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With this study we estimated the changes in colour, bleaching and mortality of coral colonies from February to December 2007, using the colour reference card method. The study was developed in the Watamu Marine Park lagoon (Kenya), bridging the local summer when seawater temperatures were highest and coral bleaching risk was at its maximum. Seven coral genera were selected, and their colour recorded using a colour reference card (Coral Watch card). Seven different scenarios of bleaching and mortality were observed, varying among the coral genera and between two species in the genus Pocillopora. Twenty percent of the colonies bleached, of which 50% died. Only 15% of the coral that did not bleach died. Branching genera had a higher bleaching incidence than massive and sub-massive genera. Pocillopora showed the highest bleaching susceptibility, followed by Acropora, and the highest level of mortality. Of the two species of Pocillopora considered in this study, P. eydouxi showed higher bleaching and mortality levels, while P. verrucosa bleached less and experienced only partial mortality. Our results evidenced different patterns of coral bleaching and mortality which were easily and clearly detected with the colour card method during both bleaching and a post-bleaching events.  相似文献   

Coral bleaching is an increasingly prominent threat to coral reef ecosystems, not only to corals, but also to the many organisms that rely on coral for food and shelter. Coral-feeding fishes are negatively affected by coral loss caused by extensive bleaching, but it is unknown how feeding behaviour of most corallivorous fishes changes in response to coral bleaching. In this study, coral bleaching was experimentally induced in situ to examine the feeding response of two obligate corallivorous fish, Labrichthys unilineatus (Labridae) and Chaetodon baronessa (Chaetodontidae). Feeding rates were monitored before, during, and immediately after experimental bleaching of prey corals. L. unilineatus significantly increased its feeding on impacted corals during bleaching, but showed a steady decline in feeding once corals were fully bleached. Feeding response of L. unilineatus appears to parallel the expected stress-induced mucous production by bleaching colonies. In contrast, C. baronessa preferentially fed from healthy colonies over bleached colonies, although bleached colonies were consumed for five days following manipulation. Feeding by corallivorous fishes can play an important role in determining coral condition and mortality of corals following stress induced bleaching.  相似文献   

Elevated ocean temperatures can cause coral bleaching, the loss of colour from reef‐building corals because of a breakdown of the symbiosis with the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium. Recent studies have warned that global climate change could increase the frequency of coral bleaching and threaten the long‐term viability of coral reefs. These assertions are based on projecting the coarse output from atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (GCMs) to the local conditions around representative coral reefs. Here, we conduct the first comprehensive global assessment of coral bleaching under climate change by adapting the NOAA Coral Reef Watch bleaching prediction method to the output of a low‐ and high‐climate sensitivity GCM. First, we develop and test algorithms for predicting mass coral bleaching with GCM‐resolution sea surface temperatures for thousands of coral reefs, using a global coral reef map and 1985–2002 bleaching prediction data. We then use the algorithms to determine the frequency of coral bleaching and required thermal adaptation by corals and their endosymbionts under two different emissions scenarios. The results indicate that bleaching could become an annual or biannual event for the vast majority of the world's coral reefs in the next 30–50 years without an increase in thermal tolerance of 0.2–1.0°C per decade. The geographic variability in required thermal adaptation found in each model and emissions scenario suggests that coral reefs in some regions, like Micronesia and western Polynesia, may be particularly vulnerable to climate change. Advances in modelling and monitoring will refine the forecast for individual reefs, but this assessment concludes that the global prognosis is unlikely to change without an accelerated effort to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.  相似文献   

Large-scale coral bleaching episodes are potentially major disturbances to coral reef systems, yet a definitive picture of variation in assemblage response and species susceptibilities is still being compiled. Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the bleaching response of 4160 coral colonies, representing 45 genera and 15 families, from two depths at four sites on reefs fringing inshore islands on the Great Barrier Reef. Six weeks after the onset of large-scale bleaching in 1998, between 11 and 83% of colonies along replicate transects were affected by bleaching, and mortality was 1 to 16%. There were significant differences in bleaching response between sites, depths and taxa. Cyphastrea, Turbinaria and Galaxea were relatively unaffected by bleaching, while most acroporids and pocilloporids were highly susceptible. The hydrocorals (Millepora spp.) were the most susceptible taxa, with 85% mortality. Spatial variation in assemblage response was linked to the taxonomic composition of reef sites and their bleaching history. We suggest, therefore, that much of the spatial variation in bleaching response was due to assemblage composition and thermal acclimation. Accepted: 14 January 2000  相似文献   

Gulf of Mannar (GoM) in the southeast coast of India is known for its coral reefs and reef-associated biodiversity. Corals in GoM were affected to a significant extent by climate change-driven coral bleaching in 2016, and are currently recovering. After the bleaching mortality that corals suffered, the competition for space between corals and sponges is obvious in GoM. Rhabdastrella globostellata is a common marine sponge found overgrowing live coral colonies of the patch reefs in GoM at Pattinamaruthoor in March 2019. Underwater assessment of the reef revealed that 60.06% live coral cover was dominated by Acropora corals (81.91%). Among the acroporans 8.23% of colonies were found overgrown by R. globostellata. During the night dives the tiger cowrie Cypraea tigris was observed to feed on R. globostellata. From this observation the present study infers that C. tigris helps the corals fight these sponges, and concludes that tiger cowries should be protected and promoted to tackle climate change implications.  相似文献   

Thermal stress causes the coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis to disassociate and the coral tissues to whiten. The onset and occurrence of this coral bleaching is primarily defined via the dinoflagellate responses. Here we demonstrate that thermal stress responses occur in the coral host tissues in the days before the onset of coral bleaching. The observed sequence of thermal responses includes reductions in thickness of coral tissue layers and apoptosis of the cells prior to reductions in symbiont density. In the days before the onset of coral bleaching the outer coral tissue layer (epithelium) thickness reduces and apoptosis occurs within the gastrodermis. Two days following this, coinciding with an initial reduction of symbiont density (by approximately 25%), gastrodermal thickness decreased and apoptosis of host cells was identified in the epithelium. This was eventually followed by large reduction in symbiont density (by approximately 50%) consistent with coral bleaching. Both pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic genes are identified in the reef building coral Acropora aspera, demonstrating the necessary pathways are present for fine control of host apoptosis. Our study shows that defining periods of host stress based on the responses defined by dinoflagellate symbiont underestimates the importance of early cellular events and the cellular complexity of coral host.  相似文献   

Habitat perturbations play a major role in shaping community structure; however, the elements of disturbance-related habitat change that affect diversity are not always apparent. This study examined the effects of habitat disturbances on species richness of coral reef fish assemblages using annual surveys of habitat and 210 fish species from 10 reefs on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Over a period of 11 years, major disturbances, including localised outbreaks of crown-of-thorns sea star (Acanthaster planci), severe storms or coral bleaching, resulted in coral decline of 46–96% in all the 10 reefs. Despite declines in coral cover, structural complexity of the reef framework was retained on five and species richness of coral reef fishes maintained on nine of the disturbed reefs. Extensive loss of coral resulted in localised declines of highly specialised coral-dependent species, but this loss of diversity was more than compensated for by increases in the number of species that feed on the epilithic algal matrix (EAM). A unimodal relationship between areal coral cover and species richness indicated species richness was greatest at approximately 20% coral cover declining by 3–4 species (6–8% of average richness) at higher and lower coral cover. Results revealed that declines in coral cover on reefs may have limited short-term impact on the diversity of coral reef fishes, though there may be fundamental changes in the community structure of fishes.  相似文献   

Mass coral bleaching events caused by elevated seawater temperatures result in extensive coral loss throughout the tropics, and are projected to increase in frequency and severity. If bleaching becomes an annual event later in this century, more than 90% of coral reefs worldwide may be at risk of long‐term degradation. While corals can recover from single isolated bleaching and can acclimate to recurring bleaching events that are separated by multiple years, it is currently unknown if and how they will survive and possibly acclimatize to annual coral bleaching. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that annual coral bleaching can dramatically alter thermal tolerance in Caribbean corals. We found that high coral energy reserves and changes in the dominant algal endosymbiont type (Symbiodinium spp.) facilitated rapid acclimation in Porites divaricata, whereas low energy reserves and a lack of algal phenotypic plasticity significantly increased susceptibility in Porites astreoides to bleaching the following year. Phenotypic plasticity in the dominant endosymbiont type of Orbicella faveolata did not prevent repeat bleaching, but may have facilitated rapid recovery. Thus, coral holobiont response to an isolated single bleaching event is not an accurate predictor of its response to bleaching the following year. Rather, the cumulative impact of annual coral bleaching can turn some coral species ‘winners’ into ‘losers’, and can also facilitate acclimation and turn some coral species ‘losers’ into ‘winners’. Overall, these findings indicate that cumulative impact of annual coral bleaching could result in some species becoming increasingly susceptible to bleaching and face a long‐term decline, while phenotypically plastic coral species will acclimatize and persist. Thus, annual coral bleaching and recovery could contribute to the selective loss of coral diversity as well as the overall decline of coral reefs in the Caribbean.  相似文献   

The bright coloured, highly venomous coral snakes, Leptomicrurus, Micrurus and Micruroides (family Elapidae) and a series of harmless or mildly toxic mimics form an important component of the snake fauna of the Americas. Coral snake patterns are defined as any dorsal pattern found in any species of venomous coral snake and/or any dorsal pattern containing a substantial amount of red, pink or orange distributed so as to resemble that of some species of venomous coral snake. The components of coral snake colouration are described and four principal dorsal patterns are recognized: unicolour, bicolour, tricolour and quadricolour. The tricolour patterns may be further clustered based on the number of black bands or rings separating the red ones as: monads, dyads, triads, tetrads or pentads. A detailed classification of all coral snake colour patterns is presented and each pattern is illustrated. The taxonomic distribution of these patterns is surveyed for mimics and the 56 species of highly venomous coral snakes. Among the latter, the most frequent encountered patterns are tricolour monads, tricolour triads and bicolour rings, in that order. No venomous coral snakes have a tricolour dyad, tricolour tetrad or quadricolour pattern. As many as 115 species of harmless or mildly toxic species, c. 18% of all American snakes, are regarded as coral snake mimics. The colouration and behavioural traits of venomous coral snakes combine to form a significant antipredator defence of an aposematic type. The mimics in turn receive protection from predators that innately or through learning avoid coral snake colour patterns. The precise resemblances in colouration between sympatric non-coral snakes and venomous coral snakes and the concordant geographic variation between the two strongly support this view. Batesian mimicry with the highly venomous coral snakes as the models and the other forms as the mimics is the favoured explanation for this situation. It is further concluded that a number of species in the genera Elaphe, Farancia, Nerodia and Thamnophis, although having red in their colouration, should not be included in the coral snake mimic guild.  相似文献   

Corallivore animals play vital role in coral reef ecology. Predation on corals by other organisms has not been studied properly in the Indian waters. This study reports the first observation of predation by cushion star (Culcita schmideliana) on coral polyps in Gulf of Mannar (GoM), southeast India. During our regular underwater surveys in GoM, C. schmideliana was found preying on hard coral Acropora formosa and soft coral Sarcophyton sp. at a depth of 3 m in Vilanguchalli patch reef. Though C. schmideliana has been sighted often under water, it has not been observed to predate on corals in GoM before. The area where predation was observed has a major population of hard corals (50.21%) besides seagrasses (8.36%) and soft corals (6.11%). Temperature anomalies and the consequent coral bleaching could be the factors making C. schmideliana prefer coral polyps.  相似文献   

An examination of IKONOS satellite imagery of the Keppel Islands (Great Barrier Reef) acquired before and during a coral bleaching event indicates that severe bleaching of reefs can be detected as an increase in brightness in the band 1 (blue) and band 2 (green) IKONOS spectral bands (4-m resolution). The bleaching was not detected in band 3 (red), band 4 (near-infrared), or in the 1-m panchromatic band data. A total of 0.74 km2 of bleached coral was identified, with detection occurring in waters as deep as 15 m. The procedure requires that one of the scenes be radiometrically normalized to match the reference scene prior to image differencing. A relative radiometric normalization was used in this case because variable cloud cover present in the image acquired during the bleaching event prevented reliable modeling of atmospheric effects. The success at coral bleaching detection at Keppel Islands represents both a best-case and a cloud-challenged scenario. It was a best-case scenario in that coral cover was extensive (70–90% live coral cover, mostly acroporids) and the bleaching level was extreme (92–95% of coral cover white bleached). It was a cloud-challenged scenario in terms of having extensive and highly variable cloud cover present in the image acquired during the bleaching event. Color difference images reveal extensive areas of bleached coral at sites away from our study area, indicating that this platform and methodology may be a valuable tool for mapping high coral cover areas during bleaching events. Additional studies and technique refinements would be required to test the detection limits of bleaching with IKONOS imagery or to develop a spectrally based bleaching detection index.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Coral reefs are thought to be in worldwide decline but available data are practically limited to reefs shallower than 25 m. Zooxanthellate coral communities in deep reefs (30–40 m) are relatively unstudied. Our question is: what is happening in deep reefs in terms of coral cover and coral mortality? We compare changes in species composition, coral mortality, and coral cover at Caribbean (Curacao and Bonaire) deep (30–40 m) and shallow reefs (10–20 m) using long-term (1973–2002) data from permanent photo quadrats. About 20 zooxanthellate coral species are common in the deep-reef communities, dominated by Agaricia sp., with coral cover up to 60%. In contrast with shallow reefs, there is no decrease in coral cover or number of coral colonies in deep reefs over the last 30 years. In deep reefs, non-agaricid species are decreasing but agaricid domination will be interrupted by natural catastrophic mortality such as deep coral bleaching and storms. Temperature is a vastly fluctuating variable in the deep-reef environment with extremely low temperatures possibly related to deep-reef bleaching. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The severely degraded condition of many coral reefs worldwide calls for active interventions to rehabilitate their physical and biological structure and function, in addition to effective management of fisheries and no‐take reserves. Rehabilitation efforts to stabilize reef substratum sufficiently to support coral growth have been limited in size. We documented a large coral reef rehabilitation in Indonesia aiming to restore ecosystem functions by increasing live coral cover on a reef severely damaged by blast fishing and coral mining. The project deployed small, modular, open structures to stabilize rubble and to support transplanted coral fragments. Between 2013 to 2015, approximately 11,000 structures covering 7,000 m2 were deployed over 2 ha of a reef at a cost of US$174,000. Live coral cover on the structures increased from less than 10% initially to greater than 60% depending on depth, deployment date and location, and disturbances. The mean live coral cover in the rehabilitation area in October 2017 was higher than reported for reefs in many other areas in the Coral Triangle, including marine protected areas, but lower than in the no‐take reference reef. At least 42 coral species were observed growing on the structures. Surprisingly, during the massive coral bleaching in other regions during the 2014–2016 El Niño–Southern Oscillation event, bleaching in the rehabilitation area was less than 5% cover despite warm water (≥30°C). This project demonstrates that coral rehabilitation is achievable over large scales where coral reefs have been severely damaged and are under continuous anthropogenic disturbances in warming waters.  相似文献   

Annual bleaching of Oculina patagonica on the Israeli Mediterranean coastline has been reported since 1993, although the cellular mechanisms underlying the bleaching have not yet been investigated. This survey examined 48 coral colonies of O. patagonica (bleached and unbleached) from various sites along the Israeli coast. Histopathological investigations of bleached lesions revealed a loss of endosymbionts, and an apparent in situ degradation of the endosymbionts. In situ end labelling of bleaching lesions did not provide evidence of apoptotic cell death. Electron microscopy of bleaching lesions also demonstrated an apparent in situ degradation and no evidence of apoptotic cell death of the host.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are increasingly threatened by various disturbances, and a critical challenge is to determine their ability for resistance and resilience. Coral assemblages in Moorea, French Polynesia, have been impacted by multiple disturbances (one cyclone and four bleaching events between 1991 and 2006). The 1991 disturbances caused large declines in coral cover (~51% to ~22%), and subsequent colonization by turf algae (~16% to ~49%), but this phase-shift from coral to algal dominance has not persisted. Instead, the composition of the coral community changed following the disturbances, notably favoring an increased cover of Porites, reduced cover of Montipora and Pocillopora, and a full return of Acropora; in this form, the reef returned to pre-disturbance coral cover within a decade. Thus, this coral assemblage is characterized by resilience in terms of coral cover, but plasticity in terms of community composition.  相似文献   

Zooxanthellae fluorescence was measured in situ, remotely, and in near real-time with a pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer for a colony of Siderastrea siderea and Agaricia tenuifolia at Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas during the Caribbean-wide 2005 bleaching event. These colonies displayed evidence of photosystem II (PS II) inactivation coincident with thermal stress and seasonally high doses of solar radiation. Hurricane-associated declines in temperature and light appear to have facilitated the recovery of maximum quantum yield of PS II within these two colonies, although both corals responded differently to individual storms. PAM fluorometry, coupled with long-term measurement of in situ light and temperature, provides much more detail of coral photobiology on a seasonal time scale and during possible bleaching conditions than sporadic, subjective, and qualitative observations. S. siderea displayed evidence of PS II inactivation over a month prior to the issuing of a satellite-based, sea surface temperature (SST) bleaching alert by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In fact, recovery had already begun in S. siderea when the bleaching alert was issued. Fluorescence data for A. tenuifolia were difficult to interpret because the shaded parts of a colony were monitored and thus did not perfectly coincide with thermal stress and seasonally high doses of solar radiation as in S. siderea. These results further emphasize the limitations of solely monitoring SST (satellite or in situ) as a bleaching indicator without considering the physiological status of coral-zooxanthellae symbioses. Communicated by Environment Editor Prof. Rob van Woesik  相似文献   

Coral bleaching, in which corals become visibly pale and typically lose their endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium spp.), increasingly threatens coral reefs worldwide. While the proximal environmental triggers of bleaching are reasonably well understood, considerably less is known concerning physiological and ecological factors that might exacerbate coral bleaching or delay recovery. We report a bleaching event in Belize during September 2004 in which Montastraea spp. corals that had been previously grazed by corallivorous parrotfishes showed a persistent reduction in symbiont density compared to intact colonies. Additionally, grazed corals exhibited greater diversity in the genetic composition of their symbiont communities, changing from uniform ITS2 type C7 Symbiodinium prior to bleaching to mixed assemblages of Symbiodinium types post-bleaching. These results suggest that chronic predation may exacerbate the influence of environmental stressors and, by altering the coral-zooxanthellae symbiosis, such abiotic-biotic interactions may contribute to spatial variation in bleaching processes.  相似文献   

Burke  C. D.  McHenry  T. M.  Bischoff  W. D.  Huttig  E. S.  Yang  W.  Thorndyke  L. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,530(1-3):481-487
The 1995 coral bleaching event in the western Caribbean was the first reported episode that significantly affected the Belize barrier and lagoonal patch reefs. Bleaching was attributed to a 2 mo period of warm water temperatures above 30°C. Near Ambergris Caye, barrier and patch reefs experienced up to 50% bleaching. At Mexico Rocks patch reef complex, the bleaching resulted in changes in reef health, community, and physical structure. Prior to the hyperthermal episode, patch reef surface area consisted of 47% healthy framework coral coverage, 12% secondarily colonized biotic coverage, 35% dead coral surfaces that were degraded by biological activity and physical erosion, and 6%cavities. six months after bleaching, most corals had regained their color, but, owing to coral mortality, areas of surface degradation had increased to an average 49% (p=0.029 based on Kruskal–Wallis analyses). Eighteen months after bleaching, degraded surface areas expanded to 53% (p=0.0366). Although re-coloring indicates rapid recovery for surviving corals, the persistence in dead coral surfaces suggests that reef skeletal structure recovery lags behind that of individual corals. Initial results of framework measurements indicate that bleaching events may result in an ‘imbalance’ in the carbonate production rate of coral reefs and produce mass wasting of the skeletal structure. Remapping of reef skeletal structure should establish quantitative measures for the long-term effects of bleaching on patch reef frameworks.  相似文献   

Coral reef bleaching: ecological perspectives   总被引:36,自引:9,他引:27  
Coral reef bleaching, the whitening of diverse invertebrate taxa, results from the loss of symbiotic zooxanthellae and/or a reduction in photosynthetic pigment concentrations in zooxanthellae residing within the gastrodermal tissues of host animals. Of particular concern are the consequences of bleaching of large numbers of reef-building scleractinian corals and hydrocorals. Published records of coral reef bleaching events from 1870 to the present suggest that the frequency (60 major events from 1979 to 1990), scale (co-occurrence in many coral reef regions and often over the bathymetric depth range of corals) and severity (>95% mortality in some areas) of recent bleaching disturbances are unprecedented in the scientific literature. The causes of small scale, isolated bleaching events can often be explained by particular stressors (e.g., temperature, salinity, light, sedimentation, aerial exposure and pollutants), but attempts to explain large scale bleaching events in terms of possible global change (e.g., greenhouse warming, increased UV radiation flux, deteriorating ecosystem health, or some combination of the above) have not been convincing. Attempts to relate the severity and extent of large scale coral reef bleaching events to particular causes have been hampered by a lack of (a) standardized methods to assess bleaching and (b) continuous, long-term data bases of environmental conditions over the periods of interest. An effort must be made to understand the impact of bleaching on the remainder of the reef community and the long-term effects on competition, predation, symbioses, bioerosion and substrate condition, all factors that can influence coral recruitment and reef recovery. If projected rates of sea warming are realized by mid to late AD 2000, i.e. a 2°C increase in high latitude coral seas, the upper thermal tolerance limits of many reef-building corals could be exceeded. Present evidence suggests that many corals would be unable to adapt physiologically or genetically to such marked and rapid temperature increases.  相似文献   

Coral bleaching is one of the main drivers of reef degradation. Most corals bleach and suffer mortality at just 1–2°C above their maximum monthly mean temperatures, but some species and genotypes resist or recover better than others. Here, we conducted a series of 18‐hr short‐term acute heat stress assays side‐by‐side with a 21‐day long‐term heat stress experiment to assess the ability of both approaches to resolve coral thermotolerance differences reflective of in situ reef temperature thresholds. Using a suite of physiological parameters (photosynthetic efficiency, coral whitening, chlorophyll a, host protein, algal symbiont counts, and algal type association), we assessed bleaching susceptibility of Stylophora pistillata colonies from the windward/exposed and leeward/protected sites of a nearshore coral reef in the central Red Sea, which had previously shown differential mortality during a natural bleaching event. Photosynthetic efficiency was most indicative of the expected higher thermal tolerance in corals from the protected reef site, denoted by an increased retention of dark‐adapted maximum quantum yields at higher temperatures. These differences were resolved using both experimental setups, as corroborated by a positive linear relationship, not observed for the other parameters. Notably, short‐term acute heat stress assays resolved per‐colony (genotype) differences that may have been masked by acclimation effects in the long‐term experiment. Using our newly developed portable experimental system termed the Coral Bleaching Automated Stress System (CBASS), we thus highlight the potential of mobile, standardized short‐term acute heat stress assays to resolve fine‐scale differences in coral thermotolerance. Accordingly, such a system may be suitable for large‐scale determination and complement existing approaches to identify resilient genotypes/reefs for downstream experimental examination and prioritization of reef sites for conservation/restoration. Development of such a framework is consistent with the recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences and the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program committees for new intervention and restoration strategies.  相似文献   

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