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Bycatch in longline fisheries threatens the viability of some seabird populations. The Hawaii longline swordfish fishery reduced seabird captures by an order of magnitude primarily through mitigating bycatch during setting. Now, 75% of captures occur during hauling. We fit observer data to a generalized additive regression model with mixed effects to determine the significance of the effect of various factors on the standardized seabird haul catch rate. Density of albatrosses attending vessels during hauling, leader length and year had largest model effects. The standardized haul catch rate significantly increased with increased albatross density during hauling. The standardized catch rate was significantly higher the longer the leader: shorter leaders place weighted swivels closer to hooks, reducing the likelihood of baited hooks becoming available to surface-scavenging albatrosses. There was a significant linear increasing temporal trend in the standardized catch rate, possibly partly due to an observed increasing temporal trend in the local abundance of albatrosses attending vessels during hauling. Swivel weight, Beaufort scale and season were also significant but smaller model effects. Most (81%) haul captures were on branchlines actively being retrieved. Future haul mitigation research should therefore focus on reducing bird access to hooks as crew coil branchlines, including methods identified here of shorter leaders and heavier swivels, and other potentially effective methods, including faster branchline coiling and shielding the area where hooks becomes accessible. The proportion of Laysan albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) captures that occurred during hauling was significantly, 1.6 times, higher than for black-footed albatrosses (P. nigripes), perhaps due to differences in the time of day of foraging and in daytime scavenging competitiveness; mitigating haul bycatch would therefore be a larger benefit to Laysans. Locally, findings identify opportunities to nearly eliminate seabird bycatch. Globally, findings fill a gap in knowledge of methods to mitigate seabird bycatch during pelagic longline hauling.  相似文献   

Breeding periodicity allows organisms to synchronise breeding attempts with the most favourable ecological conditions under which to raise offspring. For most animal species, ecological conditions vary seasonally and usually impose an annual breeding schedule on their populations; sub-annual breeding schedules will be rare. We use a 16-year dataset of breeding attempts by a tropical seabird, the sooty tern (Onychoprion fuscatus), on Ascension Island to provide new insights about this classical example of a population of sub-annually breeding birds that was first documented in studies 60 years previously on the same island. We confirm that the breeding interval of this population has remained consistently sub-annual. By ringing >17000 birds and re-capturing a large sample of them at equivalent breeding stages in subsequent seasons, we reveal for the first time that many individual birds also consistently breed sub-annually (i.e. that sub-annual breeding is an individual as well as a population breeding strategy). Ascension Island sooty terns appear to reduce their courtship phase markedly compared with conspecifics breeding elsewhere. Our results provide rare insights into the ecological and physiological drivers of breeding periodicity, indicating that reduction of the annual cycle to just two life-history stages, breeding and moult, is a viable life-history strategy and that moult may determine the minimum time between breeding attempts.  相似文献   

Environmental and behavioral factors have long been assumed to affect variation in avian field metabolic rate (FMR). However, due to the difficulties in measuring continuous behavior of birds over prolonged periods of time, complete time-activity budgets have rarely been examined in relation to FMR. Our objective was to determine the effect of activity (measured by detailed time-activity budgets) and a series of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on FMR of the omnivorous ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis). The experiment was conducted during the incubation period when both members of the pair alternate between attending the nest-site and leaving the colony to forage in aquatic and anthropogenic environments (city, agricultural). FMR was determined using the doubly labeled water method. Time-activity budgets were extrapolated from spatio-temporal data (2-5 days) obtained from bird-borne GPS data loggers. Gulls had low FMRs compared to those predicted by allometric equations based on recorded FMRs from several seabird species. Gulls proportioned their time mainly to nest-site attendance (71% of total tracking time), which reduced FMR/g body mass, and was the best variable explaining energy expenditure. The next best variable was the duration of foraging trips, which increased FMR/g; FMR/g was also elevated by the proportion of time spent foraging or flying (17% and 8% of tracking time respectively). Most environmental variables measured did not impact FMR/g, however, the percent of time birds were subjected to temperatures below their lower critical temperature increased FMR. Time-activity budgets varied between the sexes, and with temperature and capture date suggesting that these variables indirectly affected FMR/g. The gulls foraged preferentially in anthropogenic-related habitats, which may have contributed to their low FMR/g due to the high availability of protein- and lipid-rich foods. This study demonstrates that activities were the best predictors of FMR/g in ring-billed gulls, thus providing strong support for this long-standing theory in bioenergetics.  相似文献   

Strong and predictable environmental variability can reward flexible behaviors among animals. We used long-term records of activity data that cover several lunar cycles to investigate whether behavior at-sea of swallow-tailed gulls Creagrus furcatus, a nocturnal pelagic seabird, varied with lunar phase in the Galápagos Islands. A Bayesian hierarchical model showed that nighttime at-sea activity of 37 breeding swallow-tailed gulls was clearly associated with changes in moon phase. Proportion of nighttime spent on water was highest during darker periods of the lunar cycle, coinciding with the cycle of the diel vertical migration (DVM) that brings prey to the sea surface at night. Our data show that at-sea behavior of a tropical seabird can vary with environmental changes, including lunar phase.  相似文献   

Hundreds of thousands of seabirds are killed each year as bycatch in longline fisheries. Seabirds are predominantly caught during line setting but bycatch is generally recorded during line hauling, many hours after birds are caught. Bird loss during this interval may lead to inaccurate bycatch information. In this 15 year study, seabird bycatch was recorded during both line setting and line hauling from four fishing regions: Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Coral Sea and central Pacific Ocean. Over 43,000 albatrosses, petrels and skuas representing over 25 species were counted during line setting of which almost 6,000 seabirds attempted to take the bait. Bait-taking interactions were placed into one of four categories. (i) The majority (57%) of bait-taking attempts were “unsuccessful” involving seabirds that did not take the bait nor get caught or hooked. (ii) One-third of attempts were “successful” with seabirds removing the bait while not getting caught. (iii) One-hundred and seventy-six seabirds (3% of attempts) were observed being “caught” during line setting, with three albatross species – Laysan (Phoebastria immutabilis), black-footed (P. nigripes) and black-browed (Thalassarche melanophrys)– dominating this category. However, of these, only 85 (48%) seabird carcasses were retrieved during line hauling. Most caught seabirds were hooked through the bill. (iv) The remainder of seabird-bait interactions (7%) was not clearly observed, but likely involved more “caught” seabirds. Bait taking attempts and percentage outcome (e.g. successful, caught) varied between seabird species and was not always related to species abundance around fishing vessels. Using only haul data to calculate seabird bycatch grossly underestimates actual bycatch levels, with the level of seabird bycatch from pelagic longline fishing possibly double what was previously thought.  相似文献   

During the breeding season seabirds are constrained to coastal areas and are restricted in their movements, spending much of their time in near-shore waters either loafing or foraging. However, in using these areas they may be threatened by anthropogenic activities such as fishing, watersports and coastal developments including marine renewable energy installations. Although many studies describe large scale interactions between seabirds and the environment, the drivers behind near-shore, fine-scale distributions are not well understood. For example, Alderney is an important breeding ground for many species of seabird and has a diversity of human uses of the marine environment, thus providing an ideal location to investigate the near-shore fine-scale interactions between seabirds and the environment. We used vantage point observations of seabird distribution, collected during the 2013 breeding season in order to identify and quantify some of the environmental variables affecting the near-shore, fine-scale distribution of seabirds in Alderney’s coastal waters. We validate the models with observation data collected in 2014 and show that water depth, distance to the intertidal zone, and distance to the nearest seabird nest are key predictors in the distribution of Alderney’s seabirds. AUC values for each species suggest that these models perform well, although the model for shags performed better than those for auks and gulls. While further unexplained underlying localised variation in the environmental conditions will undoubtedly effect the fine-scale distribution of seabirds in near-shore waters we demonstrate the potential of this approach in marine planning and decision making.  相似文献   

Dispersal is critically linked to the demographic and evolutionary trajectories of populations, but in most seabird species it may be difficult to estimate. Using molecular tools, we explored population structure and the spatial dispersal pattern of a highly pelagic but philopatric seabird, the Cory''s shearwater Calonectris diomedea. Microsatellite fragments were analysed from samples collected across almost the entire breeding range of the species. To help disentangle the taxonomic status of the two subspecies described, the Atlantic form C. d. borealis and the Mediterranean form C. d. diomedea, we analysed genetic divergence between subspecies and quantified both historical and recent migration rates between the Mediterranean and Atlantic basins. We also searched for evidence of isolation by distance (IBD) and addressed spatial patterns of gene flow. We found a low genetic structure in the Mediterranean basin. Conversely, strong genetic differentiation appeared in the Atlantic basin. Even if the species was mostly philopatric (97%), results suggest recent dispersal between basins, especially from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean (aprox. 10% of migrants/generation across the last two generations). Long-term gene flow analyses also suggested an historical exchange between basins (about 70 breeders/generation). Spatial analysis of genetic variation indicates that distance is not the main factor in shaping genetic structure in this species. Given our results we recommend gathering more data before concluded whether these taxa should be treated as two species or subspecies.  相似文献   

青头潜鸭(Aythya baeri)是世界极危级(CR)物种,2018年至今在河南民权黄河故道国家湿地公园均调查到稳定的青头潜鸭越冬种群。研究青头潜鸭对不同栖息地的利用方式及所受干扰有利于该物种的保护管理。本研究分析了越冬期不同栖息地及不同性别青头潜鸭的行为时间分配差异,以及人为干扰对青头潜鸭活动的影响。2020年12月采用焦点取样法对河南民权黄河故道国家湿地公园内青头潜鸭进行行为观察,按照青头潜鸭对栖息地的利用率,将其栖息地类型分为池塘、大水面荷塘和开阔水域。使用单因素方差分析(ANOVA)及t检验比较不同栖息地及性别间差异的显著性。青头潜鸭的主要行为是休息(44.4%)和觅食(34.2%),且在不同栖息地存在显著差异。池塘中的觅食行为占比(50.1%)显著高于大水面荷塘和开阔水域;大水面荷塘中的休息行为占比(63.1%)显著高于池塘和开阔水域。雌雄之间存在一定的行为差异,雌性觅食时间高于雄性,整理行为时间低于雄性,这种差异受栖息地的影响。三种类型栖息地均存在不同程度的人为干扰,池塘中所受干扰程度最高,主要干扰源为钓鱼、行人和施工,荷塘和开阔水域主要干扰为打渔船。本研究表明,对于越冬期的青头潜鸭,池塘是重要觅食地,荷塘可作为躲避干扰的休息场所,开阔水域可作为稳定的觅食栖息场所。对青头潜鸭的保护应考虑到不同栖息地的生态作用,以及青头潜鸭对不同干扰的容忍度,采取相应措施开展保护行动。  相似文献   

Pelagic carbon metabolism in a eutrophic lake during a clear-water phase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dissolved and paniculate organic carbon (DOC and POC, respectively),primary production, bacterial production, bacterial carbon demandand community grazing were measured for 9 weeks in eutrophicFrederiksborg Slotssø. The period covered the declineof the spring bloom, a clear-water phase and a summer phasewith increasing phytoplankton biomass. The process rates andchanges in pools of organic carbon were combined in a carbonbudget for the epilimnion. The POC budget showed a close balancefor both the post-spring bloom and the clear-water phase, whilea surplus was found in the summer phase. Production of POC wasdominated by phytoplankton (2/3) compared to bacteria (1/3)during all phases, and there was a significant correlation betweenphytoplankton and bacterial production rates (r2 = 0.48, P <0.039). Bacterial demand for DOC was balanced by productionand changes in the pool of DOC during the decline of the springbloom, but the calculated demand exceeded the supply by 81 and167%, respectively, during the other two periods. The discrepancywas most probably due to an underestimation of bacterial growthefficiency and an overestimation of in situ bacterial productionin carbon units. Production of bacterial substrate by zooplanktonactivity was estimated to be higher than the direct excretionof organic carbon from phytoplankton. The biological successionwas regulated by the balance between area primary productionand community grazing. The clear-water phase was initiated bya combination of low primary production due to low surface irradianceand high community grazing (100 mmol C m–2 day–1),which caused a decrease in phytoplankton biomass. However, dueto the high initial phytoplankton biomass, community grazingwas not high enough to cause a significant decrease in areaprimary production. The summer phase was initiated by a decreasein community grazing followed by an increase in phytoplanktonbiomass. Based on these observations and calculations of areaprimary production as a function of chlorophyll concentrations,we suggest that the possibility for zooplankton to regulatephytoplankton biomass in temperate lakes decreases with increasingnutrient level.  相似文献   

Andreas Wetzel 《Ichnos》2019,26(1):80-84
An uncommon trackway of a seabird consisting of impressions of the right foot accompanied at the left side at the supposed position of the foot only by holes was produced by a gull having two legs, but only one foot. Foot size and stride are typical of an adult herring gull. The stride is unequal between right-left and left-right impression by ~15% as the digitigrade producer experienced re-distribution of load due to the missing foot. Tracks of disabled seabirds are underrepresented in reports of both modern settings as well as the fossil record when compared with modern observations. In present time, about 2% of the seabirds have injured feet or legs. Today, however, injuries of seabirds might have increased due to human fishery activities. Actual observations show that fossilisation of such trackways is favoured by microbes preferentially growing in the impressions that are moist for a prolonged period of time.  相似文献   

We characterized spatial and temporal variability in net ecosystem production (NEP), community respiration (CR), and gross primary production (GPP) over an ice-free season in an oligotrophic high-elevation lake using high-frequency measurements of dissolved oxygen. We combined the use of free-water and incubation chamber measurements to compare pelagic and benthic habitats and estimate their relative contributions to whole-lake metabolism. Despite a brief period of predominant heterotrophy after snowmelt, both free-water and incubation chamber measurements confirmed autotrophy of the epilimnion in all habitats throughout the ice-free season. In contrast, benthic incubation chambers showed the benthos to be consistently heterotrophic. Although temperature was the strongest seasonal driver of benthic metabolism, bacterioplankton density and indexes of organic matter quality explained the most variability in pelagic metabolism. Driven largely by benthic metabolism, free-water measurements of GPP and CR were twice as high in littoral than pelagic habitats. However, rates of water column primary production overlying the littoral benthos were high enough to overcome net benthic heterotrophy, and seasonal mean NEP in littoral habitats remained positive and not significantly different from pelagic habitats. Benthic rates averaged about 25% of whole-lake metabolism. Pelagic metabolism measurements were affected by littoral rates about half the time, with the degree of isolation between the two a function of advection and water column stability. These results emphasize the importance of characterizing spatial and temporal variability in metabolism within the context of physical dynamics and challenge the notion that benthic metabolism will necessarily be larger than pelagic metabolism in oligotrophic lakes.  相似文献   

邓腾  张瑞  许华磊  刘伟 《动物学杂志》2016,51(5):743-750
2015年4~9月,采用焦点动物取样法,通过人工观察及监控设备记录,在青海省祁连县研究了2窝在人工巢中繁殖的大(鵟)(Buteo hemilasius)行为.构建了大(鵟)亲鸟及雏鸟在繁殖期的行为谱,将亲鸟繁殖期内的行为划分为12项30种,将雏鸟的行为划分为9项25种.研究发现,大(鵟)繁殖期开始于4月中下旬,持续至8月中旬结束,平均(112.0±2.0)d(n=2);将繁殖期划分为孵卵前期、孵卵期、育雏期及雏鸟成熟期.利用单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA)比对了雌雄亲鸟之间,以及不同时期间亲鸟、雏鸟的行为时间分配.结果显示,(1)雌雄大(鵟)之间的行为时间分配在孵卵前期及孵卵期差异不显著(P>0.05),在育雏期及雏鸟成熟期差异显著(P<0.05).在这两个时期,雌性栖停行为所占比例显著高于雄性(P<0.01),而捕食行为占比显著低于雄性(P< 0.01).(2)雌性大(鵟)行为时间分配在不同时期均变化显著(P< 0.05),雄性大(鵟)行为时间分配在育雏期与雏鸟成熟期间差异不显著,其余各个时期间差异显著(P< 0.05).(3)大(鵟)雏鸟行为时间分配在育雏期与成熟期之间差异显著(P<0.05).  相似文献   

人工饲养东方白鹳繁殖期行为的时间分配   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对哈尔滨动物园一对东方白鹳(Ciconiaboyciana)繁殖期行为的时间分配做了观测分析,统计在某个时间单位(如孵化期)及整个繁殖期各行为所占的比例,比较得出东方白鹳因性别、繁殖期阶段等不同因子在行为上产生的差异。结果表明,繁殖期笼养东方白鹳的行为及其时间分配主要为站立(4 9 4% )、繁殖(1 9 7% )、理羽(8 9% )、取食(6 4% )、修巢(5 7% )、打嘴(5 7% )、游走(4 3 % )等几种,各种行为时间分配存在着一定的日节律。繁殖期的不同阶段、不同性别之间行为时间分配存在着一定的差异。  相似文献   

2003 年2 月至4 月间, 在海南甘什岭自然保护区采用瞬时扫描取样法对10 头海南坡鹿幼体昼间行为时间分配和活动节律进行了初步研究。结果表明: 坡鹿幼体昼间行为时间分配中摄食、卧息和反刍占有较大的比例;人工圈养和半散放条件下摄食、卧息、反刍、站立和运动行为的昼间时间分配差异性显著( P < 0.01), 半散放条件下幼鹿每天用于摄食和运动的时间比人工圈养的多, 而用于卧息、反刍和站立的时间较少, 其余行为时间比较接近; 在昼间活动节律方面, 圈养条件下摄食有3 个高峰期(09:00~10:00, 11:00~12:00, 16:00~18:00) , 卧息有2 个高峰期(10:00~11:00, 13:00~16: 00) ; 半散放条件下没有明显的摄食高峰期, 主要原因是大部分时间花费在食物的搜索和处理上, 而其卧息高峰出现在14:00 以后。  相似文献   

Enrichment experiments with North Sea bacterioplankton were performed to test if rapid incubation-induced changes in community structure explain the frequent isolation of members of a few particular bacterial lineages or if readily culturable bacteria are common in the plankton but in a state of dormancy. A metabolic inhibitor of cell division (nalidixic acid [NA]) was added to substrate-amended (S+) and unamended (S−) grazer-free seawater samples, and shifts in community composition and per cell DNA and protein content were compared with untreated controls. In addition, starvation survival experiments were performed on selected isolates. Incubations resulted in rapid community shifts towards typical culturable genera rather than in the activation of either dormant cells or the original DNA-rich bacterial fraction. Vibrio spp. and members of the Alteromonas/Colwellia cluster (A/C) were selectively enriched in S+ and S−, respectively, and this trend was even magnified by the addition of NA. These increases corresponded with the rise of cell populations with distinctively different but generally higher protein and DNA content in the various treatments. Uncultured dominant γ-proteobacteria affiliating with the SAR86 cluster and members of the culturable genus Oceanospirillum were not enriched or activated, but there was no indication of substrate-induced cell death, either. Strains of Vibrio and A/C maintained high ribosome levels in pure cultures during extended periods of starvation, whereas Oceanospirillum spp. did not. The life strategy of rapidly enriched culturable γ-proteobacteria could thus be described as a “feast and famine” existence involving different activation levels of substrate concentration.  相似文献   

This study addresses factors governing nitrification and denitrification rates, along with the abundance of the bacterial groups likely involved in these activities, in Kongsfjorden, an Arctic fjord at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. The fjord was sampled three times during the month of March 2008 as day length and direct solar radiation increased. Although initially well mixed, cooler and more saline, the fjord became stratified, warmer and less saline during late March. The concentrations of NH4 + (4.4?±?1.6 to 6?±?1.6 μM) and NO2 ? (1?±?0.3 to 1.2?±?0.4 μM) increased progressively with the decrease in NO3 ? (6.1?±?1.3 to 3.8?±?1.5 μM), reflecting the onset of primary productivity. Nitrification rates and the culturable population of nitrifiers decreased significantly from 1.6?±?0.9 to 0.4?±?0.1 ng at NH4 +-N l?1 h?1 and 5.1?±?0.3?×?102 to 29?±?14 cells l?1, respectively. In contrast, denitrification rates increased (2.4?±?0.5 to 4.6?±?1.3 ng-at NO3 ?-N l?1 h?1), although the abundance of culturable denitrifiers did not vary significantly. A significant correlation of nitrifiers with NO3 ? during early March (p?<?0.01, r?=?0.51) indicated that nitrifiers may play an important role in regulating the NO3 ? pool and thereby in controlling the abundance of denitrifiers. However, the contribution of nitrification to the total NO3 ? pool decreased with time. Experimental simulations were also set up to understand the impact of change in duration of light and progressive increase in temperature on these processes. The application of 24 h light inhibited nitrification, suggesting that during peak Arctic summer the contribution of nitrification to the nitrate pool is minimal. It was also observed that a brief exposure to light (≤6 h) was enough to hamper nitrification rates. Experimental simulations suggested that a gradual increase in temperature in the fjord may enhance the magnitude of nitrification and denitrification in the fjord.  相似文献   

In contrast to marine organisms whose offspring go through an extended planktonic stage, the young of others develop directly into benthic juveniles or into yolky nonfeeding larvae that spend only a few hours in the plankton before settling. Yet, paradoxically, many such species have geographic distributions that are comparable to those with a pelagic dispersal stage. This article reviews some of the ways in which these organisms can expand their distributions: drifting, rafting, hitchhiking, creeping, and hopping. Drifting applies to species in which larvae may be short-lived, but adults can detach or be detached from their benthic substratum and be passively carried to new areas, floating at the water's surface or below it. Many encrusting species and mobile species can spread by rafting, settling on natural or artificial floating substrata which are propelled by wind and currents to new regions. Hitchhiking applies to those attaching to vessels or being carried in ballast water of ships to a distant region in which their offspring can survive. Other marine species extend their distributions by hopping from one island of hard substratum or favorable sedimentary microhabitat to another, while creeping species extend their distributions along shores or shelves where habitats remain similar for long distances.  相似文献   

For many organisms, the reconstruction of source-sink dynamics is hampered by limited knowledge of the spatial assemblage of either the source or sink components or lack of information on the strength of the linkage for any source-sink pair. In the case of marine species with a pelagic dispersal phase, these problems may be mitigated through the use of particle drift simulations based on an ocean circulation model. However, when simulated particle trajectories do not intersect sampling sites, the corroboration of model drift simulations with field data is hampered. Here, we apply a new statistical approach for reconstructing source-sink dynamics that overcomes the aforementioned problems. Our research is motivated by the need for understanding observed changes in jellyfish distributions in the eastern Bering Sea since 1990. By contrasting the source-sink dynamics reconstructed with data from the pre-1990 period with that from the post-1990 period, it appears that changes in jellyfish distribution resulted from the combined effects of higher jellyfish productivity and longer dispersal of jellyfish resulting from a shift in the ocean circulation starting in 1991. A sensitivity analysis suggests that the source-sink reconstruction is robust to typical systematic and random errors in the ocean circulation model driving the particle drift simulations. The jellyfish analysis illustrates that new insights can be gained by studying structural changes in source-sink dynamics. The proposed approach is applicable for the spatial source-sink reconstruction of other species and even abiotic processes, such as sediment transport.  相似文献   

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