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Sirtuin is a member of NAD+-dependent deacetylase family. The structural details of Sirtuin 2 (SIRT2) complex will be very useful to discover the drug which might have beneficial effects on various diseases like cancer, diabetes, etc. Unfortunately, SIRT2 complex structure is not available yet, hence molecular docking was carried out to dock the substrate (NAD+ and acetylated lysine) and inhibitor (sirtinol) in the NAD+ binding site. The suitable binding orientation of substrate and inhibitor in the SIRT2 active site was selected and subjected to 5?ns molecular dynamics simulations to adjust the binding orientation of inhibitor and substrate as well as to identify the conformational changes in the active site. The result provides an insight about 3D SIRT2 structural details as well as the importance of F96 in deacetylation function. In addition, our simulations revealed the displacement of F96 upon substrate and inhibitor binding, inducing an extended conformation of loop3 and changing its interactions with the rest of SIRT2. We believe that our study could be helpful to gain a structural insight of SIRT2 and to design the receptor-based inhibitors.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling has revealed intimate details of the mechanism of binding of natural substrate, penicillin G (PG), in the penicillin acylase active center and solved questions raised by analysis of available X-ray structures, mimicking Michaelis complex, which substantially differ in the binding pattern of the PG leaving group. Three MD trajectories were launched, starting from PDB complexes of the inactive mutant enzyme with PG (1FXV) and native penicillin acylase with sluggishly hydrolyzed substrate analog penicillin G sulfoxide (1GM9), or from the complex obtained by PG docking. All trajectories converged to a similar PG binding mode, which represented the near-to-attack conformation, consistent with chemical criteria of how reactive Michaelis complex should look. Simulated dynamic structure of the enzyme-substrate complex differed significantly from 1FXV, resembling rather 1GM9; however, additional contacts with residues bG385, bS386, and bN388 have been found, which were missing in X-ray structures. Combination of molecular docking and molecular dynamics also clarified the nature of extremely effective phenol binding in the hydrophobic pocket of penicillin acylase, which lacked proper explanation from crystallographic experiments. Alternative binding modes of phenol were probed, and corresponding trajectories converged to a single binding pattern characterized by a hydrogen bond between the phenol hydroxyl and the main chain oxygen of bS67, which was not evident from the crystal structure. Observation of the trajectory, in which phenol moved from its steady bound to pre-dissociation state, mapped the consequence of molecular events governing the conformational transitions in a coil region a143-a146 coupled to substrate binding and release of the reaction products. The current investigation provided information on dynamics of the conformational transitions accompanying substrate binding and significance of poorly structured and flexible regions in maintaining catalytic framework.  相似文献   

Molecular graphics and molecular mechanics techniques have been used to study the mode of ligand binding and mechanism of action of the enzyme phospholipase A2. A substrate-enzyme complex was constructed based on the crystal structure of the apoenzyme. The complex was minimized to relieve initial strain, and the structural and energetic features of the resultant complex analyzed in detail, at the molecular and residue level. The minimized complex was then used as a basis for examining the action of the enzyme on modified substrates, binding of inhibitors to the enzyme, and possible reaction intermediate complexes. The model is compatible with the suggested mechanism of hydrolysis and with experimental data about stereoselectivity, efficiency of hydrolysis of modified substrates, and inhibitor potency. In conclusion, the model can be used as a tool in evaluating new ligands as possible substrates and in the rational design of inhibitors, for the therapeutic treatment of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, and asthma.  相似文献   

Human apohemoglobin (globin) was spin-labeled at the beta-93 sulfhydryl groups with 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-aminopyrrolidine-I-oxyl. Spin-labeled globin exhibited an EPR spectra that is less immobilized than that of spin-labeled hemoglobin, indicating the conformational difference in the vicinity of the label between hemoglobin and globin. Spectrophotometric titration of spin-labeled globin with protohemin showed that 1 mol of globin (on the tetramer basis) combines with 4 mol of hemin, producing a holomethemoglobin spectrophotometrically indistinguishable from native methemoglobin. The EPR spectrum was also changed strikingly upon the addition of protohemin. This change, however, was not proportional to the amount of hemin added, but marked changes occurred after 3 to 4 mol of hemin were mixed with 1 mol of spin-labeled globin. The EPR spectrum of spin-labeled hemoglobin thus prepared was identical with that prepared by direct spin labeling to methemoglobin. These results suggest the preferential binding of hemin to alpha-globin chains in the course of heme binding by globin. This assumption was further confirmed by preparing spin-labeled semihemoglobin in which only one kind of chain contained hemin (alpha h betaO SL and alpha O beta h SL). The EPR spectrum of the alpha h beta O SL molecule showed a slightly immobilized EPR spectrum, similar to that of spin-labeled globin mixed with 50% of the stoichiometric amount of hemin. On the other hand, the alpha O beta h SL molecule showed a distinctly different EPR signal from that of globin half-saturated with hemin, and showed an intermediate spectrum between those of beta h SL and alpha h beta h SL. These results indicate that heme binding to globin chains brings about a major conformational change in the protein moiety and that chain-chain association plays a secondary role. We conclude that hemin binds preferentially to alpha-globin chains and that the conformation of globin changes rapidly to that of methemoglobin after all four hemes are attached to globin heme pockets.  相似文献   

Reger AS  Carney JM  Gulick AM 《Biochemistry》2007,46(22):6536-6546
The adenylate-forming enzymes, including acyl-CoA synthetases, the adenylation domains of non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS), and firefly luciferase, perform two half-reactions in a ping-pong mechanism. We have proposed a domain alternation mechanism for these enzymes whereby, upon completion of the initial adenylation reaction, the C-terminal domain of these enzymes undergoes a 140 degrees rotation to perform the second thioester-forming half-reaction. Structural and kinetic data of mutant enzymes support this hypothesis. We present here mutations to Salmonella enterica acetyl-CoA synthetase (Acs) and test the ability of the enzymes to catalyze the complete reaction and the adenylation half-reaction. Substitution of Lys609 with alanine results in an enzyme that is unable to catalyze the adenylate reaction, while the Gly524 to leucine substitution is unable to catalyze the complete reaction yet catalyzes the adenylation half-reaction with activity comparable to the wild-type enzyme. The positions of these two residues, which are located on the mobile C-terminal domain, strongly support the domain alternation hypothesis. We also present steady-state kinetic data of putative substrate-binding residues and demonstrate that no single residue plays a dominant role in dictating CoA binding. We have also created two mutations in the active site to alter the acyl substrate specificity. Finally, the crystallographic structures of wild-type Acs and mutants R194A, R584A, R584E, K609A, and V386A are presented to support the biochemical analysis.  相似文献   

Enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase (ENR) is involved in fatty acid biosynthesis. In Escherichia coli this enzyme is the target for the experimental family of antibacterial agents, the diazaborines, and for triclosan, a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent. Biochemical studies have suggested that the mechanism of diazaborine inhibition is dependent on NAD(+) and not NADH, and resistance of Brassica napus ENR to diazaborines is thought to be due to the replacement of a glycine in the active site of the E. coli enzyme by an alanine at position 138 in the plant homologue. We present here an x-ray analysis of crystals of B. napus ENR A138G grown in the presence of either NAD(+) or NADH and the structures of the corresponding ternary complexes with thienodiazaborine obtained either by soaking the drug into the crystals or by co-crystallization of the mutant with NAD(+) and diazaborine. Analysis of the ENR A138G complex with diazaborine and NAD(+) shows that the site of diazaborine binding is remarkably close to that reported for E. coli ENR. However, the structure of the ternary ENR A138G-NAD(+)-diazaborine complex obtained using co-crystallization reveals a previously unobserved conformational change affecting 11 residues that flank the active site and move closer to the nicotinamide moiety making extensive van der Waals contacts with diazaborine. Considerations of the mode of substrate binding suggest that this conformational change may reflect a structure of ENR that is important in catalysis.  相似文献   

Onesti S  Desogus G  Brevet A  Chen J  Plateau P  Blanquet S  Brick P 《Biochemistry》2000,39(42):12853-12861
Lysyl-tRNA synthetase is a member of the class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and catalyses the specific aminoacylation of tRNA(Lys). The crystal structure of the constitutive lysyl-tRNA synthetase (LysS) from Escherichia coli has been determined to 2.7 A resolution in the unliganded form and in a complex with the lysine substrate. A comparison between the unliganded and lysine-bound structures reveals major conformational changes upon lysine binding. The lysine substrate is involved in a network of hydrogen bonds. Two of these interactions, one between the alpha-amino group and the carbonyl oxygen of Gly 216 and the other between the carboxylate group and the side chain of Arg 262, trigger a subtle and complicated reorganization of the active site, involving the ordering of two loops (residues 215-217 and 444-455), a change in conformation of residues 393-409, and a rotation of a 4-helix bundle domain (located between motif 2 and 3) by 10 degrees. The result of these changes is a closing up of the active site upon lysine binding.  相似文献   

Payne VA  Chang YT  Loew GH 《Proteins》1999,37(2):176-190
The CYP2C subfamily of human liver P450 isozymes is of major importance in drug metabolism. The most abundant 2C isozyme, CYP2C9, regioselectively hydroxylates a wide variety of substrates. A major obstacle to understanding this specificity in human CYP2C9 is the absence of a 3D structure. A 3D model of CYP2C9 was built, assessed, and used to characterize explicit enzyme-substrate complexes using methods previously developed in our laboratory. The 3D model was assessed by determining its stability to unconstrained molecular dynamics and by comparison of specific properties with those of known protein structures. The CYP2C9 model was then used to characterize explicit enzyme complexes with three structurally and chemically diverse substrates: (S)-naproxen, phenytoin, and progesterone. Each substrate was found to bind to the enzyme with a favorable interaction energy and to remain in the binding site during unconstrained molecular dynamics. Moreover, the mode of binding of each substrate led to calculated preferred hydroxylation sites consistent with experiment. Binding-site residues identified for the models included Arg 105 and Arg97 as key cationic residues, as well as Asn 202, Asp 293, Pro 101, Leu 102, Gly 296, and Phe 476. Site-specific mutations are proposed for further integrated computational and experimental study.  相似文献   

5'-Methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine (MTA/AdoHcy) nucleosidase is a key enzyme in a number of critical biological processes in many microbes. This nucleosidase catalyzes the irreversible hydrolysis of the N(9)-C(1') bond of MTA or AdoHcy to form adenine and the corresponding thioribose. The key role of the MTA/AdoHcy nucleosidase in biological methylation, polyamine biosynthesis, methionine recycling, and bacterial quorum sensing has made it an important antimicrobial drug target. The crystal structures of Escherichia coli MTA/AdoHcy nucleosidase complexed with the transition state analog, formycin A (FMA), and the nonhydrolyzable substrate analog, 5'-methylthiotubercidin (MTT) have been solved to 2.2- and 2.0-A resolution, respectively. These are the first MTA/AdoHcy nucleosidase structures to be solved in the presence of inhibitors. These structures clearly identify the residues involved in substrate binding and catalysis in the active site. Comparisons of the inhibitor complexes to the adenine-bound MTA/AdoHcy nucleosidase (Lee, J. E., Cornell, K. A., Riscoe, M. K., and Howell, P. L. (2001) Structure (Camb.) 9, 941-953) structure provide evidence for a ligand-induced conformational change in the active site and the substrate preference of the enzyme. The enzymatic mechanism has been re-examined.  相似文献   

Fujiwara S  Amisaki T 《Proteins》2006,64(3):730-739
Human serum albumin (HSA) binds with fatty acids under normal physiologic conditions. To date, there is little published information on the tertiary structure of HSA-fatty acid complex in aqueous solution. In the present study, we used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to elucidate possible structural changes of HSA brought about by the binding of fatty acids. Both unliganded HSA and HSA-fatty acid complex models for MD calculations were constructed based on the X-ray crystal structures. Five myristates (MYRs) were bound in the HSA-fatty acid complex model. In the present MD study, the motion of domains I and III caused by the binding of MYR molecules increased the radius of gyration of HSA. Root-mean-square fluctuations from the MD simulations revealed that the atomic fluctuations of the specific amino acids at drug-binding site I that can regulate the drug-binding affinity were increased by the binding of MYR molecules. Primary internal motions, characterized by the first three principal components, were observed mainly at domains I and III in the principal component analysis for trajectory data. The directional motion projected on the first principal component of unliganded HSA was conserved in HSA-MYR complex as the third principal directional motion with higher frequency. However, the third principal directional motion in unliganded HSA turned into the first principal directional motion with lower frequency in the HSA-MYR complex. Thus, the present MD study provides insights into the possible conformational changes of HSA caused by the binding of fatty acids.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectra were obtained for complexes of protocatechuate-3,4-dioxygenase with substrate and hydroxybenzoate inhibitors. The data establish metal coordination by these bound species and demonstrate further that tyrosine ligation, present in the resting enzyme, is not altered in the complexes. For the inhibitors, 3-chloro-4-hydroxybenzoate and 3-fluoro-4-hydroxybenzoate, the data are interpreted as indicating iron ligation by the phenolate functionality. For the substrate, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylproprionate, chelation via the o-dihydroxy grouping is proposed. In all three complexes tyrosine ligands present in the resting enzyme are not displaced. The inhibitor scattering intensity was utilized as an internal standard to estimate that two tyrosines are coordinated to the iron at the active site.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Covalent coupling of fluorescein to methotrexate (MTX) by a 5-carbon spacer yields a dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) inhibitor (FMTX) with Ki = 11 nM.
  • 2.2. FMTX shows a fluorescence quenching with respect to fluorescein which is relieved by binding to the enzyme.
  • 3.3. The dissociation constants (Kd) of MTX, FMTX, NADPH and 7,8-dihydrofolate (DHF) from bovine liver DHFR have been determined by fluorometric titrations.
  • 4.4. The Kd values for NADPH, MTX and FMTX from the complementary binary complexes (MTX·DHFR, FMTX·DHFR and NADPH·DHFR) were also obtained; these show a 2- to 4-fold decrease with respect to those obtained by titration of the free enzyme.
  • 5.5. A competitive assay for MTX has been developed by exploiting the fluorescence enhancement of DHFR-bound FMTX. This assay may be useful for the routine determination of MTX in the concentration range from 10−9 to 10−7 M.


The enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) is mainly involved in the regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis. HMGR catalyses the reduction of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) to mevalonate at the expense of two NADPH molecules in a two-step reversible reaction. In the present study, we constructed a model of human HMGR (hHMGR) to explore the conformational changes of HMGR in complex with HMG-CoA and NADPH. In addition, we analysed the complete sequence of the Flap domain using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and principal component analysis (PCA). The simulations revealed that the Flap domain plays an important role in catalytic site activation and substrate binding. The apo form of hHMGR remained in an open state, while a substrate-induced closure of the Flap domain was observed for holo hHMGR. Our study also demonstrated that the phosphorylation of Ser872 induces significant conformational changes in the Flap domain that lead to a complete closure of the active site, suggesting three principal conformations for the first stage of hHMGR catalysis. Our results were consistent with previous proposed models for the catalytic mechanism of hHMGR.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The tissue kallikrein (KLK) family contains 15 genes (KLK1KLK15) tandemly arranged on chromosome 19q13.4 that forms the largest cluster of contiguous protease genes in the human genome. Here, we provide mechanistic evidence showing that the expression of KLK13, one of the most recently identified family members, is significantly up-regulated in metastatic lung adenocarcinoma. Whilst overexpression of KLK13 resulted in an increase in malignant cell behavior, knockdown of its endogenous gene expression caused a significant decrease in cell migratory and invasive properties. Functional studies further demonstrated that KLK13 is activated via demethylation of its upstream region. The elevated KLK13 protein then enhances the ability of tumor cells to degrade extracellular laminin that, subsequently, facilitates cell metastatic potential in the in vivo SCID mouse xenograft model. KLK13 was also found to induce the expression of N-cadherin to help promote tumor cell motility. Together, these results reveal the enhancing effects of KLK13 on tumor cell invasion and migration, and that it may serve as a diagnostic/prognostic marker and a potential therapeutic target for lung cancer.  相似文献   

A fluorescently-labeled, conformationally-sensitive Bacillus stearothermophilus (Bs) dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) (C73A/S131CMDCC DHFR) was developed and used to investigate kinetics and protein conformational motions associated with methotrexate (MTX) binding. This construct bears a covalently-attached fluorophore, N-[2-(1-maleimidyl)ethyl]-7-(diethylamino)coumarin-3-carboxamide (MDCC) attached at a distal cysteine, introduced by mutagenesis. The probe is sensitive to the local molecular environment, reporting on changes in the protein structure associated with ligand binding. Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of the unlabeled Bs DHFR construct (C73A/S131C DHFR) also showed changes upon MTX association. Stopped-flow analysis of all data can be understood by invoking the presence of two native state DHFR conformers that bind to MTX at different rates (20.2 and 0.067 μM−1 s−1), similar to previously published findings for Escherichia coli DHFR. Probe fluorescence of C73A/S131CMDCC DHFR predominantly reports on MTX binding to one of the conformers while intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of C73A/S131C DHFR reports on binding to the other conformer. This study demonstrates the use of an extrinsic fluorophore attached to a distal region to investigate ligand binding interactions that are not experimentally accessible via intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence alone. The thermostability of C73A/S131CMDCC DHFR provides an important new tool with applications for investigating the temperature dependence of DHFR conformational changes associated with binding and catalysis.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) have been suggested for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, autoimmune diseases, Plasmodium, and bacterial and fungal infections. Here we present the structures of N-terminally truncated (residues Met30-Arg396) DHODH in complex with two inhibitors: a brequinar analogue (6) and a novel inhibitor (a fenamic acid derivative) (7), as well as the first structure of the enzyme to be characterized without any bound inhibitor. It is shown that 7 uses the "standard" brequinar binding mode and, in addition, interacts with Tyr356, a residue conserved in most class 2 DHODH proteins. Compared to the inhibitor-free structure, some of the amino acid side chains in the tunnel in which brequinar binds and which was suggested to be the binding site of ubiquinone undergo changes in conformation upon inhibitor binding. Using our data, the loop regions of residues Leu68-Arg72 and Asn212-Leu224, which were disordered in previously studied human DHODH structures, could be built into the electron density. The first of these loops, which is located at the entrance to the inhibitor-binding pocket, shows different conformations in the three structures, suggesting that it may interfere with inhibitor/cofactor binding. The second loop has been suggested to control the access of dihydroorotate to the active site of the enzyme and may be an important player in the enzymatic reaction. These observations provide new insights into the dynamic features of the DHODH reaction and suggest new approaches to the design of inhibitors against DHODH.  相似文献   

The present study elucidated the role of aspartate 345, a residue conserved in the third intracellular loop of all Na+/Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporters, in conformational changes of the dopamine (DA) transporter. Asparagine substitution (D345N) resulted in near normal transporter expression on the cell surface but caused extremely low Vmax and Km values for DA uptake, converted the inhibitory effect of Zn2+ on DA uptake to a stimulatory one, and eliminated reverse transport. The cocaine-like inhibitor 2beta-carbomethoxy-3beta-(4-fluorophenyl)tropane or the selective DA transporter inhibitor GBR12935 bound to D345N with a normal affinity and still inhibited DA uptake potently. However, the mutation reduced the binding capacity of the surface transporter for these two inhibitors by 90% or more. Moreover, the binding activity of D345N can be significantly improved by Zn2+ but not by Na+. These results are consistent with a defect in reorientation of the substrate-binding site to the extracellular side, leading to a loss of the outward-facing conformational state where external DA binds to initiate uptake and the inhibitors bind to initiate uptake inhibition. Alanine or glutamate substitution produced a similar phenotype, suggesting that both the negative charge and the residue volume at position 345 are vital. Furthermore, in intact cells, cocaine potentiated the reaction of the membrane-impermeant sulfhydryl reagent methanethiosulfonate ethyltrimethylammonium with the extracellularly located endogenous cysteines of D345N but not those of wild type, and this potentiation was blocked upon K+ substitution for Na+. Thus, cocaine binding to D345N likely induces a different and Na(+)-dependent conformational change, which may contribute to its Na(+)-dependent uptake inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Brokaw JB  Chu JW 《Biophysical journal》2010,99(10):3420-3429
We characterized the conformational change of adenylate kinase (AK) between open and closed forms by conducting five all-atom molecular-dynamics simulations, each of 100 ns duration. Different initial structures and substrate binding configurations were used to probe the pathways of AK conformational change in explicit solvent, and no bias potential was applied. A complete closed-to-open and a partial open-to-closed transition were observed, demonstrating the direct impact of substrate-mediated interactions on shifting protein conformation. The sampled configurations suggest two possible pathways for connecting the open and closed structures of AK, affirming the prediction made based on available x-ray structures and earlier works of coarse-grained modeling. The trajectories of the all-atom molecular-dynamics simulations revealed the complexity of protein dynamics and the coupling between different domains during conformational change. Calculations of solvent density and density fluctuations surrounding AK did not show prominent variation during the transition between closed and open forms. Finally, we characterized the effects of local unfolding of an important hinge near Pro177 on the closed-to-open transition of AK and identified a novel mechanism by which hinge unfolding modulates protein conformational change. The local unfolding of Pro177 hinge induces alternative tertiary contacts that stabilize the closed structure and prevent the opening transition.  相似文献   

2,5-diketo-D-gluconic acid reductase (2,5-DKGR; E.C. 1.1.1.-) catalyzes the Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-dependent stereo-specific reduction of 2, 5-diketo-D-gluconate (2,5-DKG) to 2-keto-L-gulonate (2-KLG), a precursor in the industrial production of vitamin C (L-ascorbate). Microorganisms that naturally ferment D-glucose to 2,5-DKG can be genetically modified to express the gene for 2,5-DKGR, and thus directly produce vitamin C from D-glucose. Two naturally occurring variants of DKGR (DKGR A and DKGR B) have been reported. DKGR B exhibits higher specific activity toward 2,5-DKG than DKGR A; however, DKGR A exhibits a greater selectivity for this substrate and significantly higher thermal stability. Thus, a modified form of DKGR, combining desirable properties from both enzymes, would be of substantial commercial interest. In the present study we use a molecular dynamics-based approach to understand the conformational changes in DKGR A as the active site is mutated to include two active site residue changes that occur in the B form. The results indicate that the enhanced kinetic properties of the B form are due, in part, to residue substitutions in the binding pocket. These substitutions augment interactions with the substrate or alter the alignment with respect to the putative proton donor group. Proteins 2000;39:68-75.  相似文献   

TIM catalyses the interconversion of a triosephosphate aldehyde into a triosephosphate ketone. This is a simple chemical reaction in which only protons are transferred. The crystallographic studies of TIM from chicken, yeast and trypanosome complexed with substrate and substrate analogues are discussed. The substrate binds in a deep pocket. On substrate binding, large conformational changes are induced in three loops. As a result of these conformational changes in the liganded structure, the active site pocket is sealed off from bulk solvent and the sidechain of the catalytic glutamate becomes optimally positioned for catalysis.  相似文献   

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