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If chloroplasts purified on sucrose step gradients are treated for 10 min at 4°C with 2 M NaCl, followed by a 1000-g centrifugation, nuclear DNA contamination is reduced 1.5 to 3 fold as estimated by densitometry.  相似文献   

A chloroplast DNA restriction site map forRanunculus sceleratus (Ranunculaceae) was constructed using 14 restriction endonucleases. The total size of the chloroplast genome is 152.4kb. No inversions were detected relative to the tobacco chloroplast DNA. Cladistic analyses of chloroplast DNA restriction site polymorphism were employed in order to elucidate the phylogeny among 76 species of the genusRanunculus in a wide sense and one species ofTrautvetteria. A total of 341 informative restriction site changes were detected. Parsimony jackknifing, bootstrapping and decay analysis were undertaken in order to evaluate the amount of support for the monophyletic groups. The results suggest that the analysed species ofRanunculus are divisible into two main clades. Only few of the traditional sections and subgenera ofRanunculus are monophyletic. The genusTrautvetteria is nested within a clade comprising, e.g.Ranunculus cymbalaria, R. andersonii, R. lapponicus andR. ficaria. SubgenusBatrachium lies within a larger clade containing, e.g.R. sceleratus andR. hyperboreus. Contractions of the inverted repeat due to parallel deletions of 200–300 bp close to the JSB have occurred in many clades and the phylogenetic distribution of this size reduction was mapped among the species.  相似文献   

As a first step in the study of chloroplast genome variability in the genus Helianthus, a physical restriction map of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) has been constructed using restriction endonucleases BamH I, Hind III, Pst I, Pvu II and Sac. I. Sunflower circular DNA contains an inverted repeat structure with the two copies (23 kbp each) separated by a large (86 kbp) and a small (20 kbp) single copy region. Its total length is therefore about 152 kbp. Sunflower cpDNA is essentially colinear with that of tobacco with the exception of an inversion of a 23.5-kbp segment in the large single copy region. Gene localization on the sunflower cpDNA and comparison of the gene map with that from tobacco chloroplasts have revealed that the endpoints of the inversion are located between the trnT and trnE genes on the one hand, and between the trnG and trnS genes on the other hand.Analysis of BamH I restriction fragment patterns of H. annuus, H. occidentalis ssp. plantagineus, H. grossesseratus, H. decapetalus, H. giganteus, H. maximiliani and H. tuberosus cpDNAs suggests that structural variations are present in the genus Helianthus.  相似文献   

Summary The restriction map of the rDNA unit of Helianthus annuus was constructed using EcoRI, BamHI, HindIII, KpnI and SacI restriction enzymes. Variations in this map among 61 ecotypes representing 39 species of the genus Helianthus were analyzed. The sizes of the rDNA unit ranged from 9.8 to 11.0 kbp, due to a length-repeat heterogeneity of the external non-transcribed spacer by increments of 200 base pair segments. Lengthrepeat heterogeneity and restriction polymorphism were found to be characteristic of populations or species of Helianthus. Restriction patterns and thermal melting with probes of a cloned H. annuus ENTS segment allowed us to differentiate species from each other. However, most lines of the cultivated sunflower were found to be identical on the basis of the physical properties of their ribosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Comparative restriction site mapping of the chloroplast genome was performed to examine phylogenetic relationships among 27 species representing 16 genera of the Berberidaceae and two outgroups. Chloroplast genomes of the species included in this study showed no major structural rearrangements (i.e., they are collinear to tobacco cpDNA) except for the extension of the inverted repeat in species of Berberis and Mahonia. Excluding several regions that exhibited severe length variation, a total of 501 phylogenetically informative sites was mapped for ten restriction enzymes. The strict consensus tree of 14 equally parsimonious trees indicated that some berberidaceous genera (Berberis, Mahonia, Diphylleia) are not monophyletic. To explore phylogenetic utility of different parsimony methods phylogenetic trees were generated using Wagner, Dollo, and weighted parsimony for a reduced data set that included 18 species. One of the most significant results was the recognition of the four chromosomal groups, which were strongly supported regardless of the parsimony method used. The most notable difference among the trees produced by the three parsimony methods was the relationships among the four chromosomal groups. The cpDNA trees also strongly supported a close relationship of several generic pairs (e.g., Berberis-Mahonia, Epimedium-Vancouveria, etc.). Maximum likelihood values were computed for the four different tree topologies of the chromosomal groups, two Wagner, one Dollo, and one weighted topology. The results indicate that the weighted tree has the highest likelihood value. The lowest likelihood value was obtained for the Dollo tree, which had the highest bootstrap and decay values. Separate analyses using only the Inverted Repeat (IR) region resulted in a tree that is identical to the weighted tree. Poor resolution and/or support for the relationships among the four chromosomal lineages of the Berberidaceae indicate that they may have radiated from an ancestral stock in a relatively short evolutionary time.  相似文献   

The utility of chloroplast DNA variation for checking a recently proposed infrageneric classification of the genusAllium was tested. cpDNA restriction patterns of 49 species representing the main subgenera, sections, and subsections of the existing classification were compared. 363 different fragments generated by 4 restriction enzymes were identified and analysed by UPGMA clustering. The resulting phenogram largely confirms the subgeneric classification based on an integration of morphological and other methods.  相似文献   

A study of an invertebrate mitochondrial genome, that of the blowflyPhormia regina, has been initiated to compare its structural and functional relatedness to other metazoan mitochondrial genomes. A restriction map of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) isolated from sucrose gradient-purified mitochondria has been established using a combination of single and double restriction endonuclease digestions and hybridizations with isolated mtDNA fragments, revealing a genome size of 17.5 kilobases (kb). A number of mitochondrial genes including those encoding the 12 S and 16 S ribosomal RNA, the cytochromec oxidase I subunit (COI) and an unidentified open reading frame (URF2) have been located on thePhormia mtDNA by Southern blot analysis using as probes both isolated mtDNA fragments and oligonucleotides derived from the sequences of previously characterized genes from rat andDrosophila yakuba mtDNAs. These data indicate that for those regions examined, the mitochondrial genome organization of blowfly mtDNA is the same as that ofDrosophila yakuba, the order being COI-URF2-12 S-16 S. These data also report the presence of an A + T-rich region, located as a 2.5-kb region between the URF2 and the 12 S rRNA genes, and its amplification by the polymerase chain reaction is described.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA variation was examined for 79 species of Verbesina and 24 outgroups. Two independent analyses of the data were performed. An intergeneric study to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of Verbesina used 22 genera, most of which are regarded in the literature as closely related to Verbesina. Coreopsis and Hymenoxys served as outgroups for this analysis. The 16 6-bp (base pair) restriction endonucleases used in the intergeneric study revealed 263 phylogenetically informative sites. Wagner analyses of these characters resulted in four equally parsimonious trees with a length of 857 steps and a Consistency Index of 0.492. Results from this study indicate that Verbesina is monophyletic, a member of the tribe Heliantheae, and that its sister taxa are the mostly Mexican genera Podachaenium, Squamopappus, and Tetrachyron. The infrageneric study of Verbesina included species belonging to all of its infrageneric taxa, except the monotypic sect. Stenocarpha. The 17 6-bp restriction endonucleases used in the infrageneric study revealed 137 sites 77 of which were phylogenetically informative. Wagner analyses of these characters generated 180 equally parsimonious trees with a length of 158 steps and a Consistency Index of 0.786. The genera Podachaenium, Squamopappus, and Tetrachyron served as outgroups. Two major clades, which correspond to traditional divisions of the genus based on leaf arrangement, are supported by the study. No support was found for the monophyly of seven of the 11 sections examined; further sampling of sections Lipactinia, Ochractinia, Verbesina, and Ximenesia is needed. Results support a major reassessment of the traditional infrageneric classification of the genus and provide the basis for the reevaluation of the sectional taxonomy of Verbesina. These studies support a North American origin for the genus with several independent introductions into South America producing significant diversity, especially in the Andean region.  相似文献   

Two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions exhibiting a high frequency of intra- or inter-species variation were identified in 12 accessions of the genus Medicago. Restriction maps of both regions were prepared for alfalfa, and the probable nature of the events causing the DNA differences was identified. Specific DNA fragments were then cloned for use in identification of variants in each region. Two each of M. sativa ssp. varia and ssp. caerulea and one of six M. sativa ssp. sativa single plants examined possessed cpDNA heterogeneity as identified by screening extracts for fragments generated by the presence and absence of a specific Xba I restriction site. Three plants of M. sativa ssp. sativa, two of each of sspp. varia and caerulea, and three M. scutellata were also examined for single-plant cpDNA heterogeneity at a hypervariable region where differences resulted from small insertion-deletion events. A single M. scutellata plant with mixed cpDNAs was identified. Sorting out was seen when one spp. sativa plant with mixed plastid types identifiable by the Xba I restriction site difference was vegetatively propagated. This indicated that the initial stock plant was heteroplastidic. Controlled crosses will be required in order to test whether heteroplasmy results from chloroplast transmission in the pollen and to examine the dynamic of sorting out. However, heteroplasmy is apparently not a rare situation in Medicago.Contribution No 88-547-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA of seven species belonging toAnemone (sectt.Omalocarpus, Anemonidium, andAnemonanthea),Hepatica, andPulsatilla have been analyzed by restriction enzymes. According to the dendrogram constructed, the sections ofAnemone and the generaHepatica andPulsatilla seem to be evolutionary approximately equidistant to each others. This supports the concept that these groups should be treated on a similar taxonomic level, either as genera or subgenera.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the flowering plant genus Styrax were investigated with DNA sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) and with chloroplast DNA restriction site data from the genes trnK, rpoC1, and rpoC2. The data sets from each genome were analyzed separately and in combination with parsimony methods. The results strongly support the monophyly of each of the four series of the genus but provide little phylogenetic resolution among them. Reticulate evolution may at least partly explain discordance between the molecular phylogenetic estimates and a prior morphological estimate within series Cyrta. The historical biogeography of the genus was inferred with unweighted parsimony character optimization of trees recovered from a combined ITS and morphological data set, after a series of combinability tests for data set congruence was conducted. The results are consistent with the fossil record in supporting a Eurasian origin of Styrax. The nested phylogenetic position of the South American members of the genus within those from southern North America and Eurasia suggests that the boreotropics hypothesis best explains the amphi-Pacific tropical disjunct distribution occurring within section Valvatae. The pattern of relationship recovered among the species of section Styrax ((western North America + western Eurasia) (eastern North America + eastern Eurasia)) is rare among north-temperate Tertiary forest relicts. The monophyly of the group of species from western North America and western Eurasia provides qualified support for the Madrean-Tethyan hypothesis, which posits a Tertiary floristic connection among the semiarid regions in which these taxa occur. A single vicariance event between eastern Asia and eastern North America accounts for the pattern of relationship among intercontinental disjuncts in series Cyrta.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis was conducted on chloroplast DNA restriction site variation in 34 genera of grasses (familyPoaceae), including 28 genera from subfam.Pooideae (representing tribesAveneae, Brachypodieae, Bromeae, Meliceae, Poeae, Stipeae, andTriticeae) and representatives of three other subfamilies,Arundinoideae, Oryzoideae, andPanicoideae. Analyses of all 34 genera always distinguishedPooideae as monophyletic, regardless of which nonpooid genus functioned as outgroup; six separate analyses of all 28 pooid genera, each including one of the six nonpooid genera as outgroup, resolved five identically-constituted clades withinPooideae (in four cases), or (in the other two cases) yielded results that were less well resolved, but not in conflict with those of the other four analyses. The four best-resolved analyses distinguishedMeliceae as the earliest diverging lineage withinPooideae, andStipeae as the next. Above the point of divergence ofStipeae is a dichotomy between supertribeTriticodae (including tribesBrachypodieae, Bromeae, andTriticeae), and a clade comprisingPoeae andAveneae. The analysis supports some tribal realignments, specifically the assignment ofBriza, Chascolytrum, Microbriza, andTorreyochloa toAveneae, andArctagrostis, Catabrosa, andSesleria toPoeae. The analysis also suggests that the pooid spikelet (i.e., glumes shorter than lemmas and florets two or more) is plesiomorphic inPooideae, and that spikelets with one floret, and those with glumes longer than the first lemma, each have evolved more than once withinPooideae. Results also indicate that small chromosomes and chromosome numbers based on x=c. 10–12 are plesiomorphic withinPooideae. Alternative states of these characters (chromosomes large, chromosome numbers based on x=7) are interpreted as synapomorphies or parallelisms of clades that includeTriticodae, Aveneae, andPoeae. Lanceolate lodicule shape may be a synapomorphy of the clade that includesStipeae, Triticodae, Aveneae, andPoeae, and loss of lodicule vascularization a synapomorphy of the entirePooideae.  相似文献   

The Ulmaceae is usually split into two subgroups, referred to as either tribes or more commonly subfamilies (Ulmoideae andCeltidoideae). The two groups are separated, with some exceptions, on the basis of leaf venation, fruit type, seed morphology, wood anatomy, palynology, chemistry, and chromosome number. Propositions to separate the two groups as distinct families have never gained general acceptance. Recent morphological and anatomical data have suggested, however, that not only is family status warranted but thatCeltidaceae are more closely related toMoraceae and otherUrticales than toUlmaceae. In order to test these alternative sets of relationships, restriction site mapping of the entire cpDNA was done with nine rare cutting enzymes using 11 genera ofUlmaceae s. l., three other families of theUrticales, and an outgroup family from theHamamelidae. Cladistic analysis of the data indicates thatUlmaceae s. l. is not monophyletic and that distinct families (Ulmaceae andCeltidaceae) are warranted; thatUlmaceae is the sister group toCeltidaceae plus all other families in the order; and thatCannabaceae might be nested withinCeltidaceae. Familial placements of various problematic genera (e.g.Ampelocera, Aphananthe) are resolved and character evolution of key morphological, anatomical, chemical, and chromosomal features are discussed.  相似文献   

A. Lüttke  S. Bonotto 《Planta》1981,153(6):536-542
Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) distribution in the giant unicellular, uninucleate alga Acetabularia mediterranea was analyzed with the DNA-specific fluorochrome 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) at various stages of the cell cycle. The number of chloroplasts exhibiting DNA/DAPI fluorescence changes during the cell's developmental cycle: (1) all chloroplasts in germlings contain DNA; (2) the number of plastids with DNA declines during polar growth of the vegetative cell; (3) it increases again prior to the transition from the vegetative to the generative phase; (4) several nucleoids of low fluorescence intensity are present in the chloroplasts of the gametes. The temporal distribution of the number of chloroplasts with DNA appears to be linked to the different mode of chloroplast division and growth during the various stages of development. The chloroplast cycle in relation to the cell cycle is discussed.Abbreviations cpDNA chloroplast DNA - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole  相似文献   

S1 analysis of long PCR heteroduplexes was found to be an effective method for detecting phylogenetically informative indel (insertion/deletion) polymorphisms in the highly conserved strawberry chloroplast genome. In this broadly applicable method, long-range PCR products containing heteroduplex DNA molecules generated from mixed-template amplifications are subjected to S1 nuclease digestion followed by separation and visualization on an agarose gel. The presence of fragments resulting from S1 digestion of mismatch loops in heteroduplex molecules is indicative of indel polymorphism between the template sources. Upon analysis of 13-kb heteroduplex-containing PCR products spanning the petA-psbB chloroplast genome region in Fragaria vesca and Fragaria moschata, two indels distinguishing these species were detected, and subsequently localized to the psbJ-psbL and rpl20-rps18 intergenic regions. Comparative sequencing of these regions revealed that F. moschata resembled Fragaria viridis, but differed from F. vesca, Fragaria nubicola, and a closely related outgroup representative, Duchesnea indica, by a 10-bp deletion in the psbJ-psbL region and a 10-bp insertion in the rpl20-rps18 region. Thus, of the three diploids (2n = 2x = 14) examined, F. viridis is favored over F. vesca and F. nubicola as the most likely chloroplast genome donor to hexaploid (2n = 6x = 42) F. moschata. Received: 1 September 1999 / Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   

Sequence variation in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) as measured by DNA reassociation was examined in 12 grass species to address systematic problems in thePoaceae at the subfamilial and tribal levels. Two species,Petunia (Solanaceae) andGlycine (Leguminosae), were included to determine degrees of sequence divergence in cpDNA between monocots and dicots. The data were analyzed phenetically and phylogenetically. Species were segregated into four major groups that corresponded to the subfamiliesPooideae, Oryzoideae, Chloridoideae, andPanicoideae. Representatives of thePooideae andOryzoideae grouped together as did members of theChloridoideae andPanicoideae. ThePooideae split into two major groups corresponding to the recently recognized supertribesTriticanae andPoanae. Internodes between subfamily branches were short which might indicate a burst of divergence in the family early in its evolution. Sequence similarity values between the monocot grass species and the two dicot taxa ranged from 0.15 to 0.27, representing the highly conserved sequences of the chloroplast genome.  相似文献   

Isolates of Gram-negative fermentative gliding bacteria which are prominantly cultivated from the subgingival sulcus in association with periodontal lesions have been the subject of a collaborative taxonomic study. Thirty-five oral strains, isolated from various states of periodontal health and disease, were examined for DNA base composition and patterns of DNA sequence homology. The phentotypically similar organism, Bacteroides ochraceus ATCC 27872, as well as two representatives of gliding bacteria in the family Cytophagaceae, Myxococcus fulvus and Sporocytophaga myxococcoides, were included in these comparisons. Mol-percent guanine and cytosine (% G+C) was determined by thermal denaturation. Relatedness was also assessed by interspecific reassociation of DNA measured by the use of a single-strand specific S1 endonuclease. DNA purified from oral gliders, B. ochraceus ATCC27872 and S. myxococcoides contained 33–41% G+C as compared with 67% in DNA from M. fulvus. Three homology groups (designated as 25, 4 and 27) were delineated by DNA homology. Homology at the 77% level was demonstrated between B. ochraceus ATCC 27872 and the oral reference strain 25. Homology group 4 comprised four strains, all of which were isolated from cases of rapidly advancing periodontal disease. The relatively high degree of genetic divergence, observed as intergroup homology levels of less than 25%, supports the naming of three species of Capnocytophaga, C. ochracea, C. sputigena and C. gingivalis by Leadbetter et al. (1979) corresponding to DNA homology groups 25, 4 and 27, respectively.  相似文献   

During seedling development chloroplast formation marks the transition from heterotrophic to autotrophic growth. The development and activity of chloroplasts may differ in cotyledons that initially serve as a storage organ and true leaves whose primary function is photosynthesis. A genetic screen was used for the identification of genes that affect selectively chloroplast function in cotyledons of Arabidopsis thaliana. Several mutants exhibiting pale cotyledons and green true leaves were isolated and dubbed snowy cotyledon (sco).One of the mutants, sco1, was characterized in more detail. The mutated gene was identified using map-based cloning. The mutant contains a point mutation in a gene encoding the chloroplast elongation factor G, leading to an amino acid exchange within the predicted 70S ribosome-binding domain. The mutation results in a delay in the onset of germination. At this early developmental stage embryos still contain undifferentiated proplastids, whose proper function seems necessary for seed germination. In light-grown sco1 seedlings the greening of cotyledons is severely impaired, whereas the following true leaves develop normally as in wild-type plants. Despite this apparent similarity of chloroplast development in true leaves of mutant and wild-type plants various aspects of mature plant development are also affected by the sco1 mutation such as the onset of flowering, the growth rate, and seed production. The onset of senescence in the mutant and the wild-type plants occurs, however, at the same time, suggesting that in the mutant this particular developmental step does not seem to suffer from reduced protein translation efficiency in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Restriction site polymorphism in cpDNA of 35 legumes was studied in order to address natural relationships and geographic distribution within the tribeGenisteae. 386 sites were studied, 277 were polymorphic, 207 were informative. Phylogenetic inferences with distance and parsimony methods suggest that the American and MediterraneanLupinus species belong to a monophyletic group which arose from a single center of diversification. The data furthermore indicate thatLupinus should not be included in the tribeGenisteae since at the level of cpDNA polymorphismAnagyris foetida (tribeThermopsideae) appears more closely related to otherGenisteae thanLupinus does.  相似文献   

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