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Lignin is a by-product of wood pulping that is normally used as fuel on-site (black liquor), but also has some applications in the field of new biomaterials. This study focuses on the life cycle inventory of lignin originating from the kraft pulping process, for polymer applications. The system boundary includes lignin precipitation from black liquor, washing, and drying, but excludes subsequent application-specific compatibilization modifications. Lignin transportation is considered to rely exclusively on trucking.


This work is based on the ecoinvent v2.2 database and the IMPACT 2002+ impact assessment method. Special attention is given to the net effect of lignin precipitation on the mass and energy balances of the kraft process. Because the kraft black liquor supply will far exceed the demand for non-fuel uses for the foreseeable future, it is considered appropriate to use either the marginal variation method of physical allocation or a system boundary expansion. Consequently, the system boundary includes natural gas as a substitute fuel (when applicable) but excludes wood harvesting and the pulping process.

Results and discussion

The main impacts of kraft lignin come from the natural gas subsystem (fuel substitution and drying) despite a significantly cleaner combustion than for black liquor. Other significant contributors include the production of carbon dioxide for precipitation, sulfuric acid for washing, and sodium hydroxide to make up for sodium losses, all of which have some improvement potential.


The environmental profile of kraft lignin tends to be preferable to synthetic organic compounds of similar molecular complexity because its initial transformation chain is relatively energy efficient. It is thus an environmentally sound choice for polymer applications as long as near-unity substitution ratios can be achieved without requiring compatibilization modifications that are too environmentally intensive and without affecting other stages of the product life cycle. In particular, the end-of-life performance depends on long-term lignin sequestration.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Increased accumulation of fossil-based polymer packaging films on land and ocean surfaces poses major environmental challenges to our ecosystem....  相似文献   

The newly emerging LCA standards provide an opportunity to review and improve upon the current LCA methodology. As more industrial practitioners enter the arena, the opportunity arises to not only demand environmental improvement from industrial service and product providers but also to fill LCA data gaps. A framework is suggested for improvement in the current LCA framework that focuses on the business relationships of the industrial practitioner. The framework seeks to promote environmental improvement from industrial sectors through the identification of state-of-the-art technologies used throughout a life cycle. Basing LCAs on the best performers in an industry will create a market for a high level of environmental performance, disperse the responsibility of inventory data gathering, and improve upon the advancements already anticipated through the widespread application of LCA.  相似文献   

This study was intended to evaluate the environmental impact, and potential improvements for a typical tractor model (LT360D) of LG Machinery Co., Ltd. The life cycle of this study includes all stages from raw material acquisition up to final disposal. The eco-indicator 95 method was employed to perform an impact assessment. The result of this study is expected to represent the environmental feature of typical diesel vehicles at each life cycle stage. This study is a starting point of building life cycle inventories for typical off-road diesel tractors. With this result, environmental weak points of the tractor have been defined, and major improvement strategies have been set up to develop the ‘Green Tractor’.  相似文献   

The current case study was performed to determine and evaluate the environmental impacts, and to look for possible improvements in the production and distribution of a basic lager beer that is packed into multi-packs of glass bottles. The life cycle investigated includes the stages from agricultural production up to the delivering of products to the shops, the consumption phase has been excluded. Raw water treatment and energy production and use have been included, and the contribution of different sub-systems inside of the life cycle to climate change, acidification, eutrophication, oxygen depletion and summer smog were assessed. The investigation resulted with several suggestions for improving the product and environmental performance of brewery.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment of a multi-material car component   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Background, Aims and Scope In recent years, the automotive industry has been experiencing an increasing concern with environmental requirements. A particular focus is being given to light-weighting of cars, to reducing fuel consumption and to the use of different recycling materials. Consequently, decisions on product design and development must involve economic and technological as well as environmental considerations. In adequate conditions, the LCA methodology enables one to assist an effective integration of the environmental considerations in the decision-making process [1]. In this paper, a multi-material car component which is part of the current automotive brake system, has been modified by its original manufacturer. Such a modification included the use of a new multi-material injection moulding process and the consumption of recyclable materials. The new and the current component were comparatively assessed throughout their life cycles in order to evaluate their respective environmental impacts and, thus, to verify if the new component offers a lower environmental load. The results described in this paper are part of the outcome of a broader research project involving industrial companies, university, technological centres and research institutes based in Portugal, Spain and Germany. Main Features The car component under focus has four subcomponents whose base materials consist of steel and plastic. The LCA methodology is used to evaluate two scenarios describing the new car component, on the one hand, and the reference scenario, which consists of the existing car component, on the other. The former results from the selection of new subcomponents materials, aiming to use a new production process together with a recycling strategy. Results and Discussion The inventory analysis shows a lower energy consumption in the alternative scenario (4.2 MJ) compared to the reference scenario (6.1 MJ). Most of that energy is still non-renewable, relating in particular to crude consumption in the car use phase and in the production phase (transports and plastics production). The life cycle inventory analysis indicates also that the alternative scenario has lower air emissions of CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, NM VOC and PM10, as well as lower solid wastes and water emissions of oils and BOD5. Otherwise, the water emissions of undissolved substances and COD are higher for the alternative scenario. Most of the energy consumed and the air pollutants inventoried occur as a consequence of the use phase. Otherwise, for most of the life cycle water emissions inventoried and solid wastes, the production phase is the major contributor. The impact assessment, performed with the CML method, allows one to conclude that the alternative scenario exhibits lower results in all the impact categories. Both scenarios have similar environmental profiles, being: (i) the use phase, the major contributor for the abiotic depletion, global warming, photochemical oxidation, acidification and eutrophication; and (ii) the production phase, the main contributor for ozone depletion, human toxicity, fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity, marine aquatic ecotoxicity and terrestrial ecotoxicity. The sensitivity analysis, with respect to the fuel consumption reduction value, the impact assessment method and the final disposal scenario, performed in this study allows one to confirm, as a main conclusion, that the alternative scenario is environmentally preferable to the reference scenario. Conclusion The results obtained through the application of the LCA methodology enable one to conclude that the alternative component has a lower environmental load than the reference component. Recommendations and Perspectives Considering that the time required for the inventory data collection is a critical issue in LCA practise, the insights provided by this particular case study are likely to be useful to product developers in the car component manufacturing industry, particularly to brake system manufacturers supporting the environmental design within the sector.  相似文献   

On November 29 – 30, 1998 in Brussels, an international workshop was held to discuss Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Sophistication. Approximately 50 LCA experts attended the workshop from North America, Europe, and Asia. Prominent practitioners and researchers were invited to present a critical review of the associated factors, including the current limitations of available impact assessment methodologies and a comparison of the alternatives in the context of uncertainty. Each set of presentations, organised into three sessions, was followed by a discussion session to encourage international discourse with a view to improving the understanding of these crucial issues. The discussions were focused around small working groups of LCA practitioners and researchers, selected to include a balance of representatives from industry, government and academia. This workshop provided the first opportunity for International experts to address the issues related to LCIA Sophistication in an open format. Among the topics addressed were: 1) the inclusion or exclusion of backgrounds and thresholds in LCIA, 2) the necessity and practicality regarding the sophistication of the uncertainty analysis, 3) the implications of allowing impact categories to be assessed at “midpoint” vs. at “endpoint” level, 4) the difficulty of assessing and capturing the comprehensiveness of the environmental health impact category, 5) the implications of cultural/philosophical views, 6) the meaning of terms like science-based and environmental relevance in the coming ISO LCIA standard, 7) the dichotomy of striving for consistency while allowing the incorporation of state-of-the-art research, 8) the role of various types of uncertainty analysis, and 9) the role of supporting environmental analyses (e.g., risk assessments). Many of these topics addressed the need for increased sophistication in LCIA, but recognised the conflict this might have in terms of the comprehensiveness and holistic character of LCA, and LCIA in particular. The participants concluded that the exchange of ideas in this format was extremely valuable and would like to plan successive International workshops on related themes.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - To support the needs of downstream users of zircon sand and other industry stakeholders, the Zircon Industry Association (ZIA) conducted an...  相似文献   

Pesticides are biologically active substances that are directly released to the environment during the use phase of their life cycle. Pesticides are widely used and play an important role in the production of vital goods such as food, feedstuffs and cotton. The Discussion Forum 19 focused on the impact assessment of pesticides applied in agriculture. The discussion forum started with three talks about new approaches to estimate pesticide emissions and to assess their fate in the environment. The following short presentations illustrated the application of some of these methods in case studies and highlighted the problem of data availability. The last two presentations provided insight into risk assessment models used for pesticide registration from a company perspective and from the viewpoint of the authorities.  相似文献   



To support the data requirements of stakeholders, the Nickel Institute (NI) conducted a global life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) to show, with indicators, the potential environmental impacts of the production of nickel and ferronickel from mine to refinery gate. A metal industry wide agreed approach on by-products and allocation was applied.


Nine companies, comprising 19 operations, contributed data, representing 52 % of global nickel metal production and 40 % of global ferronickel production. All relevant pyro- and hydrometallurgical production routes were considered, across most major nickel-producing regions. Data from Russia, the biggest nickel-producing nation, was included; the Chinese industry did not participate. 2011 was chosen as reference year for data collection. The LCIA applied allocation of impacts of by-products using both economic and mass allocations. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to further understand the relevance and impact of the different allocation approaches.

Results and discussion

The primary extraction and refining steps are the main contributors to primary energy demand (PED) and global warming potential (GWP), contributing 60 and 70 % to the PED for the production of 1 kg class I nickel and 1 kg nickel in ferronickel, respectively, and over 55 % of the GWP for both nickel products. The PED for 1 kg class 1 nickel was calculated to be 147 MJ, whilst the PED for 1 kg nickel in ferronickel was calculated to be three times higher at 485 MJ. The main factors influencing energy demand in the metallurgical processes are ore grade and ore mineralogy. Sulphidic ore is less energy intensive to process than oxidic ore. Eighty-six percent of the production volume from class 1 nickel producers, in this study, is from sulphidic ore. All ferronickel was produced from oxidic ore. The LCIA results, including a sensitivity analysis of the impact of producers with higher and lower PED, reflect the influence of the production route on energy demand and on environmental impact categories.


Conformant to relevant ISO standards, and backed-up with a technical and critical review, this LCIA quantifies the environmental impacts associated with the production of the main nickel products. With this study, a sound background dataset for downstream users of nickel has been provided. The Nickel Institute aims to update their data in the coming years to reflect upon changes in technology, energy efficiency, and raw material input.


Background Aims and Scope  

Sustainability was adopted by UNEP in Rio de Janeiro (1992) as the main political goal for the future development of humankind. It should also be the ultimate aim of product development. According to the well known interpretation of the original definition given in the Brundtland report, sustainability comprises three components: environment, economy and social aspects. These components or “pillars” of sustainability have to be properly assessed and balanced if a new product is to be designed or an existing one is to be improved.  相似文献   



Pulp and paper manufacturing constitutes one of the largest industry segments in term of water and energy usage and total discharges to the environment. More than many other industries, however, this industry plays a key role in sustainable development because its most important raw material, wood fiber, is renewable Dias and Houtman (Environ Prog 23(4):347?C357, 2004). Actually, even if the communication is dominated by electronic media, paper-based communication has a role to play due to its unique practical and aesthetic qualities. This research aims to assess the environmental impact of advertising folders produced with different papers and distributed by a system of Italian consumers?? cooperatives in order to indicate the possible options of improvement and to assess the CO2 (eq) emitted during the entire life cycle.


Life cycle assessment (LCA) was performed from cradle-to-grave considering paper production, transport from paper mill to printing site, printing, distribution, and disposal. Data for the study were directly collected from specific companies and completed on the basis of literature information. The analysis was conducted using the SimaPro 7.1.5 software and IMPACT 2002+ method to assess all its environmental impact and damage categories.

Results and discussion

LCA analysis indicates that the higher environmental impact is mainly due to paper production and printing processes. The main operations which generate the major impact in the paper production stage are related to the direct or indirect fossil energy use, the production of additives for bleaching operations, and the collection and selection of waste paper. Printing causes relevant impacts for the electricity and ink production and for the aluminum plates used in the offset printing. Moreover, the use of paper with low quantity of additives and small amount of primary fibers causes a reduction of the environmental load of 13.94?%. The major global warming potential value was found for advertising folders made with little amount of mechanical pulp which slightly contributes to the absorption of CO2.


The analysis pointed out the relevance of the paper production phase and of the printing step within the advertising folders life cycle and allowed to detect the other critical stages of the life cycle. Paper composition greatly affects the environmental impact of the advertising folders?? life cycle.  相似文献   


Ferro niobium (FeNb) is a metallic alloy whose industrial use has been increasing steadily in the last decades. This work aims to systematize the available information on FeNb production, provide its inventory data and generate its first technologically representative publicly available life cycle impact assessment (LCIA).


The production of 1 kg of FeNb from pyrochlore in the baseline year 2017 was modelled following a cradle-to-gate approach. Primary information on mass, energy and water flows was collected when possible from the Brazilian leading FeNb supplier, CBMM (80% of the world market). The CML method (CML-IA 4.7) was applied for the impact assessment including global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP), ozone layer depletion potential (ODP), abiotic depletion potential (fossil and elemental) (ADPfossil and ADPelemental) and photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP).

Results and discussion

The first stage of pyrochlore processing (pyrochlore ore extraction, mechanical processing and flotation) and the last stage (aluminothermic reaction) bear the highest impact in all analyzed CML impact categories. The primary aluminium consumption has the most important contribution in five out of seven impact categories (50% in ADPfossil, 55% in AP, 35% in EP, 57% in GWP and 40% in POCP). In this sense, the industry should promote a higher share of secondary aluminium in the production process. Also, the impact from electricity consumption and processing chemicals showed to be relevant.


This work is the first LCIA on ferro niobium to be published with representative, high-quality data. A dataset was produced in order to enable ferro niobium to be incorporated to future LCIA-modelling.


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