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Armendáriz  Laura C. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,438(1-3):217-226
Population dynamics of Stylaria lacustris were analyzed over 2 years in a pond located at Los Talas, Argentina. In both years, the peak in abundance, due to intense asexual reproduction, fell at the end of winter, and was followed by mature individuals. The species was not collected during summer. Temperature was the main factor regulating the population through both sexual and asexual reproduction. In the second year, density was lower and correlated with a lower water level and a reduced vegetation development. Individuals were randomly distributed in periods of high abundance and contagious when density was low. Generation time was 15 days.  相似文献   

The peculiarities of the growth in weight and length of Stylaria lacustris (L.) on the basis of observations in experimental vessels are considered. The growth of this species fits a parabolic curve. The equations relating weight to absolute growth rate as well as weight to duration of life are given.  相似文献   

Nais pseudobtusa Piquet, 1906 is reported for the first time from Australia.  相似文献   

Most green gemmules of Spongilla lacustris survived enclosure in ice at –20 °C for up to 30 days; however, their rate of germination at 20 °C was less rapid than that of control gemmules. The length of time spent at low temperature had little effect on gemmule survival. In contrast, repeated cooling to –20 °C and warming to 4 °C led to a progressive decline in gemmule viability. These results indicate that cold injury occurs primarily during transitions between high and low temperatures.  相似文献   

Many species of Naididae possess a pair of pigmented eyes. Within Clitellata, eyes are generally present in Hirudinea, whereas Naididae are the only oligochaete taxon having these sense organs. The eyes of Naididae are epidermal structures and consist of a multicellular pigment cup in which a single row of five to six photoreceptor cells is embedded. The sensory cells are typical phaosomes: the photoreceptive structures (microvilli) project into a cavity formed by the sensory cell itself. In Stylaria lacustris this cavity opens to the exterior, clearly documenting that it represents an invagination of the apical cell membrane. The density of sensory microvilli is comparatively low and a central vitreous body is lacking. Similar phaosomous photoreceptors, not associated with either pigmented or unpigmented supporting cells, occur in the epidermis of the anterior end. These photoreceptors correspond to those found in other Clitellata, confirming that phaosomes are the only known type of photoreceptor cell occurring in this taxon. As a result of their simple structure they have been regarded as plesiomorphic for Annelida. However, an out‐group comparison with eyes and photoreceptors occurring in polychaetes and other spiralians reveals that they, in fact, are a rather specialized type of photoreceptor. Despite the simple structure, they most likely represent an autapomorphy of Clitellata. It follows that in all probability, these phaosomes are a secondarily evolved type of photoreceptor, which arose within the oligochaete clade after the primary photoreceptors present in the out‐groups had been lost. This loss might have occurred during evolution of a burrowing life style within the sediment and subsequent invasion of the terrestrial environment.  相似文献   

The development of the male genital ducts in Clitellio arenarius, Tubificoides benedii, Heterochaeta costata (Tubificidae) and Stylaria lacustris (Naididae) is studied with the purpose of investigating the homologies between different parts of the ducts. In both Tubificidae and Naididae, the male duct comprises a funnel, a vas deferens and an atrium. There may also be a prostate gland (diffuse or compact) in association with the duct. The funnel and vas deferens, in all four species, originate from the peritoneal (mesodermal) cells in the posterior septa in the testes segment, whereas the atrium develops from an epidermal (ectodermal) invagination. The prostate glands have different origins in different taxa; in S. lacustris it differentiates from the peritoneal (mesodermal) cells surrounding the atrium, but in H. costata and T. benedii it develops by a multiplication of the atrial (ectodermal) cells; C. arenarius lacks a prostate gland. The development of the spermathecae and the female duct is also studied. The spermatheca is an epidermal invagination. The female duct is of mesodermal origin. However, the position of the duct differs; in S. lacustris the female duct is lateral and the pore is in the ovarian segment, while in the tubificids studied the duct is ventral with the pore in the segment behind the one containing the ovary.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of Gammarus lacustris in Lake Shira and growth of young specimens that feed on lake biota were studied. The amphipods have been shown to inhabit the littoral, sublittoral and the upper aphytal zones of the lake on stony-sandy soil and silted sand. The young and adult individuals stay apart. The young live in submerged or semi-submerged vegetation in the littoral, the adults in the sublittoral and upper aphytal zones. Maximum density of amphipods was encountered in the areas influenced by human activity.The feeding experiments revealed that the lake plankton is a more important food source for G. lacustris than any other food species. The specific growth rate measured was 0.039 d–1, with a length increment 0.095 mm d–1.  相似文献   

Enchytraeus fragmentosus (Enchytraeidae) and Stylaria lacustris (Naididae) are small terrestrial and limnetic oligochaetes that exclusively or seasonally reproduce by fragmentation and regeneration, respectively. We traced the neuronal development and differentiation during regeneration in order to gain information on the basic organization and evolution of the oligochaete nervous system. Subsequent to artificial amputation, the nervous systems have been stained with antibodies directed against acetylated alpha-tubulin. The staining was analyzed by indirect fluorescence in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy. Both species show unique oligochaete neuronal regeneration patterns: (i) numerous fibers branch off from segmental nerves near the wound site and innervate the blastema; and (ii) the ventral cord is partly reestablished before the circumesophageal connectives develop. In the investigated 'Oligochaeta' the outgrowing fibers of the ventral nerve cord are soon bundled into at least two distinct connective pairs, which prolong into dorsal and ventral roots next to the mouth. Subsequent complete fusion of the doubled roots forms simple connectives. Thus, dorsal roots are not a unique feature for 'Polychaeta'. They occur as a transient structure in 'Oligochaeta' and might be part of the neuronal ground pattern of Annelida. The initially tetra or even pentaneuronal ventral nerve cord also differentiates into an unineuronal one by fusion.  相似文献   

The analysis of gut contents ofAmphichaeta leydigii, found for the first time in Italy in sandy shores of Lake Vico (Central Italy), proved grazing of the species on diatoms (Centrales and Pennales). Detritus and organic particles, abundant in the substratum, were observed only in small amounts.  相似文献   

The productivity of Nais spp. from periphyton of fishponds of the Dombes area (Ain) was studied in semi-natural conditions by cultivation of zooids in experimental glass enclosures immersed in situ and filled with pond water receiving injections of fertilizers (P2O5) and natural filtered periphyton extracts (particles < 70 µm). The growth rate of the experimental populations was not significantly affected by the concentration of fertilizers added to culture media. On the contrary, the water management of the culture media (as renewal or non-renewal of the water in experimental enclosures), the closing procedure of the enclosures and the load and composition of the nutritive substrate controlled the produced biomass. Temperature and food supply were the principal extrinsic variables controlling the asexual growth rate of the Nais species. The stolonization rate was analyzed as a biological parameter implicated in the instantaneous birth rate of zooids and the growth of naidid populations.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction is employed by species of Naididae during favorable environmental conditions. In species characteristic of aquatic habitats subject to rapid fluctuations in water levels and temperatures most individuals in a population become sexually mature, and there is degeneration of the alimentary tract, a shortened breeding season, and aclitellar formation of cocoons. Cocoon deposition allows a population to survive periods of environmental stress. Sexual reproduction predominates near the edges of ranges where stress conditions are more prevalent. Species that reproduce sexually in spring are intolerant of summer conditions, while those that breed in autumn are intolerant of winter. Species typical of environmentally stable bodies of water usually have a minority of the population mature at any time, an extended breeding season, and the ability to continue feeding while mature; thus, adaptations for survival in unstable habitats are lacking.  相似文献   

The discharge of cooling water favours the occurrence of freshwater limpets. Reproduction ofAncylus fluviatilis is stimulated by the higher temperature of the cooling water; the life cycle ofFerrissia wautieri (nearly exclusively found in the outlet areas) does not, however, differ from that under natural temperature regimes. ForAcroloxus lacustris this is not clear as detailed studies on the life cycle under natural temperature circumstances are lacking. Acroloxus lacustris andFerrissia wautieri could be found in large numbers on hard substrates (stones), as well as on plant material in sheltered as well as in exposed situations. In this respect they differ fromAncylus fluviatilis, which is restricted in its occurrence to hard substrates and exposed situations.It is not very clear whether the occurrence ofAncylus fluviatilis is also influenced by some form of competition for food byBithynia tentaculata; both feed on diatoms. Further experimental studies of this question should yield interesting results.The changes in numbers of the three freshwater limpet species are mainly due to reproduction and migration, both largely governed by temperature and day length.It was possible to reconstruct the influence of cooling water in the Bergumermeer area by means of the ratio between the numbers ofAcroloxus lacustris andFerrissia wautieri. The share ofFerrissia was highest near the outiet and decreased with the distance from this station.  相似文献   

Summary Different antibodies against actin, tubulin and cytokeratin were utilized to demonstrate the spatial organization of the cytoskeleton in basal epithelial cells of the freshwater sponge Spongilla lacustris. Accordingly, actin is localized in a cortical layer beneath the plasma membrane and in distinct fibers within the cytoplasmic matrix. Microtubules exhibit a different distributional pattern by radiating from a perinuclear sheath and terminating at, the cell periphery; in contrast, intermediate filaments are lacking. Cytoplasmic streaming activity was studied by in-vivo staining of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum by means of fluorescent dyes. Single-frame analysis of such specimens revealed a regular shuttle movement of mitochondria and other small particles between the cell nucleus and the plasma membrane, which can be stopped in a reversible manner with the use of colcemid or colchicine but not with cytochalasin D. The results point to the microtubular system as a candidate for cell organelle transport, whereas the actomyosin system rather serves for changes in cellular shape and motility.  相似文献   

In phylogenetic considerations of the Oligochaeta and the family Enchytraeidae, Propappus has been considered the ancestral or even the archetypal enchytraeid genus. Three nominal species are presently included in Propappus Michaelsen, 1905, P. volki Michaelsen, 1916, P. arhyncotus Sokolskaja, 1972, and the type species of the genus, P. glandulosus Michaelsen, 1905. Examination of type material of P. glandulosus and P. volki, as well as other material of the latter, showed that these species have a single pair of testes in segment XI and a single pair of ovaries in segment XIII. According to current classifications of the Oligochaeta, these species of Propappus cannot be retained in the Enchytraeidae. A phylogenetic analysis including two species of Propappus and 29 species of Haplotaxidae suggest a sister group relationship between Propappus and some Enchytraeidae and Haplotaxidae.  相似文献   

Summary The horizontal distribution of three species of tubificid worm (Tubifex tubifex, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and L. udekemianus in the sediment of a small stream was examined. Worm distribution was most strongly correlated with the distribution of leaf litter. This relationship was examined in the laboratory by means of choice chambers. It was concluded that; 1) the addition, to an inorganic substratum, of conditioned leaf material, enhanced its attractiveness to the worms; 2) a combination of silt-clay and leaf material was preferred by the worms to mixtures of leaf material and coarser inorganic substrata 3) some leaf species were more attractive to the worms than others; 4) there were differences between the worm species in their preferences for the various leaf species; 5) none of the three tubificid species was exclusively associated with its preferred leaf species; 6) worms would switch to less attractive leaf species if preferred alternatives were unavailable; 7) leaf material only attracted the worms once it had become conditioned; 8) this appeal was lost when the leaves were autoclaved; and 9) substratum choice was independent of worm size.We believe the worms were attracted to the leaves because the associated microfloras provided a concentration of bacterial food. Differences between the three tubificid species in their preferences for the various leaf species probably reduced trophic competition.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of Naididae (Oligochaeta) in Britain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A compilation of records of the geographical location of naidid species in Britain is presented. Many species previously considered rare are shown to be widely distributed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The cocoon of Nais variabilis is ovoid with an average length of 527.6±8.4 μm (95% CL) and an average breadth of 378.1±9.9 μm. The cocoon wall is about 7 μm thick and the average volume of the cocoon cavity is 0.035±0.002 mm3. Most cocoons contain one ovum; only single-ovum cocoons developed.
2. Cocoons hatch in about 80 days at room temperature (average 20°C. range 17–23°C). Hatchlings emerged posterior end first and were, on hatching, about one-third the adult live length of 8.5±10.3 mm.
3. It is estimated that adult Nais variabilis are unlikely to produce more than an average of ten cocoons each. Adults ceased asexual budding on becoming nature and died shortly after the completion of cocoon production. There was a brief co-existence of generations.  相似文献   

A new psychrotolerant methanogenic archaeon strain ZS was isolated from anoxic lake sediments (Switzerland). The cells of the organism were non-motile cocci, 1.5-3.5 microm in diameter. The cells aggregated and formed pseudoparenchyma. The cell wall was Gram-positive. The organism utilized methanol, mono-, di-, trimethylamine and H2/CO2 with methane production. The temperature range for growth was 1-35 degrees C with an optimum at 25 degrees C. The DNA G+C content of the organism was 43.4. mol%. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that strain ZS was phylogenetically closely related to members of the genus Methanosarcina, but clearly differed from all described species of this genus (95.6-97.6% of sequence similarity). The level of DNA-DNA hybridization of strain ZS with Methanosarcina barkeri and Methanosarcina mazei was 15 and 31%, respectively. Based on the results of physiological and phylogenetic studies strain ZS can be assigned to a new species of the genus Methanasarcina. The name Methanosarcina lacustris sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is ZS (= DSM 13486T, VKM B-2268).  相似文献   

The diploid chromosome number for the EuropeanLinum hologynum and the haploid number for the AustralianL. monogynum is 42 and appears to establish a new and distinctive base number for sect.Linum. The possession by these two species and by the AustralianL. marginale of multiporate pollen and united styles, a unique combination of features in sect.Linum, may warrant the establishment of a new subsection in that section to accommodate the three species.  相似文献   

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