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In insects, the role of circadian clocks in the temporal regulation of adult emergence rhythm under natural conditions has not previously been reported. Here we present the results of a study aimed at examining the time course and waveform of emergence rhythm in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster under seminatural condition (SN). We studied this rhythm in wild-type and clock mutant flies under SN in parallel with laboratory condition (LAB) to examine (1) how the rhythm differs between SN and LAB, (2) what roles the circadian clock protein PERIOD and the circadian photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME (CRY) play in the regulation of emergence rhythm under SN, and (3) whether there is seasonality in the rhythm. Under SN, wild-type flies displayed tightly gated emergence, peaking at "dawn" and gradually tapering down toward the evening, with little or no emergence by night, while in LAB, flies emerged throughout the light phase of light-dark (LD) cycles. The period loss-of-function mutant (per ( 0 )) flies were arrhythmic in LAB but displayed weak rhythmic emergence under SN. Under SN, cry mutants displayed less robust rhythm with wider gates, greater variance in peak timing, and enhanced nighttime emergence compared to controls. Furthermore, flies showed seasonal variation in emergence rhythm, coupled either to light or to humidity/temperature depending on the severity of environmental conditions. These results suggest that adult emergence rhythm of Drosophila is more robust in nature, is coupled to environmental cycles, and shows seasonal variations.  相似文献   

Dan H. Schulze  C. S. Lee 《Genetics》1986,113(2):287-303
DNA hybridization was used to establish DNA sequence relationships among seven Drosophila species. Single-copy DNA was isolated from four species within the Drosophila mulleri complex, D. mojavensis, D. arizonensis, D. ritae and D. starmeri. These single-copy DNAs were used as tracers to be hybridized with each other and one additional member of the mulleri complex, D. aldrichi, a member of a closely related complex, D. hydei, and a distantly related species, D. melanogaster. Two methods have been used to determine the relatedness between these species: (1) the extent of duplex formed as measured by binding to hydroxyapatite and (2) the thermal stability of the duplexed DNA. Moderately repetitive DNA was purified from these species and used similarly to determine the divergence of this family of sequences. The rate of nucleotide substitution was estimated to be 0.2 +/-, 0.1% base pair change per million years for both single-copy and middle-repetitive DNAs. The size of the D. arizonensis genome, a representative of the mulleri complex, was calculated to be 2.2 X 10(8) base pairs from its kinetic complexity similar to that of D. hydei. The relative amounts (18%) and average reiteration frequency (100 copies) of the middle-repetitive DNA are similar for all Drosophila species studied. Finally, the data are presented in a phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Ultramicrobacteria (cell volume < 0.1 μm3) are the numerically dominant organisms in the plankton of marine and freshwater habitats. Flagellates and other protists are assumed to be the most important predators of these ultramicrobacteria as well as of larger planktonic bacteria. However, due to controversial observations conducted previously, it is not clear as to whether fractions of the ultramicrobacteria are resistant to flagellate predation. Furthermore, it is not known if closely related bacteria vary significantly in their sensitivity to flagellate predation. We investigated the sensitivity of ultramicrobacteria affiliated with the cosmopolitan Polynucleobacter cluster to grazing by Spumella-like nanoflagellates. Laboratory grazing experiments with four closely related (≥99.6% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity) bacteria and three closely related (100% 18S rRNA gene sequence similarity) flagellates were performed. In comparison to larger bacteria, predation on the ultramicrobacterial Polynucleobacter strains was weak, and the growth of the predating flagellates was slow. Specific clearance rates ranged between 0.14 × 105 and 2.8 × 105 units of predator size h−1. Feeding rates strongly depended on the flagellate and bacterial strain (P < 0.001). Grazing mortality rates of the three flagellate strains investigated varied for the same prey strain by up to almost fourfold. We conclude that (i) ultramicrobacteria affiliated with the Polynucleobacter cluster are not protected from grazing, (ii) strain-specific variations in grazing sensitivity even between closely related bacteria are high, and (iii) strain-specific differences in predator-prey interaction could be an important factor in the evolution and maintenance of microbial microdiversity.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(13):2520-2531.e7
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The complete sequencing and annotation of the 181.7-kb Bacillus anthracis virulence plasmid pXO1 predicted 143 genes but could only assign putative functions to 45. Hybridization assays, PCR amplification, and DNA sequencing were used to determine whether pXO1 open reading frame (ORF) sequences were present in other bacilli and more distantly related bacterial genera. Eighteen Bacillus species isolates and four other bacterial species were tested for the presence of 106 pXO1 ORFs. Three ORFs were conserved in most of the bacteria tested. Many of the pXO1 ORFs were detected in closely related Bacillus species, and some were detected only in B. anthracis isolates. Three isolates, Bacillus cereus D-17, B. cereus 43881, and Bacillus thuringiensis 33679, contained sequences that were similar to more than one-half of the pXO1 ORF sequences examined. The majority of the DNA fragments that were amplified by PCR from these organisms had DNA sequences between 80 and 98% similar to that of pXO1. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed large potential plasmids present in both B. cereus 43881 (341 kb) and B. thuringiensis ATCC 33679 (327 kb) that hybridized with a DNA probe composed of six pXO1 ORFs.  相似文献   

Germination of three closely related species from the Myosotis palustris group (M. nemorosa, M. palustris subsp. laxiflora, M. caespitosa) differing in their habitats and capacity for clonal growth, was compared in two greenhouse experiments. To evaluate both inter- and intraspecific variation, each species was represented by seeds from several populations. Final germination percentage and germination rates T50 were compared both between species and populations within species. In the first experiment, we studied the influence of two external factors, moisture and light. Four moisture levels (dry, wet, periodically flooded and permanently flooded soil) and three types of shading (without shading, shaded with green foil, shaded with solid paper sheet) were combined in a complete factorial design. In all three species, total germination percentage was the same in the three wettest treatments, and decreased in the dry treatment. Germination in the treatments shaded with green foil (simulating vegetation cover, which changed light quality) was significantly slower than in treatments without shading and treatments shaded with a solid paper sheet. There were significant differences among species, but we also found very pronounced differences among populations within a species. M. caespitosa had the uniformly highest germination percentage (reaching in some cases 100%) and also fastest germination. Germination of M. palustris subsp. laxiflora populations was slower and reached lower final proportions, and medium variability among populations. Inter-population variability in the final germination percentage was highest, and the final germination the lowest in M. nemorosa. In addition, M. nemorosa, a species typical for permanent meadow communities was delayed by permanent flooding. In the second experiment, we studied the effects of seed age and storage conditions. Three combinations of seed age and storage were used: younger seeds (half year old) with no-chilling, younger seeds with chilling and old seeds (three years old) with chilling. M. caespitosa had again the highest final germination percentage and fastest germination rates T50. In addition, final germination percentage of this species slightly increased with seed age, whereas it decreased in the other two species. The germination behaviour corresponded well to expectation based on species life histories and habitat preferences. Remarkably stable and high germination percentages and fastest germination rates T50 were ascertained in M. caespitosa, a species of disturbed habitats, with lowest capacity for clonal spread. M. palustris subsp. laxiflora (species with highest clonal capacity) and M. nemorosa (species with medium clonal potential) achieved lower, but still very high final germination percentage. In addition, M. nemorosa showed the highest inter-populations variability in our experiments.  相似文献   

Recently, other researchers have found that closely related primate species had a lower male-to-female mutation rate ratio (α) than distantly related species. To determine if this is a general phenomenon affecting other mammalian orders, eleven species or subspecies of the rodent genus Mus and two outgroup species were compared. Intron sequences from a gene in the nonrecombining region of the Y chromosome Jarid1d (Smcy) and its X chromosomal gametolog, Jarid1c (Smcx), were analyzed in a phylogenetic context. The male-to-female mutation rate ratio for all thirteen taxa is approximately 2.5, which is similar to previous estimates in more distantly related rodents. However, when branches with lengths of more than 2.5% were removed from the analysis, the male-to-female mutation rate ratio dropped to 0.9. Thus, in closely related rodents, as in closely related primates, the male-to-female mutation rate ratio is lower than expected. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Deborah Charlesworth] An erratum to this article is available at.  相似文献   

Species-specific Quantitative Real Time PCR (qPCR) alone and combined with the use of propidium monoazide (PMA) were used along with the plate count method to evaluate the survival of the probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12, and the bacteriocinogenic and potentially probiotic strain Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei 2a in synbiotic (F1) and probiotic (F2) petit-suisse cheeses exposed throughout shelf-life to in vitro simulated gastrointestinal tract conditions. The three strains studied showed a reduction in their viability after the 6 h assay. Bb-12 displayed the highest survival capacity, above 72.6 and 74.6% of the initial populations, respectively, by plate count and PMA-qPCR, maintaining population levels in the range or above 6 log CFU/g. The prebiotic mix of inulin and FOS did not offer any additional protection for the strains against the simulated gastrointestinal environment. The microorganisms'' populations were comparable among the three methods at the initial time of the assay, confirming the presence of mainly viable and culturable cells. However, with the intensification of the stress induced throughout the various stages of the in vitro test, the differences among the methods increased. The qPCR was not a reliable enumeration method for the quantification of intact bacterial populations, mixed with large numbers of injured and dead bacteria, as confirmed by the scanning electron microscopy results. Furthermore, bacteria plate counts were much lower (P<0.05) than with the PMA-qPCR method, suggesting the accumulation of stressed or dead microorganisms unable to form colonies. The use of PMA overcame the qPCR inability to differentiate between dead and alive cells. The combination of PMA and species-specific qPCR in this study allowed a quick and unequivocal way of enumeration of viable closely related species incorporated into probiotic and synbiotic petit-suisse cheeses and under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Phenotypic behavior of a group of organisms can be studied using a range of molecular evolutionary tools that help to determine evolutionary relationships. Traditionally a gene or a set of gene sequences was used for generating phylogenetic trees. Incomplete evolutionary information in few selected genes causes problems in phylogenetic tree construction. Whole genomes are used as remedy. Now, the task is to identify the suitable parameters to extract the hidden information from whole genome sequences that truly represent evolutionary information. In this study we explored a random anchor (a stretch of 100 nucleotides) based approach (ABWGP) for finding distance between any two genomes, and used the distance estimates to compute evolutionary trees. A number of strains and species of Mycobacteria were used for this study. Anchor-derived parameters, such as cumulative normalized score, anchor order and indels were computed in a pair-wise manner, and the scores were used to compute distance/phylogenetic trees. The strength of branching was determined by bootstrap analysis. The terminal branches are clearly discernable using the distance estimates described here. In general, different measures gave similar trees except the trees based on indels. Overall the tree topology reflected the known biology of the organisms. This was also true for different strains of Escherichia coli. A new whole genome-based approach has been described here for studying evolutionary relationships among bacterial strains and species.  相似文献   



Many studies compare the population dynamics of single species within multiple habitat types, while much less is known about the differences in population dynamics in closely related species in the same habitat. Additionally, comparisons of the effect of habitat types and species are largely missing.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We estimated the importance of the habitat type and species for population dynamics of plants. Specifically, we compared the dynamics of two closely related species, the allotetraploid species Anthericum liliago and the diploid species Anthericum ramosum, occurring in the same habitat type. We also compared the dynamics of A. ramosum in two contrasting habitats. We examined three populations per species and habitat type. The results showed that single life history traits as well as the mean population dynamics of A. liliago and A. ramosum from the same habitat type were more similar than the population dynamics of A. ramosum from the two contrasting habitats.


Our findings suggest that when transferring knowledge regarding population dynamics between populations, we need to take habitat conditions into account, as these conditions appear to be more important than the species involved (ploidy level). However, the two species differ significantly in their overall population growth rates, indicating that the ploidy level has an effect on species performance. In contrast to what has been suggested by previous studies, we observed a higher population growth rate in the diploid species. This is in agreement with the wider range of habitats occupied by the diploid species.  相似文献   

Many marine microbial eukaryotes combine photosynthetic with phagotrophic nutrition, but incomplete understanding of such mixotrophic protists, their functional diversity, and underlying physiological mechanisms limits the assessment and modeling of their roles in present and future ocean ecosystems. We developed an experimental system to study responses of mixotrophic protists to availability of living prey and light, and used it to characterize contrasting physiological strategies in two stramenopiles in the genus Ochromonas. We show that oceanic isolate CCMP1393 is an obligate mixotroph, requiring both light and prey as complementary resources. Interdependence of photosynthesis and heterotrophy in CCMP1393 comprises a significant role of mitochondrial respiration in photosynthetic electron transport. In contrast, coastal isolate CCMP2951 is a facultative mixotroph that can substitute photosynthesis by phagotrophy and hence grow purely heterotrophically in darkness. In contrast to CCMP1393, CCMP2951 also exhibits a marked photoprotection response that integrates non-photochemical quenching and mitochondrial respiration as electron sink for photosynthetically produced reducing equivalents. Facultative mixotrophs similar to CCMP2951 might be well adapted to variable environments, while obligate mixotrophs similar to CCMP1393 appear capable of resource efficient growth in oligotrophic ocean environments. Thus, the responses of these phylogenetically close protists to the availability of different resources reveals niche differentiation that influences impacts in food webs and leads to opposing carbon cycle roles.  相似文献   

Mapping small reads to genome reference is an essential and more common approach to identify microRNAs (miRNAs) in an organism. Using closely related species genomes as proxy references can facilitate miRNA expression studies in non-model species that their genomes are not available. However, the level of error this introduces is mostly unknown, as this is the result of evolutionary distance between the proxy reference and the species of interest. To evaluate the accuracy of miRNA discovery pipelines in non-model organisms, small RNA library data from a mosquito, Aedes aegypti, were mapped to three well annotated insect genomes as proxy references using miRanalyzer with two strict and loose mapping criteria. In addition, another web-based miRNA discovery pipeline (DSAP) was used as a control for program performance. Using miRanalyzer, more than 80% reduction was observed in the number of mapped reads using strict criterion when proxy genome references were used; however, only 20% reduction was recorded for mapped reads to other species known mature miRNA datasets. Except a few changes in ranking, mapping criteria did not make any significant differences in the profile of the most abundant miRNAs in A. aegypti when its original or a proxy genome was used as reference. However, more variation was observed in miRNA ranking profile when DSAP was used as analysing tool. Overall, the results also suggested that using a proxy reference did not change the most abundant miRNAs’ differential expression profiles when infected or non-infected libraries were compared. However, usage of a proxy reference could provide about 67% of the original outcome from more extremely up- or down-regulated miRNA profiles. Although using closely related species genome incurred some losses in the number of miRNAs, the most abundant miRNAs along with their differential expression profile would be acceptable based on the sensitivity level of each project.  相似文献   



Arterial blood pressure (BP) is a reliable marker of circulatory dysfunction in cirrhotic patients. There are no prospective studies evaluating the association between different levels of arterial BP and ascites development in compensated cirrhotic patients. Therefore, we evaluated the relationship between arterial BP and ascites development in compensated cirrhotic patients.

Materials and Methods

A total of 402 patients with compensated HCV-related cirrhosis were prospectively followed during 6 years to identify ascites development. At baseline, patients underwent systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure (MAP) measurements. Any history of arterial hypertension was also recorded. The occurrence of events such as bleeding, hepatocellular carcinoma, death and liver transplantation prior to ascites development were considered as competing risk events.


Over a median of 156 weeks, ascites occurred in 54 patients (13%). At baseline, MAP was significantly lower in patients with ascites development (75.9 mm/Hg [95%CI, 70.3–84.3]) than those without ascites (93.6 mm/Hg [95% CI: 86.6–102.3]). After adjusting for covariates, the 6-year cumulative incidence of ascites was 40% (95%CI, 34%–48%) for patients with MAP<83.32 mm/Hg. In contrast, cumulative incidences of ascites were almost similar among patients with MAP values between 83.32 mm/Hg and 93.32 mm/Hg (7% [95% CI: 4%–12%]), between 93.32 mm/Hg and 100.31 mm/Hg (5% [95% CI: 4%–11%]) or higher than 100.31 mm/Hg (3% [95% CI: 1%–6%]). The MAP was an independent predictor of ascites development.


The MAP is closely related to the development of ascites in compensated HCV-related cirrhosis. The risk of ascites development increases in 4.4 fold for subjects with MAP values <83.32 mm/Hg.  相似文献   

P. David  P. Jarne 《Genetics》1997,146(1):335-344
We investigated the relationships between allozyme genotypes at nine polymorphic loci and survival in a natural population of the bivalve Spisula ovalis sampled on three occasions (1993, 1994, and 1995) in three different sites (2855 individuals analyzed). This species displays annual growth lines allowing identification of annual cohorts. Therefore we could avoid cohort mixing, a frequent bias in such studies, and evaluate the consistency of the observed effects across cohorts and sites. Significant viability differences were observed both among alleles and between heterozygotes and homozygotes at some loci. Multiple-locus heterozygosity was positively correlated with viability in the 1993-1994 period, but not in the 1994-1995 interval. The observed selective effects were significantly dependent on the cohort and the site considered. A bibliographic survey suggests that such variability is a common feature of studies analyzing heterozygosity-survival relationships. Two explanations are consistent with our results. First, allozyme genotypes may have direct effects on viability that interact with subtle environmental variation in a complex and unpredictable way. Second, allozyme genotypes may be transiently associated with other viability genes responsible for heterotic effects. In any case, the results militate against allozyme loci being themselves consistently overdominant for viability in natural populations.  相似文献   

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