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A mutation in the dar gene of phage T4 restored the arrested DNA synthesis caused by the gene 59 mutation. We have studied the DNA replicative intermediates in cells infected with a dar mutant and a dar-amC5 (gene 59) mutant by velocity sedimentation in neutral and alkaline sucrose gradients. In T4 dar-infected cells, compared to the wild type, three kinds of abnormalities were observed in DNA replication (i) There were unusually rapidly sedimenting intermediates (800S). (ii) When centrifuged in alkaline gradients, there was less single-stranded DNA exceeding 1 phage unit. (iii) The rate of repair of DNA intermediates was slower. It has been proposed by others that the 200S DNA replicative intermediates are required for DNA packaging, but our results showed that the 800S DNA of dar does not have to be converted into the 200S form to undergo conversion to mature viral DNA. Therefore, 200S DNA may not be an obligatory intermediate for mature viral DNA formation. In amC5 (gene 59)-infected cells, the DNA was completely converted 2 to 3 min after intiation of replication to the biologically inactive 63S DNA, and DNA synthesis was concomitantly arrested. However, in dar-am-C5 (gene 59)-infected cells, the formation of abnormal 63S DNA did not occur and 200S DNA appeared instead. An endonucleolytic activity, normally associated with the cell membrane and capable of making double-stranded cuts, was found in the cytoplasm of T4 dar-infected cells. Because the total activity of this endonuclease is the same for both wild-type T4D and the dar mutant, it seems unlikely that the dar protein has endonucleolytic activity itself. However, the finding does explain the abnormal sedimentation of dar DNA intermediates (800S) as well as the proposed suppression mechanism of the gene 59 mutation.  相似文献   

Summary The product of gene 32 of bacteriophage T4 is a single-stranded DNA binding protein involved in T4 DNA replication, recombination and repair. Functionally differentiated regions of the gene 32 protein have been described by protein chemistry. As a preliminary step in a genetic dissection of these functional domains, we have isolated a large number of missense mutants of gene 32. Mutant isolation was facilitated by directed mutagenesis and a mutant bacterial host which is unusually restrictive for missense mutations in gene 32. We have isolated over 100 mutants and identified 22 mutational sites. A physical map of these sites has been constructed and has shown that mutations are clustered within gene 32. The possible functional significance of this clustering is considered.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 gene 32 encodes a DNA unwinding protein required for DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Gene 32 temperature-sensitive mutations enhance virtually all base pair substitution mutation rates.  相似文献   

This study reports on various parameters which affect the binding stoichiometry for complexes of bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein (P32) and single stranded polynucleotides (determined by UV absorbance and fluorescence quenching) and presents results of a quantitative electron spin resonance assay to determine physiologically effective binding affinity differences of nucleic acid binding proteins. The assay employs macromolecular spin probes (spin-labeled nucleic acids) which are used to determine the fraction of saturation in competition experiments with unlabeled nucleic acids. It was found that the fraction of complexed spin-labeled polynucleotides can be directly monitored by ESR with a two-component analysis approach when ligands such as poly(L-lysine), gene 5 protein (P5) of filamentous bacteriophage fd, and gene 32 protein (P32) of bacteriophage T4 are used. The ESR data unequivocally show that: 1) the binding stoichiometry for poly(L-lysine), P5 and P32 is nucleotide/lysine, 4 nucleotides/P5 monomer, and 10 nucleotides/P32 monomer, respectively; and 2) under physiologically relevant buffer conditions the relative affinity of P32 in the cooperative binding mode for polythymidylic acid is about 4 times greater than for polydeoxyinosinic acid and about 12 times greater than for polyinosinic acid, and the relative affinity of P32 for polydeoxyinosinic acid is about 3 times greater than for polyinosinic acid.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the specificity of the co-operative binding (in the polynucleotide mode) of bacteriophage T4-coded gene 32 protein to synthetic and natural single-stranded nucleic acids differing in base composition and sugar type. It is shown by competition experiments in a tight-binding (low salt) environment that there is a high degree of binding specificity under these (protein-limiting) conditions, with one type of nucleic acid lattice binding gene 32 protein to saturation before any binding to the competing lattice takes place; it is also shown that the same differential specificities apply at high salt concentrations. Procedures developed in the preceding paper (Kowalczykowski et al., 1980) are used to measure the net binding affinities () of gene 32 protein to a variety of polynucleotides, as well as to determine individual values of K and ω for some systems. For all polynucleotides, virtually the entire specificity and salt dependence of binding of appears to be in K. In ~0.2 m-NaCl, the net binding affinities () range from ~106 to ~1011m?1; in order of increasing affinities we find: poly(rC) < poly(rU) < poly(rA) < poly(dA) < poly(dC) < poly(dU) < poly(rI) < poly(dI) < poly-(dT). In general, for a particular homopolyribonucleotide at constant salt concentration is 101 to 104smaller than for the corresponding homopoly-deoxyribopolynucleotide. Values of for randomly copolymerized polynucleotides and for natural DNA fall at the compositionally weighted average of the values for the individual homopolynucleotides (except for poly(dT), which appears to bind somewhat tighter), indicating that the net affinity represents the sum of the binding free energy contributions of the individual nucleotides. It is shown that these results, on a competition basis under physiological salt conditions, can account quantitatively for the autogenous regulation of the synthesis of gene 32 protein at the translational level (Russel et al., 1976; Lemaire et al., 1978). In addition, these results suggest possible mechanisms by which gene 32 messenger RNA might be specifically recognized (by gene 32 protein) and functionally discriminated from the other mRNAs of phage T4.  相似文献   

A helix destabilizing protein, the product of gene 32 (gp32) of bacteriophage T4, was subjected to limited proteolysis to produce three types of products with differing affinities for DNA. Previous work has suggested that the 18 amino acids at the N-terminus are required for tight binding to single-stranded DNA (Hosoda &; Moise, 1978). This paper reports the sequence of the N-terminal region and predicts the amino acid residues responsible for DNA binding.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli phage PRD1 protein P12, involved in PRD1 DNA replication in vivo, has been highly purified from E. coli cells harbouring a gene XII-containing plasmid. Protein P12 binds to single-stranded DNA as shown by gel retardation assays and nuclease protection experiments. Binding of protein P12 to single-stranded DNA increases about 14% the contour length of the DNA as revealed by electron microscopy. Binding to single-stranded DNA seems to be cooperative, and it is not sequence specific. Protein P12 also binds to double-stranded DNA although with an affinity 10 times lower than to single-stranded DNA. Using the in vitro phage phi 29 DNA replication system, it is shown that protein P12 stimulates the overall phi 29 DNA replication.  相似文献   

The contribution of Zn(II) toward the binding of bacteriophage T4 gene 32 single-stranded nucleic acid-binding protein (gp32) has been examined by the use of two independent approaches. Studies carried out with successively longer oligonucleotides which have the general structure p(dT)n, where n is equal to 8, 16, 24, or 32 nucleotides, suggest that removal of Zn(II) decreases the cooperativity of binding by as much as 30-fold. Hence, whereas apo-gp32 and native gp32 have similar apparent affinities for the single-site lattice p(dT)8, native gp32 has an approximately 10-fold higher affinity compared to apo-gp32 for a two-site lattice, such as p(dT)16. In contrast to native gp32, where full cooperativity (in terms of the strength of a single gp32-gp32 interaction) is reached with only a two-site lattice, the cooperativity of apo-gp32 binding appears to increase approximately 4-fold upon going from a two- to a four-site lattice such as p(dT)32. The conclusion reached from these oligonucleotide studies agrees well with a series of titrations with polyribo(ethenoadenylic) acid, in 0.275-0.40 M NaCl. These latter studies indicate that the 6-38-fold higher affinity of native gp32 as compared to apo-gp32 for polyribo(ethenoadenylic) acid results primarily from the higher cooperativity of binding of native gp32. By stabilizing a specific subdomain within gp32 that is essential along with the NH2-terminal domain (residues 1-9), Zn(II) contributes from 20 to 50% of the free energy of cooperative gp32-gp32 interactions that occur along a polynucleotide lattice.  相似文献   

The free concentration of bacteriophage T4-coded gene 32 (single-stranded DNA binding) protein in the cell is autoregulated at the translational level during T4 infection of Escherichia coli. The control of the synthesis of this protein reflects the following progression of net (co-operative) binding affinities for the various potential nucleic acid binding targets present: single-stranded DNA > gene 32 mRNA > other T4 mRNAs ? double-stranded DNA. In this paper we show that the free concentration of gene 32 protein is maintained at 2 to 3 μm, and use the measured binding parameters for gene 32 protein, extrapolated to intracellular conditions, to provide a quantitative molecular interpretation of this system of control of gene expression. These results are then further utilized to define the specific autoregulatory binding sequence (translational operator site) on the gene 32 mRNA as a uniquely unstructured finite binding lattice terminated by elements of secondary structure not subject to melting by gene 32 protein at the autoregulated concentration, and to predict how this site must differ from those found on other T4 messenger RNAs. It is shown that these predictions are fully consistent with available T4 DNA sequence data. The control of free protein concentration as a method of genome regulation is discussed in terms of other systems to which these approaches may apply.  相似文献   

Genetic and physical analyses indicate that gene 18 protein of bacteriophage T7 is essential for packaging of T7 DNA. T7 DNA is replicated via linear intermediates, culminating in the formation of concatemers many genomes in length which are then packaged into capsids. In infections with phage carrying amber mutations in gene 18, development is blocked at the concatemer stage. Biochemical studies on the role of gene 18 protein in concatemer processing and DNA packaging have been hampered by its low level of expression of gene 18 during T7 infections. We have cloned gene 18 on a plasmid downstream from the bacteriophage lambda PL promoter controlled by the temperature-sensitive lambda repressor encoded by c 1857. Thermal induction leads to the expression of the 10,000-Da gene 18 protein to the extent of approximately 10% of the total protein after 2 h. The overexpressed gene 18 protein is susceptible to proteolytic degradation, a condition that can be alleviated by expression in an Escherichia coli strain carrying the lon100 deletion which reduces production of protease La. Extracts of induced cells will complement an extract of T7-infected cells lacking gene 18 protein for packaging of exogenous T7 DNA. The assay has been used to monitor the purification of gene 18 protein to essential homogeneity. The identity of the purified protein has been confirmed by sequencing of the N terminus. Gel filtration analysis suggests that the native protein is an octomer. Treatment of gene 18 protein with 3 M guanidine hydrochloride denatures it to a monomer. Removal of the denaturing agent by dialysis regenerates the octomeric structure and the ability to complement packaging extracts.  相似文献   

We have used fluorescence spectroscopy to investigate the binding of gene 32 protein from bacteriophage T4 to DNA which has been chemically modified with carcinogens or antitumor drugs. This protein exhibits a high specificity for single-stranded nucleic acids and binds more efficiently to DNA modified either with cis-diaminodichloroplatinum(II) or with aminofluorene derivatives than to native DNA. This increased affinity is related to the formation of locally unpaired regions which are strong binding sites for the single-strand binding protein. In contrast, gene 32 protein has the same affinity for native DNA, DNA containing methylated purines and DNA that has reacted with trans-diaminodichloroplatinum(II) or with chlorodiethylenetriaminoplatinum(II) chloride. These types of damage do not induce a sufficient structural change to allow gene 32 protein binding. Depurination of DNA does not create binding sites for the T4 gene 32 protein but nicked apurinic sites are strong ligands for the protein. This T4 single-strand binding protein does not exhibit a significantly increased affinity for nicked DNA as compared with native DNA. These results are discussed with respect to the recognition of DNA damage by proteins involved in DNA repair and to the possible role of single-strand binding proteins in DNA repair mechanisms.  相似文献   

F Watanabe 《FEBS letters》1989,242(2):444-446
The cooperative binding of T4 gene 32 protein with polynucleotides, of which the quantitative aspects in the literature have not satisfied the requirements of thermodynamics, is studied by adopting a modified formula of the lattice theory. A moderate value is found for the cooperativity parameter (q approximately 200 at 0.2 M NaCl), which is weakly dependent on salt concentration. The cation effect on the binding suggests that the shielding of negative charges of the protein or a loose cation bridge between the bound protein molecules plays a role in the cooperative binding process.  相似文献   

DNAs of lambda T4 recombinants 596-27 (genes 50-5), 596-30 (genes 50-8), 596-29 (genes 50-12), 591-16 (genes 6-8), 591-1 (genes 9-12), 596-13 (genes 13-16), 596-17 (genes 18-20) and 596-11 (genes 25-29) were mapped with the use of EcoRI, HindIII, SmaI, SalI and BamHI restriction enzymes. T4 dcDNA was digested with HindIII restriction endonuclease and resulting fragments were cloned into HindIII lambda vector 761. The recombinants 761-7, 761-17, 761-19, 761-24, 761-44, 761-50, 761-55 contained the region of genes 25-48 and 761-42, 761-26 and 761-16 contained a single HindIII-fragment with genes 6-12 in both orientations. Data obtained with the DNA of the latter recombinants allowed to show the correctness of the map established earlier which did not contain a full set of overlapping sequences. As a result of the experiments reported, the position of EcoRI and HindIII recognition sites in the region of genes 50-20 and 25-48 was determined and in the region of genes 25-48 BglII and XhoI restriction sites were mapped. The location of a single BamHI restriction site in the region of gene 8 was also established.  相似文献   

The gene 45 protein from bacteriophage T4 has been purified and is crystallized. This protein is part of the T4 DNA replication complex. The crystallized protein is active in complementation assays. X-ray diffraction analysis is in progress; data are measured for the native and several heavy atom derivatives. The crystals diffract to about 3.5-A resolution.  相似文献   

In this study, we use single-stranded DNA (oligo-dT) lattices that have been position-specifically labeled with monomer or dimer 2-aminopurine (2-AP) probes to map the local interactions of the DNA bases with the nucleic acid binding cleft of gp32, the single-stranded binding (ssb) protein of bacteriophage T4. Three complementary spectroscopic approaches are used to characterize these local interactions of the probes with nearby nucleotide bases and amino acid residues at varying levels of effective protein binding cooperativity, as manipulated by changing lattice length. These include: (i) examining local quenching and enhancing effects on the fluorescence spectra of monomer 2-AP probes at each position within the cleft; (ii) using acrylamide as a dynamic-quenching additive to measure solvent access to monomer 2-AP probes at each ssDNA position; and (iii) employing circular dichroism spectra to characterize changes in exciton coupling within 2-AP dimer probes at specific ssDNA positions within the protein cleft. The results are interpreted in part by what we know about the topology of the binding cleft from crystallographic studies of the DNA binding domain of gp32 and provide additional insights into how gp32 can manipulate the ssDNA chain at various steps of DNA replication and other processes of genome expression.  相似文献   

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