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Transient and steady state responses of leaf gas exchange (photosynthesis (A) and stomatal conductance to water vapor (gs)) to marked changes in photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) were studied for two invasive [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] and two non-invasive, native [Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng and Chrysopogon gryllus (Torn.) Trin.] perennial C4 grass species from semiarid temperate grasslands or croplands. Following an abrupt drop in PPFD from 1300 to 270 μmol photon m−2 s−1, the two invasive species reduced gs to a greater extent than A, resulting in higher intrinsic photosynthetic water use efficiency (PWUE = A/gs) at low, compared to high-light conditions. For non-invasives, a comparable drop in gs and A led to invariant PWUE, which was lower than that for the invasive group under low light. The duration and speed of stomatal closure was similar for the four species. However, unlike the other grasses, the noxious weed S. halepense exhibited a negligible net loss in PWUE during the high-to-low light transition. Responses of the native B. ischaemum were mostly intermediate between those of the two invasive species and the non-invasive C. gryllus, which is in agreement with the species’ ecological intermediacy: non-invasive but often reaches local dominance following a disturbance. With a sudden reverse change in PPFD photosynthetic light induction was not faster for invasives than for non-invasives. These results indicate more efficient water use under variable light for invasive compared to non-invasive perennial C4 grasses which may contribute to their success in semiarid temperate habitats with a heterogeneous light regime. Yet, rapid photosynthetic light induction appears to be of less importance in such environments.  相似文献   

Bioenergy grass species are a renewable energy source, but their productivity has not been fully realized. Improving photosynthetic efficiency has been proposed as a mechanism to increase the productivity of bioenergy grass species. Fluctuating light, experienced by all field grown crops, is known to reduce photosynthetic efficiency. This experiment aimed to evaluate the photosynthetic performance of both C3 and C4 bioenergy grass species under steady state and fluctuating light conditions by examining leaf gas exchange. The fluctuating light regime used here decreased carbon assimilation across all species when compared to expected steady state values. Overall, C4 species assimilated more carbon than C3 species during the fluctuating light regime, with both photosynthetic types assimilating about 16% less carbon than expected based on steady state measurements. Little diversity was observed in response to fluctuating light among C3 species, and photorespiration partially contributed to the rapid decreases in net photosynthetic rates during high to low light transitions. In C4 species, differences among the four NADP-ME species were apparent. Diversity observed among C4 species in this experiment provides evidence that photosynthetic efficiency in response to fluctuating light may be targeted to increase C4 bioenergy grass productivity.  相似文献   

T. M. De Jong 《Oecologia》1978,36(1):59-68
Summary Comparative laboratory gas exchange and relative growth rate experiments were conducted on three native California coastal strand species at four salinity treatment levels. Relative mesophyll conductance sensitivities to salinity of Atriplex leucophylla (Moq.) D. Dietr. (C4) and Atriplex californica Moq. in D.C. (C3) were nearly identical. Mesophyll conductances of both species were stimulated by moderate levels of salinity. Mesophyll conductances of Abronia maritima Nutt. ex Wats. (C3) were highest in the absence of salinity and depressed by increasing levels of salinity. Increasing levels of salinity generally decreased net photosynthesis and leaf conductances but increased water use efficiencies. The C4 species, Atriplex leucophylla, had higher mesophyll conductances and water use efficiencies at all salinity levels than the C3 species. The effects of salinity on relative growth and net assimilation rates of greenhouse grown plants were not directly correlated with the effects on net photosynthesis measured in the laboratory. Growth of Abronia maritima was greatly stimulated by low levels of salinity whereas photosynthesis was substantially inhibited. The possible significance of C4 photosynthesis in relation to salinity is discussed.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic CO2 uptake and chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence of C4 perennial grasses, Miscanthus floridulus (Labill) Warb and M. transmorrisonensis Hayata, from altitudes in central Taiwan of 390 and 2700 m, respectively, were studied at 10 and 25 °C to find if the species differ in their photosynthetic responses to a low temperature, and whether their photosystems 2 become more susceptible to the photoinhibition at low temperatures. For both species, the maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax) was reduced when the leaves were exposed to 10 °C. At irradiances higher than 400 μmol m-2 s-1, the values of Fv/Fm were reduced in both species at 10 °C but not at 25 °C, which indicated the photoinhibition at 10 °C. Reductions in Pmax and the values of Fv/Fm at 10 °C were lesser in M. transmorrisonensis than in M. floridulus. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Kao  Wen-Yuan  Tsai  Tyng-Tyng  Chen  Wang-Hwa 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(4):497-504
Photosynthetic CO2 uptake and chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence of C4 perennial grasses, Miscanthus floridulus (Labill) Warb and M. transmorrisonensis Hayata, from altitudes in central Taiwan of 390 and 2700 m, respectively, were studied at 10 and 25 °C to find if the species differ in their photosynthetic responses to a low temperature, and whether their photosystems 2 become more susceptible to the photoinhibition at low temperatures. For both species, the maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax) was reduced when the leaves were exposed to 10 °C. At irradiances higher than 400 µmol m-2 s-1, the values of Fv/Fm were reduced in both species at 10 °C but not at 25 °C, which indicated the photoinhibition at 10 °C. Reductions in Pmax and the values of Fv/Fm at 10 °C were lesser in M. transmorrisonensis than in M. floridulus.  相似文献   

In this survey plastic responses to light intensity and planting density were examined in three Lamium species (L. purpureum, L. album and L. maculatum). Low light intensity enhanced plant height, length and width of leaves, but reduced number of shoots and leaves, as well as root and shoot weights. Higher density resulted in smaller plants and leaves, but had significant effect on module number (shoots and leaves) only on older plants. The effect of light intensity on measured traits was greater than the effect of density, and consistent with predictions about plastic responses on light intensity variation. Generally, the three Lamium species differed in the magnitude but not in patterns of plasticity. However, associations of analyzed traits with fitness significantly differed among species as well as among light treatments.  相似文献   

Species of the Theobroma genus are primarily known by their commercially valuable seeds, especially, T. cacao is one of the most important tropical perennial crops. Beside T. grandiflorum, T. bicolor, and T. angustifolium, T. cacao is the only species of the genus that has been better studied to obtain physiologically relevant information. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the leaf gas exchange in seedlings of seven species of the Theobroma genus, seeking to identify characteristics that could be used in T. cacao breeding programmes. The study was realized under greenhouse conditions using six-month-old seedlings, in which net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), transpiration (E), as well as parameters derived from light curves (P N vs. photosynthetically active radiation) were evaluated. T. cacao, along with T. microcarpum, showed the lowest values of P N, g s, and E, while the highest values were presented by T. speciosum, which showed higher saturation irradiance and lower intrinsic and instantaneous water-use efficiencies, being considered the species less conservative in water use. Therefore, the parameters shown by the different evaluated species could serve to design T. cacao genotypes, through introgression of genes for specific environments such as the cabruca system widespread in southern Bahia, Brazil.  相似文献   

Whereas leaf gas exchange properties are important to assess carbon and water fluxes in ecosystems worldwide, information of this type is scarce for savanna species. In this study, gas exchange characteristics of 2 C4 grass species (Andropogon canaliculatus and Hyparrhenia diplandra) and 2 C3 tree species (Crossopteryx febrifuga and Cussonia arborea) from the West-African savanna of Lamto (Ivory Coast) were investigated in the field. Measurements were done in order to provide data to allow the parameterization of biochemically-based models of photosynthesis (for C4 and C3 plant metabolic types) and stomatal conductance ; and to compare gas exchange characteristics of coexisting species. No systematic difference was found between grass and tree species for reference stomatal conductance, under standard environmental conditions, or stomatal response to incident light or vapour pressure deficit at leaf surface. Conversely, grass species displayed higher water (1.5-2 fold) and nitrogen (2-5 fold) photosynthetic use efficiencies (WUE and NUE, ratio of net photosynthesis to transpiration and leaf nitrogen, respectively). These contrasts were attributed to the CO2 concentrating mechanism of C4 plants. When looking within plant life forms, no important difference was found between grass species. However, significant contrasts were found between tree species, Cussonia showing higher NUE and reference stomatal conductance than Crossopteryx. These results stress the need to account for functional diversity when estimating ecosystem carbon and water fluxes. In particular, our results suggest that the tree/grass ratio, and also the composition of the tree layer, could strongly affect WUE and NUE at the ecosystem scale in West African savannas.  相似文献   

Arid and semi-arid ecosystems of the southwestern US are undergoing changes in vegetation composition and are predicted to experience shifts in climate. To understand implications of these current and predicted changes, we conducted a precipitation manipulation experiment on the Santa Rita Experimental Range in southeastern Arizona. The objectives of our study were to determine how soil surface and seasonal timing of rainfall events mediate the dynamics of leaf-level photosynthesis and plant water status of a native and non-native grass species in response to precipitation pulse events. We followed a simulated precipitation event (pulse) that occurred prior to the onset of the North American monsoon (in June) and at the peak of the monsoon (in August) for 2002 and 2003. We measured responses of pre-dawn water potential, photosynthetic rate, and stomatal conductance of native (Heteropogon contortus) and non-native (Eragrostis lehmanniana) C4 bunchgrasses on sandy and clay-rich soil surfaces. Soil surface did not always amplify differences in plant response to a pulse event. A June pulse event lead to an increase in plant water status and photosynthesis. Whereas the August pulse did not lead to an increase in plant water status and photosynthesis, due to favorable soil moisture conditions facilitating high plant performance during this period. E. lehmanniana did not demonstrate heightened photosynthetic performance over the native species in response to pulses across both soil surfaces. Overall accumulated leaf-level CO2 response to a pulse event was dependent on antecedent soil moisture during the August pulse event, but not during the June pulse event. This work highlights the need to understand how desert species respond to pulse events across contrasting soil surfaces in water-limited systems that are predicted to experience changes in climate.  相似文献   

C4 savanna grass species, Digitaria eriantha, Eragrostis lehmanniana and Panicum repens, were grown under optimum growth conditions with the aim of characterizing their above‐ and below‐ground biomass allocation and the response of their gas exchange to changes in light intensity, CO2 concentration and leaf‐to‐air vapour pressure deficit gradient (Dl). Digitaria eriantha showed the largest above‐ and below‐ground biomass, high efficiency in carbon gain under light‐limiting conditions, high water use efficiency (WUE) and strong stomatal sensitivity to Dl (P = 0.002; r2 = 0.5). Panicum repens had a high aboveground biomass and attained high light saturated photosynthetic rates (Asat, 47 μmol m?2 s?1), stomatal conductance, (gsat, 0.25 mol m?2 s?1) at relatively high WUE. Eragrostis lehmanniana had almost half the biomass of other species, and had similar Asat and gsat but were attained at lower WUE than the other species. This species also showed the weakest stomatal response to Dl (P = 0.19, r2 = 0. 1). The potential ecological significance of the contrasting patterns of biomass allocation and variations in gas exchange parameters among the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Alteration of soil nutrient dynamics has recently garnered more attention as both a cause and an effect of plant invasion. This project examines how nutrient dynamics are affected by native (Elymus elymoides, Pseudoroegneria spicata, and Vulpia microstachys) and invasive (Aegilops triuncialis, Agropyron cristatum, Bromus tectorum, and Taeniatherum caput-medusae) grass species. This research questions whether natives and invasives differ in their effects on nutrient dynamics. A greenhouse study was conducted using two field-collected soils. Effects on nutrient dynamics were compared using an integrated index that evaluates the total nutrients in soil and in plant tissue compared to an unplanted control. With this index, we evaluated whether soil nutrients increased or decreased as a result of plant growth, controlling for plant uptake. We found no consistent support for our hypothesis that invasive grass species as a group influence nutrient dynamics differently than native grass species as a group. Our results indicate species-specific effects on nutrient dynamics. Alteration of nutrient dynamics is not a trait shared by all of the invasive grass species in our study. However, alteration of nutrient dynamics may be a mechanism by which some individual species increase their invasive potential.  相似文献   

Plants are expected to respond to global environmental change through shifts in functional traits and in their ranges. These shifts could alter productivity and interactions among species or genetic lineages, ultimately leading to changes in distributions and abundance. In particular, cosmopolitan species are predicted to increase growth with decreasing latitude due to differences in climate and temperature. The pattern of changes in growth may vary among genotypes within species, leading to different responses with latitude. To evaluate whether climate can affect geographically distinct genotypes of cosmopolitan invasive species differently, we evaluated the trait responses of two lineages of the common reed, Phragmites australis, to variation in environmental conditions spanning North America’s Atlantic coast. Using three reciprocal transplant common gardens, we tested for the effects of garden location and plant lineage on traits related to biomass production, flowering frequency, leaf morphology, and leaf-level physiology. We found that aboveground biomass, stem density, and flowering frequency responded non-linearly to increasing latitude in one or both lineages. These results suggest that measures of plant traits over narrow latitudinal ranges may not accurately reflect organismal-level responses to global change at broad spatial scales. Given the responses to latitude that we observed in P. australis, we propose that feedbacks between growth and reproductive rate will influence range shifts in these two lineages. Such range shifts could lead to genetic admixtures, subsequently yielding more productive, locally-adapted genotypes.  相似文献   

One broad-leaved pioneer tree, Alnus formosana, two broad-leaved understory shrubs, Ardisia crenata and Ardisia cornudentata, and four ferns with different light adaptation capabilities (ranked from high to low, Pyrrosia lingus, Asplenium antiquum, Diplazium donianum, Archangiopteris somai) were used to elucidate the light responses of photosynthetic rate and electron transport rate (ETR). Pot-grown materials received up to 3 levels of light intensity, i.e., 100%, 50% and 10% sunlight. Both gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence were measured simultaneously by an equipment under constant temperature and 7 levels (0?C2,000 ??mol m?2 s?1) of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Plants adapted to-or acclimated to high light always had higher light-saturation point and maximal photosynthetic rate. Even materials had a broad range of photosynthetic capacity [maximal photosynthetic rate ranging from 2 to 23 ??mol(CO2) m?2 s?1], the ratio of ETR to gross photosynthetic rate (P G) was close for A. formosana and the 4 fern species when measured under constant temperature, but the PPFD varied. In addition, P. lingus and A. formosana grown under 100% sunlight and measured at different seasonal temperatures (15, 20, 25, and 30°C) showed increased ETR/P G ratio with increasing temperature and could be fitted by first- and second-order equations, respectively. With this equation, estimated and measured P G were closely correlated (r 2 = 0.916 and r 2 = 0.964 for P. lingus and A. formosana, respectively, p<0.001). These equations contain only the 2 easily obtained dynamic indicators, ETR and leaf temperature. Therefore, for some species with near ETR/P G ratio in differential levels of PPFD, these equations could be used to simulate dynamic variation of leaf scale photosynthetic rate under different temperature and PPFD conditions.  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum dianthum and P. micranthum are two endangered orchid species, with high ornamental and conservation values. They are sympatric species, but their leaf anatomical traits and flowering period have significant differences. However, it is unclear whether the differences in leaf structure of the two species will affect their adaptabilities to temperature. Here, we investigated the leaf photosynthetic, anatomical, and flowering traits of these two species at three sites with different temperatures (Kunming, 16.7 ± 0.2 °C; Puer, 17.7 ± 0.2 °C; Menglun, 23.3 ± 0.2 °C) in southwest China. Compared with those at Puer and Kunming, the values of light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Pmax), stomatal conductance (gs), leaf thickness (LT), and stomatal density (SD) in both species were lower at Menglun. The values of Pmax, gs, LT, adaxial cuticle thickness (CTad) and SD in P. dianthum were higher than those of P. micranthum at the three sites. Compared with P. dianthum, there were no flowering plants of P. micranthum at Menglun. These results indicated that both species were less resistance to high temperature, and P. dianthum had a stronger adaptability to high-temperature than P. micranthum. Our findings can provide valuable information for the conservation and cultivation of Paphiopedilum species.  相似文献   

Interspecific ecophysiological differences in response to different light environments are important to consider in regeneration behavior and forest dynamics. The diurnal changes in leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of two dipterocarps, Shorea leprosula (a high light-requiring) and Neobalanocarpus heimii (a low light-requiring), and a pioneer tree species (Macaranga gigantea) growing in open and gap sites were examined. In the open site, the maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pn), photosystem II (PSII) quantum yield (; F/Fm), and relative electron transport rate (r-ETR) through PSII at a given photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was higher in S. leprosula and M. gigantea than in N. heimii, while non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) at a given PPFD was higher in N. heimii. The maximum values of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in M. gigantea and S. leprosula was higher in the open site (8–11 mol m–2 s–1) than in the gap site (5 mol m–2 s–1), whereas that in N. heimii was lower in the open site (2 mol m–2 s–1) than in the gap site (4 mol m–2 s–1), indicating that N. heimii was less favorable to the open site. These data provide evidence to support the hypothesis that ecophysiological characteristics link with plants regeneration behavior and successional status. Although Pn and stomatal conductance decreased at midday in M. gigantea and S. leprosula in the open site, both r-ETR and leaf temperature remained unchanged. This indicates that stomatal closure rather than reduced photochemical capacity limited Pn in the daytime. Conversely, there was reduced r-ETR under high PPFD conditions in N. heimii in the open site, indicating reduced photochemical capacity. In the gap site, Pn increased in all leaves in the morning before exposure to direct sunlight, suggesting a relatively high use of diffuse light in the morning.  相似文献   

When plants are subjected to leaf canopy shade in forest understories or from neighboring plants, they not only experience reduced light quantity, but light quality in lowered red : far red light (R : FR). Growth and other developmental responses of plants in reduced R : FR can vary and are not consistent across species. We compared how an invasive liana, Celastrus orbiculatus, and its closely related native congener, C. scandens, responded to changes in the R : FR under controlled, simulated understory conditions. We measured a suite of morphological and growth attributes under control, neutral shading, and low R : FR light treatments. Celastrus orbiculatus showed an increase in height, aboveground biomass, and total leaf mass in reduced R : FR treatments as compared to the neutral shade, while C. scandens had increased stem diameter, single leaf area, and leaf mass to stem mass ratio. These differences provide a mechanistic understanding of the ability of C. orbiculatus to increase height and actively forage for light resources in forest understories, while C. scandens appears unable to forage for light and instead depends upon a light gap forming. The plastic growth response of C. orbiculatus in shaded conditions points to its success in forested habitats where C. scandens is largely absent.  相似文献   

Influence of short-term water stress on plant growth and leaf gas exchange was studied simultaneously in a growth chamber experiment using two annual grass species differing in photosynthetic pathway type, plant architecture and phenology:Triticum aestivum L. cv. Katya-A-1 (C3, a drought resistant wheat cultivar of erect growth) andTragus racemosus (L.) All. (C4, a prostrate weed of warm semiarid areas). At the leaf level, gas exchange rates declined with decreasing soil water potential for both species in such a way that instantaneous photosynthetic water use efficiency (PWUE, mmol CO2 assimilated per mol H2O transpired) increased. At adequate water supply, the C4 grass showed much lower stomatal conductance and higher PWUE than the C3 species, but this difference disappeared at severe water stress when leaf gas exchange rates were similarly reduced for both species. However, by using soil water more sparingly, the C4 species was able to assimilate under non-stressful conditions for a longer time than the C3 wheat did. At the whole-plant level, decreasing water availability substantially reduced the relative growth rate (RGR) ofT. aestivum, while biomass partitioning changed in favour of root growth, so that the plant could exploit the limiting water resource more efficiently. The change in partitioning preceded the overall reduction of RGR and it was associated with increased biomass allocation to roots and less to leaves, as well as with a decrease in specific leaf area. Water saving byT. racemosus sufficiently postponed water stress effects on plant growth occurring only as a moderate reduction in leaf area enlargement. For unstressed vegetative plants, relative growth rate of the C4 T. racemosus was only slightly higher than that of the C3 T. aestivum, though it was achieved at a much lower water cost. The lack of difference in RGR was probably due to growth conditions being relatively suboptimal for the C4 plant and also to a relatively large investment in stem tissues by the C4 T. racemosus. Only 10% of the plant biomass was allocated to roots in the C4 species while this was more than 30% for the C3 wheat cultivar. These results emphasize the importance of water saving and high WUE of C4 plants in maintaining growth under moderate water stress in comparison with C3 species.  相似文献   

Studying relationships of plant traits to ecosystem properties is an emerging approach aiming to understand plant's potential effect on ecosystem functioning. In the current study, we explored links between morphological and nutritional leaf traits of two Mediterranean perennial grass species Stipa tenacissima and Lygeum spartum, widely used to prevent desertification process by stabilizing sand dunes. We evaluated also relationships in terms of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability between leaves of the investigated species and the corresponding soil. Our results showed that leaf P was very low in comparison with leaf N for the two investigated species. In fact, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis capacity and water conservation during photosynthesis are mainly linked to leaf nitrogen content. Our findings support previous studies showing that at the species levels, morphological and nutritional leaf traits were not related. On the other hand, significant relationships were obtained between soil N and leaf N for S. tenacissima (= 0.011) and L. spartum (= 0.033). However, leaf P was not significantly related to soil P availability for both species. We suggest that any decrease in soil N with the predicted increasing aridity may result in reduction in leaf N and thus in worst dysfunction of some biological processes levels.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) and light intensity are known to play important roles in plant growth and carbon assimilation. Nevertheless, the underlying physiological mechanisms have not yet been fully explored. Tomato seedlings (Solanum lycopersicum Mill. cv. Jingpeng No. 1) were exposed to two levels of CO2 and three levels of light intensity and the effects on growth, leaf gas exchange and water use efficiency were investigated. Elevated CO2 and increased light intensity promoted growth, dry matter accumulation and pigment concentration and together the seedling health index. Elevated CO2 had no significant effect on leaf nitrogen content but did significantly upregulate Calvin cycle enzyme activity. Increased CO2 and light intensity promoted photosynthesis, both on a leaf-area basis and on a chlorophyll basis. Increased CO2 also increased light-saturated maximum photosynthetic rate, apparent quantum efficiency and carboxylation efficiency and, together with increased light intensity, it raised photosynthetic capacity. However, increased CO2 reduced transpiration and water consumption across different levels of light intensity, thus significantly increasing both leaf-level and plant-level water use efficiency. Among the range of treatments imposed, the combination of increased CO2 (800 µmol CO2 mol−1) and high light intensity (400 µmol m−2 s−1) resulted in optimal growth and carbon assimilation. We conclude that the combination of increased CO2 and increased light intensity worked synergistically to promote growth, photosynthetic capacity and water use efficiency by upregulation of pigment concentration, Calvin cycle enzyme activity, light energy use and CO2 fixation. Increased CO2 also lowered transpiration and hence water usage.  相似文献   

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