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The linear stage of thermocurrent instability is investigated for a model gas in which the integral of inelastic collisions of electrons with gas particles has a divergent form and the frequencies of elastic and inelastic collisions are independent of the electron velocity. The proposed approach consists in the reduction of the Boltzmann equation for electrons in an inhomogeneous plasma to a set of equations for the moments of the electron velocity distribution function. The instability growth rate and the wave phase velocity as functions of the perturbation wavenumber are calculated, the maximum growth rate and the corresponding wavenumber are determined, and the dependence of these quantities on the degree of plasma quasineutrality is examined. It is demonstrated that the model satisfactorily (both qualitatively and quantitatively) describes the linear stage of thermocurrent instability in helium.  相似文献   

Apparently by analogy with enzyme kinetics, the half-saturation value (K) for nutrient uptake or growth has frequently been overemphasized in discussions of competition, and the role of maximum rates (Rm) has not been given sufficient emphasis. The ratio Rm/K, which is the slope of the Monod equation at lowest substrate concentration, offers a simple way of emphasizing both factors. Several examples from the literature are cited to show that this ratio better reflects rates at lowest concentrations, and therefore competitive position in the process being considered, than do K values alone.  相似文献   

 When plotted in linear coordinates, the dose-response curves of microorganisms exposed to a lethal agent, such as radiation or a toxic substance, often have a characteristic sigmoid shape. Irrespective of whether they are very narrow or broad they can be described by the Fermi function, which is a mirror image of the logistic function, i.e. S(X)=1/{1+ exp [(XX c)/a]} where S(X) is the fraction of the surviving organisms, X the dose of the lethal agent, X c a characteristic dose marking the inflection point of S(X), which corresponds to 50% mortality, and a a measure of the steepness of the survival curve around X c. It is demonstrated that, if the susceptibilities of the individual organisms, expressed in terms of a characteristic lethal dose, have a symmetric unimodal distribution, the dose-response curve of the population has a Fermian sigmoid shape. It is also shown that the mode and variance of the distribution can be estimated from the shape parameters of the Fermian survival curve, X c and a. Received: 7 November 1995 / Received last revision: 11 April 1996 / Accepted: 29 April 1996  相似文献   

Ewens (1972) proposed a model in the infinite allele framework for populations with neutrality of all alleles at a particular locus. This paper proposes a generalisation of Ewens' result for situations where there is a form of weak selection. The models considered here are continuous time, discrete state space Markov processes.  相似文献   

In proteomics, a digested cell lysate is often too complex for direct comprehensive mass spectrometric analysis. To reduce complexity, several peptide separation techniques have been introduced including very successful two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) approaches. Here, we assess the potential of zwitterionic Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (ZIC-HILIC) as a first dimension for the analysis of complex peptide mixtures. We show that ZIC-HILIC separation is dramatically dependent on buffer pH in the range from 3 to 8, due to deprotonation of acidic amino acids. ZIC-HILIC exhibits a mixed-mode effect consisting of electrostatic and polar interactions. We developed a 2D-LC system that hyphenates ZIC-HILIC off-line with reversed-phase (RP). The two dimensions are fairly orthogonal, and the system performs very well in the analysis of minute amounts of complex peptide mixtures. Applying this method to the analysis of 10 mug of a cellular nuclear lysate, we were able to confidently identify over 1000 proteins. Compared to strong cation exchange chromatography (SCX), ZIC-HILIC shows better chromatographic resolution and absence of clustering of prevalent +2 and +3 charged peptides. At pH 3, ZIC-HILIC separation allows best orthogonality with RP and resembles conventional SCX separation. A significant enrichment of N-acetylated peptides in the first fractions is observed at these conditions. ZIC-HILIC separation at high pH (6.8 and 8), however, enables better chromatography, resulting in more comprehensive data acquisition. With this extended flexibility, we conclude that ZIC-HILIC is a very good alternative for the more conventional SCX in multidimensional peptide separation strategies.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion encompasses a variety of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesive interactions. Whereas ligation of most adhesion receptors activate Rho-family GTP-binding proteins and the subsequent reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, the molecular mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. Because phagocytosis is a spatially restricted adhesion process, it represents a simplified model system to investigate the spatio-temporal regulation of the signalling pathways that link surface adhesion receptors, small GTPases and the actin cytoskeleton. This review highlights some of the similarities between the formation and maintenance of adhesive contacts and phagocytic uptake and discusses why the study of phagocytosis can help understand more complex adhesion processes.  相似文献   

An alternative model is presented for the selection of therapeutic chelating agents to enhance the mobilization and excretion of a toxic metal. The model is based on the in vivo patterns of absorption, distribution, reaction and excretion of the chelating agent, a typical toxic metal ion and complexes of the two. The model emphasizes the kinetic aspects of the processes involved and indicates how other processes may be incorporated such as redox reactions involving the chelating agent or metal. The identification of rate determining steps and methods for their manipulation are assumed to be of importance. The application of this model to specific metals is outlined.  相似文献   

A stochastic model based on Eigen and Schuster's theory of biomolecular self-replication is studied by treating the master equation with the system-size expansion technique. The steady-state results are found to be in good agreement with the previous results and with those derived from the principle of detailed balancing. Multispecies competition and coexistence are studied carefully with the conclusions that a stable steady state is predicted for the former and a metastable state for the latter. The stochastic selection processes are also analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate its susceptibility to ergot infection, we inoculated Brachypodium distachyon with Claviceps purpurea and compared the infection symptoms with those on rye (Secale cereale). We showed that, after inoculation of Brachypodium with Claviceps, the same disease symptoms occurred in comparable temporal and spatial patterns to those on rye. The infection rate of Claviceps on this host was reduced compared with rye, but the disease could be surveyed by fungal genomic DNA quantification. Mutants of Claviceps which were virulence attenuated on rye were also affected on Brachypodium. We were able to show that pathogenesis‐related gene expression changed in a typical manner for biotrophic pathogen attack. Our results indicated that the ClavicepsBrachypodium interaction was dependent on salicylic acid, cytokinin and auxin. We consider Brachypodium to be a suitable and useful alternative host; the increased sensitivity compared with rye will be valuable for the identification of infection mechanisms. Future progess in understanding the Claviceps–plant interaction will be facilitated by the use of a well‐characterized model host system.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that disturbances during neurodevelopment may play a crucial role in the etiology of schizophrenia (SZ). This premise is supported by brain imaging, epidemiological, and pathological studies as well as the discovery of susceptibility genes for SZ that appear to be implicated in development of the central nervous system. Here, we discuss the limitations of the current methods and models for studying the neurodevelopmental implications in SZ. We agree with the proposal that the olfactory epithelium, in which neurodevelopment continues throughout life, might represent an alternative model for understanding the pathophysiology of the disorder.  相似文献   

Heavy metals cause irreversible neurobehavioral damage in many developing mammals, but the mechanisms of this damage are unknown. The influence of three heavy metal compounds, triethyllead chloride, lead acetate and cadmium chloride, on lethality, development, behavior and learning was studied using the fruit fly,Drosophila melanogaster. This animal was used because it allows hundreds of subjects to be assayed very easily in individual experiments and because it is a system in which toxicological questions might be answered by using the techniques of modern molecular genetics. When triethyllead chloride, lead acetate or cadmium chloride was placed in the medium, the larval LC50 (± standard error) was found to be 0.090±0.004, 6.60±0.64 and 0.42±0.04mm, respectively. Each of the tested compounds produced a dose-related delay in development. In particular, they caused a delay in the development of larvae to pupae. When larvae were reared on medium containing triethyllead chloride (0.06mm), lead acetate (3.07mm) or cadmium chloride (0.11mm), phototaxis, locomotion and learning were not inhibited. Since significant neurobehavioral effects were not observed under the experimental conditions used,Drosophila does not appear to be an appropriate animal for the genetic dissection of such effects of heavy metals during development.  相似文献   

The colonization equation shown below was evaluated usingThermothrix thiopara as a model organism. $$N = (A/\mu )e^{\mu t} - A/\mu $$ where: N=number of cells on surface (cells field?1); A = attachment rate (cells field?1 h?1); M=specific growth rate (h?1); t=incubation period (h). Previous studies of microbial surface colonization consider attachment and growth independently. However, the proposed colonization equation integrates the effects of simultaneous attachment and growth. Using this equation, the specific growth rate ofT. thiopara was found to be 0.38±0.3 h?1 during in situ colonization. Estimates ofμ were independent of incubation period after 4 h (2 generations). Shorter incubations were inadequate to produce sufficient microcolonies for accurate determination of specific growth rate. Empirical data for the time course of colonization fell within the 95% confidence interval of predicted values. The attachment rate, although assumed to be constant, was found to continuously increase with time. This increase may have been an artifact due to the continuous deposition of travertine on the surface, or may indicate the need for a function to replace A in the colonization equation. Using the exponential growth equation, the progeny of cells that attach during incubation are considered to be progeny of cells that attach initially. This erroneously inflated the growth rate by 55%.  相似文献   

Isolated rye embryos are a readily available source for the preparation of very active, cell-free, protein-synthesizing systems. Incorporation levels up to 2000 pmol leucine per 50 mul assay are routinely obtained at saturating TMV (Tobacco mosaic virus) RNA concentrations; at limiting messenger RNA concentrations the incorporation exceeds 1000 leucine molecules per TMV RNA molecule. The characteristics of this cell-free system for the translation of TMV RNA are identical with those of a similarly prepared wheat germ system. The major advantage of the rye embryo system is its high reliability as compared to the unpredictable wheat germ system. Sucrose gradient analysis of the reaction mixture during the incubation shows an extensive polysome formation with TMV RNA and demonstrates efficient polypeptide chain release.  相似文献   

This paper makes explicit some of the assumptions underlying the view that infanticide is one of two (or more) alternative reproductive strategies utilized by adult male langur monkeys (genus Presbytis). A mathematical model has been developed from these assumptions, and formulae derived which give the equilibrium proportion of infanticidal males expected in langur populations under any given set of reproductive and demographic conditions. Together with estimates of adult male reproductive success obtained from a previous analysis of langur infanticide, these formulae were then used to calculate the precise proportion of infanticidal males expected in natural populations of langurs characterized by specific average male tenures. Further, the number of generations required for such populations to reach their predicted equilibrium was estimated using a simple computer model of langur population dynamics. The present work has thus produced several quantitative predictions which are directly falsifiable with observational data obtainable from wild populations of langur monkeys. With only slight modification, the present model may also be applied to the numerous other primate and non-primate species whose mating systems include many of the same general features as that of langurs.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoximine, like phosphinothricin (PPT), the active agent in the herbicide BASTA, is a glutamate analogue that inhibits growth of wildtype Arabidopsis plants through its action on glutamine synthetase. The bar gene, which confers resistance to PPT, also confers resistance to methionine sulfoximine. In this study we show that methionine sulfoximine is an effective and economical alternative to PPT as a selective agent in agar medium.  相似文献   

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