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Listeria monocytogenes is an intracellular bacterium that causes systemic infections after traversing the intestinal mucosa. Clearance of infection and long term protective immunity are mediated by L. monocytogenes-specific CD8 T lymphocytes. In this report, we characterize the murine CD8 T cell response in the lamina propria and intestinal epithelium after enteric L. monocytogenes infection. We find that the frequency of MHC class Ia-restricted, L. monocytogenes-specific T cells is approximately 4- to 5-fold greater in the lamina propria than in the spleen of mice after oral or i.v. infection. Although the kinetics of T cell expansion and contraction are similar in spleen, lamina propria, and intestinal epithelium, high frequencies of Ag-specific T cells are detected only in the lamina propria 1 mo after infection. In contrast to MHC class Ia-restricted T cells, the frequency of H2-M3-restricted, L. monocytogenes-specific T cells is decreased in the intestinal mucosa relative to that found in the spleen. In addition to this disparity, we find that MHC class Ia-restricted CD8 T cells specific for a dominant L. monocytogenes epitope have different TCR V beta repertoires in the spleen and intestinal mucosa of individual mice. These findings indicate that the intestinal mucosa is a depot where L. monocytogenes-specific effector CD8 T cells accumulate during and after infection irrespective of immunization route. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that CD8 T cell populations in these two sites, although overlapping in Ag specificity, are distinct in terms of their repertoire.  相似文献   

Heteroclitic peptides are used to enhance the immunogenicity of tumor-associated Ags to break T cell tolerance to these self-proteins. One such altered peptide ligand (Cap1-6D) has been derived from an epitope in human carcinoembryonic Ag, CEA(605-613) (Cap1). Clinical responses have been seen in colon cancer patients receiving a tumor vaccine comprised of this altered peptide. Whether Cap1-6D serves as a T cell agonist for Cap1-specific T cells or induces different T cells is unknown. We, therefore, examined the T cell repertoires elicited by Cap1-6D and Cap1. Human CTL lines and clones were generated with either Cap1-6D peptide (6D-CTLs) or Cap1 peptide (Cap1-CTLs). The TCR Vbeta usage and functional avidity of the T cells induced in parallel against these target peptides were assessed. The predominant CTL repertoire induced by agonist Cap1-6D is limited to TCR Vbeta1-J2 with homogenous CDR3 lengths. In contrast, the majority of Cap1-CTLs use different Vbeta1 genes and also had diverse CDR3 lengths. 6D-CTLs produce IFN-gamma in response to Cap1-6D peptide with high avidity, but respond with lower avidity to the native Cap1 peptide when compared with the Cap1-CTLs. Nevertheless, 6D-CTLs could still lyse targets bearing the native epitope. Consistent with these functional results, 6D-CTLs possess TCRs that bind Cap-1 peptide/MHC tetramer with higher intensity than Cap1-CTLs but form less stable interactions with peptide/MHC as measured by tetramer decay. These results demonstrate that priming with this CEA-derived altered peptide ligand can induce distinct carcinoembryonic Ag-reactive T cells with different functional capacities.  相似文献   

The extent to which the progeny of one primary memory CD8 T cell differs from the progeny of one naive CD8 T cell of the same specificity remains an unresolved question. To explore cell-autonomous functional differences between naive and memory CD8 T cells that are not influenced by differences in the priming environment, an experimental model has been developed in which physiological numbers of both populations of cells were cotransferred into naive hosts before Ag stimulation. Interestingly, naive CD8 T cells undergo greater expansion in numbers than do primary memory CD8 T cells after various infections or immunizations. The intrinsic ability of one naive CD8 T cell to give rise to more effector CD8 T cells than one memory CD8 T cell is independent of the number and quality of primary memory CD8 T cells present in vivo. The sustained proliferation of newly activated naive CD8 T cells contributed to their greater magnitude of expansion. Additionally, longitudinal analyses of primary and secondary CD8 T cell responses revealed that on a per-cell basis naive CD8 T cells generate higher numbers of long-lived memory cells than do primary memory CD8 T cells. This enhanced "memory generation potential" of responding naive CD8 T cells occurred despite the delayed contraction of secondary CD8 T cell responses. Taken together, the data in this study revealed previously unappreciated differences between naive and memory CD8 T cells and will help further define the functional potential for both cell types.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with a supraoptimal dose of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) results in splenic T cell populations capable of specifically suppressing recipients' plaque forming cell (PFC) and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to SRBC when tested in an adoptive transfer system. By localization on discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) gradients and relative sensitivity to Cytoxan, two distinct T cell subpopulations suppressing DTH reactivity were identified. One population could not be distinguished from T cells capable of inhibiting direct and indirect PFC responses. However, another population appeared quite distinct and capable of inhibiting DTH, but not PFC responses.  相似文献   

Rapid removal of pathogens from the circulation by secondary lymphoid organs is prerequisite for successful control of infection. Blood-borne Ags are trapped mainly in the splenic marginal zone. To identify the cell populations responsible for Ag trapping in the marginal zone, mice were selectively depleted of marginal zone macrophages and marginal metallophilic macrophages. In the absence of these cells, trapping of microspheres and Listeria monocytogenes organisms was lost, and early control of infection was impaired. Depletion of marginal zone macrophages and marginal metallophilic macrophages, however, did not limit Ag presentation because Listeria-specific protective T cell immunity was induced. Therefore, marginal zone macrophages and marginal metallophilic macrophages are crucial for trapping of particulate Ag but dispensable for Ag presentation.  相似文献   

The strength of interactions with APC instructs naive T cells to undergo programmed expansion and differentiation, which is largely determined by the peptide affinity and dose as well as the duration of TCR ligation. Although, most ligands mediating these interactions are terminally sialylated, the impact of the T cell sialylation status on Ag-dependent response remains poorly understood. In this study, by monitoring TCR transgenic CD8+ T cells, OT-I, we show that biochemical desialylation of naive OT-I T cells increases their sensitivity for agonist as well as partial agonist peptides. Desialylation enhances early activation and shortens the duration of TCR stimulation required for proliferation and differentiation, without increasing apoptosis. Moreover, desialylation of naive OT-I T cells augments their response to tumor-presented Ag. These results provide direct evidence for a regulatory role for sialylation in Ag-dependent CD8+ T cell responses and offer a new approach to sensitize or dampen Ag-specific CD8+ T cell responses.  相似文献   

Role of CD47 in the induction of human naive T cell anergy   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We recently reported that CD47 ligation inhibited IL-2 release by umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells activated in the presence of IL-12, but not IL-4, preventing the induction of IL-12Rbeta(2) expression and the acquisition of Th1, but not the Th2 phenotype. Here we show that in the absence of exogenous cytokine at priming, CD47 ligation of umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells promotes the development of hyporesponsive T cells. Naive cells were treated with CD47 mAb for 3 days, expanded in IL-2 for 9-12 days, and restimulated by CD3 and CD28 coengagement. Effector T cells generated under these conditions were considered to be anergic because they produced a reduced amount of IL-2 at the single-cell level and displayed an impaired capacity 1) to proliferate, 2) to secrete Th1/Th2 cytokines, and 3) to respond to IL-2, IL-4, or IL-12. Moreover, CD47 mAb strongly suppressed IL-2 production and IL-2Ralpha expression in primary cultures and IL-2 response of activated naive T cells. Induction of anergy by CD47 mAb was IL-10 independent, whereas inclusion of IL-2 and IL-4, but not IL-7, at priming fully restored T cell activation. Furthermore, CD28 costimulation prevented induction of anergy. Thus, CD47 may represent a potential target to induce anergy and prevent undesired Th0/Th1 responses such as graft vs host diseases, allograft rejection, or autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

The CD8 T cell memory response to the HLA-A2-restricted influenza epitope M1(58-66) can be an instructive model of immune memory to a nonevolving epitope of a frequently encountered pathogen that undergoes clearance. This memory repertoire can be complex, composed of a large number of clonotypes represented at low copy numbers, while maintaining a focus on the use of VB17 T cell receptors with identified Ag recognition motifs. Such a repertoire structure might provide a panoply of clonotypes whose differential avidity for the epitope would allow responses under varying antigenic loads. This possibility was tested experimentally by characterizing the responding repertoire in vitro while varying influenza Ag concentration over five orders of magnitude. At higher and lower Ag concentrations there was increased cell death, yet a focused but diverse response could still be observed. Thus, one of the characteristics of complex memory repertoires is to provide effector function at extremes of Ag load, a characteristic that is not generally considered in vaccination development but may be important in measuring its efficacy.  相似文献   

Human B lymphocytes can be induced to differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells by Leu-3+ T lymphocytes stimulated with pokeweed mitogen (PWM), a polyclonal T cell activator. In contrast, other polyclonal T cell mitogens, such as phytohemagglutinin (PHA), also activate Leu-3+ T cells but are relatively ineffective inducers of B cell differentiation. We have performed a series of experiments to investigate the mechanism underlying this apparent paradox. When human B cells were cultured with unfractionated T cells and PWM or PHA, only PWM was able to induce plasma cell formation and immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion. However, when the T cells were treated with mitomycin C (MMC) before culture, both PWM and PHA were able to induce significant B cell differentiation. These data indicated that both mitogens were able to activate the helper T cells required for B lymphocyte differentiation and suggested that MMC-sensitive suppressor T cells were responsible for inhibiting the induction of antibody-secreting cells by MMC-untreated T cells stimulated with PHA. Phenotypic analysis of the T cells capable of suppressing PHA-induced B cell differentiation revealed that small numbers of either Leu-2+ or Leu-3+ T cells could profoundly suppress the B cell differentiation induced by PHA. In contrast, significant suppression of PWM-stimulated B cell differentiation was observed only with relatively large numbers of Leu-2+ T cells. These data confirm previous reports that OKT4+/Leu-3+ T cells can suppress human B cell differentiation and indicate that the difference in B cell differentiation induced by PWM and PHA with MMC-untreated T cells is largely a reflection of the relative potency of these mitogens to activate these phenotypically distinct suppressor T cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC) Ag cross-presentation is generally associated with immune responses to tumors and viral Ags, and enhancement of this process is a focus of tumor vaccine design. In this study, we found that the myeloid cell surface peptidase CD13 is highly and specifically expressed on the subset of DCs responsible for cross-presentation, the CD8(+) murine splenic DCs. In vivo studies indicated that lack of CD13 significantly enhanced T cell responses to soluble OVA Ag, although development, maturation, and Ag processing and presentation of DCs are normal in CD13KO mice. In vitro studies showed that CD13 regulates receptor-mediated, dynamin-dependent endocytosis of Ags such as OVA and transferrin but not fluid-phase or phagocytic Ag uptake. CD13 and Ag are cointernalized in DCs, but CD13 did not coimmunoprecipitate with Ag receptors, suggesting that CD13 does not control internalization of specific receptors but regulates endocytosis at a more universal level. Mechanistically, we found that phosphorylation of the endocytic regulators p38MAPK and Akt was dysregulated in CD13KO DCs, and blocking of these kinases perturbed CD13-dependent endocytic uptake. Therefore, CD13 is a novel endocytic regulator that may be exploited to enhance Ag uptake and T cell activation to improve the efficacy of tumor-targeted vaccines.  相似文献   

Early during infection, CMV targets dendritic cells (DC) and alters their functions. Herein we show that CMV-infected DC maintain the ability to present both virus-derived and exogenous Ags, but that they actively induce tolerance or anergy in Ag-specific T cells. CMV accomplishes this by selectively maintaining high-level expression of the negative costimulatory molecule programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1), while commensurately down-regulating positive costimulatory molecules and MHC on the DC surface. Consequently, CD4 and CD8 T cells activated by these infected DC have a stunted phenotype, characterized by poor proliferation, effector function. and recall responses. Blocking PD-L1, but not PD-L2, during direct priming of naive T cells by infected DC significantly restores Ag-specific T cell functions. Using systems where direct and cross-priming of T cells can be distinguished revealed that PD-L1/PD-1 signaling contributes only when naive T cells are primed directly by infected DC, and not upon cross-presentation of viral Ags by uninfected DC. These data suggest that murine CMV programs infected DC during acute infection to inhibit early host adaptive antiviral responses by tipping the balance between negative and positive cosignals.  相似文献   

The results in this report indicate that the OKT3 monoclonal antibody, which is specific for a human T cell differentiation antigen present on 90 to 95% of peripheral T cells, can exert several effects that regulate the generation and expression of human influenza virus-immune cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). The OKT3 antibody, but not OKT1 or OKT11 (which bind to all peripheral T cells), is able to inhibit anti-influenza CTL effector cell activity. An F(ab')2 preparation of OKT3 IgG were as effective as whole IgG for the inhibition of CTL effectors, indicating that the inhibitory activity of the antibody was not a function of the Fc portion of the molecule. OKT3 IgG and OKT3 F(ab')2 fragments (but not OKT4, OKT8, or OKI were able to inhibit the generation of anti-influenza CTL. The culture of human lymphoid cells with OKT3 in the presence or absence of influenza virus induced radioresistant cells that could suppress the CTL response of fresh autologous lymphocytes to influenza. These results suggest that T cell functions can be regulated by signals that are initiated by the binding of antibody to cell surface molecules that may not be related to the T cell antigen-specific receptor(s).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize differences between naive and primed CD8 T cells. Our results show that (i) naive and primed CD8 T cells display similar activation thresholds, with no direct evidence for a difference in their TCR signals, and (ii) primed cells differ mainly in their capacity to secrete IFN-gamma. A comparison of the two populations at the single-cell level demonstrated that the increased production of IFN-gamma by the primed cell subset is due to a larger proportion of single cells that are able to synthesize this cytokine early following activation. These results indicate that the intrinsic effector capabilities of individual CD8 T cells expressing the same TCR are heterogeneous and that cells with identical antigen specificity but increased effector capacities are generated or selected during the primary response.  相似文献   

Efficient Ag presentation is essential to induce effective cellular and humoral immune responses. Thus, one central goal of current immunotherapy and vaccine development is to enhance Ag presentation to induce potent and broad immune responses. Here, a novel Ag presentation strategy is developed by transducing dendritic cells (DCs) to produce an Ag for presentation as an exogenous Ag to efficiently induce both humoral and cellular immunity. The principle of this strategy is illustrated by genetically modifying DCs to secrete a model hepatitis B virus Ag fused with a cell-binding domain and to process the fusion Ag as an exogenous Ag after receptor-mediated internalization for MHC class I and II presentation. Vigorous Ag-specific CD4(+) helper and CD8(+) cytotoxic T cell, as well as B cell, responses were induced by the transduced DCs in mouse models. Thus, this novel strategy uses a receptor-mediated internalization process to efficiently induce all arms of the adaptive immunity and may provide a powerful means to develop potent vaccines and immunotherapies.  相似文献   

Concurrent naive and memory CD8(+) T cell responses to an influenza A virus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Memory Thy-1(+)CD8(+) T cells specific for the influenza A virus nucleoprotein (NP(366-374)) peptide were sorted after staining with the D(b)NP(366) tetramer, labeled with CFSE, and transferred into normal Thy-1.2(+) recipients. The donor D(b)NP(366)(+) T cells recovered 2 days later from the spleens of the Thy-1.2(+) hosts showed the CD62L(low)CD44(high)CD69(low) phenotype, characteristic of the population analyzed before transfer, and were present at frequencies equivalent to those detected previously in mice primed once by a single exposure to an influenza A virus. Analysis of CFSE-staining profiles established that resting tetramer(+) T cells divided slowly over the next 30 days, while the numbers in the spleen decreased about 3-fold. Intranasal infection shortly after cell transfer with a noncross-reactive influenza B virus induced some of the donor D(b)NP(366)(+) T cells to cycle, but there was no increase in the total number of transferred cells. By contrast, comparable challenge with an influenza A virus caused substantial clonal expansion, and loss of the CFSE label. Unexpectedly, the recruitment of naive Thy-1.2(+)CD8(+)D(b)NP(366)(+) host D(b)NP(366)(+) T cells following influenza A challenge was not obviously diminished by the presence of the memory Thy-1.1(+)CD8(+)D(b)NP(366)(+) donor D(b)NP(366)(+) set. Furthermore, the splenic response to an epitope (D(b)PA(224)) derived from the influenza acid polymerase (PA(224-233)) was significantly enhanced in the mice given the donor D(b)NP(366)(+) memory population. These experiments indicate that an apparent recall response may be comprised of both naive and memory CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) to three distinct Ia-like molecules were studied for their inhibitory effects on antigen- and alloantigen-induced T cell proliferations. The MoAb were classified into three groups according to the molecules they recognized. Both the group I MoAb reacting with DR molecules and the group III MoAb were capable of inhibiting T cell proliferative responses to PPD- and HSV-Ag-pulsed APC, autologous B-LCL, and alloantigens. On th other hand, the group II MoAb, which reacted with a determinant on the molecule carrying MB1 determinants, was only capable of inhibiting T cell responses to alloantigens. These results suggest that the structure of the molecules correlates with the functional repertoire of the human Ia-like antigens.  相似文献   

Recent studies have defined vaccinia virus (VACV)-specific CD8(+) T cell epitopes in mice and humans. However, little is known about the epitope specificities of CD4(+) T cell responses. In this study, we identified 14 I-A(b)-restricted VACV-specific CD4(+) T cell epitopes by screening a large set of 2146 different 15-mer peptides in C57BL/6 mice. These epitopes account for approximately 20% of the total anti-VACV CD4(+) T cell response and are derived from 13 different viral proteins. Surprisingly, none of the CD4(+) T cell epitopes identified was derived from VACV virulence factors. Although early Ags were recognized, late Ags predominated as CD4(+) T cell targets. These results are in contrast to what was previously found in CD8(+) T cells responses, where early Ags, including virulence factors, were prominently recognized. Taken together, these results highlight fundamental differences in immunodominance of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses to a complex pathogen.  相似文献   

The inhibition of diphtheria toxoid and varidase-specific T cell clones from a single DR 6/7 donor by eight distinct monoclonal anti-HLA-DR antibodies was tested in proliferative assays. These moAb were selected because they had been previously defined for their ability: 1) to react with Ia molecules; 2) to recognize similar or different epitopes; 3) to share or not share idiotypic specificities. Our results show a distinct inhibition pattern for each clone tested. Furthermore, the various moAb could be classified into three groups according to their inhibitory effect on T cell proliferation. These data suggest: a) an epitopic restriction by class II antigens of antigen-specific human T cell clone proliferation; and b) the recognition of functional epitopes on the human Ia-like antigens by some but not all moAb studied.  相似文献   

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