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The fru4 allele of the sex determination gene fruitless is induced by insertion of a P[lacZ,ry+] enhancer trap element. This insert also acts to disrupt expression of the fru P1 promoter derived male-specific proteins, consequently impairing male courtship behavior. fru4 maps less than 2 kb upstream of the fru P3 promoter, whose function is essential for viability. We replaced this insert with a GAL4 element, P[GAL4,w+], recovering two lines with insertions in opposite orientations at the locus, one of which demonstrated fru-specific mutant phenotypes. Reporter expression of these lines recapitulated that of P3- and P4-derived proteins which, when correlated with a developmental and tissue specific survey of fru promoters' activities, uncovered a previously unsuspected complexity of fru regulation. These novel fru alleles provide the tools for manipulation of fru-expressing cells, allowing the consequent effects to be related back to specific fru functions and the regulatory units controlling these activities.  相似文献   

Sepp KJ  Auld VJ 《Genetics》1999,151(3):1093-1101
Since the development of the enhancer trap technique, many large libraries of nuclear localized lacZ P-element stocks have been generated. These lines can lend themselves to the molecular and biological characterization of new genes. However they are not as useful for the study of development of cellular morphologies. With the advent of the GAL4 expression system, enhancer traps have a far greater potential for utility in biological studies. Yet generation of GAL4 lines by standard random mobilization has been reported to have a low efficiency. To avoid this problem we have employed targeted transposition to generate glial-specific GAL4 lines for the study of glial cellular development. Targeted transposition is the precise exchange of one P element for another. We report the successful and complete replacement of two glial enhancer trap P[lacZ, ry+] elements with the P[GAL4, w+] element. The frequencies of transposition to the target loci were 1.3% and 0.4%. We have thus found it more efficient to generate GAL4 lines from preexisting P-element lines than to obtain tissue-specific expression of GAL4 by random P-element mobilization. It is likely that similar screens can be performed to convert many other P-element lines to the GAL4 system.  相似文献   

Lateral root development occurs throughout the life of the plant and is responsible for the plasticity of the root system. In Arabidopsis thaliana, lateral root founder cells originate from pericycle cells adjacent to xylem poles. In order to study the mechanisms of lateral root development, a population of Arabidopsis GAL4-GFP enhancer trap lines were screened and two lines were isolated with GAL4 expression in root xylem-pole pericycle cells (J0121), i.e. in cells competent to become lateral root founder cells, and in young lateral root primordia (J0192). These two enhancer trap lines are very useful tools with which to study the molecular and cellular bases of lateral root development using targeted gene expression. These lines were used for genetic ablation experiments by targeting the expression of a toxin-encoding gene. Moreover, the molecular bases of the enhancer trap expression pattern were characterized. These results suggest that the lateral-root-specific GAL4 expression pattern in J0192 is due to a strong enhancer in the promoter of the LOB-domain protein gene LBD16.  相似文献   

To facilitate the monitoring of guard cells during developmentand isolation, a population of 704 GAL4 GFP enhancer trap lineswas screened and four single insert lines with guard cell GFPexpression and one with developmentally-regulated guard cellGFP expression were identified. The location of the T-DNA inserts,the expression of the flanking genes, and the promoter activityof the genomic DNA upstream of the T-DNA were characterized.The results indicated that the GFP expression pattern in atleast one of the lines was due to elements in the intergenicDNA immediately upstream of the T-DNA, rather than due to theactivity of the promoters of genes flanking the insert, andprovide evidence for the involvement of Dof elements in regulatingguard cell gene expression. It is shown further that the GAL4GFP lines can be used to track the contribution of guard cellmaterial in vitro, and this method was used to assess the purityof guard cell samples obtained using two methods of guard cellisolation. Key words: Arabidopsis, development, enhancer trap, GFP, guard cells, stomata, T-DNA Received 21 July 2008; Revised 7 October 2008 Accepted 16 October 2008  相似文献   

In multicellular organisms different types of tissues have distinct gene expression profiles associated with specific function or structure of the cell. Quantification of gene expression in whole organs or whole organisms can give misleading information about levels or dynamics of expression in specific cell types. Tissue‐ or cell‐specific analysis of gene expression has potential to enhance our understanding of gene regulation and interactions of cell signalling networks. The Arabidopsis circadian oscillator is a gene network which orchestrates rhythmic expression across the day/night cycle. There is heterogeneity between cell and tissue types of the composition and behaviour of the oscillator. In order to better understand the spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression, flexible tools are required. By combining a Gateway®‐compatible split luciferase construct with a GAL4 GFP enhancer trap system, we describe a tissue‐specific split luciferase assay for non‐invasive detection of spatiotemporal gene expression in Arabidopsis. We demonstrate the utility of this enhancer trap‐compatible split luciferase assay (ETSLA) system to investigate tissue‐specific dynamics of circadian gene expression. We confirm spatial heterogeneity of circadian gene expression in Arabidopsis leaves and describe the resources available to investigate any gene of interest.  相似文献   

Summary Embryos of 171 Drosophila lines carrying a P-lacZ insertion on the second or third chromosome were analyzed regarding their pattern of lacZ expression. All lines were selected from a larger screen of about 4000 lines (Bier et al. 1989). Tissue specificity and time of onset of lacZ expression was documented for each line. Thereby, a comprehensive list of markers for the various tissue and cell types of the Drosophila embryo could be assembled. With the help of several P-lacZ lines the development of a number of structures was studied which so far had been described only insufficiently or not at all. In particular, the embryonic origin and early development of the oenocytes, imaginal discs, histoblasts, fat body, dorsal vessel, and perineurial cells was analyzed. Several previously unknown cell types associated with the dorsal vessel, trachea, and epidermis were discovered. By combining data regarding the origin of the different mesodermally derived organs it was possible to generate in some detail a fate map of the mesoderm of the stage 11 Drosophila embryo. Offprint requests to: V. Hartenstein  相似文献   

The Drosophila testis has proven to be a valuable model organ for investigation of germline stem cell (GSC) maintenance and differentiation as well as elucidation of the genetic programs that regulate differentiation of daughter spermatogonia. Development of germ cell specific GAL4 driver transgenes has facilitated investigation of gene function in GSCs and spermatogonia but specific GAL4 tools are not available for analysis of postmitotic spermatogonial differentiation into spermatocytes. We have screened publically available pGT1 strains, a GAL4‐encoding gene trap collection, to identify lines that can drive gene expression in late spermatogonia and early spermatocytes. While we were unable to identify any germline‐specific drivers, we did identify an insertion in the chiffon locus, which drove expression specifically in early spermatocytes within the germline along with the somatic cyst cells of the testis. genesis 50:914–920, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a pilot enhancer trap screen using GAL4 to drive expression of upstream activator sequence (UAS)-linked transgenes in expression patterns dictated by endogenous enhancers in zebrafish. The patterns presented include expression in small subsets of neurons throughout the larval brain, which in some cases persist into adult. Through targeted photoconversion of UAS-driven Kaede and variegated expression of UAS-driven GFP in single cells, we begin to characterize the cellular components of labeled circuits.  相似文献   

The Drosophila ommatidia contain two classes of photoreceptor cells (PR's), the outer and the inner PR's. We performed an enhancer trap screen in order to target genes specifically expressed in PR's. Using the UAS/GAL4 method with enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) as a vital marker, we screened 180000 flies. Out of 2730 lines exhibiting new eGFP patterns, we focused on 16 lines expressing eGFP in particular subsets of PR's. In particular, we describe three lines inserted near the spalt major, m-spondin and furrowed genes, whose respective expression patterns resemble those genes. These genes had not been reported to be expressed in the adult eye. These examples clearly show the ability of our screen to target genes expressed in the adult Drosophila eye.  相似文献   

Pulsations of the dorsal vessel were recorded in vivo during the whole postembryonic development of D. melanogaster, by means of a newly invented, pulse-light opto-cardiographic method. The young larvae of the 1st and 2nd instars submerged in the feeding medium exhibited extremely high rates of heartbeat, 7Hz at room temperature. These values are among the highest rates of heartbeat ever recorded in the animal kingdom. The fully grown larvae of the 3rd instar showed approximately half of the maximum heartbeat rate (3.5-4Hz), which became stabilized after pupariation to 2.5-2.7Hz.The larval heartbeat was always uni-directional, in the forward-oriented or anterograde direction and it was almost continuous. The slowly disintegrating, old larval heart used to beat at the constant frequency of 2.5-2.7Hz until complete cessation of all cardiac functions in 1-day-old puparium. In spite of the persisting constant heartbeat frequency, the transformation process of the larval heart was associated with successively decreasing amplitude of the systolic contractions and with the prolongation of the resting periods. The newly formed heart of the pupal-adult structure exhibited a qualitatively new pattern of heartbeat activity, which was manifested by periodic reversal of the heartbeat with the faster anterograde and slower retrograde phases. The frequencies of both of these reciprocal cardiac pulsations gradually increased during the advanced pharate adult period, reaching the values of 4-5Hz at the time of adult eclosion. Adult males and females also exhibited a perfect pattern of heartbeat reversal, with still very high rates of the anterograde heartbeat, in the range of 5-6Hz. In addition to the cardiac functions, we have recorded several kinds of extracardiac pulsations, which often interfered severely with the recordings of the heartbeat. There were strong, irregular extracardiac pulsations of a neurogenic nature (somatic muscles, oral armature) and relatively slow extracardiac pulsations of a myogenic nature (intestinal peristaltics, 0.2-0.3Hz). The extracardiac and cardiac pulsations were independent, their functions were not correlated. A possibility of creating new challenges in combination of molecular biology with the functional physiology of the heart have been discussed.  相似文献   

Vascular development is a fundamental component of leaf morphogenesis, and the mechanisms that control vascular patterning are poorly understood. We report here the identification of an enhancer trap line, Vascular Prepattern (VPP), that acts as a marker for early vascular development. GUS reporter gene expression in VPP was detected in provascular cells from the earliest stages of primary midvein formation in leaf primordia and subsequently coincided with the early specification of higher order veins. GUS expression in VPP also marks the quiescent center cells of the root apical meristem at all stages of root development. VPP provides a marker for early vascular development and will be a useful tool for studying vascular patterning.  相似文献   

Changes in the pattern of egg proteins of Drosophila melanogaster during the process of embryogenesis were investigated by high-resolution, two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We observed significant changes of egg proteins during embryogenesis. Three major classes were observed. Class I includes most proteins; these were found continuously throughout embryogenesis. Class II proteins appeared at certain times during embryogenesis and continued to be present in young larvae, or they were present in the ovary, disappeared once, and reappeared at later times. Class III proteins were found at limited times during embryogenesis. The appearance and disappearance of these proteins, which appear to be temporally related to developmental stages, should make them useful molecular markers for the analysis of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Gaines P  Woodard CT  Carlson JR 《Gene》1999,239(1):137-143
A gene identified from an enhancer trap screen is shown to encode the Drosophila melanogaster homolog of the L37a ribosomal protein. The predicted 92 amino-acid sequence of this protein is 78% identical to mammalian L37a proteins, and contains a conserved Cys-X2 Cys-X14-Cys-X2-Cys zinc finger motif that may be involved in interactions with ribosomal RNA. The Drosophila L37a homolog is a single copy gene comprised of four exons and is ubiquitously expressed throughout the animal. Cytological localization reveals that Drosophila L37a maps to position 25C1-3, very near the previously described Minute mutation M(2)25C.  相似文献   

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