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Urban development increasingly occupies more landscape and is responsible for habitat alteration and fragmentation of so many ecosystems that urban environments can no longer be excluded from the areas to be considered in conservation strategies. Appropriate management measures ensuring population viability are needed, but due to the usually irreversible feature of the urbanisation process, the measures may differ from non-urbanised areas. Sufficient gene flow levels, leading to successful seed production, appear to be a key element in the sustainable persistence of insect-pollinated plant remnant populations. This study investigated reproductive success and pollen dispersal patterns in Centaurea jacea, an insect-pollinated hay-meadow herb, in the Brussels urban area (Belgium). Reproductive performance of urban park populations was compared with populations occurring in urban semi-natural sites. Pollen dispersal patterns were examined within and among-population patches from two urban parks using fluorescent dye as a pollen analogue. Urban park populations showed a higher reproductive success than those in urban semi-natural sites. Depositions of fluorescent dye particles on recipient individuals were found within populations (<20 m), among populations within parks (over a few hundred meters) and among parks (maximal investigated distance: 2.6 km), indicating pollinator movements and a potential gene flow by pollen over relatively long distances. Dye dispersal showed an exponential decay distribution with respect to spatial distance. The very small populations received more immigrant dye deposition when located at short distances from the source population. These findings demonstrate that urban populations do not perform worse in reproductive success than populations from agricultural landscapes, despite their small size, and can function as a network exchanging pollen. The conversion of urban park lawns into interconnected networks of ecologically managed hay meadows, allowing simultaneous flowering and seed production in many patches of target species, is to be strongly encouraged.  相似文献   

Assessing the relative contributions to seed sets of each of a plant species' floral visitors provides an indication of the relative influence of these visitors on the plants' reproductive success. In this study we compared the seed set of the gynodioecious Knautia arvensis (Dipsacaceae) in 49 local plant populations in two regions of southern Sweden. We measured the seed set for hermaphroditic and female plant individuals. In both plant sexes and both regions, the seed set was positively related to the abundance of Apidae. The seed set was negatively related to the abundance of pollen-foraging solitary bees (Halictidae, Megachilidae) and beetles (Oedemeridae, Malachidae). The seed set was not related to plant population size, plant density or female frequency. Our results confirm that pollination success in generalised plant–pollinator systems varies between pollinator groups. Flower-visitors foraging for pollen might not contribute to increased pollination success in generalised pollination systems.  相似文献   

K Ottewell  E Grey  F Castillo  J Karubian 《Heredity》2012,109(6):332-339
Pollen dispersal shapes the local genetic structure of plant populations and determines the opportunity for local selection and genetic drift, but has been well studied in few animal-pollinated plants in tropical rainforests. Here, we characterise pollen movement for an insect-pollinated Neotropical canopy palm, Oenocarpus bataua, and relate these data to adult mating system and population genetic structure. The study covers a 130-ha parcel in which all adult trees (n=185) were mapped and genotyped at 12 microsatellite loci, allowing us to positively identify the source tree for 90% of pollination events (n=287 of 318 events). Mating system analysis showed O. bataua was effectively outcrossed (tm=1.02) with little biparental inbreeding (tmts=−0.005) and an average of 5.4 effective pollen donors (Nep) per female. Dispersal distances were relatively large for an insect-pollinated species (mean=303 m, max=1263 m), and far exceeded nearest-neighbour distances. Dispersal kernel modelling indicated a thin-tailed Weibull distribution offered the best fit to the genetic data, which contrasts with the fat-tailed kernels typically reported for pollen dispersal in trees. Preliminary analyses suggest that our findings may be explained, at least in part, by a relatively diffuse spatial and temporal distribution of flowering trees. Comparison with previously reported estimates of seed movement for O. bataua suggests that pollen and seed dispersal distances may be similar. These findings add to the growing body of information on dispersal in insect-pollinated trees, but underscore the need for continued research on tropical systems in general, and palms in particular.  相似文献   

For insect-pollinated plant species, reproductive success and genetic exchange via the transfer of pollen between flowers depends (i.a.) on the efficiency, abundance and behaviour of floral visitors. These in turn are expected to respond to plant population size and flower density. High floral densities for example usually attract large numbers of pollinators that visit more flowers per plant or patch, which increases pollen deposition at short distances. Thus, population characteristics might serve as indicators for pollen dispersal patterns and help to identify suitable habitat size and quality for conservation measures. To test this hypothesis, we observed floral visitors of a generalist, entomophilous species, Comarum palustre, and compared their abundance and visitation rates in populations of different sizes and flower densities. At the same time, we mimicked pollen flow using fluorescent dye. In the large and dense populations, pollinator abundance and visitation rates were high and dye was dispersed to the edges of the populations (up to 200 m). In the medium-sized population with high flower density, insect abundance and visitation rates were unexpectedly low and dye dispersal declined very quickly. On the contrary, in the smallest population with scattered flowers, especially bumble bee abundance was similar to the large populations and dye dispersal mirrored this high bumble bee activity. Thus, our results indicate that in smaller habitat fragments, the mere size of a population might be insufficient to suggest pollen flow for a plant species. Instead, the abundance of its major pollinators should be considered.  相似文献   

Variation in nectar chemistry among plants, flowers, or individual nectaries of a given species has been only rarely explored, yet it is an essential aspect to our understanding of how pollinator-mediated selection might act on nectar traits. This paper describes variation in nectar sugar composition in a population of the perennial herb Helleborus foetidus (Ranunculaceae) and dissects it into components due to variation among plants, flowers of the same plant, and nectaries of the same flower. The proportions of sucrose, glucose, and fructose in single-nectary nectar samples collected at two times in the flowering season were determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sugar composition varied extensively among nectaries, and nearly all combinations of individual sugars were recorded. Population-wide variance was mainly accounted for by variation among flowers of the same plant (56% of total), nectaries of the same flower (30%), and only minimally by differences among plants (14%). In absolute terms, intraplant variation was similar to or greater than that ordinarily reported in interspecific comparisons. Results suggest that the prevailing notion of intraspecific constancy in nectar sugar composition may be unwarranted for some species and that more elaborate nectar sampling designs are required to detect and appropriately account for extensive within-plant variance. Within-plant variation in nectar sugar composition will limit the ability of pollinators to exert selection on nectar chemistry in H. foetidus and may be advantageous to plants by reducing the number of flowers visited per foraging bout by variance-sensitive, risk-averse pollinators.  相似文献   

In order to conserve forest plant species under the particularly high constraints that represent urban surroundings, it is necessary to identify the key factors for population persistence. This study examined within‐ and between‐population pollen dispersal using fluorescent dye as pollen analogue, and genetic variation and structure using 15 allozyme loci in Centaurium erythraea, an insect‐pollinated, early‐successional forest biennial herb occurring in a peri‐urban forest (Brussels urban zone, Belgium). Dye dispersal showed an exponential decay distribution, with most dye transfers occurring at short distances (<15 m), and only a few long‐distance events (up to 743 m). Flowers of C. erythraea are mainly visited by Syrphids (Diptera) and small bees, which are usually considered as short‐distance pollen dispersers, and occasionally by bumblebees, which are usually longer‐distance pollen dispersers. Small and large dye source populations differed in dye deposition patterns. The populations showed low genetic diversity, high inbreeding coefficients (FIS) and high genetic differentiation (FST), suggesting restricted gene flow, which can be expected for an early‐successional biennial species with a predominantly selfing breeding system and fluctuating population sizes. The positive relationship between recruitment rate and allelic richness and expected heterozygosity, and the absence of significant correlations between genetic variation and population size suggest seedling recruitment from the seed bank, contributing to maintain genetic diversity. Long‐distance dye dispersal events indicate pollinator movements along urban forest path and road verges. These landscape elements might therefore have a potential conservation value by contributing to connectivity of early‐successional species populations located in patchy open habitats.  相似文献   

  • Intraspecific variations in pollen morphological traits are poorly studied. Interspecific variations are often associated with pollination systems and pollinator types. Altitudinal environmental changes, which can influence local pollinator assemblages, provide opportunities to explore differentiation in pollen traits of a single species over short distances. The aim of this study is to examine intraspecific variations in pollen traits of an insect-pollinated shrub, Weigela hortensis (Caprifoliaceae), along an altitudinal gradient.
  • Pollen spine phenotypes (length, number and density), pollen diameter, lipid mass (pollenkitt) around pollen grains, pollen production per flower and pollinator assemblages were compared at four sites at different altitudes.
  • Spine length and the spine length/diameter ratio of pollen grains were greater at higher altitudes but not correlated with flower or plant size. Spine number and density increased as flower size increased, and pollen lipid mass decreased as plant size increased. Bees were the predominant pollinators at low-altitude sites whereas flies, specifically Oligoneura spp. (Acroceridae), increased in relative abundance with increasing altitude.
  • The results of this study suggest that the increase in spine length with altitude was the result of selection favouring longer spines at higher-altitude sites and/or shorter spines at lower-altitude sites. The altitudinal variation in selection pressure on spine length could reflect changes in local pollinator assemblages with altitude.

The number of sires fertilizing a given dam is a key parameter of the mating system in species with spatially restricted offspring dispersal, since genetic relatedness among maternal sibs determines the intensity of sib competition. In flowering plants, the extent of multiple paternity is determined by factors such as floral biology, properties of the pollen vector, selfing rate, spatial organization of the population, and genetic compatibility between neighbours. To assess the extent of multiple paternity and identify ecological factors involved, we performed a detailed study of mating patterns in a small population of a self-incompatible clonal herb, Arabidopsis halleri . We mapped and genotyped 364 individuals and 256 of their offspring at 12 microsatellite loci and jointly analysed the level of multiple paternity, pollen and seed dispersal, and spatial genetic structure. We found very low levels of correlated paternity among sibs ( P full-sib = 3.8%) indicating high multiple paternity. Our estimate of the outcrossing rate was 98.7%, suggesting functional self-incompatibility. The pollen dispersal distribution was significantly restricted (mean effective pollen dispersal distance: 4.42 m) but long-distance successful pollination occurred and immigrating pollen was at most 10% of all pollination events. Patterns of genetic structure indicated little extent of clonal reproduction, and a low but significant spatial genetic structure typical for a self-incompatible species. Overall, in spite of restricted pollen dispersal, the multiple paternity in this self-incompatible species was very high, a result that we interpret as a consequence of high plant density and high pollinator service in this population.  相似文献   

Urban and peri-urban forests incur high anthropogenic pressures (e.g. recreational activities, artificialization, and eutrophication). Plant species from early-successional, transient, forest habitats, often characterized by a short life span and a persistent seed bank in the soil may differ from late-successional species in key-factors for population persistence. This study investigated variation in population size and seedling recruitment for different forest succession stages and three consecutive years in Centaurium erythraea, an early-successional biennial herb, occurring in a peri-urban forest of Brussels urban zone (Belgium). Forest succession stage had a significant impact on C. erythraea population size and on its temporal fluctuation. Populations in closing vegetation (evolving to late-succession stages) showed small population sizes and a low number of recruits compared to populations from stable early-succession vegetation and clearcuts. The number of recruits was the highest after clearcutting, which can be related to the expression of the soil seed bank. Populations showed year-to-year variation in size (flowering individuals and recruits), even in stable (over three years) early-succession forest vegetation. In the absence of disturbance changing succession stage, population size is expected to depend on seed set of the previous years and subsequent seedling recruitment, which can be affected by environmental stochasticity. Opening gaps in the herbaceous vegetation may stimulate seedling recruitment, also in unoccupied patches where “cryptic” seed populations are present in the soil. Forest path and road verges, despite their potential negative impact on forests, can constitute refuge habitats for early-successional forest plant species. Their management should involve the preservation of these species.  相似文献   

Populations of many species are isolated within narrow elevation bands of Neotropical mountain habitat, and how well dispersal maintains genetic connectivity is unknown. We asked whether genetic structure of an epiphytic orchid, Epidendrum firmum, corresponds to gaps between Costa Rican mountain ranges, and how these gaps influence pollen and seed flow. We predicted that significant genetic structure exists among mountain ranges due to different colonization histories and limited gene flow. Furthermore, we predicted that pollen movement contributes more to gene flow than seeds because seeds are released into strong winds perpendicular to the narrow northwest–southeast species distribution, while the likely pollinators are strong fliers. Individuals from 12 populations and three mountain ranges were genotyped with nuclear microsatellites (nDNA) and chloroplast sequences (cpDNA). Genetic diversity was high for both markers, while nDNA genetic structure was low (FSTn = 0.020) and cpDNA structure was moderate (FSTc = 0.443). Significant cpDNA barriers occurred within and among mountain ranges, but nDNA barriers were not significant after accounting for geographic distance. Consistent with these contrasting patterns of genetic structure, pollen contributes substantially more to gene flow among populations than seed (mp/ms = 46). Pollinators mediated extensive gene flow, eroding nDNA colonization footprints, while seed flow was comparatively limited, possibly due to directional prevailing winds across linearly distributed populations. Dispersal traits alone may not accurately inform predictions about gene flow or genetic structure, supporting the need for research into the potentially crucial role of pollinators and landscape context in gene flow among isolated populations.  相似文献   

Movements of organisms between habitat remnants can affect metapopulation structure, community assembly dynamics, gene flow and conservation strategy. In the tropical landscapes that support the majority of global biodiversity and where forest fragmentation is accelerating, there is particular urgency to understand how dispersal across habitats mediates the demography, distribution and differentiation of organisms. By employing unique dispersal challenge experiments coupled with exhaustive inventories of birds in a Panamanian lacustrine archipelago, we show that the ability to fly even short distances (< 100 m) between habitat fragments varies dramatically and consistently among species of forest birds, and that this variation correlates strongly with species' extinction histories and current distributions across the archipelago. This extreme variation in flight capability indicates that species' persistence in isolated forest remnants will be differentially mediated by their respective dispersal abilities, and that corridors connecting such fragments will be essential for the maintenance of avian diversity in fragmented tropical landscapes.  相似文献   

In polygynous mammals, it is commonly observed that both sex ratios at birth and dispersal are male biased. This has been interpreted as resulting from low female dispersal causing high female local resource competition, which would select for male-biased sex ratios. However, a female-biased sex ratio can be selected despite lower female than male-biased dispersal. This will occur if the low female dispersal is close to the optimal dispersal rate, while the male dispersal is not close to the optimal dispersal rate. The actual outcome depends on the joint evolution of sex-biased dispersal and sex ratio. Earlier analyses of joint evolution imply that there will be no sex-ratio nor dispersal biases at the joint evolutionarily stable strategy, thus they do not explain the data. However, these earlier analyses assume no intersexual competition for resources. Here, we show that when males and females compete with each other for access to resources, male-biased dispersal will be associated with male-biased birth sex ratio, as is commonly observed. A trend toward male-biased birth sex ratios is also expected if there is intersexual local resource competition and if birth sex ratio is constrained so that it cannot depart from balanced sex ratio.  相似文献   

Pollen and seed migration patterns are not the same in most plant populations, and the differences affect conditions for protection of alleles. We analyzed conditions for protectedness when pollen is freely exchanged along all demes, while seeds are deposited within the female parents' deme. Protectedness was analyzed at the boundary of fixation and necessary conditions were derived.If no selection among female genotypes exists, then simple average heterozygote superiority in the males can guarantee protection. However, regardless of the form of selection in females, simply doubling the male heterozygote superiority can still guarantee protectedness. Conditions for guaranteeing protectedness with female selection were also derived but are more complicated.The effect of inter-demic variability on protectedness of a biallelic polymorphim is studied for a particular method of reducing the variances of the selection values. It is shown that decreasing the variance of the female selection values also decreases protectedness. This is not necessarily true for the male selection values.  相似文献   

The fluorescent cell-counting technique was applied to the enumeration of cell-infecting units of respiratory syncytial (RS) virus in human fetal diploid (HFD) cover-slip cell cultures; it was a sensitive, precise, and rapid assay method. Approximately 2 hr was required for maximal adsorption of RS virus to HFD cell monolayers. However, about 15% of the infectious virus in the inoculum remained unadsorbed; this percentage was not significantly reduced even when the adsorption period was extended to 5 hr. A linear relationship between virus concentration and the number of fluorescent cells existed over a range of 1.2 log(10) units. Variation of the mean of replicate determinations in a single experiment was approximately 7.5%. The distribution of single infected HFD cells on cover-slip cell cultures corresponded with the calculated frequencies of the Poisson distribution. The Chi square test for the extent of fit was calculated for several experiments, and the value of P was never less than 0.5. The addition of immune serum after virus adsorption effectively inhibited the development of detectable levels of viral antigen in secondarily infected cells.  相似文献   

Gentiana leucomelaena manifests dramatic flower color polymorphism, with both blue‐ and white‐flowered individuals (pollinated by flies and bees) both within a population and on an individual plant. Previous studies of this species have shown that pollinator preference and flower temperature change as a function of flower color throughout the flowering season. However, few if any studies have explored the effects of flower color on both pollen viability (mediated by anther temperature) and pollinator preference on reproductive success (seed set) in a population or on individual plants over the course of the entire flowering season. Based on prior observations, we hypothesized that flower color affects both pollen viability (as a function of anther temperature) and pollen deposition (as a function of pollinator preference) to synergistically determine reproductive success during the peak of the flowering season. This hypothesis was tested by field observations and hand pollination experiments in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Generalized linear model and path analyses showed that pollen viability was determined by flower color, flowering season, and anther temperature. Anther temperature correlated positively with pollen viability during the peak of the early flowering season, but negatively affected pollen viability during the peak of the mid‐ to late flowering season. Pollen deposition was determined by flower color, flowering season (early, or mid‐ to late season), and pollen viability. Pollen viability and pollen deposition were affected by flower color that in turn affected seed set across the peak of the flowering season (i.e., when the greatest number of flowers were being pollinated). Hand pollination experiments showed that pollen viability and pollen deposition directly influenced seed set. These data collectively indicate that the preference of pollinators for flower color and pollen viability changed during the flowering season in a manner that optimizes successful reproduction in G. leucomelaena. This study is one of a few that have simultaneously considered the effects of both pollen viability and pollen deposition on reproductive success in the same population and on individual plants.  相似文献   

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