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Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men worldwide and is likely to be caused by a number of genes with different modes of inheritance, population frequencies and penetrance. The objective of this study was to assess the familial aggregation of PCa in a sample of 1,546 nuclear families ascertained through an affected father and diagnosed during 1988–1993, from the unique, founder population-based resource of the Finnish Cancer Registry. Segregation analysis was performed for two cohorts of 557 early-onset and 989 late-onset families evaluating residual paternal effects and assuming that age at diagnosis followed a logistic distribution after log-transformation. The results did not support an autosomal dominant inheritance as has been reported in many of the hospital-based prostatectomy series. Instead, it confirmed the existence of hereditary PCa in the Finnish population under a complex model that included a major susceptibility locus with Mendelian recessive inheritance and a significant paternal regressive coefficient that is indicative of a polygenic/multifactorial component. The strengths of our study are the homogenous Finnish population, large epidemiological population-based data, histologically confirmed cancer diagnosis done before the PSA-era in Finland and registry based approach. Our results support the evidence that the inheritance of PCa is controlled by major genes and are in line with the previous linkage studies. Moreover, this is the first time a recessive inheritance is suggested to fit PCa in all data even when divided to early and late-onset cohorts. Sanna Pakkanen and Agnes B Baffoe-Bonnie equally contributed to this work.  相似文献   

Congenital universal muscular hypoplasia has been confused with similar diseases in the past. Evidence presented in this paper distinguishes this disorder from other phenotypically similar ones and indicates that it is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder.  相似文献   

Congenital adrenal hypoplasia (CAH) normally occurs in the neonatal period, with patients presenting with more or less severe salt-wasting syndrome. X-linked CAH has been associated with mutations in the DAX-1 gene, and boys have also been shown to have hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Recently, in three unrelated boys, CAH was associated with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), metaphyseal dysplasia and genital abnormalities, defining a new association called IMAGe. We now report four additional patients with this association, including the first living female. The four patients belong to two unrelated families (one brother and one sister from each family). These patients have the main clinical characteristics of IMAGe association: IUGR, facial dysmorphy (frontal bossing, broad nasal bridge, low-set ears), short limbs due to metaphyseal dysplasia, and adrenal insufficiency. As these patients are older than the initial three patients, we can also describe additional features: short adult height, normal puberty in boys as well as in the living girl. The boys have hypospadias associated with micropenis. The living girl came to clinical attention at the age of 5 years as a result of a familial survey, and careful questioning revealed that she had been suffering from mild adrenal insufficiency since early childhood. At least one boy has congenital hypotonia due to muscular dystrophy. In conclusion, these four new cases display familial transmission, strongly suggesting Mendelian autosomal recessive inheritance. Adrenal insufficiency may be mild. Hypotonia, described in all the patients, might be related to paucisymptomatic muscular dystrophy, as this condition is clearly heterogeneous varying with regard to severity, associated manifestations and outcome. If this symptom is part of the syndrome, which we cannot assume, it could help to localize the candidate gene.  相似文献   

Thrombocytopenia-absent radius (TAR) syndrome is characterized by hypomegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia and bilateral radial aplasia in the presence of both thumbs. Other frequent associations are congenital heart disease and a high incidence of cow's milk intolerance. Evidence for autosomal recessive inheritance comes from families with several affected individuals born to unaffected parents, but several other observations argue for a more complex pattern of inheritance. In this study, we describe a common interstitial microdeletion of 200 kb on chromosome 1q21.1 in all 30 investigated patients with TAR syndrome, detected by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization. Analysis of the parents revealed that this deletion occurred de novo in 25% of affected individuals. Intriguingly, inheritance of the deletion along the maternal line as well as the paternal line was observed. The absence of this deletion in a cohort of control individuals argues for a specific role played by the microdeletion in the pathogenesis of TAR syndrome. We hypothesize that TAR syndrome is associated with a deletion on chromosome 1q21.1 but that the phenotype develops only in the presence of an additional as-yet-unknown modifier (mTAR).  相似文献   

To investigate the transmission of Tourette syndrome (TS) and associated disorders within families, complex segregation analysis was performed on family study data obtained from 53 independently ascertained children and adolescents with TS and their 154 first-degree relatives. The results suggest that the susceptibility for TS is conveyed by a major locus in combination with a multifactorial background. Other models of inheritance were definitively rejected, including strictly polygenic models, all single major locus models, and mixed models with dominant and recessive major loci. The frequency of the TS susceptibility allele was estimated to be .01. The major locus accounts for over half of the phenotypic variance for TS, whereas the multifactorial background accounts for approximately 40% of phenotypic variance. Penetrance estimates suggest that all individuals homozygous for the susceptibility allele at the major locus are affected, whereas only 2.2% of males and 0.3% of females heterozygous at the major locus are affected. Of individuals affected with TS, approximately 62% are heterozygous and approximately 38% are homozygous at the major locus. While none of the families had two parents affected with TS, 19% of families had two parents affected with the broader, phenotype, which includes TS, chronic tic disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to ascertain the most likely inheritance pattern of restless legs syndrome (RLS) using segregation analysis. METHODS: Probands were RLS patients presenting to the Neurology and Sleep clinics of the Johns-Hopkins Bayview medical center with willing first and second degree relatives. Blinded diagnosis was made in those who exhibited the four diagnostic features of RLS. Analysis was performed on RLS as a dichotomous trait and considering age of onset models on 590 phenotyped subjects from 77 pedigrees. RESULTS: All non-genetic models were rejected considering RLS as a dichotomous trait. A single locus Mendelian dominant model with gender as a covariate had best fit with allele frequency of 0.077 and complete penetrance. RLS frequency in non-carrier subjects was estimated to be 0.14. Two underlying distributions of age of onset, with a possible dichotomy at 26.3 years, were identified. Contrary to the results for RLS as a dichotomous trait, age of onset models did not indicate single major gene inheritance. CONCLUSION: This segregation analysis suggests that the pattern of segregation is consistent with that of a single major locus, when RLS is treated as a dichotomous trait without considering age of onset. The high rate of phenocopies matches known population frequencies and taken with significant residual familial effects and the lack of evidence for a major gene controlling age of onset, indicates that non-genetic causes of RLS may exist and RLS is a complex disorder.  相似文献   

Two sisters with Larsen syndrome are presented. The clinically unaffected parents originate from the South of Egypt and are first cousins. Further family history was non-contributory. Autosomal recessive inheritance of Larsen syndrome is most likely in this family.  相似文献   

Summary Two brothers and their sister aged 8, 13, and 7 years were found to have unusual facies (gross, rough and abundant hair, wide forehead, mild palperbral ptosis, small nose, anteverted nostrils, thick lips, and down-slanting corners of the mouth), dysarthria, delayed psychomotor development, scoliosis, feet deformities, and limb and gait ataxia. The characteristic clinical picture in the three sibs, once compared with other ataxic syndromes, allowed one to conclude that this could correspond to a distinct entity probably inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder.  相似文献   

Pre-eclampsia is a common complication of the second half of pregnancy that is associated with substantial fetal and maternal morbidity. Although the genetic basis of the disorder is unclear, epidemiological studies suggest that it occurs predominantly in the first pregnancies of women who are homozygous for a relatively common susceptibility gene. Using this epidemiological model, we have begun to construct an exclusion map by using both candidate genes and random DNA markers on a panel of two-generation families in which pre-eclampsia was rigorously defined. No evidence was found for linkage to the HLA region or to several genes implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension.  相似文献   

Segregation distortion in Lolium: evidence for genetic effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Segregation distortion (SD) is the deviation of genetic segregation ratios from their expected Mendelian fraction and is a common phenomenon found in most genetic mapping studies. In this study two segregating Lolium perenne populations were used to construct two genetic maps: an 'F(2) biomass' consisting of 360 genotypes and an 'F(1) late flowering' sibling based population consisting of 182 genotypes. Additionally two parental maps were generated for the 'F(1) late flowering' population. SD was detected and p-values for SD were calculated for each marker locus. The 'F(1) late flowering' map had only half of the extent of SD (32%) compared to the map based on the 'F(2) biomass' population (63%). Molecular marker data have been supplemented with genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) data to show non major non-recombined segments of Fescue chromosomes within the parental inbred ryegrass lines with a Festuca x Lolium pedigree. We conclude that SD in our study is more likely caused by genetic effects rather than by population structure and marker types. Two new L. perenne mapping populations including their genetic maps are introduced; one of them is the largest reported Lolium mapping population consisting of 360 individuals.  相似文献   

We found evidence of autosomal dominant hereditary transmission of sulcus vocalis. Four dysphonic patients from three generations of the same family were submitted to videolaryngoscopic examination (three patients) and to direct laryngoscopy (one patient) to diagnose the hoarseness. Sulcus vocalis was diagnosed in all four patients. The finding of four affected individuals in three generations, with vertical transmission affecting man and women, is more consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance pattern; it is an etiological model that we propose for the sulcus vocalis in this pedigree.  相似文献   

The inheritance of congenital goiter due to a thyroglobulin synthesis defect in a strain of Dutch goats has been studied by Mendelian and biochemical methods. Mendelian analysis of 301 matings, resulting in 591 kids, showed an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in the thyroglobulin gene also was used to confirm the recessive mode of inheritance of the defect. In a pedigree consisting of 27 goats, spanning four generations, the genotype determined by RFLP study was in accordance with the observed phenotype and the autosomal inheritance of the defect. Although phenotypically no differences were detected between normal and heterozygous animals, the use of RFLPs allowed the diagnosis of the three genotypes.  相似文献   

Extensive use of the preemergence herbicide triallate over the last three decades has selected for resistant (R) Avena fatua L. populations in several areas of the United States and Canada. R plants are also cross-resistant to the unrelated pyrazolium herbicide difenzoquat. We made reciprocal crosses between inbred R and susceptible (S) lines to determine the genetic basis of triallate resistance. Seeds from parental lines and F(2) populations were treated with soil applications of 0.275, 0.55, or 1.1 kg/ha triallate in the greenhouse and plant heights recorded after 37 days. Surviving F(2) plants were selfed and the resulting F(3) families were screened with 1.1 kg/ha triallate. In the F(2) populations, assortment of S and R phenotypes fit a 15:1 segregation ratio, suggesting that resistance was controlled by the two independently segregating recessive genes TRR1 and TRR2. None of the 912 F(3) progeny from 51 R F(2) individuals was susceptible to triallate treatment, further supporting a two-gene mode of inheritance. There was a possible maternal effect on susceptibility at the highest triallate rate tested.  相似文献   

The results of segregation analysis applied to a family study of idiopathic torsion dystonia in Ashkenazi Jews are reported. The study is based on 43 probands (with age at onset prior to 27 years) from 42 nuclear families; pedigrees were extended systematically through all available first- and second-degree relatives, who were directly examined and videotaped. Final diagnoses were based on exam information and blinded videotape review. Segregation analysis demonstrated that the data are consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance with 30% penetrance. Recessive and polygenic inheritance were strongly rejected. There was no evidence for sporadic cases or new mutations. The high incidence and dominant inheritance of early-onset idiopathic torsion dystonia in Ashkenazi Jews suggests genetic homogeneity within this population, making it especially useful for linkage studies of this disorder.  相似文献   

Apomictic tetraploid Paspalum simplex was crossed with colchicine-doubled diploid sexual plants belonging to the same species. Homologous genomic probes were selected from a partial PstI genomic library for their capacity to detect alleles specific to the apomictic parent, and their segregation was analyzed in the F1 progeny. High levels of polymorphism between apomictic and sexual genotypes were recorded. The heterozygosity was high in both tetraploid and diploid genotypes but the differences between them were not as great as expected. In the sexual parent, some markers segregated as either a monoallelic duplex or a diallelic duplex, while several allelic configurations were observed in the apomictic parent. The segregation of double-dose monoallelic fragments demonstrated the tetrasomic inheritance of apomictic P. simplex. The correlations between apomixis, ploidy level, and tetrasomic inheritance are discussed.  相似文献   

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) has a high prevalence in Pima Indians. The disorder is familial, but the extent to which genetic factors are involved in its etiology is largely unknown. Segregation analysis was used to determine whether familial aggregation of NIDDM in this population could reflect the action of a single major gene. The analysis included 2,697 subjects from 653 nuclear families in which both parents and at least one offspring had been examined in the course of a longitudinal epidemiological study. The REGTL program of the SAGE package was used to fit models in which age at onset of NIDDM is transmitted from parent to offspring under the unified model for segregation analysis. Likelihood-ratio tests were used to test hypotheses related to genetic transmission. The hypothesis of no major effect was strongly rejected (P < .01), as was that of no transmission of the major effect (P < .01). Mendelian transmission was not rejected (P = .91). Similar results were obtained when covariates for obesity and birth cohort were added to the models and when a power transformation of age at onset was estimated. A strong effect of birth cohort with earlier age at onset in the later born cohorts was observed (P < .01). The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that a major gene influences the risk for NIDDM in Pima Indians by affecting age at onset. The expression of this gene may depend on environmental factors that have become more prevalent in recent-birth cohorts.  相似文献   

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