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Gene differentiation among the Dhangar caste-cluster of Maharashtra, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic differentiation among the 22 Dhangar castes of Maharashtra, India, is studied using data on several polymorphic serological and biochemical loci employing Nei's distance measures. The intercaste genetic distances and the coefficient of gene diversity among these caste groups are found to be rather small. The relationship between gene identity and geographic distance is also studied empirically from the gene frequency data. All these analyses indicate that genetic differentiation among the Dhangar castes is at its very early stage only. It is also suggested that these caste groups probably originated from a common stock and are in the process of differentiation by fission with very little intercaste migration in the recent past.  相似文献   

The Gavlis are a pastoral caste of the forested hill tracts of India 's Western Ghats region. This paper examines their shift under British colonial rule from buffalo-keepers to goatherds to cultivators of increasingly marginal hill tracts, the context of forest exploitation and malaria control as well as more recent dairy development programs of the Indian government. It concludes that if present trends continue Gavlis everywhere will follow the same progression, eventually becoming landless migrants.  相似文献   

Dealing effectively with malignant mystical attack is an important concern in central India. This paper examines the ways in which the connections and conflicts between the Maoist movement, the police, and marginalised villagers in the state of Maharashtra, India, has led to a crisis in the identification of malfeasants such as witches. In response to the presence of the Maoist insurgency, state actors have become more involved in people’s lives than ever before. Police and others attempt to regulate activities such as witch-detecting and ghost-finding, which they regard as evidence of ‘backwardness’. In many respects of course, the Maoist movement is itself a commentary on ‘backwardness’. The paper therefore offers an insight into the lives of people involved in and affected by the circulation of this concept and the forms of transformation that result.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin (HP) is a serum protein that has the capability of binding the extracorpuscular haemoglobin released during haemolysis. It plays an important role in protection of haemolytic disease by reducing the oxidative and peroxidative potential at free haemoglobin. The present study was aimed to determine the prevalence of HP polymorphism among different Indian populations, anthropologically belonging to diverse ethnicity. The polymorphism was screened among 642 unrelated individuals belonging to 14 population groups of India including both tribal and non-tribal caste groups from different geographical regions of India with distinct linguistic affiliations. An attempt is also made to understand the distribution of HP polymorphism among the studied populations. The result reveals the HP gene to be polymorphic in all the studied populations. Except the two tribal populations (Thotis of Andhra Pradesh and Patelias of Rajasthan) and one caste population (Rajput of Himachal Pradesh), all the studied populations are found to obey the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The significance of the present study is elucidated with the prevalence of high mutant HP*2 allele frequency in India. Selection could be one of the most plausible explanations for this high HP frequency because of its uniformly high occurrence among all the studied populations.  相似文献   

Distributions are reported for commensal rat fleas, predominantly Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild), in the State of Maharashtra, India, including the city of Bombay, during 1965-80. The X.cheopis flea index was high in most parts of Maharashtra, but low in Bombay. Rattus rattus Linnaeus is the principal host of X.cheopis, but the host range includes Bandicota bengalensis Gray, Golunda ellioti Gray, Mus musculus Linnaeus, Rattus blandfordi Thomas, R. norvegicus Berkenhout, Suncus caerulaeus Lerr, S. murinus Linnaeus and Tatera indica Hardwicke. X.cheopis was found to have high degrees of resistance to DDT, malathion and fenthion, tolerance to gamma HCH (= gamma BCH) but susceptibility to dieldrin. This insecticide resistance situation may contribute to the high flea indices prevailing in the state, with consequent risks of plague outbreaks. Two other species of rat flea, X.astia Rothschild and X.brasiliensis (Baker) were found to be less common than previously recorded. Their apparent replacement by X.cheopis is tentatively attributed, at least partly, to the selective advantage of insecticide resistance in the latter species.  相似文献   

Reproductive success is crucial for the survival and persistence of any species. The Deccan Biogeographic Zone of India is the stronghold of a population of the Indian wolf Canis lupus pallipes . Gaining a better understanding of the den-use pattern of wolves in different areas in this zone is thus vital for their conservation and management. The wolves excavated multiple dens in our study sites and kept shifting their litters among them. Major disturbance factors around denning sites were active stone quarries, traffic, crop harvesting and livestock movement. One wolf pack used 14 dens in four breeding seasons. Discriminant function analysis indicated that den shifting by wolves was not entirely governed by disturbance levels at den sites. Increasing age of pups was one of the main factors associated with den shifting rather than the magnitude of disturbance ( χ 2=34.26, d.f.=12, P <0.001). Tolerance to disturbance around dens during the early stages of pup development was negatively correlated ( r =−0.519, P <0.05) with availability of water and age of pups ( r =−0.613, P <0.01). Excavation of multiple dens by wolves was apparently related to den shifting, which seemingly is a survival strategy of wolves in these semi-wild human-dominated landscapes in the Deccan Biogeographic Zone. Principal components analysis indicated that during the initial stages of pup development, nature of the land, den orientation and distance of the den from roads were important cues in addition to age category of pups for den shifting. The analysis also suggested that factors such as distance of the new den where pups are to be transferred, distance from water source and availability of fox Vulpes bengalensis holes for den use were also important.  相似文献   

The cDNAs encoding human prostatic acid phosphatase were cloned and characterized. The mRNAs contain 3' noncoding regions of heterogeneous sizes 646, 1887 or 1913 nucleotides. A dimer and a monomer of the conserved Alu-repeats are present in the longer 3' noncoding sequences. The complete sequence of 354 amino acids for the mature enzyme was determined by sequencing both cDNA and protein. Human prostatic and lysosomal acid phosphatases exhibit 50% sequence homology, including five Cys residues and two putative N-linked glycosylation sites. The Acp-3 gene coding for human prostatic acid phosphatase was mapped onto chromosome 3 in this investigation. The Acp-2 gene coding for lysosomal acid phosphatase has previously been located on chromosome 11, while the Acp-1 gene coding for red blood cell acid phosphatase is on chromosome 2.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1973, an epidemic of Chikungunya broke out in Barsi, Sholapur district. Epidemiological investigations carried out during the decline phase revealed that all age groups and both sexes were involved with varying morbidity. The absence of previous immunity was demonstrated by a very high morbidity of 37.53 per cent for the whole town. The clinical picture encountered during the epidemic was quite characteristic of chikungunya. Besides gingivitis and epistaxis there were no frank haemorrhagic episodes. Reports about the presence of demonstrable rash varied. Except for one possible case, there was no mortality as a result of the epidemic. Results of the search for the index case are also described.  相似文献   

Bilateral palmar prints of 3000 males belonging to 20 endogamous Dhangar castes of Maharashtra, India, have been analysed for types and combinations of axial triradii after Cummins and Midlo (1943). Altogether 17 types of axial triradii were found among the Dhangars, but only typest, t′, tt″ occur in appreciable frequencies. The magnitude of intercaste differentiation in respect to axial triradii is considerably low; only 13 caste-pairs (6.84%) out of 190 pairs showed significant difference at the 5% level. Compared to several other palmar elements, like palmar true patterns, main line terminations, palmar flexion creases, the axial triradius has a considerably low level of differentiation among these nomadic, seminomadic and settled Dhangar castes. This suggests that the axial triradii are perhaps more stable compared to many other palmar elements. These results need to be confirmed by data from other populations.  相似文献   

Carman GM 《生物学前沿》2011,6(3):172-176
Phosphatidic acid phosphatase is a fat-regulating enzyme that plays a major role in controlling the balance of phosphatidic acid (substrate) and diacylglycerol (product), which are lipid precursors used for the synthesis of membrane phospholipids and triacylglycerol. Phosphatidic acid is also a signaling molecule that triggers phospholipid synthesis gene expression, membrane expansion, secretion, and endocytosis. While this important enzyme has been known for several decades, its gene was only identified recently from yeast. This discovery showed the importance of phosphatidic acid phosphatase in lipid metabolism in yeast as well as in higher eukaryotes including humans.  相似文献   

Glanders, a notifiable highly contagious disease primarily of equids, is a disease of high zoonotic importance. Caused by gram-negative bacillus, Burkholderia mallei, the disease was restricted to certain pockets of India with sporadic cases. Recently, a major outbreak of glanders occurred in India starting from Maharashtra. Following clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory investigations on serum, nasal swab and pus swab samples, it was confirmed as glanders among equines in Pune and Panchgani areas of Maharashtra. One pus sample and three nasal swabs yielded B. mallei isolates while 23 serum samples were found positive for glanders by complement fixation test (CFT). The disease was successfully controlled in the state by following strategies for prevention of spread of the disease to other areas in accordance with Glanders and Farcy Act, 1899. Follow up of the occurrence in Maharashtra revealed negative status based on testing and physical surveillance on more than 3,500 equines thereafter. Investigations indicated that the nidus of infection may be present elsewhere in North India.  相似文献   

The present paper reports results of analysis of 14 genetic marker systems-ABO, MN, Rh, Hp, Tf, Cp, Alb, AcPH, PGM, LDH, MDH, Est-D, Hb and G-6-PD studied on a number of subjects of 9 endogamous groups of Maharashtra: Bhils, Katkaris and Pawaras, (all tribal groups); Deshastha Rigvedi and Chitpavan (two Brahmin groups); Nava Budhas (a scheduled caste); Chandrasenya Kayastha Prabhu and Marathas (two middle caste groups); and Parsis a migrant group from west Asia. Analysis of heterogeneity of gene frequencies reveal considerable heterogeneity for most of the loci among these groups.  相似文献   

Genetic distance analysis based on 16 biochemical markers, following Nei's distance measure has been performed on nine endogamous groups of Maharashtra: Nava Budha, Maratha, Deshastha Rigvedi Brahmin, Chitpavan Brahmin, Chandrasenya Kayastha Prabhu, Parsis, Bhil, Pawara and Katkari. The distances between these groups are small as compared to the within group heterogeneity. The average heterozygosity per gene per locus is high for all the populations (in the range of 20–22%). The observed clusterings among these nine groups, in general, are compatible with the known ethnic history of Maharashtra.  相似文献   

Blood samples of 1,266 individuals were collected from three caste populations; Nava Budha (Mahar), Maratha, and a mixed group of Scheduled castes from each of three districts of Maharashtra, Nagpur, Akola, and Thane. The samples were tested for 12 enzyme systems, viz., AcPh, AK, CA-I, CA-II, Est-D, LDH, MDH, Oxidase, PGM-1, PGM-2, 6-PGD, and PHI. The gene frequencies of these loci are within the ranges observed among the Indian populations so far studied. The total differences in gene frequencies for each polymorphic locus was partitioned into three components, i.e., the differences between caste populations, the differences between regions, and the differences due to interaction between caste populations and regions. The results show that besides caste variation for two loci, Est-D and PGM-1, the gene frequencies for AK, Est-D, and G-6PD loci have different geographical distributions.  相似文献   

We report the localization of the gene for the human type 5, tartrate-resistant, iron-containing acid phosphatase isoenzyme (HGM designation ACP5) to chromosome 15 (15q22-q26) using the technique of in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. We have localized this gene using peripheral blood chromosomes obtained from both a normal male and an individual carrying an unbalanced translocation involving chromosome 15 [45,XY,-15,-18,+der(18)-t(15;18)(q13;p11)]. In addition, we have demonstrated the utility of employing a standard fluorescent staining technique (distamycin/DAPI) to an emulsion-coated, Wright-stained, and destained chromosome preparation.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines , (Xcg), the causative agent of the bacterial pustule disease of soybean was isolated and characterized. On susceptible soybean the pathogenic isolates displayed characteristic chlorotic lesions around the site of infection within 48 h of inoculation. The pathogenic isolates were found to contain two cryptic plasmids. A smaller plasmid of 1.5 kb and a larger one of size about 25 kb. SDS-PAGE profile of the soluble proteins of the pathogenic isolatess, howed a different pattern compared to that of the non-pathogenic isolates.  相似文献   

The immunological cross-reactivity of heterogeneous acid phosphatase isozymes from different human tissues has been studied using monospecific antisera prepared against four homogeneous acid phosphatases. The enzyme characterized as tartrate-inhibitable, prostatic acid phosphatase is also found to be present in leukocytes, kidney, spleen, and placenta. The tartrate-inhibitable (liver) lysosomal enzyme is also found in kidney, fibroblasts, brain, placenta, and spleen, but it is not detectable in erythrocytes and prostate. In several tissues, 10–20% of the tartrate-inhibitable enzyme is not precipitated by any of the antisera used; an exceptionally high amount (54%) of such an enzyme is present in human brain. Antiserum against a low molecular weight tartrate-resistant liver enzyme (14 kDa) does not cross-react with the erythrocyte enzyme. (10–20 kDa). All other tissues except placenta, prostate, and fibroblast cells show a cross-reactivity with the 14-kDa acid phosphatase antiserum. Thus, the low molecular weight human liver acid phosphatase is distinct from the erythrocyte enzyme, and there are also at least three different tartrate-inhibitable acid phosphatases in human tissues. Chromosomal assignments have been made for only two of the (at least) five acid phosphatases that are present in adult human tissues.This study was supported by DHHS Research Grant GM 27003 from the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences and by Grant SFB-104 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Two cDNA clones containing the complete protein-coding sequence of 1,188 nucleotides as well as the 5' and 3' non-coding regions of human prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) were isolated and sequenced. The size of PAP mRNAs from benign prostate hyperplasia and cancerous prostate was estimated to be 3.2Kb, indicating that the 3' downstream polyadenylation signal was used. Several genomic clones containing parts of the human PAP gene were isolated and the nucleotide sequence of ten exons and their flanking regions was determined. The protein-coding sequence of the human PAP gene was interrupted by nine introns. The positions of all nine introns present in the human PAP gene were homologous to those of the first nine introns in the human lysosomal acid phosphatase (LAP) gene. However, the last (11th) exon of the LAP gene encoding the COOH-terminal domain, which includes a transmembrane segment, was found to be absent in human PAP gene. Southern blot analysis of ten mammalian genomic DNAs gave multiple EcoRI fragments. The data of human genomic DNAs were consistent with the total length of the PAP gene of at least 50 kilobases.  相似文献   

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