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Young maize (Zea mays L.) plants, 7 days after germination were exposed to nutrient solutions which were either aerated or not aerated for 14 days. Nutrients were supplied as 50% strength Hoagland’s solution or, in the case of the four ‘low nutrient’ treatments, N, P, K or Ca were supplied at the equivalent of 10% strength Hoagland’s solution. Shoot fresh weight was decreased by 25% due to lack of aeration; O2 deficiency also impaired leaf elongation but not dry weights, suggesting that lack of O2 in the roots impaired cell expansion in shoots more than dry weight accumulation. The distribution of N, P, K and Ca within shoots was consistent with their relative mobilities in the phloem; at least 7% of Ca in plants after 14 days of treatments was found in the oldest leaf whereas N, P and K were rapidly remobilised to younger tissues. Between 33 and 49% of the total N, P and K in the shoot was found in the 40 mm of tissue at the base of the growing leaves in plants grown for 14 days at low nutrient concentrations. Concentrations (dry weight basis) of phloem-mobile nutrients were also greatest in the growing zones of the leaves, especially in the case of N and P. Calcium, on the other hand, was found in relatively low concentrations in the youngest tissue and as with the other nutrients, concentrations declined due to low external supply, non-aeration or a combination of both. In spite of the failure of Ca to move from old to young leaves, the effect of the deficiencies of N, P and K was probably as severe as that of Ca in the youngest tissues of treated plants. Calcium uptake by the whole shoot appeared to be slightly less sensitive to O2 deficits than that of N, P and K. This compensated for the failure of Ca to move to growing tissues during periods of low external Ca supply.  相似文献   

The autoxidation of dopa to melanin in culture media causes toxicity to retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and endothelial cells. The damage is specific to cell type and to the ambient oxygen concentration. To determine whether RPE cells influence the oxidation of dopa to media, we compared light absorbing dopa derivatives in the media exposed to cells with those found in the media incubated without cells. Dopa was extensively oxidized in the presence of RPE cells, and more light absorbing substances were generated with higher dopa and oxygen concentrations. However, an increase in ambient oxygen concentration decreased the quantity of several dopa derivatives which had been formed. The data provided evidence that RPE modulated dopa metabolism. Quinolic derivatives produced from a tyrosinase reaction and dopa-melanin formation moved the peak absorbance wavelength of dopa into the visible range. The spectrum between the dopa-derived compounds in the media has an absorbance at 240-275 nm and a maximum around 300 nm with a shoulder near 375 nm. Gaussian analysis (peak separation) resolved these spectra into five components: a sharp band at 248 nm, a band at 295 nm, a large band at 359 nm, and two broad bands at 459 and 585 nm.  相似文献   

AimsAlthough hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment following spinal cord injury (SCI) have been studied in terms of neurological function and tissue histology, there is a limited number studies on spinal cord tissue enzyme levels.Main methodsThe effect of HBO treatment in SCI was investigated by measuring superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and nitric oxide (NO) activity in the injured tissue. SCI was induced by applying an aneurysm clip extradurally at the level of T9-T11 vertebrae. Preoperative HBO (preopHBO) treatment was applied for 5 days and postoperative HBO (postopHBO) for 7 days.Key findingsIn the preopHBO group, a significant decrease was observed in NOS and NO compared to the SCI group. There was a decrease in SOD, NOS and NO in the postopHBO group when compared to the SCI group. In the pre–postHBO group SOD, GPx, NOS and NO decreased significantly. There was a decrease in SOD in postopHBO compared to preopHBO. In the prepostopHBO, SOD decreased significantly compared to that in the preopHBO group. The prepostopHBO presented a significant decrease in GPx compared to postopHBO (p < 0.05 for all parameters). No significant difference was observed for catalase for all groups. Significant improvement was found in BBB scores for both postopHBO and prepostHBO groups when compared to the SCI group (p < 0.05).SignificanceHBO treatment was found to be beneficial following SCI in terms of biochemical parameters and functional recovery in the postoperative period.  相似文献   

Various protocols may be used for acute pancreatitis treatment. Recently, the benefit of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) has been demonstrated. To clarify the mechanism of HBO on the process of the acute pancreatitis, we determined the levels of antioxidant enzymes in an acute pancreatitis model. Forty-five Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups: Group I: sham group (n=15), Group II: pancreatitis group (n=15), Group III: pancreatitis group undergoing HBO therapy (n=15). HBO was applied postoperatively for 5 days, two sessions per day at 2.5 fold absolute atmospheric pressure (ATA) for 90 min. Superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH Px) activity were measured in pancreatic tissue and erythrocyte lysate. MDA and GSH Px were also determined in plasma. In addition, amylase levels were measured in the serum. While serum amylase levels and MDA values in erythrocyte, plasma and pancreatic tissue were decreased, the levels of GSH Px and SOD were found to be significantly increased in the Group III as compared to those of the Group II. The findings of our study suggest that HBO has beneficial effects on the course of acute pancreatitis and this effect may occur through the antioxidant systems.  相似文献   

An important criterion for the designation of non-transformed cell lines is density-dependent regulation of growth. The mechanism for control of such growth is believed to be lodged in the cell membrane. To elucidate this mechanism, the density dependence of surface-related processes has been examined. This report on ConA-mediated agglutination extends our earlier findings on another surface phenomenon, cell to substratum adhesion. Both these processes are density dependent and both are stimulated by cell proteins released into serum-free media by cultured human fibroblasts. It is suggested that these released proteins are transferable between cells and that they play a critical role in the mediation of density dependent surface phenomenon and in the density dependent regulation of cell growth.  相似文献   

Oxygen deficiency was shown to affect the resistance of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains to nystatin, a polyenic antibiotic. This resistance decreased upon oxygen deficiency in the wild-type strains alpha'1 and 7A-P192 as well as in the mutant strains NYS 2, NYS 3 and NYS 4, but remained unchanged in the mutants NYS-1 and NYS 5. The qualitative composition of sterols was studied in the strains with a modified ergosterol synthesis, which were grown under the conditions of oxygen deficiency. Such conditions exerted a considerable effect on the accumulation of intermediate products in ergosterol biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The biology of Corbicula fluminea, the Asiatic clam, in the Vermilion River, Louisiana, as affected by sediment, dissolved oxygen (DO) levels, and sewage treatment plant (STP) effluents was investigated. A point source of high DO water to the Vermilion River established a gradient of DO that decreased as the river moved towards the Gulf of Mexico. Lowering DO levels were exacerbated by municipal sewage treatment plant discharges in the 20 km reach studied. Low dissolved oxygen was associated with reduced Corbicula density in the river and 30-day in-stream growth studies (weight and length) demonstrated that low DO inhibited growth. Generally, if DO was < 1.0 mg l–1 in sediment pore water and/or < 3.0 mg l–1 at the sediment-water interface, growth was significantly impaired (p < 0.05). Corbicula experienced substantial mortality near the STP discharges (up to 70% in 30 days) and laboratory toxicity tests with Ceriodaphnia dubia, a sensitive cladoceran, also strongly suggested discharges were chronically toxic at 6.25–25.0% effluent. Respiration experiments along with environmental measurements of DO, temperature, and STP discharge chemistry support a hypothesis that clam populations are adversely affected by the suite of environmental conditions present in the Vermilion River. Further, growth studies were consistent with observed population densities in situ.  相似文献   

Acid-base balance and oxygen-binding hemoglobin properties in mixed venous blood have been studied in 25 mongrel rabbits with acute environmental hyperthermia. As oxygen-hemoglobin affinity at standard pH, pCO2 and temperature increases, the effect of heat on oxygen-hemoglobin interaction is considerably attenuated. The Bohr effect increases. The mechanisms of changes in oxygen-binding properties of hemoglobin and their role in development of oxygen deficiency are discussed.  相似文献   

A regulated decrease in internal body temperature (Tb) appears to play a protective role against metabolic disruptions such as exposure to ambient hypoxia. This study examined the possibility that Tb depression is initiated when low internal oxygen levels trigger the release of adenosine, a neural modulator known to influence thermoregulation. We measured selected Tb of Anolis sagrei in a thermal gradient under varied ambient oxygen conditions and following the administration of the adenosine receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyltheophylline (CPT). The average decrease in Tb observed following exposure to hypoxia (<10% O2) and following exhaustive exercise were 5 degrees and 3 degrees C, respectively, suggesting a role of oxygen availability on initiation of regulated hypothermia. When A. sagrei were run to exhaustion and recovered in hyperoxic (>95% O2) conditions, exercise-induced Tb depression was abolished. Administration of CPT similarly abolished decreased Tb due to both exercise and hypoxia. Trials using Dipsosaurus dorsalis indicate that elevated ambient oxygen during exercise does not influence blood pH or lactate accumulation, suggesting that these factors do not initiate changes in thermoregulatory setpoint following exhaustive exercise. We suggest that when oxygen is limiting, a decrease in arterial oxygen may trigger the release of adenosine, thereby altering the thermoregulatory setpoint.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of acute moderate hypoxia and rest duration on performance and on the accumulated oxygen deficit (AOD) in high-intensity intermittent efforts. After preliminary tests, 2 groups of nonacclimatized men (resident at 690 m above sea level) carried out 3 randomized protocols of effort (EXP1, EXP2, and EXP5) on 3 different days. These tests were performed at acute moderate altitude (2,320 m) by the hypoxia group (H) and in normoxia by the normoxia group (N). During EXP1 the subjects ran a maximum of five 400-m sprints (90% intensity) on a treadmill, with a pause between efforts of 1 minute. In EXP2 and EXP5 the same protocol was repeated, increasing the rest period between sprints to 2 and 5 minutes, respectively. Lactate accumulation and exhaled gases were measured during the tests. Accumulated oxygen deficit was calculated for each sprint. The total AOD (SigmaAOD) for each type of protocol was determined to be the sum of the corresponding accumulated deficits. The AODs were influenced by the length of rest period (p < 0.05) but not by H. The increase in recovery time between sprints increased the SigmaAOD (7,843 +/- 4,435 vs. 7,137 +/- 2,117 ml; 11,013 +/- 4,616 vs. 9,931 +/- 2,731 ml; 12,611 +/- 4,594 vs. 12,907 +/- 3,085 ml for H and N in EXP1, EXP2, and EXP5, respectively). The AOD increased in value when the same sprint was compared from EXP1 to EXP5 (p < 0.05). The results obtained show that exposure to acute moderate altitude does not affect the anaerobic pathway contribution in intermittent high-intensity exercises. Performance during this type of repeated effort is not altered during acute exposure to moderate altitude, which should be taken into account when an acclimatizing period is not possible.  相似文献   

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