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Focal adhesions are critical to a number of cellular processes that involve mechanotransduction and mechanical interaction with the cellular environment. The growth and strengthening of these focal adhesions is dependent on the interaction between talin and vinculin. This study investigates said interaction and how vinculin activation influences it. Using molecular dynamics, the interaction between talin's vinculin binding site (VBS) and vinculin's domain 1 (D1) is simulated both before and after vinculin activation. The simulations of VBS binding to vinculin before activation suggest the proximity of the vinculin tail to D1 prevents helical movement in D1 and thus prevents binding of VBS. In contrast, interaction of VBS with activated vinculin shows the possibility of complete VBS insertion into D1. In the simulations of both activated and autoinhibited vinculin where VBS fails to fully bind, VBS demonstrates significant hydrophobic interaction with surface residues in D1. These interactions link VBS to D1 even without its proper insertion into the hydrophobic core. Together these simulations suggest VBS binds to vinculin with the following mechanism: 1), VBS links to D1 via surface hydrophobic interactions; 2), vinculin undergoes activation and D1 is moved away from the vinculin tail; 3), helices in D1 undergo conformational change to allow VBS binding; and 4), VBS inserts itself into the hydrophobic core of D1.  相似文献   

D G Sawutz  R Koury  C J Homcy 《Biochemistry》1987,26(17):5275-5282
We previously described the production of four monoclonal antibodies to the beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist alprenolol. One of these antibodies, 5B7 (IgG2a, kappa), was used to raise anti-idiotypic antisera in rabbits. In contrast to the expected results, one of the anti-idiotypic antisera (R9) promotes [125I]iodocyanopindolol (ICYP) binding to antibody 5B7. In the presence of R9, the dissociation constant decreases 100-fold from 20 to 0.3 nM. This increase in binding affinity of antibody 5B7 for ICYP is not observed in the presence of preimmune, rabbit anti-mouse or anti-idiotypic antisera generated to a monoclonal antibody of a different specificity. Furthermore, R9 in the absence of 5B7 does not bind ICYP. The F(ab) fragments of 5B7 and R9 behaved in a similar manner, and the soluble complex responsible for the high-affinity interaction with ICYP can be identified by gel filtration chromatography. The elution position of the complex is consistent with a 5B7 F(ab)-R9 F(ab) dimer, indicating that polyvalency is not responsible for the enhanced ligand binding. Kinetic analysis of ICYP-5B7 binding revealed that the rate of ICYP dissociation from 5B7 in the presence of R9 is approximately 100 times slower than in the absence of R9 [k-1(+R9) = 0.025 min-1 vs. k-1(-R9) = 2.04 min-1], consistent with the 100-fold change in binding affinity of 5B7 for ICYP. The available data best fit a model in which an anti-idiotypic antibody binds at or near the binding site of the idiotype participating in the formation of a hybrid ligand binding site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Talin, consisting of a 47-kDa N-terminal head domain (residues 1-433) and a 190-kDa C-terminal rod domain (residues 434-2541), links integrins to the actin cytoskeleton. We previously reported that the binding stoichiometry of integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3):talin is approximately 2:1. More recently, an integrin binding site has been localized to the talin head domain. In the present study, we identified another integrin binding site at the C-terminal region of the talin rod domain. In a solid phase binding assay, RGD affinity-purified alpha(IIb)beta(3) bound in a dose-dependent manner to microtiter wells coated with the isolated 190-kDa proteolytic fragment of the talin rod domain. Additionally, alpha(IIb)beta(3) also bound to the talin rod domain captured by 8d4, an anti-talin monoclonal antibody. Polyclonal antibodies raised against a recombinant protein fragment corresponding to the entire talin rod domain (anti-talin-R) inhibited alpha(IIb)beta(3) binding to intact talin by approximately 50% but completely blocked alpha(IIb)beta(3) binding to the talin rod domain. To localize the integrin binding site, we examined alpha(IIb)beta(3) binding to recombinant polypeptide fragments corresponding to partial sequences of the talin rod domain. Whereas alpha(IIb)beta(3) bound effectively to talin-(1075-2541) and talin-(1984-2541), it failed to bind to talin-(434-1076) and talin-(434-1975). Furthermore, the binding of alpha(IIb)beta(3) to talin-(1984-2541) was inhibited by anti-talin-R. These results indicate that an integrin binding site is located within residues 1984-2541 of the talin rod domain. Thus, talin contains two integrin binding sites, one in the homologous FERM (band four-point-one, ezrin, radixin, moesin) domain and another near its C terminus. Because talin exists as an anti-parallel homodimer in focal adhesions, the two integrin binding sites in the adjacent talin molecules would be in close proximity with each other.  相似文献   

Focal adhesions (FAs) regulate cell migration. Vinculin, with its many potential binding partners, can interconnect signals in FAs. Despite the well-characterized structure of vinculin, the molecular mechanisms underlying its action have remained unclear. Here, using vinculin mutants, we separate the vinculin head and tail regions into distinct functional domains. We show that the vinculin head regulates integrin dynamics and clustering and the tail regulates the link to the mechanotransduction force machinery. The expression of vinculin constructs with unmasked binding sites in the head and tail regions induces dramatic FA growth, which is mediated by their direct interaction with talin. This interaction leads to clustering of activated integrin and an increase in integrin residency time in FAs. Surprisingly, paxillin recruitment, induced by active vinculin constructs, occurs independently of its potential binding site in the vinculin tail. The vinculin tail, however, is responsible for the functional link of FAs to the actin cytoskeleton. We propose a new model that explains how vinculin orchestrates FAs.  相似文献   

Fluorescently labeled vinculin binds to focal contact areas in permeabilized cells independent of actin (Avnur, Z., J. V. Small, and B. Geiger, 1983, J. Cell Biol., 96:1622-1630), but the nature of the binding site is unknown. In this study we have examined the interaction of vinculin with these sites in permeabilized L6 myoblasts to define conditions that perturb the binding and subsequently to reconstitute it. Mild treatment with low concentrations of protease prevents vinculin incorporation without gross changes in the cytoskeleton or extensive protein breakdown. Exposure to buffers of moderate ionic strength also reduces subsequent vinculin binding without large morphological effects. These extraction conditions were used to obtain a fraction from gizzard which was able to restore the vinculin localization. Talin, actin, and vinculin itself were able to alter the binding of labeled vinculin to permeabilized cells and each also interacted with vinculin in gel overlays; however, they were unable to reconstitute the binding site in treated permeabilized cells. The results show a requirement for an as yet unidentified protein to capacitate vinculin binding to focal contact sites and suggest that this protein is peripheral and interacts directly with the binding site.  相似文献   

The actin binding site of thymosin beta 4 mapped by mutational analysis.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We characterized in detail the actin binding site of the small actin-sequestering protein thymosin beta 4 (T beta 4) using chemically synthesized full-length T beta 4 variants. The N-terminal part (residues 1-16) and a hexapeptide motif (residues 17-22) form separate structural entities. In both, we identified charged and hydrophobic residues that participate in the actin interaction using chemical cross-linking, complex formation in native gels and actin-sequestering experiments. Quantitative data on the activity of the variants and circular dichroism experiments allow to present a model in which the N-terminal part needs to adopt an alpha-helix for actin binding and interacts through a patch of hydrophobic residues (6M-I-F12) on one side of this helix. Also, electrostatic contacts between actin and lysine residues 18, in the motif, and 14, in the N-terminal alpha-helix, appear important for binding. The residues critical for contacting actin are conserved throughout the beta-thymosin family and in addition to this we identify a similar pattern in the C-terminal headpiece of villin and dematin.  相似文献   

The cytoskeletal proteins talin and vinculin are localized at cell‐matrix junctions and are key regulators of cell signaling, adhesion, and migration. Talin couples integrins via its FERM domain to F‐actin and is an important regulator of integrin activation and clustering. The 220 kDa talin rod domain comprises several four‐ and five‐helix bundles that harbor amphipathic α‐helical vinculin binding sites (VBSs). In its inactive state, the hydrophobic VBS residues involved in binding to vinculin are buried within these helix bundles, and the mechanical force emanating from bound integrin receptors is thought necessary for their release and binding to vinculin. The crystal structure of a four‐helix bundle of talin that harbors one of these VBSs, coined VBS33, was recently determined. Here we report the crystal structure of VBS33 in complex with vinculin at 2 Å resolution. Notably, comparison of the apo and vinculin bound structures shows that intermolecular interactions of the VBS33 α‐helix with vinculin are more extensive than the intramolecular interactions of the VBS33 within the talin four‐helix bundle.  相似文献   

We describe here an anti-idiotypic hybridoma antibody directed against affinity-purified rabbit idiotypic antibodies (Rb-Id) to a homogeneous protein, the recombinant human leukocyte A interferon (rIFN-alpha A). The supernatant of the hybridoma, designated 3-1B, was able to inhibit the neutralization of rIFN-alpha A activity by the idiotypic antibodies. An in vivo passage of uncloned 3-1B cells yielded hybridoma cells (presumably a subclone), designated 3B1, the supernatant of which exhibited interferon-like antiviral activity with both bovine kidney (MDBK) cells and human amnion (WISH) cells. This activity could be absorbed by polymer-bound goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin serum and by Rb-Id coupled to Affi-Gel 10, and could be partially eluted from the latter at pH 2.5. The anti-idiotypic hybridoma antibody was able to compete with 125I-rIFN-alpha A for binding to the Rb-Id and also to interferon receptor-bearing MDBK cells. The clinical significance of an interferon-like anti-idiotypic antibody is discussed.  相似文献   

Talin, an actin-binding protein, is assumed to anchor at the membrane via an intrinsic amino acid sequence. Three N-terminal talin fragments, 21-39 (S19), 287-304 (H18), and 385-406 (H17) have been proposed as potential membrane anchors. The interaction of the corresponding synthetic peptides with lipid model systems was investigated with CD spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimetry, and monolayer expansion measurements. The membrane model systems were neutral or negatively charged small unilamellar vesicles or monolayers with a lateral packing density of bilayers (32 mN/m). S19 partitions into charged monolayers/bilayers with a penetration area A(p) = 140 +/- 30 A(2) and a free energy of binding of DeltaG(0) = -5.7 kcal/mol, thereby forming a partially alpha-helical structure. H18 does not interact with lipid monolayers or bilayers. H17 penetrates into neutral and charged monolayers/bilayers with A(p) = 148 +/- 23 A(2) and A(p) = 160 +/- 15 A(2), respectively, forming an alpha-helix in the membrane-bound state. Membrane partitioning is mainly entropy-driven. Under physiological conditions the free energy of binding to negatively charged membranes is DeltaG(0) = -9. 4 kcal/mol with a hydrophobic contribution of DeltaG(h) = -7.8 kcal/mol, comparable to that of post-translationally attached membrane anchors, and an electrostatic contribution of DeltaG(h) = -1.6 kcal/mol. The latter becomes more negative with decreasing pH. We show that H17 provides the binding energy required for a membrane anchor.  相似文献   

Talin is a large cytoskeletal protein that couples integrins to F-actin. Three actin-binding sites (ABS1-3) have been reported: one in the N-terminal head, and two in the C-terminal rod domain. Although the C-terminal ABS3 has been partially characterized, the presence and properties of ABS1 within the talin head are less well defined. We show here that the talin head binds F-actin in vitro and in vivo at a specific site within the actin filament. Thus, purified talin head liberated from gizzard talin by calpain cleavage cosediments with F-actin in a low salt buffer at pH 6.4 (conditions that are optimal for binding intact talin), and using recombinant polypeptides, we have mapped ABS1 to the FERM domain within the talin head. Both the F2 and F3 FERM subdomains contribute to binding, and EGFP-tagged FERM subdomains colocalize with actin stress fibers when expressed in COS cells. High-resolution electron microscopy of actin filaments decorated with F2F3 localizes binding to a site that is distinct from that recognized by members of the calponin-homology superfamily. Finally, we show that the FERM domain can couple F-actin to PIPkin, and by inference to integrins, since they bind to the same pocket in the F3 subdomain. This suggests that the talin FERM domain functions as a linker between PIPkin or integrins and F-actin at sites of cell-matrix adhesions.  相似文献   

The isolation of specific rabbit antibodies for the haptenic group 4-azido-2-nitrophenyl, is described. These antibodies bind 1.8-2.0mol of hapten [in-(4-azido-2-nitrophenyl)-l-lysine]/mol with an association constant of nearly 10(7)m(-1) at 4 degrees C. On photolysis of the antibody-hapten complex, resulting in the formation of an aryl nitrene at the binding site, hapten was covalently bound to the antibody, and the antibody binding site was blocked. The ratio of labelling of heavy- and light-chains was 2.5:1. Two small peptides were isolated from digests of labelled heavy-chain, indicating that some 13% of the label in the antibody was attached to cysteine-92 and to alanine-93. These residues are adjacent to the major hypervariable region in rabbit heavy-chain (residues 95-105).  相似文献   

Talin is a key protein involved in linking integrins to the actin cytoskeleton. The long flexible talin rod domain contains a number of binding sites for vinculin, a cytoskeletal protein important in stabilizing integrin-mediated cell-matrix junctions. Here we report the solution structure of a talin rod polypeptide (residues 1843-1973) which contains a single vinculin binding site (VBS; residues 1944-1969). Like other talin rod polypeptides, it consists of a helical bundle, in this case a four-helix bundle with a right-handed topology. The residues in the VBS important for vinculin binding were identified by studying the binding of a series of VBS-related peptides to the vinculin Vd1 domain. The key binding determinants are buried in the interior of the helical bundle, suggesting that a substantial structural change in the talin polypeptide is required for vinculin binding. Direct evidence for this was obtained by NMR and EPR spectroscopy. [1H,15N]-HSQC spectra of the talin fragment indicate that vinculin binding caused approximately two-thirds of the protein to adopt a flexible random coil. For EPR spectroscopy, nitroxide spin labels were attached to the talin polypeptide via appropriately located cysteine residues. Measurements of inter-nitroxide distances in doubly spin-labeled protein showed clearly that the helical bundle is disrupted and the mobility of the helices, except for the VBS helix, is markedly increased. Binding of vinculin to talin is thus a clear example of the unusual phenomenon of protein unfolding being required for protein/protein interaction.  相似文献   

Anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies have been prepared that represent the internal image of nicotine and are specific for the nicotine binding site on rat brain receptor. Specificity of these antibodies for the combining site on anti-nicotine was demonstrated by their ability to inhibit binding of monoclonal anti-nicotine to immobilized nicotine-polylysine. Furthermore, purified rat brain nicotine receptor but not acetylcholine receptor from fish electric organ effectively competed with anti-nicotine for immobilized nicotine and for immobilized anti-idiotype. Only 9 pmoles of naturally occurring (-)-nicotine inhibited idiotype-anti-idiotype binding by 50% whereas 11 times more (+)-nicotine was required. Acetylcholine, several cholinergic agonists and antagonists, nicotine metabolites, and other structurally related compounds were poor inhibitors.  相似文献   

IIF9D8, a new monoclonal anti-idiotypic catalytic antibody with a CPA esterase-like activity was elicited by ID11D7, the monoclonal competitive inhibitory antibody to CPA. The hydrolysis of hippuryl-DL-phenyllactic acid by McAb IIF9D8 follows the Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The Km value and kcat are 0.036 M and 0.598 min(-1), respectively, and the rate acceleration (kcat/kuncat) is 30500. Compared with the previous McAb 32C3 induced by polyclonal antibodies to CPA, McAb IIF9D8 shows higher catalytic efficiency The catalytic antibodies with the catalytic properties similar to natural enzymes could be obtained by this approach.  相似文献   

The cytoskeletal protein talin activates integrin receptors by binding of its FERM domain to the cytoplasmic tail of β‐integrin. Talin also couples integrins to the actin cytoskeleton, largely by binding to and activating the cytoskeletal protein vinculin, which binds to F‐actin through the agency of its five‐helix bundle tail (Vt) domain. Talin activates vinculin by means of buried amphipathic α‐helices coined vinculin binding sites (VBSs) that reside within numerous four‐ and five‐helix bundle domains that comprise the central talin rod, which are released from their buried locales by means of mechanical tension on the integrin:talin complex. In turn, these VBSs bind to the N‐terminal seven‐helix bundle (Vh1) domain of vinculin, creating an entirely new helix bundle that severs its head‐tail interactions. Interestingly, talin harbors a second integrin binding site coined IBS2 that consists of two five‐helix bundle domains that also contain a VBS (VBS50). Here we report the crystal structure of VBS50 in complex with vinculin at 2.3 Å resolution and show that intramolecular interactions of VBS50 within IBS2 are much more extensive versus its interactions with vinculin. Indeed, the IBS2‐vinculin interaction only occurs at physiological temperature and the affinity of VBS50 for vinculin is about 30 times less than other VBSs. The data support a model where integrin binding destabilizes IBS2 to allow it to bind to vinculin.  相似文献   

A combined fluorescence-photochrome approach was used for investigation of the molecular dynamics antiDNP antibody binding site and its cavity. A 4-(N-2,4-dinitrophenylamino)-4'-(N,N'-dimethylamino)stilbene (StDNP) fluorescence DNP analog was incorporated into the antibody binding site. This was followed by measurements of fluorescence and photochrome parameters such as the StDNP excitation and emission spectra, fluorescence lifetime, steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence polarization, kinetics of trans-cis and cis-trans photoisomerization, and fluorescence quenching by nitroxide radicals freely diffused in solution. In parallel, computational modeling studies on the location and dynamics of DNP/TEMPO spin-label (NslDNP) and StDNP guests within a model of the binding site were performed. When all the experimental evidence is considered (including data from the antibody X-ray study), one can conclude that wobbling of the Trp 91 L/Trp 96 H binding-site.bound-hapten moiety (StDNP), can be responsible for the label's nanosecond dynamics monitored by fluorescence polarization techniques. A similar conclusion may be reached as a result of data analysis on NslDNP mobility within the antibody binding site. The mobility of Trp 91 L and Trp 96 H moieties provides the induced fit needed for effective stacking and release of the DNP epitope. Analysis of the above-mentioned data allows one to explore the mechanism of the probe's movement within the binding site and enables one to discuss the local dynamics of the binding site region. The combined fluorescence-photochrome approach can be used for investigation of local medium molecular dynamics in the immediate vicinity of specific sites of proteins and nucleic acids, as well as for other biologically important structures and synthetic analogues.  相似文献   

Molecular anatomy of the antibody binding site   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The binding region of immunoglobulins, which includes the portion of the molecule having the most variability in its amino acid sequence, is shown to have a surprisingly constant structure that can be characterized in terms of a simple, well-defined model. The binding region is composed of the antigen combining site plus its immediate vicinity and arises by noncovalent association of the light and heavy chain variable domains (VL and VH, respectively). The antigen combining site itself consists of six polypeptide chain segments ("hypervariable loops") which comprise some 80 amino acid residues and are attached to a framework of VL and VH beta-sheet bilayers. Having analyzed refined x-ray crystallographic coordinates for three antigen-binding fragments (Fab KOL (Marquart, M., Deisenhofer, J., and Huber, R. (1980) J. Mol. Biol. 141, 369-391), MCPC 603 (Segal, D., Padlan, E. A., Cohen, G. H., Rudikoff, S., Potter, M., and Davies, D. R. (1974) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 71, 4298-4302), and NEW (Saul, F. A., Amzel, L. M., and Poljak, R. J. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 585-597] we use the results to introduce a general model for the VL-VH interface forming the binding region. The region consists of two closely packed beta-sheets, and its geometry corresponds to a 9-stranded, cylindrical barrel of average radius 0.84 nm with an average angle of -53 degrees between its two constituent beta-sheets. The barrel forms the bottom and sides of the antigen combining site. The model demonstrates that the structural variability of the binding region is considerably less than was thought previously. Amino acid residues which are part of the domain-domain interface and appear not to be accessible to solvent or antigen contribute to antibody specificity.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody designated 1B10 (Mab 1B10) has been shown to be highly specific for the beta-chain of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). We used this antibody to investigate its paratope using anti-idiotypic antibodies. Purified Mab 1B10 has been used to immunize syngeneic BALB/c mice to produce anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies. An enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) on Mab 1B10 coated plate was employed to screen the supernatants of growing hybridomas. The specificity of each antibody selected was assessed using an inhibition ELISA and immunoblotting. Monoclonal antibodies belonging to two categories were selected. (a) Those (designated Mab 4F8 and Mab 7G9) recognizing epitopes of the Ig molecule located in/or near the antigen-binding site of Mab 1B10. In ELISA these antibodies were shown to inhibit in a dose-dependent manner, the reaction of Mab 1B10 with its specific antigen; (b) those (Mab 2B8, Mab 3B8) reacting with epitopes located outside of the antigen binding site of the antiHCG antibody molecule and did not influence the reactions of Mab 1B10 and its antigen. Following immunization of syngeneic BALB/c mice monoclonal antibodies (Mab 4F8, Mab 7G9) were produced which recognized epitopes located on the variable region of Mab 1B10 since they did not react with other marine monoclonal antibodies of the same isotype. These antibodies inhibited the binding of Mab 1B10 to its corresponding epitope on the molecule of HCG and they can be defined as syngeneic anti-idiotypic antibodies.  相似文献   

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