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Feeding ecology of juvenile flatfishes of the surf zone of a sandy beach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prey items of 0- and 1-group plaice Pleuronectes platessa , sole Solea solea , brill Scophthalmus rhombus , turbot S. maximus and dab Limanda limanda of the surf zone of a Belgian sandy beach, included hyperbenthic (e.g. mysids), endobenthic (e.g. polychaetes) and epibenthic (e.g. shrimps) species. Little dietary overlap was observed. If diet overlap did occur, it mainly involved prey species that are dominant in the surf zone of Belgian beaches, such as shrimps and mysids. These results suggest an opportunistic utilization by flatfish of the available food resources in surf zone ecosystems. Also, two strategically different feeding habits could be distinguished between the five flatfish species. Turbot and brill mainly fed on large, highly mobile prey (e.g. fish, mysids) and had a rather narrow prey spectrum, whereas plaice, dab and sole ate more benthic prey (e.g. polychaetes) and had a broader prey spectrum.  相似文献   

The trophic ecology of the emerald notothen Trematomus bernacchii was investigated using a sample of 284 specimens collected in the coastal waters of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) during the summer season 1990–1991. The stomach-content analysis provided data on feeding habits and trophic niche breadth. Overall, 72 taxa of food items were identified; the most important as prey were infaunal and epifaunal polychaetes, amphipods and molluscs. Food of secondary importance comprised isopods, pycnogonids, fish and fish eggs. Several other taxa, such as euphausiids, mysids, decapods, echinoids, holothurians, priapulids and thaliaceans constituted food eaten in very small amounts and only occasionally. On the basis of their diet, T. bernacchii can be considered generalized feeders, with a wide niche breadth composed almost exclusively of benthic organisms. A cluster analysis was conducted to compare stomach-content data of subsamples selected on the basis of fish size and sampling depth, aiming to determine diet diversity and niche breadth, as well as factors involved in reducing intraspecific competition for food resources. Diet was different for fish sampled in shallow (90 m depth) and deeper waters (>90 m depth): while the first group fed mostly on bivalves (Adamussium colbecki) and amphipods, the latter preferred infaunal-epifaunal polychaetes. Conversely, fish size did not contribute significantly to diet diversification. According to our data and published data on feeding behaviour and sensory ecology, we conclude that in this species the intraspecific competition for food is reduced, either through habitat heterogeneity or different foraging strategies.  相似文献   

The diet and feeding relationships of the 12 most abundant benthic and demersal fish species of the Mondego Estuary, Portugal, were studied between June 2003 and May 2006. Fishes were caught during the night using a 2 m beam trawl. The stomach contents were analysed for prey identification, counting and weighing. According to prey importance in diets, three main feeding guilds were identified: (1) invertebrate feeders, (2) invertebrate and fish feeders and (3) plankton and invertebrate feeders. Besides these main feeding guilds, some fishes also presented fractions of algae and zooplankton in their stomach contents. The most abundant prey items were macroinvertebrates, with several polychaetes ( Nephtys spp., Capitellidae, Spionidae and Eunicidae), Corophium spp. and Crangon crangon among the dominant prey. Pomatoschistus spp. were the most preyed on fishes. Several fish species showed a tendency for a specialized diet, but almost all also showed some degree of opportunistic feeding by preying on other food resources. High diet overlap was found between some fish species, yet exploitative competition could not be concluded.  相似文献   

The potential feeding advantages that are offered to the barred mudskipper Periophthalmus argentilineatus by its amphibious life-style were investigated. To this end the feeding ecology of these fish, the position they occupy in the mangrove food web and the importance of different morphological factors for their diet were studied. Analysis of gut contents showed that the major component of the barred mudskipper diet changes during growth from small crustaceans ( e.g. copepods and amphipods) to polychaetes to mangrove crabs. This dietary shift was found to be facilitated through enlargement of the mouth, as well as elongation of the gut. The use of stable isotope analysis revealed that barred mudskippers had a similar trophic position as other zoobenthivore fish species, but that their diet did not appear to be affected by competition for food with other zoobenthivores. The amphibious habits of the barred mudskipper provide specific advantages to its feeding ecology, such as access to an abundant food source of mangrove crabs, which are mostly inaccessible for other fish species.  相似文献   

We carried out dietary analysis on five numerically abundant fishes, Sillago japonica, Ditremma temmincki, Tridentiger trigonocephalus, Hippocampus japonicus and Petroscirtes breviceps in an eelgrass bed in Kwangyang Bay, Korea. Comparisons between species demonstrated that the dietary composition of each fish species was significantly different from that of every other species. Although gammarid amphipods and caprellid amphipods were consumed by all species, their individual contributions to each species' diet varied. Furthermore, polychaetes contributed to the diets of S. japonica and T. trigonocephalusand crab larvae were consumed byD. temmincki. Algae and eelgrass were not consumed by four fish species and made only a minimal contribution to the diet of P. breviceps. The diet of each fish species except H. japonicus underwent size-related changes; smaller fishes consumed gammarid amphipods, mysids and copepods, while larger fishes ate polychaetes, gastropods, isopods and other fishes. Differences in the prey organisms consumed of each individual species could be often related to differences in mouth length and width. S. japonica, D. temmincki, T. trigonocephalus, and P. breviceps underwent also a significant diel changes that could be related to differences in foraging behavior and/or prey availability. Thus, use of vision to detect prey would account for the greater daytime consumption of copepods by S. japonica and of crab larvae by D. temmincki, whereas the nocturnal emergence of gammarid amphipods, polychaetes and isopods from the substrate explained their greater consumption by S. japonica, D. temmincki, T. trigonocephalusand P. breviceps at night. Dietary breadth was greater for species with larger mouth dimensions.  相似文献   

It has been shown that freshwater pelagic mysid shrimps capture zooplankton at a higher rate in light than in darkness. This has been suggested to be due to facilitation of visual predation on evasive zooplankton prey. To test this hypothesis with Baltic mysid shrimps, and to see whether pelagic (migrating) and littoral (non-migrating) mysids differ in this respect, we compared the feeding rates of Mysis mixta and Praunus flexuosus on the copepod Acartia spp. As light conditions change radically from the beginning of summer to late autumn at the Baltic latitudes, we conducted the experiments during three different times of the year to determine if there was a seasonal response to light in mysids. The feeding rates of pelagic mysids were significantly higher in total darkness than in light. In contrast, the feeding rates of littoral mysids did not differ in the dark and the light in the three different seasons. The decreased feeding of pelagic mysids under well-lit conditions may be an adaptation to avoid visual predation by pelagic fish. In contrast, littoral mysids, which live in the well-lit layer throughout the day, do not show a similar response. The fact that light did not increase feeding in either of the mysid species indicates that these mysid species do not use vision in capturing prey, but rely mainly on mechano-reception.  相似文献   

In comparison with other bathydraconids, all species of the genus Bathydraco are poorly known from an ecological perspective. The diet of juvenile Bathydraco marri Norman, 1938 was studied for the first time in specimens collected in the southwestern Ross Sea during summer 1998. Fish were collected in a single otter trawl catch at 330–340 m depth. The stomach content analysis showed that this species fed exclusively on crustaceans. Overall, 20 prey taxa were identified to genus or species level. Mysids, amphipods and copepods were the most important prey in decreasing order of importance. Other prey, such as Euphausia superba, isopods and tanaids were eaten occasionally and in very small amounts. A multivariate analysis was applied to feeding data to assess ontogenetic or sex-related changes in diet. No difference was detected between sexes, whereas diet of small and large fish differed in some degree. An ontogenetic shift from small and pelagic crustaceans such as copepods to benthic–benthopelagic prey such as amphipods and mysids was observed. Relating present results with published data on physiological characteristics of B. marri, it was possible to infer their feeding behaviour and mode of life. Like other bathydraconids, this species appeared to be an inactive and sluggish fish, which relied on more or less motile benthic or epibenthic prey adopting a “sit and wait” feeding strategy. On the other hand, smaller fish seem to be more active, feeding also on pelagic prey such as copepods that can be seasonally abundant, thus reducing the intraspecific competition for food.  相似文献   

In the Arctic, the availability of early-season open water (shore leads, polynyas) is a key factor influencing annual reproduction by marine birds, as these relatively productive locations provide the only sites where migrating and breeding birds can feed. We examined the diet of two marine birds, black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) and northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis), feeding in the Hell Gate–Cardigan Strait Polynya in the Canadian High Arctic during the breeding seasons of 1980–1984. There was little overlap in prey items consumed between these two species, except that both relied on similar sympagic amphipods. Guillemots fed principally on benthic prey, and compared to earlier High Arctic studies, they consumed proportionally more benthic fish, mysids and decapods. Fulmars appeared to feed on swarms of pelagic or surface prey, and in this polynya they consumed proportionally fewer fish and more polychaetes than has been reported for fulmars at other High Arctic locations. Given that climate change may alter marine food webs by changing the types and availability of prey, our results set a baseline of dietary information for these predators against which future conditions can be compared.  相似文献   

Aspects of the biology of the panga, Pterogymnus laniarius, a commercially important endemic southern African, demersal sparid fish species, are described from material collected monthly between February 1994 and July 1995 on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. Growth studies based on sectioned sagittal otoliths revealed that the panga is relatively slow growing with ages of 16 years being recorded. Growth was best described by the von Bertalanffy growth model as Lt = 379.4 (1-e–0.13(t+1.78)). Estimates of total mortality, natural and fishing mortality were estimated at 0.36 year–1 0.28 year–1 and 0.08 year–1, respectively. Detailed histological examination revealed that panga are late gonochorists, males and females maturing after a non-functional intersexual interval. Females mature at approximately 200 mm fork length or 4 years of age. Reproductive activity occurs throughout the year, peaking slightly in winter when small pelagic eggs are spawned. Gametogenesis was found to be similar to that of other sparid fishes and marine teleosts in general. The panga feeds predominantly on crustaceans with a distinct ontogenetic shift in feeding habits. Juvenile fish feed predominantly in the water column on mysids after which they move to the benthos with subadult fish feeding on ophiuroids and amphipods. Adult fish remain on or near the benthos, feeding predominantly on crabs with polychaetes, ophiuroids and fishes also present in the diet in smaller quantities. Several aspects of the panga's biology such as it's late gonochoristic reproductive style, protracted spawning season, maturation before recruitment and the ability to utilise large areas of the Agulhas Bank by feeding on soft substratum prey are thought to enable this species to sustain a higher fishing pressure than other sympatric sparid species. The panga's longevity, slow growth and high natural mortality rate mitigates against these factors and needs to be considered in the development of a management strategy.  相似文献   

To clarify the feeding habits of reed fishes, the gut contents of 13 fish species collected in a Phragmites australis belt in Lake Shinji were examined. Six species showed ontogenetic and/or seasonal changes in food use patterns. Smaller individuals generally preyed on small planktonic items (e.g., calanoid and cyclopoid copepods) or small crustaceans (gammaridean amphipods), subsequently changing to other prey items (e.g., mysids and filamentous algae) with growth. The most important dietary items for the reed fish assemblage comprised planktonic copepods, gammaridean amphipods and mysids. However, the relative importance of these changed seasonally, gammaridean amphipods being the most important in autumn and winter, and planktonic copepods and mysids the most important in spring and in summer. Cluster analysis based on dietary overlaps showed that the reed fish assemblage comprised five feeding guilds (planktonic-copepod, mysid, gammaridean-amphipod, filamentous-algae, and detritus feeders). Of these, the three former guilds were the most abundantly represented, whereas detritivores were represented by a single species.  相似文献   

The biology of a Scottish population of the small bothid flatfish, Arnoglossus laterna , was studied from January 1975 until September 1976. The data were taken from monthly samples totalling over 500 fish trawled in 18–36 m on a soft mud bottom. Otoliths were used for age determination and a growth curve was constructed which showed that most growth occurs in the first 2–3 years of life. The maximum age recorded was 8+ years. The fish first mature sexually in their second year at a standard length of 6–7 cm and the short spawning season lasts from the late June to August. Fecundity is length-dependent and the relationship could be described by the regression equation: log fecundity = 3·3472 log standard length (mm) -2·1064. The diet consists mainly of decapod crustaceans (particularly crangonid shrimps), polychaetes, mysids and small fish.  相似文献   

Fatty acid and stable isotope analyses have previously been used to investigate foraging patterns of fish, birds, marine mammals and most recently cephalopod species. To evaluate the application of these methods for dietary studies in squid, it is important to understand the degree to which fatty acid and stable isotope signatures of prey species are reflected in the squids' tissue. Four groups of Lolliguncula brevis were fed on prey species with distinctly different fatty acid and stable isotope profiles over 30 consecutive days. One group of squid were fed fish for fifteen days, followed by crustaceans for a further fifteen days. A second and third group were fed exclusively on fish or crustaceans for thirty days. And a fourth group was fed on a mixture of fish and crustaceans for thirty days. Analysis of squid tissue showed that, after 10 days of feeding, fatty acid profiles of squid tended to reflect those of their prey. Squid that fed on a single prey type, i.e. fish or crustacean, showed only minor modifications in fatty acid proportions after the initial change and fatty acid profiles were clearly distinguishable between the two feeding groups. Shifts in fatty acid proportions towards respective prey profiles could clearly be observed in squid the diet of which was swapped after 15 days. Clear differences could also be seen in fatty acid profiles of squid feeding on a mixed diet with trends towards either fish or crustacean fatty acid signatures. Stable isotope signatures of squid tissues clearly distinguished between animals feeding on different diets and supported findings from fatty acid analysis, thus indicating both methods to be viable tools in feeding studies on squid species.  相似文献   

The summer diet of two species of icefishes (Channichthyidae) from the South Shetland Islands and Elephant Island, Champsocephalus gunnari and Chaenocephalus aceratus, was investigated from 2001 to 2003. Champsocephalus gunnari fed almost exclusively on krill (Euphausia superba) in all years. The importance of other taxa (Themisto gaudichaudii, mysids, myctophids) in the diet was negligible. The average feeding rate of Champsocephalus gunnari inferred from an exponential gastric evacuation model was between 1.0 and 1.5% body weight per day. Most of the stomachs of Chaenocephalus aceratus were empty. Stomachs with food contained mainly krill, mysids and fish. Among the fish taken, locally abundant species formed the bulk of the diet: Gobionotothen gibberifrons in 2001, Lepidonotothen larseni and Champsocephalus gunnari in 2002 and L. larseni in 2003. An ontogenetic shift in feeding preference of Chaenocephalus aceratus was observed: fish smaller than 30 cm fed on krill and mysids, while larger animals relied primarily on fish.  相似文献   

根据对2009年6月至2010年5月在东海北部采集到的720尾大管鞭虾胃含物的分析,对不同季节、性别、个体大小以及发育条件下大管鞭虾的摄食习性进行了研究.结果表明: 东海大管鞭虾的饵料生物共有43种(包含未鉴定种),甲壳类、有孔虫类和多毛类为其主要的摄食群类,在食物中所占的数量百分比分别为34.7%、29.4%和12.4%.大管鞭虾的饵料组成具有明显的季节波动,春季以有孔虫、藻类和无脊椎卵为主要食物;夏、秋季以有孔虫、鱼类和多毛类为主要食物;冬季则以多毛类和有孔虫类为主要食物.其摄食强度在春季和夏季较高,秋季较低.不同甲长的个体食性变化显著,小于24 mm的个体主食有孔虫类和藻类,24 mm以上的个体主食有多毛类和十足类;随着性腺发育雌性个体摄食等级呈现减弱的趋势,表明大管鞭虾摄食活动受到繁殖周期的影响.不同性别和不同季节大管鞭虾的食物重叠指数均较高,与栖息环境饵料资源的波动有关.大管鞭虾的营养级为2.67,属低级肉食性动物.  相似文献   

根据对2009年6月至2010年5月在东海北部采集到的720尾大管鞭虾胃含物的分析,对不同季节、性别、个体大小以及发育条件下大管鞭虾的摄食习性进行了研究.结果表明: 东海大管鞭虾的饵料生物共有43种(包含未鉴定种),甲壳类、有孔虫类和多毛类为其主要的摄食群类,在食物中所占的数量百分比分别为34.7%、29.4%和12.4%.大管鞭虾的饵料组成具有明显的季节波动,春季以有孔虫、藻类和无脊椎卵为主要食物;夏、秋季以有孔虫、鱼类和多毛类为主要食物;冬季则以多毛类和有孔虫类为主要食物.其摄食强度在春季和夏季较高,秋季较低.不同甲长的个体食性变化显著,小于24 mm的个体主食有孔虫类和藻类,24 mm以上的个体主食有多毛类和十足类;随着性腺发育雌性个体摄食等级呈现减弱的趋势,表明大管鞭虾摄食活动受到繁殖周期的影响.不同性别和不同季节大管鞭虾的食物重叠指数均较高,与栖息环境饵料资源的波动有关.大管鞭虾的营养级为2.67,属低级肉食性动物.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of Okamejei kenojei were studied using 592 specimens collected in the coastal waters of Taean, Korea from April 2008 to March 2009. O. kenojei is a bottom‐feeding carnivore that consumes mainly shrimp, fishes, and crabs. Its diet also includes small quantities of amphipods, mysids, cephalopods, euphausiids, copepods, isopods, and polychaetes. The total length (TL) of individuals in this study ranged from 8.2 to 49.0 cm. Cluster analysis based on %IRI (index of relative importance) identified three size classes. Group A (< 20 cm TL) ate primarily caridean shrimp and amphipods; group B (20–30 cm TL) ate exclusively shrimp; and group C (> 30 cm TL) ate penaeoidean shrimp, fishes, and crabs. O. kenojei showed ontogenetic changes in feeding habits. Although shrimps were the primary food consumed by all size groups, the proportion of shrimp in the total diet decreased and the consumption of fishes and crabs gradually increased with the body size of O. kenojei. Size of the prey organisms also increased. Smaller individuals fed mainly on small prey, such as amphipods, mysids, and small shrimp, whereas larger individuals preferred larger prey, such as larger shrimp, fishes, and crabs. The size‐related diet breadth and the percentage of empty stomachs were significant; the diet breadth gradually increased with body size, whereas the percentage of empty stomachs decreased. Seasonal changes in the O. kenojei diet were not significant, but shrimp constituted 97.3% of the summer diet by %IRI. Seasonal changes in diet breadth and the percentage of empty stomachs were not significant.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of fish on feeding grounds is an important factor in determining their prey composition. Of the factors that may influence the spatial distribution on the feeding ground and subsequent diet composition is the fish maturation stage. Using hairtail (Trichiurus japonicus) as an example, we evaluated the impacts of gonad development stage on diet composition. Hairtail supports one of the most valuable and largest fisheries in the East China Sea. As one of the top predators, it plays an important role in the ecosystem. We analyzed hairtail stomach samples collected on their feeding grounds from a fisheries-independent survey program in September 2005. Our analyses suggest that females in their third maturity stage tended to feed more intensively. Fish were the most important preys for hairtail, accounting for 72.6% of the total stomach contents in weight. The four most important fish species were juvenile hairtail (25.2%), Japanese scad (11.4%), Japanese jack mackerel (7.7%), and small yellow croaker (5.9%), suggesting strong cannibalism. A cluster analysis suggests that hairtail could be divided into three groups in their spatial distribution based on their diets: one group with similar percentages of fish and crustacean preys mainly distributed in the south of East China Sea far from the coast; one group mainly consuming fish and distributed over the north of East China Sea near the coast; and the third group consuming mainly crustacean species mainly distributed in the open sea. We hypothesize that gonadal development stage of hairtail may determine their movement from spawning ground to feeding ground, and subsequently spatial distribution on the feeding ground, which in turn results in different feeding intensities and prey compositions. Handling editor: Robert Bailey  相似文献   

Although Arnoglossus laterna (Walbaum, 1792) is a common benthic fish in Portugal, several aspects of its feeding ecology remain incomplete. In this study, diet was examined and the food consumption estimated on inshore waters in the central coast of Portugal. The diet of the scaldfish included mainly mysids, amphipods and polychaetes, while the decapod Philocheras bispinosus Hailstone was the most frequent prey. Variation in the diet according to fish size (two size‐classes), sex and spawning/non‐spawning seasons was examined. Significant differences in diet composition were found between seasons, whereby the most frequently consumed prey in the non‐spawning season were crustaceans, while polychaetes and nemerteneans comprised most of its diet in the spawning season. The average value of the vacuity index was very similar between seasons (24.7% non‐spawning season and 25.0% spawning season). Diet overlap between size‐classes and sexes was high, but low between the two seasons. Food consumption of A. laterna was estimated based on diet characterization and evacuation rate. The estimate of the daily food consumption was 1.15 mg dry weight for the non‐spawning season and 1.67 mg dry weight for the spawning season. Significant differences in consumption rates were found between size‐classes and sexes. Larger individuals showed a higher consumption rate than smaller individuals. Females consumed more food than males in the non‐spawning season, while in the spawning season males consumed more than females.  相似文献   

The structure of the proboscis and anterior alimentary systemis described and reviewed in the three families (Conidae, Terebridae,Turridae) of the Conoidea (=Toxoglossa). A number of proboscisforms are shown, characterized by the presence of a permanentrhynchodeum, modified alimentary system and a venom apparatus.Despite the diversity of prey types in the Conidae (polychaetes,molluscs and fish) they have a uniform proboscis structure witha long buccal tube and functional buccal and venom apparati.This homogeneity is not present in the Turridae and the Terebridaewhich show a variety of proboscis structures. Terebrids feedonly on polychaetes or hemichordates but appear to have threeprimary feeding modes based on significant difference in thestructure and function of the buccal tube and associated buccalorgans. The greatest variety of proboscis type is found in thediverse Turridae which feed mainly on polychaetes, but includesipunculans, gastropods and nemerteans in their diet.  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the dietary composition of the ambush predator Neosebastes pandus and compares the diets of 49 species from 39 studies of three benthic predatory families in the Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae (20 species), Triglidae (19 species) and Platycephalidae (10 species). A total of 275 N. pandus were collected from the west (Rottnest Island) and south (Esperance) coasts of south‐western Australia and the percentage frequency and volumetric contribution of the stomach contents identified. Fish from the west coast consumed a greater mean number of broad taxonomic groups and were more diverse in their diet than fish from the south coast. Cephalopods, brachyurans and teleosts were the largest overall contributors to diet, with teleosts being more important to diets of west‐coast fish and polychaetes for south‐coast fish. This reflects differences in habitat between the two locations. Dietary composition also changed with increasing body size, reflecting morphological changes that allow bigger fish to capture and ingest larger, more mobile prey. Meta‐analysis of the diets of 49 species of scorpaenid, triglid and platycephalid revealed that they feed predominantly on teleosts and large crustaceans. Significant differences in diet were detected among families, with platycephalids being the most distinct and feeding more on teleosts than scorpaenids and triglids.  相似文献   

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