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Cd induced changes of Zn and Cd distribution in the liver and kidneys were studied in relation to Cd metallothionein (MT) synthesis. Wistar male rats were given CdCl2 by sc injection of .8, 1.5, and 3.0 mg Cd/kg three times a week for three weeks. Cd levels of liver and kidneys increased with the increment of Cd dosage and 80–90% of Cd was found in the cytosol. The MT fractions contained 80–89% cytosolic Cd in the liver and 55–75% Cd in the kidneys. Zn concentrations in the liver increased following Cd administration, But Zn in the kidneys showed only slight increase. There was a distinct decrease of Cu concentration in the liver of the 3.0 mg group. In contrast, Cu concentrations in the kidneys increased about three times in the .8 and 1.5 mg Cd groups, but Cu in the 3.0 mg group showed only 1.5 times increase. The changes of these metal concentrations were observed mainly in the cytosol. Non-MT-Cd in the kidneys was maximum in the 1.5 mg group, but the 3.0 mg group showed significant decrease. In parallel with this decrease of Cd, Cu and Zn in the kidneys showed similar decrease. When the kidneys are injured, Zn and Cu appear to leak from this organ.  相似文献   

In vivo experiments with Sprague-Dawley rats were conducted in order to explore the influence of Cu2+, Zn2+ as well as of the combinations of both on the activity of trypsin. The solutions of the trace elements were given per os, the animals were killed 30 min after the applications, and the activity of trypsin was determined in the juice of the small intestine by usingN α-benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide (L-BAPA) as the substrate. The activity of trypsin depends on the concentration of the trace elements. When Cu2+ ions are applied, there is a minimum activity at 10−5 mol Cu2+/L and a maximum at 10−4 mol Cu2+/L. When giving Zn2+ ions, a minimum of trypsin activity is found at 10−5 mol Zn2+/L and a maximum at 5×10−6 mol Zn2+/L. On the whole, the trypsin activity is lower when the Cu2+/Zn2+ combinations are applied compared to the addition of the single trace elements. On principle, a good conformity of the in vivo results was found with in vitro results.  相似文献   

Interactions between dietary Cu, Se, and vitamin E in ascorbate-induced hemolysis of erythrocytes obtained from rats fed diets deficient or adequate in these elements were investigated. Hemolysis was affected by all three dietary factors, through closely interrelated but distinct mechanisms. In vitamin E-deficient cells, hemolysis was increased and the amount of hemolysis was directly related to the amount of hemoglobin breakdown. Deficiency of Cu or Se decreased hemolysis, but only in vitamin E-deficient cells. Vitamin E did not affect the breakdown of hemoglobin, but Cu and Se did. Hemolysis and hemoglobin breakdown were decreased by the addition of glucose, through mechanisms independent of that involving reduced glutathione metabolism. These results suggest that vitamin E acts within erythrocyte membranes to prevent products of hemoglobin breakdown from initiating peroxidation and subsequent hemolysis. Effects of Cu and Se are linked with that of vitamin E by the involvement of glutathione peroxidase and Cu superoxide dismutase in the cytoplasmic breakdown of hemoglobin, rather than by a direct effect of these enzymes on lipid peroxidation. It is concluded that the erythrocyte, because of its high heme content, probably represents a special system in terms of peroxidative pathways, and these findings may not be directly applicable to other tissues.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) is an essential nutrient that is required in humans and animals for many physiological functions, including immune and antioxidant function, growth, and reproduction. The present study was performed to investigate the effects of three Zn levels, including Zn adequate (35.94 mg/kg, as a control), Zn deficiency (3.15 mg/kg), and Zn overload (347.50 mg/kg) in growing male rats for 6 wk. This allowed for evaluation of the effects that these Zn levels might have on body weight, organ weight, enzymes activities, and tissues concentrations of Zn and Cu. The results showed that Zn deficiency has negative effects on growth, organ weight, and biological parameters such as alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and Cu−Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu−Zn SOD) activities, whereas Zn overload played an effective role in promoting growth, improving the developments of organs and enhancing immune system. Hepatic metallothionein (MT) concentration showed an identical increase tendency in rats fed both Zn-deficient and Zn-overload diets. The actual mechanism of reduction of Cu concentration of jejunum in rats fed a Zn-overload diet might involve the modulation or inhibition of a Cu transporter protein by Zn and not by the induction of MT.  相似文献   

The level and/or form of dietary iron, dietary nickel, and the interaction between them affected the trace element content of rat liver. Livers were from the offspring of dams fed diets containing 10–16 ng, or 20 μg, of nickel/g. Dietary iron was supplied as ferric chloride (30 μg/g) or ferric sulfate (30 μg, or 60 μg). In nickel-deprived rats fed 60 μg of iron/g of diet as ferric sulfate, at age 35 days, levels of iron and zinc were depressed in liver and the level of copper was elevated. At age 55 days, iron was still depressed, copper was still elevated, but zinc also was elevated. In rats fed 30 μg of iron/g of diet as ferric chloride, liver iron content was higher in nickel-deprived than in nickel-supplemented rats at 30, but not at 50, days of age. Also manganese and zinc were lower in nickel-deprived than in nickel-supplemented rats at age 35 days if their dams had been on experiment for an extended period of time (i.e., since age 21 days). Thus, the levels of copper, iron, manganese, and zinc in liver were affected by nickel deprivation, but the direction and extent of the affects depended upon the iron status of the rat.  相似文献   

Two groups of 16 rats each were fed the same diet with 12.9 ppm Zn. Nine days after each animal was injected with65Zn for assessing fecal zinc of endogenous origin, zinc intake and excretion were determined for a six-day period at the age of about five (group I) and nine (II) weeks. At mean growth rates of 5.1 and 5.2 g/day, food consumption per gram of gain was 2.01 g in group I vs 2.86 g in II. Overall, zinc retention amounted to 21 vs 25 μg Zn/g of gain. Apparent absorption averaged 92 vs 74% of Zn intake (132 vs 189 μg/day), while true absorption averaged 98 vs 92%. It was concluded that endogenous fecal zinc excretion was limited to the indispensable loss (F em) in group I (7 μg/day), while it exceeded this minimum loss in group II (33 μg/day). True retention, which reflected total zinc utilization (true absorption times metabolic efficiency), was derived from apparent absorption plusF em (11 μg/day for group II according to the greater metabolic body size of the rats). It averaged 98% of Zn intake in group I vs 80% in group II. The mean metabolic efficiency was 100% vs 87%. The conclusion was that these marked differences between age groups in utilizing the dietary zinc reflected the efficient homeostatic adjustments in absorption and endogenous excretion of zinc to the respective zinc supply status.  相似文献   

Meals of 12 diets were prepared from conventional foods with precautions against contamination by metallic elements because of epidemiologic associations between ischemic heart disease and the metabolism of magnesium, calcium, copper, and zinc. Magnesium, calcium, copper, and zinc were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry with satisfactory accuracy and precision. The mean daily amount of copper in the diets was less than the apparent adult requirement. Mean amounts of magnesium and zinc were close to apparent requirements; however, adults consuming amounts less than one standard deviation below these means may be depleting body stores and be at risk of pathology. Magnesium and copper were highly correlated (r=0.849,P=0.0001) in meals. This and other significant correlations probably will prevent the relationships of these elements to ischemic heart disease from being elucidated by epidemiology. Metabolic experiments will be necessary to differentiate among several hypotheses.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine whether zinc and calcium could interact at the tissue level. In the first part of the study, adult rats were injected with ZnCl2 dissolved in a physiological saline solution to determine the effects of Zn on Ca levels in various tissues. In the second part of the study, weaned rats (at day 22 postnatally) were fed a diet supplemented with Zn until day 50 and were then sacrificed. In both instances, blood, brain, heart, liver, and skeletal muscle were taken and analyzed. In the Zn-injected group, the brain, heart, and liver showed no interaction between Zn and Ca. The skeletal muscle, in contrast, showed a decrease in Ca in the homogenate, whereas Zn contents showed a significant increase at the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Likewise, in the Zn-supplemented group, the Zn content of the SR vesicle of the skeletal muscle showed an increase, whereas Ca content of the pellet (14,000 g), which contains cell debris, nucleus, mitochondria, and SR vesicles of this group, showed a decrease. Current findings suggest antagonistic effects between Zn and Ca on this tissue. Zn may play a critical role in cellular function through the alteration of itnracellular distribution of Ca in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Weanling rats were fed diets either alone or with combinations of silver, elevated zinc, or elevated cadmium for 7 weeks. The rats were then killed, and the silver, zinc, and cadmium proteins isolated from the livers by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. When silver was fed alone in diet, low levels of this metal were eluted as two peaks from the ion exchange column. In contrast, when silver was fed with cadmium or elevated zinc, three metal-containing peaks were eluted from this ion exchange column. Amino acid analysis revealed that the major proteins binding these metals are metallothioneins, as judged by high cysteine content.  相似文献   

Fifty-one pairs of hulled rice samples and the soil from which each rice sample was grown were analyzed for heavy metals in August, 1979, in order to estimate the background contamination of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) in rice grown in the Houston, Texas area. Both samples were divided into three groups by soil types and colors. The cadmium concentration in Texas rice was only one-half to one-quarter lower than that of Asian rice. However, the levels of Cu and Zn in rice in Texas were similar to those reported. Soil heavy metals were lower than ever reported, but these values were consistent with the geochemical characteristics of the Texas Houston area. No particular relationship was found between the three metals in rice and the metals in soil where the sampled rice was grown.  相似文献   

Studies performed on adult female rats over a period of 10 weeks indicated that the consumption of alcohol (20% v/v) did not appear to disturb the zinc or copper balance, nor did it adversely affect tissue zinc or copper levels, even in zinc-restricted animals. On the contrary, higher plasma zinc levels were consistently observed in animals receiving alcohol together with the experimental diets.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(12):1407-1415

Nitration-induced protein damage in the placenta leads to impaired blood flow and deficient feto–placental exchange in diabetic pregnancies. This work studied the effect of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite on Cu/Zn SOD activity in rat placentas and evaluated whether Cu/Zn SOD is nitrated in the placenta from diabetic rats at mid-gestation. Protein nitration was evaluated by EIA, Cu/Zn SOD activity by inhibition of the epinephrine auto-oxidation, Cu/Zn SOD expression by western blot and specific nitration by immunoprecipitation. This study found higher levels of protein nitration (p < 0.001), diminished Cu/Zn SOD activity and enhanced protein expression (p < 0.01) in placentas from diabetic rats. Placental Cu/Zn SOD activity was inhibited by peroxynitrite (p < 0.01). Besides, nitration of Cu/Zn SOD was elevated in placentas from diabetic rats (p < 0.01). These results show that rat Cu/Zn SOD can be nitrated, a modification that could lead to the depressed activity of this enzyme found in placentas from diabetic rats.  相似文献   

The role of dietary Cu and Mn in maintaining tissue integrity, through the effects of these metals on activity of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme, and their interactions in peroxidative pathways involving Se and vitamin E was investigated. Weanling rats were fed diets deficient in Mn, Cu, Se, and/or vitamin E for 35 days, in a factorial experimental design. Dietary effects on peroxidation, measured in mitochondrial fractions prepared from liver and heart tissue, were compared with changes in the activities of glutathione peroxidase and the Cu and MnSOD enzymes. Decreased heart MnSOD and CuSOD activities, resulting from dietary Mn and Cu deficiencies, were both associated with increased peroxidation. Adequate Se (and glutathione peroxidase activity) prevented the peroxidation associated with either of these deficiencies, but was ineffective with a combined Cu−Mn deficiency. These effects of Se were only observed in tissue lacking glutathione transferase activity. Effects of Cu, Mn, and Se on peroxidation appeared to be present at both levels of vitamin E, although in both tissues, vitamin E deficiency greatly increased the overall peroxidation. Comparison of these in vitro peroxidation results with the deficiency associated lesions observed in vivo indicates that changes in SOD activities and peroxidation pathways may be the dominant cause of these lesions in only some cases. In others, the roles of Cu and Mn in different metabolic pathways appear to be of greater importance.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the effects of Zn administration on metallothionein concentrations in the liver, kidney, and intestine of copper-loaded rats. Male CD rats were fed a diet containing 12 mg Cu and 67 mg Zn/kg body wt. They were divided into either acute or chronic experimental protocols. Rats undergoing acute experiments received daily ip injections of either Cu (3 mg/kg body wt) or Zn (10 mg/kg body wt) for 3 d. Chronic experiments were carried out on rats receiving Cu ip injections on d 1, 2, 3, 10, 17, and 24, Cu injections plus a Zn-supplemented diet containing 5 g Zn/kg solid diet, or a Zn-supplemented diet alone. Rats injected Zn or Cu had increased MT concentrations in liver and kidney. Zn produced the most important effects and the liver was the most responsive organ. Rats fed a Zn-supplemented diet had significantly higher MT concentrations in liver and intestine with respect to controls. Increased MT synthesis in the liver may contribute to copper detoxification; the hypothesis of copper entrapment in enterocytes cannot be confirmed.  相似文献   

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) as a part of the renin angiotensin system (RES) regulates blood pressure and fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, and the enzyme is considered to have a function in reproduction. Reduced enzyme activities have been observed in atrophied testes as a results of zinc and pituitary deficiencies. Vitamin A deficiency causes atrophy of testes. The present study was conducted on three groups of male, 3-wk-old, Wistar rats. After 54 d of the experimental period, testicular weights of the vitamin A-deficient rats (Agroup, allowed free access to vitamin Adeficient diet) was significantly lower than its pair-fed, PF (given restricted amount control diet) and A+ (allowed free access to control diet) groups. Zinc concentrations and both soluble and particulate ACE activities in the testes of vitamin A-deficient rats (Agroup) were significantly lower than the other two groups. No significant differences were observed regarding zinc concentration, particulate ACE, and total ACE activities in the testes of PF and A+ groups. Vitamin A deficiency did not significantly affect the enzyme activity in the lung. From the observations of the present study, we speculate that testicular atrophy in vitamin A deficiency may have resulted from lower zinc concentration and decreased ACE activity in that organ.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was examining the effect of fluoride ions and caffeine administration on glucose and urea concentration in blood serum and the activity of protein metabolism enzymes and selected enzymes of the urea cycle in rat liver. The study was carried out using 18 male Sprague-Daowley rats (4.5 mo old). Rats were divided into three groups. Group I received distilled water ad libitum. Group II received 4.9 mg F/kg body mass/d of sodium fluoride in the water, and group III received sodium fluoride (in the above-mentioned dose) and 3 mg/kg body mass/d of caffeine in the water. After 50 d, the rats were anesthetized with thiopental and fluoride ions, glucose, and urea concentration in blood serum were determined. Also determined were the activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase glutamate dehydrogenase, ornithine carbamoylotransferase and arginase in liver homogenates. Liver was taken for pathomorphological examinations. The applied doses of F (4.9 mg/kg body mass/d) and F+ caffeine (4.9 mg F/kg body mass/d+3 mg caffeine/kg body mass/d) resulted in a statistically significant increase of fluoride ion concentration in blood serum, a slight increase of the glucose concentration, and no changes in the concentration of urea in blood serum. This might testify to the absence of kidney lesions for the applied concentrations of F. No change in the functioning of hepatocytes was observed; however, slight disturbances have been noted in the functioning of the liver, connected with the activation of urea cycle, increase of arginase activity, and accumulation of F in this organ. There was no observed significant influence of caffeine supplementation on the obtained results.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species have been hypothesized to play an important role in the process of aging. To investigate the correlation between oxidative stress and accumulation of protein and DNA damage, we have compared the age-dependent levels of protein carbonyl groups and the activities of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in cytosol and mitochondrial extracts from liver cells of Wistar and OXYS rats. The latter strain is characterized by increased sensitivity to free radicals. Faster age-dependent increase in the level of protein carbonyl groups was found in OXYS as compared with Wistar rats. A complicated enzyme-specific pattern of age-dependent changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes was observed. Long-term uptake of dietary supplements Mirtilene forte (extract from the fruits of Vaccinium myrtillus L.) or Adrusen zinco (vitamin E complex with zinc, copper, selenium and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) sharply decreased the level of protein oxidation in cytosol and mitochondrial extracts of hepatocytes of Wistar and of OXYS rats. Both dietary supplements increased the activity of catalase in the liver mitochondria of OXYS rats. Our results are in agreement with the shorter life-span of OXYS and with the mitochondrial theory of aging, which postulates that accumulation of DNA and protein lesions leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and accelerates the process of aging.  相似文献   

In two fully crossed, three-way, two by three by three, factorially arranged experiments, female weanling rats were fed a basal diet supplemented with iron at 15 and 45 μg/g, nickel at 0, 5, and 50 μg/g and copper at 0, 0.5, and 5 μg/g (Expt. 1) or 0, 0.25, and 12 μg/g (Expt. 2). Expt. 1 was terminated at 11 weeks, and Expt. 2 at 8 weeks because, at those times, some rats fed no supplemental copper and the high level of nickel began to lose weight, or die from heart rupture. The experiments showed that nickel interacted with copper and this interaction was influenced by dietary iron. If copper deficiency was neither very severe or mild, copper deficiency signs of elevated levels of total lipids and lipid phosphorus in liver and plasma, and cholesterol in plasma, were made more severe by supplemental dietary nickel. Rats in which nickel supplementation exacerbated copper deficiency did not exhibit a depressed level of copper in liver and plasma. Also, although iron deprivation enhanced the interaction between nickel and copper, iron deprivation did not significantly depress the level of copper in liver and plasma. The findings confirmed that, in rats, a complex relationship exists between nickel, copper, and iron, thus indicating that both the iron and copper status of experimental animals must be controlled before data about nickel nutriture and metabolism can be compared among studies.  相似文献   

The effects of theTrypanosoma cruzi infection on the total content of the essential trace elements iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) in serum, heart, liver, spleen, and skeletal muscle were determined in “Wistar” rats inoculated with reticulotropic “Y” strain trypanosoms (Tryps) in their slender blood form. The 250 rats were divided in two groups of 80 rats (L-1 and L-2) and one of 90 (C) used as controls. L-1 and L-2 were inoculated with 2×105 and 5×102 Tryps, respectively. Ten rats of the C group were killed the inoculation day (i), and ten rats of each group chosen at random were killed and blood parasitemia determined at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 60, and 90 post-i days covering the infection acute-phase myocarditis. Previously cryohomogenized and lyophilized tissues were digested in an HNO3 H2O2 mixture with the aid of a microwave oven, and the elements Fe, Cu, and Zn were determined by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Generally, more intense changes were observed in the L-1 group. Serum Fe and Zn levels are lower and Cu levels higher in groups L-1 and L-2 than in C. However, Fe is not significantly sequestered in the liver during the acute phase of the infection as expected, but of the tissues studied, the spleen was the main site of Fe binding. Zn tended to increase in all tissues, except in the spleen, where during the acute phase of the infection, the total content of Zn in groups L-1 and L-2 was lower than in group C. Cu increased mainly in the spleen and muscle. In general, each tissue presented its own pattern of redistribution related to its nature, functions, and number of parasites inoculated, and these patterns may have been altered by the tropism of the parasite.  相似文献   



In this study, the authors have intended to investigate the effects that the exercise training and the intake of the water extract from propolis have on the activity of antioxidant enzymes.


For this purpose, the exercise training (70% VO2max treadmill running exercise for 60min)of 5 times per week for six weeks and the intake (50mg/kg/day) of the water extract from propolis were performed by separating the experimental animals (SD rats, n=32) into CON(n=8) group, CON+Ex(n=8), PA(n=8), and PA+Ex(n=8).


As a result, the following conclusions were obtained: The concentration of the blood glucose and insulin of the CON+Ex group and PA+Ex group which are the exercise parallel group were significantly decreased in comparison with the control group, whereas if comparing the glycogen concentration in skeletal muscle and liver tissue between the exercise parallel group and the CON group, the former showed significantly high value in comparison with the latter (p < .05). In the case of the activity of the antioxidant enzyme in the skeletal muscle and the liver tissue, the activities of SOD, GPX and CAT in the gastrocnemius muscle tissue of the experimental animals showed significantly high value in PA+Ex group in comparison with other experimental groups (p < .05). In addition, the SOD activity in the liver tissue showed that only PA+Ex group was significantly increased, whereas GDX activity showed significantly higher value in CON+Ex group and PA group than CON group (p < .05). However, the activity of CAT in the liver tissue showed that there is no difference between the experimental groups. As a result that measured the concentration of MDA in order to evaluate the damage level of the tissue by oxygen free radicals, the difference between the groups in the liver tissue was not shown, while it was shown that only PA+Ex group in the skeletal muscle tissue was significantly decreased in comparison with other experimental groups (p < .05).


Taken together the above findings, it is considered that the parallel treatment of the exercise training and the water extract from propolis can not only increase the use of glycogen of the skeletal muscle and liver tissue, but also it can give the effect to suppress the creation of active oxygen by inducing the activity of the antioxidant enzyme in the body, and in the future, the possibility as the exercise supplements and the antioxidant of the water-soluble propolis are expected.  相似文献   

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