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In order to clarify the induction of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) by anaerobiosis in oat (Avena sativa L.), the seedlings were exposed to anaerobiosis and activity of ADH and ADH isozyme profiles were determined. The anaerobiosis increased ADH activities in shoots and roots of the seedlings. By day 2, the activity increased 5 and 4 times in the roots and the shoots, respectively, compared with those under aerobic condition. Based on nondenaturing electrophoresis, ADH isozyme composition analysis revealed six bands consisting of a dimmer enzyme with submits encoded by three different Adh genes. Changes in staining intensity of the isozymes indicated that the increase in ADH activity in oat under anaerobiosis resulted from increased enzyme synthesis.  相似文献   

The influence of far-red (FR; 700–800 nm) radiation on steady-state stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis in P. vulgaris has been studied. Whereas FR radiation alone was relatively ineffective, addition of FR to a background of white light (WL; predominantly 400–700 nm) resulted in increased stomatal conductance. Stomata exhibited a marked diurnal sensitivity to FR. The action maximum for enhancing stomatal conductance was near 714 nm. A combination of FR and infra-red (IR; >800 nm) enhanced net photosynthesis when added to a background of WL. When IR alone was added to WL, there was a net decrease in photosynthesis, indicating that it is the FR waveband which is responsible for the observed photosynthetic effects. Naturally occurring levels of FR radiation (235 mol·m-2·s-1) in vegetation-canopy shade enhanced net photosynthetic CO2 gain by 28% when added to a background of 55 mol·m-2·s-1 WL.Abbreviations BL blue - FR far-red - IR infra-red - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - R red - WL white light  相似文献   

A. M. Jose  E. Schäfer 《Planta》1979,146(1):75-81
In a membrane fraction isolated from hypocotyls of Phaseolus aureus Roxb. the activity of a number of enzymes was regulated by red and far-red irradiation in vitro, provided that the tissue received a brief red light treatment before extraction. Other enzymes showed no photoregulation. There were two types of photocontrol, neither of which could be detected in the solute fraction, nor in extracts from completely etiolated material. One (Type I) was a red/far-red reversible regulation of the rate of enzyme activity, depending on the light given (in vivo or in vitro) before the assay was begun. The second (Type II) was a promotion of enzyme activity by red or far-red light given during the assay. The action spectra for type II responses do not coincide with either the phytochrome absorption or difference spectra. However, the effectiveness of red and far-red was correlated with the Pfr/P ratio present at the beginning of the assay, such that far-red was more efficient at high Pfr/P and red at low Pfr/P ratios. All enzymes that were regulated involved ATP. In samples that showed enzyme regulation, small changes in fluorescence yield of tryptophan and the covalent probe Fluram (Roche) accompanied the photoconversion of phytochrome, but no fluorescence changes could be measured after briefly incubating the membrane fraction with ATP. The results indicate that light may affect the interaction of ATP with the membrane fraction.Abbreviations F far-red light - Pr and Pfr phytochrome in the red and far-red absorbing forms - Ptot total phytochrome - R red light - RNP ribonucleoprotein  相似文献   

In a homologous series of di-guanidines (NH2C(–NH)NH(CH2)xNHC(–NH) NH2) where x=2–12, greatest inhibition of polyamine oxidase was found with x=8. The synthetic fungicide guazatine269-1 was particularly effective as an inhibitor of polyamine oxidase, with Ki of ca 10-8 M. Inhibition due to the tri-amine derived from guazatine by hydrolysis was less effective by a factor of ca 200. Comparison of various inorganic salts at 1 M showed that polyamine oxidase activity was enhanced in the order RbCl>KCl>KBr>NH4Cl>NaNO3>LiCl>LiCl=NaCl> control (no salt) >CaCl2=MgCl2. Activity in RbCl was about 4 to 5 times greater than in the salt-free control. Enzyme activity is rapidly lost during assay. This loss of activity could not be attributed to inhibition by aminopropylpyrroline or diaminopropane. Moreover the superoxide scavenger copper salicylate had no protective effect on enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The occurrence of phytochrome-mediated highirradiance responses (HIR), previously characterised largely in dicotyledonous plants, was investigated in Triticum aestivum L., Zea mays L., Lolium multiflorum Lam. and in both wild-type Oryza sativa L. and in transgenic plants overexpressing oat phytochrome A under the control of a 35S promoter. Coleoptile growth was promoted (maize, ryegrass) or inhibited (wild-type rice) by continuous far-red light (FRc). However, at equal fluences, hourly pulses of far-red light (FRp) were equally effective, indicating that the growth responses to FRc were not true HIR. In contrast, in maize and rice, FRc increased anthocyanin content in the coleoptile in a fluence-rate dependent manner. This response was a true HIR as FRp had reduced effects. In maize, anthocyanin levels were significantly higher under FRc than under continuous red light. In rice, overexpression of phytochrome A increased the inhibition of coleoptile growth and the levels of anthocyanin under FRc but not under FRp or under continuous red light. The effect of FRc was fluence-rate dependent. In light-grown rice, overexpression of phytochrome A reduced leaf-sheath length, impaired the response to supplementary far-red light, but did not affect the response to canopy shade-light. In grasses, typical HIR, i.e. fluence-rate dependent responses showing reciprocity failure, can be induced by FRc. Under FRc, overexpressed phytochrome A operates through this action mode in transgenic rice.Abbreviations FR far-red light - FRc continuous far-red light - FRp pulses of far-red light - HIR high-irradiance responses - LFR low-fluence responses - OPHYA transgenic rice overexpressing oat phytochrome A - Pfr far-red light-absorbing form of phytochrome - phyA phytochrome A - R red light - Rc continuous red light - VLFR very low-fluence responses - WT wildtype We thank Marcelo J. Yanovsky for his help with the photographs and Professor Rodolfo A. Sanchez for providing a reprint of the paper by P.J.A.L. de Lint. This work was supported by grants from UBA (AG041) and Fundacion Antorchas (A-13218/1-15) to J.J.C.  相似文献   

We detected phospholipase D in three species of ciliates: Tetrahymena: T. thermophila, T. pyriformis and T. setosa in nutrient medium supplemented with ethanol in in vivo systems, by the appearance of phosphatidylethanol. The calcium ionophore A23187 increased the synthesis of phosphatidylethanol, as compared with untreated controls. We suggest that Tetrahymena possess a calcium sensitive phospholipase D. Propranolol caused the cells in dense cultures to increase their average generation times or die, dependent on the drug concentration. This inhibition could be overcome by the addition of phospholipids or ethanol. Pure phosphatidylethanol had no effect on growth rates or generation times in cultures at high cell density, but postponed cell death in cultures at low cell density by a factor of 10. We suggest that an important role of phospholipase D in Tetrahymena is to supply the cell with diacylglycerol without which it can not enter the mode of proliferation from the lag phase of the culture.  相似文献   

De-etiolation results in phytochrome destruction, greening, and the loss of the far-red high irradiance responses (HIR). Evidence is presented against the hypothesis that the loss of the far-red HIR is a direct consequence of phytochrome destruction. Loss of the far-red HIR for the inhibition of elongation in hypocotyls of Raphanus sativus involves two different, but linked, actions of phytochrome. An induction reaction requires the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome for about 20 min after which accumulation of its product depends only on time. A second reaction requires continuous light or frequent short irradiations and involves cycling of the phytochrome system. This acts on the product of the induction reaction. It is proposed that in green plants an important mode of operation of phytochrome in the light depends on pigment cycling, and that during de-etiolation this system is established under phytochrome control.Abbreviations HIR high irradiance response - R red - FR farred light - Ptot phytochrome, Pr its red absorbing form, Pfr its far-red absorbing form A.M. Jose was the holder of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food award AE 6819  相似文献   

Polyadenylated mRNA from developing oat (Avena sativa L.) seeds was isolated and analyzed. Prominent mRNA species of 18S, 15S and 12S were observed; the 18S mRNA was judged to be esentially free of ribosomal RNA by hybridization analysis. Size fractionation andin vitro translation of this mRNA was performed. SDS, IEF-SDS gel electrophoresis and immunoprecipitation were used to analyze the translation products. It is shown that globulin mRNA (18S) accounts for roughly 30% of the total mRNA in developing seeds, the 12S and 15S mRNAs accounting for the remainder. The 18S mRNA directs the synthesis of a series of distinct but related polypeptides, suggesting that some of the heterogeneity seen in the oat globulins is at the amino acid sequence level.  相似文献   

A. Wildermann  H. Drumm  E. Schäfer  H. Mohr 《Planta》1978,141(2):211-216
After sowing, mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings were grown for 48 h in white light (25°C). These fully de-etiolated, green seedlings were used as experimental material between 48 and 72 (84) h after sowing. The question researched was to what extent control by light of hypocotyl elongation is due to phytochrome in these seedlings. It was found that the light effect on hypocotyl growth is very probably exerted through phytochrome only. In particular, we found no indication for the involvement of a specific blue light photoreceptor pigment.Abbreviations HIR high irradiance reaction - Pfr far-red absorbing, physiologically active form of phytochrome - Pr red absorbing, physiologically inactive form of phytochrome - Pot total phytochrome, i.e. [Pr]+[Pfr] - [Pfr]/[Ptot] - red red light - fr far-red light - wl white light - bl blue light - di dichromatic irradiation - l hypocotyl length  相似文献   

D. E. Harder  K. Mendgen 《Protoplasma》1982,112(1-2):46-54
Summary Treatment with the polyene antibiotic filipin resulted in the formation of granular protuberances of the plasmamembranes of the mesophyll cells of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and oat (Avena sativa) plants, and of intercellular hyphal cells of the rust fungiUromyces appendiculatus var.appendiculatus andPuccinia coronata var.avenae, as seen by freeze-etch electron microscopy. The granules were also occasionally seen in intracellular vesicles ofU. appendiculatus. None were found in any intracellular organelles of plant or fungal tissue. The granules ranged in size from about 20–25 nm in the plant tissue and 21–27 nm in the fungal tissue. They were concluded to be filipin-sterol (FS) complexes. The extrahaustorial membranes of either bean or oat rustinfected tissue were generally devoid of FS complexes. The extrahaustorial membrane is continuous with the host plasmamembrane but appeared to have a lower sterol content as compared to the non-invaginated plasmamembrane. The results are discussed in relation to membrane associations at the host-parasite interface.Contribution No. 1011. Winnipeg Research Stn.  相似文献   

E. Fernbach  H. Mohr 《Planta》1990,180(2):212-216
Photomorphogenesis is a conspicuous feature in conifers. In the case of the shade-intolerant Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), control of stem growth by light is well expressed at the seedling stage and can readily be studied. The present data show that hypocotyl growth is controlled by the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr). However, the Scots pine seedling requires blue or ultraviolet (UV-A) light to become fully responsive to Pfr. Blue/UV-A light has no direct effect on hypocotyl growth and its action appears to be limited to establishing the responsiveness of the seedling to Pfr. This type of coaction between phytochrome and blue/UV-A light has been observed previously in a number of angiosperm seedlings. With regard to the high irradiance reaction of phytochrome in long-term far-red light the pine seedling deviates totally from what has been observed in etiolated angiosperms since continuous far-red light has no effect on stem growth.Abbreviations B light of wavelength between 500 and 400 nm - FR standard far-red light - HIR high irradiance reaction of phytochrome - R high-fluence-rate red light (R = 0.8) - RG9-light long-wavelength far-red light defined by the properties of the Schott RG9 glass filter (RG9<0.01) - = Pfr/Ptot wavelength-dependent photoequilibrium of the phytochrome system (far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome/total phytochrome) - UV-A near ultraviolet light of wavelength between 400 and 320 nm - W white light Research supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Schwerpunkt Physiologie der Bäume).  相似文献   

A protein-kinase activity which is co-purified with phytochrome from etiolated oat seedlings was investigated in some detail. Whereas phytochrome was always phosphorylated in solution (together with some contaminating protein bands), radioactive phosphate was not found in the phytochrome band after native gel electrophoresis and incubation of the entire gel with labeled ATP. Since protein kinases are usually autophosphorylated under these conditions, the result shows that the kinase activity does not reside in the phytochrome molecule itself. Radioactivity was exclusively detected in a band with the apparent molecular weight 450 kDa; sodium-dodecyl-sulfate gel electrophoresis revealed an apparent molecular weight of 60 kDa for the phosphorylated subunit. The N-terminal amino-acid sequence A L E S A G K Q L V P W was determined for this subunit which is a potential candidate for the protein kinase. The optimum conditions (pH, metal ion concentration) and kinetics of the phosphorylation reaction were determined. The presumed connection between proteinkinase activity and the signal chain leading from the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome to physiological responses still awaits elucidation.Abbreviations Bistris 2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol - kDa kilodalton - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - PMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - Tris 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol Dedicated to Professor A. Trebst on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

J. E. Hughes  E. Wagner 《Planta》1987,172(1):131-138
The effects of far-red light given against a background of white light on the stem-extension kinetics of three-week-old, light-grown Chenopodium album seedlings were investigated. Under white light alone, the stems (cotyledon-to-apex) extended almost exactly logarithmically with time. Under these conditions the increase in log [stem length in mm] per hour was approx. 3.7·10-3, equivalent to about 1% per h during both skoto-and photoperiods. Supplementary far-red given throughout each photoperiod massively stimulated extension. The calculated logarithmic extension rate, however, slowly returned to that of the controls, following an initial large increase. This is predicted by a model in which far-red light linearly increases the extension rate of individual internodes which arise at an exponentially increasing rate. The behaviour of the model is also consistent with critical experiments in which far-red was given as a pre-treatment or transiently, as well as with other published data. Far-red stimulation of logarithmic extension rate in successive photoperiods was closely and linearly correlated with calculated phytochrome photoequilibrium. Daily short periods of supplementary far-red were especially potent in accelerating extension; the plants seemed least responsive at the end of the photoperiod.Abbreviations FR supplementary far-red light - I stem length (mm) - LSER logarithmic stem extension rate - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - R:FR red:far-red fluence rate ratio - WL white light - c calculated phytochrome photoequilibrium  相似文献   

The rate of senescence and the two-dimensional pattern of soluble proteins from detached oat leaves senescing in either darkness or light were analyzed, and compared to those of leaves in which senescence was delayed by application of the cytokinin benzyladenine or enhanced through the action of abscisic acid.Senescence of detached leaves in light did not differ significantly from senescence in attached leaves on intact plants. In darkness, protein was lost at a higher rate than in light, but several individual proteins showed relative increases. Notably, proteins previously characterized as high-molecular-weight proteins and senescence-associated proteins (Klerk et al., 1992) increased. Changes observed during incubation in light or darkness appeared to be related to this condition rather than the rate or progress of senescence. Cytokinins delayed and abscisic acid accelerated the changes in protein pattern compared to water. Beside changes previously identified in leaves senescing on the plant, detached leaves show alterations that reflect their condition of incubation rather than their developmental progress.Abbreviations 2D-PAG two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - ABA abscisic acid - BA N6-benzyladenine - BSA bovine serum albumin - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - IEF isoelectric focusing - Rubisco ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - Tris tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane  相似文献   

Summary The allohexaploid nature of Avena sativa L. (2n=6x=42) and the availability of aneuploid lines was exploited in designing a strategy for mapping beta-tubulin sequences in the oat genome. Evidence for a minimum of eight beta-tubulin genes was obtained by Southern-blot analysis. Three betatubulin sequences were localized to chromosomes using DNA from monosomic and nullisomic lines in the variety Sun II. One sequence was localized to the chromosome missing in nullisome I. Two other sequences were mapped to satellite chromosome 2, the chromosome that is missing in nullisome VIII and to which one ribosomal RNA gene cluster had previously been mapped. Restriction fragments carrying these two beta-tubulin genomic sequences and the cluster of ribosomal RNA sequences were missing in DNA from nullisomics VIII, IX and X, suggesting that all three nullisome classes are deficient for an identical chromosomal segment that includes these three loci. This study demonstrates how molecular analyses can be used to characterize aneuploid stocks and to better define their genetic constitution.Mention of a trademark, proprietary product, or vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the University of Minnesota and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products or vendors that may be suitable  相似文献   

The regulation by light of the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus was investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cv. Landsberg erecta. When grown in high- and low-irradiance white light, wild-type plants and photomorphogenic mutants showed large differences in their maximum photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll a/b ratios; such changes were abolished by growth in red light. Photosystem I (PSI) and PSII levels were measured in wild-type plants grown under a range of light environments; the results indicate that regulation of photosystem stoichiometry involves the specific detection of blue light. Supplementing red growth lights with low levels of blue light led to large increases in PSII content, while further increases in blue irradiance had the opposite effect; this latter response was abolished by the hy4 mutation, which affects certain events controlled by a blue-light receptor. Mutants defective in the phytochrome photoreceptors retained regulation of photosystem stoichiometry. We discuss the results in terms of two separate responses controlled by blue-light receptors: a blue-high-fluence response which controls photosystem stoichiometry; and a blue-low-fluence response necessary for activation of such control. Variation in the irradiance of the red growth light revealed that the blue-high-fluence response is attenuated by red light; this may be evidence that photosystem stoichiometry is controlled not only by photoreceptors, but also by photosynthetic metabolism.Abbreviations BHF blue-high-fluence - BLF blue-low-fluence - Chl chlorophyll - FR far-red light - LHCII light-harvesting complex of PSII - Pmax maximum photosynthetic rate - R red light - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase This work was supported by Natural Environment Research Council Grant No. GR3/7571A. We would like to thank H. Smith (Botany Department, University of Leicester) and E. Murchie (INRA, Versailles) for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase (NR) activity in the presence of Mg2+ (NR act) representing the non-phosphorylated NR state and the activity in the presence of EDTA (NR max) representing maximum NR activity was measured in roots and shoots of 15 d grown aluminium and water stressed rice seedlings to examine changes in NR activation state due to these stresses. Seedlings subjected to a moderate water stress level of -0.5 MPa for 24 h or grown in presence of 80 microM Al3+showed decreased level of NR max but resulted in higher NR act and NR activation state. However, seedlings grown in presence of a higher level of 160 microM Al3+ showed a decline in NR act as well as NR max. With a higher water stress Level of -2.0MPa a marked decline in the levels of both NR act and NR max was observed, whereas NR activation state remained almost unaltered with severe water stress. NR activity appeared to be sensitive to H2O2, PEG-6000, NaCl and various metal salts. Incorporation of these components in the enzyme assay medium led to decreased affinity of enzyme towards its substrate with increase in Km and decrease in Vmax values. Addition of each of the osmolytes i.e. 1 mol/L proline, 1 mol/L glycine betaine or 1 mol/L sucrose in the enzyme assay medium caused a considerable protection to the enzyme against the damaging effects of stressful components. An enhanced level of proline and glycine betaine was observed in Al-stressed seedlings and sucrose in Al as well as water stressed seedlings. Results suggest that Al toxicity and water stress decrease total amount of functional NR in rice seedlings and the osmolytes proline, glycine betaine and sucrose appear to have a direct protective action on enzyme NR under stressful conditions  相似文献   

The effect of an in vivo and in vitro treatment with cadmium on transport activities of root plasma membrane enriched vesicles was studied in oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Argentina) plants. Addition of 100 mumol/L CdSO4 to nutrient solution decreases both proton transport activity and ATPase activity to the same level. In vitro experiments show that cadmium seems to have a differential inhibiting effect on proton transport activity and ATPase activity, the most pronounced one on ATP-dependent H(+)-accumulation, suggesting that cadmium would interfere with membrane permeability properties. This is indeed the case. The results demonstrate that cadmium decreases passive permeability to protons.  相似文献   

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