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The purpose of this investigation was to examine if exercise-induced arterial oxyhemoglobin desaturation selectively observed in highly trained endurance athletes could be related to differences in the pulmonary diffusing capacity (D L) measured during exercise. The D L of 24 male endurance athletes was measured using a 3-s breath-hold carbon monoxide procedure (to give D LCO) at rest as well as during cycling at 60% and 90% of these previously determined O2max. Oxyhemoglobin saturation (S aO2%) was monitored throughout both exercise protocols using an Ohmeda Biox II oximeter. Exercise-induced oxyhemoglobin desaturation (DS) (S aO2% < 91% at O2max) was observed in 13 subjects [88.2 (0.6)%] but not in the other 11 nondesaturation subjects [NDS: 92.9 (0.4)%] (P ≤ 0.05), although O2max was not significantly different between the groups [DS: 4.34 (0.65) l / min vs NDS: 4.1 (0.49) l / min]. At rest, no differences in either D LCO [m1 CO · mmHg−1 · min−1: 41.7 (1.7) (DS) vs 41.1 (1.8) (NDS)], D LCO / A [8.2 (0.4) (DS) vs 7.3 (0.9) (NDS)], MVV [l / min: 196.0 (10.4) (DS) vs 182.0 (9.9) (NDS)] or FEV1/FVC [86.3 (2.2) (DS) vs 82.9 (4.7) (NDS)] were found between groups (P ≥ 0.05). However, E /O2 at O2max was lower in the DS group [33.0 (1.1)] compared to the NDS group [36.8 (1.5)] (P ≤ 0.05). Exercise D LCO (m1 CO · mmHg−1 · min−1 ) was not different between groups at either 60% O2max [DS: 55.1 (1.4) vs NDS: 57.2 (2.1)] or at 90% O2max [DS: 61.0 (1.8) vs NDS: 61.4 (2.9)]. A significant relationship (r = 0.698) was calculated to occur between S aO2% and E /O2 during maximal exercise. The present findings indicate that the exercise-induced oxyhemoglobin desaturation seen during submaximal and near-maximal exercise is not related to differences in D L, although during maximal exercise S aO2 may be limited by a relatively lower exercise ventilation. Accepted: 25 September 1996  相似文献   

To assess muscle metabolism and inorganic phosphate (Pi) peak splitting during exercise, 31-phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed during ramp incremental and submaximal step exercise with and without circulatory occlusion. Seven healthy men performed calf flexion in a superconducting magnet. There was no Pi splitting during ramp incremental exercise with the circulation present and phosphocreatine (PCr) decreased linearly by 0.07 (SEM 0.01) mmol · l−1 · s−1, while exercise with the circulation occluded caused the Pi peak to split into a high and a low pH peak. The rate of PCr decrease during exercise with the circulation occluded was 0.15 (SEM 0.03) mmol · l−1 · s−1 which with the efficiency of the adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis reaction corresponded well to the mechanical energy. Both with and without occlusion of the circulation PCr decreased with some time lag which may reflect the consumption of residual oxygen. In submaximal step exercise PCr decreased exponentially at the onset of exercise with the circulation open whereas it decreased linearly by 0.15␣mmol · l−1 · s−1 when the circulation was occluded. After exercise, occlusion of the circulation was maintained for 1 min more and there was no PCr resynthesis. It is suggested that ATP synthesis was limited by the availability of oxygen. Accepted: 14 August 1996  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that changes in physiological responses during arm-cranking exercise using electrical stimulation of the leg muscles (ACE-ES) compared to arm-cranking exercise alone (ACE) in able-bodied subjects (ABS) are based on an increase in active muscle mass rather than the enhancing effect of the leg muscle pump. In ABS the sympathetic nervous system induced vasoconstriction and activity of the leg muscle pump are intact, therefore, a normal redistribution of blood takes place during exercise. Consequently, ES should have no additional effect on the redistribution of blood in these ABS during exercise and, thus, changes in physiological responses will be based on an increase in active muscle mass. A group of 11 ABS performed three maximal arm-cranking tests. In the first test peak power output (PO peak) was determined. The other tests were both submaximal and maximal ACE, once with ACE-ES and once with ACE. The PO peak was not significantly different between ACE-ES and ACE. Oxygen uptake (O2) increased significantly during ACE-ES compared to ACE. Cardiac output (), stroke volume (SV), heart rate and ventilation were not significantly different during ACE-ES compared to ACE. Respiratory exchange ratios were significantly lower during ACE-ES compared to ACE at 60% PO peak and at maximal exercise. In conclusion, ACE-ES caused significant increases in O2 with a lack of elevation in and SV during submaximal and maximal exercise in ABS. The results of this study suggest that changes in physiological responses during ACE-ES are based on an increase in the active muscle mass rather than stimulation of the leg muscle pump. Accepted: 6 August 1996  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between plasma potassium ion concentration ([K+]) and skeletal muscle torque during three different 15-min recovery periods after fatigue induced by four 30-s sprints. Four males and one female completed the multiple sprint exercise on three separate days; recovery was passive, i.e. no cycling exercise (PRec), active cycling at 30% peak oxygen consumption O2peak (30% Rec) and active cycling at 60% O2peak (60% Rec). Plasma [K+] was measured from blood sampled from an antecubital vein of subjects at rest and at 0, 3, 5, 10 and 15 min into each recovery. Isokinetic leg strength was measured at rest and at 1, 6, 11 and 16 min during each recovery. Following the exhaustive sprints, [K+] increased significantly from an average mean (SEM) resting value of 3.81 (0.07) mmol · l−1 to 4.48 (0.19) mmol · l−1 (P < 0.01). In all recovery conditions, plasma [K+] returned to resting levels within 3 min following the fourth sprint. However, in the two active recovery conditions plasma [K+] increased over the remainder of the recovery periods to 4.36 (0.12) mmol · l−1 in the 30% Rec condition and 4.62 (0.12) mmol · l−1 in the 60% Rec condition, the latter being significantly higher than the former (P < 0.01). The maximum torque measured following the sprints decreased significantly, on average, to 61.1 (8.36)% of peak levels (P < 0.01). After 15 min of recovery, maximum torque was highest in the 30% Rec condition at 92.13 (3.06)% of peak levels (P < 0.01), compared to 85.23 (3.64)% and 85.71 (0.82)% for the PRec and 60% Rec conditions, respectively. In contrast to the significant differences in plasma [K+] across all three recovery conditions, muscle torque recovery was significantly different in only the 30% Rec condition. In summary, recovery of peak levels of muscle torque following fatiguing exercise does not appear to follow changes in plasma [K+]. Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

Integrated electromyography (iEMG) of the m. vastus lateralis was analysed during cycle ergometry in male subjects (n = 8). Two work trials were conducted, one under normoxia (N), the other under environmental normobaric hypoxia (EH in which the oxygen fraction in inspired gas = 0.116), each trial lasting 10 min. The absolute power output (180 W) was the same for both trials and was equivalent to 77 (4)% of maximum heart rate in trial N. Maximal voluntary isometric contractions were performed after each trial to assess changes in force, muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV), electromechanical delay (EMD), median frequency of EMG (MF) and maximal iEMG (iEMGmax). Biopy samples of muscle were obtained from the m. vastus medialis before testing. Myosin heavy chain (MHC) differences were determined through sodium dodecyl-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by densitometric analysis. No differences in submaximal iEMG were observed between EH and N trials during the first minute of work. At the end of both work trials iEMG was significantly elevated compared with starting values, however the iEMG recorded in EH exceeded N values by 15%. At the end of the EH trials the following were observed: a decrease in isometric force, MFCV and MF with an increase in EMD and the iEMGmax/force ratio. The iEMGmax was unchanged. No differences in any of these variables were observed after the N trial. Mean (SD) lactate concentrations following EH and N trials were 9.2 (4.4) mmol · 1−1 and 3.5 (1.1) mmol · 1−1, respectively. Results indicate that an increased motor unit recruitment and rate coding was needed in EH to maintain the required power output. The increased motor unit recruitment and rate coding were associated with myoelectric evidence of “peripheral” muscle fatigue. Subjects with higher compositions of type II MHC accumulated more lactate and displayed greater reductions in MF and MFCV during fatigue. Accepted: 16 June 1996  相似文献   

To determine the effect of endogenous opioids on catecholamine response during intense exercise [80% maximal oxygen uptake ( O2max)], nine fit men [mean (SE) ( O2max, 63.9 (1.7) ml · kg–1 · min–1; age 27.6 (1.6) years] were studied during two treadmill exercise trials. A double-blind experimental design was used with subjects undertaking the two exercise trials in counterbalanced order. Exercise trials were 20 min in duration and were conducted 7 days apart. One exercise trial was undertaken following administration of naloxone (N; 1.2 mmol · l–1; 3 ml) and the other after receiving a placebo (P; 0.9% saline; 3 ml). Prior to each experimental trial a flexible catheter was placed into an antecubital vein and baseline blood samples were collected. Immediately afterwards, each subject received bolus injection of either N or P. Blood samples were also collected after 20 min of continuous exercise while running. Epinephrine and norepinephrine were higher (P < 0.05) in the N than P exercise trial with mean (SE) values of 1679 (196) versus 1196 (155) pmol · l–1 and 24 (2.2) versus 20 (1.7) nmol · · l–1 respectively. Glucose and lactate were higher (P < 0.05) in the N than P exercise trial with values of 7 (0.37) versus 5.9 (0.31) mmol · l–1 and 6.9 (1.1) versus 5.3 (0.9) mmol · l–1 respectively. These data suggest an opioid inhibition in the release of catecholamines during intense exercise.  相似文献   

β-Endorphin (BE) infusion at rest can influence insulin and glucagon levels and thus may affect glucose availability during exercise. To clarify the effect of BE on levels of insulin, glucagon and glucose during exercise, 72 untrained male Sprague-Dawley rats were infused i.v. with either: (1) BE (bolus 0.05 mg · kg−1 +0.05 mg · kg−1 · h−1, n = 24); (2) naloxone (N, bolus 0.8 mg · kg−1 + 0.4 mg · kg−1, n = 24); or (3) volume-matched saline (S, n = 24). Six rats from each group were killed after 0, 60, 90 or 120 min of running at 22 m · min−1, at 0% gradient. BE infusion resulted in higher plasma glucose levels at 60 min [5.93 (0.32) mM] and 90 min [4.16 (0.29) mM] of exercise compared to S [4.62 (0.27) and 3.41 (0.26 mM] and N [4.97 (0.38) and 3.44 (0.25) mM]. Insulin levels decreased to a greater extent with BE [21.5 (0.9) and 18.3 (0.6) uIU · ml−1] at 60 and 90 min compared to S [24.5 (0.5) and 20.6 (0.6) uIU · ml−1] and N [24.5 (0.4) and 21.6 (0.7) uIU · ml−1] groups. Plasma C-peptide declined to a greater extent at 60 and 90 min of exercise with BE infusion compared to both S and N. BE infusion increased glucagon at all times during exercise compared to S and N. These data suggest that BE infusion during exercise influences plasma glucose by augmenting glucagon levels and attenuating insulin release. Accepted: 26 February 1997  相似文献   

Ten young (aged 23–30 years) and nine older (aged 54–59 years) healthy men with a similar size of limb muscle mass performed arm crank and leg cycle exercise for 30 min at relative exercise intensities of 50% and 75% of maximal oxygen uptake for the corresponding muscle group. In the tests, heart rate, blood pressure, gas exchange variables, rating of perceived exertion and blood lactate concentration were measured. The limb muscle mass was determined by anthropometric measurements. At the 75% target exercise level, four of the older men and two of the young men could not complete the arm-cranking test, and one of the older men and two of the young men could not complete the leg-cycle test. During arm-cranking the absolute exercise intensity was similar for the young and older men because of similar maximal values during arm-cranking. But during leg-cycling the absolute excercise intensity was higher for the young men than for the older men due to the difference in corresponding maximal values. During arm-cranking there were no significant differences in the physiological responses between the age groups except that a higher ventilatory response was noted among the older compared to the young men. During leg-cycling the heart rate values were higher among the young compared to the older men. But, when the heart rate values were expressed as a percentage of maximal heart rate in the corresponding maximal tests, no significant differences between the age groups were found. The results indicated that 30-min of arm or leg exercise at the same relative submaximal excercise intensity produces a similar degree of physiological strain in healthy older compared to young men. During arm-cranking, the young and the older men exercised at the same external intensity, indicating a similar ability to perform prolonged excercise using smaller muscle groups expressed both in absolute and relative terms. Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of training and racing at moderate altitude (MA) on oxidative stress by assessment of serum diene conjugation (DC) and serum antioxidant potential (TRAP). Nine male top level skiers were studied during a national race (20–30 km) at sea level (SL). Thereafter, the athletes trained for 2 weeks at MA, after which they participated in a 20–30 km race at MA. Venous blood samples were taken before and after the race. The DC, indicating early events of lipid peroxi dation, did not change during the race at SL (16 850 vs 15 900 ΔAbsorbance · l−1) or at MA (19 870 vs. 20 630 ΔAbs · l−1). At MA serum DC was higher than at SL both before (25%) and after (30%) the race, the postrace difference being statistically significant (P < 0.05). The TRAP increased during the race at MA (from 1387 to 1943 μmol · 1−1, P  =  0.016), but not at SL (1713 vs 1582 μmol · l−1). These observations would suggest that the level of oxidative stress might be greater during living, training and racing at MA (higher DC levels). Increased TRAP during the race at MA may indicate that the physiological adaptation to extreme acute oxidative stress was altered. The physiological significance of this observation remains to be investigated. Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

Rhythmic leg movements and tailflipping are mutually exclusive behaviours in most decapod crustaceans, but sand crabs (Anomura: Hippoidea) combine leg movements with simultaneous tailflipping or uropod beating for both digging and swimming. We examined the coordination between the legs and tail (abdomen and tailfan) of Blepharipoda occidentalis, Lepidopa californica (Albuneidae), and Emerita analoga (Hippidae). When either albuneid swims, the tail cycles at a higher frequency than the legs, and the two rhythms are not coupled. When albuneids begin digging, the tail's frequency drops to that of the legs, and its rhythm becomes phase coupled to the legs. In E. analoga the legs seldom move during swimming by uropod beating. During digging the frequency of the uropods and fourth legs starts at about double that of the second and third legs, but drops to that of the second and third legs as digging progresses. The fourth legs in E. analoga are coupled with the uropods; their outward movement (= power stroke) is concurrent with the uropod return stroke. The familial differences in leg coordination and in the coordination of the legs and tail account for the smooth descent of E. analoga beneath sand compared to the stepwise descent of the albuneids. Accepted: 23 August 1996  相似文献   

Whereas with advancing age, peak heart rate (HR) and cardiac index (CI) are clearly reduced, peak stroke index (SI) may decrease, remain constant or even increase. The aim of this study was to describe the patterns of HR, SI, CI, arteriovenous difference in oxygen concentration (C a-vO2), mean arterial pressure (MAP), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI), stroke work index (SWI) and mean systolic ejection rate index (MSERI) in two age groups (A: 20–30 years, n = 20; B: 50–60 years n = 20. After determination of pulmonary function, an incremental bicycle exercise test was performed, with standard gas-exchange measurements and SI assessment using electrical impedance cardiography. The following age-related changes were found: similar submaximal HR response to exercise in both groups and a higher peak HR in A than in B[185 (SD 9) vs 167 (SD 14) beats · min−1, P < 0.0005]; increase in SI with exercise up to 60–90 W and subsequent stabilization in both groups. As SI decreased towards the end of exercise in B, a higher peak SI was found in A [57.5 (SD 14.0) vs 43.6 (SD 7.7) ml · m−2, P < 0.0005]; similar submaximal CI response to exercise, higher peak CI in A [10.6 (SD 2.5) vs 7.2 (SD 1.3) l · min−1 · m−2, P < 0.0005]; no differences in C a-vO2 during exercise; higher MAP at all levels of exercise in B; higher SVRI at all levels of exercise in B; lower SWI in B after recovery; higher MSERI at all levels of exercise in A. The decrease in SI with advancing age would seem to be related to a decrease in myocardial contractility, which can no longer be compensated for by an increase in preload (as during submaximal exercise). Increases in systemic blood pressure may also compromise ventricular function but would seem to be of minor importance. Accepted: 24 September 1996  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine how changes in oxygen uptake (O2) and heart rate (HR) during submaximal cycle ergometry were determined by changes in cycle geometry and/or lower-limb kinematics. Fourteen trained cyclists [Mean (SD): age, 25.5 (6.4) years; body mass 74.4 (8.8) kg; peak O2, 4.76 (0.79) l. min−1 peak] were tested at three seat-tube angles (70°, 80°, 90°) at each of three trunk angles (10°, 20°, 30°) using a modified Monark cycle ergometer. All conditions were tested at a power output corresponding to 95% of the O2 at each subject's ventilatory threshold while pedalling at 90 rpm and using aerodynamic handlebars. Sagittal-view kinematics for the hip, knee, and ankle joints were also recorded for all conditions and for the subjects' preferred positioning on their own bicycles. No combination of seat-tube and trunk angle could be considered optimal since many of the nine conditions elicited statistically similar mean O2 and HR values. Mean hip angle (HA) was the only kinematic variable that changed consistently across conditions. A regression relationship was not observed between mean O2 or HR and mean hip angle values (P > 0.45). Significant curvilinear relationships were observed, however, between ΔO2 (O2 − minimum O2) and ΔHA (mean HA − preferred HA) using the data from all subjects (R = 0.45, SEE = 0.13 l . min−1) and using group mean values (R = 0.93, SEE = 0.03 l . min−1). In both cases ΔO2 minimized at ΔHA = 0, which corresponded to the subjects' preferred HA from their own bicycles. Thus, subjects optimized their O2 cost at cycle geometries that elicited similar lower-limb kinematics as the preferred geometries from their own bicycles. Accepted: 3 July 1996  相似文献   

 To investigate the role of fluid shifts during the short-term adjustment to acute hypobaric hypoxia (AHH), the changes in lower limb (LV) and forearm volumes (FV) were measured using a strain-gauge plethysmograph technique in ten healthy volunteers exposed to different altitudes (450 m, 2500 m, 3500 m, 4500 m) in a hypobaric chamber. Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, arterial oxygen saturation (S aO2), endtidal gases, minute ventilation and urine flow were also determined. A control experiment was performed with an analogous protocol under normobaric normoxic conditions. The results showed mean decreases both in LV and FV of −0.52 (SD 0.39) ml · 100 ml−1 and −0.65 (SD 0.32) ml · 100 ml−1, respectively, in the hypoxia experiments [controls: LV −0.28 (SD 0.37), FV −0.41 (SD 0.47) ml · 100 ml−1]. Descent to normoxia resulted in further small but not significant decreases in mean LV [−0.02 (SD 0.11) ml · 100 ml−1], whereas mean FV tended to increase slightly [ + 0.02 (SD 0.14) ml · 100 ml−1]; in the control experiments mean LV and FV decreased continuously during the corresponding times [−0.19 (SD 0.31), −0.18 (SD 0.10) ml · 100 ml−1, respectively]. During the whole AHH, mean urine flow increased significantly from 0.84 (SD 0.41) ml · min−1 to 3.29 (SD 1.43) ml · min−1 in contrast to the control conditions. We concluded that peripheral fluid volume shifts form a part of the hypoxia-induced acute cardiovascular changes at high altitude. In contrast to the often reported formation of peripheral oedema after prolonged exposure to hypobaric hypoxia, the results provided no evidence for the development of peripheral oedema during acute induction to high altitude. However, the marked increase in interindividual variance in S aO2 and urine flow points to the appearance of the first differences in the short-term adjustment even after 2 h of acute hypobaric hypoxia. Accepted: 27 August 1996  相似文献   

California sea lions, Zalophus californianus, were trained to elicit maximum voluntary breath holds during stationary underwater targeting, submerged swimming, and trained diving. Lowest heart rate during rest periods was 57 bpm. The heart rate profiles in all three protocols were dominated by a bradycardia of 20–50 bpm, and demonstrated that otariid diving heart rates were at or below resting heart rate. Venous blood samples were collected after submerged swimming periods of 1–3 min. Plasma lactate began to increase only after 2.3-min submersions. This rise in lactate and our inability to train sea lions to dive or swim submerged for periods longer than 3 min lead us to conclude that an aerobic limit had been reached. Due to the similarity of heart rate responses and swimming velocities recorded during submerged swimming and trained diving, this 2.3-min limit should approximate the aerobic dive limit in these 40-kg sea lions. Total body O2 stores, based on measurements of blood and muscle O2 stores in these animals, and prior lung O2 store analyses, were 37–43 ml O2 kg−1. The aerobic dive limit, calculated with these O2 stores and prior measurements of at-sea metabolic rates of sea lions, is 1.8–2 min, similar to that measured by the change in post-submersion lactate concentration. Accepted: 7 July 1996  相似文献   

The ability of an insect to disperse to new habitat patches is difficult to quantify, but key to the establishment and persistence of populations. In this study, we examined dispersal of the phytophagous chrysomelid beetle, Galerucella calmariensis, which is currently being introduced into North America for the biological control of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), an aggressive wetland weed. We used a mark, release, and recapture approach to determine how rates of colonization of host patches by this beetle are influenced by the distance of the patch from the source of dispersers, and by the presence of conspecifics at the patch. We released color-coded beetles at six distances from a long, linear patch of purple loosestrife that was divided into segments with and without conspecifics. We observed initial flight directions as beetles left the release points and collected all beetles that settled at the target patch. We found a bias in initial flight toward the target for distances up to 50 m. Over the 7 days of the experiment, beetles arrived at the target from all release points, including the farthest release point, 847 m away. G. calmariensis was strongly attracted to conspecifics when settling after dispersal; 86% of the 582 recovered beetles came from the segments inhabited by conspecifics. The probability of an individual arriving at the patch declined steeply with release distance. This relationship fits a model in which beetles move in a random direction and stop if they intercept the target patch, and where beetles are lost at a constant rate with distance travelled. The dispersal and patch-colonizing behavior of G. calmariensis is likely to have important consequences for the biological control program against purple loosestrife. Received: 23 January 1996 / Accepted:30 September 1996  相似文献   

Sieve-tube exudate protein (STEP) from Ricinus communis L. seedlings consists of a characteristic set of more than 100 different polypeptides, against which a complex antiserum was raised. This antiserum cross-reacted with dominant protein species (molecular weights 10–30 kDa) present in the sieve-tube exudate and, to a lesser extent, with proteins in tissue extracts of Ricinus and a wide range of other plant species. For further elucidation of the nature of individual STEPs in the sieve tubes the anti-STEP serum was used to screen a cDNA expression library constructed from Ricinus cotyledon mRNA. Two clones that differed in the 3′ untranslated region encoded a protein of 11 kDa which showed striking homology to bacterial and eucaryotic glutaredoxin sequences. Glutaredoxin activity was confirmed for the recombinant protein after overexpression in Escherichia coli and characterised in detail in sieve-tube exudate. Michaelis Menten constants (K m) for reduced glutathione and cysteine were 2 mM and 50 μM, respectively. Besides l-cysteine, dehydroascorbate and protein disulphides were also reduced by the activity present in the sieve-tube exudate. Glutathione, which is the obligate donor of reduced thiols for glutaredoxin, was present in sieve-tube sap in millimolar concentrations (up to 3 mM) with a ratio of total to oxidised glutathione of 3:1. It is suggested that glutaredoxin and glutathione in sieve tubes prevent oxidative damage and may be involved in redox regulation of sieve-tube proteins. Received: 13 December 1996 / Accepted: 28 December 1996  相似文献   

As an alternative to a conventional endurance electromyogram (EMG) test for assessment of muscle capacity in the upper trapezius muscle (isotonic test, IT), an isoelectric test (IE) has been investigated. Nine subjects performed the two endurance tests. The tests were performed with a straight horizontal arm in the plane of the scapula. In IE, EMG amplitude was fed back to the subject and the subject was instructed to maintain a constant EMG activity equal to the level with the arm unsupported. Subjective ratings of local fatigue were obtained during the experiments. The EMG recordings from both tests were analysed for the root mean square value as well as according to the mean power frequency (MPF) technique. All the subjects endured maximal 15 min IE while in IT the median endurance was 11.9 min. Average subjective ratings of perceived fatigue increased more in IT compared to IE. The average normalised MPF curve from IT increased while that from IE was unaffected. There was a significant difference between the MPF results at 6 and 8 min. It is noteworthy that the MPF was higher in IT in spite of a higher accumulated biomechanical load. It was concluded from these studies that the interpretation of decreased MPF as an indicator of increased local muscle fatigue is doubtful at low contraction levels. It is suggested that an IE is a more appropriate method for the functional evaluation of low threshold motor units of the upper trapezius muscle in research into occupational disorders. Accepted: 15 October 1996  相似文献   

Predator-induced defenses are well studied in plants and invertebrate animals, but have only recently been recognized in vertebrates. Gray treefrog (Hylachrysoscelis) tadpoles reared with predatory dragonfly (Aeshnaumbrosa) larvae differ in shape and color from tadpoles reared in the absence of dragonflies. By exposing tadpoles to tail damage and the non-lethal presence of starved and fed dragonflies, we determined that these phenotypic differences are induced by non-contact cues present when dragonflies prey on Hyla. The induced changes in shape are in the direction that tends to increase swimming speed; thus, the induced morphology may help tadpoles evade predators. Altering morphology in response to predators is likely to influence interactions with other species in the community as well. Received: 17 April 1996 / Accepted: 18 September 1996  相似文献   

Motor neurones of the crayfish walking system display inhibitory responses evoked either by γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) or glutamate, possibly involving the same receptor (Pearlstein et al. 1994). In order to test if this sensibility to both GABA and glutamate was a specific property of crayfish GABA receptors, pharmacological characteristics of GABA-evoked responses in both sensory terminals from CB chordotonal organ and motor neurones of the walking system have been compared. Both receptors are GABA-gated Cl channels activated by specific GABAA (muscimol, isoguvacine), GABAB (3-aminopropyl phosphinic acid), and GABAC (cis-4-amino crotonic acid) agonists, and blocked by competitive (β-guanidino propionic acid) and non-competitive (picrotoxin) antagonists. They were insensitive to specific GABAA (bicuculline, SR-95531) and GABAB (phaclofen) antagonists. Furthermore, in both cases, nipecotic acid and the modulatory drug diazepam had no effect. However, our results demonstrate that GABA receptors of sensory terminals are different from those of motor neurones. GABA-induced desensitisation only occurred in sensory terminals. Moreover, glutamate was shown to activate GABA-gated Cl channels in motor neurones, but not in sensory terminals. Therefore, GABA is likely to be the endogenous neurotransmitter of presynaptic inhibition in sensory terminals, whereas inhibition between antagonistic motor neurones would be achieved by glutamate. Accepted: 10 July 1996  相似文献   

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