiments suggest that FKBP12 regulates Hmo1p-Hmo1p or Hmo1p-DNA interactions. Because HMG1/2 proteins are conserved from yeast to humans, our findings suggest that FKBP12-HMG1/2 interactions could represent the first conserved function of FKBP12 other than mediating FK506 and rapamycin actions.  相似文献   

A great deal is now known about how cells regulate entry into mitosis, but only recently have the mechanisms controlling exit from mitosis and cytokinesis begun to be revealed. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mob1p interacts with the Dbf2p kinase and cells containing mutations in these genes arrest in late anaphase [1] [2]. Proteins related to Mob1p are present in both plants and animals, but information about Mob1p function has been obtained only from budding yeast. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of Mob1p from Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Mob1p associates with the Sid2p kinase and like Sid2p, Mob1p is required for the initiation of cytokinesis, but not for mitotic exit. Mob1p localizes to the spindle pole body (SPB) and to the cell-division site during cell division, suggesting that it might be involved in transducing the signal to initiate cell division from the SPB to the division site. Mob1p is required for Sid2p localization, and Mob1p localization requires the function of the cdc7, cdc11, cdc14, spg1, sid1, sid2, and sid4 genes, suggesting that together with Sid2p, Mob1p functions at the end of the signaling cascade required to regulate the onset of cytokinesis at the end of mitosis.  相似文献   

Li YC  Chen CR  Chang EC 《Genetics》2000,156(3):995-1004
Ras1 GTPase is the Schizosaccharomyces pombe homolog of the mammalian Ha-Ras proto-oncoprotein. Ras1 interacts with Scd1 (aka Ral1), a presumptive guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Cdc42sp, to control organization of the cytoskeleton. In this study, we demonstrated that the scd1 deletion (scd1Delta) induced hypersensitivity to microtubule destabilizing drugs and instability of the minichromosome. Overexpression of scd1 induced formation of abnormal spindles and chromosome missegregation. The scd1 deletion worsened the defects of spindle formation in tubulin mutants; by contrast, it did not induce lethality in mutants defective in the spindle pole bodies. These genetic data suggest that Scd1 can interact with tubulin with substantial specificity to affect proper spindle formation and chromosome segregation. Subcellular localization data further illustrated that a GFP-Scd1 fusion protein can associate with the spindle. Finally, we showed that unlike ras1Delta and scd1Delta, byr2Delta (affecting the Ras1 effector for mating) is not synthetically lethal with the tubulin mutations. These data collectively suggest that the Ras1 pathway can impinge upon microtubules through Scd1, but not Byr2, to affect proper spindle formation and chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Profilins bind to monomeric actin and also interact with ligands such as phosphoinositide 4,5-bisphosphate, the proline-rich protein VASP and a complex of four to six polypeptides identified in Acanthamoeba that includes two actin-related proteins. Here, we report the identification and characterization of an essential gene from Schizosaccharomyces pombe, sop2+, a mutation in which rescues the temperature-sensitive lethality of a profilin mutation, cdc3-124. The sop2-1 mutant is defective for cell elongation and septation, suggesting that it is involved in multiple cortical actin-requiring processes. Consistent with a role in actin cytoskeletal function, negative interactions have been identified between sop2-1 and act1-48, a mutant allele of actin. Sop2p is a novel 377 amino acid polypeptide with similarity to proteins of the beta-transducin repeat family. Sop2p-related proteins have been identified by sequencing projects in diverse species, and we have isolated a human cDNA highly related to sop2+, SOP2 Hs, which functionally complements the sop2-1 mutation. Sop2p proteins from all species contain peptide sequences identical or highly similar to two peptide sequences from an Acanthamoeba beta-transducin repeat protein present in the profilin binding complex. Biochemical analyses demonstrate that Sop2p is present in a complex which also contains the actin-related protein, Arp3p. Immunofluorescence studies reveal the presence of Sop2p in (i) punctate structures distributed throughout the cell, (ii) cables that extend the length of the cell, and (iii) a medial band in a small percentage of septating cells. Collectively these data demonstrate the interaction of Sop2p with Arp3p, profilin and actin.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia, with two nuclei and a distinct polarized morphology, is an interesting organism for investigating how distribution of its microtubule (MT) is controlled during its cell cycle. In this study, we identified the end-binding protein 1 (EB1) of G. lamblia, a well-known microtubule-associated protein that organizes MTs in eukaryotes. Immunofluorescence assays using recombinant EB1 (rEB1)-specific antibodies demonstrated EB1 localization in nuclear membrane as well as in some cytoskeletal structures such as axomenes and median bodies of trophozoites of G. lamblia. Complementation experiments using the BIM1 knock-out mutant of yeast, the yeast homolog of mammalian EB1, showed that giardial EB1 was able to carry out a homologous function in controlling MT dynamics. In addition, rEB1 of G. lamblia co-precipitated with MTs by an in vitro binding assay, thereby demonstrating that G. lamblia EB1 is a MT-associated protein. These results, taken together, suggest that G. lamblia EB1 is a functional homolog of eukaryotic EB1 and is likely to be a determinant for MT distribution.  相似文献   

Zhong S  Li H  Bodi Z  Button J  Vespa L  Herzog M  Fray RG 《The Plant cell》2008,20(5):1278-1288
N6-Methyladenosine is a ubiquitous modification identified in the mRNA of numerous eukaryotes, where it is present within both coding and noncoding regions. However, this base modification does not alter the coding capacity, and its biological significance remains unclear. We show that Arabidopsis thaliana mRNA contains N6-methyladenosine at levels similar to those previously reported for animal cells. We further show that inactivation of the Arabidopsis ortholog of the yeast and human mRNA adenosine methylase (MTA) results in failure of the developing embryo to progress past the globular stage. We also demonstrate that the arrested seeds are deficient in mRNAs containing N6-methyladenosine. Expression of MTA is strongly associated with dividing tissues, particularly reproductive organs, shoot meristems, and emerging lateral roots. Finally, we show that MTA interacts in vitro and in vivo with At FIP37, a homolog of the Drosophila protein FEMALE LETHAL2D and of human WILMS' TUMOUR1-ASSOCIATING PROTEIN. The results reported here provide direct evidence for an essential function for N6-methyladenosine in a multicellular eukaryote, and the interaction with At FIP37 suggests possible RNA processing events that might be regulated or altered by this base modification.  相似文献   

Tatebayashi K  Tani T  Ikeda H 《Genetics》2001,157(4):1513-1522
We have cloned and characterized the Schizosaccharomyces pombe gene mog1(+), which encodes a protein with homology to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mog1p participating in the Ran-GTPase system. The S. pombe Mog1p is predominantly localized in the nucleus. In contrast to the S. cerevisiae MOG1 gene, the S. pombe mog1(+) gene is essential for cell viability. mog1(+) is required for the mitosis-to-interphase transition, as the mog1-1 mutant arrests at restrictive temperatures as septated, binucleated cells with highly condensed chromosomes and an aberrant nuclear envelope. FACS analysis showed that these cells do not undergo a subsequent round of DNA replication. Surprisingly, also unlike the Delta mog1 mutation in S. cerevisiae, the mog1-1 mutation causes nucleolar accumulation of poly(A)(+) RNA at the restrictive temperature in S. pombe, but the signals do not overlap with the fibrillarin-rich region of the nucleolus. Thus, we found that mog1(+) is required for the mitosis-to-interphase transition and a class of RNA metabolism. In our attempt to identify suppressors of mog1-1, we isolated the spi1(+) gene, which encodes the fission yeast homologue of Ran. We found that overexpression of Spi1p rescues the S. pombe Delta mog1 cells from death. On the basis of these results, we conclude that mog1(+) is involved in the Ran-GTPase system.  相似文献   

Fission yeast Csk1 is a CAK-activating kinase (CAKAK).   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
Cell cycle progression is dependent on the sequential activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). For full activity, CDKs require an activating phosphorylation of a conserved residue (corresponding to Thr160 in human CDK2) carried out by the CDK-activating kinase (CAK). Two distinct CAK kinases have been described: in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Cak1/Civ1 kinase is responsible for CAK activity. In several other species including human, Xenopus, Drosophila and fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, CAK has been identified as a complex homologous to CDK7-cyclin H (Mcs6-Mcs2 in fission yeast). Here we identify the fission yeast Csk1 kinase as an in vivo activating kinase of the Mcs6-Mcs2 CAK defining Csk1 as a CAK-activating kinase (CAKAK).  相似文献   

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