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An ecological project for water purification was conducted in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu, which supplies one-third of the drinking water for Wuxi City, China. Sediment dredging was employed. The floating-leaf and floating macrophytes were planted, combined with wave-attenuating, algal bloom blocking to improve the water quality. At the same time, large amounts of fish net were placed in the experimental zone, to which massive periphytes adhere. To evaluate the effectiveness of remediation, many studies were based on chemical analysis or acute toxicity test. In this study, chronic toxicities before and after the ecological project in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu, China, were evaluated based on a battery of in vitro bioassays, including EROD bioassay, recombined yeast assay, as well as umu test for detection of Ah-receptor (AhR) agonists, estrogenic chemicals and genotoxic chemicals, respectively. Before remediation, AhR effect, estrogenic effect and indirect genotoxicity were all detected in sediments of Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake. After amelioration, levels of AhR agonists decreased by 42.3–80.7%, estrogenic chemicals decreased by 71.6–93.9% and indirect genotoxic chemicals decreased by 23.2–75.0%. Results showed that the ecological project effectively removed the chronic toxicants from the sediments.  相似文献   

普通和稀释培养基研究太湖沉积物可培养细菌的多样性   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
采用普通牛肉汁培养基和 10倍稀释的普通牛肉汁培养基 (以下简称稀释培养基 )研究太湖沉积物中细菌多样性 ,发现在稀释培养基上生长的细菌数量普遍是在普通牛肉汁琼脂培养基上生长的细菌数量的 3~ 5倍。分离得到纯培养物的 16SrDNA部分序列 (5′端约 5 0 0bp)分析表明 ,不同培养基上生长的优势细菌类群存在差别 :普通培养基生长的细菌主要为γ_Proteobacteria(35. 1% ) ,其次为Actinobacteria(2 4 5 % )和Firmicutes(2 2 . 3% )等类群 ,其中大部分细菌与假单胞菌属 (Pseudomoas)、芽孢杆菌属 (Bacillus)和节杆菌属 (Archrobacter)细菌的系统关系密切 ;稀释培养基生长的细菌则主要为Actinobacteria(2 7. 1% )、Firmicutes(2 5 . 7% )、α_Proteobacteria(2 1. 4 % )和γ_Proteobacteria(15. 7% )等类群 ,与芽孢杆菌属 (Bacillus) (2 5. 7% )发育系统关系密切的细菌为优势属。研究结果表明同时采用两种培养基有助于从太湖沉积物中分离到更多种微生物。  相似文献   

【目的】研究添加泥浸汁与否对太湖沉积物中可培养细菌的影响。【方法】采用R2A培养基和添加泥浸汁R2A培养基对沉积物中细菌进行分离培养,16S r RNA基因系统发育分析比较种群结构。【结果】培养基中添加泥浸汁,可使可培养细菌的种类数量增加到1.6倍。16S r RNA基因序列分析表明,培养的优势细菌类群存在明显差别。R2A培养基上生长的细菌主要为厚壁菌门(52%)、放线菌门(24%)、变形菌门(20%)和拟杆菌门(4%),其中大部分细菌与芽孢杆菌属、假单胞菌属、节杆菌属等关系密切;而添加泥浸汁的R2A培养基上生长的细菌则主要为变形菌门(40%)、放线菌门(35%)、厚壁菌门(22.5%)和拟杆菌门(2.5%),与鞘脂单胞菌属、芽孢杆菌属、副球菌属、节杆菌属等关系密切。【结论】添加泥浸汁原始营养因子可提高沉积物中可培养细菌的多样性,提高菌种可培养效率。  相似文献   

Nitrogen transformations in anaerobic sediments and leachate in Lake Taihu were simulated in the laboratory. Ammonium, nitrate and nitrite were analyzed after incubation under anaerobic conditions. Different reductive states and pH values were obtained by using different electron donors, such as glucose, sucrose, potato starch and sodium acetate. Chemical nitrogen transformation mechanisms were discussed relative to physico-chemical properties of lake sediment. Results demonstrated that nitrogen transformations in anaerobic conditions supplemented with different electron donors varied, and supplementation with certain electron donors may enhance nitrogen removal from anaerobic sediments. Among the four electron donors studied, higher nitrogen removal efficiencies were observed with acetate and starch. Saccharides, such as glucose, sucrose and starch, stimulate nitrate reduction to nitrite, while acetate stimulates nitrate reduction to ammonium.  相似文献   

Lipid biomarkers from surface sediments of Lake Taihu (Eastern China) were analyzed in order to determine the origin and spatial distribution of sediment organic matter (OM), which is necessary to understand the regional carbon cycles and design environmental management strategies for lake systems. The results indicated significant heterogeneity in the distribution of autochthonous (algae-, photosynthetic bacteria- and macrophyte-based) and allochthonous (terrestrial plant-based) OM in sediments across the lake. Allochthonous OM inputs, indicated by long-chain n-alkane and long-chain n-alkanol biomarkers, generally declined in abundance from northwestern (Zhushan Bay and Meiliang Bay) to southeastern (East Bays) parts of the lake, suggesting a critical influence of hydrology, and in particular of inflowing rivers, which mainly enter the lake from the west and drain from the east. Autochthonous OM, on the other hand, appeared to reflect variations in overall nutrient status and habit type across the lake. Cyanobacterial OM inputs, identified by short-chain n-alkanes, were most abundant in sediment from the most severely polluted zones in Lake Taihu, namely Zhushan Bay and Meiliang Bay. OM derived from diatoms, indicated by brassicasterol and highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs), was most abundant in sediments from the East Bays, a clear-water zone with relatively low levels of nutrient input. Macrophyte OM input, indicated by the middle-chain n-alkanes and Paq ((n-C23 + n-C25)/(n-C23 + n-C25 + n-C29 + n-C31)), was only identified in sediments from the East Bays. The lowest recorded inputs for both autochthonous and allochthonous OM were in sediments from open areas with significant sediment resuspension, including Gonghu Bay, Central and Western Region. This finding might reflect degradation mineralization of OM in the water column during sediment resuspension.  相似文献   

The Lake Taihu drainage basin is an economically developed area with some of the highest population densities in China. The lake has deteriorated due to ecological destruction and eutrophication. Three short sediment cores from eastern, northeastern and southwestern Lake Taihu were collected. Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), pigments, elements and particle size were analyzed for the purpose of understanding past trophic status and pollution levels. Sedimentation rates were based on 137Cs or 210Pb methods. Results indicated that sediment particle size became coarser since the 1920s, and the lake was contaminated by heavy metals, such as Cu and Zn, since the 1970s. A remarkable increase in eutrophication since the 1980s due to increased loading of untreated effluents from industry, agriculture and urbanization is reflected by total organic carbon, total nitrogen and pigments in the studied cores. However the onset times of eutrophication in different parts of Lake Taihu were not synchronous.  相似文献   

Taihu Lake is one of the largest freshwater lakes in China. The lake is very shallow with a mean depth of 1.9 m and an area of 2428 km2. This is the first time that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in the surface sediments of Taihu Lake have been analyzed. A distinctive spatial distribution of PAHs was observed. Sediments from Lake Wulihu and Meiliang Bay (sites 1–5) had significantly higher PAH concentrations (858–5260 g kg–1 dw) than any other area of Taihu Lake. These high PAH levels were associated with the input of untreated and partially treated domestic and industrial sewage from Wuxi, Changzhou, Wujin and other cities. Special PAH ratios, such as phenanthrene/anthracene and fluoranthene/pyrene, were calculated to evaluate the relative importance of different origins. The data confirmed a relatively high level of petrogenic contamination in sites 1–5 (mainly sewage discharge and the river runoff). The other samples were further from the sources of pollution and have relatively low PAH concentrations (410–768 g kg–1 dw). The sources of PAHs in these sites (6–13) were characterized by combustion-derived PAH contamination associated with atmospheric deposition. In addition, effects range low (ERL) and effects range median (ERM) guidelines (Long et al., 1995) were used to estimate the potential of adverse effects resulting from PAH contamination in Taihu Lake sediments. The results indicated that some sites in the northern part of the lake had levels of PAH that exceeded the ERL value. This was interpreted to mean that acute biological effects may occasionally be expected to occur.  相似文献   

Lake Taihu suffers from eutrophication caused by riverine nutrient inputs and air deposition. To characterize wet deposition of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) to the lake, precipitation collection and measurements of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) and other components at five cities around Lake Taihu were made from July 2002 to June 2003. TP and TN concentrations and deposition rates exhibited strong spatial variation in the whole catchment. An inverse correlation between station-averaged TP and TN concentrations and precipitation amount was found. Maximal TP concentration in rainfall was found in Suzhou, and maximal TN in Wuxi. However, highest wet deposition rates of TP and TN were found in Suzhou, which suggests that atmospheric nutrients are mostly from the east and northwest area of Lake Taihu. Mean TP and TN deposition rates were 0.03 and 2.0 t km−2 year−1 respectively in Lake Taihu, which are greater than reported values in other areas by comparision. Total N and P contributed to the lake by wet deposition were 75 and 4720 t per year, respectively, which represent about 7.3% and 16.5% of total annual N and P inputs via inflow rivers. Wet deposition, especially N, could have significant effects on eutrophication in the lake, which shows that air deposition should be taken into account while reducing the external nutrients in the lake.  相似文献   

太湖沉积物微生物生物量及其与碳、氮、磷的相关性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对太湖沉积物中微生物生物量碳(MBc)、氮(MBN)、磷(MBp),以及沉积物总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)进行测定并进行相关性分析,揭示太湖沉积物微生物对太湖沉积物营养盐的响应及反馈特征.结果表明:沉积物微生物生物量(MB)在湖体沿岸地区大于湖心区,平均值为184.66 mg·kg-1,MBc在西部沿岸区以及竺山湾和梅梁湾区域较高,平均值为127.57 mg·kg-1;MBN在梅梁湾、贡湖部分区域以及靠近梅梁湾和贡湖的湖心区域和东部沿岸区较高,平均值为19.25 mg·kg-1;MBp在东部沿岸区及其附近的湖心区最高,平均值为19.09 mg·kg-1;沉积物TOC高值区(≥2.30 g· kg-1)主要集中在竺山湾、西部沿岸区、梅梁湾、贡湖地区,平均值为1.59 g·kg-1;沉积物TN高值区(≥0.30g· kg-1)主要集中在贡湖、梅梁湾、竺山湾部分地区以及西部沿岸区,平均值为0.21 g·kg-1;沉积物TP高值区(≥1.20g·kg-1)主要集中在东部沿岸区以及湖心部分区域,平均值为0.55 g·kg-1;太湖沉积物TOC/TN在7~19,平均值为8.97,表明太湖沉积物中的有机质具有明显的双重来源,其中陆源有机质主要集中在西部沿岸区;太湖沉积物MB与沉积物TOC和TN呈显著正相关,与沉积物TP相关性不显著;沉积物MBc/MBN与沉积物TOC/TN显著相关.太湖沉积物微生物主要受沉积物TOC、TN影响,且沉积物TOC/TN的变化显著影响微生物群落结构.  相似文献   

Frequent resuspension of sediments is recognized as an important process in large shallow lakes, impeding the recovery of eutrophic lakes. A large-scale project, including a wave barrier (3.3 km long) and a soft enclosure, was implemented to reduce wave energy and sediment resuspension in Lake Taihu, eastern China. The effects of the wave-reduction engineering on sediment resuspension and internal nutrient loading were investigated. Results showed that sediment resuspension rates as well as suspended solids (SS) in the areas protected by the wave barrier and the soft enclosure were significantly lower than in the unprotected areas. There was a positive relationship between total phosphorus (TP) and SS; thus internal loading of phosphorus was significantly reduced by the wave-reduction structure. High nutrient levels and phytoplankton biomass persisted during the experiment period, suggesting that additional measures, such as re-establishment of the macrophyte community, must be included to help restore the water quality in such a large, shallow and eutrophic lake.  相似文献   

在野外通过用钢管在水泥池子中进行吊盆悬挂试验,研究了在1a生长周期内不同底质(软泥和黄土)、不同水深(30、60、90、120 cm和150 cm)对太湖马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus Miq.)生长的影响,试图探询太湖马来眼子菜的最佳生长习性,为太湖进行沉水植物生态修复提供科学依据.结果表明:(1)水深对马来眼子菜的影响比底质的影响大.马来眼子菜的株长、生物量和分蘖数在不同的水深梯度呈显著性差异,而两种底质间却没有显著性差异.(2)马来眼子菜适合在水温为20~30℃的范围内快速生长.(3)马来眼子菜的最佳生长深度是60~120 cm.在60~120 cm的水深范围内马来眼子菜的分蘖数随着时间变化在缓慢增加,株长、株长增加量、相对生长速率和干重增加量均随水深的增加而增大,而水深较大或较小时马来眼子菜都会因为光照不足或者容易脱水等因素限制其生长和繁殖.(4)在经过冬季越冬期后马来眼子菜的营养生长能力下降,繁殖能力上升.  相似文献   

In this work, the concentrations, temporal and spatial distributions and the relationship between biogenic silica (BSi) and primary productivity are discussed on the basis of the geochemistry character of BSi in the water–sediment system of the Wuliangsuhai Lake and Daihai Lake. The results show that the average concentrations of SiO32- and BSi are 3.0 mg/L and 3.5 mg/g in the overlying water and sediments from the Wuliangsuhai Lake, respectively, while they are 1.0 mg/L and 7.5 mg/g, respectively, in the Daihai Lake. It is the uptake and assimilation of diatom phytoplankton which results in the significant difference of the SiO32- concentrations between the two lakes, and the inputs of surface runoff is one of the important factors in impacting the spatial distributions of SiO32- in the overlying water. The spatial distributions of BSi suggest the Si source of the two lakes and indicate the differences of eutrophication types and ancient primary producer between the two lakes. The eutrophication precesses and ancient primary productivity of diatom phytoplankton are reconstructed by applying the geochemistry information of BSi archived in the vertical concentration profiles in the two lake sediments. The geochemistry information of BSi well responds to the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate of the Daihai drainage basin indicating silicate limitation of primary productivity by diatoms phytoplankton in the Daihai Lake.  相似文献   

Lü C W  He J  Liang Y  Mao H F  Liu H L  Wang F J 《农业工程》2010,30(2):100-105
In this work, the concentrations, temporal and spatial distributions and the relationship between biogenic silica (BSi) and primary productivity are discussed on the basis of the geochemistry character of BSi in the water–sediment system of the Wuliangsuhai Lake and Daihai Lake. The results show that the average concentrations of SiO32- and BSi are 3.0 mg/L and 3.5 mg/g in the overlying water and sediments from the Wuliangsuhai Lake, respectively, while they are 1.0 mg/L and 7.5 mg/g, respectively, in the Daihai Lake. It is the uptake and assimilation of diatom phytoplankton which results in the significant difference of the SiO32- concentrations between the two lakes, and the inputs of surface runoff is one of the important factors in impacting the spatial distributions of SiO32- in the overlying water. The spatial distributions of BSi suggest the Si source of the two lakes and indicate the differences of eutrophication types and ancient primary producer between the two lakes. The eutrophication precesses and ancient primary productivity of diatom phytoplankton are reconstructed by applying the geochemistry information of BSi archived in the vertical concentration profiles in the two lake sediments. The geochemistry information of BSi well responds to the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate of the Daihai drainage basin indicating silicate limitation of primary productivity by diatoms phytoplankton in the Daihai Lake.  相似文献   

Trapa quadrispinosa Roxb is a common floating-leaved macrophyte in China. In this study, the effects of Trapa on sediment resuspension in Lake Taihu, a large, shallow, eutrophic lake in eastern China, were investigated using sediment traps. The study was conducted at stations with and without Trapa beds from 7 September to 18 October, 2003. Results showed that sediment resuspension rates at the station without Trapa were significantly higher than those at the station with Trapa. During the study period (41 days), 10,970 g dw m−2 of surface sediment was resuspended within the Trapa beds and 29,903 g dw m−2 in the pelagic zone. These equate to phosphorus fluxes of 7.4 g m−2 to the water column at the station with Trapa and 16.1 g m−2 at the station without Trapa. Floating-leaved macrophytes, such as Trapa, may be important in sediment resuspension and internal phosphorus loading in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Sediments have a significant influence on the overlying water, and nutrient release from sediments is an important source for lake eutrophication, particularly in shallow lakes. Sediment resuspension is primarily driven by wind-induced currents. In this research, the correlation between release rate of suspended sediment and flow velocity was studied, and an experiment on hydrodynamic forces was conducted in a rectangle flume using water and sediments collected from three sites in Lake Taihu, a eutrophic lake in China. It was shown that the starting velocities of sediment in Lake Taihu at three different incipient standards gained from the experiment were 15, 30, and 40 cm s−1 and the release rate of suspended sediment could reach up to 643.4, 5377.1, and 13980.5 g m−2 d−1, respectively. Based on the experiment, a water quantity and quality numerical model of wind-induced current with sediment pollution for Lake Taihu was developed. The model was calibrated and validated by applying it to the study of the water quality of Lake Taihu. The calculated values were generally in good agreement with field observations, which indicated that the developed model could represent the dynamics of sediment resuspension to a certain extent. This study provides a new approach and a practical tool for planning and management policy and operations to protect the water quality and ecosystems of shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Taihu Lake is one of the largest freshwater lakes in China. The Lake is very shallow with a mean depth of 1.9 m and an area of 2428 km2. Nutrient concentrations (Org-C, Tot-N and Tot-P) and heavy metal concentrations (Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sr, Zn, etc.) in the lake's surface sediments were sampled at 13 locations. This was done to determine if industrialized areas along the lake's coastline were impacting the nutrient and heavy metal distribution of the lake's surface sediments. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to assess the degree of contamination and spatial distribution of heavy metals and nutrients in different areas of Taihu Lake.A distinctive spatial distribution of heavy metals and nutrients was observed. Sediments from a large embayment of Taihu Lake called Lake Wulihu had significantly higher nutrient concentrations (Org-C, 2.05–3.83%; Tot-N, 0.28–0.54%; Tot-P, 0.10–0.33%) than any other area of Taihu Lake. These high nutrient levels were associated with the input of untreated domestic sewage from the large (circa one million people) City of Wuxi, which discharges its effluents into the Liangxi River. As a result, Lake Wulihu is the most eutrophic area of Taihu Lake. The nearby Meiliang Bay suffered from the worst heavy metal contamination in Taihu Lake (e.g. As, 64.0; Ag, 4.2; Cd, 0.93; Co, 14.2; Cr, 155.0; Cu, 144.0; Hg, 0.25; Ni, 79.8; Pb, 143.0 and Zn, 471 mg kg–1). These high heavy metal concentrations were ascribed to the discharge of untreated and partially treated industrial waste water from Changzhou and Wujin via the Zhihugang River. Surface sediment samples from the east basin of Taihu Lake were characterized by high Org-C (1.0–2.3%) and Tot-N (0.18–0.37%) and low Tot-P (0.048–0.056%) concentrations. It is likely that macrophytes removal accounts for a major reduction of phosphorus in the sediments of the east basin of Taihu Lake.  相似文献   

A study of the biogeochemistry of organic matter in Lake Geneva at a central station (SHL2), was carried out at key periods of the biological cycles from November 1985 to September 1986. The seasonal variability of particulate hydrocarbons was studied in the epilimnion and the hypolimnion, focusing on specific periods such as high phytoplankton productivity and rising herbivorous zooplankton activity (May 1986), clearness of waters (June 1986) and intense mixing of waters (February 1986).Analysis of non-aromatic hydrocarbons (NAH) indicated that their major source is the autochtonous phytoplankton. Year 1986 was characterized by a spring bloom of nanoplankton (chlorophyceae and cryptophyceae) which remained predominant during summer and fall. These biological events were correlated with an increase of biogenic NAH, particulary n-alkane and alkene concentrations; the latter increased by one order of magnitude in May. n-Alkane distributions maximized at n-C17 or n-C29, and the n-C17/n-C29 ratio varied in surface water from 2.8 in May to 0.06 in November of the preceding year, reflecting phytoplankton dominant species. Values of NAH/POC, n-alkanes/POC, alkenes/POC and pristane/phytane ratios underwent seasonal and vertical variations which could be related to grazing and/or settling of particles. NAH, n-alkane and alkene enrichment in hypolimnion particles was interpreted to be a result of zooplankton migrations.A series of 37 monoenes and polyenes having from 15 to 31 carbon atoms, originating from planktonic sources, were recognized in the particulate matter by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Their distribution was described in 3 sized particles (> 200 µm, 200-60 µm and < 60 µm, identified as adult zooplankton, young zooplankton and nanoplankton respectively) at two different periods of the biological cycle, May and June 1986. Low level inputs originating from terrestrial higher plants were evident in particles; the value of the Carbon Preference Index (CPI) in the carbon range 23–35 was less than 2.8.In all samples analyzed by GC, an unresolved complex mixture of hydrocarbons (UCM) was present and was interpreted, at least in May, as partly originating from the degradation of organic matter by microorganisms. Typical anthropogenic PAH, such as benzofluoranthene and dibenzo (a) anthracene, were found at a low level (9 and 3 ng l–1 respectively). The absence of hopane-type hydrocarbons, except in November 1985 and in September 1986, and typical combustion PAH associated with particles indicated high temperature pyrolytic contaminants rather than petroleum-derived compounds.  相似文献   

太湖水体中微型原生动物对细菌的捕食作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈默  高光  朱丽萍  冯胜 《应用生态学报》2007,18(10):2384-2388
运用稀释法研究了太湖中不同粒径的微型原生动物对细菌的捕食压力,探讨了捕食作用对细菌生长及温度对捕食作用的影响.结果表明:太湖水体中32μm以下的微型原生动物对细菌的捕食率为5.07d-1,其中大部分捕食压力来自小于16μm的超微型原生动物,占总捕食率的90.7%;小于16μm的超微型原生动物的捕食作用明显抑制了细菌的生长;温度对捕食作用有明显影响,随着温度的升高,超微型原生动物的捕食率和细菌的生长率均明显升高.  相似文献   

不同基质对四种沉水植物生长的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
通过模拟试验,研究了太湖五里湖主要3种基质类型(沙石、生土、湖泥)对4种沉水植物(苦草、马来眼子菜、金鱼藻、轮叶黑藻)生长的影响. 结果表明,生长于沙石、生土、湖泥上的苦草和马来眼子菜平均生物量分别为72.37、126.25、134.10 g和40.0、72.10、90.70 g,而金鱼藻和轮叶黑藻平均生物量分别为0.27、6.58、73.64 g和0.17、3.26、84.42 g,说明湖泥较适合这四种沉水植物生长. 苦草和马来眼子菜对相对贫瘠的生土有较强的适应性,而金鱼藻和轮叶黑藻不适宜在生土中生长. 生长在沙石上的4种沉水植物的生物量和株高最低,其中金鱼藻和轮叶黑藻于试验期间死亡.苦草的根系活力(TTC)低于马来眼子菜,生长在沙石、生土、湖泥中苦草的根系活力分别为0、(0.16±0.05) mg·g-1·h-1和(0.36±0.33) mg·g-1·h-1,而马来眼子菜则分别为(2.68±0.34) mg·g-1·h-1、(2.30±0.77) mg·g-1·h-1、(5.24±0.67) mg·g-1·h-1. 叶绿素、质膜透性和丙二醛(MDA)的测定结果进一步证明了以上结论.此外,苦草、马来眼子菜和轮叶黑藻对基质有较强的沁氧能力,其大小顺序为苦草>马来眼子菜>轮叶黑藻.  相似文献   


Taihu Lake is one of the most important water sources in the economically developed central-eastern part of China, and metal pollution is a major concern for the lake. The distribution and bioavailability of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn were analysed in undifferentiated bottom sediments and in various particle-size fractions of the sediment from different parts of the lake. The average concentration of total metals in undifferentiated sediments ranged from 0.86 mg kg-1 (Cd) to 95.45 mg kg-1 (Zn) for the entire lake, with the highest concentrations in Zhushan Bay. The concentration of heavy metals was higher in extremely fine sands (0.064–0.125 mm) and fine sands (0.125–0.25 mm) than in other fractions. Sequential extractions showed that Cu, Zn and Cd were the most bioavailable accounting for 55.6%, 38.7% and 30.0% of their total concentration, respectively. However, the bioavailable proportion of many metals was not significantly different between grain grades except for Cu and Zn, which were higher in silts (<0.064 mm) than in other grades. Compared with the background values of local soils, the concentration of Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb and Sb was higher, indicating enrichment in the sediment. From ecological safety concerns, Zn, Cd and Cu should be examined closely because of their higher bioavailabilty in the sediment.  相似文献   

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