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There is an ever-increasing demand to select specific, high-affinity binding molecules against targets of biomedical interest. The success of such selections depends strongly on the design and functional diversity of the library of binding molecules employed, and on the performance of the selection strategy. We recently developed SRP phage display that employs the cotranslational signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway for the translocation of proteins to the periplasm. This system allows efficient filamentous phage display of highly stable and fast-folding proteins, such as designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) that are virtually refractory to conventional phage display employing the post-translational Sec pathway. DARPins comprise a novel class of binding molecules suitable to complement or even replace antibodies in many biotechnological or biomedical applications. So far, all DARPins have been selected by ribosome display. Here, we harnessed SRP phage display to generate a phage DARPin library containing more than 1010 individual members. We were able to select well behaved and highly specific DARPins against a broad range of target proteins having affinities as low as 100 pM directly from this library, without affinity maturation. We describe efficient selection on the Fc domain of human IgG, TNFα, ErbB1 (EGFR), ErbB2 (HER2) and ErbB4 (HER4) as examples. Thus, SRP phage display makes filamentous phage display accessible for DARPins, allowing, for example, selection under harsh conditions or on whole cells. We envision that the use of SRP phage display will be beneficial for other libraries of stable and fast-folding proteins.  相似文献   

Alexander PA  Rozak DA  Orban J  Bryan PN 《Biochemistry》2005,44(43):14045-14054
To better understand how amino acid sequences specify unique tertiary folds, we have used random mutagenesis and phage display selection to evolve proteins with a high degree of sequence identity but different tertiary structures (homologous heteromorphs). The starting proteins in this evolutionary process were the IgG binding domains of streptococcal protein G (G(B)) and staphylococcal protein A (A(B)). These nonhomologous domains are similar in size and function but have different folds. G(B) has an alpha/beta fold, and A(B) is a three-helix bundle (3-alpha). IgG binding function is used to select for mutant proteins which retain the correct tertiary structure as the level of sequence identity is increased. A detailed thermodynamic analysis of the folding reactions and binding reactions for a pair of homologous heteromorphs (59% identical) is presented. High-resolution NMR structures of the pair are presented by He et al. [(2005) Biochemistry 44, 14055-14061]. Because the homologous but heteromorphic proteins are identical at most positions in their sequence, their essential folding signals must reside in the positions of nonidentity. Further, the thermodynamic linkage between folding and binding is used to assess the propensity of one sequence to adopt two unique folds.  相似文献   

The mammalian alpha/beta T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire plays a pivotal role in adaptive immunity by recognizing short, processed, peptide antigens bound in the context of a highly diverse family of cell-surface major histocompatibility complexes (pMHCs). Despite the extensive TCR-MHC interaction surface, peptide-independent cross-reactivity of native TCRs is generally avoided through cell-mediated selection of molecules with low inherent affinity for MHC. Here we show that, contrary to expectations, the germ line-encoded complementarity determining regions (CDRs) of human TCRs, namely the CDR2s, which appear to contact only the MHC surface and not the bound peptide, can be engineered to yield soluble low nanomolar affinity ligands that retain a surprisingly high degree of specificity for the cognate pMHC target. Structural investigation of one such CDR2 mutant implicates shape complementarity of the mutant CDR2 contact interfaces as being a key determinant of the increased affinity. Our results suggest that manipulation of germ line CDR2 loops may provide a useful route to the production of high-affinity TCRs with therapeutic and diagnostic potential.  相似文献   

Lee CM  Iorno N  Sierro F  Christ D 《Nature protocols》2007,2(11):3001-3008
Here, we describe a protocol for the selection of human antibody fragments using repertoires displayed on filamentous bacteriophage. Antigen-specific clones are enriched by binding to immobilized antigen, followed by elution and repropagation of phage. After multiple rounds of binding selection, specific clones are identified by ELISA. This article provides an overview of phage display and antibody technology, as well as detailed protocols for the immobilization of antigen, the selection of repertoires on purified or complex antigens and the identification of binders.  相似文献   

Directed evolution of a single-chain class II MHC product by yeast display   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many autoimmune diseases have been linked to the class II region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The linkage is thought to be a result of autoreactive T cells that recognize self-peptides bound to a product of this locus. For example, T cells from non-obese diabetic mice recognize specific 'diabetogenic' peptides bound to a class II MHC allele called I-A(g7). The I-A(g7) molecule is noted for being unstable and difficult to work with, especially in soluble form. In this work, yeast surface display combined with fluorescence-activated cell sorting was used as a means of directed evolution to engineer stabilized variants of a single-chain form of I-A(g7). A library containing mutations at two residues (positions 56 and 57 of the I-A(g7) beta-chain) that are important in the class II disease associations yielded stabilized mutants with preferences for a glutamic acid at residue 56 and a leucine at residue 57. Random mutation of I-A(g7) followed by selection with an anti-I-A(g7) antibody also yielded stabilized variants with mutations in other residues. The methods described here allow the discovery of novel MHC complexes that could facilitate structural studies and provide new opportunities in the development of diagnostics or antagonists of class II MHC-associated diseases.  相似文献   

Steps toward mapping the human vasculature by phage display   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The molecular diversity of receptors in human blood vessels remains largely unexplored. We developed a selection method in which peptides that home to specific vascular beds are identified after administration of a peptide library. Here we report the first in vivo screening of a peptide library in a patient. We surveyed 47,160 motifs that localized to different organs. This large-scale screening indicates that the tissue distribution of circulating peptides is nonrandom. High-throughput analysis of the motifs revealed similarities to ligands for differentially expressed cell-surface proteins, and a candidate ligand-receptor pair was validated. These data represent a step toward the construction of a molecular map of human vasculature and may have broad implications for the development of targeted therapies.  相似文献   

Antibodies play a pivotal role in human health and disease. The application of phage display technology represents another milestone in the attempt to gain a better understanding of human antibodies. Immunoglobulin phage display permits human monoclonal antibodies for the first time to be readily available for analysis and for therapeutic use. Recent developments in molecular biology, in particular the polymerase chain reaction, have made it possible to amplify, clone, and express human antibody fragments in prokaryotic organisms. Phagemid display vectors have a distinct advantage over conventional cell culture technology used to immortalize human antibodies, in that one may quickly survey huge immunoglobulin repertoires for an antibody of desired specificity. Dual expression of immunoglobulin variable region light and heavy chain fragments permits combinatorial shuffling and thus an increase in diversity.The development of sophisticated computer algorithms, such as LINUS,57 that can predict the three-dimensional structure of proteins from DNA sequences will have an enormous influence on the characterization and design of human antibodies. Future advances in computer software will be needed to aid in the identification of unique antibody sequence motifs expressed during disease and in the design of antibodies with defined functional epitopes.  相似文献   

Functional cloning by phage display   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jestin JL 《Biochimie》2008,90(9):1273-1278
This review focusses on the isolation of proteins from genomic or cDNA expression products libraries displayed on phage. The use of phage display is highlighted for the characterization of binding proteins with diverse biological functions. Phage display is compared with another strategy, the yeast two-hybrid method. The combination of both strategies is especially powerful to eliminate false positives and to get information on the biochemical functions of proteins.  相似文献   

Directed evolution of a stable scaffold for T-cell receptor engineering   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Here we have constructed a single-chain T-cell receptor (scTCR) scaffold with high stability and soluble expression efficiency by directed evolution and yeast surface display. We evolved scTCRs in parallel for either enhanced resistance to thermal denaturation at 46 degrees C, or improved intracellular processing at 37 degrees C, with essentially equivalent results. This indicates that the efficiency of the consecutive kinetic processes of membrane translocation, protein folding, quality control, and vesicular transport can be well predicted by the single thermodynamic parameter of thermal stability. Selected mutations were recombined to create an scTCR scaffold that was stable for over an hour at 65 degrees C, had solubility of over 4 mg ml(-1), and shake-flask expression levels of 7.5 mg l(-1), while retaining specific ligand binding to peptide-major histocompatibility complexes (pMHCs) and bacterial superantigen. These properties are comparable to those for stable single-chain antibodies, but are markedly improved over existing scTCR constructs. Availability of this scaffold allows engineering of high-affinity soluble scTCRs as antigen-specific antagonists of cell-mediated immunity. Moreover, yeast displaying the scTCR formed specific conjugates with antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which could allow development of novel cell-to-cell selection strategies for evolving scTCRs with improved binding to various pMHC ligands in situ.  相似文献   

Antigens I/II are large multifunctional adhesins from oral viridans streptococci that exert immunomodulatory effects on human cells and play important roles in inflammatory disorders. Among them, Streptococcus mutans plays a major role in the initiation of dental caries. The structure of the V-region (SrV+, residues 464-840) of the antigen I/II of S. mutans has been determined using the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction phasing technique with seleno-methionine-substituted recombinant protein and subsequently refined at 2.4 A resolution. The crystal structure of SrV+ revealed a lectin-like fold that displays a putative preformed carbohydrate-binding site stabilized by a metal ion. Inhibition of this binding site may confer to humans a protection against dental caries and dissemination of the bacteria to extra-oral sites involved in life-threatening inflammatory diseases. This crystal structure constitutes a first step in understanding the structure-function relationship of antigens I/II and may help in delineating new preventive or therapeutic strategies against colonization of the host by oral streptococci.  相似文献   

Abrin is a highly potent and lethal type II ribosome inactivating toxin that may be used as a biological warfare agent. To date, no human anti-Abrin antibodies have yet to be reported. Herein, we describe the selection and characterization of two human monoclonal antibodies, termed E12 and RF12, which are capable of binding native Abrin with high affinity and specificity. Through surface plasmon resonance studies, we have determined the association and dissociation rate constants and the cross-reactivity for both antibodies. In our developed Biacore-based Abrin detection system, the limit of detection of antibodies E12 and RF12 is 35 and 75 ng/mL, respectively. These concentrations are about 5 x 10(4)-fold lower than the extrapolated Abrin human LD(50). In sum, our data demonstrated the power of human antibody phage display libraries and the promise of these antibodies as detection devices for Abrin.  相似文献   

The human tissue kallikrein (KLK) family contains 15 secreted serine proteases that are expressed in a wide range of tissues and have been implicated in different physiological functions and disease states. Of these, KLK1 has been shown to be involved in the regulation of multiple physiological processes such as blood pressure, smooth muscle contraction, and vascular cell growth. KLK6 is overexpressed in breast and ovarian cancer tissues and has been shown to cleave peptide derived from human myelin protein and Abeta amyloid peptide in vitro. Here we analyzed the substrate specificity of KLK1 and KLK6, by substrate phage display using a random octapeptide library. Consistent with earlier biochemical data, KLK1 was shown to exhibit both trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like selectivities with Tyr/Arg preferred at site P1, Ser/Arg strongly preferred at P1', and Phe/Leu at P2. KLK6 displayed trypsin-like activity, with the P1 position occupied only by Arg and a strong preference for Ser in P1'. Docking simulations of consensus peptide provide information on the identity of the enzyme residues that are responsible for substrate binding. Bioinformatic analysis suggested several putative KLK6 protein substrates, such as ionotropic glutamate receptor (GluR) and synphilin.  相似文献   

Peptides that bind to silkworm-derived silk fibroin fiber were selected from a phage-displayed random peptide library. The selected silk-binding peptides contained a consensus sequence QSWS which is important for silk-binding as confirmed by binding assays using phage and synthetic peptides. With further optimization, we anticipate that the silk-binding peptides will be useful for functionalization of silk for biomaterial applications.  相似文献   



Coeliac disease (CD) is a common and complex disorder of the small intestine caused by intolerance to wheat gluten and related edible cereals like barley and rye. Peptides originating from incomplete gliadin digestion activate the lamina propria infiltrating T cells to release proinflammatory cytokines, which in turn cause profound tissue remodelling of the small intestinal wall. There is no cure for CD except refraining from consuming gluten-containing products.  相似文献   

The expression of recombinant proteins incorporated into the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast surface display) is an important tool for protein engineering and library screening applications. In this review, we discuss the state-of-the-art yeast display techniques used for stability engineering of proteins including antibody fragments and immunoglobulin-like molecules. The paper discusses assets and drawbacks of stability engineering using the correlation between expression density on the yeast surface and thermal stability with respect to the quality control system in yeast. Additionally, strategies based on heat incubation of surface displayed protein libraries for selection of stabilized variants are reported including a recently developed method that allows stabilization of proteins of already high intrinsic thermal stability like IgG1-Fc.  相似文献   

Mating antibody phage display with proteomics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

We generated a single chain Fv fragment of an antibody (scFv) with a binding affinity of about 5 pm to a short peptide by applying rigorous directed evolution. Starting from a high affinity peptide binder, originally obtained by ribosome display from a murine library, we generated libraries of mutants with error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling and applied off-rate selection by using ribosome display. Crystallographic analysis of the scFv in its antigen-bound and free state showed that only few mutations, which do not make direct contact to the antigen, lead to a 500-fold affinity improvement over its potential germ line precursor. These results suggest that the affinity optimization of very high affinity binders is achieved by modulating existing interactions via subtle changes in the framework rather than by introducing new contacts. Off-rate selection in combination with ribosome display can evolve binders to the low picomolar affinity range even for peptide targets.  相似文献   

Protein L (PpL) is a B-cell superantigen from Peptostreptococcus magnus known to bind to mammalian Vkappa light chains. PpL from P.magnus strain 312 comprises five homologous immunoglobulin (Ig) binding domains. We first analysed the binding of the individual domains (B1-B5) of PpL(312) to human Vkappa light chains (huVkappa) subtypes 1 (huVkappaI) and 3 (huVkappaIII). Using a combination of rational design and phage selection we isolated mutants of the N-terminal B1 domain with a 14-fold increased affinity for huVkappa1 (B1kappa1) and >tenfold increased affinity for huVkappaIII (B1kappa3). We investigated the potential of the selected domains, in particular the B1kappa1 domain, as reagents in immunochemistry and immunotherapy. B1kappa1 proved a superior reagent than the wild-type domain, allowing up to tenfold more sensitive detection of human Vkappa antibody fragments in ELISA. A fusion protein of B1kappa1 with a human Vlambda antibody scFv fragment promoted the efficient recruitment of antibody encoded effector functions including complement, mononuclear phagocyte respiratory burst and phagocytosis through retargeting of IgGkappa and IgMkappa. Our results suggest that superantigens with improved affinity and/or specificity are easily accessible through protein engineering. Such engineered superantigens should prove useful as reagents in immunochemistry and may have potential as agents in immunotherapy.  相似文献   

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