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Mechanisms that determine the strength of trophic cascades from fish to benthic algae via algivorous invertebrates in stream communities have not been clarified. Using seven fish species, we tested the hypothesis that the interspecific variation of predatory behavior of fishes affects the strength of trophic cascades in experimental streams. One or two species of fish were introduced into flow-through pools of 2.5 m2 and the abundances of benthic invertebrates and algae were monitored. Pike gudgeon, a diurnal benthic feeder, triggered a strong trophic cascade but masu salmon, a diurnal drift feeder, did not have a cascading effect. Japanese dace, which is both a diurnal benthic and drift feeder, increased the algal biomass, but the nocturnal benthic feeder cut-tailed bullhead had little cascading effect. The diurnal benthic feeder silver crucian carp also had a cascading effect, but no trophic cascade was triggered either by Asian pond loach or by Japanese common catfish, both of which are nocturnal benthic feeders. Thus, diurnal benthic fish exerted a stronger cascading effect than diurnal drift feeders or nocturnal fish. The combination of two fish species enhanced the per-capita strength of trophic cascades, probably because one of the two species, the benthic feeder, preyed on more invertebrates than in the single-species pools.  相似文献   

Some fish recognize the threat of predatory fish through chemical cues, which may result in variation in diel activity. However, there is little experimental evidence of diel shifts in activity of prey fish in response to the diel activity of a predator. We compared the total prey consumed and the use of cover by common bullies (Gobiomorphus cotidianus), a native benthic feeding eleotrid, when exposed to the odour of an exotic predator, European perch (Perca fluviatilis), over a 12-h period. Our results showed no significant effect of perch odour on feeding activity, but a significant increase in the use of cover at night and a decrease in the use of cover by day. While common bullies may recognize the presence of a predator through chemical cues, dark conditions may inhibit this and other sensory mechanisms, affecting their ability to recognize the proximity of a predator. For example, during the daytime they may rely on visual cues to initiate cover-seeking behavior, but in the dark, vision is impaired giving them less warning of predators, thus potentially making them more vulnerable.  相似文献   

Productivity in the oceans is heightened around oceanographic and bathymetric features such as fronts and islands. This can have a flow-on effect, providing increased food availability for higher trophic level species. Using data from a 5-day combined visual and acoustic survey, we examined the hypothesis that higher Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) density provides a lucrative resource for humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) at a remote Antarctic feeding area, the Balleny Islands (67oS, 164°E). We assessed whale presence at the feeding area in relation to prey (krill), productivity and environmental variables using density surface modeling. We found stark differences between krill swarms near the islands and those in adjacent open water. Swarms were twice as dense and three times more numerous near the Balleny Islands compared to an open water pelagic environment, suggesting that the islands offered a profitable feeding opportunity. At the feeding area, whales were found in deeper and more productive waters with medium krill densities. These relationships, along with the high krill availability around the islands, may be the result of the Island Mass Effect.  相似文献   

Observations of search behavior in the predatory stinkbugPodisus maculiventris (Say) suggested that vibrations produced by prey as they chew on leaves may be an important cue used by this predator to locate prey. To test this hypothesis, studies were conducted to determine ifP. maculiventris search and make directional choices in response to vibrational stimuli produced by feeding green cloverworms,Plathypena scabra (F.), and to recordings of chewing vibrations. Modified soybean plants [Glycine max (L.)] were used in Y-choice tests. Individuals exposed to vibrational signals finished trials significantly more often on branches through which vibrations entered the plants than on no-stimulus branches. Also, a significantly higher proportion of individuals that initially moved onto branches with no stimulus reversed course than did those moving up branches with vibrational stimuli. The response ofP. maculiventris individuals to vibrational signals produced by a common prey species demonstrates that these predators are capable of using substrate-borne vibrations as cues for prey location.  相似文献   

Sexual cannibalism, the capture and consumption of one sex by the other resulting from sexual interactions, provides an intriguing set of conditional fitness payoffs. Usually these payoffs will only benefit the cannibal, but under certain circumstances advantages might accrue to the cannibalized individual as well. Here I test three models of sexual cannibalism with data from a sit-and-wait predator, the crab spider Misumena vatia , whose lifestyle differs from the species for which these models were generated. The models include both precopulatory mechanisms (no gametes exchanged) and postcopulatory ones (gametes exchanged) perceived to generate adult fitness payoffs and situations in which cannibalism is not adaptive in the adult stage (aggressive spillover). In M. vatia , females sometimes cannibalize males before mating can occur. Precopulatory cannibalism is unlikely to reward female M. vatia significantly because of the diminutive size of the males, but it could be part of a broader syndrome that provides the females with large food payoffs earlier in the life cycle. Although the frequency of cannibalism is low (3.8–7.6%), this level suffices to be an important selective factor, a point accentuated by the extremely cautious behaviour of the males toward the females. I then compare the traits associated with these models to the species for which they were designed and certain others for which adequate data also exist. None of the sets of responses to these traits closely resembles each other in the different species. These results suggest that sexual cannibalism has developed in response to a heterogeneous collection of lifestyles and phylogenetic constraints.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 427–437.  相似文献   

J. W. Moore 《Hydrobiologia》1977,53(2):139-146
Summary The methods used in collection, preservation, and gut content and grazing analysis of benthic herbivores are reviewed. In addition, the results of experiments conducted on feeding periodicities and on the suitability for feeding studies of animals which were 1) collected with an electric shocker, 2) collected from the downstream drift of rivers and 3) killed with certain preservatives are presented. It is concluded that since most methods involve such a high degree of error, many of our concepts regarding the nutritional importance of different foods, selective feeding and the magnitude of herbivorous grazing may be largely misleading.  相似文献   

Numerous vertebrates employ one or more autotomous body parts as an anti-predation mechanism. Many lizards possess an autotomous tail that is brightly colored blue, which has been suggested to either serve as a decoy mechanism to divert predator attention to the autotomous body part, as an interspecific signal, or as an aposematic signal to predators that it is distasteful or dangerous. While theoretical studies suggest that a conspicuous autotomous body part that increases the probability of escape while not increasing the rate of detection will be favorable over a completely cryptic form, there is little empirical evidence supporting the adaptive benefit of an autotomous blue tail. We used in situ clay models of a scincid lizard to test the fitness consequences of blue coloration. Lizard models with a dark base color and blue decoy coloration experienced no measurable difference in avian predation relative to an all-dark model, which suggests that blue coloration neither serves as an aposematic signal nor increases the conspicuousness of the lizard model. Despite statistically similar attack rates, avian attacks on models with blue coloration were indeed focused on body sections that were colored blue. Our results suggest that the blue tail in lizards serves as an effective decoy, and that avian predation has possibly played a role in the evolution of the blue tail.  相似文献   

We present a general model for three interacting populations, where one population, called a mutualist, benefits a predator in its interaction with the prey. Biologically, there are four different ways in which the mutualist could benefit the predator: by enhancing prey growth rate, by enhancing the rate of prey capture, by providing an alternative food supply for the predator, and by enhancing the efficiency of utilization of prey, once they are ingested. We discuss examples of each type of interaction. We restrict our model to those situations in which the predator cannot survive on the prey in the absence of the mutualist. Therefore, if mutualism exists, it is obligate for the predator. Other conditions of the model include the dynamics of the prey and the mutualist alone and together in the absence of the predator. Given additional reasonable restrictions on the model, we determine the conditions for persistence, where persistence is defined as the continued existence of all three populations without any of them going extinct. There are two ways in which survival may arise in these models. Under one set of conditions, which is equivalent to the predator being able to invade a prey-mutualist system when rare, persistence will occur for any set of positive critical population sizes. Alternatively, survival will occur if there is an asymptotically stable interior equilibrium. However, the conditions for this are complex, and survival may occur only for initial populations in a limited region around the equilibrium.  相似文献   

Flexible empirical Bayes models for differential gene expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Inference about differential expression is a typical objective when analyzing gene expression data. Recently, Bayesian hierarchical models have become increasingly popular for this type of problem. The two most common hierarchical models are the hierarchical Gamma-Gamma (GG) and Lognormal-Normal (LNN) models. However, to facilitate inference, some unrealistic assumptions have been made. One such assumption is that of a common coefficient of variation across genes, which can adversely affect the resulting inference. RESULTS: In this paper, we extend both the GG and LNN modeling frameworks to allow for gene-specific variances and propose EM based algorithms for parameter estimation. The proposed methodology is evaluated on three experimental datasets: one cDNA microarray experiment and two Affymetrix spike-in experiments. The two extended models significantly reduce the false positive rate while keeping a high sensitivity when compared to the originals. Finally, using a simulation study we show that the new frameworks are also more robust to model misspecification. AVAILABILITY: The R code for implementing the proposed methodology can be downloaded at http://www.stat.ubc.ca/~c.lo/FEBarrays. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The supplementary material is available at http://www.stat.ubc.ca/~c.lo/FEBarrays/supp.pdf.  相似文献   

Beekey MA  McCabe DJ  Marsden JE 《Oecologia》2004,141(1):164-170
The introduction of zebra mussels (Dreissena spp.) to North America has resulted in dramatic changes to the complexity of benthic habitats. Changes in habitat complexity may have profound effects on predator-prey interactions in aquatic communities. Increased habitat complexity may affect prey and predator dynamics by reducing encounter rates and foraging success. Zebra mussels form thick contiguous colonies on both hard and soft substrates. While the colonization of substrata by zebra mussels has generally resulted in an increase in both the abundance and diversity of benthic invertebrate communities, it is not well known how these changes affect the foraging efficiencies of predators that prey on benthic invertebrates. We examined the effect of zebra mussels on the foraging success of four benthic predators with diverse prey-detection modalities that commonly forage in soft substrates: slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), brown bullhead (Ameirus nebulosus), log perch (Percina caprodes), and crayfish (Orconectes propinquus). We conducted laboratory experiments to assess the impact of zebra mussels on the foraging success of predators using a variety of prey species. We also examined habitat use by each predator over different time periods. Zebra mussel colonization of soft sediments significantly reduced the foraging efficiencies of all predators. However, the effect was dependent upon prey type. All four predators spent more time in zebra mussel habitat than in either gravel or bare sand. The overall effect of zebra mussels on benthic-feeding fishes is likely to involve a trade-off between the advantages of increased density of some prey types balanced against the reduction in foraging success resulting from potential refugia offered in the complex habitat created by zebra mussels.  相似文献   

Several tritrophic systems are characterized by local over-exploitation of the food source. Interactions between predatory mites, spider mites and their host plants are an example of such systems: either the spider mites over-exploit local patches of host plants or the spider mites are exterminated by predatory mites. It is often stated that modelling the overall population dynamics of such systems in a realistic way would soon lead to an unmanageable edifice. We advocate, however, the use of physiologically structured population models as a both general and formal mathematical framework. The advantage is that analytically tractable models may be obtained from the complex ‘master’ model by time-scale arguments or special choices of model ingredients. In this way a network of models can be derived, each concentrating on a particular aspect, all inadequate to cover the entire spectrum, but together (we hope) providing a coherent set of insights the relative importance of which can be assessed by computer experiments on the ‘master’ model. In this paper a rather realistic model of predator/prey interactions in an ensemble of host-plant patches is presented and, as an example of our approach, some special cases are derived from that model. Their analysis provided some first, useful insights. It is shown that prolonged duration of the prey-dispersal phase and prey dispersal from predator (-invaded prey) patches may result in a stable steady state, whereas a humped plant-production function may — under certain conditions — result in two stable steady states.  相似文献   

Generalist predatory paper wasps, Polistes dominulus, experience plant secondary defensive compounds as developing larvae through their herbivorous lepidopteran caterpillar prey and as adults through attacking caterpillars while foraging. We evaluated the role that larval and early adult experience with unpalatable prey plays in subsequent foraging choices by adult wasps. For periods of two or four weeks, caged wasps were raised exclusively on caterpillars of either unpalatable Buckeye, Junonia coenia, that sequester substantial levels of iridoid glycosides (IG) or on Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui, that contain very low levels of IG. Wasps were then allowed to forage on both caterpillar species simultaneously. Patterns of prey capture differed significantly based on previous prey experience. Regardless of previous feeding experience, adult wasps overwhelmingly preferred to take Vanessa. Yet Junonia-experienced wasps continued to attack and take back to the nest over 50% more Junonia than did Vanessa-experienced wasps. The longer the wasps' larval experience with Junonia, the more likely they were to capture Junonia caterpillars. However, the life stage at which the wasps experienced Junonia was also influential as young adult experience with the unpalatable prey was more of a deterrent than was experience strictly as larvae for Junonia-experienced wasps. The results demonstrate that, in these predators, previous experience with deterrent chemicals during their larval development alters patterns of prey acceptability to the adult insects.  相似文献   

Development of predator defences in fishes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary A variety of development characteristics, morphological, behavioural, and experiential, contribute to the extreme vulnerability of young fishes to predation. The influence of these characteristics is complicated by the fact that the larval period is one of substantial and rapid change. Yet survival is the ultimate goal;-it is only by reaching maturity that individual fish have the opportunity to reproduce. With such high stakes it is not surprising that predator defences are of major importance during all phases of life. Developmental constraints may limit the defensive options for young fishes. Avoidance behaviours, which reduce the likelihood of encountering a predator or of being attacked by it, are particulaly evident in the youngest stages. Here size, coloration and dispersal are used to help elude the predator's attention. As fishes grow and acquire greater morphological and behavioural sophistication, there is more scope for predator evasion when avoidance fails. Older fishes are increasingly able to respond to external stimuli and can detect and react to predators or join conspecifics in common defence (schooling). Behavioural development is not simply a consequence of growth and the concomitant physical alterations of the body; it is also mediated by experience that comes through interaction with the physical and biotic environment. Predispositions to respond to experience may be a product of evolutionary history. Although mortality rates decline markedly with development and maturity, changes in size or behaviour can render fishes vulnerable to new suites of predators. Effective predator avoidance can compromise other activities, such as foraging, and individuals may be forced to reconcile conflicting demands. Developmental niche shifts that occur, for example, when certain size classes take refuge in less profitable feeding habitats, represent one such trade-off. Niche shifts may also be mediated by the influence of the programme for morphological development on sensory or behavioural capabilities. In addition to all of these developmental consderations, natural variations in environmental conditions — such as temperature, photoperiod, predator density and variety, and presence of alternative prey — represent additional challenges to predator defences during the rite of passage from birth to reproduction.  相似文献   

Both island-biogeographic (dynamic) and niche-based (static) metapopulation models make predictions about the distribution and abundance of species assemblages. We tested the utility of these models concerning such predictions for terrestrial vascular plants using data from 74 landscapes across the globe. We examined correlations between species frequency and local abundance and shapes of the species frequency distribution. No data set met all of the predictions of any single island-biogeographic metapopulation model. In contrast, all data sets met the predictions of the niche-based model. We conclude that in predicting the distribution of species assemblages of plants over scales greater than 10–1 km, niche-based models are robust while current metapopulation models are insufficient. We discuss limitations in the assumptions of the various models and the types of empirical observations that they will each have to deal with in further developments.  相似文献   

The function of nuptial feeding in insects: a review of empirical studies   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Nuptial feeding encompasses any form of nutrient transfer from the male to the female during or directly after courtship and/or copulation. In insects, nuptial gifts may take the form of food captured or collected by the male, parts, or even the whole of the male's body, or glandular products of the male such as salivary secretions, external glandular secretions, the spermatophore and substances in the ejaculate. Over the past decade, there has been considerable debate over the current function of nuptial feeding in insects. This debate has centred on the issue of whether nuptial gifts function as paternal investment (i.e. function to increase the fitness and/or number of the gift-giving male's own offspring) or as mating effort (i.e. function to attract females, facilitate coupling, and/or to maximize ejaculate transfer), although the two hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. In the present article, evidence for the potential of nuptial gifts to function as either paternal investment, mating effort, or both is reviewed for each form of nuptial feeding in each insect taxon for which sufficient data are available. Empirical evidence suggests that many diverse forms of nuptial feeding in different insect taxa function, at least in part, as mating effort. For example, nuptial prey and salivary masses in the Mecoptera, regurgitated food in Drosophila (Diptera), hind-wing feeding in Cyphoderris (Orthoptera) and the secretion of the male's cephalic gland in Neopyrochroa (Coleoptera) and Zorotypus (Zoraptera) appear to function to entice females to copulate and/or to facilitate coupling. Nuptial prey and salivary masses in the Mecoptera also appear to function to maximize ejaculate transfer (which is also a form of mating effort), as do nuptial prey in Empis (Diptera), external glandular secretions in Oecanthus and Allonemobius (Orthoptera) and the spermatophylax in gryllids and tettigoniids (Orthoptera). Large spermatophores in, for example, the Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, also appear to be maintained by selection on the male to maximize ejaculate transfer and thereby counter the effects of sperm competition. In contrast to the large amount of evidence in support of the mating effort hypothesis, there is a relative lack of good evidence to support the paternal investment hypothesis. Certain studies have demonstrated an increase in the weight and/or number of eggs laid as a result of the receipt of larger gifts, or a greater number of gifts, in tettigoniids, gryllids, acridids, mantids, bruchid beetles, drosophilids and lepidopterans. However, virtually all of these studies (with the possible exception of studies of the spermatophylax in tettigoniids) have failed to control adequately for hormonal substances in the ejaculate that are known to affect female reproductive output. Furthermore, in at least four tettigoniids (but not in the case of two species), three lepidopterans, a drosophilid and probably also bruchid beetles and bittacids, evidence suggests that the male has a low probability of fertilising the eggs that stand to benefit from his nuptial gift nutrients. Therefore, the hypothesis that paternal investment might account for the function of nuptial gifts in general is not supported.  相似文献   

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