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PilQ is a member of the secretin family of outer membrane proteins and is specifically involved in secretion of type IV pili in Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The quaternary structure of PilQ from N. meningitidis was analyzed by transmission electron microscopy by using a negative stain. Single particle averaging was carried out with a total data set of 650 individual particles, which produced a projection map generated from 296 particles at an estimated resolution of 2.6 nm. Oligomeric PilQ adopts a donut-like structure with an external ring that is 16.5 nm in diameter surrounding a central cavity that is 6.5 nm in diameter. Self-rotation and power spectrum analysis demonstrated the presence of 12-fold rotational symmetry, showing that PilQ is organized as a ring of 12 identical subunits. A model of the type IV meningococcal pilus fiber, based on the X-ray crystal structure of the N. gonorrhoeae pilin subunit, fitted neatly into the cavity, demonstrating how PilQ could serve as a channel for the growing pilus fiber.  相似文献   

The bacterial pathogen Neisseria meningitidis expresses long, thin, retractile fibers (called type IV pili) from its cell surface and uses these adhesive structures to mediate primary attachment to epithelial cells during host colonization and invasion. PilQ is an outer membrane protein complex that is essential for the translocation of these pili across the outer membrane. Here, we present the structure of the PilQ complex determined by cryoelectron microscopy to 12 A resolution. The dominant feature of the structure is a large central cavity, formed by four arm features that spiral upwards from a squared ring base and meet to form a prominent cap region. The cavity, running through the center of the complex, is continuous and is effectively sealed at both the top and bottom. Analysis of the complex using self-orientation and by examination of two-dimensional crystals indicates a strong C4 rotational symmetry, with a much weaker C12 rotational symmetry, consistent with PilQ possessing true C4 symmetry with C12 quasi-symmetry. We therefore suggest that the complex is a homododecamer, formed by association of 12 PilQ polypeptide chains into a tetramer of trimers. The structure of the PilQ complex, with its large and well defined central chamber, suggests that it may not function solely as a passive portal in the outer membrane, but could be actively involved in mediating pilus assembly or modification.  相似文献   

Type IV pili are surface-exposed retractable fibers which play a key role in the pathogenesis of Neisseria meningitidis and other gram-negative pathogens. PilG is an integral inner membrane protein and a component of the type IV pilus biogenesis system. It is related by sequence to the extensive GspF family of secretory proteins, which are involved in type II secretion processes. PilG was overexpressed and purified from Escherichia coli membranes by detergent extraction and metal ion affinity chromatography. Analysis of the purified protein by perfluoro-octanoic acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that PilG formed dimers and tetramers. A three-dimensional (3-D) electron microscopy structure of the PilG multimer was determined using single-particle averaging applied to samples visualized by negative staining. Symmetry analysis of the unsymmetrized 3-D volume provided further evidence that the PilG multimer is a tetramer. The reconstruction also revealed an asymmetric bilobed structure approximately 125 A in length and 80 A in width. The larger lobe within the structure was identified as the N terminus by location of Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid nanogold particles to the N-terminal polyhistidine tag. We propose that the smaller lobe corresponds to the periplasmic domain of the protein, with the narrower "waist" region being the transmembrane section. This constitutes the first report of a 3-D structure of a member of the GspF family and suggests a physical basis for the role of the protein in linking cytoplasmic and periplasmic protein components of the type II secretion and type IV pilus biogenesis systems.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional structure of the Opc invasin from Neisseria meningitidis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A two-dimensional structural model was devised for the Opc outer membrane protein invasin which contains 10 transmembrane strands and five surface-exposed loops. One continuous epitope recognized by three monoclonal antibodies was localized to the tip of loop 2 by synthetic peptides and site-directed mutagenesis while a second, discontinuous epitope recognized by a fourth antibody was localized to loops 4 and 5 by insertion mutagenesis. These monoclonal antibodies are bactericidal and inhibit adhesion and invasion. Most of the T-cell epitopes defined by Wiertz et al. (1996) were localized to the transmembrane strands. Oligonucleotides encoding a foreign epitope (∇) from Semliki Forest virus were inserted into Bgl II restriction sites created by site-directed mutagenesis. The ∇ epitopes inserted in all five predicted loops were recognized on the cell surface of live Escherichia coli bacteria by a monoclonal antibody and are exposed while ∇ epitopes in the N-terminus or three predicted turns were not. The results thus confirm important predictions of the model and define five permissive sites within surface-exposed loops which can be used to insert foreign epitopes.  相似文献   

DivIVA from Bacillus subtilis is a bifunctional protein with distinct roles in cell division and sporulation. During vegetative growth, DivIVA regulates the activity of the MinCD complex, thus helping to direct cell division to the correct mid-cell position. DivIVA fulfils a quite different role during sporulation in B. subtilis when it directs the oriC region of the chromosome to the cell pole before asymmetric cell division. DivIVA is a 19.5 kDa protein with a large part of its structure predicted to form a tropomyosin-like alpha-helical coiled-coil. Here, we present a model for the quaternary structure of DivIVA, based on cryonegative stain transmission electron microscopy images. The purified protein appears as an elongated particle with lateral expansions at both ends producing a form that resembles a 'doggy-bone'. The particle mass estimated from these images agrees with the value of 145 kDa measured by analytical ultracentrifugation suggesting 6- to 8-mers. These DivIVA oligomers serve as building blocks in the formation of higher order assemblies giving rise to strings, wires and, finally, two-dimensional lattices in a time-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Image analysis of electron micrographs of thin-sectioned myosin subfragment-1 (S1) crystals has been used to determine the structure of the myosin head at approximately 25-A resolution. Previous work established that the unit cell of type I crystals of myosin S1 contains eight molecules arranged with orthorhombic space group symmetry P212121 and provided preliminary information on the size and shape of the myosin head (Winkelmann, D. A., H. Mekeel, and I. Rayment. 1985. J. Mol. Biol. 181:487-501). We have applied a systematic method of data collection by electron microscopy to reconstruct the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the S1 crystal lattice. Electron micrographs of thin sections were recorded at angles of up to 50 degrees by tilting the sections about the two orthogonal unit cell axes in sections cut perpendicular to the three major crystallographic axes. The data from six separate tilt series were merged to form a complete data set for 3D reconstruction. This approach has yielded an electron density map of the unit cell of the S1 crystals of sufficient detail. to delineate the molecular envelope of the myosin head. Myosin S1 has a tadpole-shaped molecular envelope that is very similar in appearance to the pear-shaped myosin heads observed by electron microscopy of rotary-shadowed and negatively stained myosin. The molecule is divided into essentially three morphological domains: a large domain on one end of the molecule corresponding to approximately 60% of the total molecular volume, a smaller central domain of approximately 30% of the volume that is separated from the larger domain by a cleft on one side of the molecule, and the smallest domain corresponding to a thin tail-like region containing approximately 10% of the volume. This molecular organization supports models of force generation by myosin which invoke conformational mobility at interdomain junctions within the head.  相似文献   

The structure of bacteriophages from different groups is presented based on the data obtained by the three-dimensional reconstruction, optical diffraction and filtration and electron microscopy techniques. The study made possible to suggest the scheme for the mechanism of sheath molecules rearrangement at contraction of bacteriophage tail sheath, the model of bacteriophage FI-1 connector. The structural elements for difference and relation of various bacteriophages are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The spliceosome is a multimegadalton RNA-protein machine that removes noncoding sequences from nascent pre-mRNAs. Recruitment of the spliceosome to splice sites and subsequent splicing require a series of dynamic interactions among the spliceosome's component U snRNPs and many additional protein factors. These dynamics present several challenges for structural analyses, including purification of stable complexes to compositional homogeneity and assessment of conformational heterogeneity. We have isolated spliceosomes arrested before the second chemical step of splicing (C complex) in which U2, U5 and U6 snRNAs are stably associated. Using electron microscopy, we obtained images of C complex spliceosomes under cryogenic conditions and determined a three-dimensional structure of a core complex to a resolution of 30 A. The structure reveals a particle of dimensions 27 x 22 x 24 nm with a relatively open arrangement of three primary domains.  相似文献   

Secretins, a superfamily of multimeric outer membrane proteins, mediate the transport of large macromolecules across the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Limited proteolysis of secretin PulD from the Klebsiella oxytoca pullulanase secretion pathway showed that it consists of an N-terminal domain and a protease-resistant C-terminal domain that remains multimeric after proteolysis. The stable C-terminal domain starts just before the region in PulD that is highly conserved in the secretin superfamily and apparently lacks the region at the C-terminal end to which the secretin-specific pilot protein PulS binds. Electron microscopy showed that the stable fragment produced by proteolysis is composed of two stacked rings that encircle a central channel and that it lacks the peripheral radial spokes that are seen in the native complex. Moreover, the electron microscopic images suggest that the N-terminal domain folds back into the large cavity of the channel that is formed by the C-terminal domain of the native complex, thereby occluding the channel, consistent with previous electrophysiological studies showing that the channel is normally closed.  相似文献   

NADH: ubiquinone reductase (electron transfer complex I) has been isolated from Neurospora crassa mitochondria as a monodisperse protein-phospholipid-Triton X-100 complex (1:0.04:0.15, by weight). The enzyme is in the monomeric state, has a protein molecular weight of 610,000 and consists of about 25 different subunits. Membrane crystals of the enzyme complex have been prepared by adding mixed phospholipid-Triton X-100 micelles and then removing the Triton by dialysis. Diffraction patterns of the negatively stained membrane crystals extend to about 3.9 nm, with a unit cell size of 19 nm X 38 nm and gamma = 90 degrees. The two-sided plane group packing corresponding to pgg is p22(1)2(1). By combining four sets of tilted views, a low-resolution three-dimensional structure of the protein has been calculated. The structure shows that NADH: ubiquinone reductase extends 15 nm across the membrane, projecting 9 nm from one membrane side and 1 nm from the opposite side. Only about one-third of the total protein mass is located in the membrane. The structure of NADH: ubiquinone reductase is compared with that of ubiquinol: cytochrome c reductase determined by electron microscopy of membrane crystals.  相似文献   

Vacuolar ATPases are ATP hydrolysis-driven proton pumps found in the endomembrane system of eucaryotic cells where they are involved in pH regulation. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of the proton channel domain of the vacuolar ATPase from bovine brain clathrin-coated vesicles by electron microscopy at 21 A resolution. The model shows an asymmetric protein ring with two small openings on the luminal side and one large opening on the cytoplasmic side. The central hole on the luminal side is covered by a globular protein, while the cytoplasmic opening is covered by two elongated proteins arranged in a collar-like fashion.  相似文献   

A spontaneous point mutation in pilQ (pilQ1) resulted in phenotypic suppression of a hemoglobin (Hb) receptor mutant (hpuAB mutant), allowing gonococci to grow on Hb as the sole source of iron. PilQ, formerly designated OMP-MC, is a member of the secretin family of proteins located in the outer membrane and is required for pilus biogenesis. The pilQ1 mutant also showed decreased piliation and transformation efficiency. Insertional inactivation of pilQ1 resulted in the loss of the Hb utilization phenotype and decreased entry of free heme. Despite the ability of the pilQ1 mutant to use Hb for iron acquisition and porphyrin, there was no demonstrable binding of Hb to the cell surface. The pilQ1 mutant was more sensitive to the toxic effect of free heme in growth medium and hypersensitive to the detergent Triton X-100 and multiple antibiotics. Double mutation in pilQ1 and tonB had no effect on these phenotypes, but a double pilQ1 pilT mutant showed a reduction in Hb-dependent growth and decreased sensitivity to heme and various antimicrobial agents. Insertional inactivation of wild-type pilQ also resulted in reduced entry of heme, Triton X-100, and some antibiotics. These results show that PilQ forms a channel that allows entry of heme and certain antimicrobial compounds and that a gain-of function point mutation in pilQ results in TonB-independent, PilT-dependent increase of entry.  相似文献   

Secretins are a large family of proteins associated with membrane translocation of macromolecular complexes, and a subset of this family, termed PilQ proteins, is required for type IV pilus biogenesis. We analysed the status of PilQ expression in Neisseria meningitidis (Mc) and found that PilQ? mutants were non-piliated and deficient in the expression of pilus-associated phenotypes. Sequence analysis of the 5′ portion of the pilQ ORF of the serogroup B Mc strain 44/76 showed the presence of seven copies of a repetitive sequence element, in contrast to the situation in N. gonorrhoeae (Gc) strains, which carry either two or three copies of the repeat. The derived amino acid sequence of the consensus nucleotide repeat was an octapeptide PAKQQAAA, designated as the small basic repeat (SBR). This gene segment was studied in more detail in a collection of 52 Mc strains of diverse origin by screening for variability in the size of the PCR-generated DNA fragments spanning the SBRs. These strains were found to harbour from four to seven copies of the repetitive element. No association between the number of copies and the serogroup, geographic origin or multilocus genotype of the strains was evident. The presence of polymorphic repeat elements in Mc PilQ is unprecedented within the secretin family. To address the potential function of the repeat containing domain, Mc strains were constructed so as to express chimeric PilQ molecules in which the number of SBR repeats was increased or in which the repeat containing domain was replaced in toto by the corresponding region of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) PilQ protein. Although the strain expressing PilQ with an increased number of SBRs was identical to the parent strain in pilus phenotypes, a strain expressing PilQ with the equivalent Pa domain had an eightfold reduction in pilus expression level. The findings suggest that the repeat containing domain of PilQ influences Mc pilus expression quantitatively but not qualitatively.  相似文献   

The penC resistance gene was previously characterized in an FA19 penA mtrR penB gonococcal strain (PR100) as a spontaneous mutation that increased resistance to penicillin and tetracycline. We show here that antibiotic resistance mediated by penC is the result of a Glu-666 to Lys missense mutation in the pilQ gene that interferes with the formation of the SDS-resistant high-molecular-mass PilQ secretin complex, disrupts piliation and decreases transformation frequency by 50-fold. Deletion of pilQ in PR100 confers the same level of antibiotic resistance as the penC mutation, but increased resistance was observed only in strains containing the mtrR and penB resistance determinants. Site-saturation mutagenesis of Glu-666 revealed that only acidic or amidated amino acids at this position preserved PilQ function. Consistent with early studies suggesting the importance of cysteine residues for stability of the PilQ multimer, mutation of either of the two cysteine residues in FA19 PilQ led to a similar phenotype as penC: increased antibiotic resistance, loss of piliation, intermediate levels of transformation competence and absence of SDS-resistant PilQ oligomers. These data show that a functional secretin complex can enhance the entry of antibiotics into the cell and suggest that the PilQ oligomer forms a pore in the outer membrane through which antibiotics diffuse into the periplasm.  相似文献   

Membrane crystals have been prepared from mitochondrial ubiquinol: cytochrome c reductase by mixing the enzyme-Triton complex with phospholipid-Triton micelles and subsequently removing the Triton. The electron micrographs of the negatively stained crystals diffract to 2·5 nm, with unit cell dimensions of 13·7 nm by 17·4 nm. The enzyme is arranged in a two-sided plane group P22121, i.e. alternate molecules span the bilayer in an up and down manner. By combining tilted views of the membrane crystals, a low-resolution three-dimensional structure of the enzyme has been calculated. The structure shows that the enzyme is a dimer, the monomers being related by a 2-fold axis running perpendicular to the membrane. The monomeric units of the enzyme are elongated, extending approximately 15 nm across the membrane. The protein is unequally distributed with about 30% of the total mass located in the bilayer, 50% in a section which extends 7 nm from one side of the bilayer and 20% in a section which extends 3 nm from the opposite side of the bilayer. The two monomeric units are in contact only in the membraneous section. This structure is compared with a model of the enzyme which is derived from biochemical properties of the isolated subunits.  相似文献   

Wang X  Yang X  Yang C  Wu Z  Xu H  Shen Y 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26845
NMB0315 is an outer membrane protein of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B (NMB) and a potential candidate for a broad-spectrum vaccine against meningococcal disease. The crystal structure of NMB0315 was solved by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) at a resolution of 2.4 Å and revealed to be a lysostaphin-type peptidase of the M23 metallopeptidase family. The overall structure consists of three well-separated domains and has no similarity to any previously published structure. However, only the topology of the carboxyl-terminal domain is highly conserved among members of this family, and this domain is a zinc-dependent catalytic unit. The amino-terminal domain of the structure blocks the substrate binding pocket in the carboxyl-terminal domain, indicating that the wild-type full-length protein is in an inactive conformational state. Our studies improve the understanding of the catalytic mechanism of M23 metallopeptidases.  相似文献   

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