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Subjects who had previously participated in a taste adaptationstudy (DuBose, et al., 1977) were retested one year later usingthe same stimuli (.1 M and .36 M sucrose and NaCl) and experimentalconditions (3-minute continuous flow over anterior dorsal tonguesurface). Results indicated that individual differences in thereported degree of adaptation were maintained over the longintersession interval. Salivary sodium levels and salt recognitionthresholds could not account for the persisting individual differencesin adaptation to NaCl. Direct examination of subjects' tonguemovements is suggested.  相似文献   

Individual differences in perception are ubiquitous within the chemical senses: taste, smell, and chemical somesthesis . A hypothesis of this fact states that polymorphisms in human sensory receptor genes could alter perception by coding for functionally distinct receptor types . We have previously reported evidence that sequence variants in a presumptive bitter receptor gene (hTAS2R38) correlate with differences in bitterness recognition of phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) . Here, we map individual psychogenomic pathways for bitter taste by testing people with a variety of psychophysical tasks and linking their individual perceptions of the compounds PTC and propylthiouracil (PROP) to the in vitro responses of their TAS2R38 receptor variants. Functional expression studies demonstrate that five different haplotypes from the hTAS2R38 gene code for operatively distinct receptors. The responses of the three haplotypes we also tested in vivo correlate strongly with individuals' psychophysical bitter sensitivities to a family of compounds. These data provide a direct molecular link between heritable variability in bitter taste perception to functional variations of a single G protein coupled receptor that responds to compounds such as PTC and PROP that contain the N-C=S moiety. The molecular mechanisms of perceived bitterness variability have therapeutic implications, such as helping patients to consume beneficial bitter-tasting compounds-for example, pharmaceuticals and selected phytochemicals.  相似文献   

Mammalian taste perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Of the five basic taste qualities, the molecular mechanisms underlying sweet, bitter, and umami (savory) taste perception have been extensively elucidated, including the taste receptors and downstream signal transduction molecules. Recent studies have revealed that these taste-related molecules play important roles not only in the oral cavity but also in a variety of tissues including the respiratory tract, stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, kidney, testes, and brain. This review covers the current knowledge regarding the physiological roles of taste-related molecules in the oral and extra-oral tissues.  相似文献   

Differential context effects in taste perception   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
A series of three experiments explored differential contexteffects in judgements of taste intensity. For example, a givenconcentration of NaCl was judged stronger than a given concentrationof sucrose in one contextual condition (where the stimulus setcomprised low concentrations of NaCl and high ones of sucrose),but was judged weaker in another condition (where the concentrationsreversed). Overall, differential context effects were largerwhen subjects judged NaCl and sucrose than when they judgedNaCl and NaCl sucrose mixtures, an outcome predicted by thehypothesis that the magnitude of differential context effectsdepends on the degree of qualitative similarity between thesubsets of stimuli. This pattern of results mimics those previouslyobtained for judgements of loudness of tones at different soundfrequencies, and thereby suggests that a common mechanism mayunderlie contextual interactions in different modalities; moreover,this mechanism may bear implications for current theories ofthe coding of taste quality and intensify.  相似文献   

汤清波  马英  黄玲巧  王琛柱 《昆虫学报》2011,54(12):1433-1444
很多昆虫具有极其灵敏的味觉感受系统, 在其取食选择、 交配和产卵等过程中起重要作用。相对于昆虫的嗅觉机制, 对昆虫味觉感受机制的研究较少。传统的味觉感受研究主要集中在味觉感器外部形态、 味觉电生理和行为学上。近年来随着分子遗传学、 生物信息学和神经生物学技术的应用, 昆虫味觉的研究不断深入, 主要体现在下列两方面: (1)味觉受体方面, 通过分子生物信息学等手段获得了多种昆虫的味觉受体, 不同种昆虫之间受体数目差异较大, 不同受体之间氨基酸的相似性较低。通常, 根据味觉受体配体物质的性质可以把味觉受体分为取食抑制素受体和取食刺激素受体两大类。(2)味觉神经元的投射及味觉编码机制方面, 多个研究表明昆虫外围味觉神经元在中枢神经系统中的投射部位为咽下神经节和后脑, 但是不同性质的受体神经元投射的具体位置有所不同。本文对昆虫味觉感器和神经元的基本特征, 味觉受体的进化、 表达和功能, 味觉神经元在中枢神经系统中的投射, 味觉神经元的编码机制及味觉可塑性等进行了综述。  相似文献   

Intensity and pleasantness ratings of various concentrationsof sucrose, caffeine and NaCl were examined in two culturallydifferent groups of subjects. One group was made up of studentsof European descent born in the United States while the othergroup was made up of students of Chinese descent born in Taiwan.A subsample of subjects from each group was retested similarlywith cookies containing varying levels of sucrose. The Taiwanesesubjects rated sucrose as tasting sweeter regardless of whetherit was in solution or cookies. Group differences in pleasantnessratings depended upon whether the sucrose was presented in acookie or a solution. The Taiwanese students assigned highersweetness ratings to sucrose in solution when compared to USstudents. When the sucrose was in cookies, the Taiwanese groupassigned higher pleasantness ratings at the lower sucrose concentrations.At the higher sucrose concentrations, the US group assignedhigher pleasantness ratings. There was no significant ethniceffect upon rated bitterness or pleasantness of caffeine. Taiwaneserated low concentrations of salt as tasting saltier and highconcentrations of salt as tasting less salty when compared toUS students. The Taiwanese generally rated the sodium chloridesolutions as tasting more pleasant. These group differencesmay be related to the way sucrose and salt are used in the twocultures.  相似文献   

In contrast to carbohydrates and proteins, which are detected by specialized taste receptors in the forms of their respective building blocks, sugars, and L-amino acids, the third macronutrient, lipids, has until now not been associated with gustatory receptors. Instead, the recognition of fat stimuli was believed to rely mostly on textural, olfactory, and postingestive cues. During the recent years, however, research done mainly in rodent models revealed an additional gustatory component for the detection of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), the main taste-activating component of lipids. Concomitantly, a number of candidate fat taste receptors were proposed to be involved in rodent's gustatory fatty acid perception. Compared with rodent models, much less is known about human fat taste. In order to investigate the ability of the human gustatory system to respond to fat components, we performed sensory experiments with fatty acids of different chain lengths and derivatives thereof. We found that our panelists discriminated a "fatty" and an irritant "scratchy" taste component, with the "fatty" percept restricted to LCFAs. Using functional calcium-imaging experiments with the human orthologs of mouse candidate fat receptors belonging to the G protein-coupled receptor family, we correlated human sensory data with receptor properties characterized in vitro. We demonstrated that the pharmacological activation profile of human GPR40 and GPR120, 2 LCFA-specific receptors associated with gustatory fat perception in rodents, is inconsistent with the "scratchy" sensation of human subjects and more consistent with the percept described as "fatty." Expression analysis of GPR40 and GPR120 in human gustatory tissues revealed that, while the GPR40 gene is not expressed, GPR120 is detected in gustatory and nongustatory epithelia. On a cellular level, we found GPR120 mRNA and protein in taste buds as well as in the surrounding epithelial cells. We conclude that GPR120 may indeed participate in human gustatory fatty acid perception.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1996,58(12):PL223-PL229
Genetic differences in nicotine-induced conditioned taste aversion were examined using inbred mice. Adult male C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, BALB/cJ and C3H/heJ mice were adapted to a 2-h per day water access regimen. Subsequently, mice received nicotine injections (0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg/kg) immediately after 1-h access to a NaCl flavored solution. DBA and C3H mice developed dosedependent aversions to the nicotine-paired flavor. BALB mice showed only minor reductions in intake with no difference between the nicotine dose groups. C57BL mice did not show development of nicotine-induced conditioned taste aversion. These results demonstrate that nicotine's aversive motivational effect is strongly influenced by genotype. Further, genetic sensitivity (DBA mice) or insensitivity (C57BL mice) to nicotine-induced conditioned taste aversion was similar to reports of genetic sensitivity to ethanol's aversive effect measured in this design.  相似文献   

Grover R  Frank ME 《Chemical senses》2008,33(4):311-318
Chlorhexidine (CHX) gluconate, a bitter bis-biguanide antiseptic, reduces the intensity of the salty taste of NaCl and bitter taste of quinine in humans. This study addresses regional specificity of CHX's effects on taste. Perceptual intensity and quality were measured for separate taste bud containing oral loci innervated either by afferent fibers of cranial nerve (CN) VII or CN IX. Measurements were obtained following three 1-min oral rinses with either 1.34 mM CHX or water, the control rinse. CHX rinse reduced the intensity of NaCl more at the tongue tip and palate than at posterior oral sites. Thus, fungiform and palatal salt-taste receptors may differ from salt-taste receptors of the foliate and circumvallate taste papillae. The intensity of quinine.HCl was reduced equally by CHX at all sites tested but was frequently tasteless on the less sensitive anterior sites, suggesting quinine receptor diversity. In rodents, a portion of NaCl-taste receptors in the receptive field of CN VII is sensitive to the epithelial Na+ channel blocker amiloride and a portion is amiloride insensitive; all CN IX receptors are amiloride insensitive. The current results are the first to suggest that there may also be distinct, regionally specific populations of NaCl-taste receptors in humans.  相似文献   

Interstrain differences in bitter taste responses were examinedusing inbred strains of mice. Taste responses were recordedfrom the glossopharyngeal and chorda tympani nerves of SWR/J,LP/J, BDP/J and DBA/2J mice. There were large differences inthe magnitude of responses to sucrose octaacetate (SOA) in boththe glossopharyngeal and chorda tympaninerves of SWR/J miceas compared with the other strains of mice. SOA thresholds ofSWR/J mice were 10–7–6 M, whereas they were– 10–4 M in LP/J mice. On the other hand, no appreciabledifferences were observed in the responses to quinine hydrochlorideand pnenyl-thio-carbamide. The results obtained in the presentexperiments fully explain the findings in behavioral studiesshowing that only SWR/J mice avoid SOA solutions whereas otherstrains do not. *Present address: Department of Physiology, Niigata UniversitySchool of Dentistry, Niigata 951, Japan  相似文献   

Application of gymnemic acid (GA) on the tongue depresses thetaste of sucrose in man. This effect, as indicated by electrophysiologicalresponses, has been found to be absent in three nonhuman primatespecies. In the present behavioral study the effect of GA ontaste responses in 22 primate species, with two subspecies,and 12 human subjects has been investigated. In all the nonhumanprimates studied, including the Pongidae which are closely relatedto man, GA did not suppress the response to sucrose, only inman did GA have a depressing effect.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of zinc sulfate (5, 25, 50 mM) to inhibit the sweetness of 12 chemically diverse sweeteners, which were all intensity matched to 300 mM sucrose [800 mM glucose, 475 mM fructose, 3.25 mM aspartame, 3.5 mM saccharin, 12 mM sodium cyclamate, 14 mM acesulfame-K, 1.04 M sorbitol, 0.629 mM sucralose, 0.375 mM neohesperidin dihydrochalcone (NHDC), 1.5 mM stevioside and 0.0163 mM thaumatin]. Zinc sulfate inhibited the sweetness of most compounds in a concentration dependent manner, peaking with 80% inhibition by 50 mM. Curiously, zinc sulfate never inhibited the sweetness of Na-cyclamate. This suggests that Na-cyclamate may access a sweet taste mechanism that is different from the other sweeteners, which were inhibited uniformly (except thaumatin) at every concentration of zinc sulfate. We hypothesize that this set of compounds either accesses a single receptor or multiple receptors that are inhibited equally by zinc sulfate at each concentration.  相似文献   

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