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The overexpression of multidrug efflux pumps is an important mechanism of clinical resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. Recently, four small molecules were discovered that inhibit efflux in Escherichia coli and interact with the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump component AcrA. However, the binding site(s) for these molecules was not determined. Here, we combine ensemble docking and molecular dynamics simulations with tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy, site-directed mutagenesis, and antibiotic susceptibility assays to probe binding sites and effects of binding of these molecules. We conclude that clorobiocin and SLU-258 likely bind at a site located between the lipoyl and β-barrel domains of AcrA.  相似文献   



Most patients with bacterial infections suffer from fever and various pains that require complex treatments with antibiotics, antipyretics, and analgaesics. The most common drugs used to relieve these symptoms are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are not typically considered antibiotics. Here, we investigate the effects of NSAIDs on bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics and the modulation of bacterial efflux pumps.


The activity of 12 NSAID active substances, paracetamol (acetaminophen), and eight relevant medicinal products was analyzed with or without pump inhibitors against 89 strains of Gram-negative rods by determining the MICs. Furthermore, the effects of NSAIDs on the susceptibility of clinical strains to antimicrobial agents with or without PAβN (Phe-Arg-β-naphtylamide) were measured.


The MICs of diclofenac, mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, and naproxen, in the presence of PAβN, were significantly (≥4-fold) reduced, decreasing to 25–1600 mg/L, against the majority of the studied strains. In the case of acetylsalicylic acid only for 5 and 7 out of 12 strains of P. mirabilis and E. coli, respectively, a 4-fold increase in susceptibility in the presence of PAβN was observed. The presence of Aspirin resulted in a 4-fold increase in the MIC of ofloxacin against only two strains of E. coli among 48 tested clinical strains, which included species such as E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, and S. maltophilia. Besides, the medicinal products containing the following NSAIDs, diclofenac, mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, and naproxen, did not cause the decrease of clinical strains’ susceptibility to antibiotics.


The effects of PAβN on the susceptibility of bacteria to NSAIDs indicate that some NSAIDs are substrates for efflux pumps in Gram-negative rods. Morever, Aspirin probably induced efflux-mediated resistance to fluoroquinolones in a few E. coli strains.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens 1D1609, which was originally isolated from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), contains genes that increase competitive root colonization on that plant by reducing the accumulation of alfalfa isoflavonoids in the bacterial cells. Mutant strain I-1 was isolated by its isoflavonoid-inducible neomycin resistance following mutagenesis with the transposable promoter probe Tn5-B30. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed the transposon had inserted in the first open reading frame, ifeA, of a three-gene locus (ifeA, ifeB, and ifeR), which shows high homology to bacterial efflux pump operons. Assays on alfalfa showed that mutant strain I-1 colonized roots normally in single-strain tests but was impaired significantly (P ≤ 0.01) in competition against wild-type strain 1D1609. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments, which produced strains I-4 (ifeA::gusA) and I-6 (ifeA::Ω-Tc), confirmed the importance of ifeA for competitive root colonization. Exposure to the isoflavonoid coumestrol increased β-glucuronidase activity in strain I-4 21-fold during the period when coumestrol accumulation in wild-type cells declined. In the same test, coumestrol accumulation in mutant strain I-6 did not decline. Expression of the ifeA-gusA reporter was also induced by the alfalfa root isoflavonoids formononetin and medicarpin but not by two triterpenoids present in alfalfa. These results show that an efflux pump can confer measurable ecological benefits on A. tumefaciens in an environment where the inducing molecules are known to be present.  相似文献   

建立了细菌外排泵抑制剂的筛选与活性跟踪方法.准备2个平板,一个为普通营养琼脂平板,另一个为舍小蘖碱的普通营养琼脂平板,通过比较两个平板含药纸片周围抑菌圈的直径大小判断筛选结果,方法可靠稳定.筛选发现某霉菌提取物对细菌外排泵有抑制活性,经活性跟踪分离,得到单体化合物,经NMR鉴定为4′,5,7-三羟基异黄酮.方法简便易行,成本低,适宜于对大批样本进行快速筛选并在分离时进行活性跟踪.  相似文献   

Periplasmic membrane fusion proteins (MFPs) are essential components of multidrug efflux pumps and type I protein secretion systems of gram-negative bacteria. Located in the periplasm, MFPs function by creating a physical link between inner membrane transporters and outer membrane channels. The most conserved sequence of MFPs is located in their distal C-terminal domain. However, neither the structure nor the function of this domain is known. In this study, we investigated the structural and functional role of the C-terminal domain of Escherichia coli AcrA, a periplasmic component of the multidrug efflux pump AcrAB-TolC. Using trypsin proteolysis, we identified the proteolytically labile sites in the C-terminal domain (amino acid residues 315 to 397) of AcrA in vitro. We next used these sites as a map to evaluate the structural integrity of this domain of AcrA inside the periplasm. We found that the C-terminal domain of AcrA is protected from trypsin when the tripartite efflux pump AcrAB-TolC is assembled. In contrast, this domain remains proteolytically labile in cells producing only one of the AcrB or TolC components of the complex. Site-directed mutagenesis of 12 highly conserved amino acid residues of the C-terminal domain of AcrA showed that a single G363C substitution dramatically impairs the multidrug efflux activity of AcrAB-TolC. The G363C mutant interacts with both AcrB and TolC but fails to properly assemble into a functional complex. We conclude that the C-terminal domain of AcrA plays an important role in the assembly and function of AcrAB-TolC efflux pump.AcrA, the multidrug efflux protein from Escherichia coli, is the best-characterized member of the membrane fusion protein (MFP) family (24). Periplasmic AcrA associates with the inner-membrane transporter AcrB, belonging to the RND superfamily of proteins, and the outer-membrane factor TolC (22, 23). Together, the three components form a transenvelope multidrug efflux pump responsible for the high levels of intrinsic as well as acquired antibiotic resistance of E. coli.AcrA is anchored into the inner membrane by N-terminal lipid modification. However, genetic complementation studies showed that the presence of the lipid moiety is not required for AcrA function (14, 24). Structural studies of the proteolytically stable core of AcrA (amino acid [aa] residues 46 to 312) and of whole-length MexA, a homologous protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, showed that these proteins have modular structures (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). They comprise the α-helical hairpin, the lipoyl-binding domain, and the α-β-barrel domain (2, 9, 14). Mutagenesis and chemical cross-linking studies identified the α-helical hairpin of AcrA as a TolC-binding domain, whereas the α-β-barrel domain was proposed to bind AcrB (6, 11, 12, 16). Surprisingly, in isothermal calorimetry experiments, the core fragment of AcrA without its C-terminal domain (C-domain) was able to bind neither AcrB nor TolC (23). In contrast, the whole-length AcrA interacted with both components. This result suggested that the C-domain of AcrA might be important for these interactions. In crystal structures, however, the C-domains of AcrA and MexA were not resolved, and their structures remain unknown.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Proteolytic profiles of AcrAhis in vitro and in vivo. (A) Schematic representation of the secondary structure of AcrA. The unique N-terminal Cys25, which is lipid modified after processing in the periplasm, is shown with an arrow. Positions of amino acid residues that form the α-β-barrel, lipoyl-binding, and α-helical hairpin domains are indicated. AcrA residues cleaved by trypsin are indicated by arrowheads. The 28.9-kDa (K46-R315) core and the 26.5-kDa fragment (K46-R294) are also indicated. (B) Purified AcrAhis (final concentration, 1.95 μM) was digested with trypsin (final concentration, 0.10 μM) at 37°C. Aliquots (10 μl) were taken at different time points, and reactions were terminated by boiling in the SDS sample buffer for 5 min. Tryptic fragments were resolved by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by silver nitrate staining. Minor fragments in the untreated control (0 min) are contaminants that copurify with AcrAhis. Lane M, molecular marker. (C) Proteolytic profiles of AcrAhis in E. coli AG100AX cells carrying pAhis and pAhisB plasmids. After treatment with increasing concentrations of trypsin for 60 min at 37°C, the whole-cell proteins were resolved by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by immunoblotting with a polyclonal anti-AcrA antibody. Masses of tryptic fragments of the C-domain of AcrAhis identified by mass spectrometry and by mobility in SDS-PAGE are indicated. O.D., optical density as determined by absorbance at 600 nm.The alignment of sequences of highly diverse MFPs from both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria showed that amino acid sequences of the C-domains are conserved among members of the MFP family (4). In addition, several studies suggested that this region is important for the function of AcrA. The deletion mutant of AcrA lacking 85 C-terminal aa residues is poorly expressed and nonfunctional in multidrug efflux (14). The replacement of aa 290 to 357 of AcrA with an analogous region of YhiU disrupted AcrA function possibly because of the loss of interaction with the AcrB transporter (5). Random mutagenesis of MexA identified C-terminal amino acid residues as important for MexA oligomerization and interaction with MexB (16, 17).In this study, we identified proteolytically labile sites in the C-domain (aa 315 to 397) of the purified AcrA and compared the accessibility of these sites to that in free AcrA and when engaged in the bipartite and tripartite AcrA, AcrB, and TolC interactions in vivo. We found that the assembly of the AcrAB-TolC complex, but not bipartite AcrA-AcrB and AcrA-TolC interactions, protects the C-domain of AcrA from proteolytic digestion. This result suggested that this domain of AcrA interacts with AcrB, TolC, or both. The functional significance of the C-domain was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. A single G363C substitution significantly impairs the multidrug efflux activity of AcrAB-TolC.  相似文献   

AcrB is a major multidrug exporter in Escherichia coli and other Gram-negative bacteria. Its gate loop, located between the proximal and the distal pockets, have been reported to play important role in the export of many antibiotics. This loop location, rigidity and interactions with substrates have led recent reports to suggest that AcrB export mechanism operates in a sequential manner. First the substrate binds the proximal pocket in the access monomer, then it moves to bind the distal pocket in the binding monomer and subsequently it is extruded in the extrusion monomer. Recently, we have demonstrated that the gate loop is not required for the binding of Erythromycin but the integrity of this loop is important for an efficient export of this substrate. However, here we show that the antibiotic susceptibilities of the same AcrB gate loop mutants for Doxorubicin were unaffected, suggesting that this loop is not required for its export, and we demonstrate that this substrate may use principally the tunnel-1, located between transmembranes 8 and 9, more often than previously reported. To further explain our findings, here we address the gate loop mutations effects on AcrB solution energetics (fold, stability, molecular dynamics) and on the in vivo efflux of Erythromycin and Doxorubicin. Finally, we discuss the efflux and the discrepancy between the structural and the functional experiments for Erythromycin in these gate loop mutants.  相似文献   

RND (resistance-nodulation-division) family transporters in Gram-negative bacteria frequently pump out a wide range of inhibitors and often contribute to multidrug resistance to antibiotics and biocides. An archetypal RND pump of Escherichia coli, AcrB, is known to exist as a homotrimer, and this construction is essential for drug pumping through the functionally rotating mechanism. MdtBC, however, appears different because two pump genes coexist within a single operon, and genetic deletion data suggest that both pumps must be expressed in order for the drug efflux to occur. We have expressed the corresponding genes, with one of them in a His-tagged form. Copurification of MdtB and MdtC under these conditions showed that they form a complex, with an average stoichiometry of 2:1. Unequivocal evidence that only the trimer containing two B protomers and one C protomer is active was obtained by expressing all possible combinations of B and C in covalently linked forms. Finally, conversion into alanine of the residues, known to form a proton translocation pathway in AcrB, inactivated transport only when made in MdtB, not when made in MdtC, a result suggesting that MdtC plays a different role not directly involved in drug binding and extrusion.Bacterial multidrug resistance is a major public health problem (10, 17). One widespread resistance mechanism involves the multidrug resistance (MDR) transporters. Among these, the resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND) family transporters, such as the AcrAB-TolC system in Escherichia coli, play a major role in drug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria because they allow the direct extrusion of drug molecules into extracellular space, and because they sometimes confer an increased level of tolerance to an astonishingly wide range of toxic compounds (18). In general, an RND-type exporter protein (such as AcrB), located in the inner membrane, forms a tripartite complex with a periplasmic adaptor protein, such as AcrA, and a homotrimeric outer membrane channel, such as TolC (18). The drug efflux process requires the presence of all three components. The crystallographic structures of AcrB (13, 14, 22, 24), AcrA (11, 27), and TolC (2, 8) are known, and models of the tripartite complex have been proposed (6, 27).AcrB is a homotrimeric transporter (14) located in the inner membrane and uses the proton gradient as the energy source (31). The homotrimeric structure is thought to be functionally important, or even essential, as each protomer appears to undergo a series of mandatory conformational alterations during the process of drug export, often called “functionally rotating mechanism,” as deduced from the structure of the asymmetric trimers of AcrB (13, 22, 24). This mechanism was also supported by the observation that, in a trimer in which protomers were covalently linked to each other, inactivation of one protomer alone abolishes the activity of the entire trimeric complex (29).Not all RND-type transporters, however, follow this homotrimeric organization. The mdtABC genes of E. coli encode an RND system that is unusual in that it contains two different RND pump genes, mdtB and mdtC, in addition to its own adaptor gene, mdtA. Previous genetic studies have demonstrated that the deletion of either of the two RND pump genes abolishes (1) the resistance to β-lactams, novobiocin, and bile salt derivatives, like deoxycholate, or narrows the range of pump substrates (15), a result suggesting that the functional unit is likely a heteromultimeric pump formed by MdtB/MdtC proteins. However, no direct data have so far been presented supporting the interaction between these proteins or the stoichiometry of the complex. Because the heterooligomeric composition of this pump was unexpected based on the accepted notion of how the homotrimeric pump functions by the functionally rotating mechanism, we examined here the nature of the MdtBC complex in detail.In this study, we first purified the oligomeric transporter by labeling either MdtB or MdtC with a His tag. We obtained a trimeric complex(es) containing both MdtB and MdtC in an approximately 2:1 ratio. However, we could not rule out the possibility that there were mixtures of trimers containing different ratios of the B and C proteins. We therefore utilized the recently introduced technology of creating covalently linked trimers (29), and we show here that the only active trimers are those containing two units of MdtB and one unit of MdtC.  相似文献   

Many transporters of Gram-negative bacteria involved in the extracellular secretion of proteins and the efflux of toxic molecules operate by forming intermembrane complexes. These complexes are proposed to span both inner and outer membranes and create a bridge across the periplasm. In this study, we analyzed interactions between the inner and outer membrane components of the tri-partite multidrug efflux pump AcrAB-TolC from Escherichia coli. We found that, once assembled, the intermembrane AcrAB-TolC complex is stable during the separation of the inner and outer membranes and subsequent purification. All three components of the complex co-purify when the affinity tag is attached to either of the proteins suggesting bi-partite interactions between AcrA, AcrB, and TolC. We show that antibiotics, the substrates of AcrAB-TolC, stabilize interactions within the complex. However, the formation of the AcrAB-TolC complex does not require an input of energy.  相似文献   

A novel genomic island (LGI1) was discovered in Listeria monocytogenes isolates responsible for the deadliest listeriosis outbreak in Canada, in 2008. To investigate the functional role of LGI1, the outbreak strain 08-5578 was exposed to food chain-relevant stresses, and the expression of 16 LGI1 genes was measured. LGI1 genes with putative efflux (L. monocytogenes emrE [emrELm]), regulatory (lmo1851), and adhesion (sel1) functions were deleted, and the mutants were exposed to acid (HCl), cold (4°C), salt (10 to 20% NaCl), and quaternary ammonium-based sanitizers (QACs). Deletion of lmo1851 had no effect on the L. monocytogenes stress response, and deletion of sel1 did not influence Caco-2 and HeLa cell adherence/invasion, whereas deletion of emrE resulted in increased susceptibility to QACs (P < 0.05) but had no effect on the MICs of gentamicin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, tetracycline, acriflavine, and triclosan. In the presence of the QAC benzalkonium chloride (BAC; 5 μg/ml), 14/16 LGI1 genes were induced, and lmo1861 (putative repressor gene) was constitutively expressed at 4°C, 37°C, and 52°C and in the presence of UV exposure (0 to 30 min). Following 1 h of exposure to BAC (10 μg/ml), upregulation of emrE (49.6-fold), lmo1851 (2.3-fold), lmo1861 (82.4-fold), and sigB (4.1-fold) occurred. Reserpine visibly suppressed the growth of the ΔemrELm strain, indicating that QAC tolerance is due at least partially to efflux activity. These data suggest that a minimal function of LGI1 is to increase the tolerance of L. monocytogenes to QACs via emrELm. Since QACs are commonly used in the food industry, there is a concern that L. monocytogenes strains possessing emrE will have an increased ability to survive this stress and thus to persist in food processing environments.  相似文献   

目的:分析肠杆菌科AcrAB多药外排泵的分子演化规律,为多药耐药性病原菌的防治提供基础数据。方法:从NCBI获得肠杆菌科物种AcrAB多药外排泵相关蛋白和核酸序列,采用分析软件,分析肠杆菌科物种AcrAB多药外排泵相关序列。结果:在肠杆菌科各物种AcrA、AcrB和AcrR与大肠埃希氏菌同源性在55%、75%和43%以上。AcrA保守位点分散,在N端和C端较少,在分子一级结构中段较多。AcrB跨膜序列保守性较高,与质子转移相关的三个位点D407、D408和K940以及稳定这三者结构的T978在肠杆菌科完全保守,其一级结构上相邻位点也保守。AcrR序列整体保守性较低,但HTH区域保守性高。与AcrR结合的回文结构及周围序列保守性高,在"茎"结构中仅存在一个氨基酸的差异。结论:AcrAB多药外排泵在肠杆菌科中广泛存在,有一定的保守性。分析肠杆菌科AcrAB多药外排泵有助于病原菌多药耐药性的防治。  相似文献   

In Gram negative bacteria, fluoroquinolone resistance is acquired by target mutations in topoisomerase genes or by reducing the permeation of drugs due to the increase in expression of endogenous multidrug efflux pumps that expel structurally unrelated antimicrobial agents. An ongoing challenge is searching for new inhibitory substances in order to block efflux pumps and restore the antibiotic drugs susceptibility. In this research, we sought to investigate the interplay between ciprofloxacin and an efflux pump inhibitor (EPI), phenyl alanine arginyl β-naphtylamide (PAβN), to determine the prevalence of efflux pump overexpression in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Ciprofloxacin was tested at different concentrations (256–0.25 μg/ml) with a fixed concentration of PAβN (50 μg/ml). The isolates susceptibility profiles were analyzed by disc diffusion and agar dilution methods using 10 antibiotic discs and 4 powders. It was found that in the presence of PAβN, resistance to ciprofloxacin was inhibited obviously and MIC values were decreased. The comparison between subgroups of P. aeruginosa isolates with different resistance profiles indicates that efflux pump overexpression (EPO) is present in 35% of ciprofloxacin resistant isolates with no cross resistance and in variable frequencies among isolates showing cross resistance to other tested antibiotics: gentamicin (31%), ceftazidime (29%), and imipenem (18%). Altogether, these results imply that PAβN maybe effective to restore the fluoroquinolone drugs susceptibility in clinical treatment procedures. Results also show that increased use of a fluoroquinolone drug such as ciprofloxacin can affect the susceptibility of P. aeruginosa to other different antipseudomonal agents.  相似文献   

There is an emerging scientific need for reliable tools for monitoring membrane protein transport. We present a methodology leading to the reconstitution of efflux pumps from the Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a biomimetic environment that allows for an accurate investigation of their activity of transport. Three prerequisites are fulfilled: compartmentation in a lipidic environment, use of a relevant index for transport, and generation of a proton gradient. The membrane protein transporter is reconstituted into liposomes together with bacteriorhodopsin, a light-activated proton pump that generates a proton gradient that is robust as well as reversible and tunable. The activity of the protein is deduced from the pH variations occurring within the liposome, using pyranin, a pH-dependent fluorescent probe. We describe a step-by-step procedure where membrane protein purification, liposome formation, protein reconstitution, and transport analysis are addressed. Although they were specifically designed for an RND transporter, the described methods could potentially be adapted for use with any other membrane protein transporter energized by a proton gradient.  相似文献   

In Gram-negative bacteria, type I protein secretion systems and tripartite drug efflux pumps have a periplasmic membrane fusion protein (MFP) as an essential component. MFPs bridge the outer membrane factor and an inner membrane transporter, although the oligomeric state of MFPs remains unclear. The most characterized MFP AcrA connects the outer membrane factor TolC and the resistance-nodulation-division-type efflux transporter AcrB, which is a major multidrug efflux pump in Escherichia coli. MacA is the periplasmic MFP in the MacAB-TolC pump, where MacB was characterized as a macrolide-specific ATP-binding-cassette-type efflux transporter. Here, we report the crystal structure of E. coli MacA and the experimentally phased map of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans MacA, which reveal a domain orientation of MacA different from that of AcrA. Notably, a hexameric assembly of MacA was found in both crystals, exhibiting a funnel-like structure with a central channel and a conical mouth. The hexameric MacA assembly was further confirmed by electron microscopy and functional studies in vitro and in vivo. The hexameric structure of MacA provides insight into the oligomeric state in the functional complex of the drug efflux pump and type I secretion system.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of translational coupling in the expression and function of DrrA and DrrB proteins, which form an efflux pump for the export of anticancer drugs doxorubicin and daunorubicin in the producer organism Streptomyces peucetius. Interest in studying the role of translational coupling came from the initial observation that DrrA and DrrB proteins confer doxorubicin resistance only when they are expressed in cis. Because of the presence of overlapping stop and start codons in the intergenic region between drrA and drrB, it has been assumed that the translation of drrB is coupled to the translation of the upstream gene drrA even though direct evidence for coupling has been lacking. In this study, we show that the expression of drrB is indeed coupled to translation of drrA. We also show that the introduction of non-coding sequences between the stop codon of drrA and the start of drrB prevents formation of a functional complex, although both proteins are still produced at normal levels, thus suggesting that translational coupling also plays a crucial role in proper assembly. Interestingly, replacement of drrA with an unrelated gene was found to result in very high drrB expression, which becomes severely growth inhibitory. This indicates that an additional mechanism within drrA may optimize expression of drrB. Based on the observations reported here, it is proposed that the production and assembly of DrrA and DrrB are tightly linked. Furthermore, we propose that the key to assembly of the DrrAB complex lies in co-folding of the two proteins, which requires that the genes be maintained in cis in a translationally coupled manner.  相似文献   

研究不同耐药细菌AcrAB-Tolc型外排泵中关键蛋白AcrA的序列,针对其保守及非保守氨基酸残基进行该类蛋白的进化分析,构建蛋白进化树。收集来源于不同细菌的已知序列的AcrA蛋白,去除冗余并进行序列比对之后,根据其序列比对结果的相似性、氨基酸残基的保守性研究其进化特征。结果表明,不同细菌的AcrA蛋白部分氨基酸残基具有高度的保守性,这与其实现生物学功能有关,非保守区域是主要的进化区域。可为不同菌株的进化提供参考,同时为以AcrAB-Tolc型外排泵为靶标的新药研究提供相关数据。  相似文献   

The phytohormone auxin plays a major role in embryonic and postembryonic plant development. The temporal and spatial distribution of auxin largely depends on the subcellular polar localization of members of the PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux carrier family. The Ser/Thr protein kinase PINOID (PID) catalyzes PIN phosphorylation and crucially contributes to the regulation of apical-basal PIN polarity. The GTP exchange factor on ADP-ribosylation factors (ARF-GEF), GNOM preferentially mediates PIN recycling at the basal side of the cell. Interference with GNOM activity leads to dynamic PIN transcytosis between different sides of the cell. Our genetic, pharmacological, and cell biological approaches illustrate that PID and GNOM influence PIN polarity and plant development in an antagonistic manner and that the PID-dependent PIN phosphorylation results in GNOM-independent polar PIN targeting. The data suggest that PID and the protein phosphatase 2A not only regulate the static PIN polarity, but also act antagonistically on the rate of GNOM-dependent polar PIN transcytosis. We propose a model that includes PID-dependent PIN phosphorylation at the plasma membrane and the subsequent sorting of PIN proteins to a GNOM-independent pathway for polarity alterations during developmental processes, such as lateral root formation and leaf vasculature development.  相似文献   

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