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Attempts were made to evaluate intrinsic biological units of growth of teak trees, which were identified as age and size at inflection point of diameter at breast height. The observations were further utilized in estimating fractal dimension of the tree crown, which is an important eco-physiological characteristic of the species. A total of 38 teak plantations belonging to different age groups and site quality classes were selected for estimating the intrinsic units. Altogether, 57 stumps were identified for gathering information on age and size at inflection point at stump level (10 cm above ground) from the selected plantations. Photographs of the upper surface of the selected stumps were taken using a digital camera. Counting of annual rings/ring age and recording the radial distance from pith to each of the annual rings were done directly (visually) by using Photoshop and CorelDRAW software in a computer. Thus the age and size at inflection point at stump level were estimated. The values of intrinsic units at breast height level were estimated using allometric relations. The present study revealed that these units viz., (namely) age and size (diameter) at inflection point were 6 years and 6 cm at stump level, respectively. The corresponding values at breast-height level were estimated as 8 years and 10.6 cm including the bark. Fractal dimension was calculated based on the growth parameters, which were estimated through stump analysis. The fractal dimension worked out to 2.13 for the species. The value of fractal dimension obtained was biologically justifiable considering the light demanding nature of the species.  相似文献   

Several raptor species nest on top of large weaver nests. These weaver nests are usually sited in trees, but 11.7% of Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver Bubalornis niger and 25.7% of Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius nests occur on man-made structures. In an extensive literature search, a total of 16 raptor species were recorded as nesting on top of weaver nests. At least 10 raptor species used weaver nests built in trees. Seven raptor species used weaver nests on man-made sites and four raptor species only used weaver nests built on man-made sites. No owls have been recorded as using weaver nests on man-made sites. There are historical records of raptors nesting on top of weaver nests in trees, while nesting on top of weaver nests sited on man-made structures appears to be a more recent adaptation. Costs and benefits of nesting on man-made sites are briefly listed. Nesting on man-made sites may increase (by both weavers and raptors) and raptor researchers are encouraged to document cases of raptors nesting on weaver nests where these are placed in trees or artificial sites, so that there is a record of changes in frequency of nest site usage by raptors.  相似文献   

The Henry oblique transmitted-light viewing technique was modified to provide a more precise, convenient, and familiar manner with which to read (score) and recognize colonies of listeriae by their distinct bluish cast. The simplified technique involved illuminating each colony directly with a high-intensity lamp while viewing it with a hand lens at a precise angle in place of a scanning light microscope.  相似文献   

Conclusion These observations on the piles of finely cut vegetable matter in the Javanesegilvus nests agree very well with those made byBathellier in Indochina, and besides, provide some useful additions to them. In many points they are also in agreement with the observations ofGrassé etNoirot for the African species. The main differences with the habits ofnatalensis in this respect appear to be that in the latter species the particles are piled up in the uppermotsts part of the habitaculum and are made into rather firm lumps, which are excavated afterwards. Therefore, the method of storing ofgilvus seems to bear a closer resemblance to that ofPseudacanthothermes.With regard to the function of the collection and storage of the vegetable fragments in the complex food-economy of the termites, the author's observations allow of no definite conclusion. There can be little doubt, however, that the piles must be looked upon as part of the preparations for the building of fungus combs. This supposition has gained a good deal more probability sinceGrassé etNoirot found that a small amas de sciure de bois appeared in newly founded colonies ofnatalensis just before the first minute meule à champignons was constructed (Insectes Sociaux II, 3, 1955: p. 215).Elaboration of part of the paper read at the 2nd Congress of the U.I.E.I.S. heald at Würzburg in April 1955.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Estimating detection error, as well as the magnitude of other potential survey biases, is essential when sampling efforts play a role in the estimation of population size and management of wildlife populations. We quantified visual biases in aerial surveys of nesting wading birds (Ciconiiformes) in colonies in the Florida Everglades using a negative binomial count regression model to compare numbers of nests in quadrats counted on the ground with numbers estimated from aerial photographs of the same quadrats. The model also allowed the determination of degree of difference between monitoring results based upon such factors as nest density, vegetative cover, and nest turnover rates. Aerial surveys of White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) colonies underestimated the true number of nests found during ground counts by 11.1%, and underestimates were significantly greater (P= 0.047) in a colony with high nest turnover. Error rates did not differ for quadrats that varied in the density of White Ibis nests did not differ, and visual bias did not increase with vegetative complexity (P= 0.73). Estimates of nest density in colonies of Great Egrets (Ardea alba) based on aerial surveys were higher than ground counts for 38% of the quadrats sampled, and mean visual bias was 23.1%. Species misidentification likely contributed to visibility bias for Great Egrets in our study, with some Snowy Egrets almost certainly mistaken for Great Egrets in aerial photos. Biases of the magnitude we observed fro Great Egrets and White Ibises can mask true population trends in long‐term monitoring and, therefore, we recommend that detection probability be explicitly evaluated when conducting aerial surveys of nesting birds.  相似文献   

Red-breasted goose colonies have been studied near Medusa Bay (73°21′N, 80°32′E), on the northwestern Taimyr Peninsula, and along the Agapa River (70°11′N, 86°15′E) down to its mouth (71°26′N, 89° 13′E), in the central Taimyr Peninsula. Red-breasted geese nesting near peregrine falcons are protected by the falcons from arctic foxes; however, they are sometimes attacked by the falcons themselves. In the colonies near peregrine falcon nests, the vast majority of goose nests were situated no farther than 100 m from the falcon nest. When food is abundant, falcons protect a larger area around their nest. The distance between the falcon nest and the surrounding goose nests is inversely related to the falcon’s activity. In years of higher falcon activity, falcons prevent red-breasted geese from nesting as close to their nest as in years of lower falcon activity. Additional stimuli are required for red-breasted geese to form colonies near rough-legged buzzard nests. The distance between snowy owl nests and red-breasted goose nests was smaller when arctic foxes were abundant than when they were scarce.  相似文献   

Summary Observations on two species of sponges, Tethya seychellensis from the Red Sea, and T. aurantium from the Mediterranean Sea revealed that young colonies are able to detach from their sites of settlement and by means of filamentous podia, to move to other sites in the vicinity. These podia are 10–16 mm long extensions of the sponge body wall that bear an adhesive knob on their distal ends. After being attached, the contracting podia pull the spherical colonies of 2.0–3.0 cm in diameter, transporting them to a new site. EM observations showed that in the podia the matrix is rich in contractile myocytes, primary archaeocytes, nucleated archaeocytes and scleroblastic cells, each of which takes part in the moving ability of the podium. It was also shown that some of the archaeocytes go over a process of ripening within the podium and produce collagenic filaments deposited in the internal matrix.  相似文献   

The present study focused on temperature assessments within a hornet nest. The measurements encompassed adult hornets, brood combs and the various stages of brood, and involved a thermographic method. Body parts of adult hornets were found to vary in their temperature, with the thorax eliciting the highest temperature and the abdomen the lowest. Similarly, there were thermal variances between larvae at instars 4-5, light-colored pupae and dark pupae. The measurements were made at day and night (when the entire population was present in the nest) on nests containing thousands of individuals at various ages. Most of the pupae measured during October were hornet drones. The usual air temperature between the (subterranean) combs was 28.7 degrees C, while the outside (ground level) temperature was 23.5 degrees C. The paper discusses the creation of heat by hornets, the thermoregulation throughout night and day, both by the hornets proper as well as by their products (comb and silk). Also discussed is the intra-nest conversion of one form of energy to another, as heat to electric current or vice versa.  相似文献   

1. Ants are widely regarded as ‘ecosystem engineers’ because their nest construction and contributions to nutrient cycling change the biological, chemical, and physical properties of the soil around their nests. Despite increasing attention to ant manipulation of soil ecosystems, the extent to which many common species influence soil properties, as well as nutrient uptake and community composition of plants near nests, is still unknown. 2. This study tested hypotheses that activities of a common subalpine ant, Formica podzolica, alter soil moisture and pH, redistribute nitrogen around nests, and affect plant species abundance and ground cover. 3. A combination of field sampling techniques showed that distance from a nest had a positive relationship with soil moisture and a negative relationship with plant abundance next to and downhill from nests. Slope aspect also affected plant communities, with downhill transects having higher plant cover and above‐ground biomass than uphill transects. A stable isotope analysis did not reveal that plants near nests had enriched 15N, but there were substantial differences in 15N among sites. 4. Overall, this study uncovers significant impacts of F. podzolica on the subalpine microhabitats directly surrounding their nests.  相似文献   

The height increment of seven tree species during the vegetation period was correlated with air temperature and rainfall over 3 years. The species were divided into 2 groups according to their growth pattern: a) growth period of 7–12 decades with culmination in the middle (Larix Polonica R., Taxus Baccata L.), b) growth period of 5–9 decades with culmination at the beginning (Abies Alba M., Ulmus Montana H.).The first group was greatly, the second only slightly dependent on air temperature and rainfall. Pseudotsuga Taxifolia B.had a short growth period and the height increment was greatly weather dependent.
Zusammenfassung Der Zuwachs von einigen Baumarten wÄhrend der Vegetationsperiode wurde mit der Lufttemperatur und Regenmenge wÄhrend 3 Jahren korreliert. Nach dem Zuwachs wurden unterschieden: a) Wachstumsperioden von 7–12 Dekaden und Kulmination in der Mitte (Larix Polonica R., Taxus Baccata L.), b) Wachstumsperioden von 5–9 Dekaden und Kulmination am Anfang (Abies Alba M., Ulmus Montana H.).Die erste Gruppe war stark, die zweite Gruppe wenig abhÄngig von der Lufttemperatur und Regennenge. Pseudotsuga Taxifolia B. hatte eine kurze Wachstumsperiode und der Zuwachs war stark witterungsabhÄngig.

Résumé La croissance de quelques espèces d'arbres pendant la période de végétation a été mise en correlation avec la température de l'air et avec la quantité de pluie pendant 3 ans. On a distingué deux groupes d'après le mode de croissance: a) Croissance de 7 à 12 décades avec apogée au milieu de cette période (Larix Polonica R., Taxus Baccata L.), b) Croissance de 5 à 9 décades avec apogée au début de la période(Abies alba M., Ulmus Montana H.). La température de l'air et la quantité de pluie influencent considérablement le premier groupe et assez peu le deuxième groupe. La croissance de la Pseudotsuga Taxifolia B. est de courte durée; elle dépend fortement du climat.

The influence of iron concentration in Sauton's medium solidified with agar on the type of colonies of BCG-Poland substrains, BCG-Rio de Janeiro, BCG-France, BCG-Denmark and BCG-Japan substrains has been examined. Of all the studied BCG substrains only the BCG-Poland substrain formed rough (R) and smooth (S) colonies. In the investigated substrains rough colonies became smaller with the decrease of iron concentration but they retained their characteristic surface roughness. The smooth colonies which in the same conditions appeared only in BCG-Poland substrain did not display such dependency on iron concentration. When the incubation period was prolonged secondary rough colonies appeared among the smooth ones, regardless of the iron concentration in the medium.  相似文献   

The morphology of colonies of some pathogenic Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria has been studied by scanning and transmitted electron microscopy. The presence of covers on the surface of cells in colonies has been revealed. The examination of colony fragments in ultrathin section has revealed that cells exist in associations and the elements of cell covers are differentiated in the form of fibrillar structures in the intracellular space. This investigation has shown that covers in the colonies of the bacteria under study should be regarded as their morphological feature playing an important role in the development of the infectious process.  相似文献   

The harvest mouse Micromys minutus has adapted to inhabit the stalk zone of grassland vegetation and is identified by the characteristic nests this species builds on grasses above the ground. Such aerial nests have been considered as an almost exclusive sign of harvest mouse populations and have therefore also been used to determine habitat choice and population density of the harvest mouse. However, we found that nests built on the ground occur after farmers burn away grasslands dominated by native grass Miscanthus sinensis and Pleioblastus chino. The aim of this study was to determine whether the harvest mouse habitually builds this type of nest and, if so, when it occurs. Because it was difficult to locate nests on the ground when the soil was covered with grasses, we located all the nests in the native grasslands after burning in the spring in 2 consecutive years. We then attempted to estimate nesting time by comparing the mineral content of nest materials to mineral dynamics in M. sinensis leaves. Nests were distributed over all the grasslands investigated, and nesting times were calculated to occur between early September and middle March. Our findings demonstrate the harvest mouse repeatedly constructs this type of nest for overwintering. Considerable nondetection errors would have occurred with regard to this species by exclusively interpreting data on the presence or absence of aerial nests.  相似文献   

The histochemistry and fine structure of typical colonies of six species of Candida were studied, using a total of 31 clinical isolates. The colonies consisted of viable and degenerate cells which lay in an intercellular matrix. This matrix was made up of amorphous, granular, and fibrillar components, the relative proportions and total amount of which varied from species to species. The cells of all species were surrounded by a zone of homogeneous amorphus material, which may be a highly cross-linked carbohydrate. This separated intact cells from irregularly distributed granular debris derived from the cytoplasm of degenerate cells. Focal cellular degeneration and associated granular debris were present within the colonies of all species and were most common in the surface layers of cells of colonies of C. albicans and C. tropicalis. The large amounts of intercellular matrix in this region formed a surface coat on colonies of these two species. Intercellular strands of cell wall material, and to a lesser extent other membranous elements from degenerate cells, formed a prominent fibrillar meshwork in the colonies of C. albicans and C. tropicalis, but were less common in those of C. pseudotropicalis and C. guilliermondii and seldom seen in those of C. parapsilosis and C. krusei.  相似文献   

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