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不同草田轮作模式土壤养分及细菌群落组成特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究不同草田轮作模式下土壤养分及细菌群落的组成特征,以5年紫花苜蓿-1年小麦(A5W1)、5年紫花苜蓿-1年玉米(A5C1)、5年紫花苜蓿-2年小麦(A5W2)和5年紫花苜蓿-2年玉米(A5C2)草田轮作模式为对象,测定了土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量,在此基础上,基于16S rRNA基因序列扩增子测序研究了4种轮作模式下耕层土壤细菌群落组成特征。结果表明:轮作第2年各土壤养分含量较第1年显著下降。细菌组成研究结果显示,4种轮作模式下占优势的菌门为变形菌门、放线菌门和厚壁菌门。土壤细菌群落优势属以丙酸杆菌属(Propionibacterium)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、链球菌属(Streptococcus)以及奈瑟氏球菌属(Neisseria)为主。土壤细菌多样性以A5C2轮作处理最高,A5C1最低;聚类分析显示A5W1和A5C1的组成最接近,其次是A5C2,A5W2的组成与前两者相差较大。土壤养分含量与几种优势属之间呈显著相关性(P<0.05 or P<0.01)。研究结果揭示了河西走廊灌溉区种植紫花苜蓿多年后轮作小麦和玉米改善土壤肥力...  相似文献   

曹升  潘菲  林根根  张燕林  周垂帆  刘博 《生态学报》2021,41(5):1846-1856
探究不同林龄杉木人工纯林土壤中的微生物的群落演变与结构特征与酶活性变化,为杉木人工林可持续经营管理提供依据。以福建省南平市的五片不同林龄杉木林表层土壤作为研究对象,通过16SrDNA测定细菌的群落组成,分析与土壤质量密切相关的四种土壤酶活性变化,揭示细菌群落与土壤酶活性的变化机理。结果表明,微生物的多样性指数与OTU都随着林龄的增加而增加,且幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林土壤微生物结构差异较大;不同林龄杉木人工林中包含了29个细菌门,其中酸杆菌门与变形菌门为优势菌群,根据各种群相对丰度变化以及冗余分析,放线菌门、浮霉菌门与疣微菌门等均随林龄增长出现较大变化,且与土壤可溶性有机质以及速效养分有显著相关性(P<0.05),说明这几种细菌群落对土壤养分变化较敏感;土壤养分变化会影响土壤酶活性,蔗糖酶与全碳呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与速效钾呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与放线菌门呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。脲酶与速效氮呈显著负相关(P<0.05),脲酶与变形菌门、绿弯菌门、放线菌门、硝化螺旋菌门以及拟杆菌门均存在较强相关性。综上,不同的土壤细菌种群与酶活性对各养分变化的响应程度不一,细菌群落结构与酶活性能反映不同林龄杉木林土壤的质量变化,适量延长杉木人工林种植年限有益于土壤质量恢复。本研究结果对指导杉木人工林优质经营有重要意义。  相似文献   

轮作模式对植烟土壤酶活性及真菌群落的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈丹梅  段玉琪  杨宇虹  晋艳  袁玲 《生态学报》2016,36(8):2373-2381
种植模式显著影响土壤理化生物学性质,并与作物土传真菌病害的发生密切相关。试验选择云南省具有代表性的红壤,设置烤烟-休闲-玉米(T-B-M)、烤烟-油菜-玉米(T-C-M)、烤烟-油菜-水稻(T-C-R)和烤烟-苕子-水稻(T-V-R)等4种轮作模式,利用化学、酶学分析及454高通量测序技术,研究了土壤养分、酶活性及真菌群落结构,旨在为烤烟的合理轮作提供科学依据。经16a的不同轮作种植后,土壤p H变化于5.6—6.4之间,仍然适合种植水稻、玉米、油菜和烤烟等多种作物。在T-V-R处理的土壤中,烤烟产量、烟叶产值和上中等烟比例最高,有机质比原初提高45.11%,碱解氮、有效磷和微生物量碳氮显著增加,蔗糖酶、脱氢酶、脲酶、磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性也显著高于其它轮作模式,说明T-V-R改善了土壤生态环境,促进了微生物繁衍,数量增加,活性增强。土壤真菌的18S r DNA读数依次为13097(T-B-M)、11345(T-C-M)、12939(T-C-R)和13763(T-V-R),分别代表530、378、395和581种(类)的真菌,由子囊菌门、担子菌门、接合菌门、壶菌门和尚待鉴定的真菌等构成,其中尚待鉴定的真菌属种和子囊菌门占绝大部分。在不同轮作处理的土壤中,前15种优势真菌的丰富度变化于29.46%—62.86%之间,优势菌株的相似性极低,说明土壤真菌的种群结构因轮作模式不同而异。T-V-R处理土壤中的真菌多样性指数最高,优势度指数最低,说明T-V-R轮作的土壤适合多种真菌的繁殖生长,种群数量增加。多种真菌共同存在,互相制约,可防止病原真菌过度繁殖,降低作物发生真菌病害几率。从作物产量和产值、土壤有机质、养分和真菌种群结构看,T-V-R优于其它3种轮作模式,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

不同香蕉枯萎病区土壤细菌群落多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分别采集海南省临高县3个地区的香蕉枯萎病发病土壤与健康土壤样品共6份,采用常规方法测定土壤理化性质,以末端限制性片段多态性分析(T-RFLP)技术研究不同地区发病与健康土壤微生物的多样性,并分析土壤微生物群落结构与土壤因子的关系.结果表明:同一地区发病蕉园土壤的大部分理化性质指标低于健康蕉园,以pH、有效P含量的差异最显著;T-RFLP结果表明供试蕉园发病土壤的细菌多样性比健康土壤丰富;3个地区的优势种分别为片段长度为144、147与233 bp的T-RFs,通过系统发育分配工具比对,推断这3个地区的优势菌群可能属于枯草芽孢杆菌、葡萄球菌、反刍真杆菌;大部分T-RFs的分布与土壤碱解N、pH、速效K、有效P及含水量有关,且在发病土壤中的相对丰度大于健康土壤.  相似文献   

研究添加不同含量(0、3%和9%)和颗粒直径(0.05、0.05~1.0和1.0~2.0 mm)竹炭对三叶草生长及土壤微生物群落结构的影响.结果表明: 竹炭对三叶草生长的促进作用前期较明显,添加9%竹炭处理略好于添加3%竹炭处理,而不同颗粒直径对三叶草生长影响差异不显著;播种后0~120 d,竹炭对三叶草生长的促进作用随着时间推移而减弱,5个月后基本消失.16S rDNA V3区片段的DGGE分析表明,添加竹炭改变了土壤细菌群落结构特征,大部分种类土壤细菌数量和细菌群落多样性指数均高于对照.定量分析表明,添加9%、细粒(D<0.05 mm)竹炭处理土壤细菌数量显著高于其他处理.同一添加含量下,细粒径竹炭对土壤细菌数量的增加效应更明显.

福建省稻田土壤细菌群落的16S rDNA-PCR-DGGE分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用不依赖细菌培养的16S rDNA-PCR-DGGE方法对福建省6个不同地区12个取样点的稻田土壤进行细菌群落结构分析.对12份样品直接提取其总DNA,用F341GC/R534引物扩增16SrDNA基因的V3可变区,结合DGGE(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis)技术分析样品细菌群落组成.结果表明,福建省不同地区的稻田土壤之间细菌群落结构存在较大差异.犬体上可分为闽东、闽南、闽北、闽西4个大类.同一地区的根际土和表土样品之间也存在差异,但差异相对较低,其中龙岩根际土和表土细菌群落结构相似性最大,永泰差异性最大.回收了DGGE图谱中11个条带,测序结果经过Blast比对表明其中10个条带代表的细菌是不可培养的,显示了DGGE技术的优越性.  相似文献   

目的:明晰种植唐古特大黄对土壤微生物群落结构的影响。方法:采用高通量测序技术,分析不同生长年限(1~4年)唐古特大黄根部不同深度(1~20 cm、21~40 cm和41~60 cm)土壤中细菌群落结构特征。结果:在不同生长年限唐古特大黄根部土壤中共获得2 080个细菌操作分类单元(OTU),隶属于28门84纲172目263科441属480种。变形杆菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)和芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)是唐古特大黄根部土壤中相对丰度排名前5的优势类群,相对丰度之和达到0.80以上;Mantel检验结果表明,土壤碱解氮、土壤微生物量氮(MBN)和土壤微生物量磷(MBP)含量及硝酸还原酶、纤维素酶和蔗糖酶活性对细菌群落结构影响极显著(P <0.01);土壤全磷、速效钾含量和过氧化氢酶活性对细菌群落结构影响显著(P <0.05)。受土壤理化因子、微生物量和酶活性的影响,细菌数量和多样性指数随唐古特大黄生长年限的增加呈现出先减少后增加的“...  相似文献   

云南松林次生演替阶段土壤细菌群落的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤细菌多样性是维持森林生态系统功能的关键因子,森林演替是影响其动态变化的重要因素.研究云南松林不同演替阶段土壤细菌群落结构及其多样性的变化规律,有助于深入理解森林生态系统恢复过程的驱动机制.本研究以云南省永仁县皆伐后形成的针叶林、针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林为对象,基于Illumina Hiseq高通量测序技术,分析森林演...  相似文献   

若尔盖高原湿地不同退化阶段的土壤细菌群落多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用传统分离培养和基于16S rDNA的变性梯度凝胶电泳(Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, DGGE)的方法, 研究了若尔盖高原湿地不同退化阶段土壤类型(泥炭土、沼泽土、草甸土、风沙土)和土壤深度(0 cm?20 cm、20 cm?40 cm、40 cm?60 cm)中微生物的数量、细菌群落结构及其多样性。结果表明: 微生物数量总体上不仅随着土壤类型的改变而减少(泥炭土>草甸土>沼泽土>风沙土)也随着土壤深度的增加而递减(0 cm?20 cm>20 cm?4  相似文献   

【目的】探讨青海省农田土壤细菌多样性及群落结构组成。【方法】采用高通量测序技术分析都兰县、互助县、共和县和大通县种植小麦、油菜、青稞土壤细菌群落结构组成及多样性差异,并解析其与土壤理化特性的关系。【结果】4个地区的土壤pH、水分、有机质、Chao1指数、Shannon指数、线性判别分析效应大小(linear discriminant analysis effect size, LEfSe)组间差异这些指标中部分指标存在极显著差异性(P<0.01),而3种作物的这些指标无显著差异(P>0.05)。主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)显示,不同区域细菌群落组成差异性较大,3种作物农田土壤细菌群落、物种组成相似度较高。4个地区共有3 127个可操作性分类单元(operational taxonomic units, OTUs),3种作物农田土壤细菌共有OTUs为3 694个;细菌物种隶属于36门93纲192目276科450属423种;4个地区或3种作物土壤具有相似的优势门、属、种,但相对丰度不同。水分、pH、有机质与Chao1、Shannon存在显著相关性,pH、有机质与未分类种、unclassified RB41、unclassified Sphingomonas具有显著正相关或负相关。Chao1、Shannon与unclassified Sphingomonas显著负相关,与unclassified RB41、unclassified Vicinamibacteraceae显著正相关。【结论】区域差异对土壤的理化性质、细菌群落结构和多样性具有显著影响,相较于作物而言其影响更加明显。  相似文献   

农田温室气体减排已成为农业绿色发展的重要内容,驱动温室气体氧化亚氮(N2O)产生的氨氧化微生物受到了研究者们的广泛关注。为探究轮作模式对土壤氨氧化微生物群落的影响,基于田间定位试验,研究了夏红小豆-冬小麦、夏绿豆-冬小麦、夏花生-冬小麦、夏大豆-冬小麦和夏玉米-冬小麦5种轮作模式中冬小麦根际和非根际土壤氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)的群落组成和多样性变化特征。结果表明:与夏玉米-冬小麦模式相比,豆禾轮作模式增加了根际土中有机碳和硝态氮含量,以及非根际土中全氮和铵态氮含量。豆禾轮作模式降低了非根际土壤中AOA群落的ACE指数和Chao1指数,并显著降低根际土中AOB群落的ACE指数和Chao1指数(P<0.05)。豆禾轮作显著增加AOA群落中泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota)和AOB群落中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)某些类群的相对丰度(P<0.05)。根际土中豆禾轮作模式与麦玉模式的AOA群落结构发生明显分离,而非根际土中豆禾轮作模式与麦玉模式的AOB群落发生分离(P<0.05)。研究结果表明:豆禾轮作种植改变了AOA和AOB的群落结构和多样性,土壤pH值和速效氮含量是驱动AOA和AOB群落结构变化的重要因子,且根际与非根际土壤中氨氧化微生物存在生态位分离。  相似文献   

通过4年田间定位试验比较了3种轮作及相应绿肥不同利用方式对作物产量和土壤性质的影响.轮作方式包括夏休闲-冬小麦(对照)、豆类绿肥-冬小麦和豆类绿肥-春玉米-冬小麦.豆类绿肥-冬小麦包括3种绿肥利用方式:提前覆盖、提前翻压和播前翻压;豆类绿肥-春玉米-冬小麦也包括3种绿肥利用方式:豆类茎秆覆盖、茎秆翻压和茎秆移出田间.结果表明:对于豆类绿肥-冬小麦轮作,绿肥消耗了更多小麦播前土壤水,使小麦产量不稳定;麦收后0~200 cm土层硝态氮储量显著高于另外两种轮作,有更高的淋失风险;该轮作方式下提前覆盖处理0~20 cm土层土壤有机碳(SOC)含量和有机碳储量(SSOC)最高.对于豆类绿肥-春玉米-冬小麦轮作,小麦播前土壤储水量显著高于豆类绿肥-冬小麦,小麦产量更稳定;麦收后0~200 cm土层硝态氮储量显著低于豆类绿肥-冬小麦轮作,淋失风险较低;该轮作方式下茎杆覆盖处理0~20 cm土层土壤SOC含量显著高于茎杆移出处理,且SSOC相对于试验初始也有所增加.可见,豆类绿肥-春玉米-冬小麦轮作体系中豆类收获籽粒后茎杆地表覆盖方式,在提高小麦播前土壤储水量、稳定产量、培肥土壤和降低0~200 cm土层土壤硝态氮残留量上表现较好,是具有类似气候地区的合理种植制度.

There is a trend world‐wide to grow crops in short rotation or in monoculture, particularly in conventional agriculture. This practice is becoming more prevalent due to a range of factors including economic market trends, technological advances, government incentives, and retailer and consumer demands. Land‐use intensity will have to increase further in future in order to meet the demands of growing crops for both bioenergy and food production, and long rotations may not be considered viable or practical. However, evidence indicates that crops grown in short rotations or monoculture often suffer from yield decline compared to those grown in longer rotations or for the first time. Numerous factors have been hypothesised as contributing to yield decline, including biotic factors such as plant pathogens, deleterious rhizosphere microorganisms, mycorrhizas acting as pathogens, and allelopathy or autotoxicity of the crop, as well as abiotic factors such as land management practices and nutrient availability. In many cases, soil microorganisms have been implicated either directly or indirectly in yield decline. Although individual factors may be responsible for yield decline in some cases, it is more likely that combinations of factors interact to cause the problem. However, evidence confirming the precise role of these various factors is often lacking in field studies due to the complex nature of cropping systems and the numerous interactions that take place within them. Despite long‐term knowledge of the yield‐decline phenomenon, there are few tools to counteract it apart from reverting to longer crop rotations or break crops. Alternative cropping and management practices such as double‐cropping or inter‐cropping, tillage and organic amendments may prove valuable for combating some of the negative effects seen when crops are grown in short rotation. Plant breeding continues to be important, although this does require a specific breeding target to be identified. This review identifies gaps in our understanding of yield decline, particularly with respect to the complex interactions occurring between the different components of agro‐ecosystems, which may well influence food security in the 21st Century.  相似文献   

Short‐rotation woody biomass crops (SRWCs) have been proposed as an alternative feedstock for biofuel production in the northeastern US that leads to the conversion of current open land to woody plantations, potentially altering the soil microbial community structures and hence functions. We used pyrosequencing of 16S and 28S rRNA genes in soil to assess bacterial and fungal populations when ‘marginal’ grasslands were converted into willow (Salix spp.) and hybrid poplar (Populus spp.) plantations at two sites with similar soils and climate history in northern Michigan (Escanaba; ES) and Wisconsin (Rhinelander; RH). In only three growing seasons, the conversion significantly altered both the bacterial and fungal communities, which were most influenced by site and then vegetation. The fungal community showed greater change than the bacterial community in response to land conversion at both sites with substantial enrichment of putative pathogenic, ectomycorrhizal, and endophytic fungi associated with poplar and willow. Conversely, the bacterial community structures shifted, but to a lesser degree, with the new communities dissimilar at the two sites and most correlated with soil nutrient status. The bacterial phylum Nitrospirae increased after conversion and was negatively correlated to total soil nitrogen, but positively correlated to soil nitrate, and may be responsible for nitrate accumulation and the increased N2O emissions previously reported following conversion at these sites. The legacy effect of a much longer grassland history and a second dry summer at the ES site may have influenced the grassland (control) microbial community to remain stable while it varied at the RH site.  相似文献   

Crop rotation systems in organic and conventional farming systems differ in crop types, management and duration. However, changes in arthropod communities over the entire rotation system are poorly understood, as many studies have surveyed only single years or have not covered the entire rotation period. Here, we describe changes in arthropods in two contrasting systems at a split organic‐conventional farm: an 8‐year organically managed rotation with five crops and a 5‐year conventionally managed rotation with three crops. Arthropods were classified into three functional groups, representing epigeal predators, foliar predators/parasitoids and herbivores/pollinators. Epigeal predators were particularly reduced by soil tillage which occurred annually in the conventional rotation, but was intermittent in the organic. Arthropods were most abundant on the conventional rotation, but most taxonomically diverse on the organic. In the conventional system, all functional groups showed a cyclical change in their taxonomic composition that closely matched the crop rotation sequence, whereas in the organic rotation, the cycle was less clear. Whilst the current year's crop type was the major determinant of arthropod community composition, there was a significant “lag effect” for many taxa from the preceding year's crop. Our results suggest that both the amounts of soil tillage (e.g., in no‐till systems) and crop rotation order have major impacts on arthropods in agroecosystems. Rotations with excessive soil tillage are likely to reduce the abundance of some groups of beneficial arthropods, especially epigeal predators.  相似文献   

以高粱连作5年为对照(CK),研究了高粱连作3年轮作苜蓿(T1)和葱(T2),对下茬高粱生长、根际土壤微生物及土壤酶活性的影响.结果表明:与CK相比,轮作改善了高粱地上部的生长;T1增产16.5%,效果明显.轮作也促进了高粱根系的生长,T1和T2处理的高粱总根长是CK的1.3和1.4倍,根总表面积是CK的1.6和1.5倍,根体积是CK的2.2和1.6倍,根系生物量是CK的2.0和1.3倍,T1促进了根系在10 cm以下土层中的分布.借助Biolog法对穗花期根际土壤微生物群落功能多样性分析表明,T1和T2处理根际土壤微生物活性显著高于CK,且Shannon多样性指数分别是CK的1.2和1.1倍;轮作提高了根际土壤蔗糖酶活性.综上,轮作苜蓿比轮作葱更能改善高粱根际土壤环境,提高土壤微生物活性和酶活性,控制高粱连作障碍,提高高粱产量.  相似文献   

Previously, tillage has been found to reduce early-season phosphorus (P) uptake from soil in continuous maize cropping systems. This reduced P uptake has often been associated with delayed colonization of roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Our aim was to determine if similar responses occur in maize-soybean rotations, which are more typical of current farming in Ontario, Canada. Similar responses were expected because both are AM crops, and the mechanism by which tillage reduces P uptake is thought to be a negative impact on the development of effective mycorrhizae. Simultaneous field experiments with either maize-soybean-maize or soybean-maize-soybean rotations were conducted in 1992–4. Treatments imposed were no-till (NT), ridge-tillage (RT), and conventional tillage using a moldboard plow (MP). In 1993, early-season dry mass of maize was similar among treatments, but colonization of maize roots by AM fungi and P uptake of maize were stimulated by NT and RT, compared with MP. In 1994, early growth was more rapid overall than in 1993, but it was reduced in the NT and RT treatments compared with MP for reasons not related to P. For soybean, AM colonization in NT and RT systems was higher than with MP, but P uptake was unchanged. As was found for maize in 1994, early-season shoot dry mass of soybean was higher in the MP treatment than with NT, but both in 1993 and 1994. We conclude that colonization of both maize and soybean by AM fungi is susceptible to slower development in tilled systems, and that for maize, stimulation of P uptake under reduced tillage can occur in rotations with soybean just as easily as it does with continuous maize. Taken with other studies, the data here suggest that responses to tillage of colonization of roots by AM fungi and of P uptake could apply to many cropping systems. The slow early-season shoot growth seen in some years in response to reduced tillage is discussed.  相似文献   

Biological soil characteristics such as microbial biomass, community structures, activities, and functions may provide important information on environmental and anthropogenic influences on agricultural soils. Diagnostic tools and detailed statistical approaches need to be developed for a reliable evaluation of these parameters, in order to allow classification and quantification of the magnitude of such effects. The DOK long-term agricultural field experiment was initiated in 1978 in Switzerland for the evaluation of organic and conventional farming practices. It includes three representative Swiss farming systems with biodynamic, bio-organic and conventional fertilization and plant protection schemes along with minerally fertilized and unfertilized controls. Effects on microbial soil characteristics induced by the long-term management at two different stages in the crop rotation, i.e. winter wheat after potato or corn, were investigated by analyzing soil bacterial community structures using analysis of PCR-amplified rRNA genes by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis. Application of farmyard manure consistently revealed the strongest influence on bacterial community structures and biomass contents. Effects of management and plant protection regimes occurred on an intermediate level, while the two stages in the crop rotation had a marginal influence that was not significant.  相似文献   

为明确稻麦轮作系统有机肥施用对作物产量和土壤性质的影响,本研究搜集已公开发表的文献数据,利用meta分析法定量分析了有机肥类型(普通有机肥、生物质炭、秸秆)、施用策略(单施有机肥、有机肥配施部分化肥、有机肥配施全量化肥)、施用年限(短期、中期、长期)对稻麦产量和土壤性质的影响及其对不同土壤条件(酸性、中性、碱性)的响应...  相似文献   

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