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Multiple lines of evidence have implicated the short arm of chromosome 8 as harboring genes important in prostate carcinogenesis. Although most of this evidence comes from the identification of frequent somatic alterations of 8p loci in prostate cancer cells (e.g., loss of heterozygosity), studies have also suggested a role for 8p genes in mediation of inherited susceptibility to prostate cancer. To further examine this latter possibility, we performed linkage analyses, in 159 pedigrees affected by hereditary prostate cancer (HPC), using 24 markers on the short arm of chromosome 8. In the complete set of families, evidence for prostate cancer linkage was found at 8p22-23, with a peak HLOD of 1.84 (P=.004), and an estimate of the proportion of families linked (alpha) of 0.14, at D8S1130. In the 79 families with average age at diagnosis >65 years, an allele-sharing LOD score of 2.64 (P=.0005) was observed, and six markers spanning a distance of 10 cM had LOD scores >2.0. Interestingly, the small number of Ashkenazi Jewish pedigrees (n=11) analyzed in this study contributed disproportionately to this linkage. Mutation screening in HPC probands and association analyses in case subjects (a group that includes HPC probands and unrelated case subjects) and unaffected control subjects were carried out for the putative prostate cancer-susceptibility gene, PG1, previously localized to the 8p22-23 region. No statistical differences in the allele, genotype, or haplotype frequencies of the SNPs or other sequence variants in the PG1 gene were observed between case and control subjects. However, case subjects demonstrated a trend toward higher homozygous rates of less-frequent alleles in all three PG1 SNPs, and overtransmission of a PG1 variant to case subjects was observed. In summary, these results provide evidence for the existence of a prostate cancer-susceptibility gene at 8p22-23. Evaluation of the PG1 gene and other candidate genes in this area appears warranted.  相似文献   

To characterize a submicroscopic, common 8p23 polymorphic inversion, we constructed a complete BAC/PAC-based physical map covering the entire 4.7-Mb inversion and its flanking regions. Two low-copy repeats (LCRs), REPD (approximately 1.3 Mb) and REPP (approximately 0.4 Mb), were identified at each of the inversion breakpoints. Comparison of the REPD and REPP sequences revealed that REPD showed high homology to REPP, with complex direct and inverted orientations. REPD and REPP contain six and five olfactory receptor gene-related sequences, respectively. LCRs at 8p23 showed multiple FISH signals from an Old World monkey to the human. Thus, multiplication of the LCR may have occurred at least 21-25 million years ago. We also investigated the frequency of the 4.7-Mb inversion in the general Japanese population and found that the allele frequency for the 8p23 inversion was estimated to be 27%.  相似文献   

A 10-month old female is described with inv dup(8)(p12p23) who had macrocephaly with subtle changes in facial appearance and no structural birth defects. Her findings, together with those of 37 reported cases with inv dup (8), define a syndrome that emphasizes the importance of genes on the 8p region for brain development.  相似文献   

满晓辉  徐岩  王振宁  吕志  徐米多  姜莉  罗阳  徐惠绵  张学 《遗传》2006,28(6):641-645
目的 研究贲门癌中染色体8p21-p23杂合性丢失的情况。方法 采用激光捕获显微切割技术获得均质的肿瘤细胞及正常的胃粘膜细胞,多重置换扩增技术扩增捕获细胞的基因组DNA。PCR结合硝酸银染色方法分析19例贲门癌染色体8p21-p23的杂合性丢失。结果 在贲门癌中染色体8p21-p23的缺失频率非常高(63.2%),我们确定了一个最小丢失区域. 结论 进一步明确此最小丢失区域内的抑癌基因将有助于贲门癌发生机制的阐明。  相似文献   

In the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae polymorphic chromosomal inversions may play an important role in adaptation to environmental variation. Recently, we used microarray-based divergence mapping combined with targeted resequencing to map nucleotide differentiation between alternative arrangements of the 2La inversion. Here, we applied the same technique to four different polymorphic inversions on the 2R chromosome of An. gambiae. Surprisingly, divergence was much lower between alternative arrangements for all 2R inversions when compared to the 2La inversion. For one of the rearrangements, 2Ru, we successfully mapped a very small region (∼100 kb) of elevated divergence. For the other three rearrangements, we did not identify any regions of significantly high divergence, despite ample independent evidence from natural populations of geographic clines and seasonal cycling, and stable heterotic polymorphisms in laboratory populations. If these inversions are the targets of selection as hypothesized, we suggest that divergence between rearrangements may have escaped detection due to retained ancestral polymorphism in the case of the youngest 2R rearrangements and to extensive gene flux in the older 2R inversion systems that segregate in both An. gambiae and its sibling species An. arabiensis.MORE than 70 years ago Dobzhansky and Sturtevant (1938) first discovered polymorphic inversion arrangements carried by various Drosophila pseudoobscura populations. After observing correlations between environmental conditions and inversion frequencies, Dobzhansky proposed that inversions are under strong selection due to their role in promoting local adaptation to the heterogeneous conditions a species encounters both spatially and temporally (Dobzhansky 1944, 1948; Powell 1997). More recent studies have implicated chromosomal inversions in the adaptation of a diversity of eukaryotes including humans (Coluzzi et al. 1979; Feder et al. 2003; Hoffmann et al. 2004; Stefansson et al. 2005). Long known to be common in dipteran insects, more recent HapMap data suggest that polymorphic inversions may be numerous in human populations and by extension other mammals (Bansal et al. 2007). Given their potential importance in facilitating adaptation, surprisingly little is known about the mechanism(s) or the genes responsible for maintaining inversion polymorphisms in natural populations.Gene exchange between inverted and standard arrangements, although reduced, can still occur through gene flux: the action of gene conversion and multiple crossovers in inversion heterozygotes (heterokaryotypes) (Chovnick 1973; Navarro et al. 1997; Schaeffer and Anderson 2005). Over time allelic variation unrelated to ecological adaptation should become homogenized between arrangements, while alleles which are under divergent selection pressures should remain in linkage disequilibrium with each other and with the inversion itself, leading to heightened differentiation between standard and inverted arrangements at and near the target loci. In principle, this process allows the identification of specific loci involved in adaptive divergence (Schaeffer et al. 2003; Schaeffer and Anderson 2005; Storz 2005). Consistent with this model, previous low-resolution studies of Drosophila inversions revealed heterogeneous patterns of nucleotide diversity relative to divergence, as well as the interspersion of regions of high and low genetic association potentially due to the interaction of selection and gene flux (Schaeffer et al. 2003; Kennington et al. 2006; but see Munte et al. 2005). The application of high-resolution tools flowing from completely sequenced genomes will facilitate the mapping of genes that are the targets of divergent natural selection within gene arrangements.Although Drosophila has been the favored model, the African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto also provides an excellent system for studying the maintenance of inversion polymorphisms, not only within a species but across speciation events of different ages in the An. gambiae sibling species complex. The nominal species An. gambiae s.s. (hereafter, An. gambiae) is synanthropic: almost exclusively biting humans, resting indoors, and exploiting anthropogenic larval habitats (Coluzzi 1999). This close association with humans, vital to making An. gambiae one of the most proficient vectors of malaria, is likely to have been facilitated by chromosomal inversions thought to confer adaptive benefits in heterogeneous climatic and ecological settings in Africa. Seven common polymorphic inversions exist on the second chromosome. Six of these are located on the right arm (2R): j, b, c, u, d, and k, while 2La is the only inversion on the left arm (Coluzzi et al. 2002). Facilitated by the sequenced reference genome (Holt et al. 2002), some of the breakpoints for these polymorphic inversions have been localized to small genomic regions (Sharakhov et al. 2006; Coulibaly et al. 2007; Sangare 2007). Most of these inversions appear to be the targets of strong selection. Five of the inversions (2La and 2Rb, -c, -d, and -u) are nonrandomly associated with degree of aridity; each cycles seasonally with rainfall, and all except 2Ru form stable geographic clines in frequency from mesic forest to xeric regions bordering the Sahara (Coluzzi et al. 1979; Toure et al. 1994, 1998; Powell et al. 1999). Inversion 2Rj is not clinal, but its distribution in Mali is consistent with adaptation to novel rockpool niches (Coluzzi et al. 1985; Manoukis et al. 2008).In the An. gambiae species complex, inversion polymorphisms can be maintained across the boundaries of emerging and even full species. An. gambiae and its sibling An. arabiensis, strictly sympatric throughout most of their extensive ranges in sub-Saharan Africa, differ by multiple fixed chromosomal rearrangements on the X but share three chromosome 2 inversions: 2La, fixed in An. arabiensis and polymorphic in An. gambiae; and 2Rb and -c, polymorphic in both species (Coluzzi et al. 1979, 2002). Moreover, these same inversions and all other common An. gambiae inversions with the exception of 2Rj are shared and polymorphic in two lineages apparently undergoing ecological speciation within An. gambiae—the assortatively mating M and S molecular forms (della Torre et al. 2002, 2005). Inversion frequencies are correlated with climatic and ecological conditions in parallel in both lineages (Costantini et al. 2009; Simard et al. 2009). Unlike the full species, the M and S incipient species are not distinguished by any fixed inversion differences. Indeed, genomewide divergence mapping between the M and S forms revealed that significant differentiation was confined to two small low-recombination regions adjacent to the centromeres of 2L and X which are distant from any inversions (Turner et al. 2005). Thus, in distinction to models of speciation invoking inversions as facilitating the persistence of hybridizing species (Noor et al. 2001; Rieseberg 2001; Ortiz-Barrientos et al. 2002; Navarro and Barton 2003), the An. gambiae data suggest that chromosome 2 inversions are not directly responsible for reproductive isolation. Instead, the same chromosome 2 inversion polymorphisms appear to confer similar ecological benefits, within and across species boundaries. A long-term research goal is to identify the mechanisms and the genes controlling these processes.Previously we conducted the first high-density genomic scan of divergence across a chromosomal inversion (2La) in An. gambiae (White et al. 2007). By hybridizing genomic DNA from S form mosquitoes homokaryotypic for alternate gene arrangements on chromosome 2L (2La or 2L+a) to oligonucleotide microarrays we were able to measure divergence across the 22-Mb inversion at nearly 14,000 markers. Differentiation in the rearranged region was significantly higher than in collinear portions of chromosome 2L. Between breakpoints the pattern of differentiation was heterogeneous: two genomic clusters of significantly higher divergence were identified near but not adjacent to the breakpoints. Directed resequencing within the S form confirmed these results and suggested that both clusters contained genes targeted by selection. Observed levels of linkage disequilibrium between the 2La breakpoints and markers in the clusters are highly unlikely under a neutral scenario, in light of known recombination rates and plausible estimates of the age of the inversion.The present study characterizes the patterns of genetic variation in polymorphic rearrangements on the opposite (right) arm of chromosome 2: 2Rj, -b, -c, and -u. With the goal of identifying candidate genes maintaining these inversions in natural populations, we applied microarray-based divergence mapping to measure differentiation between alternative 2R arrangements. Because three of four inversions have taxonomic distributions that span incipient and/or completed speciation events, we validated the microarray findings by targeted sequencing in multiple taxa: sympatric Malian populations of An. gambiae M and S forms, and the sibling species An. arabiensis.  相似文献   

The import of polytopic membrane proteins into the mitochondrial inner membrane (IM) is facilitated by Tim9p/Tim10p and Tim8p/Tim13p protein complexes in the intermembrane space (IMS). These complexes are proposed to act as chaperones by transporting the hydrophobic IM proteins through the aqueous IMS and preventing their aggregation. To examine the nature of this interaction, Tim23p molecules containing a single photoreactive cross-linking probe were imported into mitochondria in the absence of an IM potential where they associated with small Tim complexes in the IMS. On photolysis and immunoprecipitation, a probe located at a particular Tim23p site (27 different locations were examined) was found to react covalently with, in most cases, only one of the small Tim proteins. Tim8p, Tim9p, Tim10p, and Tim13p were therefore positioned adjacent to specific sites in the Tim23p substrate before its integration into the IM. This specificity of binding to Tim23p strongly suggests that small Tim proteins do not function solely as general chaperones by minimizing the exposure of nonpolar Tim23p surfaces to the aqueous medium, but may also align a folded Tim23p substrate in the proper orientation for delivery and integration into the IM at the TIM22 translocon.  相似文献   

Rare variations contribute substantially to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) liability. We recently performed whole-exome sequencing in two families with affected siblings and then carried out a follow-up study and identified ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal 8 (epilepsy, progressive with mental retardation) (CLN8) as a potential genetic risk factor for ASD. To further investigate the role of CLN8 in the genetic etiology of ASD, we performed resequencing and association analysis of CLN8 with ASD in a Japanese population. Resequencing the CLN8 coding region in 256 ASD patients identified five rare missense variations: g.1719291G>A (R24H), rs201670636 (F39L), rs116605307 (R97H), rs143701028 (T108M) and rs138581191 (N152S). These variations were genotyped in 568 patients (including the resequenced 256 patients) and 1017 controls. However, no significant association between these variations and ASD was identified. This study does not support a contribution of rare missense CLN8 variations to ASD susceptibility in the Japanese population.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that polymorphisms expected to result in functional changes in cytokine genes may influence susceptibility to cancer, including malignant melanoma (MM). Here, we have screened 24 potentially functional polymorphisms in five cytokine genes by PCR-SBT and PCR-SSP methods in 122 MM cell lines derived from Caucasian patients. The polymorphic positions studied were: TNFA −1031, −863, −857, −851, −574, −376, −308, −238, +488; TGFB1 −988, −800, −509, +869, +915, +652, +673, +713, +788; IL10 −1082, −819, −592; IL6 −174; IFNG −333, +874. The frequencies of cytokine genotypes of melanoma tumours were compared with those published for healthy Caucasians. It was found that TNFA −238 GA, TGFB1 −509 CT, −800 GG, IFNG +874 AT, IL6 −174 GG, IL10 −1082 GA genotypes were significantly decreased, while TNFA −238 AA, −857 CC, TGFB1 −509 TT, IFNG +874 AA, IL6 −174 CC, IL10 −1082 AA, −819 TT, −592 AA genotypes were significantly increased, in MM. This suggests that genotypes provisionally associated with low expression of pro-inflammatory and immunomodulatory TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-6 and anti-inflammatory IL-10 and TGF-β1 could be involved in the mechanisms of cancer progression and escape from immunoserveilance.  相似文献   

Transcript map of the 8p23 putative tumor suppressor region   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cancers of the head and neck, prostate, liver, and bladder exhibit minimal regions of deletion within chromosomal band 8p23 that either overlap or map very close to one another. We previously refined a minimal region of deletion in squamous cell carcinomas to a 112-kb interval within 8p23. There seems to be only a single gene within this region that is expressed in normal upper aerodigestive tract epithelium. This candidate for the squamous cancer suppressor, CUB and sushi multiple domains-1 (CSMD1), extends into the minimal regions of deletions defined for the other types of cancer with 8p23 deletions. RT-PCR and EST data indicate that CSMD1 is also expressed in those organs,making this gene a candidate for a suppressor of multiple types of cancer. Both the sequence of the gene and the organization of the protein are highly conserved in the mouse.  相似文献   

Chromosome translocations in breast cancer with breakpoints at 8p12   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unbalanced chromosome translocations with breakpoints around 8p12, resulting in loss of distal 8p, are common in carcinomas. We have mapped the 8p12 breakpoints in three breast cancer cell lines, T-47D, MDA-MB-361, and ZR-75-1, using YACs and PACs between D8S540 and D8S255 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. All three lines had a breakpoint close to D8S505, proximal to HGL. Each breakpoint was distinct, but all were within 0.5 to 1.5 Mb of each other. The T-47D cell line had a straightforward translocation, but in MDA-MB-361 and ZR-75-1 the translocations were accompanied by local rearrangements of surprising complexity. Small regions of 8p from close to the breakpoint were duplicated or amplified as inserts in the attached chromosome fragment. ZR-75-1 also had retained a separate fragment of about 1 Mb, from the region 1 to 3 Mb telomeric to the common breakpoint, that included HGL. This line also had an interstitial deletion several megabases more centromeric. The data suggest that breakpoints on 8p12 are clustered in a small region and show that translocations breaking there may be accompanied by additional rearrangements.  相似文献   



A common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs3802842, located at 11q23, was identified by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to be significantly associated with the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC); however, the results of following replication studies were not always concordant. Thus, a case-control study and a meta-analysis were performed to clearly discern the effect of this variant in CRC.

Method and Findings

We determined the genotypes of rs3802842 in 641 unrelated Chinese patients with CRC and 1037 cancer-free controls. Additionally, a meta-analysis comprising current and previously published studies was conducted. In our case-control study, significant associations between the polymorphism and CRC risk were observed in all genetic models, with an additive OR being 1.45 (95% CI = 1.26–1.67). The meta-analysis of 38534 cases and 39446 controls further confirmed the significant associations in all genetic models but with obvious between-study heterogeneity. Nevertheless, ethnicity, study type and whether subjects affected by Lynch syndrome could synthetically accounted for the heterogeneity. Besides, the cumulative and sensitivity analyses indicated the robust stability of the results.


The results from our case-control study and meta-analysis provided convincing evidence that rs3802842 significantly contributed to CRC risk.  相似文献   



It has been reported that IKAROS family of zinc finger 3 (IKZF3)-deficient mice spontaneously develop human systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like phenotypes and produce anti-dsDNA Ab leading to immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis. Polymorphism of the IKZF3 gene corresponds with the susceptibility to several immune-related diseases. Our intention was to establish an association between polymorphisms in the IKZF3 gene and SLE in the Chinese Han population.


The study involved obtaining blood samples for DNA extraction and genotyping the 4 selected single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IKZF3, including rs12150079, rs9909593, rs907091, and rs2872507, by performing PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP). A group of 366 SLE patients were compared to 455 healthy controls.


A significant decrease in frequencies of the rs907091 CC genotype and C allele appeared in the SLE patients unlike that observed in the controls (p = 0.001 and 0.015, respectively). The frequencies of the rs12150079 genotype and allele were different between the SLE patients and the control individuals, although the significance was only marginal (p = 0.046 and 0.049, respectively). In addition, a significantly low frequency of the GGCG haplotype was observed in the SLE patients, suggesting that it may provide protection against SLE (p = 0.011).


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate an important association between polymorphisms in IKZF3 and SLE in the Chinese Han population. A strong association between rs907091 in the IKZF3 gene and SLE was identified.  相似文献   

A 450-kb contig of defensin genes on human chromosome 8p23.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
R Linzmeier  C H Ho  B V Hoang  T Ganz 《Gene》1999,233(1-2):205-211
Defensins are a large family of host defense peptides expressed in leukocytes and epithelia. Using P1 and BAC clones, we have determined the organization of the human alpha-defensin genes and the beta-defensin gene HDEFB1 on chromosome 8p23. From the telomere, the order of the genes (with encoded peptides in parentheses) is HDEFA5 (HD-5), HDEFA1/1A (HNP-1/3), HDEFA4 (HNP-4), HDEFA6 (HD-6), and HDEFB1 (HBD-1). These genes span a region of approximately 450kb. Genes encoding intestinal Paneth cell defensins (HDEFA5 and HDEFA6) flank the myeloid defensin gene cluster (HDEFA1, HDEFA1A, HDEFA4). Based on our previous studies, the remaining known defensin gene, HDEFB2 (HBD-2), is about 400kb centromeric to HDEFB1. This map supports the hypothesis, originally proposed because of sequence similarities, that myeloid alpha-defensin genes evolved by reduplication and divergence from Paneth cell defensin genes, and identifies regions and clones, which should be useful in the search for new defensin genes.  相似文献   



Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic multisystem autoimmune disorder influenced by genetic background and environmental factors. Our aim here was to replicate findings of associations between 7 of the implicated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IRF5, BLK, STAT4, TNFAIP3, SPP1, TNIP1 and ETS1 genes with susceptibility to childhood-onset SLE in the Japanese population. In particular, we focused on gender differences in allelic frequencies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The 7 SNPs were genotyped using TaqMan assays in 75 patients with childhood-onset SLE and in 190 healthy controls. The relationship between the cumulative number of risk alleles and SLE manifestations was explored in childhood-onset SLE. Logistic regression was used to test the effect of each polymorphism on susceptibility to SLE, and Wilcoxon rank sum testing was used for comparison of total risk alleles. Data on rs7574865 in the STAT4 gene and rs9138 in SPP1 were replicated for associations with SLE when comparing cases and controls (corrected P values ranging from 0.0043 to 0.027). The rs2230926 allele of TNFAIP3 was associated with susceptibility to SLE in males, but after Bonferroni correction there were no significant associations with any of the other four SNPs in IRF5, BLK, TNIP1 and ETS1 genes. The cumulative number of risk alleles was significantly increased in childhood-onset SLE relative to healthy controls (P = 0.0000041). Male SLE patients had a slightly but significantly higher frequency of the TNFAIP3 (rs2230926G) risk allele than female patients (odds ratio [OR] = 4.05, 95% confidence interval [95%CI] = 1.46–11.2 P<0.05).


Associations of polymorphisms in STAT4 and SPP1 with childhood-onset SLE were confirmed in a Japanese population. Although these are preliminary results for a limited number of cases, TNFAIP3 rs2230926G may be an important predictor of disease onset in males. We also replicated findings that the cumulative number of risk alleles was significantly increased in childhood-onset SLE.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the p53 tumor suppressor at Ser20 (murine Ser23) has been proposed to be critical for disrupting p53 interaction with its negative regulator, MDM2, and allowing p53 stabilization. To determine the importance of Ser23 for the function of p53 in vivo, we generated a mouse in which the endogenous p53 locus was targeted to replace Ser23 with alanine. We show that, in mouse embryonic fibroblasts generated from Ser23 mutant mice, Ser23 mutation did not dramatically reduce IR-induced p53 protein stabilization or p53-dependent cell cycle arrest. However, in Ser23 mutant thymocytes and in the developing cerebellum, p53 stabilization following IR was decreased and resistance to apoptosis was observed. Homozygous Ser23 mutant animals had a reduced lifespan, but did not develop thymic lymphomas or sarcomas that are characteristic of p53-/- mice. Instead, Ser23 mutant animals died between 1 and 2 years with tumors that were most commonly of B-cell lineage. These data support an important role for Ser20/23 phosphorylation in p53 stabilization, apoptosis and tumor suppression.  相似文献   

Rearrangement of the short arm of chromosome 6 with a breakpoint at 6p23 was found in five patients with myeloid leukemia. Three of them had different morphological variants of AML (M2, M3, M4) and two blastic crisis of Ph1 negative and Ph1 positive CML. Identical translocation, t(6;9)(p23;q34), was revealed in two patients. One of them had AML (M2), the other blastic crisis of Ph1 negative CML. The blast cells of the last patient were morphologically similar to those in the M2 variant of AML. Translocation (6;9)(p23;q34) was also detected in two AML patients of Rowley and Potter (1976). The role of the breakpoint at 6p23 in myeloid malignancies needs further investigation.  相似文献   



The human chromosome 8p23.1 region contains a 3.8–4.5 Mb segment which can be found in different orientations (defined as genomic inversion) among individuals. The identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) tightly linked to the genomic orientation of a given region should be useful to indirectly evaluate the genotypes of large genomic orientations in the individuals.


We have identified 16 SNPs, which are in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the 8p23.1 inversion as detected by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The variability of the 8p23.1 orientation in 150 HapMap samples was predicted using this set of SNPs and was verified by FISH in a subset of samples. Four genes (NEIL2, MSRA, CTSB and BLK) were found differentially expressed (p<0.0005) according to the orientation of the 8p23.1 region. Finally, we have found variable levels of mosaicism for the orientation of the 8p23.1 as determined by FISH.


By means of dense SNP genotyping of the region, haplotype-based computational analyses and FISH experiments we could infer and verify the orientation status of alleles in the 8p23.1 region by detecting two short haplotype stretches at both ends of the inverted region, which are likely the relic of the chromosome in which the original inversion occurred. Moreover, an impact of 8p23.1 inversion on gene expression levels cannot be ruled out, since four genes from this region have statistically significant different expression levels depending on the inversion status. FISH results in lymphoblastoid cell lines suggest the presence of mosaicism regarding the 8p23.1 inversion.  相似文献   

Assignment of defensin gene(s) to human chromosome 8p23   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A relatively abundant component of the polymorphonuclear leukocyte granulocytes has been recently isolated and called defensin. Defensins have antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and enveloped viruses. A cDNA insert for defensin HNP-1 (DEF1) has been used to map the gene(s) to human chromosome 8p23 using a mouse/human somatic cell hybrid panel and in situ hybridization to normal human metaphase chromosomes. Because of the similarity of HNP-1 defensin to other defensins, it is likely that two of these genes map to this region.  相似文献   

Myotubularin and myotubularin-related proteins are dual-specificity phosphatases.Several myotubularin-related proteins have been identified in humans and mice. The members of the myotubularin protein family are highly conserved, from humans to yeast. Mutations in the human myotubularin gene (MTM1) lead to X-linked myotubular myopathy. Here we isolate and localize a novel putative myotubularin-related protein gene (MTMR8) on chromosome 8p22--p23,between the markers D8S550 and D8S265, by exon-trapping experiments and RT-PCR. Genomic sequencing revealed that the gene consists of 10 exons and spans approximately 43 kb. The corresponding cDNA is 7081 bp. The open reading frame predicts a protein of 549 amino acids and a calculated molecular mass of 63 kDa. Like myotubularin-related protein-5, MTMR8 has no dual-specificity phosphatase domain. It contains a double-helical motif similar to the SET interaction domain, which is thought to have a role in the control of cell proliferation.  相似文献   



Common genetic polymorphisms on chromosome 5p15.33, including rs401681 in cleft lip and palate transmembrane 1-like gene (CLPTM1L), have been implicated in susceptibility to lung cancer through genome-wide association studies (GWAS); however, subsequent replication studies yielded controversial results.

Methodology and Findings

A hospital-based case-control study in a Chinese population was conducted to replicate the association, and then a meta-analysis combining our non-overlapping new data and previously published data was performed to clearly discern the real effect of lung cancer susceptibility. In our study with 611 cases and 1062 controls, the minor allele T carrier (TT plus CT) group conferred an OR of 0.801 (95% CI = 0.654–0.981) under the dominant model. The meta-analysis comprising 9111 cases and 11424 controls further confirmed the significant association in the dominant model (OR = 0.842, 95% CI = 0.795–0.891). By stratified analysis, we revealed that ethnicity and study design might constitute the source of between-study heterogeneity. Besides, the sensitivity and cumulative analyses indicated the high stability of the results.


The results from our case-control study and meta-analysis provide convincing evidence that rs401681 is significantly associated with lung cancer risk.  相似文献   

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