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Low-Zn seed (around 80 ng Zn per seed) and high-Zn seed (around 160 ng Zn per seed) of Zhongyou 821 (a traditional Brassica napus genotype from China found to be Zn-inefficient in our previous experiments), Narendra (Zn-efficient B. napus genotype from Australia) and CSIRO-1 (a Zn-efficient B. juncea genotype from Australia) oilseed rape genotypes were sown in pots containing Zn-deficient siliceous sand fertilized with low Zn supply (0.05 mg Zn kg–1 soil) or high Zn supply (2.0 mg Zn kg–1 soil) in a controlled environment. After six weeks, plants derived from the high-Zn seed had better seedling vigour, increased root and shoot growth, more leaf area and chlorophyll concentration in fresh leaf, and higher Zn uptake in shoot compared to those from low-Zn seed at low Zn supply; the impact of high-Zn seed was more marked in Zhongyou 821 compared with CSIRO-1 and Narendra. The influence of high-Zn seed was dissipated at high Zn supply. CSIRO-1 was superior in terms of shoot dry matter production and Zn uptake in shoots at low Zn supply. The results demonstrate that although oilseed rape has very small seeds (about 3 mg per seed weight) compared with wheat (30 mg per seed weight), Zn reserves present in this very small seed still have a strong impact on early vegetative growth as well as on Zn uptake of plants in Zn-deficient soils. The results suggest that sowing high-Zn seed coupled with growing Zn-efficient genotypes may help in sustaining the production of oilseed rape in Zn-deficient soils, and this has implications for improved seed technology.  相似文献   

Sulphur (S) uptake and distribution in double low (Cobra) and single low (Bienvenu) winter oilseed rape were studied in field experiments at Cockle Park, Northumberland, at a site where the S supply was adequate. Total S uptake at maturity of between 80–100 kg ha-1 was similar in both varieties. Applications of S at a rate of 100 kg ha-1 increased S uptake by 10–15 kg ha-1. while applications of nitrogen (N) at a rate of 300 kg ha-1 increased S uptake by 29–34 kg ha-1. Sulphur distribution in the vegetative tissues varied little between the two varieties but the distribution within the pods differed significantly between the two varieties. In Bienvenu 65.8% of pod S was located in the seeds, while in Cobra 57.4 and 68.8% in the 1988–89 and 1989–90 seasons, respectively, was retained in the pod walls. The high S content of the seeds of Bienvenu was due to their high glucosinolate content, whereas the high content of S in the pod walls of Cobra was associated with the presence of free SO4 2-, which accounted for 70.6 to 89.4% of total S in the pod walls. The percentages of total plant S present in the pods were significantly increased by N applications and slightly decreased by S applications.  相似文献   

Comparisons of epidemics of light leafspot of differing duration and time of initiation were made in two experiments using a single cultivar of Brassica napus. Fungicide was applied before introduction of disease to prevent infection or some time after inoculation to stop further disease development. In the first experiment, substantial reductions in green leaf area and total plant dry-matter were found at flowering when disease was introduced in the autumn or in January. Plant dry weight at maturity was also greatly reduced in these treatments. The detrimental effect of an epidemic initiated in the autumn was avoided to a large extent if fungicide application began in February. Epidemics initiated in March had only small effects on final dry-matter yield. Seed yield was negatively correlated with the length of the epidemic. In a second experiment, early epidemics initiated in the autumn were halted after different time intervals. Commencing fungicide application even as early as December failed to prevent some loss of dry weight at flowering. At maturity, however, dry weight and seed yield were reduced significantly when fungicide application was delayed until February. Failure to control the disease resulted in a 46% loss of seed yield.  相似文献   

接种蚯蚓对油菜籽粒产量和含油率的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过田间接种试验,研究了威廉腔环蚓(Metaphire guillelmi)活动对冬油菜(Brassica napus)中双9号产量构成因素、籽粒产量和含油率的影响.结果表明:接种蚯蚓后,中双9号的一次有效分枝数、主花序角果数、每角粒数和千粒重均较未接种对照有增加趋势,但差异不显著;而单株角果数、单株产量和小区产量较对照显著提高,分别比对照增加了36.7%、46.5%和29.7%,这可能与蚯蚓促进油菜营养生长阶段植株生长及对氮素的吸收、累积有关.接种蚯蚓后,油菜籽粒含油率较对照有所降低,但由于蚯蚓活动显著提高了油菜籽粒产量,因此单株产油量和小区产油量仍比对照提高了37.4%和21.0%.  相似文献   

通过土培试验,研究了土壤水分和供硼状况对不同硼效率油菜苗期生长、叶片水分含量和硼形态的影响.结果表明:低水分胁迫条件下,硼高效甘蓝品种和硼低效甘蓝品种在高供硼水平下的单株鲜质量比低供硼水平分别增加了43.1%和31.7%,但品种间没有显著差异;硼高效品种在两种供硼水平下的束缚态水分含量分别比低效品种高11.4%和1.7%,半束缚态硼分配比例分别比低效品种高6.9%和23.8%.正常水分条件下,硼高效甘蓝品种和硼低效甘蓝品种在高供硼水平下的单株鲜质量比低供硼水平分别增加了11.1%和27.4%;硼高效品种在两种供硼水平下的自由态水分含量较硼低效品种多,自由态硼累积量为低效品种的2倍多,这有利于硼在高效植物体内的移动运输.  相似文献   

根肿病是由芸薹根肿菌侵染引起的专性寄生性土传病害,严重制约着油菜等十字花科作物的可持续生产.前期研究发现,大豆作为前茬作物可以显著降低后茬油菜根肿病的发生和危害,"豆-油轮作"模式是一种值得探索和应用的根肿病防治新途径.为了解开大豆作为前茬防治根肿病发生的机理,本研究基于扩增子测序技术探究大豆与油菜根际土壤微生物的群落结构差异.结果表明:大豆和油菜根际土壤微生物类群在门水平的优势类群相同,包括变形菌门、拟杆菌门、酸杆菌门、放线菌门、子囊菌门、接合菌门、担子菌门和壶菌门等丰度都较高.但相比于油菜根际土壤,大豆根际土壤富含具有生防作用和促进植物生长的微生物,如黄杆菌属、鞘脂单胞菌属、芽孢杆菌属、链霉菌属、假单胞菌属、木霉属和盾壳霉属等;而一些植物病原细菌(如肠杆菌、黄单胞菌)和真菌(炭疽菌和尾孢菌)含量则低于油菜根际土壤;另外,大豆根际土壤中还富含具有固氮功能的根瘤菌属、慢生根瘤菌属和丛枝菌根真菌(如球囊霉属).可见,大豆根际土壤利于有益微生物生长并可抑制病原菌繁殖.大豆和油菜根际微生物组差异为大豆-油菜轮作防治根肿病提供了理论依据,并为根肿病的防治提供了一些潜在的生物防治资源.  相似文献   

Temperature and heterogeneity of emergence time in oilseed rape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emergence of oilseed rape cultivars with known differences in germination profile was examined by controlled sowings in the field at mean temperatures between 2 and 10°C. Early percentiles, up to the 50th in two cultivars (Rocket and Martina) and up to the 20th in a third (Comet), responded to temperature similarly at all sowings, in that 1/time to emergence of a percentile (emergence rate) increased exponentially with temperature above an intercept of-1°C. For these percentiles, emergence occurred at a similar thermally weighted time over the whole range of temperature, indicating the peak of the first flush of seedlings is predictable. Percentiles higher than those cited above displayed increasing non-germination (probably secondary dormancy) as temperature declined towards winter. The maximum non-germination ranged between 50% and 80% among the cultivars. In sowings during and just after winter, the emergence rate of these higher percentiles was lower than at a comparable temperature before winter. A portion of non-germinating seeds of the two most heterogeneous cultivars overwintered and emerged synchronously in April from a range of pre- and post-winter sowings, probably stimulated by increasing diurnal temperature amplitude from 7 to 15K. At low temperature, therefore, cultivars exhibited great heterogeneity in the emergence profile, those with more heterogeneity being more likely to give rise to temporally separate weed or feral populations. The findings are discussed in the context of weediness and transgene movement in the oilseed rape metapopulation.  相似文献   

Improved nitrogen (N) efficiency of oilseed rape is crucial for reducing environmental N surpluses. In this study, a 2‐year field experiment as well as a hydroponic experiment were performed with four hybrids and their corresponding lines. Seed yield and N efficiency parameters of oilseed rape cultivars grown at low N (0 kg N ha?1) and high N (150 kg N ha?1) supply were investigated in the field experiments. Hybrids showed higher seed yield than lines, especially at low N supply, because of a superior N uptake. Moreover, hybrids showed higher N harvest index (NHI) across N rates, which also contributed to higher seed yields. Results from the hydroponic experiment showed significant genotypic variation in leaf N remobilisation efficiency (NRE), but no hybrid‐versus‐line difference was found. Cultivars differed significantly in specific N content in senescent leaves, and leaf NRE was negatively correlated with specific N content in senescent leaves. When linking the hydroponic results with the field results, no relationship was found between leaf NRE and NHI. In conclusion, hybrids were superior to their corresponding lines in N efficiency because of higher N uptake and NHI. The higher NHI was, however, not related to genotypic variation in leaf NRE.  相似文献   

In winter oilseed rape (WOSR), only a subset of ovules can develop into seeds in the majority of pods. Any difficulty during the process of seed production may result in seed or pod abortion. This study aimed to reproduce the process of seed development in WOSR based on a limited number of parameters. As a result of the complexity of the developmental patterns of WOSR, it is challenging to identify the roles of various factors that influence seed production using an experimental approach. Here, we present a stochastic probabilistic model of seed development. The generalised least squares method was implemented to estimate the model parameters using the experimental data. Experiments were done in Grignon (France) in 2008 and 2009. The variations in the parameters were analysed according to the following four factors: year, pod rank, inflorescence position and ramification‐clipping treatment. The year had no effect on the number of ovules per ovary (μ) and the probability of seed viability (p). The proportion of effective pollen grains (k) significantly decreased with pod rank at the end of the main stem. Inflorescence position influenced the number of ovules per ovary (μ: 30.8–33.8 from top to bottom) and the parameter k. The mean number of seeds per pod on the main stem and the bottom ramification along the stem was larger than the other ramifications within one plant. Ramification‐clipping treatment increased the number of ovules per ovary (μ: 31 for control plants and 32 for clipped plants), the parameter k and the number of seeds per pod (p). This effect could be due to the competition for assimilates between the pods and seeds. Furthermore, the distribution parameters of the pollen number per stigma (m) remained stable, and the probability of pod survival (Bo) varied with different factors, including the year, pod rank and inflorescence position. Our results indicate that pollen germination is a factor that determines final seed number. This model can identify the impact of each of the factors that lead to the abortion of seeds and pods in WOSR, which include the position effect, assimilate competition and pollination limitation. However, further studies on the pollination process in WOSR should help to refine this model.  相似文献   

A review is given of the prospects for using process-oriented models of water and nutrient uptake in improving integrated agriculture. Government-imposed restrictions on the use of external inputs will increase the likelihood of (temporary) nutrient or water stress in crop production in NW Europe and thus a better understanding is required of shoot-root-soil interactions than presently available. In modelling nutrient and water uptake, three approaches are possible: 1) models-without-roots, based on empirically derived efficiency ratios for uptake of available resources, 2) models evaluating the uptake potential of root systems as actually found in the field and 3) models which also aim at a prediction of root development as influenced by interactions with environmental factors. For the second type of models the major underlying processes are known and research can concentrate on model refinement on the one hand and practical application on the other. The main parameters required for such models are discussed and examples are given of practical applications. For the third type of models quantification of processes known only qualitatively is urgently needed.  相似文献   

[背景] 人类活动引起的农田重金属污染已成为严重的环境问题。镉(Cd)是最具毒性的重金属之一,能对人体和生态系统构成威胁。[目的] 研究不同浓度镉处理对2种油菜(甘蓝型油菜和芥菜型油菜)的土壤(根际和非根际)真菌群落的影响,为镉的生物修复和健康风险评估提供理论基础。[方法] 对2种油菜土壤(根际和非根际)真菌转录间隔区(Internal Transcribed Spacer,ITS)进行高通量测序,分析镉对根际和非根际土壤真菌群落的影响。[结果] 镉胁迫改变了土壤真菌群落的组成和结构,但对2种油菜土壤真菌群落的α多样性几乎无显著影响。土壤镉浓度和生物量与2种油菜根际土壤真菌群落显著相关,芥菜型油菜非根际土壤真菌群落也与镉污染浓度显著相关。土壤真菌分子生态网络也受到镉污染的影响,甘蓝型油菜根际土壤网络稳定性降低,共生关系减少。甘蓝型油菜非根际土壤网络稳定性升高,但共生关系减少。芥菜型油菜的根际和非根际土壤的网络稳定性升高,而且共生关系增多。[结论] 镉污染会影响土壤系统中的本土真菌群落,从而可能进一步改变土壤的生态系统功能。  相似文献   

Twenty five genotypes of oilseed rape (canola and mustard) were tested under varied supply of Zn (+Zn: 2 mg kg–1 soil, -Zn: no Zn added) in two pot experiments in soil culture to determine the genotypic variation in tolerance to the Zn-deficient conditions, that is, to identify the Zn-efficient genotypes. On the basis of performance of genotypes in pot experiments, ten genotypes were tested in 1995 for their performance under varied supply of Zn (+Zn: 3.5 kg ha–1, -Zn: no Zn added) on a Zn-deficient field in South Australia.Zn efficiency (ratio of shoot dry matter in -Zn to shoot dry matter in +Zn treatment and expressed in percentage) in pot Experiment 1 varied from 35% for 92-13 to 74% for Siren. Narendra, Dunkeld, Barossa, Oscar and Xinza 2 performed well under -Zn treatment. Zn efficiency in Experiment 2 varied from 32% for Wuyou 1 to 62% for Pusa Bold. Pusa Bold and CSIRO-1(mustard genotypes) were the most efficient in terms of dry matter production among all the oilseed rape genotypes tested. Root dry matter accumulation was significantly higher in Zn-efficient genotypes. Zn efficiency (ratio of seed yield in -Zn to seed yield in +Zn and expressed in percentage) in field experiment varied from 62% for Huashang 2 to 76% for Dunkeld. With few exceptions, the ranking of genotypes in pot and field experiments indicates similarity in their response to Zn deficiency. There looks to be genetic control over Zn concentration in tissues. Zn-efficient genotypes had lower Zn concentration in roots and higher Zn concentration in youngest fully opened leaf blades, indicating a better transport of Zn. This, together with a higher Zn uptake, appears to be the basis of expression of Zn efficiency.  相似文献   

This is the first record of seed transmission of turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) in oilseed and turnip rapes. The seed transmission of TYMV in a naturally infected winter turnip rape (Brassica napus var. silvestris) cultivar Perko PVH was investigated. By ELISA 1.6%, 3.2% and 8.3% seed transmission of the virus was found in seed of plants from three localities. The proportion of infected seeds produced by artificially infected plants of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera) and winter turnip rape cultivars was determined. The virus transmission rate, expressed as the proportion of virus-infected plants which germinated from the seed was for the oilseed rape cvs Jet Neuf 0.1%, Solida 0.4%, Silesia 0.8%, Darmor 1.2%, SL-507 0.2%, SL-509 0.0% and for the winter turnip rape cv. Perko 1.5%. ELISA cannot be used in direct tests on bulk seed lots to estimate proportion of infected seed, but must be used on germinated seedlings.  相似文献   

通过田间试验研究了播种期和种植密度对冬油菜籽粒产量和含油率的影响.结果表明: 播种期主要影响分枝花序籽粒产量,而种植密度不仅影响分枝花序籽粒产量,还对主花序籽粒产量产生一定影响;籽粒含油率不受播种期的影响.主花序籽粒产量占单株籽粒产量的比例随种植密度的增加而升高,主花序籽粒含油率比分枝花序高约1%,因此小区籽粒含油率随种植密度的增加显著升高.研究区冬油菜播种期不能晚于10月中旬,10月下旬播种会显著降低籽粒产量;种植密度在每平方米36~48株可以提高冬油菜籽粒产量和含油率.  相似文献   

Single and double low varieties of oilseed rape were grown in the 1987/88 and 1988/89 seasons to study changes in the concentrations of total and individual glucosinolates within pods during development. Total glucosinolate concentration in seeds of all varieties increased during development when expressed on a fresh weight basis. The levels of the major alkenyl glucosinolates present in the seed; 2–hydroxy-3–butenyl, 3–butenyl and 4–pentenyl had been reduced in the transition from single to double low varieties. The major indole glucosinolates in the seed, 4–hydroxy-3–indolylmethyl and 3–indolylmethyl were present in the same amounts in single and double low varieties but in the latter represented a greater proportion of the total seed glucosinolate content. A decline in the total glucosinolate concentration in the pod walls with time together with the analogous profile of individual glucosinolates in the seeds and pod walls suggests that the pod wall is a major site of seed glucosinolate synthesis. Other plant parts may also have an important role to play in provision of intact glucosinolates or precursors to the pod walls for glucosinolate biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The rate of photosynthesis and its relation to tissue nitrogen content was studied in leaves and siliques of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) growing under field conditions including three rates of nitrogen application (0, 100 or 200 kg N ha-1) and two levels of irrigation (rainfed or irrigated at a deficit of 20 mm). The predominant effect of increasing N application under conditions without water deficiency was enhanced expansion of photosynthetically active leaf and silique surfaces, while the rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf or silique surface area was similar in the different N treatments. Thus, oilseed rape did not increase N investment in leaf area expansion before a decline in photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area due to N deficiency could be avoided. Much less photosynthetically active radiation penetrated into high-N canopies than into low-N canopies. The specific leaf area increased markedly in low light conditions, causing leaves in shade to be less dense than leaves exposed to ample light. In both leaves and siliques the photosynthetic rate per unit surface area responded linearly to increasing N content up to about 2 g m-2, thus showing a constant rate of net CO2 assimilation per unit increment in N (constant photosynthetic N use efficiency). At higher tissue N contents, photosynthetic rate responded less to changes in N status. Expressed per unit N, light saturated photosynthetic rate was three times higher in leaves than in silique valves, indicating a more efficient photosynthetic N utilization in leaves than in siliques. Nevertheless, from about two weeks after completion of flowering and onwards total net CO2 fixation in silique valves exceeded that in leaves because siliques received much higher radiation intensities than leaves and because the leaf area declined rapidly during the reproductive phase of growth. Water deficiency in late vegetative and early reproductive growth stages reduced the photosynthetic rate in leaves and, in particular, siliques of medium- and high-N plants, but not of low-N plants.  相似文献   

Three-week-old shoots of the spring oilseed rape cv. Petranova ( Brassica napus L. ssp. napus ) were found by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to contain GA1, GA8, GA15, GA17, GA19, GA20, GA24, GA29, 3-epi-GA1 and a previously uncharacterised C19 dicarboxylic acid that is probably structurally related to GA24. Shoots of the winter cultivar Belinda, harvested at the early flowering stage, contained the same GAs with the exception of the C19 dicarboxylic acid and, in addition, GA34 and GA51 were identified. All material contained higher levels of GA20 than of GA1; the ratio of GA1 to GA20 was highest in shoots containing the largest proportion of young immature tissues. Soil treatment of cv. Petranova seedlings with the growth retardant BAS 111¨W [1-phenoxy-5,5-dimethyl-3-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-hexan-4-ol] caused 80% reduction in height 18 days after treatment and the levels of all GAs were 20% or less that of control plants. Foliar treatment at the same dosage reduced height by 50% and caused an 85% or greater reduction in the concentrations of the GA1 precursors GA20, GA19 and GA44. However, the levels of GA1, GA8 and GA29 were affected to a much smaller extent. Foliar application of BAS 111¨W to cv. Belinda 1 month after sowing resulted in only a 20% height reduction at flowering, but no uniform decrease in the concentrations of endogenous GAs at this stage.  相似文献   

Grewal  Harsharn Singh  Zhonggu  Lu  Graham  Robin D 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(2):181-189
The effects of Zn supply (+Zn: 1 mg kg–1 soil, -Zn: no Zn added) in subsoil were examined in three genotypes of Brassica napus (Zhongyou 821, Xinza 2, Narendra) and one genotype of Brassica juncea (CSIRO-1) in a glasshouse experiment in pots (100 cm long, 10.5 cm diameter). The topsoil (upper 20 cm soil in pots) was supplied with Zn in all treatments whereas Zn was either supplied or omitted from the subsoil. Supplying Zn to subsoil significantly increased the root growth in the lower zone, markedly decreased the number of aborted and unfilled pods plant–1 and significantly increased the number of developed pods plant–1, number of seeds pod–1, individual seed weight and overall seed yield. Subsoil Zn also significantly increased the Zn concentration and Zn content of seed and improved the ratio of Zn uptake by seed to total Zn uptake by seed and shoots. These effects of subsoil Zn were more pronounced in Zhongyou 821, Xinza 2 and Narendra compared with CSIRO-1. CSIRO-I had 92% Zn efficiency (ratio of -Zn subsoil seed yield to +Zn subsoil seed yield expressed in percentage) compared with 63% for Zhongyou 821. Among the four genotypes, CSIRO-1 had the lowest Zn concentration in roots and shoots but highest Zn concentration and content in seed, suggesting it has a superior Zn transport mechanism from source (roots) to sink (seed). CSIRO-1 also significantly decreased the rhizosphere pH in lower rooting zone (20-93 cm) in -Zn subsoil treatment compared with +Zn treatment.  相似文献   

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