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目的探讨低场MRI在膝关节半月板损伤中的诊断价值。材料和方法搜集我院2007年2月-6月间,进行MRI检查的141例151个膝关节,进行半月板损伤诊断的回顾性分析。检查序列包括冠状面FSET2WI、矢状面SET1WI、FSET2WI及STIRE。结果低场MRI显示正常半月板内可以见似三角型或片状高信号,不延伸至关节面或游离缘,临床症状不明显;损伤半月板除信号改变外,其形态可全部或局部不规则,常同时伴关节组成骨及关节软骨、滑膜囊、软组织等的异常信号,临床症状明显。本组资料中,MRI诊断半月板损伤130个,14个膝关节外院行关节镜检查,12个证实有半月板撕裂。低场MRI对半月板撕裂的诊断率85.7%。结论低场MRI能较好的显示膝关节半月板损伤,能对其进行损伤分级,显示损伤的特点和严重程度,为临床选择合适的治疗方案提供依据。 相似文献
土壤含水量对桔小实蝇蛹期存活的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
浸水时间、土壤含水量对桔小实蝇Bactroceradorsalis(Hendel)蛹的存活及成虫羽化的影响的研究结果表明:(1)不同浸水时间对桔小实蝇蛹存活率的影响不同。浸水时间越长,蛹存活率越低;浸水对初期蛹的影响较大,蛹龄越大,浸水作用效果越低。浸水时间(TW)、蛹期(AP)和蛹存活率(SP)之间关系符合以下模型:SP=0.4165-0.00307TW+0.2290AP-0.00004496T2W-0.0002528A2P+0.00008258TWAP。(2)土壤含水量对桔小实蝇成虫羽化影响明显。当土壤含水量较低或较高时,羽化率都明显受到抑制。相对含水量在30%~80%之间,蛹的羽化率较高。相对含水量(Ws)和成虫羽化率(E)之间存在以下关系:E=0.396+0.01985W-0.000181W2。 相似文献
晋西北地区是黄土高原及北方农牧交错带的重要组成部分和典型的生态环境脆弱区, 土壤水分是该区限制林草生长的主要因子, 其土地植被承载力实质上是土壤水分植被承载力。为确定晋西北地区土壤干层深度、了解不同植被土壤的水分差异, 对岚县5 种植被类型下0-600 cm 土壤深度的水分含量变化进行对比研究, 并得出以下结论: 不同植被类型下土壤含水量变化范围为沙棘>柠条>草地>落叶松>青杄, 数值分别为10.23%- 36.91%、11.28%-24.83%、10.69%-24.06%、11.12%-24.01%、10.07%-19.47%、5 种植被的土壤含水量均呈现上升趋势; 不同植被下土壤平均含水量大小为沙棘>草地>柠条>落叶松>青杄, 数值分别为(20.68±7.83)%、(18.41±3.47)%、(17.42±5.42)%、(16.71±4.32)%、(15.29±3.13)%; 土壤含水量与土壤深度的曲线拟合呈线性关系; 土壤含水量与植被类型呈极显著负相关(P < 0.01), 与土壤深度呈极显著正相关(P < 0.01)。 相似文献
为明确不同土壤类型及其含水量对亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus decorus asiaticus Bey-Bienko卵孵化的影响,本实验选取棕钙土、黑土和砂土等3种土壤,在恒温28℃条件下设置5%、10%、15%和20%等4个土壤含水量,研究亚洲小车蝗卵的孵化前期、孵化历期、累积孵化率以及相对孵化率。结果表明,土壤类型、土壤含水量以及土壤类型与土壤含水量的交互作用对亚洲小车蝗卵孵化率影响极显著,而对卵孵化前期影响均不显著,卵孵化历期只受到土壤类型的显著影响。亚洲小车蝗卵在棕钙土中孵化率最高(42.5%~61.4%),其次为黑土,最低为砂土;孵化历期在棕钙土中(3.6±0.2 d)显著短于黑土和砂土。在棕钙土中,10%~20%含水量处理的卵孵化率(60.3%~61.4%)显著高于5%处理(42.5%);在黑土中,15%~20%处理的卵孵化率最高(49.8%~42.7%),其次为10%(28.4%),最低为5%处理(13.5%);在砂土中,5%处理的卵孵化率(38.7%)显著高于其他处理(12.9%~19.8%)。在3种不同土壤处理下,亚洲小车蝗卵的孵化均集中在前3 d,相对孵化率达到73.1%~98.0%;砂土的相对孵化率在第1天达到高峰,但与棕钙土和黑土的差异不显著;棕钙土和黑土的相对孵化率在第2天达到高峰,且显著高于砂土。因此,10%~20%含水量的棕钙土最适合亚洲小车蝗卵的孵化,孵化率高,孵化历期短,孵化时间更为整齐;其次为黑土;最次为砂土。 相似文献
研究了自然条件下土壤含水量和蛹室对甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua Hübner蛹越冬的影响,发现蛹在自然蛹室中能存活30d以上(不超过60d)。处理15d,随着土壤含水量的变化,蛹的存活率分别降至80%、20%和43%。但处理30、60、90和120d时死亡率均达到100%。调查发现,随着处理时间的延长,各土壤含水量中所埋的蛹死亡特征均有一个相同趋势,即发黑、发霉——肿胀——腐烂——残留部分蛹体。不同土壤含水量条件下,蛹的过冷却点、结冰点和蛹体含水量间均存在显著性差异(P≤0.05),尤以在最低的土壤含水量条件下蛹的过冷却点、结冰点和蛹体含水量最低,分别为(-20.2±1.1)℃、(-11.95±2.5)℃和(57.6±7.7)%。在室外变温条件下,结果初步表明蛹室对蛹有一定的保护作用。 相似文献
为探讨不同生态治理小流域土壤性质的差异,本研究分别从坡向、坡位、区段和土层4个方面分析了人工刺槐林流域杨家沟(YJG)与封禁荒草地流域董庄沟(DZG)土壤有机质(SOM)、土壤容重(BD)和黏粒含量(CC)的空间分异.结果表明: YJG与DZG的SOM、BD、CC分别为12.78 g·kg-1、1.24 g·cm-3、19.2%与11.13 g·kg-1、1.21 g·cm-3、18.2%,前者均略高,但差异不显著.各指标均为东坡大于西坡;SOM和CC顺坡向下有增加趋势,BD变异最小;SOM由上游至下游呈增大趋势,BD和CC不断减小;由土表向下至60 cm土深,BD和CC不断增大,SOM不断减小.各指标的空间敏感性依次为CC>SOM>BD,空间因素的影响效用依次为土层>区段>坡向>坡位.上游CC、中游BD和CC在两流域间的差异显著,各指标对坡位、区段、土层的敏感性均为YJG<DZG. 相似文献
温度和土壤含水量对青冈栎种子萌发的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用直播法,研究应用人工气候箱控制温度和土壤含水量对野生青冈栎种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:在12h光照条件下,青冈栎种子在变温为10℃/15℃时,萌发率很低,仅为(12±12.29)%;变温为30℃/35℃时,萌发率达最大,为(81±13.7)%。土壤含水量为30%~40%时,萌发率为(79±15.9)%;土壤含水量为90%~100%时,萌发率为(56.67±19.36)%。青冈栎种子萌发呈现出迅速萌发和推迟萌发的特点;温度对青冈栎幼苗的苗高、叶长和叶宽影响显著,对幼苗的地径、叶片数量影响不显著。恒温下,不同梯度土壤含水量处理对幼苗的苗高、地径、叶长、宽影响不显著。 相似文献
试验采用人工控制土壤水分的方法,测定不同土壤含水量条件及有效辐射强度下沙地柏苗木的蒸腾速率、净光合速率、水分利用效率等指标,分析沙地柏在不同土壤含水量和光照条件下影响的光合生理响应特征及其变化规律。土壤含水量(SWC)用称重法测定,将硬塑盆中的土壤水分含量设置为7.5%,10%,12.5%,15%,17.5%,20%等6个不同的处理,每天进行称重,瞬时土壤水分含量用TDR100土壤水分测速仪(上海赛弗生物公司)测定,用Li-6400光合测定仪(美国LI-COR公司)测定沙地柏在不同土壤水分条件下光合生理指标。研究表明沙地柏的蒸腾速率、净光合速率均随着土壤含水量的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势。光合有效辐射在400—2000μmol·m-2·s-1范围内,沙地柏的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和水分利用率均呈现最高值。土壤水分含量在18.71%,17.99%和12.44%时,沙地柏的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和水分利用率达到最高值。土壤含水量12.44%—18.71%是沙地柏生长最适宜的土壤水分区间。在实践中利用沙地柏最适宜的土壤水分区间对沙地柏的栽植和生长可以进行... 相似文献
Summary Pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is employed to determine the time dependence of the change in erythrocyte water permeability following exposure top-chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB) orp-chloromercuribenzene sulfonic acid (PCMBS). pH variation was used to examine the environment of the sulfhydryl groups reactive to these drugs. PCMB reacted with at least two sulfhydryl groups which affect water permeability. This was shown by the double exponential character of the change in erythrocyte diffusional permeability with time after PCMB addition. However, only one inhibition rate process could be distinguished following PCMBS exposure, suggesting that one site bound by PCMB is not accessible to PCMBS. This site is postulated to be located in a hydrophobic region of the membrane, whereas the site reached by both drugs is located in the normal anion permeation channel. The effect of pH on the degree of inhibition due to each component and the inhibition rates is explained in terms of its effect on solubility of the reagents in the membrane and variation of the dissociated-to-undissociated ratio of PCMB. 相似文献
The characteristics of water diffusional permeability (P) of human red blood cells were studied on isolated erythrocytes by a doping nuclear magnetic resonance technique. In order to estimate the basal permeability the maximal inhibition of water diffusion was induced by exposure of red blood cells to p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS) under various conditions (concentration, duration, temperature). The lowest values of P were around 0.7×10–3 cm s–1 at 10°C, 1.2×10–3 cm s–1 at 15°C, 1.4×10–3 cm s–1 at 20°C, 1.8×10–3 cm s–1 at 25°C, 2.1×10–3 cm s–1 at 30°C and 3.5×10–3 cm s–1 at 37°C. The mean value of the activation energy of water diffusion (Ea,d) was 25 kJ/mol for control and 43.7 kJ/mol for PCMBS-inhibited erythrocytes. The values of P and Ea,d obtained after induction of maximal inhibition of water diffusion by PCMBS can be taken as references for the basal permeability to water of the human red blood cell membrane. 相似文献
A non-invasive measurement of phloem and xylem water flow in castor bean seedlings by nuclear magnetic resonance microimaging 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
A flow-sensitive nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) microimaging technique was applied to measure directly the in-vivo water flow in 6-d-old castor bean seedlings. The achieved in-plane resolution of the technique allowed discrimination between xylem and phloem water flow. Both the xylem- and the phloem-average flow velocities in the intact seedling could be quantified. Furthermore, the total conductive cross-sectional area of the xylem vessels and the phloem sieve elements could be determined using the non-invasive and non-destructive NMR microimaging technique. Hence, it was possible to calculate the in-vivo volume flow rates for both xylem and phloem water flow. Our non-destructive technique showed that previously used methods to measure phloem water flow affected the flow rate itself. In the intact seedlings we found values of 16.6 l·h–1, two fold lower than those previously estimated from phloem exudation rates. Finally, our results demonstrate for the first time that water is internally circulated between phloem and xylem, and that water flow within the xylem is maintained by this internally circulated water, even in the absence of any significant transpiration or evaporation.Abbreviation NMR
nuclear magnetic resonance 相似文献
The structural changes of bacteriorhodopsin during its photochemical cycle, as revealed by crystal structures of trapped intermediates, have provided insights to the proton translocation mechanism. Because accumulation of the last photointermediate, O, appears to be hindered by lattice forces in the crystals, the only information about the structure of this state is from suggested analogies with the determined structures of the non-illuminated D85S mutant and wild-type bacteriorhodopsin at low pH. We used electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of site-directed spin labels at the extracellular protein surface in membranes to test these models. Spin-spin dipolar interactions in the authentic O state compared to the non-illuminated state revealed that the distance between helices C and F increases by ca 4 Angstroms, there is no distance change between helices D and F, and the distance between helix D and helix B of the adjacent monomer increases. Further, the mobility changes of single labels indicate that helices E and F move outward from the proton channel at the center of the protein, and helix D tilts inward. The overall pattern of movements suggests that the model at acid pH is a better representation of the O state than D85S. However, the mobility analysis of spin-labels on the B-C interhelical loop indicates that the antiparallel beta-sheet maintains its ordered secondary structure in O, instead of the predicted disorder in the two structural models. During decay of the O state, the last step of the photocycle, a proton is transferred from Asp85 to proton release complex in the extracellular proton channel. The structural changes in O suggest the need of large conformational changes to drive the Arg82 side-chain back to its initial orientation towards Asp85, and to rearrange the numerous water molecules in this region in order to conduct the proton away from Asp85. 相似文献
为了建立一个高效的高产油微藻诱变育种流程,微藻中油脂含量快速和准确的测定在其中具有重要作用。在本研究中,首先利用低场核磁共振技术,建立了直接检测干藻粉和培养液中小球藻油脂含量的方法,其信号强度与细胞中油脂含量存在特异的线性关系,干藻粉和藻液中油脂含量与信号值拟合的R2均高于0.99,说明该方法用于小球藻油脂含量的检测是准确和可行的。同时该方法与传统油脂测量方法相比,具有快速、简便和准确等优点。但其通量不及尼罗红染色法,因此,我们开发了将尼罗红染色法用于初筛,低场核磁共振技术用于复筛的新型高通量藻种复合筛选方法,并将此筛选方法应用于一种异养高产油原壳小球藻的诱变育种过程中。首先从3 098株诱变藻种中初筛得到108株具有较高油脂含量的藻株,然后利用低场核磁共振技术复筛得到9株高产油性能的藻株,其中一株甘油三酯含量超过20%,比原始藻株提高1倍,培养168 h后培养液油脂浓度达到5 g/L,证明此诱变育种流程不仅提高了筛选的效率还可靠且可行。 相似文献
Using a novel concentration technique (reverse osmosis and freeze-drying) as well as a standard analytical technique little used with limnological samples (solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance), we studied the chemical structure of aquatic organic matter from four closely located freshwater sites in Nova Scotia. The main conclusions drawn from the data are that: (a) the aromatic C fraction which is assumed to be refractory remains at less than 10% of the total, with a slight increase in relative importance in the fall, (b) less structurally complex aliphatic carbon decreases from winter to spring and remains at lower levels into later fall, (c) carbohydrates are at a maximum during the summer, (d) the carboxylic C fraction is at a minimum in the summer and maximum in the fall and winter. Results show roughly the same annual patterns of C composition for the two running water sites. Our data suggest that the hydrological processes which carry terrestrial and wetland DOM to streams and lakes allow a selective adsorption process of DOM to occur in soils. We compare our data to those from other freshwater studies and suggest that the importance of aromatic carbon in freshwaters has probably been overestimated in the past, with a corresponding underestimate of the more biologically labile carbohydrate and aliphatic material.Department of Chemistry, McMaster Universtiy 相似文献
温度对不同粘粒含量稻田土壤有机碳矿化的影响 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
模拟了亚热带地区3种不同粘粒含量的水稻土(砂壤土、壤粘土、粉粘土)在5种温度(10、15、20、25和30℃)下的有机碳(SOC)矿化特征,分析SOC矿化对温度变化的响应.结果表明:在160d的培养期内,温度对3种水稻土SOC矿化量的影响有一定差异,30℃时砂壤土、壤粘土和粉粘土SOC矿化量分别是10℃时的3.5、5.2和4.7倍.在较低温度(≤20℃)下,SOC矿化速度较低且相对稳定;在较高温度(≥25℃)下,前期SOC矿化速度较高,随着培养时间的延长逐渐降低,并趋于稳定.3种水稻土SOC矿化的温度系数(Q10)随培养时间出现波动,砂壤土的Q10平均值最低,为1.92,壤粘土和粉粘土的Q10平均值较接近,分别为2.37和2.32;3种土壤矿化速率常数(k)与温度呈极显著的指数相关(P<0.01).3种水稻土有机碳矿化对温度变化的响应敏感度依次为壤粘土>粉粘土>砂壤土. 相似文献
13C and 15N chemical shift anisotropy and 15N1H dipolar powder patterns from backbone sites of the coat protein in fd bacteriophage are not averaged by motion. This means that the polypeptide backbone of the protein has no large amplitude motions rapid compared to 104 Hz. Relaxation studies on the 13Cα and 15N amide resonances indicate the presence of motions on the 109 Hz timescale. These results are reconciled with a model where an otherwise rigid backbone undergoes small amplitude, rapid motions. 相似文献
A. D. Peuke M. Rokitta U. Zimmermann L. Schreiber & A. Haase 《Plant, cell & environment》2001,24(5):491-503
A new method for simultaneously quantifying rates of flow in xylem and phloem using the FLASH imaging capabilities of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry was applied in this study. The method has a time resolution of up to 4 min (for the xylem) and was used to measure the velocity of flows in phloem and xylem for periods of several hours to days. For the first time, diurnal time course measurements of flow velocities and apparent volume flows in phloem and xylem in the hypocotyl of 40‐d‐old Ricinus communis L were obtained. Additional data on gas exchange and the chemical composition of leaves, xylem and phloem sap were used to assess the role of leaves as sinks for xylem sap and sources for phloem. The velocity in the phloem (0·250 ± 0·004 mm s?1) was constant over a full day and not notably affected by the light/dark cycle. Sucrose was loaded into the phloem and transported at night, owing to degradation of starch accumulated during the day. Concentrations of solutes in the phloem were generally less during the night than during the day but varied little within either the day or night. In contrast to the phloem, flow velocities in the xylem were about 1·6‐fold higher in the light (0·401 ± 0·004 mm s?1) than in the dark (0·255 ± 0·003 mm s?1) and volume flow varied commensurately. Larger delays were observed in changes to xylem flow velocity with variation in light than in gas exchange. The relative rates of solute transport during day and night were estimated on the basis of relative flow and solute concentrations in xylem and phloem. In general, changes in relative flow rates were compensated for by changes in solute concentration during the daily light/dark cycle. However, the major solutes (K+, NO3?) varied appreciably in relative concentrations. Hence the regulation of loading into transport systems seems to be more important to the overall process of solute transport than do changes in mass flow. Due to transport behaviour, the chemical composition of leaves varied during the day only with regard to starch and soluble carbohydrates. 相似文献
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a nondestructive technique that identifies chemicals in solution and in living cells. It has been used in cryptococcal research to identify the primary structure of capsular glucuronoxylomannans, link cellular apoptosis susceptibility (CAS) genes to positioning of residues on the mannose backbone of glucuronoxylomannan, and verify that the cryptococcal virulence determinant, phospholipase B, is elaborated in vivo. Promising clinical applications include speciation (Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii), with preliminary evidence that varieties neoformans and grubii can also be distinguished, non-invasive diagnosis of cerebral cryptococcomas, and, in cases of meningitis, monitoring therapeutic response by analysis of cerebrospinal fluid. 相似文献