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Ionizing radiation-induced bystander effects have been documented for a multitude of endpoints such as mutations, chromosome aberrations and cell death, which arise in nonirradiated bystander cells having received signals from directly irradiated cells; however, energetic heavy ion-induced bystander response is incompletely characterized. To address this, we employed precise microbeams of carbon and neon ions for targeting only a very small fraction of cells in confluent fibroblast cultures. Conventional broadfield irradiation was conducted in parallel to see the effects in irradiated cells. Exposure of 0.00026% of cells led to nearly 10% reductions in the clonogenic survival and twofold rises in the apoptotic incidence regardless of ion species. Whilst apoptotic frequency increased with time up to 72 h postirradiation in irradiated cells, its frequency escalated up to 24h postirradiation but declined at 48 h postirradiation in bystander cells, indicating that bystander cells exhibit transient commitment to apoptosis. Carbon- and neon-ion microbeam irradiation similarly caused almost twofold increments in the levels of serine 15-phosphorylated p53 proteins, irrespective of whether 0.00026, 0.0013 or 0.0066% of cells were targeted. Whereas the levels of phosphorylated p53 were elevated and remained unchanged at 2h and 6h postirradiation in irradiated cells, its levels rose at 6h postirradiation but not at 2h postirradiation in bystander cells, suggesting that bystander cells manifest delayed p53 phosphorylation. Collectively, our results indicate that heavy ions inactivate clonogenic potential of bystander cells, and that the time course of the response to heavy ions differs between irradiated and bystander cells. These induced bystander responses could be a defensive mechanism that minimizes further expansion of aberrant cells.  相似文献   

The space environment consists of a varying field of radiation particles including high-energy ions, with spacecraft shielding material providing the major protection to astronauts from harmful exposure. Unlike low-LEpsilonTau gamma or X rays, the presence of shielding does not always reduce the radiation risks for energetic charged-particle exposure. The dose delivered by the charged particle increases sharply as the particle approaches the end of its range, a position known as the Bragg peak. However, the Bragg curve does not necessarily represent the biological damage along the particle path since biological effects are influenced by the track structures of both primary and secondary particles. Therefore, the "biological Bragg curve" is dependent on the energy and the type of the primary particle and may vary for different biological end points. Here we report measurements of the biological response across the Bragg curve in human fibroblasts exposed to energetic silicon and iron ions in vitro at two different energies, 300 MeV/nucleon and 1 GeV/nucleon. A quantitative biological response curve generated for micronuclei per binucleated cell across the Bragg curve did not reveal an increased yield of micronuclei at the location of the Bragg peak. However, the ratio of mono- to binucleated cells, which indicates inhibition of cell progression, increased at the Bragg peak location. These results confirm the hypothesis that severely damaged cells at the Bragg peak are more likely to go through reproductive death and not be evaluated for micronuclei.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation-induced genomic instability has been demonstrated in a variety of endpoints such as delayed reproductive death, chromosome instability and mutations, which occurs in the progeny of survivors many generations after the initial insult. Dependence of these effects on the linear energy transfer (LET) of the radiation is incompletely characterized; however, our previous work has shown that delayed reductions in clonogenicity can be most pronounced at LET of 108 keV/microm. To gain insight into potential cellular mechanisms involved in LET-dependent delayed loss of clonogenicity, we investigated morphological changes in colonies arising from normal human diploid fibroblasts exposed to gamma-rays or energetic carbon ions (108 keV/microm). Exposure of confluent cultures to carbon ions was 4-fold more effective at inactivating cellular clonogenic potential and produced more abortive colonies containing reduced number of cells per colony than gamma-rays. Second, colonies were assessed for clonal morphotypic heterogeneity. The yield of differentiated cells was elevated in a dose- and LET-dependent fashion in clonogenic colonies, whereas differentiated cells predominated to a comparable extent irrespective of radiation type or dose in abortive colonies. The incidence of giant or multinucleated cells was also increased but much less frequent than that of differentiated cells. Collectively, our results indicate that carbon ions facilitate differentiation more effectively than gamma-rays as a major response in the progeny of irradiated fibroblasts. Accelerated differentiation may account, at least in part, for dose- and LET-dependent delayed loss of clonogenicity in normal human diploid cells, and could be a defensive mechanism that minimizes further expansion of aberrant cells.  相似文献   

Confluent human fibroblast cells (AG1522) were irradiated with gamma rays, 490 MeV/nucleon silicon ions, or iron ions at either 200 or 500 MeV/nucleon. The cells were allowed to repair at 37 degrees C for 24 h after exposure, and a chemically induced premature chromosome condensation (PCC) technique was used to condense chromosomes in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. Incomplete and complex exchanges were analyzed in the irradiated samples. To verify that chromosomal breaks were truly unrejoined, chromosome aberrations were analyzed using a combination of whole-chromosome specific probes and probes specific for the telomere region of the chromosome. Results showed that the frequency of unrejoined chromosome breaks was higher after irradiation with the heavy ions of high LET, and consequently the ratio of incomplete to complete exchanges increased steadily with LET up to 440 keV/microm, the highest LET included in the present study. For samples exposed to 200 MeV/nucleon iron ions, chromosome aberrations were analyzed using the multicolor FISH (mFISH) technique, which allows identification of both complex and truly incomplete exchanges. Results of the mFISH study showed that 0.7 and 3 Gy iron ions produced similar ratios of complex to simple exchanges and incomplete to complete exchanges; these ratios were higher than those obtained after exposure to 6 Gy gamma rays. After 0.7 Gy of iron ions, most complex aberrations were found to involve three or four chromosomes, which is a likely indication of the maximum number of chromosome domains traversed by a single iron-ion track.  相似文献   

The ion microprobe SNAKE at the Munich 14 MV tandem accelerator achieves beam focussing by a superconducting quadrupole doublet and can make use of a broad range of ions and ion energies, from 20 MeV protons to 200 MeV gold ions. Because of these properties, SNAKE is particularly attractive for biological microbeam experiments. Here we describe the adaptation of SNAKE for microirradiation of cell samples. This includes enlarging of the focal distance in order to adjust the focal plane to the specimen stage of a microscope, construction of a beam exit window in a flexible nozzle and of a suitable cell containment, as well as development of procedures for on-line focussing of the beam, preparation of single ions and scanning by electrostatic deflection of the beam. When irradiating with single 100 MeV 16O ions, the adapted set-up permits an irradiation accuracy of 0.91 µm (full width at half maximum) in the x-direction and 1.60 µm in the y-direction, as demonstrated by retrospective track etching of polycarbonate foils. Accumulation of the repair protein Rad51, as detected by immunofluorescence, was used as a biological track detector after irradiation of HeLa cells with geometric patterns of counted ions. Observed patterns of fluorescence foci agreed reasonably well with irradiation patterns, indicating successful adaptation of SNAKE. In spite of single ion irradiation, we frequently observed split fluorescence foci which might be explained by small-scale chromatin movements.  相似文献   

Normal rat kidney fibroblasts (NRK-B F49) treated at transforming doses with a gamma-like TGF, partially purified from human melanoma, showed a 3 to 5 fold increase in DNA type II topoisomerase activity. A similar effect was observed using EGF and a partially purified alfa TGF from rabbit fetuses. DNA type I topoisomerase activity, from the same cells, was not significantly modified by treatment with these growth factors. Topoisomerase II stimulation was dependent on mRNA synthesis. The possible role of topoisomerase II in phenotypical cell transformation induced by TGF is discussed.  相似文献   

This study completes data collected for thick targets exposed to carbon and oxygen ions accelerated at 86 MeV/u. The radioactivity induced in carbon and tungsten targets bombarded by argon projectiles at 95 MeV/u has been studied in order to assess the relative contributions of the incoming heavy ion and the mass number of the bombarded nuclei to the consequent radiation hazards related to the production of radioactive ion beams. Induced radioactivity measurements are only rarely made under controlled irradiation conditions, in order to derive from the measured activites the dose rates after beam bombardment and a prediction of radiation protection constraints.Submitted paper presented at the International Symposium on Heavy Ion Research: Space, Radiation Protection and Therapy, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 21–24 March 1994  相似文献   

Human pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor inhibited cell-surface proteolytic activity in human fibroblasts. In the range of concentrations which caused proteinase inhibition, fibroblast proliferation was also inhibited by this reagent and by the ovine equivalent. At lower concentrations, there was some evidence for a mitogenic effect, and this was confirmed by obvious stimulation of DNA synthesis at these concentrations. Human alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor, previously demonstrated to be an inhibitor of fibroblast proliferation, was also mitogenic at concentrations lower than those which inhibited proteolytic activity and cell proliferation. Human pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor and epidermal growth factor apparently work through independent mechanisms, since their mitogenic effects are additive.  相似文献   

Measurements of fluorescence polarization in intact diploid skin fibroblasts after exposure to 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene were used to estimate the fluidity of the lipid phase(s) of cellular membranes. The membrane lipids of cells derived from four patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia were in a more fluid state than those of cells obtained from 13 other individuals of normal and nonrelated mutant genotypes when all cultures were grown on medium with native serum. The only other cell type having membrane lipids of increased fluidity under these conditions was one fibroblast line derived from a patient with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. Examination of two additional nonconsanguinous lines of Lesch-Nyhan fibroblasts, however, revealed that an abnormally high level of lipid fluidity was not a common property of the membranes of cells of this genotype. Incubation of cultures in medium containing lipid-depleted serum (virtually devoid of lipoprotein-bound sterol) caused a reversible increase in the fluidity of the membranes of normal cells to values similar to those of the hypercholesterolemic cells, but had no effect on the membranelipid fluidity of the latter. By contrast, exposure of cultures to cholesterol not bound to lipoprotein in serum-free medium resulted in a decrease in the lipid fluidity of the membranes of both normo- and hypercholesterolemic fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Solar particle events (SPEs) present a major radiation-related risk for manned exploratory missions in deep space. Within a short period the astronauts may absorb doses that engender acute effects, in addition to the risk of late effects, such as the induction of cancer. Using primary human cells, we studied clonogenic survival and the induction of neoplastic transformation after exposure to a worst case scenario SPE. We simulated such an SPE with monoenergetic protons (50, 100, 1000 MeV) delivered at a dose rate of 1.65 cGy min?1 in a dose range from 0 to 3 Gy. For comparison, we exposed the cells to a high dose rate of 33.3 cGy min?1. X rays (100 kVp, 8 mA, 1.7 mm Al filter) were used as a reference radiation. Overall, we observed a significant sparing effect of the SPE dose rate on cell survival. High-dose-rate protons were also more efficient in induction of transformation in the dose range below 30 cGy. However, as dose accumulated at high dose rate, the transformation levels declined, while at the SPE dose rate, the number of transformants continued to increase up to about 1 Gy. These findings suggest that considering dose-rate effects may be important in evaluating the biological effects of exposure to space radiation. Our analyses of the data based on particle fluence showed that lethality and transforming potential per particle clearly increased with increasing linear energy transfer (LET) and thus with the decreasing energy of protons. Further, we found that the biological response was determined not only by LET but also type of radiation, e.g. particles and photons. This suggests that using γ or X rays may not be ideal for assessing risk associated with SPE exposures.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of 0.1mM heavy metal ions (Au3+, Zn2+, Cr3+, Mn2+, and Cu2+) on ionophore-treated human neutrophils. Treatment of human neutrophils with 5-10 microM ionophore A23187 resulted in phospholipid deacylation and eicosanoid release within 5 min. After approximately 20 min, viability decreased significantly with near total cell death by 50 min. Heavy metal ions altered phospholipid metabolism, eicosanoid synthesis, and cytotoxicity in parallel fashion. Radioimmunoassays for 5-HETE and LTB4 demonstrated that Au3+ and Zn2+ stimulated, Cr3+ had little effect on, and Mn2+ and Cu2+ inhibited eicosanoid release from ionophore-treated neutrophils. Cells prelabelled with [3H]arachidonic acid exhibited similar metal-mediated effects on lipid metabolism. Strong negative correlations between metal effects on viability and the metabolism of arachidonic acid suggest that eicosanoids participate in ionophore-induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Ca2+ uptake, Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity and halothane-induced Ca2+ release from the heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum fraction of muscle from malignant hyperthermia susceptible individuals are similar to those of normal human muscle.
  • 2.2. Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release from the diseased muscle was increased by 13%.

In space, astronauts are exposed to radiation fields consisting of energetic protons and high atomic number, high-energy (HZE) particles at very low dose rates or fluences. Under these conditions, it is likely that, in addition to cells in an astronaut's body being traversed by ionizing radiation particles, unirradiated cells can also receive intercellular bystander signals from irradiated cells. Thus this study was designed to determine the dependence of DNA damage induction on dose at very low fluences of charged particles. Novel techniques to quantify particle fluence have been developed at the NASA Space Radiation Biology Laboratory (NSRL) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The approach uses a large ionization chamber to visualize the radiation beam coupled with a scintillation counter to measure fluence. This development has allowed us to irradiate cells with 1 GeV/nucleon protons and iron ions at particle fluences as low as 200 particles/cm(2) and quantify biological responses. Our results show an increased fraction of cells with DNA damage in both the irradiated population and bystander cells sharing medium with irradiated cells after low fluences. The fraction of cells with damage, manifest as micronucleus formation and 53BP1 focus induction, is about 2-fold higher than background at doses as low as ~0.47 mGy iron ions (~0.02 iron ions/cell) or ~70 μGy protons (~2 protons/cell). In the irradiated population, irrespective of radiation type, the fraction of damaged cells is constant from the lowest damaging fluence to about 1 cGy, above which the fraction of damaged cells increases with dose. In the bystander population, the level of damage is the same as in the irradiated population up to 1 cGy, but it does not increase above that plateau level with increasing dose. The data suggest that at fluences of high-energy protons or iron ions less than about 5 cGy, the response in irradiated cell populations may be dominated by the bystander response.  相似文献   

DNA-binding proteins (DBP) from normal human diploid cells, strain WI38, were isolated by DNA-cellulose chromatography using undenatured calf thymus DNA. The DBP in the 0.15 M NaCl eluate were fractionated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Comparisons of the amounts of the DBP in different cell populations were made by labelling the cells with either 3H- or 14C-amino acid precursors for 40 h prior to pooling the cells for co-isolation of their DBP. When WI38 cells in the replicative and stationary phases were compared, five proteins, P5b (87 000 D), P6a (50 000 D), P8 (33 000 D), P9 (28 000 D) and P10 (25 000 D) were labelled to a greater extent in the replicating cells and two proteins, P5c (72 000 D) and P12 (18 000 D) were labelled to a greater extent in the stationary phase cells. In addition, several high molecular weight DBP, partially characterized as collagen and protocollagen, were preferentially labelled in the stationary phase cells. Stationary phase senescent WI38 cells at or near the end of their in vitro lifespan characteristically showed an increased proportion of protein component P8 (33 000 D) relative to stationary phase WI38 cells at early population doubling levels. Further characterization of WI38-P8 showed that it binds preferentially to single-stranded DNA and amounts to greater than 1% of the total soluble protein in young cells in growth phase. Thus WI38-P8 appears to be comparable to the P8 protein studied by Tsai & Green [27] in mouse 3T6 and human SB cells. The component which is increased in senescent or terminal phase non-dividing cell populations is judged to be the P8 protein by its position in SDS-gels and its preferential binding to single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

It was shown that RBE coefficients of protons (9 GeV) and accelerated helium ions (4 GeV/nucleon) are within the range from 1.0 to 11.6 and 1.0 to 7.2, respectively, depending on the object under study, the criterium of estimation, the registration time, and the dose value.  相似文献   

Very low erythrocyte hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase activity was found in a 6-month-old child with microcephaly, hyperuricemia, and retardation of central nervous development, who subsequently developed self-mutilation. Fibroblast cell extracts from this patient showed less than 6% of normal activity of HPRT. Major metabolic products of adenine-8-C14 by extracts from both the patient and normal subjects were identified by high-voltage electrophoresis and paper chromatography as adenosine 5-monophosphate, adenosine, and inosine. Inosine was the principal product of the fibroblast cell extracts from the first biopsy of the patient, whereas the normal fibroblast cell extracts produced predominantly adenosine. These results suggest that interconversion of the purine nucleotides plays a significant role in metabolism of these fibroblast cell extracts.This project received support from the M.R.C. grant MA-3331 and the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society.  相似文献   

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