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Serum albumins from 20 types of turtles representing four families and two infraorders were compared using microcomplement fixation. Results show that the families ‘Batagurinae’ and Testudinidae have a close affinity, and the family Emydidae appears to be distantly separated from the above two families. The relationship of the family Chelydridae with the above three families is more distinct immunologically.  相似文献   

广州市花地湾市场龟鳖类调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过对广州市花地湾花鸟鱼虫市场贸易龟鳖类进行为期3年27次调查,共记录了9科29属41种或亚种,包括鳖科(Trionychidae)2属2种,两爪鳖科(Carettochelyidae)1属1种,龟科(Emydidae)4属5种,淡水龟科(Geoemydidae)10属18种,侧颈龟科(Chelidae)3属3种,动胸龟科(Kinosternidae)2属3种,鳄龟科(Chelydridae)2属2种,陆龟科(Testudinidae)4属6种,海龟科(Cheloniidae)1属1种。其中,国内龟鳖类共13种,外来物种共28种。受保护种类30种,所占比例达73.17%,部分龟类来源为野外捕捉。大量实体商家转入互联网进行精确营销,尤其是针对高价值的濒危种类,未来将着重对该隐蔽领域进行深入调查。  相似文献   

Scleral ossicles are present in many reptiles, including turtles and birds. In both groups the sclerotic ring situated in the eye is composed of a number of imbricating scleral ossicles or plates. Despite this gross morphological similarity, Andrews (1996. An endochondral rather than a dermal origin for scleral ossicles in Cryptodiran turtles. J. Herpetol. 30, 257-260) reported that the scleral ossicles of turtles develop endochondrally unlike those in birds, which develop intramembranously after a complex epithelial-mesenchymal inductive event. This study re-explores one of the species examined by Andrews in order to determine the mode of ossification of scleral ossicles in turtles. A growth series of Chelydra serpentina embryos, including the stages examined by Andrews, were examined by staining separately for cartilage and bone. Results clearly contradict Andrews (1996) and show that the scleral ossicles of Chelydra serpentina develop similarly to those in birds. That is, they develop intramembranously without a cartilage precursor and are likely induced by transient scleral papillae. The sequence of scleral papillae development is broadly similar, but the papillae themselves are not as distinct as those seen in chicken embryos. This study has important consequences for understanding the homology of scleral ossicles among tetrapods.  相似文献   

The papillae basilares of three species of turtles and four species of snakes were studied by SEM. The papillae of turtle are relatively large among reptiles and are characterized by a long, horizontal middle section resting on wide basilar membrane. Both terminal ends of the papilla extend onto the surrounding limbus in the form of a forked or "T" -shaped end or as a curved, "hook"- like processes. Details vary with the species. In the three species of turtles studied, there were between 1,100 and 1,400 hair cells on a papilla. The tectorial membrane covering the horizontal portion of the papilla is heavy in appearance and tightly attached to the kinocilial bulbs. The terminal ends of the papilla are covered by a thin gelatinous material. In addition, mat-like tectorial network covers the supporting cells and extends from the microvilli of the supporting cells to the overlying tectorial membrane. All hair cells are unidirectionally and abneurally oriented. The supporting cell surfaces form a large part of the papilla and, thus, hair cell density is low. The papillae of the two boid snake species studied are moderately long among snakes and contain a moderate number of hair cells (574 in Epicrates and 710-780 in Constrictor). Papillar form is elongate, avoid, or canoe-shaped. The tectorial membrane may be either highly fenestrated or moderately dense and covers all but a few of the terminal hair cells. A tectorial-like mat covers all but a few of the terminal hair cells. Most hair cells are unidirectionally and abneurally oriented. A few terminal cells in boids may show reverse orientation. Hair cell density is similar to that of turtles.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of bovine and equine gustatory lingual papillae are compared by scanning electron microscopy. The fungiform papillae in the cow have a shape that corresponds to their name, while in the horse, they almost do not emerge from the surface of the tongue. These papillae show taste pores in both species. The vallate papillae, four times larger in the horse than in the cow, show a complex organization of papillae and secondary grooves in the horse. In the cow, they occur single and are surrounded by a thick annular pad of lingual mucosa. Taste pores have been observed in the vallate papillae of both species, whereas in the foliate papillae, they are present only in the horse. A characteristic distribution of stratified scales and channeled tracts is observed on the surface of all gustatory papillae in both species. The possible functional importance of each type of gustatory papilla is discussed on the basis of their morphostructural features.  相似文献   

Roger Bour 《Hydrobiologia》2008,595(1):593-598
The turtles are an evolutionary ancient group of tetrapod vertebrates, and their present-day distribution and diversity reflects the long and complex history of the taxon. Today, about 250 of the total of 320 species recognized are freshwater turtles; most of these inhabit tropical and subtropical zones. Diversity hotspots occur in Southeast North America, regarding Emydidae, and in the Indo-Malayan region, mostly Geoemydidae and Trionychidae. Chelidae are predominantly Neotropical and Australasian, while Pelomedusidae are African. The majority of genus- and species-level taxa are regional or even local endemics. A majority of freshwater turtles are threatened in varying degrees, mostly by habitat modification and collection. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

本文报道了湖南永州都庞岭自然保护区的41 种爬行动物, 它们隶属2 目,12 科, 其中龟鳖目3 科(平胸龟科、龟科、鳖科) 3 种; 有鳞目中的蜥蜴亚目5 科(鬣蜥科、壁虎科、石龙子科、蜥蜴科、双足蜥科) 8 种;蛇亚目4 科(闪鳞蛇科、游蛇科、眼镜蛇科、蝰科) 30 种。保护区内的爬行动物有12-2% 属广布动物, 87-8% 属东洋界种类。  相似文献   

To study the dorsal surface of the human tongue using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM), tissue specimens were taken from the anterior part of the tongues of 15 individuals aged from 21- to 28-years-old. The formalin-fixed samples were processed routinely for SEM. With SEM the surface of the normal tongue mucosa was shown to be rather evenly covered by filiform papillae, with some fungiform papillae scattered among them. Filiform papillae consisted of two parts: the body and hairs. The mucosal surface of the body was smooth; the squamous epithelial cells were polygonal, and their boundaries were prominent. On the surface of the superficial epithelial cells were parallel or branching microplicae. Each filiform papilla had 6-10 hairs, which were scaled and covered by an extensive plaque of microorganism. The upper surface of the fungiform papillae was smooth; only a few desquamating cells were seen. The superficial cells had a pitted appearance and cell boundaries overlapped. Taste pores, up to 3 pores in a single papilla, were found on the upper surface. Desquamation was more pronounced on the base of the fungiform papillae than on the upper surface. In almost all fungiform papillae some hairs protruded from the base. Parallel microplicae were found on the surface of the superficial cells of the base. The structure and function of the human tongue, as well as the microplicae of its superficial cells, are compared to those of various species of animals.  相似文献   

A method using polyvinylsiloxane (PVS), a high-resolution dentalimpression material, to obtain negative images of lingual surfacesis described. Epoxy-resin tongue replicas made from these impressionswere examined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thismethod has been developed to visualize structural details ofthe tongue surface of living human beings and laboratory animals.The utility of the method is demonstrated with hamster tongues,which have well-defined fungiform papillae with single tastepores, and human tongues, which have more variable surface structures.Replicas made from PVS impressions of tongues of living hamsterswere compared with the same tongues after fixation. The replicascontained much of the detail present in fixed tongues. WithSEM, it was possible to identify individual fungiform papillae,which contained depressions with the size and the location ofhamster taste pores. Individual papillae could also be recognizedin human-tongue replicas, but taste pores could not be identifiedwith certainty. These replicas provide permanent, three-dimensionalrecords of tongue topography that could be used to documentchanges due to trauma, disease and aging.  相似文献   

The major avenues of extrapulmonary oxygen uptake were determined on submerged western painted turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) at 10 degrees C by selectively blocking one or more potential pathways for exchange. Previous work indicated that the skin, the cloaca, and the buccopharyngeal cavity can all contribute significantly in various species of turtles. O(2) uptake was calculated from the rate of fall in water P(O(2)) in a closed chamber. Two series of experiments were conducted: in Series 1, each of the potential avenues was mechanically blocked either singly or in combination; in Series 2, active cloacal and buccal pumping were prevented pharmacologically using the paralytic agent rocuronium. In addition in Series 2, N(2)-breathing preceded submergence in some animals and in one set of Series 2 experiments arterial blood was sampled and analyzed for pH, lactate, P(O(2)), and P(CO(2)). Results in both Series 1 and Series 2 revealed that prevention of cloacal and/or buccopharyngeal exchange did not significantly affect total O(2) uptake. Interfering with skin diffusion in Series 1, however, significantly reduced O(2) uptake by 50%. N(2)-breathing prior to submergence in Series 2 did not affect O(2) uptake in paralyzed turtles but significantly increased uptake in unparalyzed turtles without catheters. Blood analysis revealed that all submerged turtles developed lactic acidosis, but the rate of rise in lactate was significantly lower in paralyzed animals. We conclude that passive diffusion through the integument is the principal avenue of aquatic O(2) uptake in this species.  相似文献   

The external morphology of 2 closely related mite families, Cloacaridae and Epimyodicidae (Acari: Prostigmata), comprising highly specialized endoparasites of vertebrates, is analyzed. These mites exhibit strong regression of many structures ancestrally present in other Prostigmata as a consequence of their endoparasitic mode of life. The relationships of these 2 families with other taxa in the infraorder Eleutherengona are still not clear. Our reinterpretation of the chelicerae as unfused precludes inclusion of this lineage in the Cheyletoidea as proposed previously. A new superfamily, Cloacaroidea superfam, nov., incertae sedis, within the infraorder Eleutherengona is established for these 2 families, and their host-parasite relationships are briefly discussed. A new cloacarid species, Caminacarus dawsoni n. sp., from Graptemys pseudogeographica (Testudines: Emydidae) from the United States is also described.  相似文献   

Cladistic analysis of the freshwater genera of Spirorchinae (Schistosomatoidea: Spirorchidae sensu Yamaguti, 1971) plus Haematotrema Stunkard, 1923, and Aphanospirorchis Platt, 1990, was completed. The Spirorchinae were considered monophyletic based on synapomorphies of the esophagus. Three lineages, Spirhapalum (Europe/Asia), Plasmiorchis+Hemiorchis (India), and Spirorchis + Henotosoma + Haematotrema + Aphanospirorchis (North America), were identified. Nelsen consensus analysis was used as the basis for recognizing 3 valid monophyletic genera: Spirhapalum, Plasmiorchis, and Spirorchis. Hapalotrematinae sensu Smith, 1972 (e.g., Hapalorhynchus/Coeuritrema), is considered the most plesiomorphic group of spirorchids. Freshwater representatives of the hapalotrematines have been reported from 7 of 12 extant turtle families, including the relatively primitive Pelomedusidae (Pleurodira) and exhibit a worldwide distribution. It is hypothesized that this group arose in the early Triassic period, prior to the breakup of Pangea. Thus, it represents a primitive lineage that was present during the diversification of turtle lineages in the mid-Mesozoic era. Spirorchinae arose later (late Cretaceous period) as a Laurasian component parasitic in the more recent pond turtles (Emydidae + Bataguridae). Species of Spirhapalum retained a relatively plesiomorphic distribution, and they are found in emydids (Europe) and batagurids (Asia). Species of Spirorchis arose and diversified with North America emydids following the separation of North America and Europe in the late Cretaceous or early Tertiary periods. Species of Plasmiorchis are hypothesized to be derived from Asian ancestors that accompanied the colonization of India by Asian batagurids during the early Tertiary period. The presence of Spirorchis species in snapping turtles (Chelydridae/North America) and of Plasmiorchis species in Indian soft-shelled turtle (Trionychidae) are considered independent colonization events.  相似文献   

A survey of 69 of the 74 currently recognized chelonian genera revealed that 21 genera in three families (Emydidae, Platysternidae and Testudinidae) possess paired integumentary glands or gland vestiges in the anterior throat skin. These glands are here termed mental glands; they are holocrine and may be classified morphologically as follows: Class I mental glands are large, complex, multilobed, have specialized ducts, and are found only in the genus Gopherus: Class II mental glands are small, simple sacklike invaginations containing secretory cells or keratinizing cells. The structure of Class II glands varies from distinctive and saccular to shallow keratinized invaginations having no glandular tissue; they are found only in the families Platysternidae and Emydidae. Mental glands occur in 17 of the 22 genera in the subfamily Batagurinae (sensu McDowell, 64); only 2 of 9 genera in the subfamily Emydinae have these glands. The taxonomic occurrence of mental glands suggests that they are primitive structures. The loss of mental glands in most emydines is interpreted as a subfamilial trend toward integumentary simplification.  相似文献   

The nature of plasma thyroxine (T4) binding activity was surveyed in turtles; binding to [125I]T4 was measured on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis--PAGE--and on minicolumns of Sephadex G-25. An electrophoretically distinct T4 binding protein was identified in all 8 species of Pseudemys studied and in 3 other genera (Chrysemys, Deirochelys, and Emyoidea) of the same family, Emydidae. Levels of this binding activity were highly variable among individuals, but they consistently showed a similar low relative mobility (Rf) compared to albumin, and a relatively low capacity was indicated by displacement with unlabeled T4. Two emydids (Terrapene, Clemmys) showed a similar slow migrating binding peak, but binding activity was low and not as easily displaced by unlabeled T4. T4 binding to albumins was minimal in most of these emydid species, even when binding to the higher affinity, low capacity component was low or displaced by unlabeled T4 (2.5 micrograms/ml). In contrast, there was no clear evidence for a similar high affinity, low capacity binding protein in any of the other 19 species representing 13 genera of 8 families from two suborders. In these species, binding activity on Sephadex G-25 was typically low and binding on PAGE was associated largely with albumin; binding levels for albumins were highly variable. In several nonemydids (from distant lineages), binding activity on Sephadex was elevated and PAGE showed a second binding protein distinct from albumin, but it had high capacity (not readily saturable). Thus, an evolutionary divergence in T4 transport proteins is suggested within Chelonia.  相似文献   

寇瑾  白学良  冯超  任冬梅  张乐  福英 《西北植物学报》2012,32(11):2224-2231
选择中国丛藓科中具有代表性的4亚科、11属、13种,利用光学显微镜对其叶细胞的疣和乳突进行形态、大小、数量、疏密及形成等方面的观察和比较,为探讨并确定丛藓科中部分物种的系统位置提供依据。结果表明:中国丛藓科13个种植物的叶细胞疣和乳突在形态上主要分为圆疣、分叉疣和乳头状突起共3个类型,不同物种的疣和乳突在形态特征和分布上都存在一定程度的差异;通过对不同资料相应物种疣和乳突描述的比较,纠正了一些物种疣和乳突的描述错误,并提出疣和乳突的区分方法:观察叶片横切,疣是细胞壁的局部加厚或凸起,数量变化较大,而乳突是细胞壁和腔整体的膨起,每细胞仅具一个乳突。研究认为,疣和乳突是丛藓科物种叶细胞表面的稳定结构,具有重要的辅助分类功能,可利用其差异对丛藓科属间和种间的物种进行划分。  相似文献   

Reptiles are a karyologically heterogeneous group, where some orders and suborders exhibit characteristics similar to those of anamniotes and others share similarities with homeotherms. The class also shows different evolutionary trends, for instance in genome and chromosome size and composition. The turtle DNA base composition is similar to that of mammals, whereas that of lizards and snakes is more similar to that of anamniotes. The major karyological differences between turtles and squamates are the size and composition of the genome and the rate at which chromosomes change. Turtles have larger and more variable genome sizes, and a greater amount of middle repetitive DNA that differs even among related species. In lizards and snakes size of the genome are smaller, single-copy DNA is constant within each suborder, and differences in repetitive DNA involve fractions that become increasingly heterogeneous with widening phylogenetic distance. With regard to variation in karyotype morphology, turtles and crocodiles show low variability in chromosome number, morphology, and G-banding pattern. Greater variability is found among squamates, which have a similar degree of karyotypic change-as do some mammals, such as carnivores and bats-and in which there are also differences among congeneric species. An interesting relationship has been highlighted in the entire class Reptilia between rates of change in chromosomes, number of living species, and rate of extinction. However, different situations obtain in turtles and crocodiles on the one hand, and squamates on the other. In the former, the rate of change in chromosomes is lower and the various evolutionary steps do not seem to have entailed marked chromosomal variation, whereas squamates have a higher rate of change in chromosomes clearly related to the number of living species, and chromosomal variation seems to have played an important role in the evolution of several taxa. The different evolutionary trends in chromosomes observed between turtles and crocodiles on the one hand and squamates on the other might depend on their different patterns of G-banding.  相似文献   

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