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Light sheet microscopy is the ideal imaging technique to study zebrafish embryonic development. Due to minimal photo-toxicity and bleaching, it is particularly suited for long-term time-lapse imaging over many hours up to several days. However, an appropriate sample mounting strategy is needed that offers both confinement and normal development of the sample. Multilayer mounting, a new embedding technique using low-concentration agarose in optically clear tubes, now overcomes this limitation and unleashes the full potential of light sheet microscopy for real-time developmental biology.  相似文献   

Significant advances in fluorescence microscopy tend be a balance between two competing qualities wherein improvements in resolution and low light detection are typically accompanied by losses in acquisition rate and signal-to-noise, respectively. These trade-offs are becoming less of a barrier to biomedical research as recent advances in optoelectronic microscopy and developments in fluorophore chemistry have enabled scientists to see beyond the diffraction barrier, image deeper into live specimens, and acquire images at unprecedented speed. Selective plane illumination microscopy has provided significant gains in the spatial and temporal acquisition of fluorescence specimens several mm in thickness. With commercial systems now available, this method promises to expand on recent advances in 2-photon deep-tissue imaging with improved speed and reduced photobleaching compared to laser scanning confocal microscopy. Superresolution microscopes are also available in several modalities and can be coupled with selective plane illumination techniques. The combination of methods to increase resolution, acquisition speed, and depth of collection are now being married to common microscope systems, enabling scientists to make significant advances in live cell and in situ imaging in real time. We show that light sheet microscopy provides significant advantages for imaging live zebrafish embryos compared to laser scanning confocal microscopy.  相似文献   

Understanding the architecture of mammalian brain at single-cell resolution is one of the key issues of neuroscience. However, mapping neuronal soma and projections throughout the whole brain is still challenging for imaging and data management technologies. Indeed, macroscopic volumes need to be reconstructed with high resolution and contrast in a reasonable time, producing datasets in the TeraByte range. We recently demonstrated an optical method (confocal light sheet microscopy, CLSM) capable of obtaining micron-scale reconstruction of entire mouse brains labeled with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Combining light sheet illumination and confocal detection, CLSM allows deep imaging inside macroscopic cleared specimens with high contrast and speed. Here we describe the complete experimental pipeline to obtain comprehensive and human-readable images of entire mouse brains labeled with fluorescent proteins. The clearing and the mounting procedures are described, together with the steps to perform an optical tomography on its whole volume by acquiring many parallel adjacent stacks. We showed the usage of open-source custom-made software tools enabling stitching of the multiple stacks and multi-resolution data navigation. Finally, we illustrated some example of brain maps: the cerebellum from an L7-GFP transgenic mouse, in which all Purkinje cells are selectively labeled, and the whole brain from a thy1-GFP-M mouse, characterized by a random sparse neuronal labeling.  相似文献   

The recently developed correlative super-resolution fluorescence microscopy (SRM) and electron microscopy (EM) is a hybrid technique that simultaneously obtains the spatial locations of specific molecules with SRM and the context of the cellular ultrastructure by EM. Although the combination of SRM and EM remains challenging owing to the incompatibility of samples prepared for these techniques, the increasing research attention on these methods has led to drastic improvements in their performances and resulted in wide applications. Here, we review the development of correlative SRM and EM (sCLEM) with a focus on the correlation of EM with different SRM techniques. We discuss the limitations of the integration of these two microscopy techniques and how these challenges can be addressed to improve the quality of correlative images. Finally, we address possible future improvements and advances in the continued development and wide application of sCLEM approaches.  相似文献   

Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) is gaining more and more popularity as a method to image embryonic development. The main advantages of LSFM compared to confocal systems are its low phototoxicity, gentle mounting strategies, fast acquisition with high signal to noise ratio and the possibility of imaging samples from various angles (views) for long periods of time. Imaging from multiple views unleashes the full potential of LSFM, but at the same time it can create terabyte-sized datasets. Processing such datasets is the biggest challenge of using LSFM. In this protocol we outline some solutions to this problem. Until recently, LSFM was mostly performed in laboratories that had the expertise to build and operate their own light sheet microscopes. However, in the last three years several commercial implementations of LSFM became available, which are multipurpose and easy to use for any developmental biologist. This article is primarily directed to those researchers, who are not LSFM technology developers, but want to employ LSFM as a tool to answer specific developmental biology questions. Here, we use imaging of zebrafish eye development as an example to introduce the reader to LSFM technology and we demonstrate applications of LSFM across multiple spatial and temporal scales. This article describes a complete experimental protocol starting with the mounting of zebrafish embryos for LSFM. We then outline the options for imaging using the commercially available light sheet microscope. Importantly, we also explain a pipeline for subsequent registration and fusion of multiview datasets using an open source solution implemented as a Fiji plugin. While this protocol focuses on imaging the developing zebrafish eye and processing data from a particular imaging setup, most of the insights and troubleshooting suggestions presented here are of general use and the protocol can be adapted to a variety of light sheet microscopy experiments.  相似文献   

Major advances in high-throughput, high-resolution, 3D microscopy techniques have enabled the acquisition of large volumes of neuroanatomical data at submicrometer resolution. One of the first such instruments producing whole-brain-scale data is the Knife-Edge Scanning Microscope (KESM)7, 5, 9, developed and hosted in the authors'' lab. KESM has been used to section and image whole mouse brains at submicrometer resolution, revealing the intricate details of the neuronal networks (Golgi)1, 4, 8, vascular networks (India ink)1, 4, and cell body distribution (Nissl)3. The use of KESM is not restricted to the mouse nor the brain. We have successfully imaged the octopus brain6, mouse lung, and rat brain. We are currently working on whole zebra fish embryos. Data like these can greatly contribute to connectomics research10; to microcirculation and hemodynamic research; and to stereology research by providing an exact ground-truth. In this article, we will describe the pipeline, including specimen preparation (fixing, staining, and embedding), KESM configuration and setup, sectioning and imaging with the KESM, image processing, data preparation, and data visualization and analysis. The emphasis will be on specimen preparation and visualization/analysis of obtained KESM data. We expect the detailed protocol presented in this article to help broaden the access to KESM and increase its utilization.  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure for light microscopic investigation of undecalcified and unembeddedbone sections. Biopsy samples of human metatarsus and femur and rat femur were fixed in aldehydes and sectioned with a cutting machine equipped with a diamond saw blade. Free sections 100-150 μm thick, stained with toluidine blue and von Kossa, did not show artifacts following the cutting, and the spatial relations of mineralized and nonmineralized components remained intact. Compact and trabecular bone, bone marrow and all cell types appeared well preserved and easily recognizable. Our procedure provides a simple and rapid method for preparing bone sections which undergo no chemical treatment other than fixation. This method is a useful alternative to standard histological protocols for studying bone specimens.  相似文献   

Plastination permits the preservation of anatomical specimens in a physical state approaching that of the living condition. We studied the possibility of using silicone plastinated fragments of spleen and pancreas for optical and electron microscopy, and found that with an adequate fixation protocol, plastinated specimens can be used for both light microscopy and ultra-structural studies. Deplastination with sodium methoxide permitted production of clean sections. Artifacts produced by plastination/deplastination could be nearly eliminated by glutaraldehyde/formaldehyde fixation. The (Biodur) silicone S10 polymer is transparent and stable in an electron beam, and plastinated tissues can be contrasted or colored similar to tissues embedded in Epon 812. In addition to being very life-like, plastinated tissues are stable and easy to handle. They can also be used for electron and light microscopic studies. This technique may also allow retrospective epidemiological studies of archived pathology specimens.  相似文献   

To understand the microcircuitry of the brain, the anatomical and functional connectivity among neurons must be resolved. One of the technical hurdles to achieving this goal is that the anatomical connections, or synapses, are often smaller than the diffraction limit of light and thus are difficult to resolve by conventional microscopy, while the microcircuitry of the brain is on the scale of 1 mm or larger. To date, the gold standard method for microcircuit reconstruction has been electron microscopy (EM). However, despite its rapid development, EM has clear shortcomings as a method for microcircuit reconstruction. The greatest weakness of this method is arguably its incompatibility with functional and molecular analysis. Fluorescence microscopy, on the other hand, is readily compatible with numerous physiological and molecular analyses. We believe that recent advances in various fluorescence microscopy techniques offer a new possibility for reliable synapse detection in large volumes of neural circuits. In this minireview, we summarize recent advances in fluorescence-based microcircuit reconstruction. In the same vein as these studies, we introduce our recent efforts to analyze the long-range connectivity among brain areas and the subcellular distribution of synapses of interest in relatively large volumes of cortical tissue with array tomography and superresolution microscopy.  相似文献   

由于光学元件的衍射效应,常规光学显微术的分辨率被限制在半波长左右,无法满足对于亚百纳米尺度的样品进行探测的需求。受激发射损耗显微术(STED)通过引入一束损耗光以受激发射的方式减小有效荧光的发光面积,可以实现超衍射极限的空间分辨率。自提出以来,STED显微术经过了多方面的改进和发展,已被成功地应用于生物医学、材料学等领域,对样品进行多功能超分辨成像。本文详细阐述了STED的机理及其中的关键技术,综述了STED的发展历程及最新进展,并介绍了其具体应用。  相似文献   

Lead tetraacetate-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate reaction sequence for light microscopy of polysaccharides was evaluated on Carnoy's fixed rat liver sections. The results of this evaluation suggest that, on the light microscopic level, the lead tetraacetate-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate method may serve as a practical and histochemically specific alternative to the lead tetraacetate-Schiff reaction for the localization of tissue carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Lead tetraacetate-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate reaction sequence for light microscopy of polysaccharides was evaluated on Carnoy's fixed rat liver sections. The results of this evaluation suggest that, on the light microscopic level, the lead tetraacetate-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate method may serve as a practical and histochemically specific alternative to the lead tetraacetate-Schiff reaction for the localization of tissue carbohydrates.  相似文献   

The coupling of cryo-light microscopy (cryo-LM) and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) poses a number of advantages for understanding cellular dynamics and ultrastructure. First, cells can be imaged in a near native environment for both techniques. Second, due to the vitrification process, samples are preserved by rapid physical immobilization rather than slow chemical fixation. Third, imaging the same sample with both cryo-LM and cryo-EM provides correlation of data from a single cell, rather than a comparison of "representative samples". While these benefits are well known from prior studies, the widespread use of correlative cryo-LM and cryo-EM remains limited due to the expense and complexity of buying or building a suitable cryogenic light microscopy stage. Here we demonstrate the assembly, and use of an inexpensive cryogenic stage that can be fabricated in any lab for less than $40 with parts found at local hardware and grocery stores. This cryo-LM stage is designed for use with reflected light microscopes that are fitted with long working distance air objectives. For correlative cryo-LM and cryo-EM studies, we adapt the use of carbon coated standard 3-mm cryo-EM grids as specimen supports. After adsorbing the sample to the grid, previously established protocols for vitrifying the sample and transferring/handling the grid are followed to permit multi-technique imaging. As a result, this setup allows any laboratory with a reflected light microscope to have access to direct correlative imaging of frozen hydrated samples.  相似文献   

Microscopy is an essential tool for analysis of cellular structures and function. With the advent of new fluorescent probes and super-resolution light microscopy techniques, the study of dynamic processes in living cells has been greatly facilitated. Fluorescence light microscopy provides analytical, quantitative, and three-dimensional (3D) data with emphasis on analysis of live cells using fluorescent markers. Sample preparation is easy and relatively inexpensive, and the use of appropriate tags provides the ability to track specific proteins of interest. Of course, only electron microscopy (EM) achieves the highest definition in terms of ultrastructure and protein labeling. To fill the gap between light microscopy and EM, correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) strategies have been developed. In particular, hybrid techniques based upon immuno-EM provide sensitive protein detection combined with high-resolution information on cell structures and protein localization. By adding the third dimension to EM with electron tomography (ET) combined with rapid freezing, CLEM techniques now provide additional tools for quantitative 3D analysis. Here, we overview the major methods applied and highlight the latest advances in the field of CLEM. We then focus on two selected techniques that use cryosections as substrate for combined biomolecular imaging. Finally, we provide a perspective of future developments in the field. (J Histochem Cytochem 57:1103–1112, 2009)  相似文献   

The utility of fluorescence microscopy for studying development of fern spores is investigated. Changes in the fluorescence characteristics during the developmental stages of fern sporangia can be attributed to the changes in the chemical composition of the cell wall. Bright blue autofluorescence of the spores indicated the presence of sporopollenin. The sporan-gial walls and the spores autofluoresced yellow under blue light excitation. Fluorescence microscopy is a useful addition to light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy because living specimens can be studied owing to their fluorescence properties.  相似文献   

Liposome-DNA complexes are one of the most promising systems for the protection and delivery of nucleic acids to combat neoplastic, viral, and genetic diseases. In addition, they are being used as models in the elucidation of many biological phenomena such as viral infection and transduction. In order to understand these phenomena and to realize the mechanism of nucleic acid transfer by liposome-DNA complexes, studies at the molecular level are required. To this end, scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is increasingly being used in the characterization of lipid layers, lipid aggregates, liposomes, and their complexes with nucleic acid molecules. The most attractive attributes of SPM are the potential to image samples with subnanometer spatial resolution under physiological conditions and provide information on their physical and mechanical properties. This review describes the application of scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy, the two most commonly applied SPM techniques, in the characterisation of liposome-DNA complexes.  相似文献   

The use of propagation invariant Bessel beams has enabled high-resolution subcellular light sheet fluorescence microscopy. However, the energy within the concentric side lobe structure of Bessel beams increases significantly with propagation length, generating unwanted out-of-focus fluorescence that enforces practical limits on the imaging field of view size. Here, we present a light sheet fluorescence microscope that achieves 390 nm isotropic resolution and high optical sectioning strength (i.e., out-of-focus blur is strongly suppressed) over large field of views, without the need for structured illumination or deconvolution-based postprocessing. We demonstrate simultaneous dual-color, high-contrast, and high-dynamic-range time-lapse imaging of migrating cells in complex three-dimensional microenvironments, three-dimensional tracking of clathrin-coated pits, and long-term imaging spanning >10 h and encompassing >2600 time points.  相似文献   

Summary— Confocal scanning optical microscopy has significant advantages over conventional fluorescence microscopy: it rejects the out-of-locus light and provides a greater resolution than the wide-field microscope. In laser scanning optical microscopy, the specimen is scanned by a diffraction-limited spot of laser light and the fluorescence emission (or the reflected light) is focused onto a photodetector. The imaged point is then digitized, stored into the memory of a computer and displayed at the appropriate spatial position on a graphic device as a part of a two-dimensional image. Thus, confocal scanning optical microscopy allows accurate non-invasive optical sectioning and further three-dimensional reconstruction of biological specimens. Here we review the recent technological aspects of the principles and uses of the confocal microscope, and we introduce the different methods of three-dimensional imaging.  相似文献   

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