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A new, continuous 96-well plate spectrophotometric assay for the branched-chain amino acid aminotransferases is described. Transamination of L-leucine with alpha-ketoglutarate results in formation of alpha-ketoisocaproate, which is reductively aminated back to L-leucine by leucine dehydrogenase in the presence of ammonia and NADH. The disappearance of absorbance at 340 nm due to NADH oxidation is measured continuously. The specific activities obtained by this procedure for the highly purified human mitochondrial and cytosolic isoforms of BCAT compare favorably with those obtained by a commonly used radiochemical procedure, which measures transamination between alpha-ketoiso[1-14C]valerate and L-isoleucine. Due to the presence of glutamate dehydrogenase substrates (alpha-ketoglutarate, ammonia, and NADH) and L-leucine (an activator of glutamate dehydrogenase) in the standard assay mixture, interference with the measurement of BCAT activity in tissue homogenates by glutamate dehydrogenase is observed. However, by limiting the amount of ammonia and including the inhibitor GTP in the assay mixture, the interference from the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction is minimized. By comparing the rate of loss of absorbance at 340 nm in the modified spectrophotometric assay mixture containing leucine dehydrogenase to that obtained in the modified spectrophotometric assay mixture lacking leucine dehydrogenase, it is possible to measure BCAT activity in microliter amounts of rat tissue homogenates. The specific activities of BCAT in homogenates of selected rat tissues obtained by this method are comparable to those obtained previously by the radiochemical procedure.  相似文献   

We have improved the incorporation of l- and d-forms of unnatural amino acid (UAA) Nε-thiaprolyl-l-lysine (ThzK) into ubiquitin (UB) and green fluorescent protein (GFP) by 2–6 folds with the use of the methylester forms of the UAAs in E coli cell culture. We also improved the yields of UAA-incorporated UB and GFP with the methylester forms of Nε-Boc-l-Lysine (BocK) and Nε-propargyl-l-Lysine (PrK) by 2–5 folds compared to their free acid forms. Our work demonstrated that using methylester-capped UAAs for protein expression is a useful strategy to enhance the yields of UAA-incorporated proteins.  相似文献   

The sulfinic acid analog of aspartic acid, cysteine sulfinic acid, introduces a sulfur atom that perturbs the acidity and oxidation properties of aspartic acid. Cysteine sulfinic acids are often introduced in peptides and proteins by oxidation of cysteine, but this method is limited as all cysteine residues are oxidized and cysteine residues are often oxidized to sulfonic acids. To provide the foundation for the specific incorporation of cysteine sulfinic acids in peptides and proteins, we synthesized a 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl (Fmoc) benzothiazole sulfone analog. Oxidation conditions to generate the sulfone were examined and oxidation of the Fmoc-protected sulfide (3) with NbC in hydrogen peroxide provided the corresponding sulfone (4) in the highest yield and purity. Reduction with sodium borohydride generated the cysteine sulfinic acid (5) suggesting this approach may be an efficient method to incorporate a cysteine sulfinic acid in biomolecules. A model tripeptide bearing a cysteine sulfinic acid was synthesized using this approach. Future studies are aimed at using this method to incorporate cysteine sulfinic acids in peptide hormones and proteins for use in the study of biological function.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome system has been largely investigated for its key role in protein degradation mechanisms that regulate both apoptosis and cell division. Because of their antitumour activity, different classes of proteasome inhibitors have been identified to date. Some of these compounds are currently employed in the clinical treatment of several types of cancer among which multiple myeloma. Here, we describe the design, chemistry, biological activity and modelling studies of a large series of amino acid derivatives linked to a naphthoquinone pharmacophoric group through variable spacers. Some analogues showed interesting inhibitory potency for the β1 and β5 subunits of the proteasome with IC50 values in the sub-µm range.  相似文献   

In this article, we advocate the radical revision of the 20th-century version of amino acid metabolism as follows. (1) Classic studies on the incorporation of [15N]ammonia into glutamate, once considered to be an epoch-making event, are not distinctive proof of the ability of animals to utilize ammonia for the synthesis of alpha-amino nitrogen. (2) Mammalian glutamate dehydrogenase has been implicated to function as a glutamate-synthesizing enzyme albeit lack of convincing proof. This enzyme, in combination with aminotransferases, is now known to play an exclusive role in the metabolic removal of amino nitrogen and energy production from excess amino acids. (3) Dr. William C Rose's "nutritionally nonessential amino acids" are, of course, essential in cellular metabolism; the nutritional nonessentiality is related to their carbon skeletons, many of which are intermediates of glycolysis or the TCA cycle. Obviously, the prime importance of amino acid nutrition should be the means of obtaining amino nitrogen. (4) Because there is no evidence of the presence of any glutamate-synthesizing enzymes in mammalian tissues, animals must depend on plants and microorganisms for preformed alpha-amino nitrogen. This is analogous to the case of carbohydrates. (5) In contrast, individual essential amino acids, similar to vitamins and essential fatty acids, should be considered important nutrients that must be included regularly in sufficient amounts in the diet.  相似文献   

Methylmercury (MeHg) is a potent neurotoxin. The mechanism(s) that governs MeHg transport across the blood-brain barrier and other biological membranes remains unclear. This study addressed the role of the L-type large neutral amino acid transporter, LAT1, in MeHg transport. Studies were carried out in CHO-k1 cells. Over-expression of LAT1 in these cells was associated with enhanced uptake of [(14)C]-MeHg when treated with L-cysteine, but not with the D-cysteine conjugate. In the presence of excess L-methionine, a substrate for LAT1, L-cysteine-conjugated [(14)C]-MeHg uptake was significantly attenuated. Treatment of LAT-1 over-expressing CHO-k1 cells with L-cysteine-conjugated MeHg was also associated with increased leakage of lactate dehydrogenase into the media as well as reduced cell viability measured by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide reduction assay. In contrast, knock-down of LAT1 decreased the uptake of l-cysteine-conjugated MeHg and attenuated the effects of MeHg on lactate dehydrogenase leakage and CHO-k1 cell viability. These results indicate that the MeHg-L-cysteine conjugate is a substrate for the neutral amino acid transporter, LAT1, which actively transports MeHg across membranes.  相似文献   

This work describes the isolation of a full-length (VfAAP2) and three partial amino acid transporter genes (VfAAPa, VfAAPb, VfAAPc) from broad bean (Vicia faba L.). The function of VfAAP2 was tested by heterologous expression in a yeast mutant deficient in proline uptake. VfAAP2 mediates proton-dependent proline uptake with an apparent Km of about 1 mM. Analysis of substrate specificity by competition experiments showed that aromatic amino acids, neutral aliphatic acids and L-citrulline are the best competitors, whereas basic amino acids do not compete with proline. Northern analysis indicates that all VfAAPs exhibit different patterns of expression. VfAAP2 is most strongly expressed in the stem and at a lower level in sink leaves and pods. VfAAPa, VfAAPb and VfAAPc are most strongly expressed in the flowers, but their expression in the other organs varies.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone GroEL is required for bacterial growth under all conditions, mediating folding assistance, via its central cavity, to a diverse set of cytosolic proteins; yet the subcellular localization of GroEL remains unresolved. An earlier study, using antibody probing of fixed Escherichia coli cells, indicated colocalization with the cell division protein FtsZ at the cleavage furrow, while a second E. coli study of fixed cells indicated more even distribution throughout the cytoplasm. Here, for the first time, we have examined the spatial distribution of GroEL in living cells using incorporation of a fluorescent unnatural amino acid into the chaperone. Fluorescence microscopy indicated that GroEL is diffusely distributed, both under normal and stress conditions. Importantly, the present procedure uses a small, fluorescent unnatural amino acid to visualize GroEL in vivo, avoiding the steric demands of a fluorescent protein fusion, which compromises proper GroEL assembly. Further, this unnatural amino acid incorporation avoids artifacts that can occur with fixation and antibody staining.  相似文献   

A new series of functionalized amino acid derivatives N-substituted 1-N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-2,2-dimethyl-4-phenyl-5-oxazolidine carboxamide (1-17) and 1-N-substituted-3-amino-2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropane-1-carboxamide (18-34) were synthesized and evaluated for their in vitro cytotoxicity against human cancer cell lines. Compound 6 has shown interesting cytotoxicity (IC50 = 5.67 μm) in ovarian cancer, while compound 10 exhibited promising cytotoxicity in ovarian (IC50 = 6.1 μm) and oral (IC50 = 4.17 μm) cancers. These compounds could be of use in designing new anti-cancer agents.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial activities of amino acid derivatives of monascus pigments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Amino acid derivatives of monascus pigments were produced by fermentation, and their antimicrobial activities were determined. Thirty-nine l- and d-forms of amino acids were added as a precursor to the fermentation medium for derivation of pigments. Derivatives with L-Phe, D-Phe, L-Tyr, and D-Tyr exhibited high activities against Gram(+) and Gram(-) bacteria with MIC values of c. 4-8 microg mL(-1). The control red pigment exhibited minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values higher than 32 microg mL(-1). Derivatives with L-Asp, D-Asp, L-Tyr, and D-Tyr were effective against the filamentous fungi Aspergillus niger, Penicillium citrinum, and Candida albicans. Monascus derivatives of amino acids having a phenyl ring like Phe and Tyr derivatives showed high antimicrobial activities. Incubation of the l-Phe derivative with Bacillus subtilis caused cells to aggregate with formation of pellets. Easy adsorption of the L-Phe pigment derivative to the surface of Escherichia coli cells was observed via SEM and TEM. Addition of monascus pigment derivatives decreased the oxygen uptake rate of E. coli in culture. The antimicrobial activities of pigment derivatives are considered to be related to the reduced availability of oxygen for the cells adsorbed with pigment.  相似文献   

-Amino acid deaminase ( -AAD) from Proteus myxofaciens was cloned and over-expressed in Escherichia coli K12. This enzyme has a broad substrate specificity, working on both natural and unnatural -amino acids. Of the 20 naturally occurring -amino acids, -AAD prefers amino acid substrates that have aliphatic, aromatic or sulfur-containing side chains; those with charged side chains (–CO2 or –NH3+) are poor or non-substrates. Enzyme activity was monitored using a microtiter-plate-based assay, which measures the formation of phenylpyruvic acid from -phenylalanine. The reaction has an absolute requirement for O2, releases NH3 and does not produce H2O2. Substrate comparisons were carried out by using an O2 electrode to measure the O2 utilization rates. Studies on partially purified enzyme show a pH optimum of 7.5 with a subunit molecular weight of approximately 51 kDa. Additional purification and characterization strategies will be presented. The use of whole cells containing -AAD will be discussed to prepare chiral pharmaceutical intermediates.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the quantitative estimation of the individual amino acid radioactivity in biological samples. The material is deproteinized with cold acetone, and, after acetone evaporation, is passed through a column containing 1 g of Amberlite XAD-2, then eluted with 10% ethanol. The samples are derivatized with Sanger's reagent (alkaline 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene) and passed again through the Amberlite XAD-2 column; the 10% ethanol eluate is now discarded and the DNP-amino acids eluted with acetone. Aliquots are used for TLC chromatography on Silicagel plates; the spots are identified, cut away and their radioactivity estimated. The actual recovery of radioactivity in the spots is about 86-92% of the initial radioactivity. No contamination with radioactive glucose, lactate, pyruvate or glycerol has been observed.  相似文献   

In a recent directed-evolution study, Escherichia coli D-sialic acid aldolase was converted by introducing eight point mutations into a new enzyme with relaxed specificity, denoted RS-aldolase (also known formerly as L-3-deoxy-manno-2-octulosonic acid (L-KDO) aldolase), which showed a preferred selectivity toward L-KDO. To investigate the underlying molecular basis, we determined the crystal structures of D-sialic acid aldolase and RS-aldolase. All mutations are away from the catalytic center, except for V251I, which is near the opening of the (α/β)(8)-barrel and proximal to the Schiff base-forming Lys-165. The change of specificity from D-sialic acid to RS-aldolase can be attributed mainly to the V251I substitution, which creates a narrower sugar-binding pocket, but without altering the chirality in the reaction center. The crystal structures of D-sialic acid aldolase·l-arabinose and RS-aldolase·hydroxypyruvate complexes and five mutants (V251I, V251L, V251R, V251W, and V251I/V265I) of the D-sialic acid aldolase were also determined, revealing the location of substrate molecules and how the contour of the active site pocket was shaped. Interestingly, by mutating Val251 alone, the enzyme can accept substrates of varying size in the aldolase reactions and still retain stereoselectivity. The engineered D-sialic acid aldolase may find applications in synthesizing unnatural sugars of C(6) to C(10) for the design of antagonists and inhibitors of glycoenzymes.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of amino acids reflect the intracellular amino acid pool in mammals. However, the regulatory mechanism requires clarification. In this study, we examined the effect of leucine administration on plasma amino acid profiles in mice with and without the treatment of 2-aminobicyclo-(2,2,1)-heptane-2-carboxylic acid (BCH) or rapamycin as an inhibitor of system L or mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1, respectively. The elevation of plasma leucine concentration after leucine administration was associated with a significant decrease in the plasma concentrations of isoleucine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine, and tyrosine; BCH treatment almost completely blocked the leucine-induced decrease in plasma amino acid concentrations. Rapamycin treatment had much less effects on the actions of leucine than BCH treatment. These results suggest that leucine regulates the plasma concentrations of branched-chain amino acids, methionine, phenylalanine, and tyrosine, and that system L amino acid transporters are involved in the leucine action.  相似文献   

The enantioseparation of amino acid derivatives by gas chromatography was investigated through molecular dynamics simulation. The chiral stationary phase was based on permethylated β-cyclodextrin (PM-β-CD). The model enantiomers were four amino acid derivatives. For the inclusion complexes of PM-β-CD with the enantiomers, we studied the binding energy. The competitive binding of l- or d-enantiomers to PM-β-CD was simulated. The interaction energy of the enantiomers with PM-β-CD and the appearing frequency of l- and d-enantiomers around a certain distance from the centre of mass of PM-β-CD were obtained. It was found that the appearing frequency is an important parameter to explain the enantioseparation of the amino acid derivatives in gas chromatography. The appearing frequency of the enantiomer together with the binding and interaction energy can be used to predict the elution orders of the enantiomers in gas chromatography.  相似文献   

A method for quantitative estimation of total radioactivity present in the free amino acid fraction of tissue samples has been described. Samples deproteinized with cold acetone were extracted, in acidic medium, with ethyl (peroxide free); after centrifugation, the aqueous phase was used for amino acid derivatization at 40°C for 15 h with 1-flouro-2,4-dinitrobenzene in bicarbonate-buffered medium. Aliquots of the derivatized samples were acidified and extracted twice again with ethyl ether. The combined organic phases were placed in glass scintilation vials, dried, and used for the determination of its radiactivity, corresponding to the radioactivity present in the free amino acid fraction of the sample. Deproteinized samples of rat blood plasma, as well as hen egg white and yolk were tested after addition of known quantities of 14C-labelled amino acids or glucose, for validation of the method. No glucose radioactivity was found in any of the extracted samples. All radioactivity added to the samples in the form of 14C-labelled alanine, glutamic acid, leucine and phenylalanine was quantitatively recovered in the derivatized fraction; only a fraction of arginine radioactivity was recovered.  相似文献   

SNAT4 is a system A type amino acid transporter that primarily expresses in liver and mediates the transport of L-alanine. To determine the critical amino acid residue(s) involved in substrate transport function of SNAT4, we used hydrosulfate cross-linking MTS reagents - MMTS and MTSEA. These two reagents caused inhibition of L-alanine transport by wild-type SNAT4. There are 5 cysteine residues in SNAT4 and among them; residues Cys-232 and Cys-345 are located in the transmembrane domains. Mutation of Cys-232, but not Cys-345, inhibited transport function of SNAT4 and also rendered SNAT4 less sensitive to the cross-linking by MMTS and MTSEA. The results suggested that TMD located Cys-232 is an aqueous accessible residue, likely to be located close to the core of substrate binding site. Mutation of Cys-232 to serine similarly attenuated the transport of L-alanine substrate. Biotinylation analysis showed that C232A mutant of SNAT4 was equally capable as wild-type SNAT4 of expressing on the cell surface. Moreover, single site mutant, C232A was also found to be more resistant to MTS inhibition than double mutant C18A,C345A, further confirming the aqueous accessibility of Cys-232 residue. We also showed that mutation of Cys-232 to alanine reduced the maximal velocity (Vmax), but had minimal effect on binding affinity (Km). Together, these data suggest that residue Cys-232 at 4th transmembrane domain of SNAT4 has a major influence on substrate transport capacity, but not on substrate binding affinity.  相似文献   

Wrabl JO  Grishin NV 《Proteins》2005,61(3):523-534
Understanding of amino acid type co-occurrence in trusted multiple sequence alignments is a prerequisite for improved sequence alignment and remote homology detection algorithms. Two objective approaches were used to investigate co-occurrence, both based on variance maximization of the weighted residue frequencies in columns taken from a large alignment database. The first approach discretely grouped amino acid types, and the second approach extracted orthogonal properties of amino acids using principal components analysis. The grouping results corresponded to amino acid physical properties such as side chain hydrophobicity, size, or backbone flexibility, and an optimal arrangement of approximately eight groups was observed. However, interpretation of the orthogonal properties was more complex. Although the principal components accounting for the largest variances exhibited modest correlations with hydrophobicity and conservation of glycine, in general principal components did not correspond to physical properties of amino acids. Although not intuitive, these amino acid mathematical properties were demonstrated to be robust and to improve local pairwise alignment accuracy, relative to 20 amino acid frequencies alone, for a simple test case.  相似文献   

The bidentate metal binding amino acid bipyridylalanine (BpyAla) was incorporated into a disulfide linked cyclic peptide phage displayed library to identify metal ion binding peptides. Selection against Ni2+–nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) enriched for sequences containing histidine and BpyAla. BpyAla predominated when selections were carried out at lower pH, consistent with the differential pKa’s of histidine and BpyAla. Two peptides containing BpyAla were synthesized and found to bind Ni2+ with low micromolar dissociation constants. Incorporation of BpyAla and other metal binding amino acids into peptide and protein libraries should enable the evolution of novel binding and catalytic activities.  相似文献   

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