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Since May 1979, 190 rodents in the family Sciuridae, representing three genera and nine species, have been collected in the western United States and northern Mexico and examined for coccidia; 71 (37%) had coccidian oocysts in their feces. These included 2 of 12 (17%) Eutamias canipes; 7 of 12 (58%) E. dorsalis; 18 of 50 (36%) E. merriami; 33 of 96 (34%) E. obscurus; 3 of 4 (75%) E. townsendii; 3 of 9 (33%) Sciurus aberti; 1 of 1 S. griseus; 1 of 1 Tamiasciurus hudsonicus mogollonensis; and 3 of 5 (60%) T. mearnsi. The following coccidians were identified from infected rodents: Eimeria cochisensis n. sp. and Eimeria dorsalis n. sp. from E. canipes, E. cochisensis, E. dorsalis, and E. tamiasciuri from E. dorsalis, E. dorsalis and E. tamiasciuri from E. merriami; E. cochisensis, E. dorsalis, E. tamiasciuri, and E. wisconsinensis from E. obscurus; E. cochisensis and E. dorsalis from E. townsendii; E. ontarioensis and E. tamiasciuri from S. aberti; E. tamiasciuri from S. griseus; E. tamiasciuri and E. toddi from T. h. mogollonensis; and E. tamiasciuri from T. mearnsi. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria dorsalis n. sp. were ovoid, 21.9 x 16.8 (17-24 x 14-20) micrometer with sporocysts ovoid, 11.5 x 6.9 (10-14 x 6-8) micrometer. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria cochisensis n. sp. were spheroid to subspheroid, 16.7 x 15.3 (15-18 x 14-17) micrometer, with sporocysts ovoid, 8.4 x 5.6 (6-11 x 4-7) micrometer. Fifty-five of 71 (77%) infected hosts had oocysts of only one eimerian species in their feces at the time they were examined. One eimerian, E. tamiasciuri, was found in seven of nine host species in three genera. A list is provided of all eimerians (22, including the species described here) that have been described in the literature from Eutamias, Sciurus, and Tamiasciurus spp.  相似文献   

Fecal samples from 223 heteromyid rodents of 4 genera and 13 species were collected from California, New Mexico, and Texas and from Baja California Norte and Sonora, Mexico. Of these, 84 (38%) were infected with coccidian oocysts; 72 of 84 (86%) infected animals had only 1 species of coccidian. Eleven species of coccidia were identified including 1 cyclosporan and 10 eimerians; the cyclosporan and 2 of the eimerians are described as new species. Sporulated oocysts of Cyclospora angimurinensis n. sp. were subspheroidal, 21.9 x 19.3 (19-24 x 16-22) microns, with sporocysts lemon-shaped, 11.9 x 9.5 (9-15 x 8-11) microns; it was found in 1 of 20 (4%) Chaetodipus hispidus. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria chaetodipi n. sp. were subspheroidal, 16.7 x 14.6 (13-19.5 x 12-17) microns, with sporocysts ovoidal, 8.7 x 6.6 (7.5-10.5 x 5-7.5) microns; it was found in 3 of 20 (15%) C. hispidus. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria hispidensis n. sp. were subspheroidal, 20.5 x 17.4 (17-23 x 14-21) microns, with sporocysts lemon-shaped, 9.3 x 7.2 (7.5-10.5 x 5-9) microns; it was found in 4 of 20 (20%) C. hispidus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Coccidian parasites were detected in an Alpine population of the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus), and 55-82% of the fecal samples collected during a two-year study (2000 and 2002) contained one or two eimerian species. We report the presence of Eimeria myoxi and confirm for the first time the presence of Eimeria melanuri in the garden dormouse. These Eimeria species can be considered common parasites of the garden dormouse and the Asian garden dormouse. The high prevalence might be due to group hibernation by the dormice.  相似文献   

Five new species of Eimeria are described from lizards. Eimeria baltrocki n. sp. was found in the berber skink, Eumeces schneideri, from Egypt. The oöcysts are cylindroidal, averaging 38 × 18.3 m, with a single thick oöcyst wall. Most oöcysts possess a single polar granule; a micropyle and oöcyst residuum are absent. The sporocysts are ellipsoidal and average 11.5 × 8.1 m, each with a large, globular sporocyst residuum; the Stieda body is absent. Eimeria anolidis n. sp. is described form the common anole, Anolis carolinensis, from Florida, USA. The oöcysts are cylindroidal and average 31 × 15.8 m with a thick, single-layered oöcyst wall. Two polar granules are usually present; a micropyle and oöcyst residuum absent. The sporocysts are ellipsoidal and average 9.4 × 7.5 m with a globular sporocyst residuum; the Stieda body is absent. Eimeria guyanensis n. sp is recorded in the ameiva, Ameiva ameiva, from Guyana, South America. The oöcysts are spherical to subspherical, average 19.0 × 17.8 m and possess a thick, single-layered oöcyst wall. Numerous polar granules are present (n > 5); a micropyle and oöcyst residuum are absent. The sporocysts are spherical to subspherical, average 7.5 × 7.8 m and possess a compact globular sporocyst residuum; the Stieda body is absent. Eimeria phelsumae n. sp. was recovered from the giant day gecko, Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis, from Madagascar, which harboured a simultaneous infection of E. brygooi. The oöcysts measured 32 × 15 m and are cylindroidal without polar granules, a micropyle or oöcyst residuum, or a Steida body. The sporocysts are ellipsoidal and average 9.8 × 7 m, with a loosely clumped, granular sporocyst residuum; the Steida body is absent. Eimeria leiocephali n. sp. was discovered in the faeces of the ornate ground iguana, Leiocephalus barahonensis, from Haiti. The oöcysts are spherical to subspherical, 21 × 19 m, and contain a number of polar granules (n > 5); a micropyle and oöcyst residuum are absent. The sporocysts are spherical, 8 m in diameter and lack a sporocyst residuum. Eimeria turcicus and E. lineri were found in faeces of Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus from the host's country of origin, Turkey.  相似文献   

One hundred forty-seven murid and heteromyid rodents were collected from various sites in the southwestern and western United States (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah) and Baja California Norte, Mexico, and their feces were examined for coccidial parasites. Of these, 53 (36%) were infected with at least 1 coccidian; 45 of 53 (85%) of the infected rodents harbored only 1 species of coccidian. Infected rodents included: 10 of 22 (45%) Neotoma albigula, 3 of 11 (27%) Neotoma floridana, 2 of 14 (14%) Neotoma lepida, 15 of 29 (52%) Neotoma micropus, 5 of 8 (63%) Peromyscus crinitis, 6 of 6 (100%) Peromyscus difficilis, 1 of 2 (50%) Peromyscus eremicus, 9 of 34 (26%) Sigmodon hispidis, and 2 of 3 (67%) Sigmodon ochrognathus; 4 Neotoma cinerea, 3 Neotoma devia, 3 Neotoma mexicana, 1 Peromyscus maniculatus, 1 Onychomys leucogaster, 1 Onychomys torridus, 3 Chaetodipus fallax, and 2 Chaetodipus penicillatus were negative. Although no new species was found, the following coccidians were identified from infected rodents: Eimeria albigulae from N. albigula, N. floridana, and N. micropus, Eimeria antonellii from N. albigula and N. micropus, Eimeria ladronensis from N. albigula, N. floridana, N. lepida, and N. micropus, Eimeria arizonensis and Eimeria lachrymalis from P. crinitis and P. difficilis, Eimeria lachrymalis from P. eremicus, Eimeria tuskeegensis from S. ochrognathus, and Eimeria roperi, Eimeria sigmodontis, Eimeria tuskeegensis, Eimeria webbae, and an unidentified species of Eimeria from S. hispidis. This report documents 12 new host and several distributional records for Eimeria species from murid rodents in Arizona, Texas, and Utah.  相似文献   

Intestinal contents of 41 eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) from Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, were examined for the presence of Eimeria spp. Three previously named species were identified: E. lateralis (prevalence = 9%), E. ovata (3%), and E. vilasi (74%); 1 new species, Eimeria tamiensis n. sp. (74%), is described here. This report extends the geographic ranges of the named species into Pennsylvania. Sporulated oocysts of E. tamiensis n. sp. are ovoid and 18.6 x 14.5 (16-23 x 12-17) microm, with no micropyle or residuum. Sporocysts are ellipsoid and 8.6 x 5.4 (7-10 x 4-8) microm. with a Stieda body and granular residuum. Prevalences of E. lateralis and E. vilasi were similar to those reported previously. The differences in prevalences may be due to different life-history strategies of high- and low-prevalence Eimeria species.  相似文献   

All of 18 shrew moles, Neurotrichus gibbsii, collected in Oregon and Washington were infected with one or more species of coccidia. Three eimerians and one isosporan were identified and described as new species. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria heterocapita n. sp. were subspheroid to ellipsoid, 25.5 X 21.4 (23-27 X 18-23) micron. A membranous, cap-like structure was present at one pole of the oocyst, but a micropyle, oocyst residuum, and polar body were absent. Ovoid sporocysts were 13.6 X 10.0 (12-15 X 9-11) micron; a compact sporocyst residuum was present, but Stieda, sub-, and parastieda bodies were absent. This species was found in 2 of 18 (11%) hosts. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria neurotrichi n. sp. were ovoid, 17.6 X 13.6 (16-20 X 11-16) micron; micropyle and oocyst residuum were absent, but a polar body was present. Ovoid sporocysts were 10.7 X 5.5 (9-12 X 5-6) micron; Stieda body and sporocyst residuum were present, but sub- and parastieda bodies were absent. This species was found in 2 of 18 (11%) hosts. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria parastiedica n. sp. were subspheroid, 27.4 X 25.5 (25-30 X 22-28) micron; micropyle, oocyst residuum, and polar body were absent. Ovoid sporocysts, pointed at both ends, were 18.3 X 10.4 (16-20 X 9-11) micron; Stieda, sub-, and parastieda bodies were present as was a sporocyst residuum. This species was found in 2 of 18 (11%) hosts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Eimeria egregia n. sp. parasitises the gall-bladder of Eumeces egregius onocrepis, the brown red-tailed skink, in the Ocala National Forest, Marion County, Florida. Oöcysts are oval, 27.6 × 17.4 µm (25–32 × 16–20), without micropyle, polar body or oöcyst residuum. The oöcyst length/width ratio is 1.59 (1.42–1.76). Sporocysts are ovoid, 10.3 × 8.3 µm (8.5–12 × 7–9 µm), with a length/width ratio of 1.24 (1.06–1.50,), without a Stieda body, but with a prominent sporocyst residuum. Sporozoites are 10–12 × 2.5–3 µm. The ground skink Scincella lateralis is infected by Eimeria scincellae n. sp. The oöcysts are cylindrical, 29.8 × 15.9 µm (28–33 × 14–17), with no micropyle, polar body or oöcyst residuum. The oöcyst length/width ratio is 1.89 (1.68–2.14). Sporocysts are oval, 10.9 × 8.0 µm (9.5–12 × 7–9), with a length/width ratio of 1.36 (1.18–1.64,), no Stieda body and a prominent sporocyst residuum. Sporozoites are 9–11 × 2–2.5 µm.  相似文献   

Beginning in July 1980, 149 voles (Microtus spp.) representing 9 species and 14 subspecies collected in Japan, Mexico and the United States were examined for coccidia; 67 (45%) had oocysts in their feces. These included 1 of 3 (33%) M. californicus sactidiegi; 0 of 1 M. longicaudus longicaudus; 0 of 1 M. l. macrurus; 48 of 111 (43%) M. mexicanus including 11 of 26 (42%) M. m. fulviventer, 1 of 2 (50%) M. m. fundatus, 13 of 31 (42%) M. m. mexicanus, 1 of 4 (25%) M. m. mogollonensis and 22 of 48 (46%) M. m. subsimus; 5 of 8 (63%) M. montanus arizonensis; 6 of 6 M. montebelli montebelli; 2 of 4 (50%) M. oregoni oregoni; 5 of 13 (38%) M. pennsylvanicus pennsylvanicus; 0 of 1 M. quasiater and 0 of 1 M. townsendii townsendii. The following coccidians were identified from infected voles: Eimeria saxei n. sp. (syn. E. wenrichi "B") from M. c. sactidiegi; E. ochrogasteri, E. saxei, E. wenrichi (syn. E. wenrichi "A"), and Eimeria sp. from M. m. fulviventer, Eimeria sp. from M. m. fundatus; E. ochrogasteri, E. saxei, Eimeria tolucadensis n. sp., E. wenrichi, and Eimeria sp. from M. m. mexicanus; E. wenrichi from M. m. mogollonensis; Eimeria coahuiliensis n. sp., E. saxei, Eimeria subsimi n. sp., E. wenrichi, Eimeria sp., and Isospora mexicanasubsimi n. sp. from M. m. subsimus; E. tamiasciuri and E. wenrichi from M. m. arizonensis; Eimeria spp. from M. m. montebelli; E. saxei and E. wenrichi from M. o. oregoni; and E. ochrogasteri and E. wenrichi from M. p. pennsylvanicus. Sporulated oocytsts of Eimeria coahuiliensis n. sp. were ellipsoid, 29.6 X 19.6 (27-34 X 18-22) micron with ovoid sporocysts 14.4 X 8.9 (13-18 X 8-10) microns. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria saxei n. sp. were subspheroid, 13.0 X 11.0 (11-14 X 10-12) micron with ovoid sporocysts 7.5 X 4.0 (6-9 X 4-5) micron. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria subsimi n. sp. were ovoid/subspheroid, 25.1 X 18.7 (22-28 X 17-21) micron with ellipsoid sporocysts 13.9 X 7.4 (13-15 X 6-8) micron. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria tolucadensis n. sp. were subspheroid, 25.4 X 20.3 (23-26 X 19-23) micron with ellipsoid sporocysts 11.3 X 7.8 (10-13 X 7-9) micron. Sporulated oocysts of Isospora mexicanasubsimi n. sp. were subspheroid, 23.7 X 23.1 (21-26 X 21-26) micron with ovoid sporocysts 14.9 X 10.8 (12-16 X 10-12) micron.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Eimeria auratae n. sp. was described from the gall bladder of the lizard Mabuya aurata collected at Al-Hofuf village, eastern region, Saudi Arabia. Morphology of sporulated as well as non-sporulated oocysts were studied. Sporulated oocysts were ellipsoidal 22-31.5x13.5-21.8 (27.7x18.5) microm with smooth brownish-yellow bilayered wall, 1.1 (0.9-1.3) microm. Micropyle, polar granule and oocyst residuum were absent. Sporocysts were ellipsoidal 10.5-12.8x7.5-9 (11.8x8.5) microm. Sporocyst residuum was present but Stieda body was absent. Sporozoites were crescent-shaped, blunt at one end and slightly tapered at the other. Eimeria species from Scincidae were compared.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe 2 new species of Eimeria associated with the yellow-crowned Amazon Amazona ochrocephala. Eimeria amazonae n. sp. has bilayered, ellipsoidal, and smooth oocysts that measure 48.9 × 36.2 μm; the length/width ratio is 1.35. The micropyle and oocyst residuum are both absent, but the polar granule is present. Ovoidal sporocysts are 22.2 × 11.9 μm. Stieda and sub-Stieda bodies and sporocyst residuum are present. The 2 elongate sporozoites are curved and measure 18.1 × 3.4 μm; both have 2 refractile bodies. Eimeria ochrocephalae n. sp. has bilayered, ellipsoidal, and smooth oocysts that measure 43.8 × 27.7 μm; the length/width ratio is 1.58. The micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent, but the polar granule is present; ovoidal sporocysts are 20.6 × 10.1 μm. Stieda and sub-Stieda bodies and sporocyst residuum are present; 2 elongate and curved sporozoites are 15.8 × 3.4 μm, each of which has 2 refractile bodies.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the coccidia has historically been morphologically based. The purpose of this study was to establish if conspecificity of isolates of Eimeria callospermophili from 4 ground-dwelling squirrel hosts (Rodentia: Sciuridae) is supported by comparison of rDNA sequence data and to examine how this species relates to eimerian species from other sciurid hosts. Eimeria callospermophili was isolated from 4 wild-caught hosts, i.e., Urocitellus elegans, Cynomys leucurus, Marmota flaviventris , and Cynomys ludovicianus . The ITS1 and ITS2 genomic rDNA sequences were PCR generated, sequenced, and analyzed. The highest intraspecific pairwise distance values of 6.0% in ITS1 and 7.1% in ITS2 were observed in C. leucurus. Interspecific pairwise distance values > 5% do not support E. callospermophili conspecificity. Generated E. callospermophili sequences were compared to Eimeria lancasterensis from Sciurus niger and Sciurus niger cinereus and to Eimeria ontarioensis from S. niger. A single, well-supported clade was formed by E. callospermophili amplicons in neighbor joining and maximum parsimony analyses. However, within the clade, there was little evidence of host or geographic structuring of the species.  相似文献   

A new species of intestinal coccidian is described from the weedy or common sea dragon Phyllopteryx taeniolatus housed at the New England Aquarium in Boston and at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, USA. Live oocysts of Eimeria phyllopterycis sp. n. are spherical, 30.9 (28.0-34.4) microm, with a thin, single-layered wall. Both a micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent and a large polar granule is sometimes present. Sporocysts are ellipsoidal and elongate, 24.3 x 10.4 (23.4-25.6 x 9.2-11.2) microm, with Stieda and substieda bodies; shape index (length/width) 2.33 (2.14-2.70). A sporocyst residuum is present, consisting of numerous granules of various sizes. Sporozoites each possess 3 refractile bodies. Preliminary evidence suggests that the coccidian may affect the health of sea dragons; however, it could not be determined whether this parasite caused significant morbidity or mortality.  相似文献   

Early development of Eimeria papillata (Apicomplexa) in the mouse was evaluated using Nomarski interference-contrast and brightfield microscopy. Sporozoite-shaped meronts, which were motile and contained a large posterior refractile body and a smaller anterior refractile body, were observed entering and leaving host cells in the jejunum of an experimentally infected mouse at 26 h post inoculation (HPI). However, early developmental stages were not observed in tissue of the duodenum, ileum, cecum and colon. The mean length and width of these meronts (n = 20) were 12.0 microns and 3.7 microns, respectively. Spherical or subspherical meronts containing crescent-shaped merozoites were observed at 36 HPI.  相似文献   

Choleoeimeria mitranusensis n. sp. is described from the gall bladder of the lizard Scincus mitranus in Saudi Arabia. The prevalence of the infection was 20% (6/30). Oocysts were ellipsoidal and measured 29 μm × 20 μm. Sporocysts were dizoic and elliptical in shape. The endogenous development was confined to the gall bladder epithelium. Meronts, gamonts, and young oocysts were detected.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Early development of Eimeria papillata (Apicomplexa) in the mouse was evaluated using Nomarski interference-contrast and brightfield microscopy. Sporozoite-shaped meronts, which were motile and contained a large posterior refractile body and a smaller anterior refractile body, were observed entering and leaving host cells in the jejunum of an experimentally infected mouse at 26 h post inoculation (HPI). However, early developmental stages were not observed in tissue of the duodenum, ileum, cecum and colon. the mean length and width of these meronts (n = 20) were 12.0 μm and 3.7 μm, respectively. Spherical or subspherical meronts containing crescent-shaped merozoites were observed at 36 HPI.  相似文献   

Eimeria alpacae, E. punoensis, E. lamae, and E. macusaniensis were identified in fecal samples from 189 llama (Lama glama (L.] adults and 50 llama crias (animals less than one year of age of any species in the genus Lama) from central and western Oregon. In both adults and crias, E. alpacae was the most common species found. The least common was E. macusaniensis, which was found in only two adults. Overall prevalence and numbers of animals with mixed infections was approximately twice as high in crias as in adults.  相似文献   

Coprological examination of ten Pink-ringed tent turtles Kachuga tentoria circumdata, recently imported from India, and three Burmese black turtles Melanochelys trijuga edeniana, imported from Myanmar, revealed the presence of two new species of Eimeria. Oocysts of Eimeria kachua n. sp. from K. t. circumdata are broadly oval to subspherical, 15.3 (13-18) x 13.9 (12-16) microm, with polar granule and subspherical oocyst residuum. Sporocyst elongatelly oval to spindle-shaped, 8.7 (7.5-10) x 4.9 (4-6) microm, with a knoblike Stieda body, covered with fine membranous cupola-like structures. Thin walled oocysts of Eimeria patta n. sp. from M. t. edeniana, have an irregular shape, influenced by the position of sporocysts, frequently with lobular irregularities, 12.6 (11-16) x 9.1 (7.5-12) microm. Sporocysts are oval to ellipsoidal, 5.8 (5-7) x 4.2 (3.5-5) microm.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Eimeria Schneider, 1875 are described from the faeces of domesticated goats in New Zealand. Oöcysts of E. capralis n. sp. are ellipsoidal, 29.2 × 19.7 (25–34 × 17–24) μm, with a distinct micropylar cap. The sporocysts are broadly ovoid, the Stieda body is present and the sporocyst residuum consists of many scattered granules. Sporozoites lie lengthwise head to tail in the sporocyst. Oöcysts of E. masseyensis n. sp. are broadly ellipsoid to ovoid, 22.3 × 17.4 (18–25 × 15–19) μm, with a distinct micropylar cap. The polar granules are shattered into fine granules, the sporocysts are elongate ovoid and the Stieda body is present. Oöcysts of E. charlestoni n. sp. are ellipsoidal, 22.9 × 17.4 (20–25 × 16–19) μm, with no micropylar cap. Its oöcysts are distinctive, with elongate sporocysts containing very prominent refractile bodies.  相似文献   

During November 2009 and March 2010, 20 adult eastern pipistrelles, Perimyotis (= Pipistrellus) subflavus, were collected from Polk County, Arkansas, and their feces were examined for coccidian parasites. Two (10%) of the bats were found to be passing oocysts of an undescribed species of Eimeria. Oocysts of Eimeria heidti n. sp. were ovoidal to ellipsoidal, 26.1 × 20.5 μm (23-31 × 18-23 μm), with a bilayered wall, externally rough, internally smooth, and with a shape index of 1.3. Micropyle and oocyst residuum were absent, but a subspherical polar granule was often present. Sporocysts were ovoidal, 13.0 × 8.8 μm (11-15 × 7-13 μm), the shape index was 1.6, a Stieda body was present and sub-Stieda and para-Stieda bodies were absent. A sporocyst residuum consisting of multiple globules dispersed along the perimeter of the sporocyst and between the sporozoites were present, sporozoites were elongate, with a subspherical anterior refractile body and elongate posterior refractile body; a nucleus not discernible. This is the second coccidian reported from this host and the fourth instance of a coccidian species reported from an Arkansas bat.  相似文献   

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