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Soil pollution with hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) has caused serious environmental problems. Here we describe the targeted degradation of all HCH isomers by applying the aerobic bacterium Sphingobium indicum B90A. In particular, we examined possibilities for large-scale cultivation of strain B90A, tested immobilization, storage and inoculation procedures, and determined the survival and HCH-degradation activity of inoculated cells in soil. Optimal growth of strain B90A was achieved in glucose-containing mineral medium and up to 65% culturability could be maintained after 60 days storage at 30°C by mixing cells with sterile dry corncob powder. B90A biomass produced in water supplemented with sugarcane molasses and immobilized on corncob powder retained 15–20% culturability after 30 days storage at 30°C, whereas full culturability was maintained when cells were stored frozen at −20°C. On the contrary, cells stored on corncob degraded γ-HCH faster than those that had been stored frozen, with between 15 and 85% of γ-HCH disappearance in microcosms within 20 h at 30°C. Soil microcosm tests at 25°C confirmed complete mineralization of [14C]-γ-HCH by corncob-immobilized strain B90A. Experiments conducted in small pits and at an HCH-contaminated agricultural site resulted in between 85 and 95% HCH degradation by strain B90A applied via corncob, depending on the type of HCH isomer and even at residual HCH concentrations. Up to 20% of the inoculated B90A cells survived under field conditions after 8 days and could be traced among other soil microorganisms by a combination of natural antibiotic resistance properties, unique pigmentation and PCR amplification of the linA genes. Neither the addition of corncob nor of corncob immobilized B90A did measurably change the microbial community structure as determined by T-RFLP analysis. Overall, these results indicate that on-site aerobic bioremediation of HCH exploiting the biodegradation activity of S. indicum B90A cells stored on corncob powder is a promising technology.  相似文献   



Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a Gram-negative halophilic bacterium. Infections with the bacterium could become systemic and can be life-threatening to immunocompromised individuals. Genome sequences of a few clinical isolates of V. parahaemolyticus are currently available, but the genome dynamics across the species and virulence potential of environmental strains on a genome-scale have not been described before.


Here we present genome sequences of four V. parahaemolyticus clinical strains from stool samples of patients and five environmental strains in Hong Kong. Phylogenomics analysis based on single nucleotide polymorphisms revealed a clear distinction between the clinical and environmental isolates. A new gene cluster belonging to the biofilm associated proteins of V. parahaemolyticus was found in clincial strains. In addition, a novel small genomic island frequently found among clinical isolates was reported. A few environmental strains were found harboring virulence genes and prophage elements, indicating their virulence potential. A unique biphenyl degradation pathway was also reported. A database for V. parahaemolyticus (http://kwanlab.bio.cuhk.edu.hk/vp) was constructed here as a platform to access and analyze genome sequences and annotations of the bacterium.


We have performed a comparative genomics analysis of clinical and environmental strains of V. parahaemolyticus. Our analyses could facilitate understanding of the phylogenetic diversity and niche adaptation of this bacterium.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1135) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Many herbicide-resistant weed species are polyploids, but far too little about the evolution of resistance mutations in polyploids is understood. Hexaploid wild oat (Avena fatua) is a global crop weed and many populations have evolved herbicide resistance. We studied plastidic acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicide resistance in hexaploid wild oat and revealed that resistant individuals can express one, two or three different plastidic ACCase gene resistance mutations (Ile-1781-Leu, Asp-2078-Gly and Cys-2088-Arg). Using ACCase resistance mutations as molecular markers, combined with genetic, molecular and biochemical approaches, we found in individual resistant wild-oat plants that (1) up to three unlinked ACCase gene loci assort independently following Mendelian laws for disomic inheritance, (2) all three of these homoeologous ACCase genes were transcribed, with each able to carry its own mutation and (3) in a hexaploid background, each individual ACCase resistance mutation confers relatively low-level herbicide resistance, in contrast to high-level resistance conferred by the same mutations in unrelated diploid weed species of the Poaceae (grass) family. Low resistance conferred by individual ACCase resistance mutations is likely due to a dilution effect by susceptible ACCase expressed by homoeologs in hexaploid wild oat and/or differential expression of homoeologous ACCase gene copies. Thus, polyploidy in hexaploid wild oat may slow resistance evolution. Evidence of coexisting non-target-site resistance mechanisms among wild-oat populations was also revealed. In all, these results demonstrate that herbicide resistance and its evolution can be more complex in hexaploid wild oat than in unrelated diploid grass weeds. Our data provide a starting point for the daunting task of understanding resistance evolution in polyploids.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence of rapid evolution in protein coding genes, the contribution of positive selection to intra- and interspecific differences in protein coding regions of the genome is unclear. We attempted to see if genes coding for secreted proteins and genes with narrow expression, specifically those preferentially expressed in the mammary gland, have diverged at a faster rate between domestic cattle (Bos taurus) and humans (Homo sapiens) than other genes and whether positive selection is responsible. Using a large data set, we identified groups of genes based on secretion and expression patterns and compared them for the rate of nonsynonymous (dN) and synonymous (dS) substitutions per site and the number of radical (Dr) and conservative (Dc) amino acid substitutions. We found evidence of rapid evolution in genes with narrow expression, especially for those expressed in the liver and mammary gland and for genes coding for secreted proteins. We compared common human polymorphism data with human-cattle divergence and found that genes with high evolutionary rates in human-cattle divergence also had a large number of common human polymorphisms. This argues against positive selection causing rapid divergence in these groups of genes. In most cases dN/dS ratios were lower in human-cattle divergence than in common human polymorphism presumably due to differences in the effectiveness of purifying selection between long-term divergence and short-term polymorphism.  相似文献   

αB-crystallin, a small heat-shock protein, has been shown to prevent the aggregation of other proteins under various stress conditions. Here we have cloned the cDNA and the genomic sequence of CRYAB gene from the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) using RT-PCR technology and Touchdown-PCR, respectively. The length of cDNA fragment cloned contains an open reading frame of 528bp encoding 175 amino acids and the length of the genomic sequence is 3189bp, containing three exons and two introns. Alignment analysis indicated that the nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence are highly conserved to other four species studied, including Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus and Bos taurus. The homologies for nucleotide sequences of Giant Panda CRYAB to that of these species are 93.9%, 91.5%, 91.5% and 95.3%, respectively, and the homologies for amino acid sequences are 98.3%, 97.1%,97.7% and 99.4%, respectively. Topology prediction shows that there are only four Casein kinase II phosphorylation sites in the CRYAB protein of the Giant Panda. The cDNA of CRYAB was transfected into E. coli, and the CRYAB fused with the N-terminally His-tagged protein gave rise to the accumulation of an expected 24KDa polypeptide, which accorded with the predicted protein. The expression product obtained could be used for purification and study of its function further.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The OVATE gene encodes a nuclear-localized regulatory protein belonging to a distinct family of plant-specific proteins known as the OVATE family proteins (OFPs). OVATE was first identified as a key regulator of fruit shape in tomato, with nonsense mutants displaying pear-shaped fruits. However, the role of OFPs in plant development has been poorly characterized.


Public databases were searched and a total of 265 putative OVATE protein sequences were identified from 13 sequenced plant genomes that represent the major evolutionary lineages of land plants. A phylogenetic analysis was conducted based on the alignment of the conserved OVATE domain from these 13 selected plant genomes. The expression patterns of tomato SlOFP genes were analysed via quantitative real-time PCR. The pattern of OVATE gene duplication resulting in the expansion of the gene family was determined in arabidopsis, rice and tomato.

Key Results

Genes for OFPs were found to be present in all the sampled land plant genomes, including the early-diverged lineages, mosses and lycophytes. Phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid sequences of the conserved OVATE domain defined 11 sub-groups of OFPs in angiosperms. Different evolutionary mechanisms are proposed for OVATE family evolution, namely conserved evolution and divergent expansion. Characterization of the AtOFP family in arabidopsis, the OsOFP family in rice and the SlOFP family in tomato provided further details regarding the evolutionary framework and revealed a major contribution of tandem and segmental duplications towards expansion of the OVATE gene family.


This first genome-wide survey on OFPs provides new insights into the evolution of the OVATE protein family and establishes a solid base for future functional genomics studies on this important but poorly characterized regulatory protein family in plants.  相似文献   

聚丁二酸丁二醇酯高效降解菌的筛选及降解特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从蔬菜地表微环境空气微生物中分离筛选获得了一株高效降解聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(PBS)的真菌菌株BFM-X1, 通过形态学和ITS rDNA 序列测定分析, 确认该菌株为淡色生赤壳属真菌(Bionectria ochroleuca)。该菌株降解PBS 薄膜的最适温度为25 °C?30 °C, 培养基初始pH 为4.0, 以甘油、大豆油、葡萄糖及PBS 乳剂分别作为唯一碳源时对PBS 薄膜均具有很高的降解率; 菌株对PBS 薄膜的降解率随PBS 乳剂含量变化的曲线呈倒“U”型, 最佳PBS 乳剂浓度为1 g/L, 且对PBS 的降解呈现诱导期、指数降解期和加速降解期等3 个阶段。降解初期薄膜表面首先粗糙化, 失去原有的黑色光泽, 随后出现孔洞, 逐渐呈现破碎化, 最后薄膜被完全降解, 降解部位仅残留黑色色素。  相似文献   

Bioremediation of anthropogenic organic pollutants in cold climates is often limited by lower microbial or enzyme activity induced by low temperature. The present study addressed this issue through the degradation of ??-hexachlorocyclohexane (??-HCH) by three Sphingobium strains (S. indicum B90A, S. japonicum UT26 and S. francense Sp+) under low temperature (4 °C). After 5 days incubation at 4 °C, 79.7% and 43.8% of 5 and 25 mg L−1 of ??-HCH added were degraded, respectively by the inoculation of 1.75 × 107 cells mL−1 of S. indicum B90A. An increase in inoculum concentration to 1.72 × 108 cells mL−1 significantly increased the degradation to 98.1 ± 1.7% of 5 mg L−1 within 24 h. Further, S. indicum B90A and S. japonicum UT26 can rapidly degrade ??-HCH at 4 °C, while the degradation capability of S. francense Sp+ is relatively low. At 4 °C, ??-HCH is transformed to extremely low amounts of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB) and 2,5-dichlorophenol (2,5-DCP) by S. indicum B90A, but most of ??-HCH were transformed to 2,5-Dichloro-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-diol (2,5-DDOL) by S. japonicum UT26. These results revealed that haloalkane dehalogenases in some Sphingobium species are very active at temperature as low as 4 °C and S. indicum B90A might be a good candidate for developing novel bioremediation techniques for cold regions to decontaminate ??-HCH from soils/waters.  相似文献   

Intramembrane metalloproteases are nearly ubiquitous in living organisms and they function in diverse processes ranging from cholesterol homeostasis and the unfolded protein response in humans to sporulation, stress responses, and virulence of bacteria. Understanding how these enzymes function in membranes is a challenge of fundamental interest with potential applications if modulators can be devised. Progress is described toward a mechanistic understanding, based primarily on molecular genetic and biochemical studies of human S2P and bacterial SpoIVFB and RseP, and on the structure of the membrane domain of an archaeal enzyme. Conserved features of the enzymes appear to include transmembrane helices and loops around the active site zinc ion, which may be near the membrane surface. Extramembrane domains such as PDZ (PSD-95, DLG, ZO-1) or CBS (cystathionine-β-synthase) domains govern substrate access to the active site, but several different mechanisms of access and cleavage site selection can be envisioned, which might differ depending on the substrate and the enzyme. More work is needed to distinguish between these mechanisms, both for enzymes that have been relatively well-studied, and for enzymes lacking PDZ and CBS domains, which have not been studied. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Intramembrane Proteases.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Satellite DNA is a genomic component present in virtually all eukaryotic organisms. The turnover of highly repetitive satellite DNA is an important element in genome organization and evolution in plants. Here we assess the presence and physical distribution of the repetitive DNA E180 family in Medicago and allied genera. Our goals were to gain insight into the karyotype evolution of Medicago using satellite DNA markers, and to evaluate the taxonomic and phylogenetic signal of a satellite DNA family in a genus hypothesized to have a complex evolutionary history.


Seventy accessions from Medicago, Trigonella, Melilotus and Trifolium were analysed by PCR to assess the presence of the repetitive E180 family, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used for physical mapping in somatic chromosomes.

Key Results

The E180 repeat unit was PCR-amplified in 37 of 40 taxa in Medicago, eight of 12 species of Trigonella, six of seven species of Melilotus and in two of 11 Trifolium species. Examination of the mitotic chromosomes revealed that only 13 Medicago and two Trigonella species showed FISH signals using the E180 probe. Stronger hybridization signals were observed in subtelomeric and interstitial loci than in the pericentromeric loci, suggesting this satellite family has a preferential genomic location. Not all 13 Medicago species that showed FISH localization of the E180 repeat were phylogenetically related. However, nine of these species belong to the phylogenetically derived clade including the M. sativa and M. arborea complexes.


The use of the E180 family as a phylogenetic marker in Medicago should be viewed with caution. Its amplification appears to have been produced through recurrent and independent evolutionary episodes in both annual and perennial Medicago species as well as in basal and derived clades.  相似文献   



The reliable identification of proteins containing 50 or fewer amino acids is difficult due to the limited information content in short sequences. The 37 amino acid CydX protein in Escherichia coli is a member of the cytochrome bd oxidase complex, an enzyme found throughout Eubacteria. To investigate the extent of CydX conservation and prevalence and evaluate different methods of small protein homologue identification, we surveyed 1095 Eubacteria species for the presence of the small protein.


Over 300 homologues were identified, including 80 unannotated genes. The ability of both closely-related and divergent homologues to complement the E. coli ΔcydX mutant supports our identification techniques, and suggests that CydX homologues retain similar function among divergent species. However, sequence analysis of these proteins shows a great degree of variability, with only a few highly-conserved residues. An analysis of the co-variation between CydX homologues and their corresponding cydA and cydB genes shows a close synteny of the small protein with the CydA long Q-loop. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the cydABX operon has undergone horizontal gene transfer, although the cydX gene likely evolved in a progenitor of the Alpha, Beta, and Gammaproteobacteria. Further investigation of cydAB operons identified two additional conserved hypothetical small proteins: CydY encoded in CydAQlong operons that lack cydX, and CydZ encoded in more than 150 CydAQshort operons.


This study provides a systematic analysis of bioinformatics techniques required for the unique challenges present in small protein identification and phylogenetic analyses. These results elucidate the prevalence of CydX throughout the Proteobacteria, provide insight into the selection pressure and sequence requirements for CydX function, and suggest a potential functional interaction between the small protein and the CydA Q-loop, an enigmatic domain of the cytochrome bd oxidase complex. Finally, these results identify other conserved small proteins encoded in cytochrome bd oxidase operons, suggesting that small protein subunits may be a more common component of these enzymes than previously thought.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-946) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Bleaching of Oculina patagonica has been extensively studied in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, although no studies have been carried out in the Western basin. In 1996 Vibrio mediterranei was reported as the causative agent of bleaching in O. patagonica but it has not been related to bleached or healthy corals since 2003, suggesting that it was no longer involved in bleaching of O. patagonica. In an attempt to clarify the relationship between Vibrio spp., seawater temperature and coral diseases, as well as to investigate the putative differences between Eastern and Western Mediterranean basins, we have analysed the seasonal patterns of the culturable Vibrio spp. assemblages associated with healthy and diseased O. patagonica colonies. Two sampling points located in the Spanish Mediterranean coast were chosen for this study: Alicante Harbour and the Marine Reserve of Tabarca. A complex and dynamic assemblage of Vibrio spp. was present in O. patagonica along the whole year and under different environmental conditions and coral health status. While some Vibrio spp. were detected all year around in corals, the known pathogens V. mediteranei and V. coralliilyticus were only present in diseased specimens. The pathogenic potential of these bacteria was studied by experimental infection under laboratory conditions. Both vibrios caused diseased signs from 24 °C, being higher and faster at 28 °C. Unexpectedly, the co-inoculation of these two Vibrio species seemed to have a synergistic pathogenic effect over O. patagonica, as disease signs were readily observed at temperatures at which bleaching is not normally observed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae: Iridoideae: Sisyrinchieae) is one of the largest, most widespread and most taxonomically complex genera in Iridaceae, with all species except one native to the American continent. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus were investigated and the evolution of oil-producing structures related to specialized oil-bee pollination examined.


Phylogenetic analyses based on eight molecular markers obtained from 101 Sisyrinchium accessions representing 85 species were conducted in the first extensive phylogenetic analysis of the genus. Total evidence analyses confirmed the monophyly of the genus and retrieved nine major clades weakly connected to the subdivisions previously recognized. The resulting phylogenetic hypothesis was used to reconstruct biogeographical patterns, and to trace the evolutionary origin of glandular trichomes present in the flowers of several species.

Key Results and Conclusions

Glandular trichomes evolved three times independently in the genus. In two cases, these glandular trichomes are oil-secreting, suggesting that the corresponding flowers might be pollinated by oil-bees. Biogeographical patterns indicate expansions from Central America and the northern Andes to the subandean ranges between Chile and Argentina and to the extended area of the Paraná river basin. The distribution of oil-flower species across the phylogenetic trees suggests that oil-producing trichomes may have played a key role in the diversification of the genus, a hypothesis that requires future testing.  相似文献   

Bipolaris papendorfii has been reported as a fungal plant pathogen that rarely causes opportunistic infection in humans. Secondary metabolites isolated from this fungus possess medicinal and anticancer properties. However, its genetic fundamental and basic biology are largely unknown. In this study, we report the first draft genome sequence of B. papendorfii UM 226 isolated from the skin scraping of a patient. The assembled 33.4 Mb genome encodes 11,015 putative coding DNA sequences, of which, 2.49% are predicted transposable elements. Multilocus phylogenetic and phylogenomic analyses showed B. papendorfii UM 226 clustering with Curvularia species, apart from other plant pathogenic Bipolaris species. Its genomic features suggest that it is a heterothallic fungus with a putative unique gene encoding the LysM-containing protein which might be involved in fungal virulence on host plants, as well as a wide array of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, degradation of polysaccharides and lignin in the plant cell wall, secondary metabolite biosynthesis (including dimethylallyl tryptophan synthase, non-ribosomal peptide synthetase, polyketide synthase), the terpenoid pathway and the caffeine metabolism. This first genomic characterization of B. papendorfii provides the basis for further studies on its biology, pathogenicity and medicinal potential.  相似文献   



In addition to human and animal diseases, bacteria of the genus Burkholderia can cause plant diseases. The representative species of rice-pathogenic Burkholderia are Burkholderia glumae, B. gladioli, and B. plantarii, which primarily cause grain rot, sheath rot, and seedling blight, respectively, resulting in severe reductions in rice production. Though Burkholderia rice pathogens cause problems in rice-growing countries, comprehensive studies of these rice-pathogenic species aiming to control Burkholderia-mediated diseases are only in the early stages.


We first sequenced the complete genome of B. plantarii ATCC 43733T. Second, we conducted comparative analysis of the newly sequenced B. plantarii ATCC 43733T genome with eleven complete or draft genomes of B. glumae and B. gladioli strains. Furthermore, we compared the genome of three rice Burkholderia pathogens with those of other Burkholderia species such as those found in environmental habitats and those known as animal/human pathogens. These B. glumae, B. gladioli, and B. plantarii strains have unique genes involved in toxoflavin or tropolone toxin production and the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-mediated bacterial immune system. Although the genome of B. plantarii ATCC 43733T has many common features with those of B. glumae and B. gladioli, this B. plantarii strain has several unique features, including quorum sensing and CRISPR/CRISPR-associated protein (Cas) systems.


The complete genome sequence of B. plantarii ATCC 43733T and publicly available genomes of B. glumae BGR1 and B. gladioli BSR3 enabled comprehensive comparative genome analyses among three rice-pathogenic Burkholderia species responsible for tissue rotting and seedling blight. Our results suggest that B. glumae has evolved rapidly, or has undergone rapid genome rearrangements or deletions, in response to the hosts. It also, clarifies the unique features of rice pathogenic Burkholderia species relative to other animal and human Burkholderia species.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1558-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Passiflora actinia and P. elegans, two markedly parapatric species, have their southern and northern distribution limits, respectively, in the most southern part of the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Despite the fact that they are classified in different taxonomic series, previous phylogenetic studies of this genus revealed a high genetic similarity between them. The aim of the present work was to analyse in more detail their geographical range in this region of overlap, to investigate intraspecific genetic variability and phylogeographic structure, and to search for possible hybrids. METHODS: Eighty-two localities were searched for these species, and nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences were investigated for 32 individuals of P. actinia, 20 of P. elegans and one putative interspecific hybrid. Plastid trnL-trnF and psbA-trnH were examined for 12 plants of each species and the putative hybrid. KEY RESULTS: Both species showed a high level of intraspecific and intra-individual ITS variability. Network analysis revealed a north-south geographic gradient in their intra and interspecific relationships. Mismatch analyses suggested a recent population expansion of P. elegans. The plastid markers showed restricted variability but, together with the nuclear data, they contributed to the identification of an interspecific hybrid of intermediate morphology at the border of the distribution of these two species. Both genetic and morphological data indicate the absence of an extensive hybridization zone between these species. CONCLUSIONS: Gene flow between lineages is the possible cause for the presence of different ITS sequences within a given plant, the absence of homogenization being due to the high degree of vegetative reproduction in the two species. Differentiation of P. actinia into geographic groups and the origin of P. elegans may have been influenced by the Atlantic Forest migration towards southern Brazil. The genetic pattern of the interspecific hybrid indicates that plastid inheritance in these species is at least sometimes paternal.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of Peroxidase and its physiological significance under Karnal Bunt (KB) were determined in resistant (HD-29) and susceptible genotype (WH-542) of wheat during different developmental stages. The enzymes were expressed constitutively in both the susceptible and resistant genotype. In gel assay and differential expression analysis of POD was significantly higher (p >0.05) in Sv and S2, than the S1 and S3 stages. in silico analysis of Peroxidase for eg. physico-chemical properties, secondary structural features and phylogenetic classification for comparative analysis. Motif and Domain analysis of Peroxidase by MEME, to be important for the biological functions, and studies of evolution. Our results clearly indicate that the enhanced expression of POD at the WS2 stage, which reinforces its role in stage dependent immunity against Karnal bunt and role of POD metabolism provides genotype and stage dependant structural barrier resistance in wheat against KB.  相似文献   



Carbohydrate metabolism is a key feature of vascular plant architecture, and is of particular importance in large woody species, where lignocellulosic biomass is responsible for bearing the bulk of the stem and crown. Since Carbohydrate Active enZymes (CAZymes) in plants are responsible for the synthesis, modification and degradation of carbohydrate biopolymers, the differences in gene copy number and regulation between woody and herbaceous species have been highlighted previously. There are still many unanswered questions about the role of CAZymes in land plant evolution and the formation of wood, a strong carbohydrate sink.


Here, twenty-two publically available plant genomes were used to characterize the frequency, diversity and complexity of CAZymes in plants. We find that a conserved suite of CAZymes is a feature of land plant evolution, with similar diversity and complexity regardless of growth habit and form. In addition, we compared the diversity and levels of CAZyme gene expression during wood formation in trees using mRNA-seq data from two distantly related angiosperm tree species Eucalyptus grandis and Populus trichocarpa, highlighting the major CAZyme classes involved in xylogenesis and lignocellulosic biomass production.


CAZyme domain ratio across embryophytes is maintained, and the diversity of CAZyme domains is similar in all land plants, regardless of woody habit. The stoichiometric conservation of gene expression in woody and non-woody tissues of Eucalyptus and Populus are indicative of gene balance preservation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1571-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Malaria, a disease affecting humans and other animals, is caused by a protist of the genus Plasmodium. At the intraerythrocytic stage, the parasite synthesizes a high amount of phospholipids through a bewildering number of pathways. In the human Plasmodium falciparum species, a plant-like pathway that relies on serine decarboxylase and phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase activities diverts host serine to provide additional phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine to the parasite. This feature of parasitic dependence toward its host was investigated in other Plasmodium species. In silico analyses led to the identification of phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase gene orthologs in primate and bird parasite genomes. However, the gene was not detected in the rodent P. berghei, P. yoelii, and P. chabaudi species. Biochemical experiments with labeled choline, ethanolamine, and serine showed marked differences in biosynthetic pathways when comparing rodent P. berghei and P. vinckei, and human P. falciparum species. Notably, in both rodent parasites, ethanolamine and serine were not significantly incorporated into phosphatidylcholine, indicating the absence of phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity. To our knowledge, this is the first study to highlight a crucial difference in phospholipid metabolism between Plasmodium species. The findings should facilitate efforts to develop more rational approaches to identify and evaluate new targets for antimalarial therapy.  相似文献   

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