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In group‐living animals, individuals may benefit from the presence of an innovative group‐mate because new resources made available by innovators can be exploited, for example by scrounging or social learning. As a consequence, it may pay off to take the group‐mates' problem‐solving abilities into account in social interactions such as aggression or spatial association, for example because dominance over an innovative group‐mate can increase scrounging success, while spatial proximity may increase the chance of both direct exploitation and social learning. In this study, we tested whether the individuals' innovation success influences their social interactions with group‐mates in small captive flocks of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). First, we measured the birds' actual problem‐solving success in individual food‐extracting tasks. Then, we manipulated their apparent problem‐solving success in one task (by allowing or not allowing them to open a feeder repeatedly) while a new, unfamiliar group‐member (focal individual) had the opportunity to witness their performance. After this manipulation, we observed the frequency and intensity of aggression and the frequency of spatial associations between the focal individuals and their manipulated flock‐mates. Although flock‐mates behaved according to their treatments during manipulations, their apparent problem‐solving success did not affect significantly the focal individuals' agonistic behaviour or spatial associations. These results do not support that sparrows take flock‐mates' problem‐solving abilities into account during social interactions. However, focal individuals attacked those flock‐mates more frequently that had higher actual problem‐solving success (not witnessed directly by the focal individuals), although aggression intensity and spatial association by the focal birds were unrelated to the flock‐mates' actual success. If this association between flock‐mates' actual innovativeness and focal individuals' aggression is not due to confounding effects, it may imply that house sparrows can use more subtle cues to assess the group‐mates' problem‐solving ability than direct observation of their performance in simple foraging tasks.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in predation risk may fundamentally influence antipredator responses of prey animals. To maximize lifetime fitness, prey must be able to optimize energy gain and minimize predation risk, and responses to current levels of risk may be influenced by background levels of risk. A ‘risk allocation’ model has recently been proposed to predict the intensity of antipredator responses that should occur as predation risk varies over time. Prey animals from high‐risk environments should respond to predators with relatively low intensities of antipredator behaviour because long periods of antipredator behaviour may result in unacceptable decreases in levels of foraging activity. Moreover, animals that are under frequent risk should devote more energy to foraging during brief pulses of safety compared with animals under infrequent attack. In this study, we experimentally tested the risk allocation hypothesis. We exposed juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, to three levels of risk (high, moderate and low) crossed with two levels of temporal variation (exposed to risk three times a day and once a day). In accordance with the model, we found that trout exposed to risky situations more frequently responded with significantly less intense antipredator behaviour than trout exposed to risk infrequently. The intensity of response of trout exposed to moderate risk three times a day decreased to levels similar to situations of no risk. However, in contrast to the second prediction of the model, animals under frequent risk were not more active during periods of safety compared with animals under infrequent risk. Although behaviour in the face of predation risk was dependent on the broader temporal context in which risk varied, the specific predictions of the risk allocation model were only partly supported.  相似文献   

Exposure to elevated levels of background predation risk is known to shape the behavioural response of prey organisms to known and unknown predation threats. However, less is known regarding the effects of background predation risk on predator recognition learning. Here, we test the potential effects of elevated background predation risk on the strength and retention of learned predator recognition in juvenile convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata). In a series of laboratory trials, we exposed shoals of juvenile cichlids to conditions of elevated (vs. low) levels of background risk and then conditioned them to recognize a novel predator odour (rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss). The results of our first experiment demonstrate that despite showing reduced response intensities during initial conditioning (due to risk allocation), conditioned cichlids from high vs. low background risk show similar intensities of learned recognition when tested 24 h post‐conditioning. Moreover, elevated levels of background risk induced a predator avoidance response among unconditioned cichlids (due to induced neophobia). Our second experiment demonstrates that while we find no difference in the strength of learning when tested 24 h post‐conditioning, retention of acquired recognition is enhanced among cichlids from the high background predation risk treatment. Together, our results highlight the complex interacting effects past experience plays in shaping the response to acute predation threats.  相似文献   

Light is essential for embryonic development in many oviparous animals including fish, amphibians,and birds. However, light may be harmful for reptile embryos developing underground where they are in complete darkness and beneath thin eggshells.Nonetheless, how embryonic light conditions affect reptile development and offspring remains largely unknown. Here we incubated eggs in dark and light conditions to determine the effects of light exposure on embryonic development and offspring visual ability,spatial cognitive ability and growth in a lacertid lizard,Eremias argus. Our experiments demonstrated that light stimulation shortened incubation duration of eggs,but did not affect hatching success, offspring size, visual ability or survival. More interestingly, light exposure during incubation decreased spatial cognitive ability and post-hatching growth of offspring. On the basis of negative effects on offspring growth rates, our study indicates that in squamate reptiles with thin eggshells,light exposure in early development has negative effects on offspring cognitive ability.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between level of stress in middle and high school students aged 12–18 and risk of atopic dermatitis. Data from the Sixth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBWS-VI), a cross-sectional study among 74,980 students in 800 middle schools and high schools with a response rate of 97.7%, were analyzed. Ordinal logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine the relationship between stress and atopic dermatitis with severity. A total of 5,550 boys and 6,964 girls reported having been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. Younger students were more likely to have atopic dermatitis. Interestingly, the educational level of parents was found to be associated with having atopic dermatitis and having more severe condition. In particular, girls with mothers with at least college education had a 41% higher risk of having atopic dermatitis and severe atopic condition (odds ratio (OR)) = 1.41, 95% CI, 1.22–1.63; P<0.0001) compared with those with mothers who had attended middle school at most. Similar trend was shown among both boys and girls for their father''s education level. The stress level was found to be significantly associated with the risk of atopic dermatitis. Compared to boys with who reported “no stress”, boys with “very high” stress had 46% higher the risk of having more severe atopic dermatitis (OR = 1.46, 95% CI, 1.20–1.78; P<0.0001), 44% higher (OR = 1.44, 95% CI, 1.19–1.73; P<0.0001) with “high” stress, and 21% higher (OR = 1.21, 95% CI, 1.00–1.45; P = 0.05) with “moderate” stress. In contrast, we found no statistically significant relationship between stress and atopic dermatitis in girls. This study suggests that stress and parents'' education level were associated with atopic dermatitis. Specifically, degree of stress is positively correlated with likelihood of being diagnosed with this condition and increasing the severity.  相似文献   

Different modes of exercise are reported to be beneficial in subjects with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Similar benefits have also been ascribed to the dietary supplement gum acacia (GA). Using several physiological, biochemical, immunological, and histopathological measurements, we assessed the effect of swimming exercise (SE) on adenine –induced CKD, and tested whether SE would influence the salutary action of GA in rats with CKD. Eight groups of rats were used, the first four of which were fed normal chow for 5 weeks, feed mixed with adenine (0.25% w/w) to induce CKD, GA in the drinking water (15% w/v), or were given adenine plus GA, as above. Another four groups were similarly treated, but were subjected to SE during the experimental period, while the first four groups remained sedentary. The pre-SE program lasted for four days (before the start of the experimental treatments), during which the rats were made to swim for 5 to 10 min, and then gradually extended to 20 min per day. Thereafter, the rats in the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th groups started to receive their respective treatments, and were subjected to SE three days a week for 45 min each. Adenine induced the typical signs of CKD as confirmed by histopathology, and the other measurements, and GA significantly ameliorated all these signs. SE did not affect the salutary action of GA on renal histology, but it partially improved some of the above biochemical and physiological analytes, suggesting that addition of this mode of exercise to GA supplementation may improve further the benefits of GA supplementation.  相似文献   

Complex courtship in the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius socius, involves a series of behaviors alternating between the sexes. We examined if complex courtship allows either or both genders to evaluate their mate and how mating behavior changes in different social environments. While complex courtship may allow discrimination by both sexes, here only females exhibited a preference. Males did not alter their courtship behavior or change spermatophore size for different size females. In contrast, females initiated copulation more quickly with bigger males possessing bigger spermatophores. In a different social environment (additional male, female, or both), males were less likely to omit courtship songs and female discrimination of mates changed. The distinct differences in male and female behavior suggest that subtle changes in social environment can have important consequences in structuring courtship and mating behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine the effects of anthropomorphism of a therapy dog on pain perception during an animal-assisted intervention. Participants were 32 college women who were randomly assigned to the anthropomorphism condition or the control condition. All participants engaged in a pretest cold pressor task to measure base-line individual differences in pain tolerance and perceptions of pain intensity and pain unpleasantness. After completing this task, participants in the anthropomorphism group engaged in a task intended to prime them to view a therapy dog anthropomorphically. Specifically, they rated photos of dogs on a series of humanlike traits (e.g., “this dog would be a good listener”). Participants in the control condition rated photos of dogs on a series of canine traits (e.g., “this dog would make a good watchdog”). After this experimental manipulation, participants engaged in a second cold pressor task in the presence of a therapy dog and the therapy dog handler. We hypothesized that participants in the anthropomorphism group would demonstrate greater pain tolerance and report lower levels of pain intensity and pain unpleasantness during the second cold pressor task than participants in the control group. Results provide partial support for these hypotheses. Participants in the anthropomorphism group reported lower posttest pain intensity than participants in the control group. In addition, they demonstrated greater posttest pain tolerance than participants in the control group—but only under conditions of medium or high pretest pain tolerance. The two groups did not differ with respect to posttest pain unpleasantness. The results of this exploratory study provide preliminary evidence that prompting individuals to view a therapy dog anthropomorphically may augment their experience of pain relief from a therapy dog visit.  相似文献   

From 1993 to 2001, we conducted a series of experiments in a mixed grassland–woodland system in central New South Wales (NSW) to quantify the interactions between red foxes and their prey and competitors. Foxes were removed from two areas around the perimeter of Lake Burrendong, and data were collected from these areas and a nearby untreated area before, during, and after the period of fox control. The arrival of rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) in 1996 provided an opportunity to examine the interactive effects of controlling foxes and rabbits. In this landscape, typical of central NSW, (a) the fox population was not affected by a large reduction in the abundance of rabbits, or vice versa; (b) the cat population declined in areas where foxes were removed after the large RHD-induced reduction in rabbit numbers, but there was no consistent response to the removal of foxes; (c) the abundance of some macropod species increased in response only to the combined removal of rabbits and foxes; (d) there were no consistent changes in the abundances of bird species in response to the removal of either foxes or rabbits, but there were clear habitat differences in bird species richness; and (e) there was likely to be an increase in woody plant species after the large reduction in rabbit populations by RHD. We conclude that (a) long-term field experiments (more than 3 years) are required to quantify the indirect consequences of controlling foxes and rabbits, and (b) single manipulations, such as fox control or rabbit control, are not necessarily sufficient for the conservation of remnant woodland communities in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

Whether using two languages enhances executive functions is a matter of debate. Here, we take a novel perspective to examine the bilingual advantage hypothesis by comparing bi-dialect with mono-dialect speakers’ performance on a non-linguistic task that requires executive control. Two groups of native Chinese speakers, one speaking only the standard Chinese Mandarin and the other also speaking the Southern-Min dialect, which differs from the standard Chinese Mandarin primarily in phonology, performed a classic Flanker task. Behavioural results showed no difference between the two groups, but event-related potentials recorded simultaneously revealed a number of differences, including an earlier P2 effect in the bi-dialect as compared to the mono-dialect group, suggesting that the two groups engage different underlying neural processes. Despite differences in the early ERP component, no between-group differences in the magnitude of the Flanker effects, which is an index of conflict resolution, were observed in the N2 component. Therefore, these findings suggest that speaking two dialects of one language does not enhance executive functions. Implications of the current findings for the bilingual advantage hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

In many clinical trials, such as those undertaken by large cooperative cancer groups (CALGB, ECOG, SWOG, EORTC), patients are randomized to one of two treatments within an institution (a hospital or clinic). In such clinical trials, it has often occurred that outcomes of patients within institutions tend to be similar (correlated), due, possibly, to unmeasured variables such as quality of staff or quality of hospital equipment. We discuss when, in the presence of random hospital effects, the usual test statistics for no treatment effect, which do not take these hospital effects into account, are (asymptotically) unbiased.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly hypothesized that job characteristics are related to changes in personality in humans, but often personality models still omit effects of life experience. Demonstrating reciprocal relationships between personality and work remains a challenge though, as in humans, many other influential factors may interfere. This study investigates this relationship by comparing the emotional reactivity of horses that differed only by their type of work. Horses are remarkable animal models to investigate this question as they share with humans working activities and their potential difficulties, such as "interpersonal" conflicts or "suppressed emotions". An earlier study showed that different types of work could be associated with different chronic behavioural disorders. Here, we hypothesised that type of work would affect horses' personality. Therefore over one hundred adult horses, differing only by their work characteristics were presented standardised behavioural tests. Subjects lived under the same conditions (same housing, same food), were of the same sex (geldings), and mostly one of two breeds, and had not been genetically selected for their current type of work. This is to our knowledge the first time that a direct relationship between type of work and personality traits has been investigated. Our results show that horses from different types of work differ not as much in their overall emotional levels as in the ways they express emotions (i.e. behavioural profile). Extremes were dressage horses, which presented the highest excitation components, and voltige horses, which were the quietest. The horses' type of work was decided by the stall managers, mostly on their jumping abilities, but unconscious choice based on individual behavioural characteristics cannot be totally excluded. Further research would require manipulating type of work. Our results nevertheless agree with reports on humans and suggest that more attention should be given to work characteristics when evaluating personalities.  相似文献   

In birds with biparental care, males and females often conflict over how much care to provide to their offspring and it may be substantially influenced by increased level of polygamy. In accordance with sexual conflict theory, males of socially polygynous bird species provide much less care to their nestlings than do males of most socially monogamous species. Most of previous studies, however, have used feeding behaviour as an index for variations in male parental care only. However, this may be skewed if polygynous males compensate for lower feeding assistance through the provision of other parental care such as protection of nests from predators. In this paper, we examine nest defence behaviour in the facultatively polygynous great reed warbler with respect to sex and type of social mating system. We recorded latency to the first arrival, distance from the predator and defensive reaction of each parent towards a human intruder. Socially polygynous males with two simultaneously active nests defended primary females’ nests less vigorously than socially monogamous males, whereas no differences were found between monogamous and primary females. Generally, however, they took a bigger role in nest defence than males in all cases. Our results support an idea that sexual conflict is driven by polygamy and that type of social mating system can influence nest defence behaviour of facultatively polygynous birds. This finding should be taken into consideration when studying nest defence parental care in polygynous mating systems.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Depression is a chronic, recurrent and life-threatening disease affecting approximately 15% of the world population. Depression is responsible for neuropathologies like...  相似文献   

Plants produce low levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which form part of basic cell chemical communication; however, different types of stress can lead to an overexpression of ROS that can damage macromolecules essential for plant growth and development. Iodine is vital to human health, and iodine biofortification programs help improve the human intake through plant consumption. This biofortification process has been shown to influence the antioxidant capacity of lettuce plants, suggesting that the oxidative metabolism of the plant may be affected. The results of this study demonstrate that the response to oxidative stress is variable and depends on the form of iodine applied. Application of iodide (I) to lettuce plants produces a reduction in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and an increase in catalase (CAT) and L-galactono dehydrogenase enzyme activities and in the activity of antioxidant compounds such as ascorbate (AA) and glutathione. This did not prove a very effective approach since a dose of 80 μM produced a reduction in the biomass of the plants. For its part, application of iodate (IO3) produced an increase in the activities of SOD, ascorbate peroxidase, and CAT, the main enzymes involved in ROS detoxification; it also increased the concentration of AA and the regenerative activities of the Halliwell–Asada cycle. These data confirm the non-phytotoxicity of IO3 since there is no lipid peroxidation or biomass reduction. According to our results, the ability of IO3 to induce the antioxidant system indicates that application of this form of iodine may be an effective strategy to improve the response of plants to different types of stress.  相似文献   

Anti-predator responses by ungulates can be based on habitat features or on the near-imminent threat of predators. In dense forest, cues that ungulates use to assess predation risk likely differ from half-open landscapes, as scent relative to sight is predicted to be more important. We studied, in the Białowieża Primeval Forest (Poland), whether perceived predation risk in red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) is related to habitat visibility or olfactory cues of a predator. We used camera traps in two different set-ups to record undisturbed ungulate behavior and fresh wolf (Canis lupus) scats as olfactory cue. Habitat visibility at fixed locations in deciduous old growth forest affected neither vigilance levels nor visitation rate and cumulative visitation time of both ungulate species. However, red deer showed a more than two-fold increase of vigilance level from 22% of the time present on control plots to 46% on experimental plots containing one wolf scat. Higher vigilance came at the expense of time spent foraging, which decreased from 32% to 12% while exposed to the wolf scat. These behavioral changes were most pronounced during the first week of the experiment but continuous monitoring of the plots suggested that they might last for several weeks. Wild boar did not show behavioral responses indicating higher perceived predation risk. Visitation rate and cumulative visitation time were not affected by the presence of a wolf scat in both ungulate species. The current study showed that perceived predation risk in red deer and wild boar is not related to habitat visibility in a dense forest ecosystem. However, olfactory cues of wolves affected foraging behavior of their preferred prey species red deer. We showed that odor of wolves in an ecologically equivalent dose is sufficient to create fine-scale risk factors for red deer.  相似文献   



Individual variation in both survival and reproduction has the potential to influence extinction risk. Especially for rare or threatened species, reliable population models should adequately incorporate demographic uncertainty. Here, we focus on an important form of demographic stochasticity: variation in litter sizes. We use terrestrial carnivores as an example taxon, as they are frequently threatened or of economic importance. Since data on intraspecific litter size variation are often sparse, it is unclear what probability distribution should be used to describe the pattern of litter size variation for multiparous carnivores.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used litter size data on 32 terrestrial carnivore species to test the fit of 12 probability distributions. The influence of these distributions on quasi-extinction probabilities and the probability of successful disease control was then examined for three canid species – the island fox Urocyon littoralis, the red fox Vulpes vulpes, and the African wild dog Lycaon pictus. Best fitting probability distributions differed among the carnivores examined. However, the discretised normal distribution provided the best fit for the majority of species, because variation among litter-sizes was often small. Importantly, however, the outcomes of demographic models were generally robust to the distribution used.


These results provide reassurance for those using demographic modelling for the management of less studied carnivores in which litter size variation is estimated using data from species with similar reproductive attributes.  相似文献   

In many salmon and charr, both 'migratory males' and 'precocious males' are maintained as alternative life-histories within a population. During breeding, precocious males gather around the mating pair of migratory fish and attempt to sneak in the spawning between larger male and female charr. Refuges such as debris and shallow areas may provide shelter from aggressive attacks and allow precocious males to hold positions closer to the pair (nest) and/or sneak more easily during the mating. Here we examine whether the availability of refuges influences the breeding behavior of precocious male parr of the Miyabe charr under experimental and natural conditions. Aggressive attacks directed toward precocious parr by the mating pair or other parr was not influenced by the refuge availability either under experimental conditions or in the wild. We did not find the effect of high refuge availability on the proximity of parr to the nest beyond the experimental conditions where the density of refuges was probably higher than in the natural stream. There were no effects of high refuge availability either on parr's attempts at sneak mating or on their success in spawning. Thus, our results provide little evidence that the refuge availability influences parr sneaking behavior. Other possible effects of high refuge availability, for example, the increase of fertilization success and the decrease of energy expenditure and risk taking, remain to be considered.  相似文献   

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