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We have isolated cDNA clones derived from three mRNA sequences which are inducible by DIF, the putative stalk-specific morphogen of Dictyostelium. The three mRNA sequences are selectively expressed in cells on the stalk cell pathway of differentiation and we have compared them with previously characterized prestalk-enriched mRNA sequences. We find these latter sequences are expressed without a dependence on DIF, are much less highly enriched in prestalk over prespore cells and are expressed earlier during development than the DIF-inducible mRNA sequences. We propose two distinct mechanisms whereby a mRNA may become enriched in prestalk cells. An apparently small number of genes, represented by those we have isolated, is inducible by DIF and accumulates only in prestalk cells. We suggest that a second class of prestalk-enriched mRNA sequences are induced by cAMP to accumulate in all cells during aggregation and then become enriched in prestalk cells by selective loss from prespore cells.  相似文献   

DIF is an endogenous extracellular signal that may control differentiation of D. discoideum cells. It is a dialyzable, lipid-like factor that induces stalk cell formation among isolated amebae incubated in vitro with cAMP. To examine the consequences of DIF deprivation, we have isolated several mutant strains that are impaired in DIF accumulation, and whose inability to make stalk cells in vitro and during normal development on agar can be corrected by the addition of exogenous DIF. Little DIF is made by the mutants, and morphological development on agar stops after the cells have aggregated, but before a slug forms. In these DIF-deprived conditions, prespore cells can differentiate, but prestalk cells cannot.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Bacillus subtilis fliM gene has been determined. This gene encodes a 38-kDa protein that is homologous to the FliM flagellar switch proteins of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Expression of this gene in Che+ cells of E. coli and B. subtilis interferes with normal chemotaxis. The nature of the chemotaxis defect is dependent upon the host used. In B. subtilis, overproduction of FliM generates mostly nonmotile cells. Those cells that are motile switch less frequently. Expression of B. subtilis FliM in E. coli also generates nonmotile cells. However, those cells that are motile have a tumble bias. The B. subtilis fliM gene cannot complement an E. coli fliM mutant. A frameshift mutation was constructed in the fliM gene, and the mutation was transferred onto the B. subtilis chromosome. The mutant has a Fla- phenotype. This phenotype is consistent with the hypothesis that the FliM protein encodes a component of the flagellar switch in B. subtilis. Additional characterization of the fliM mutant suggests that the hag and mot loci are not expressed. These loci are regulated by the SigD form of RNA polymerase. We also did not observe any methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins in an in vivo methylation experiment. The expression of these proteins is also dependent upon SigD. It is possible that a functional basal body-hook complex may be required for the expression of SigD-regulated chemotaxis and motility genes.  相似文献   

We have isolated cDNA clones of the mRNA for rat UDP-glucuronosyltransferase that catalyzes the glucuronidation of 4-nitrophenol, by using synthetic oligonucleotides as hybridization probes. The complete nucleotide sequence of the 1,927-base pairs cDNA insert has been determined. With untranslated sequences of 124 and 216 base pairs in the 5'- and 3'-terminal regions, respectively, the cDNA insert contained 1,587 base pairs that encode a complete primary structure of a putative precursor form of 4-nitrophenol UDP-glucuronosyltransferase with a calculated molecular weight of 60,114. The cDNA sequence also indicates the presence of 25 amino acids preceding the sequence determined by microsequence of the isolated protein. This extrapeptide, for the most part, consists of hydrophobic amino acids which are characteristic of the signal peptides as found for secretory proteins and most transmembrane proteins. Furthermore, the deduced amino acid sequence contains a putative halt transfer signal of a hydrophobic segment (residues 487-510), which is flanked on both sides by the peptide segments of highly charged amino acid residues (residues 463-486 and 511-529). These features are consistent with the properties of transmembrane proteins. Specific cDNA probes were used to analyze the induction of the enzyme in rat tissues by treatment with 3-methylcholanthrene. RNA blot analysis showed that 3-methylcholanthrene increased 10- to 15-fold the amount of hybridizable mRNA in liver. The livers and kidneys from 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats were found to contain almost the same amount of hybridizable mRNA, although the basal level in the kidney was much higher than that of the liver, and the amounts in the lung were much lower than that of the liver and kidney.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells achieve complexity by compartmentalizing a subset of cellular functions into membrane-bound organelles. Maintaining this high level of cellular organization requires precise regulation of traffic between membranes. This task is accomplished, in part, by rab proteins. How these small GTPases regulate membrane traffic between cellular compartments is not clear. Here we report the characterization of a novel rab GTPase from the soil amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum. The predicted coding sequence of the new rab gene, Dictyostelium rab11b, encodes a protein of 25 kD containing all the structural hallmarks of a rab GTPase. Comparison of the sequence with the GenBank database and cladistic analysis demonstrated Dictyostelium rab11b to be a divergent member of the rab11 branch of rab proteins. Southern analysis revealed the presence of related genes in Dictyostelium. RNAse protection assays showed the Dictyostelium rab11b gene to be expressed at uniform levels throughout growth and development. Gene deletion experiments revealed that Dictyostelium rab11b was not essential for growth or development. Conceivably, the function of rab11b may be redundant with that of related genes in this organism. J. Cell. Biochem. 70:29–37, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, inc.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a Dictyostelium discoideum gene (PYR1-3) encoding a multifunctional protein that carries the three first enzymatic activities of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. The PYR1-3 gene is adjacent to another gene of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway (PYR4); the two genes are separated by a 1.5-kb non-coding sequence and transcribed divergently. The PYR1-3 gene is transcribed to form a 7.5-kb polyadenylated mRNA. As with the other genes of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway, the PYR1-3 mRNA level is high during growth and decreases sharply during development. We have determined the nucleotide sequence of 63% of the coding region of the PYR1-3 gene. We have identified the activities of the protein encoded by the D. discoideum PYR1-3 gene by comparison of amino acid sequences with the products of genes of known function. The PYR1-3 gene contains four distinct regions that probably correspond to four domains in the protein. From the NH2 extremity to the COOH extremity, these domains are: glutamine amidotransferase, carbamoylphosphate synthetase, dihydroorotase and aspartate transcarbamylase. This organization is identical to the one found in the rudimentary gene of Drosophila. The evolutionary implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

The highly purified yeast mRNA capping enzyme is composed of two separate chains of 52 (alpha) and 80 kDa (beta), responsible for the activities of mRNA guanylyltransferase and RNA 5'-triphosphatase, respectively (Itoh, N., Yamada, H., Kaziro, Y., and Mizumoto, K. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 1989-1995). The gene encoding the mRNA guanylyltransferase subunit (alpha subunit), CEG1, has been isolated by immunological screening of a yeast genomic expression library in lambda gt11 with polyclonal antibodies directed against purified yeast capping enzyme. The identity of CEG1 was confirmed by epitope selection and by expressing the gene in Escherichia coli to give a catalytically active mRNA guanylyltransferase. The gene is present in one copy per haploid genome, and encodes a polypeptide of 459 amino acid residues. From its primary structure as well as its mRNA size, it was concluded that the alpha and the beta subunits of yeast mRNA capping enzyme are encoded by two separate genes, not as a fused protein. CEG1 is located on the chromosome VII by a pulse-field gel electrophoresis. Gene disruption experiment indicated that CEG1 is essential for the growth of yeast. We have also found another open reading frame (ORF2) which lies in close proximity to CEG1 in our clones and encodes a 450 amino acid-polypeptide of yet unknown function.  相似文献   

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