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We describe seven polymorphic, dinucleotide microsatellite loci isolated from bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus, Rodentia: Muridae) collected from the Wirral Peninsula, United Kingdom. Microsatellites were isolated as part of a long‐term study on the wider effects of host–pathogen interactions of an endemic viral disease. These microsatellites showed between five and 13 alleles per locus in these populations. Observed and expected heterozygosities varied between 0.275 to 0.777 and 0.487 to 0.794, respectively. These markers will allow us to investigate the structure of this bank vole population.  相似文献   

The role of glacial refugia in shaping contemporary species distribution is a long-standing question in phylogeography and evolutionary ecology. Recent studies are questioning previous paradigms on glacial refugia and postglacial recolonization pathways in Europe, and more flexible phylogeographic scenarios have been proposed. We used the widespread common vole Microtus arvalis as a model to investigate the origin, locations of glacial refugia, and dispersal pathways, in the group of “Continental” species in Europe. We used a Bayesian spatiotemporal diffusion analysis (relaxed random walk model) of cytochrome b sequences across the species range, including newly collected individuals from 10 Iberian localities and published sequences from 68 localities across 22 European countries. Our data suggest that the species originated in Central Europe, and we revealed the location of multiple refugia (in both southern peninsulas and continental regions) for this continental model species. Our results confirm the monophyly of Iberian voles and the pre-LGM divergence between Iberian and European voles. We found evidence of restricted postglacial dispersal from refugia in Mediterranean peninsulas. We inferred a complex evolutionary and demographic history of M. arvalis in Europe over the last 50,000 years that does not adequately fit previous glacial refugial scenarios. The phylogeography of M. arvalis provides a paradigm of ice-age survival of a temperate continental species in western and eastern Mediterranean peninsulas (sources of endemism) and multiple continental regions (sources of postglacial spread). Our findings also provide support for a major role of large European river systems in shaping geographic boundaries of M. arvalis in Europe.  相似文献   

Many mountain ranges have been strongly glaciated during the Quaternary ice ages, and the locations of glacial refugia of mountain plants have been debated for a long time. A series of detailed molecular studies, investigating intraspecific genetic variation of mountain plants in the European Alps, now allows for a first synopsis. A comparison of the phylogeographic patterns with geological and palaeoenvironmental data demonstrates that glacial refugia were located along the southwestern, southern, eastern and northern border of the Alps. Additional glacial refugia were present in central Alpine areas, where high-elevation plants survived the last glaciation on ice-free mountain tops. The observed intraspecific phylogeographies suggest general patterns of glacial survival, which conform to well-known centres of Alpine species diversity and endemism. This implies that evolutionary or biogeographic processes induced by climatic fluctuations act on gene and species diversity in a similar way.  相似文献   

Polyandry, i.e. mating with multiple males within one reproductive event, is a common female mating strategy but its adaptive function is often unclear. We tested whether polyandrous females gain genetic benefits by comparing fitness traits of monandrous (mated twice with a single male) and polyandrous (mated twice with two different males) female bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus. We raised the offspring in the laboratory until adulthood and measured their body size, before releasing them to outdoor enclosures to overwinter. At the onset of the breeding season in the following spring, we found that offspring of polyandrous females performed significantly better at reproduction than those of monandrous females. This was mainly due to sons of polyandrous females producing significantly more offspring than those of monandrous females. No significant differences were found for offspring body mass or winter survival between the two treatments. Our results appear to provide evidence that bank vole females gain long-term benefits from polyandry.  相似文献   

It is now well established that Southern European peninsulas have been major glacial refugia for temperate species during Pleistocene climatic oscillations. However, substantial environmental changes occurred also within these peninsulas throughout the Pleistocene, raising questions about the role and interplay of various microevolutionary processes in shaping patterns of intraspecific diversity within these areas. Here, we investigate the patterns of genetic variation in the bank vole Myodes glareolus within the Italian peninsula. By using a panel of 13 microsatellite loci, we found more intraspecific variation than expected based on previous assessments. Indeed, both Bayesian and ordination‐based clustering analyses of variation recovered five main geographic/genetic clusters along the peninsula, with three clusters geographically restricted to the southern portion of the peninsula. This clustering is supported by previous evidences of some morphological distinctiveness among these populations. This pattern can be explained by a refugia‐within‐refugia scenario, with the occurrence of multiple sub‐refugia for the bank vole within the Italian peninsula, likely promoted by the major palaeo‐environmental changes which affected forested habitats within this area during the Pleistocene. Moreover, our results support a scenario whereby the high levels of intraspecific diversity observed within major Pleistocene refugia are better explained by dynamic microevolutionary processes occurred within these areas, rather than by long‐term demographic stability of refugial population. Finally, the narrow and isolated distribution of some of the identified lineages suggests the need for future assessments of their conservation and taxonomic status.  相似文献   

Range-wide genetic variation of black spruce (Picea mariana) was studied using polymerase chain reaction-random fragment length polymorphism markers of the mitochondrial genome. Four polymorphic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) loci were surveyed and two or three alleles were detected at each locus, resulting in 10 multilocus mtDNA types or mitotypes. A significant subdivision of population genetic diversity was detected (GST = 0.671; NST = 0.726), suggesting low levels of gene flow among populations. The distribution of mitotypes was not random (NST > GST; P < 0.05) and revealed four partially overlapping zones, presumably representative of different glacial populations. Comparison of the genetic structure derived from mtDNA markers and the colonization paths previously deduced from the fossil and pollen records allow us to infer at least three southern and one northeastern glacial populations for black spruce. The patterns revealed in this study suggest that black spruce shares its biogeographical history with other forest-associated North American species.  相似文献   

The phylogeographic architecture of the common vole, Microtus arvalis, has been well‐studied using mitochondrial DNA and used to test hypotheses relating to glacial refugia. The distribution of the five described cytochrome b (cyt b) lineages in Europe west of Russia has been interpreted as a consequence of postglacial expansion from both southern and central European refugia. A recently proposed competing model suggests that the ‘cradle’ of the M. arvalis lineages is in western central Europe from where they dispersed in different directions after the Last Glacial Maximum. In the present study, we report a new cyt b lineage of the common vole from the Balkans that is not closely related to any other lineage and whose presence might help resolve these issues of glacial refugia. The Balkan phylogroup occurs along the southern distributional border of M. arvalis in central and eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and eastern Serbia. Further north and west in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia, common voles belong to the previously‐described Eastern lineage, whereas both lineages are sympatric in one site in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Balkan phylogroup most reasonably occupied a glacial refugium already known for various Balkan endemic species, in contrast to the recently proposed model. South‐east Europe is an absolutely crucial area for understanding the postglacial colonization history of small mammals in Europe and the present study adds to the very few previous detailed phylogeographic studies of this region. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 788–796.  相似文献   

The European snow vole Chionomys nivalis has a patchy distribution restricted to rocky habitats across southern Europe and the Near and Middle East. We carried out a phylogeographic study to provide a biogeographic scenario, based on molecular data, outlining the major processes that determined the current distribution of the species. The samples include 26 snow voles from 14 different populations across the entire species range from Spain to Anatolia and Israel. Nearly complete sequences (1037 bp) of the mitochondrial gene for cytochrome b were sequenced. Relationships among haplotypes were inferred with neighbour-joining, maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony analyses and minimum spanning network. An analysis of mismatch distribution was used to cast light on past demographic expansion. We found 22 different haplotypes that fall into six distinct lineages, all but one is supported by high bootstrap values with all methods. Four lineages are allopatric (Tatra Mts., Iberia, Balkans and Middle East) while divergent haplotypes from two lineages show sympatry in the Alps and the Apennines. The basal relationships of these lineages could not be established by any tree. The mean pairwise genetic distance between lineages ranges from 2.4 to 4.2%. The shape of the mismatch distribution indicated a past expansion event dating back to between 158 000 and 84 000 years ago. These data can be interpreted with the existence of southern glacial refugia (Iberia, Balkans, Middle East and Italy) and one additional northern glacial refugium. The lack of phylogenetic resolution among lineages and the shape of mismatch distribution are indicative of a simultaneous and rapid splitting due to a relatively fast initial expansion of populations. Moreover, the analysis supports the hypothesis of the European origin of C. nivalis and its subsequent eastward dispersion during the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Runck AM  Cook JA 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(5):1445-1456
Dynamic climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene dramatically changed the distributions of high latitude species. Molecular investigations of a variety of organisms show that processes of postglacial colonization of boreal regions were more complex than initially thought. Phylogeographical and coalescent analyses were conducted on partial sequences of the cytochrome b gene (600 bp) from 64 individuals of Clethrionomys gapperi from North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Idaho, Washington, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, and Alaska to test hypotheses relating to Pleistocene refugia and postglacial colonization routes. Three divergent clades (east, west, central) were identified with highest net divergence (dA = 5.2%) between the eastern and western clades. Populations from the recently deglaciated higher latitudes of Canada and Alaska are closely related to lower latitude populations of the central clade (dA = 1.2%) suggesting recent expansion from this midwestern region. No representatives from the east or west clade were found at latitudes higher than 50 degrees N, indicating that postglacial colonization occurred through a midcontinental route. The high latitude population from the Northwest Territories exhibited demographic patterns and genetic diversity consistent with a stable noncolonizing population. This population is found near the Mackenzie range, where the two continental ice sheets were believed to have coalesced. Molecular variation observed in this population may be the result of leading edge population diversifying in the continental corridor or may reflect the signal of a high latitude refugial population.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation causes negative population trends or even local extinction in many species. Understanding the role of fragmentation on behavior and space use of animals is an essential part of revealing the mechanism behind observed population declines. We studied experimentally the effects of small-scale habitat fragmentation on the distribution and movement of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) in seminatural enclosures. We predicted that besides habitat structure, availability of two resources, food for both sexes, and receptive females for males, determine individual distribution. We manipulated female density (either 0, 4, or 12 per enclosure) and followed movements of radio-collared males. We also studied the effect of unequal food distribution between the fragments on vole distribution. The habitat of 0.25-ha enclosures was manipulated by forming either one large, two medium-sized, or four small habitat patches surrounded by an inhospitable matrix. Female density and distribution clearly affected male spacing behavior. Males had larger home ranges in the medium female density enclosures. Furthermore, the use of the inhospitable and risky matrix area increased with habitat fragmentation. Food supplementation improved individual condition measured as body mass but did not affect breeding success. Our experiments demonstrated that both small-scale habitat fragmentation and resource distribution affect the behavior and condition of individuals. Increased fragmentation led to increased risk taking in both mating and foraging behavior. This should have direct survival and fitness consequences, and therefore our results may be extrapolated to population-level consequences of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial genetic variation in the European chub, Squalius cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758), in order to understand the evolutionary history of this species and to test biogeographical hypotheses for the existence of co‐distributed European freshwater fish species. Location Rivers in Europe (Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy). Methods We genotyped 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers derived from 310 individuals collected from across the distribution of S. cephalus in Europe (including a total of 15 populations) and sequenced mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from a subset of 75 individuals. Sequences of mtDNA cytochrome b were analysed using both phylogenetic (median‐joining networks) and population genetic methods (tests for demographic history, mismatch distributions, Bayesian coalescent analysis). Geographical structure in microsatellite loci was examined using a distance method (FST), factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) and a Bayesian clustering method (structure ). Results The mtDNA network showed a clear split into four different haplogroup lineages: Western (separated into Atlantic and Danubian sublineages), Eastern, Aegean (occurring in two distinct sublineages in the Balkans and in Spain) and Adriatic. Our results indicate recent population expansion in the Eastern and Western Atlantic lineages and the admixture of two previously separate sublineages (Atlantic and Danubian) in the Western lineage. Bayesian structure analysis as well as FCA results roughly corresponded to the mtDNA‐based structure, separating the sampled individuals into almost non‐overlapping groups. Main conclusions Our results support hypotheses suggesting origins of extant lineages of freshwater fishes in multiple refugia and the subsequent post‐glacial colonization of Europe via different routes. We confirmed the previously proposed two‐step expansion scenario from the Danube refuge, the existence of a secondary (Atlantic) refuge during the last glaciation (probably in the Rhone River) and population expansion of this lineage. Conspicuous divergences among Mediterranean populations reflect their different origin, as well as their low contribution to the recent genetic pool of chub in central Europe.  相似文献   

Aim We examine several hypotheses emerging from biogeographical and fossil records regarding glacial refugia of a southern thermophilic plant species. Specifically, we investigated the glacial history and post‐glacial colonization of a forest understorey species, Trillium cuneatum. We focused on the following questions: (1) Did T. cuneatum survive the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in multiple refugia, and (if so) where were they located, and is the modern genetic structure congruent with the fossil record‐based reconstruction of refugia for mesic deciduous forests? (2) What are the post‐glacial colonization patterns in the present geographical range? Location South‐eastern North America. Methods We sampled 45 populations of T. cuneatum throughout its current range. We conducted phylogeographical analyses based on maternally inherited chloroplast DNA (cpDNA haplotypes) and used TCS software to reconstruct intraspecific phylogeny. Results We detected six cpDNA haplotypes, geographically highly structured into non‐overlapping areas. With one exception, none of the populations had mixed haplotype composition. TCS analysis resulted in two intraspecific cpDNA lineages, with one clade subdivided further by shallower diversification. Main conclusions Our investigation revealed that T. cuneatum survived the LGM in multiple refugia, belonging to two (western, eastern) genealogical lineages geographically structured across south‐eastern North America. The western clade is confined to the south‐western corner of T. cuneatum’s modern range along the Lower Mississippi Valley, where fossil records document a major refugium of mesic deciduous forest. For the eastern clade, modern patterns of cpDNA haplotype distribution suggest cryptic vicariance, in the form of forest contractions and subsequent expansions associated with Pleistocene glacial cycles, rather than simple southern survival and subsequent northward colonization. The north–south partitioning of cpDNA haplotypes was unexpected, suggesting that populations of this rather southern thermophilic species may have survived in more northern locations than initially expected based on LGM climate reconstruction, and that the Appalachian Mountains functioned as a barrier to the dispersal of propagules originating in more southern refugia. Furthermore, our results reveal south‐west to north‐east directionality in historical migration through the Valley and Ridge region of north‐west Georgia.  相似文献   

The Pyrenean region exhibits high levels of endemism suggesting a major contribution to the phylogeography of European species. But, to date, the role of the Pyrenees and surrounding areas as a glacial refugium for temperate species remains poorly explored. In the current study, we investigated the biogeographic role of the Pyrenean region through the analyses of genetic polymorphism and morphology of a typical forest-dwelling small mammal, the bank vole ( Myodes glareolus ). Analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and the third upper molar (M3) show a complex phylogeographic structure in the Pyrenean region with at least three distinct lineages: the Western European, Spanish and Basque lineages. The Basque lineage in the northwestern (NW) Pyrenees was identified as a new clearly differentiated and geographically localized bank vole lineage in Europe. The average M3 shape of Basque bank voles suggests morphological differentiation but also restricted genetic exchanges with other populations. Our genetic and morphological results as well as palaeo-environmental and fossils records support the hypothesis of a new glacial refugium in Europe situated in the NW Pyrenees. The permissive microclimatic conditions that prevailed for a long time in this region may have allowed the survival of temperate species, including humans. Moreover, local differentiation around the Pyrenees is favoured by the opportunity for populations to track the shift of the vegetation belt in altitude rather than in latitude. The finding of the Basque lineage is in agreement with the high level of endemic taxa reported in the NW Pyrenees.  相似文献   

In East Asia, temperate forests are predicted to have retracted southward to c. 30° N during the last glacial maximum (LGM) based on fossil pollen data, whereas phylogeographic studies have often suggested glacial in situ survival of cool‐temperate deciduous trees in their modern northern ranges. Here we report a study of the genetic diversity and structure of 29 natural Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica) populations using 19 nuclear simple sequence repeat (nSSR) loci and four chloroplast DNA fragments. Bayesian clustering analysis with nSSRs revealed five groups, which were inferred by approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) to have diverged in multiple refugia through multiple glacial–interglacial cycles. Analysis of chloroplast DNA variation revealed four lineages that were largely but incompletely geographically disjunct. Ecological niche modelling (ENMs) indicated a southward range shift of the oak's distribution at the LGM, although high suitability scores were also evident in the Changbai Mts. (Northeast China), the Korean Peninsula, areas surrounding the Bohai Sea, and along the coast of the Russian Far East. In addition, endemic chloroplast DNA haplotypes and nuclear lineages occurred in high‐latitude northern areas where the ENM predicted no suitable habitat. The combined evidence from nuclear and chloroplast DNA, and the results of the ENM clearly demonstrate that multiple northern refugia, including cryptic ones, were maintained across the current distributional range of the Mongolian oak during the LGM or earlier glacial periods. Though spatially limited, postglacial expansions from these refugia have led to a pattern of decreased genetic diversity with increasing latitude.  相似文献   

Migration of populations to and from glacial refugia is responsible for various cases of speciation and subspeciation in Europe. The pattern of distribution and the degree of diversification between lineages originated by isolation in different glacial refugia usually depends on ecological traits, especially to their dispersal ability. Zerynthia polyxena is a philopatric species, scattered in small populations and rarely colonizing mountain areas. These characteristics probably caused repeated isolation during the Quaternary and may have favoured diversification. Actually two studies, based on both morphological and genetic data, suggest the existence of two highly distinct lineages in Europe having in Northern Italy their contact zone. In this study, I applied geometric morphometrics to male genitalia and demonstrated that (i) two morphotypes exist in Europe approximately facing on the two sides of the Po River; (ii) the two lineages probably survived glaciations in Italy and the Balkan Peninsula, respectively; then the Balkans lineage expanded to Central and Eastern Europe; (iii) no hybrid populations seem to exist in the contact area and, in one locality at least, the two lineages live in sympatry without any evidence of intermediates. These results suggest that (i) two sister species of Zerynthia exist in Europe. Accordingly, Papilio cassandra Geyer, 1828 is reinstated, as Zerynthia cassandra stat. rev., as the species to which the Zerynthia from Italy South of the Po River belong. Male genitalia differences with Zerynthia polyxena are described.  相似文献   

Intraspecific phylogeographical patterns largely depend on the life history traits of a species. Especially species with a high degree of cold tolerance, limited requirements towards habitat preferences, and relatively low active dispersal capacities may have responded in a different way to the Pleistocene climatological fluctuations than the majority of taxa studied so far. To evaluate this possibility, we studied Arion fuscus (Muller, 1774), a common and widespread European terrestrial slug, from 88 locations (N = 964). Sequence variation was assessed for fragments of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA and COI genes by means of single-strand conformation polymorphisms (SSCP) and subsequent DNA sequencing. Additionally, eight allozyme loci were scored in 843 individuals. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of two major evolutionary lineages, one in the Balkan region and another in the Alps and the rest of Europe. The sequence divergence between the two lineages was limited (3.3%), but gene flow between the regions was absent, suggesting that the two regions have been isolated since the late Pliocene or early Pleistocene. Allozyme differentiation among geographical regions and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages was low. The geographical patterns observed in our data showed that (i) haplotype and nucleotide diversities are very low in northern Europe, suggesting that single haplotypes rapidly colonized large areas; (ii) recently expanded haplotype clades have restricted distribution ranges, suggesting that current gene flow is low; and (iii) genetic diversity in the Alps is much higher than in other regions and estimated past gene flow from the Eastern Alps to other regions was high, suggesting that this was a refugial zone during the Pleistocene. This full-range phylogeography suggests the existence of an alternative refugial zone, situated north of the refugial areas currently recognized in most other taxa.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (1043 base pairs) and 162-bp of flanking transfer RNA genes were sequenced in 316 European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, from 44 populations throughout the Western European range of the species. A total of 58 haplotypes were revealed with pairwise divergence ranging from 0.001 to 0.038. An inferred intraspecific phylogenetic tree revealed two well-supported clades within the Danube basin, one highly divergent clade in the Adriatic basin, and one large, diverse group representing most other populations. A deeply divergent haplotype fixed in the Loire basin in central France, more groups of haplotypes from distinct Danubian tributaries, and a relatively ancestral haplotype fixed in former tributaries of the Elbe in Denmark all suggest a complex pattern of interglacial and postglacial expansions originating from disjunct refugia throughout central Europe. Despite some evidence of human-mediated stock transfers, parsimony-network-based nested-clade analysis (NCA) supported specific inferences relating to corridors of postglacial expansion such as the lower Rhine (Moselle) and Elbe systems (Danish populations) serving as sources for expansion into the Baltic to the north as well as the upper Rhine and Danube to the south; and specific Rhine populations (Doller, Orbe and Reuss) serving as sources for colonization of the Rhone. The multiple divergent clades representing populations in the upper Danube, as well as the deeply divergent haplotypes found in the Adriatic and Loire basins (> 5% divergence from Asian outgroups) support the theory that European grayling have had a long history in Western Europe, pre-dating Pleistocene glacial cycles. The patterns of mtDNA divergence shown here support a perspective of rich inter- and intrabasin genetic diversity that should be protected from current trends to translocate brood stocks for rearing and release in response to declining populations, especially in southern European basins.  相似文献   

We describe a set of 66 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from the bank vole, Myodes (Clethrionomys) glareolus. These microsatellites were characterized for a long-term study on periodically fluctuating density of the bank vole population in Central Finland. We detected six to 38 alleles per locus in the population sampled at two different density phases, and the levels of observed and expected heterozygosities varied between 0.17 and 1.00, and between 0.72 and 0.95, respectively. This microsatellite panel serves as an informative tool for population and molecular genetic studies.  相似文献   

The bullhead Cottus gobio is a small, bottom-dwelling fish consisting of populations that have not been subject to transplantations or artificial stocking. It is therefore an ideal model species for studying the colonization history of central European freshwater systems, in particular with respect to the possible influences of the Pleistocene glaciation cycles. We sampled Cottus populations across most of its distribution range, with a special emphasis on southern Germany where the major European drainage systems are in closest contact. Mitochondrial D-loop sequencing of more than 400 specimens and phylogenetic network analysis allowed us to draw a detailed picture of the colonization of Europe by C. gobio. Moreover, the molecular distances between the haplotypes enabled us to infer an approximate time frame for the origin of the various populations. The founder population of C. gobio stems apparently from the Paratethys and invaded Europe in the Pliocene. From there, the first colonization into central Europe occurred via the ancient lower Danube, with a separate colonization of the eastern European territories. During the late Pliocene, one of the central European populations must have reached the North Sea in a second step after which it then started to colonize the Atlantic drainages via coastal lines. Accordingly, we found very distinct populations in the upper and lower Rhine, which can be explained by the fact that the lower Rhine was disconnected from the upper Rhine until approximately 1 million years ago (Ma). More closely related, but still distinct, populations were found in the Elbe, the Main and the upper Danube, all presumably of Pleistocene origin. Intriguingly, they have largely maintained their population identity, despite the strong disturbance caused by the glaciation cycles in these areas. On the other hand, a mixing of populations during postglacial recolonization could be detected in the lower Rhine and its tributaries. However, the general pattern that emerges from our analysis suggests that the glaciation cycles did not have a major impact on the general population structure of C. gobio in central Europe.  相似文献   

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