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To study their thermal responses to climatic stress, we implanted seven greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) with intra-abdominal, brain, carotid, and subcutaneous temperature data loggers, as well as an activity logger. Each animal was also equipped with a collar holding a miniature black globe thermometer, which we used to assess thermoregulatory behavior. The kudu ranged freely within succulent thicket vegetation of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The kudu spontaneously developed a bacterial pneumonia and consequent fever that lasted between 6 and 10 days. The fever was characterized by a significant increase in mean 24-h abdominal temperature from 38.9 +/- 0.2 degrees C to 40.2 +/- 0.4 degrees C (means +/- SD, t(6) = 11.01, P < 0.0001), although the amplitude of body temperature rhythm remained unchanged (t(6) = 1.18, P = 0.28). Six of the kudu chose warmer microclimates during the fever than when afebrile (P < 0.0001). Despite the selection of a warmer environment, on the first day of fever, the abdominal-subcutaneous temperature difference was significantly higher than on afebrile days (t(5) = 3.06, P = 0.028), indicating vasoconstriction. Some kudu displayed increased frequency of selective brain cooling during the fever, which would have inhibited evaporative heat loss and increased febrile body temperatures, without increasing the metabolic maintenance costs of high body temperatures. Average daily activity during the fever decreased to 60% of afebrile activity (t(6) = 3.46, P = 0.014). We therefore have recorded quantitative evidence for autonomic and behavioral fever, as well as sickness behavior, in the form of decreased activity, in a free-living ungulate species.  相似文献   

Many ecotourism reserves in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa have introduced large carnivores which prey on ungulates such as kudu. Kudu occupy thick vegetation and helicopter‐based counts are not appropriate. In this study we tested line transect counts of faecal pellets in conjunction with DISTANCE analysis as a method for assessing the abundance of kudu. Transects were undertaken in three regions of two game reserves and the results compared with helicopter based game counts (for two regions) and a known kudu population in the third region (an enclosed breeding centre). Estimates of kudu abundance were two to three times greater than the helicopter counts, but within the known number of kudu in the breeding centre. The increased accuracy in the breeding centre was probably because the transects covered a greater percentage of the available habitat (0.07%) than in the reserves (approximately 0.007%). We suggest that DISTANCE software and line transects counts of pellet groups can be used for kudu and probably for other ungulates in thicket‐type vegetations. Accuracy will depend on the percentage of the available habitat that is surveyed and on the accuracy of the defecation and decay rates.  相似文献   

The adult greater Kudu antelope has two hemoglobin components, Hb A and Hb B, with one alpha and two beta chains. The complete amino-acid sequences of these three chains are presented. The two beta chains differ only in one residue at position 16 (Gly----Ser) and may be the product of two allelic genes. The primary structure of the chains was determined by sequencing the tryptic peptides after their isolation from the tryptic digest of the chains by high performance liquid chromatography. The alignment of these peptides was deduced from homology with the chains of bovine hemoglobin. Between the Kudu hemoglobins and those of cattle a high degree of homology was found.  相似文献   

The lesser kudu (Tragelaphus imberbis) has been kept in North American zoological parks since 1930 but has never been a common species in collections. In 1987 this population totaled 28 animals: 15 males and 13 females. A pedigree evaluation in 1987 of the existing population indicated that eight effective founders and one potential founder were represented in the North American herd. Three new potential founders from European captive populations were added to the population in 1987 to increase the number of existing founder lines to 12 animals. As this species is not endangered or threatened in its native habitat, it is not a high priority to qualify for designation as an SSP species. Because of this, the institutions holding lesser kudu in North America decided to join informally and draft a breeding program to better manage this small captive population. This program was designed to minimize inbreeding and equalize genetic representation of founder animals to maximize genetic diversity. It requires a shift in management philosophy to establish stable groups of breeding females at participating institutions while rotating appropriate breeder males through these herds in a controlled manner to ensure minimization of inbreeding and maximization of genetic diversity. It is hoped that this program can serve as a model for the management of other small captive populations of non-SSP species.  相似文献   

The helminth parasites of the greater kudu from the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa, and the Etosha National Park (ENP), Namibia, were examined to determine the major patterns of spatial and demographic variation in community structure and to evaluate nonrandomness in parasite community assembly. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination procedures were used to test for differences in parasite community composition between hosts of the 2 parks and between hosts of different demographic groups within KNP. Infracommunities within KNP were also examined for patterns of nonrandomness using 2 null models, i.e., nestedness and species co-occurrence. Infracommunities of KNP and ENP were significantly different from each other, as were infracommunities of different host demographic groups within KNP. Parasite species in the greater kudu from KNP displayed significant levels of nestedness and were found to co-occur less frequently than expected by chance; however, this lack of co-occurrence was significant only when all demographic groups were considered. When restricted to any particular age class, co-occurrence patterns could not be distinguished from random. Overall, these data suggest that biogeography and host demographics are important factors in determining community organization of helminth parasites in the greater kudu.  相似文献   

A combination of a flotation/sedimentation experiment and sieve analysis for the reticulorumen (RR) contents of roe deerCapreolus capreolus Linnaeus, 1758, a browsing ruminant, showed that there was no correlation between particle size and particle density. Large particles were present in both the sedimented and the buoyant fraction, which is in accord with the reported absence of stratification of RR contents in browsing ruminants. Comparative sieve analysis of roe deer RR and caecal/rectal material demonstrated that there must be some selective particle retention in the browsing ruminant as well, as a certain fraction of large particles in RR contents does not occur in the caecal/rectal material. These results lead to the explanatory dilemma that, while selective particle retention is observed, it cannot be due to the mechanisms known to work in grazing ruminants.  相似文献   

Rabies in kudu is unique to Namibia and two major peaks in the epizootic have occurred since it was first noted in 1977. Due to the large numbers of kudu that were affected, it was suspected that horizontal transmission of rabies occurs among kudu and that rabies was being maintained independently within the Namibian kudu population – separate from canid cycles, despite geographic overlap. In this study, it was our aim to show, through phylogenetic analyses, that rabies was being maintained independently within the Namibian kudu population. We also tested, through complete genome sequencing of four rabies virus isolates from jackal and kudu, whether specific mutations occurred in the virus genome due to host adaptation. We found the separate grouping of all rabies isolates from kudu to those of any other canid species in Namibia, suggesting that rabies was being maintained independently in kudu. Additionally, we noted several mutations unique to isolates from kudu, suggesting that these mutations may be due to the adaptation of rabies to a new host. In conclusion, we show clear evidence that rabies is being maintained independently in the Namibian kudu population – a unique phenomenon with ecological and economic impacts.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics of the forestomach, as well as reports of a natural diet that mostly excludes monocots, suggest that dikdiks (Madoqua spp.), among smallest extant ruminants, should have a 'moose-type' forestomach physiology characterised by a low degree of selective particle retention. We tested this assumption in a series of feeding experiments with 12 adult Phillip's dikdiks (Madoqua saltiana phillipsi) on three different intake levels per animal, using cobalt-EDTA as a solute marker and a 'conventional' chromium-mordanted fibre (<2 mm; mean particle size 0.63 mm) marker for the particle phase. Body mass had no influence on retention measurements, whereas food intake level clearly had. Drinking water intake was not related to the retention of the solute marker. In contrast to our expectations, the particle marker was retained distinctively longer than the solute marker. Comparisons with results in larger ruminants and with faecal particle sizes measured in dikdiks suggested that in these small animals, the chosen particle marker was above the critical size threshold, above which particle delay in the forestomach is not only due to selective particle retention (as compared to fluids), but additionally due to the ruminal particle sorting mechanism that retains particles above this threshold longer than particles below this threshold. A second study with a similar marker of a lower mean particle size (0.17 mm, which is below the faecal particle size reported for dikdiks) resulted in particle and fluid retention patterns similar to those documented in other 'moose-type' ruminants. Nevertheless, even this smaller particle marker yielded retention times that were longer than those predicted by allometric equations based on quarter-power scaling, providing further support for observations that small ruminants generally achieve longer retention times and higher digestive efficiencies than expected based on their body size.  相似文献   

Chrysopa mohave adults, which are predaceous, undergo a facultative reproductive diapause which can be induced, averted, and terminated in the laboratory by manipulating either photoperiod or diet. Photoperiods of LD 14:10 or shorter evoke a photoperiodically controlled diapause which breaks in long day (LD 16:8) conditions. Withholding prey induces the diapause syndrome in animals experiencing long day lengths, whereas supplying prey terminates this diapause; thus food constitutes a major factor in diapause induction and termination.Under short day regimens, with prey continuously present, diapause persists for approximately 60 days at 24±1°C; however, protein-fed, short day animals retain the diapause characteristics until they receive prey.Our experimental results in combination with field observations and examination of collected specimens, indicate four periods in the annual reproductive cycle as follows. The animals reproduce during April, May, and June when photoperiods are long and prey abundant. When prey become scarce during the dry months of the California summer, part of the population enters a food mediated diapause. During October, November, and December a short day diapause occurs in the population. Although the photoperiodic maintenance of diapause probably ends during early winter, the insects retain the diapause symptoms until prey becomes abundant at the end of March.  相似文献   

Reproductive data on captive lesser kudus (Tragelaphus imberis) were collected from 1972 to 1990. The estrous cycles of two females were 21 and 22 days. Mean gestation length of 18 pregnancies was 244 ± 5.5 days (range = 235–256 days), and 71.2% of interbirth intervals (n = 146) were from 248 to 365 days. Births occurred throughout the year, but 55% were from September to December. Females always gave birth to a single calf (n = 215), and the sex ratio did not differ from unity. Neonatal weights (1–3 days postpartum) of 32 males and 28 females surviving at least 30 days were 6.4 ± 0.8 kg and 5.8 ± 0.7 kg, respectively. Males and females reached sexual maturity at the ages of 16 and 19 months, respectively. The oldest male lived to slightly more than 14 years, 5 months, and the oldest female to more than 18 years, 11 months. Males were fertile until at least 14 years and females minimally to 14–18 years of age; however, the maximum age of successful lactation was 13–14 years. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A cave population of Miniopterus minor had a seasonally monoestrous reproductive cycle that corrsponded closely to the rainfall-induced seasonality of coastal Kenya (4 S). Males had pronounced cycles of body weight resulting from the deposition of fat during periods of relative food abundance in both rainy seasons, and its depletion during competitive mating and the dry seasons, when numbers of insects were lowest. The annual period of sexual regeneration clearly followed the increase in body weight which occurred during the 'long rains' (April-June). Testicular recrudescence was accompanied by hypertrophy of the accessory glands and all reproductive organs involuted after mating in July, remaining inactive until the following April. An annual moult corresponded with the improvement in body condition that occurred at the beginning of the 'long rains'. The growth of new pelage was completed in May, by which time ambient temperatures had dropped and adult males entered a diurnal torpor that lasted over much of the colder 'long dry season' (July-October). The secretion of a pungent substance in the urine of adult males coincided with peak testicular activity during the annually competitive occupancy of a mating site (May-July).  相似文献   

Two cave populations of Hildegarde's tomb bat had a reproductive cycle that corresponded closely to the rainfall-induced seasonality of coastal Kenya (4s). Males had pronounced bimodal cycles of body weight due to the deposition of fat during periods of relative food abundance in both rainy seasons, and fat depletion during competitive mating and the dry seasons, when numbers of moths were lowest. The main period of sexual regeneration coincided with the increase in body weight experienced during the 'long rains' [April-June) and led to mating. A secondary peak in the weights of male sexual glands, associated with the increase in body weight that occurred in the 'short rains' (October-December), did not result in reproduction. It is suggested that this latter period of sexual activity was related to the maintenance of year-round harems, and may represent the male response to a vestigial, bimodally polyoestrous, reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Histochemical journals represent a traditional forum where methodological and technological improvements can be presented and validated in view of their applications to investigate not only cytology and histology in normal and diseased conditions but to test as well hypotheses on more basic issues for life sciences, such as comparative and evolutionary biology. The earliest scientific journals on histochemistry began their publication in the first half of the '50s of the last century, and their readership did not probably change over the years; rather, the authors' interests may have progressively been changing as well as the main topics of their articles. This hypothesis is discussed, based on the subjects of the article published in the first and last ten years in the European Journal of Histochemistry, as an example of old journal which started publication in 1954, being since then the official organ of the Italian Society of Histochemistry. This survey confirmed that histochemistry has provided and still offers unique opportunities for studying the structure, chemical composition and function of cells and tissues in a wide variety of living organisms, especially when the topological distribution of specific molecular components has diagnostic or predictive significance, as it occurs in human and veterinary biology and pathology. Some subjects (e.g. histochemistry applied to muscle cells or to mineralized tissues) have recently become rather popular, whereas a wider application of the histochemical approach may be envisaged for plant cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Rabies in the greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), one of the largest African antelopes, is a phenomenon unique to Namibia. Since the mid-1970s, the country has been plagued by two epizootics that claimed thousands of casualties among the indigenous kudu population. Reasons as to why kudus appear to be exceptionally susceptible to the disease still remain speculative at best. Because the Namibian economy relies heavily on trophy hunting, game meat hunting, and ecotourism, the current severe spread of rabies among kudus calls for effective measures to protect these antelopes. Oral vaccination of kudus may offer a possibility provided efficacious oral rabies vaccines are available. In this screening study, we explored options for attractive baits that facilitate optimal vaccine uptake by the target species and a bait distribution system that maximizes bait availability to the target species meanwhile minimizing bait depletion by non-target species. The results show that gelatin-based baits mixed with local (pods of the camel thorn tree) but also imported (apple-flavored corn meal) attractants are highly attractive for kudus providing a basis for future oral rabies vaccine baits.  相似文献   

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