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Anomocytic stomata and stomata with single subsidiary cells are commonly observed Sometimes a stoma appears anisocytic. Double cytoplasmic connections between nearby stomata and division of guard cells with persistent or degenerating nuclei are seen in GA. One or more divisions of guard cells, displaced guard cells and single guard cells with or without pore are noticed in SUC. Formation of single guard cells is a common feature in TIBA. Paracytic stomata, one and a half stomata and persistent stomatal initials are seen in SUL. COUM seems to be not inhibitory inCucumis sativus. In COL stomata with unequal guard cells, unequal stomatal cells with thickening in between but without intervening pore, stoma with double pores, persistent stomatal initials which may be solitary or in groups with varying shapes and with one or two nuclei of different shapes are noticed. The growth regulators affect the frequency of stomata, epidermal cells; stomatal index; size of guard and epidermal cells.  相似文献   

The effect of different growth substances on the development of normal and abnormal stomata are presented. Anomocytic, paracytic, anisocytic and stoma with a single subsidiary cell are observed. Abnormal developments like persistent stomatal cells, degeneration of guard cells, unusual thickening, unequal guard cells, single guard cells and size and shape of the pore are noticed in various growth substances. The growth substances also affect the stomatal frequency, stomatal index, epidermal frequency and size of guard and epidermal cells in both the plants. The highest meristematic activity is found in MOR 100 ppm in brinjal and in GA 25 ppm in tomato. The largest size of stomata is found in COL 25 ppm in brinjal and in MH 50 ppm in tomato. The same growth substance responds differently in the two plants.  相似文献   

The structure and ontogeny of stomata on cotyledons and hypocotyls and the trichomes on hypocotyl are accounted for in eighteen species of Caesalpiniaceae. Trichomes are eglandular, bi- rarely tri-celled, smooth walled or walls wavy with cuticular striations or tubercles. Anomocytic, haplocytic, paracytic, diacytic, transitional, tetracytic, tricytic and cyclocytic stomata occur in different combinations even on the same surface of the cotyledon. In all, there are fourteen combinations. Inspite of the diversity, the most frequent type is anomocytic in most of the species and paracytic in some species of Cassia and Delonix (abaxial) but rarely it is haplocytic or anisocytic. In hypocotyls it is anomocytic. Ontogenetically anomocytic, tetracytic and cyclocytic stomata are perigenous, whereas other types are mesogenous or mesoperigenous. There is an increase in the number of subsidiary cells by their division or the neighbouring perigenes assuming their shapes. About eight such types are described. A pair of stomata has a common subsidiary cell. Twelve types of guard cell and stomatal approximation abnormalities are described. A range in the number, size and shape of the nuclei in guard cell are recorded. Megastomata (giant stomata) are observed in Parkinsonia and Tamarindus. The taxonomic significance of the stomata is also discussed.  相似文献   

Paracytic, anisocytic, anomocytic, transitional forms, tetracytic, cyclocytic stomata and partly and completely amphicyclic forms are found, often on the same surface, in nine combinations. The most frequent type is paracytic. A few morphological variations in the basic types and eight types of abnormalities in stomata are recorded. The stomatal ontogeny may be mesogenous, mesoperigenous or perigenous. Trichomes are multicellular glandular club-shaped and unicellular eglandular. The taxonomic significance of stomata is indicated.  相似文献   

Given a trade-off between offspring size and number, all mothers are predicted to produce the same optimal-sized offspring in a given environment. In many species, however, larger and/or older mothers produce bigger offspring. There are several hypotheses to explain this but they lack strong empirical support. In organisms with indeterminate growth, there is the additional problem that maternal size and age are positively correlated, so what are their relative roles in determining offspring size? To investigate this, we measured the natural relationship between maternal and offspring size in a wild population of Gambusia holbrooki (eastern mosquitofish), and experimentally disentangled the effects of maternal age and size on offspring size in the laboratory. In combination, our data indicate that the relationship between maternal and offspring size is nonlinear. Small mothers seem to produce larger than average offspring due to integer effects associated with very small broods. For extremely large mothers, which were only sampled in our wild data, these larger than average offspring may result from greater maternal resources or age effects. However, maternal age had no effect on offspring size or number in the laboratory experiment. Our results highlight the importance of sampling the full size–range of mothers when investigating maternal effects on offspring size. They also point to the difficulty of experimentally manipulating maternal size, because any change in size is invariably associated with a change in at least one factor affecting growth (be it temperature, food availability, or density) that might also have an indirect effect on offspring size.  相似文献   

Ji? d?íve zji?těné (Slavík 1959a) rozlo?ení hodnot osmotického tlaku buně?né ?távy na plo?e listové ?epele dvoudělo?ného typu (apex >base, okraj > centrální ?ást), nezávislé na vodní bilanci a nezměněné i p?i nulovém deficitu difusního tlaku (DPD)in situ bylo doplnéno dal?ím sledováním fysiologické heterogenity listové ?epele u dospělých list?Nicotiana sanderae hort., p?edev?ím hlavních indikátor? vodního provozu a výměny CO2. Intensita transpirace s intaktního povrehu list?, vypo?tená z vá?kových mě?ení na discích, vyseknutých z ?epele, je v apikální ?ásti o 50 a? 70%, ni??í ne? na basi. Rovně? p?irozený trvalý vodní deficit, stanovený diskovou metodou (?atský 1960), byl v apikální ?ásti o 10% ni??í ne? na basi. Hustota pr?duch? byla jak uNicotiana sanderae, tak u dal?í pokusné rostliny u cukrovky v apikální ?ásti pr?měrně o 40% ni??í, zatím co velikost pr?duch? byla v apikální ?ásti naopak pr?měrně o 30% vět?í. Relativní index plochy pr?duchových skulin na plochu ?epele (po?et × ?tverec délky na svrchní plus spodní straně) se na obou místěch pr?kazně neli?il. Intensita fotosynthesy (na plochu), mě?ená gazometricky infra?erveným analysátorem, byla p?i plném nasycení pletiva vodou v apikální ?ásti pr?kazně o 17% ni??í ne? v ?ásti basální, a?koliv obsah chlorofylu na plochu je v tlust?í, apikální ?ásti vět?í. Rovně? intensita dýchání, manometricky mě?ená jako QO2, byla v apikální ?ásti pr?kazně ni??í, a to jak v p?epo?tu na su?inu (o 12%), tak na plochu. Podobné, av?ak podstatně men?í rozdíly byly zji?těny také mezi okrajem a centrální ?ástí ?epele. Fysiologická heterogenita listové ?epele je kauzálně zalo?ena na r?zné hydrata?ní úrovni, tak?e studium aktivity r?zných fysiologických proces?, na r?zných místech ?epele je vhodné pro sledování jejich vztahu k r?zné úrovni hydratace.  相似文献   

Wettability of the leaf surface, surface tension of the liquid, and stomatal morphology control penetration of stomata by liquids. The critical surface tension of the lower leaf surface of Zebrina purpusii Brückn. was estimated to be 25 to 30 dyne cm−1. Liquids having a surface tension less than 30 dyne cm−1 gave zero contact angle on the leaf surface and infiltrated stomata spontaneously while liquids having a surface tension greater than 30 dyne cm−1 did not wet the leaf surface and failed to infiltrate stomata. Considering stomata as conical capillaries, we were able to show that with liquids giving a finite contact angle, infiltration depended solely on the relationship between the magnitude of the contact angle and the wall angle of the aperture. Generally, spontaneous infiltration of stomata will take place when the contact angle is smaller than the wall angle of the aperture wall. The degree of stomatal opening (4, 6, 8, or 10 μm) was of little importance. Cuticular ledges present at the entrance to the outer vestibule and between the inner vestibule and substomatal chamber resulted in very small if not zero wall angles, and thus played a major role in excluding water from the intercellular space of leaves. We show why the degree of stomatal opening cannot be assessed by observing spontaneous infiltration of stomata by organic liquids of low surface tension.  相似文献   

Bathylychnops exilis is an unusual north-eastern Pacific mesopelagic fish of which adults have previously been undescribed and the biology is poorly known. Its sensory and digestive systems are highly modified. Sensory modifications include the equivalent of four functional eyes, well developed nasal rosettes, and lateral line canals up to 4 mm in diameter. Digestive adaptations include a peculiar mouth, large tongue, crumenal organ, and a large caecal stomach. Bathylychnops exilis apparently lacks an anal light organ. Ontogenetic changes occur in the morphology of the head, eyes, body, and coloration. Bathylychnops exilis eats crustaceans and may be medusae and microscopic organisms. Reproduction probably occurs in late summer. Adults occur most commonly at about 500 m depth, possibly in groups, and may be diurnal vertical migrators.  相似文献   

Prothoracic legs of heliconian butterflies (Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae, Heliconiini) are reduced in size compared to mesothoracic and metathoracic legs. They have no apparent function in males, but are used by females for drumming on host plants, a behavior related to oviposition site selection. Here, taking into account all recognized lineages of heliconian butterflies, we described their tarsi using optical and scanning electron microscopy and searched for podite fusions and losses, and analyzed allometry at the static, ontogenetic and phylogenetic levels. Female tarsi were similar, club-shaped, showing from four to five tarsomeres, each bearing sensilla chaetica and trichodea. Male tarsi were cylindrical, formed from five (early diverging lineages) to one (descendant lineages) either partially or totally fused tarsomeres, all deprived of sensilla. Pretarsi were reduced in both sexes, in some species being either vestigial or absent. Tarsal lengths were smaller for males in almost all species. An abrupt decrease in size was detected for the prothoracic legs during molting to the last larval instar at both histological and morphometric levels. In both sexes, most allometric coefficients found at the population level for the prothoracic legs were negative compared to the mesothoracic leg and also to wings. Prothoracic tarsi decreased proportionally in size over evolutionary time; the largest and smallest values being found for nodes of the oldest and youngest lineages, respectively. Our results demonstrate that evolution of the prothoracic leg in heliconian butterflies has been based on losses and fusions of podites, in association with negative size allometry at static, ontogenetic and phylogenetic levels. These processes have been more pronounced in males. Our study provided further support to the hypothesis that evolution of these leg structures is driven by females, by changing their use from walking to drumming during oviposition site selection. In males the leg would have been selected against due to absence of function and thus progressively reduced in size, in association with podites fusions and lost.  相似文献   

The larval ontogeny of Hypseleotris galii is described and illustrated. 'Premature' yolk sac larvae hatch with unpigmented eyes and no mouth. 'Late' yolk sac larvae hatch with pigmented eyes and a functional mouth. Hatching glands are distributed on the head and ventral surface of the body. The yolk is absorbed and the larvae begin feeding 6 days after hatching. Larval development is completed 74 days after hatching. Hypseleotris galii larvae have six pairs of naked neuromasts: two pairs on the head and four pairs on the body. The significance of these results to developmental strategies in Hypseleotris species is discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In spite of recent phylogenetic analyses for the Chenopodiaceae–Amaranthaceae complex, some morphological characters are not unambiguously interpreted, which raises homology questions. Therefore, ontogenetic investigations, emphasizing on ‘bracteoles’ in Atripliceae and flowers in Chenopodioideae, were conducted. This first paper presents original ontogenetic observations in Beta vulgaris, which was chosen as a reference species for further comparative investigation because of its unclarified phylogenetic position and its flowers with a (semi-)inferior ovary, whereas all other Chenopodiaceae–Amaranthaceae have hypogynous flowers.


Inflorescences and flowers were examined using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy.

Key Results

Floral development starts from an inflorescence unit primordium subtended by a lateral bract. This primordium develops into a determinate axis on which two opposite lateral flowers originate, each subtended by a bracteole. On a flower primordium, first five tepal primordia appear, followed by five opposite stamen primordia. Simultaneously, a convex floral apex appears, which differentiates into an annular ovary primordium with three stigma primordia, surrounding a central, single ovule. A floral tube, which raises the outer floral whorls, envelops the ovary, resulting in a semi-inferior ovary at mature stage. Similarly, a stamen tube is formed, raising the insertion points of the stamens, and forming a staminal ring, which does not contain stomata. During floral development, the calyces of the terminal flower and of one of the lateral flowers often fuse, forming a compound fruit structure.


In Beta vulgaris, the inflorescence is compound, consisting of an indeterminate main axis with many elementary dichasia as inflorescence units, of which the terminal flower and one lateral flower fuse at a later stage. Floral parts develop starting from the outer whorl towards the gynoecium. Because of the formation of an epigynous hypanthium, the ovary becomes semi-inferior in the course of floral development.Key words: Beta vulgaris, Chenopodiaceae, floral ontogeny, gynoecial development, epigynous hypanthium, semi-inferior ovary, inflorescence ontogeny, LM, SEM  相似文献   

Climate change is altering the phenology of many species and the timing of their interactions with other species, but the impacts of these phenological shifts on species interactions remain unclear. Classical approaches to the study of phenology have typically documented changes in the timing of single life-history events, while phenological shifts affect many interactions over entire life histories. In this study, we suggest an approach that integrates the phenology and ontogeny of species interactions with a fitness landscape to provide a common mechanistic framework for investigating phenological shifts. We suggest that this ontogeny–phenology landscape provides a flexible method to document changes in the relative phenologies of interacting species, examine the causes of these phenological shifts, and estimate their consequences for interacting species.
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 1–10  相似文献   

Eduardo Zeiger 《Planta》1971,99(2):89-111
Summary The developmental sequence of the formation of stomatal complexes in the leaf epidermis of barley was studied. Cell-kinetic parameters were obtained from two genotypes — Early Bonus and eceriferum-g, a mutant with an abnormal stomatal pattern. The distribution of mitotic frequencies as a function of position in the stomatal rows was analyzed at each stage of development leading to mature stomata. Regression curves obtained for each stage showed that the distributions were stage-specific. Thus, the mitotic frequencies presented similar values throughout the portion of the file where the first asymmetrical divisions take place, had a parabolic distribution for the stage of subsidiary formation, and showed a linear shape, with a negative slope, for the stage of guard-mother-cell divisions. The mutant genotype differed from the normal by having a faster rate of ordinary guard-mother-cell divisions as a function of position in the row. The higher level of subsidiary cell formation in the mutant was interpreted as a consequence of a displacement of the used markers, suggesting a precocious initiation of subsidiary-cell formation in eceriferum-g. Time estimations of the length of the cell cycles were obtained by cell-population studies after a pulse with colchicine. Eceriferum-g appeared to have slower cell cycles. The leaves treated with colchicine showed a shift in the elongation axis of the cells. Autoradiography after treatment with 3H-thymidine showed ineorporation of the label in the portions of the row proximal to all three peaks of divisions indicating that all mitoses were preceded by the usual period of DNA synthesis. Labelling of lateral cells at a mature stage suggested DNA synthesis leading to endoploidy.  相似文献   

Kaufmann MR 《Plant physiology》1982,69(5):1023-1026
A model was developed earlier describing conductance for three conifers (Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm., Abies lasiocarpa [Hook.] Nutt., and Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm.) and one hardwood (Populus tremuloides Michx.) using only two terms, photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and absolute humidity difference from leaf to air (DAH). Using residual analysis techniques (actual minus estimated conductance), it was determined that no seasonal or temperature effects existed that were not taken into account with PPFD and DAH. However, conductance was reduced on days following cold nights (below 4°C) or, in aspen, when xylem pressure potential was below −20 bars (1 bar = 105 Pa). The following model takes these terms into account: Conductance = b1 (√PPFD/√DAH) + b2 (√PPFD/DAH) + b3 (√PPFD/DAH2) + b4f(Tmin) + b5fthreshold), where the first three terms describe normal conductance, and the last two terms account for reductions in conductance caused by cold night temperatures or water stress.  相似文献   

fw2.2 is a quantitative trait locus responsible for approximately 30% of the difference in fruit size between large, domesticated tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and their small-fruited wild relatives. The gene underlying this quantitative trait locus was cloned recently and shown to be associated with altered cell division in ovaries (Frary et al., 2000). However, it was not known whether the change in fruit size is associated with other changes in plant morphology or overall fruit yield-changes that could potentially cause the fruit weight phenotype. To shed light on this issue, a detailed comparison was made between nearly isogenic lines differing for alleles at this locus to search for pleiotropic effects associated with fw2.2. Field observations show that although the small-fruited nearly isogenic line produced smaller ovaries and fruit as expected, this was compensated by a larger number of fruit-due mainly to a significantly greater number of inflorescences-but with no net change in total fruit mass yield. This strongly suggests that fw2.2 may have a pleiotropic effect on how the plant distributes photosynthate among fruit. In a flower removal experiment to control for differences in inflorescence size and number, fruit size remained significantly different between the nearly isogenic lines. These observations indicate that the primary effect of fw2.2 is in controlling ovary and fruit size, and that other associated phenotypic effects are secondary.  相似文献   

Conductance for water vapor, assimilation of CO2, and intercellular CO2 concentration of leaves of five species were determined at various irradiances and ambient CO2 concentrations. Conductance and assimilation were then plotted as functions of irradiance and intercellular CO2 concentration. The slopes of these curves allowed us to estimate infinitesimal changes in conductance (and assimilation) that occurred when irradiance changed and intercellular CO2 concentration was constant, and when CO2 concentration changed and irradiance was constant. On leaves of Xanthium strumarium L., Gossypium hirsutum L., Phaseolus vulgaris L., and Perilla frutescens (L.), Britt., the stomatal response to light was determined to be mainly a direct response to light and to a small extent only a response to changes in intercellular CO2 concentration. This was also true for stomata of Zea mays L., except at irradiances < 150 watts per square meter, when stomata responded primarily to the depletion of the intercellular spaces of CO2 which in turn was caused by changes in the assimilation of CO2.  相似文献   

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