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During fibrosis the hepatic stellate cell (HSC) undergoes a complex activation process characterized by increased proliferation and extracellular matrix deposition. The 70-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (p70S6K) is activated by mitogens, growth factors, and hormones in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent manner. p70S6K regulates protein synthesis, proliferation, and cell cycle control. Because these processes are involved in HSC activation, we investigated the role of p70S6K in HSC proliferation, cell cycle control, and type I collagen expression. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) stimulated p70S6K phosphorylation, which was blocked by LY294002, an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Rapamycin blocked phosphorylation of p70S6K but had no affect on PDGF-induced Akt phosphorylation, positioning p70S6K downstream of Akt. Transforming growth factor-beta, which inhibits HSC proliferation, did not affect PDGF-induced p70S6K phosphorylation. Rapamycin treatment did not affect alpha1(I) collagen mRNA but reduced type I collagen protein secretion. Expression of smooth muscle alpha-actin was not affected by rapamycin treatment, indicating that HSC activation was not altered. Rapamycin inhibited serum-induced DNA synthesis approximately 2-fold. Moreover, rapamycin decreased expression of cyclins D1, D3, and E but not cyclin D2, Rb-Ser780, and Rb-Ser795. Together, p70S6K plays a crucial role in HSC proliferation, collagen expression, and cell cycle control, thus representing a potential therapeutic target for liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that initiate and perpetuate the fibrogenic response, during liver injury, are unclear. Animal studies, however, strongly support a role for the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in wound healing. Therefore, the ANS may also mediate the development of cirrhosis. Hepatic stellate cells (HSC), the liver's major matrix-producing cells, are activated by injury to become proliferative, fibrogenic myofibroblasts. HSC respond to sympathetic neurotransmitters by changing phenotype, suggesting that HSC may be the cellular effectors of ANS signals that modulate hepatic fibrogenesis during recovery from liver damage. We show here that the parasympathetic neurotransmitter acetylcholine markedly stimulates the proliferation of myofibroblastic HSC and induces HSC collagen gene expression in these cells. By extending evidence that HSC are direct targets of the ANS, these results support the proposed neuroglial role of HSC in the liver and suggest that interrupting ANS signalling may be useful in constraining the fibrogenic response to liver injury.  相似文献   

Tenascin-C (TN-C) is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein markedly upregulated during liver fibrosis. The study is performed to explore the role of TN-C during the growth and activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). We found that TN-C was accumulated accompanying with the HSC activation. Our data on cell migration assay revealed that the rTN-C treatment enhanced HSC migration in a dose- and time-dependent manner, but did not influence their proliferation. HSCs transfected with pTARGET-TN-C overexpression vector displayed increased the type I collagen (Col I) production. TN-C overexpression enhanced the process of HSC activation through TGF-β1 signaling. Moreover, the anti-α9β1 integrin antibody treatment blocked the TN-C-driven Col I increase in rat HSCs. Collectively, TN-C had a positive role in activation of HSCs mediated by TGF-β1 and α9β1 integrin, manifesting elevation of Col I production and promotion of cell migration. Our results provide a potential insight for the therapy of hepatic fibrosis.  相似文献   

In the integrin family, the collagen receptors form a structurally and functionally distinct subgroup. Two members of this subgroup, alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) integrins, are known to bind to monomeric form of type I collagen. However, in tissues type I collagen monomers are organized into large fibrils immediately after they are released from cells. Here, we studied collagen fibril recognition by integrins. By an immunoelectron microscopy method we showed that integrin alpha(2)I domain is able to bind to classical D-banded type I collagen fibrils. However, according to the solid phase binding assay, the collagen fibril formation appeared to reduce integrin alpha(1)I and alpha(2)I domain avidity to collagen and to lower the number of putative alphaI domain binding sites on it. Respectively, cellular alpha(1)beta(1) integrin was able to mediate cell spreading significantly better on monomeric than on fibrillar type I collagen matrix, whereas alpha(2)beta(1) integrin appeared still to facilitate both cell spreading on fibrillar type I collagen matrix and also the contraction of fibrillar type I collagen gel. Additionally, alpha(2)beta(1) integrin promoted the integrin-mediated formation of long cellular projections typically induced by fibrillar collagen. Thus, these findings suggest that alpha(2)beta(1) integrin is a functional cellular receptor for type I collagen fibrils, whereas alpha(1)beta(1) integrin may only effectively bind type I collagen monomers. Furthermore, when the effect of soluble alphaI domains on type I collagen fibril formation was tested in vitro, the observations suggest that integrin type collagen receptors might guide or even promote pericellular collagen fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

The mechanisms initiating and perpetuating the fibrogenic response in the injured liver are not well understood. Hepatic stellate cells are activated by liver injury to become proliferative and fibrogenic myofibroblasts. Emerging evidence suggests that the sympathetic nervous system may play a role in the development of cirrhosis. It is not known, however, whether this requires a direct interaction between sympathetic neurotransmitters and stellate cell receptors, or results indirectly, from sympathetic effects on the vasculature. Using cultured hepatic stellate cells, we show that the sympathetic neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and neuropeptide Y, markedly stimulate the proliferation of activated, myofibroblastic, hepatic stellate cells. Norepinephrine, but not neuropeptide Y, also induces collagen gene expression. In conclusion, physiologically relevant concentrations of sympathetic neurotransmitters directly modulate the phenotype of hepatic stellate cells. This suggests that targeted interruption of sympathetic nervous system signaling in hepatic stellate cells may be useful in constraining the fibrogenic response to liver injury.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) mediates focal adhesion formation through tyrosine phosphorylation during cell adhesion. We investigated the role of FAK in focal adhesion structure and function. Loading cells with a glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein (GST-Cterm) containing the FAK focal adhesion targeting sequence, but not the kinase domain, decreased the association of endogenous FAK with focal adhesions. This displacement of endogenous FAK in both BALB/c 3T3 cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells loaded with GST-Cterm decreased focal adhesion phosphotyrosine content. Neither cell type, however, exhibited a reduction in focal adhesions after GST-Cterm loading. These results indicate that FAK mediates adhesion-associated tyrosine phosphorylation, but not the formation of focal adhesions. We then examined the effect of inhibiting FAK function on other adhesion-dependent cell behavior. Cells microinjected with GST-Cterm exhibited decreased migration. In addition, cells injected with GST-Cterm had decreased DNA synthesis compared with control-injected or noninjected cells. These findings suggest that FAK functions in the regulation of cell migration and cell proliferation.  相似文献   

BRCA2 is a tumor suppressor gene that when mutated confers an increased susceptibility to developing breast and prostate carcinoma. Besides its role in mediating DNA repair, new evidence suggests that BRCA2 may also play a role in suppressing cancer cell growth. Because altered interactions between neoplastic cells and the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM) play a pivotal role in unchecked cancer cell proliferation and metastatic progression, we hypothesized that the ECM may have an effect in BRCA2 expression. By using normal and prostate carcinoma cell lines, we demonstrated that although normal cells transiently increase BRCA2 protein levels when adhering to the ECM protein collagen type I (COL1), carcinoma cells exhibit a significant reduction in BRCA2 protein. This aberrant effect is independent from de novo protein synthesis and results from COL1-beta(1) integrin signaling through phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase leading to BRCA2 ubiquitination and degradation in the proteasome. BRCA2 protein depletion after cancer cell adhesion to COL1 or in small RNA interference assays triggers new DNA synthesis, a trophic effect that is abrogated by recombinant BRCA2 expression. Blocking or inhibiting beta(1) integrin, PI 3-kinase, or proteasome activity all have a negative effect on COL1-mediated DNA synthesis in cancer cells. In normal cells, the transient increase in BRCA2 expression is independent from beta(1) integrin or PI 3-kinase and has no effect in cell proliferation. In summary, these results unravel a novel mechanism whereby prostate carcinoma cell proliferation is enhanced by the down-regulation of BRCA2 expression when interacting with COL1, a major component of the ECM at osseous metastatic sites.  相似文献   

YB1 is a negative regulator in liver fibrosis. We wondered whether SJYB1, a homologous protein of YB1 from Schistosoma japonicum, has an effect on liver fibrosis in vitro. Recombinant SJYB1 (rSJYB1) protein was expressed in a bacterial system and purified by Ni‐NTA His·Bind Resin. A human hepatic stellate cell line, the LX‐2 cell line, was cultured and treated with rSJYB1. The role of rSJYB1 on LX‐2 cells was then analysed by Western blot and luciferase assay. We succeeded in expressing and purifying SJYB1 in a bacterial system and the purified rSJYB1 could be recognized by S japonicum‐infected rabbit sera. Western bolt analysis showed that rSJYB1 inhibited the expression of collagen type I, but had little effect on α‐smooth muscle actin (α‐SMA). Further analysis revealed that rSJYB1 inhibited the activity of collagen α1 (I) (COL1A1) promoter and functioned at ?1592/?1176 region of COL1A1 promoter. Our data demonstrate that rSJYB1‐mediated anti‐fibrotic activity involves inhibiting the activity of COL1A1 promoter and subsequently suppressing the expression of collagen type I in hepatic stellate cells.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cell proliferation can be inhibited by heparan sulfate proteoglycans whereas the removal or digestion of heparan sulfate from perlecan promotes their proliferation. In this study we characterized the glycosaminoglycan side chains of perlecan isolated from either primary human coronary artery smooth muscle or endothelial cells and determined their roles in mediating cell adhesion and proliferation, and in fibroblast growth factor (FGF) binding and signaling. Smooth muscle cell perlecan was decorated with both heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, whereas endothelial perlecan contained exclusively heparan sulfate chains. Smooth muscle cells bound to the protein core of perlecan only when the glycosaminoglycans were removed, and this binding involved a novel site in domain III as well as domain V/endorepellin and the α2β1 integrin. In contrast, endothelial cells adhered to the protein core of perlecan in the presence of glycosaminoglycans. Smooth muscle cell perlecan bound both FGF1 and FGF2 via its heparan sulfate chains and promoted the signaling of FGF2 but not FGF1. Also endothelial cell perlecan bound both FGF1 and FGF2 via its heparan sulfate chains, but in contrast, promoted the signaling of both growth factors. Based on this differential bioactivity, we propose that perlecan synthesized by smooth muscle cells differs from that synthesized by endothelial cells by possessing different signaling capabilities, primarily, but not exclusively, due to a differential glycanation. The end result is a differential modulation of cell adhesion, proliferation and growth factor signaling in these two key cellular constituents of blood vessels.  相似文献   

Hong F  Saiman Y  Si C  Mosoian A  Bansal MB 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33659

Background & Aims

Patients coinfected with HIV-1 and HCV develop more rapid liver fibrosis than patients monoinfected with HCV. HIV RNA levels correlate with fibrosis progression implicating HIV directly in the fibrotic process. While activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) express the 2 major HIV chemokine coreceptors, CXCR4 and CCR5, little is known about the pro-fibrogenic effects of the HIV-1 envelope protein, gp120, on HSCs. We therefore examined the in vitro impact of X4 gp120 on HSC activation, collagen I expression, and underlying signaling pathways and examined the in vivo expression of gp120 in HIV/HCV coinfected livers.


Primary human HSCs and LX-2 cells, a human HSC line, were challenged with X4 gp120 and expression of fibrogenic markers assessed by qRT-PCR and Western blot +/− either CXCR4-targeted shRNA or anti-CXCR4 neutralizing antibody. Downstream intracellular signaling pathways were evaluated with Western blot and pre-treatment with specific pathway inhibitors. Gp120 immunostaining was performed on HIV/HCV coinfected liver biopsies.


X4 gp 120 significantly increased expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA) and collagen I in HSCs which was blocked by pre-incubation with either CXCR4-targeted shRNA or anti-CXCR4 neutralizing antibody. Furthermore, X4 gp120 promoted Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 phosphorylation and pretreatment with an ERK inhibitor attenuated HSC activation and collagen I expression. Sinusoidal staining for gp120 was evident in HIV/HCV coinfected livers.


X4 HIV-1 gp120 is pro-fibrogenic through its interactions with CXCR4 on activated HSCs. The availability of small molecule inhibitors to CXCR4 make this a potential anti-fibrotic target in HIV/HCV coinfected patients.  相似文献   

Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are major players in liver fibrogenesis. Accumulating evidence shows that suppression of autophagy plays an important role in the development and progression of liver disease. Phospholipase D1 (PLD1), which catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine to yield phosphatidic acid (PA) and choline, was recently shown to modulate autophagy. However, little is known about the effects of PLD1 on the production of type I collagen that characterizes liver fibrosis. Here, we examined whether PLD1 regulates type I collagen levels in HSCs through induction of autophagy. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of PLD-1 (Ad-PLD1) reduced type I collagen levels in the activated human HSC lines, hTERT and LX2. Overexpression of PLD1 in HSCs led to induction of autophagy as demonstrated by increased LC3-II conversion and formation of LC3 puncta, and decreased p62 abundance. Moreover, inhibiting the induction of autophagy by treating cells with bafilomycin or a small interfering (si)RNA for ATG7 rescued Ad-PLD1-induced suppression of type I collagen accumulation in HSCs. The effects of PLD on type I collagen levels were not related to TGF-β/Smad signaling. Furthermore, treatment of cells with PA induced autophagy and inhibited type I collagen accumulation. The present study indicates that PLD1 plays a role in regulating type I collagen accumulation through induction of autophagy.  相似文献   

Non-enzymatic glycation of type I collagen occurs in aging and diabetes, and may affect collagen solubility, charge, polymerization, and intermolecular interactions. Proteoglycans(1) (PGs) bind type I collagen and are proposed to regulate fibril assembly, function, and cell-collagen interactions. Moreover, on the collagen fibril a keratan sulfate (KS) PG binding region overlaps with preferred collagen glycation sites. Thus, we examined the effect of collagen modified by simple glycation on PG-collagen interactions. By affinity coelectrophoresis (ACE), we found reduced affinities of heparin and KSPGs for glycated but not normal collagen, whereas the dermatan sulfate (DS)PGs decorin and biglycan bound similarly to both, and that the affinity of heparin for normal collagen decreased with increasing pH. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy revealed normal and glycated collagens to assume triple helical conformations, but heparin addition caused precipitation and decreased triple helical content-effects that were more marked with glycated collagen. A spectrophotometric assay revealed slower polymerization of glycated collagen. However, ultrastructural analyses indicated that fibrils assembled from normal and glycated collagen exhibited normal periodicity, and had similar structures and comparable diameter distributions. B-cells expressing the cell surface heparan sulfate PG syndecan-1 adhered well to normal but not glycated collagen, and endothelial cell migration was delayed on glycated collagen. We speculate that glycation diminishes the electrostatic interactions between type I collagen and PGs, and may interfere with core protein-collagen associations for KSPGs but not DSPGs. Therefore in vivo, collagen glycation may weaken PG-collagen interactions, thereby disrupting matrix integrity and cell-collagen interactions, adhesion, and migration.  相似文献   

Located within the perisinusoidal space and surrounded by extracellular matrix, hepatic stellate cells (HSC) undergo phenotypic trans-differentiation called "myofibroblastic activation" in liver fibrogenesis. This study investigated the regulation of interleukin-1 (IL-1alpha) on expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) by HSC grown in three-dimensional extracellular matrix and the role of MMPs in HSC activation. To recapitulate the in vivo "quiescent" state of HSC, the isolated rat HSC were grown in three-dimensional Matrigel or type I collagen. Stimulation with IL-1alpha caused robust induction of pro-MMP-9 (the precursor of matrix metalloproteinase-9) when HSC were cultured in these matrices. IL-1alpha induced a conversion of the pro-MMP-9 to the active form only when the cells were in type I collagen. In collagen lattices, IL-1alpha provoked activation of HSC with induction of MMP-13, MMP-3, and breakdown of the matrix. The HSC activation was completely prevented by a treatment of the cells with tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 or deprivation of MMP-9. Once fully activated, HSC failed to express MMP-9 and showed attenuated induction of MMP-13 and MMP-3. Further, we demonstrated colocalization of alpha-smooth muscle actin and MMP-9 in a subpopulation of HSC in human fibrotic liver tissues. Thus, this study provides a novel model to enlighten the role of MMPs, particularly that of MMP-9, in HSC activation regulated by a specific cytokine in liver fibrogenesis.  相似文献   

Hepatic stellate cells are located in the perisinusoidal space (space of Disse), and extend their dendritic, thin membranous processes and fine fibrillar processes into this space. The stellate cells coexist with a three-dimensional extracellular matrix (ECM) in the perisinusoidal space. In turn the three-dimensional structure of the ECM regulates the proliferation, morphology, and functions of the stellate cell. In this review, the morphology of sites of adhesion between hepatic stellate cells and extracellular matrix is described. Hepatic stellate cells cultured in polystyrene dishes spread well, whereas the cells cultured on or in type I collagen gel become slender and elongate their long cellular processes which adhere directly to the collagen fibers. Cells in type I collagen gel form a large number of adhesive structures, each adhesive area forming a face but not a point. Adhesion molecules, integrins, for the ECM are localized on the cell surface. Elongation of the cellular processes occurs via integrin-binding to type I collagen fibers. The signal transduction mechanism, including protein and phosphatidylinositol phosphorylation, is critical to induce and sustain the cellular processes. Information on the three-dimensional structures of ECM is transmitted via three-dimensional adhesive structures containing the integrins.  相似文献   

Myofibroblastic-activated hepatic stellate cells are the major source of the collagen I-rich extracellular matrix in liver fibrosis but also produce matrix metalloproteinases, which remodel this protein. We have investigated the role of collagen I proteolysis in both regulating proliferation and maintaining the activated myofibroblastic phenotype of stellate cells in vitro. Compared with stellate cells plated on normal collagen I, those plated on a collagenase-resistant form of collagen I (r/r collagen) had reduced thymidine incorporation and proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression but increased p21 expression. Collagen I was shown to be rendered resistant to matrix metalloproteinases by artificial cross-linking in vitro using tissue transglutaminase exerted similar antiproliferative effects on stellate cells to r/r collagen. Of the stellate cell activation markers examined (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1, alpha-smooth muscle actin, matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9, and procollagen I) only the last was decreased by culture on r/r collagen relative to normal collagen I. Antagonists of integrin alphavbeta3, an integrin reported to stimulate stellate cell proliferation, significantly inhibited adhesion, proliferation, and procollagen I synthesis of stellate cells plated on normal collagen I but had reduced effectiveness on these parameters in cells on r/r collagen. We conclude that proliferation of stellate cells is promoted by pericellular collagen I proteolysis acting via alphavbeta3 integrin. Cross-linking of collagen I by tissue transglutaminase, a process known to occur in chronic liver fibrosis, might not only increase its resistance to matrix metalloproteinases thereby inhibiting resolution of fibrosis but also functions to constrain the fibroproliferative process.  相似文献   

Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) cultured on plastic spontaneously transdifferentiate to a myofibroblast-like cell type (MFB). This model system of hepatic fibrogenesis is characterized by phenotypic changes of the cells and increased matrix synthesis. Here, we analyzed if transdifferentiation-dependent induction of ECM components, e.g., collagen type I and thrombospondin-2 (TSP-2), and phenotypic changes are coregulated events and if both processes are mediated via TGF-beta pathway(s). Blocking the TGF-beta-dependent p38 MAPK pathway in HSC with the specific inhibitor SB203580 strongly reduces collagen I and TSP-2 mRNA expression without inhibiting upregulation of the typical MFB-marker, alpha-smooth-muscle actin (alpha-SMA). Similarly, interference with the Smad2/3/4 pathway using dexamethasone also heavily decreased expression of collagen type I and TSP-2 whereas transdifferentiation of HSC to the typical morphology of MFB with loss of fat droplets and increasing alpha-SMA was unchanged. Further, p38 MAPK mediated induction of collagen I and TSP-2 expression by TGF-beta1 was still achieved in the presence of dexamethasone, showing that dexamethasone does not block p38 while it delays Smad2 phosphorylation and antagonizes stimulation of a Smad3/Smad4 dependent TGF-beta reporter construct. Interestingly, in contrast to SB203580 and dexamethasone, overexpression of the TGF-beta antagonist Smad7 reduced ECM expression and simultaneously inhibited morphologic transdifferentiation, indicating that Smad7 fulfills additional features in HSC. In conclusion, our data show that phenotypic changes of transdifferentiating HSC and induction of matrix synthesis are independent processes, the latter being stimulated by both, Smad dependent and MAPK dependent TGF-beta signaling.  相似文献   

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