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24 plankton samples, collected in different parts of the Republic of Senegal (W. Africa) were examined for their rotifer content. Seventy taxa were identified to species level, some of which were present in different forms. Thirty three taxa and forms are new to Senegal, three species are new to Africa. Attention is paid to a cruciform population of Asplanchnella sieboldi and to a Brachionus quadridentatus population of very small dimensions. Two new taxa are described: Brachionus cf. angularis and Brachionus bidentatus senegalensis Koste & De Ridder.  相似文献   

Seventy-eight rotifer species are reported from 19 localities in Turkey. About half are first records for that country. Some interesting species are illustrated and the composition of the regional fauna is discussed. Wide-ranging taxa are dominant, with notbale additions of tropical, subtropical, afrotropical and circumboreal species. Many are restricted to saline environments, where some show an unusual vertical distribution. Endemism is suspected in a few taxa.  相似文献   

P. Leentvaar 《Hydrobiologia》1980,73(1-3):259-262
Some Brachionidae indicative of polluted water are normally found in brackish but unpolluted waters in The Netherlands. The circumtropical K. tropica is now regularly recorded in the Hollands Diep, which is slightly thermally polluted, but it also seems to occur, at times, in waters that receive no heated water effluents.  相似文献   

M. De Ridder 《Hydrobiologia》1992,237(2):93-101
In samples collected from different parts of the Republic of Mali (W-Africa), ninety-two taxa of rotifers were identified. Some were present in different forms; 56% were cosmopolitan, 19% thermophilous with a wide distribution, 20% tropicopolitan and 5% cold-stenothermous. These latter species seem to be relicts of palaeoclimatic conditions in Africa.  相似文献   

Quantitative zooplankton sampling was carried out biweekly during 16 months in Lake Nyahirya, a Western Uganda crater lake. Six out of 24 rotifer species recorded from the lake were quantitatively important (Horaella brehmi, Brachionus angularis, B. caudatus, Keratella tropica, Filinia longiseta and F. opoliensis, and three others were common (Brachionus falcatus, Asplanchna sieboldi and Conochiloides natans). Rotifer peaks were correlated with rainy periods and relatively clear water, which coincide with the European spring and autumn. All species were able to deal with hypoxic conditions. A clear niche separation can be observed between different genera and between species of the same genus. The population dynamics of the rotifers seem to be ruled by repeated irregular environmental fluctuations. Rainfall appears to be a primary steering factor.  相似文献   

A systematic revision of African Naididae confirmed the presence of 16 genera and 48 species. Allonais ranauana Boldt, 1932 is confirmed as a distinct species, Nais raviensis Stephenson, 1914 has very short gills and is a species of Dero, and Rhopalonais has equally obscure gills and is attributable to Dero. Pristina proboscidea Beddard, 1896 is synonymous with P. longiseta Ehrenberg, 1828.African naidids are primarily tropical, the most widespread genus is Pristina, followed by Aulophorus, Nais and Dero. Nais is dominant in South Africa, whereas the other genera predominate in the tropics along with Rhopalonais. The most widespread species are A. furcatus, N. variabilis, P. longiseta and P. menoni.Serrations on hair setae and intermediate teeth in bifid needles are universally present as seen under SEM, their reported absence under light microscopes is attributable to lack of resolution power. SEM is also useful in determining gills in Dero. Size of setae within and between individuals is more constant than the literature would suggest as the standard deviation is usually less than 10% of the mean. There is a constant relationship between setal length and size of worm, and between median ventral setae and needles in this material.Setal size is a diagnostic character in taxonomy. The standard deviation of the mean number of segments in front of the budding zone averages 9.9%, the highest value (25.7%) was for Stylaria fossularis. Differences of more than 10% may usually be considered diagnostic. The total number of segments is exceedingly variable and cannot be used as a taxonomical characteristic. The same applies to segment length or diameter.  相似文献   

African Grass Rats of the genus Arvicanthis Lesson, 1842, are one of the most important groups of rodents in sub‐Saharan Africa. They are abundant in a variety of open habitats, they are major agricultural pests, and they became a popular model in physiological research because of their diurnal activity. Despite this importance, information about their taxonomy and distribution is unsatisfactory, especially in eastern Africa. In this study, we collected the most comprehensive multilocus DNA dataset to date across the geographic and taxonomic range of the genus (229 genotyped specimens from 130 localities in 16 countries belonging to all currently recognized species). We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships, mapped the distribution of major genetic clades, and used the combination of cytogenetic, nuclear, and mitochondrial markers for species delimitations and taxonomic suggestions. The genus is composed of two major evolutionary groups, called here the ANSORGEI and NILOTICUS groups. The former contains four presumed species, while the latter is more diverse and we recognized nine species. Most relationships among species are not resolved, which suggests a rapid radiation (dated to early–middle Pleistocene). Further, there is an indication of reticulate evolution in Ethiopia, that is, the region of the highest Arvicanthis diversity. The distribution of genetic diversity suggests diversification in eastern Africa, followed by repeated dispersals to the west (Sudano‐Guinean savannas) and to the south (Masai steppe). We propose nomenclatural changes for Ethiopian taxa and provide suggestions for future steps toward solving remaining taxonomic questions in the genus.  相似文献   

Seventy two taxa of rotifers, belonging to 24 genera, are recorded from Saladillo river basin for the first time. Among them twelve are new for Argentina. These especies are described and illustrated. Ecological and biogeographical information is also given.  相似文献   

Y. Loktionov 《Hydrobiologia》1993,258(1-3):21-32
The present paper discusses the distribution of hydrographical parameters in Mauritanian waters between 19° 20 N and 20° 40 N. Data were collected during the first leg of the Dutch Mauritania Expedition in May 1988 with the R/V TYRO and comprise measurements of water temperature (T), salinity (S) and dissolved oxygen contents (O2) in the area off the Banc d'Arguin. The time of investigation fell in the transitional period between the cold and warm season, which in this area is characterised by a peak in the trade wind speed and progressive heating of waters. Wind speed and sea surface temperature distribution in May 1988 were close to the seasonal averages which suggests that the observed hydrographical conditions were normal for this period as well. The highest spatial variability of T, S and O2 was found near the southern end of the Banc d'Arguin, where the combined effect of coastal upwelling and seasonal heating made the thermocline upper limit rise towards the surface and upwelling waters reach the shallowest parts of the shelf. In the northern part of the study area upwelling phenomena were observed in the subsurface layers below 50 m depth; upwelling water did not reach beyond the outer edge of the shelf. The analysis of the TS diagram showed that water masses in the upper 300 m layer were mainly composed of South Atlantic Central Water with an admixture of warm, low-salinity surface water of Guinean origin. Traces of North Atlantic Central Water were found in the subsurface layer and at the deepest levels of measurements. Almost no traces of warm, saline water originating from the shallow Banc d'Arguin were registered during the survey.  相似文献   

All species of the scleractinian coral genus Acropora presently known to occur in south-east Africa (denoting the African coast south of the Tropic of Capricorn, and including the atoll Bassas da India in the Mozambique channel) are reviewed. Twenty-three species are discussed, most of which are of wide Indo-Pacific distribution. Field and laboratory characteristics of all species are described in detail. Species richness in southern Mozambique is much higher (23 species) than in South Africa (14 species), probably due to the higher ecological differentiation of Mozambiquan reefs. The Acropora fauna of the atoll Bassas da India is similar to that of Mozambique but with two additional species A. paniculata and A. cf. striata. Compared to other coral reef areas in similar latitudes, the south-east African Acropora fauna is of average diversity. An identification key to all species is provided.  相似文献   

The orientation of the cilia pseudotrochus is controlled by muscles inserted on their rootlets. The peculiar structures of buccal and pharyngeal cilia are described: their beating leads the food towards the mastax. The circular and longitudinal muscles of the buccal funnel allow peristaltic movements and probably the rejection of food items not accepted by the mastax receptors.  相似文献   

The structure situated in the lumen of the buccal tube, called here buccal velum, separates the buccal space from the pharyngeal space. The velum is a supple membrane-pile. Its structure resembles that of a fish-trap. The food, once ingested, cannot go back into the buccal lumen.  相似文献   

The Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, is an area of over 10 000 km2 of shallow water and tidal flats between the Sahara and the upwelling system off the Mauritanian coast. The results of the Dutch-Mauritanian project Banc d'Arguin 1988 as well as the relevant literature are reviewed in order to develop a preliminary conceptual model of the functioning of this ecosystem. Hydrographically the Banc d'Arguin can be characterized as a large-scale negative estuary with higher salinities near the shore. It is concluded that ultimately the Banc d'Arguin ecosystem is fueled by nutrients and organic matter derived from the upwelling area. The inner part of the Banc d'Arguin system is dominated by a detritus-based benthic foodweb in which seagrasses are the principal primary producers. Little of the seagrass production seems to be exported to other parts of the system or other areas. Zooplankton and zoobenthos biomasses are relatively low, but nevertheless support high densities of consumers. Aquatic birds are especially numerous. The study identifies many research topics for the future.  相似文献   

We report on the detection of Theileria annulata in infected Hyalomma ticks by the PCR using primers derived from the gene encoding the 30 kDa major merozoite surface antigen (Tams1–1). No inhibition of the PCR was observed and as little as 0.1 pg of parasite DNA, corresponding to 12 sporozoites, could be detected in non-infected tick DNA samples, spiked with T. annulata genomic DNA. Hyalomma dromedarii ticks, fed on a calf experimentally infected with T. annulata, were used to validate the PCR further. The infection rate in the adult ticks, fed as nymphs during the febrile reaction, was high (62%), dropped to zero for 1 day in tick batches that engorged after treatment with ButalexTM and increased to 30% 2 days later and 38% of the ticks acquired the infection after feeding as nymphs during a carrier state piroplasm parasitaemia of less than 0.1%. As an internal control, 16S tick rDNA sequences could be amplified from T. annulata-negative tick samples. Finally, 202 adult ticks from Mauritania, collected from zebu cattle carrying low levels of Theileria piroplasms, were tested by the PCR. Thirty-eight out of 52 (73%) and 17 out of 30 (57%) H. dromedarii from the Gorgol and Trarza regions, respectively and two out of 30 (7%) Hyalomma marginatum rufipes from the Gorgol region were positive. Hyalomma marginatum rufipes, Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi and Rhipicephalus guilhoni from the Trarza region were negative. These findings confirm that H. dromedarii is the main vector of T. annulata in Mauritania and that the PCR is a useful method of determining the infection rates in ticks collected from cattle carrying low levels of T. annulata piroplasms.  相似文献   

Hydrology and underwater climate of the Banc d'Arguin,Mauritania: a review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The northern coast of Mauritania between Cap Blanc and Cap Timiris is characterized by a large variety of hydrological situations. At the western slope of the Banc d'Arguin, at a depth of about 20 m, the underwater climate is essentially of a temperate character. This is a highly unstable area due to the occurrence of upwellings and the movements of the intertropical front. Close to the coast the isolation of water masses by the very shallow Banc d'Arguin results in an increase of temperature and salinity. These factors show a gradient towards the South from Cap, St. Anne to the islands. In this region the underwater climate is tropical, a feature which is most clearly expressed in land-locked bays such as the Baie d'Arguin, the area around the island of Tidra, and the Baie de St. Jean. In the latter bay the conditions are most extreme (salinity > 80). Due to the coastal topography the area of the islands around Tidra is highly isolated. This area receives no fertilization from the upwellings offshore.  相似文献   

Labeo rosae, a species with a native range in Southern Africa, was discovered in the Congo basin by re‐identification of two museum specimens previously identified as Labeo mesops. The occurrence of this species in the upper Congo implies a range extension of the species of more than 1000 km. Although the species' distribution is mirrored by that of some other Cypriniformes, its occurrence in the Congo might be due to introduction by humans.  相似文献   

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