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The Eph and Tie cell surface receptors mediate a variety of signaling events during development and in the adult organism. As other receptor tyrosine kinases, they are activated on binding of extracellular ligands and their catalytic activity is tightly regulated on multiple levels. The Eph and Tie receptors display some unique characteristics, including the requirement of ligand-induced receptor clustering for efficient signaling. Interestingly, both Ephs and Ties can mediate different, even opposite, biological effects depending on the specific ligand eliciting the response and on the cellular context. Here we discuss the structural features of these receptors, their interactions with various ligands, as well as functional implications for downstream signaling initiation. The Eph/ephrin structures are already well reviewed and we only provide a brief overview on the initial binding events. We go into more detail discussing the Tie-angiopoietin structures and recognition.  相似文献   

Ephrins and Eph receptors are involved in the establishment of vertebrate tissue boundaries. The complexity of the system is puzzling, however in many instances, tissues express multiple ephrins and Ephs on both sides of the boundary, a situation that should in principle cause repulsion between cells within each tissue. Although co-expression of ephrins and Eph receptors is widespread in embryonic tissues, neurons, and cancer cells, it is still unresolved how the respective signals are integrated into a coherent output. We present a simple explanation for the confinement of repulsion to the tissue interface: Using the dorsal ectoderm–mesoderm boundary of the Xenopus embryo as a model, we identify selective functional interactions between ephrin–Eph pairs that are expressed in partial complementary patterns. The combined repulsive signals add up to be strongest across the boundary, where they reach sufficient intensity to trigger cell detachments. The process can be largely explained using a simple model based exclusively on relative ephrin and Eph concentrations and binding affinities. We generalize these findings for the ventral ectoderm–mesoderm boundary and the notochord boundary, both of which appear to function on the same principles. These results provide a paradigm for how developmental systems may integrate multiple cues to generate discrete local outcomes.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the most important pharmaceutical targets, and more than 40% of drugs in use today modulate GPCR signaling. A major hurdle in the development of therapies targeting GPCRs is the drug candidate''s nonselective actions in multiple tissues. The ability to spatially control GPCR signaling would provide a venue for developing therapies that require targeted GPCR signaling. Here, we show that the fusion of a RAMP1 co-receptor with the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), or calcitonin, transforms the RAMP1 from a co-receptor to bona fide membrane-anchored ligands (CGRP-RAMP1 and CAL-RAMP1). The CAL-RAMP1 selectively activates the calcitonin receptor (CR), whereas, the CGRP-RAMP1 activates both the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) and CR. Unlike a free peptide, which moves freely in the extracellular space and differentiates targets based on molecular affinity, the anchored CGRP-RAMP1 and CAL-RAMP1 ligands confine their activities to individual cells. In addition, our study showed that a CGRP8–37-RAMP1 chimera, but not RAMP1, functions as an antagonist for CGRP-RAMP1-mediated signaling, suggesting that the activation of CLR by CGRP-RAMP1 shares similar molecular mechanisms with the CGRP-mediated activation of CLR/RAMP1 receptor complexes. Taken together, our finding thus provides a novel class of ligands that activate CR and CLR exclusively in an autocrine manner and a proof-of-concept demonstration for future development of targeted therapies aimed at these receptors in specific cell populations.  相似文献   

Release of cell surface-bound ligands by A-Disintegrin-And-Metalloprotease (ADAM) transmembrane metalloproteases is essential for signalling by cytokine, cell adhesion, and tyrosine kinase receptors. For Eph receptor ligands, it provides the switch between cell-cell adhesion and repulsion. Ligand shedding is tightly controlled by intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity, which for Eph receptors relies on the release of an inhibitory interaction of the cytoplasmic juxtamembrane segment with the kinase domain. However, a mechanism linking kinase and sheddase activities had remained elusive. We demonstrate that it is a membrane-proximal localisation of the latent kinase domain that prevents ephrin ligand shedding in trans. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and electron tomography reveal that activation extends the Eph receptor tyrosine kinase intracellular domain away from the cell membrane into a conformation that facilitates productive association with ADAM10. Accordingly, EphA3 mutants with constitutively-released kinase domains efficiently support shedding, even when their kinase is disabled. Our data suggest that this phosphorylation-activated conformational switch of EphA3 directly controls ADAM-mediated shedding.  相似文献   

Complementary surfaces are buried when peptide hormones, growth factors, or cytokines bind and activate cellular receptors. Although these extended surfaces provide high affinity and specificity to the interactions, they also present great challenges to the design of small molecules that might either mimic or antagonize the process. We show that the insulin receptor (IR) and downstream signals can be activated by targeting a site outside of its ligand-binding domain. A 24-residue peptide having the IR transmembrane (TM) domain sequence activates IR, but not related growth factor receptors, through specific interactions with the receptor TM domain. Like insulin-dependent activation, IR-TM requires that IR have a competent ATP-binding site and kinase activation loop. IR-TM also activates mutated receptors from patients with severe insulin resistance, which do not respond to insulin. These results show that IR can be activated through a pathway that bypasses its canonical ligand-binding domain.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptors (ORs) are expressed not only in the sensory neurons of the olfactory epithelium, where they detect volatile substances, but also in various other tissues where their potential functions are largely unknown. Here, we report the physiological characterization of human OR51E2, also named prostate-specific G-protein-coupled receptor (PSGR) due to its reported up-regulation in prostate cancer. We identified androstenone derivatives as ligands for the recombinant receptor. PSGR can also be activated with the odorant β-ionone. Activation of the endogenous receptor in prostate cancer cells by the identified ligands evoked an intracellular Ca2+ increase. Exposure to β-ionone resulted in the activation of members of the MAPK family and inhibition of cell proliferation. Our data give support to the hypothesis that because PSGR signaling could reduce growth of prostate cancer cells, specific receptor ligands might therefore be potential candidates for prostate cancer treatment.Excessive signaling by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)3 such as endothelin A receptor (1), bradykinin 1 receptor (2), follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (3), and thrombin receptor (4, 5) is known to occur in prostate cancers due to strong overexpression of the respective receptors. Activation of some of these GPCRs results in androgen-independent androgen receptor activation, thus promoting the transition of prostate cancer cells from an androgen-dependent to an androgen-independent state (6, 7).The prostate-specific G-protein-coupled receptor (PSGR) is a class A GPCR that was initially identified as a prostate-specific tumor biomarker (810). It is specifically expressed in prostate epithelial cells, and its expression increases significantly in human prostate intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate tumors, suggesting that PSGR may play an important role in early prostate cancer development and progression (9, 11). Although expression of the human PSGR was found to be prostate-specific (10, 12), mRNA can also be detected in the olfactory zone and the medulla oblongata of the human brain (12). Human PSGR shares 93% amino acid homology to the respective mouse and rat homologues, which are also expressed in the brain (12). Interestingly, PSGR has numerous sequence motifs in common with the large superfamily of olfactory receptors (ORs), which build the largest class of human GPCRs and allow the recognition of a wide range of structurally diverse molecules in the nasal epithelium (1315). Recently, also the steroid hormones androstenone and androstadienone were identified as OR ligands (16). In addition to their role in the sensory neurons of the nose, ORs have been found in different tissues throughout the body (17, 18). Their function(s) in these extranasal locations are questionable except for in a few cases where functional studies have been performed in spermatozoa (19, 20) and in enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal tract (21).Here, we report the identification of steroid ligands of heterologously expressed PSGR and investigate the functional relevance of PSGR expression in prostate tissue. Steroid hormones elicited rapid Ca2+ responses in the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line and in primary human prostate epithelial cells. Moreover, activated PSGR causes phosphorylation of p38 and stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (SAPK/JNK) mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), resulting in reduced proliferation rates in prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   



As in other vertebrates, avian hindbrain neural crest migrates in streams to specific branchial arches. Signalling from Eph receptors and ephrins has been proposed to provide a molecular mechanism that guides the cells restricting them to streams. In mice and frogs, cranial neural crest express a combination of Eph receptors and ephrins that appear to exclude cells from adjacent tissues by forward and reverse signalling. The objective of this study was to provide comparative data on the distribution and function of Eph receptors and ephrins in avian embryos.  相似文献   

A key element in the regulation of subcellular branching and tube morphogenesis of the Drosophila tracheal system is the organization of the actin cytoskeleton by the ERM protein Moesin. Activation of Moesin within specific subdomains of cells, critical for its interaction with actin, is a tightly controlled process and involves regulatory inputs from membrane proteins, kinases and phosphatases. The kinases that activate Moesin in tracheal cells are not known. Here we show that the Sterile-20 like kinase Slik, enriched at the luminal membrane, is necessary for the activation of Moesin at the luminal membrane and regulates branching and subcellular tube morphogenesis of terminal cells. Our results reveal the FGF-receptor Breathless as an additional necessary cue for the activation of Moesin in terminal cells. Breathless-mediated activation of Moesin is independent of the canonical MAP kinase pathway.  相似文献   

Aberrant receptor tyrosine kinase phosphorylation (pRTK) has been associated with diverse pathological conditions, including human neoplasms. In lung cancer, frequent liver kinase B1 (LKB1) mutations correlate with tumor progression, but potential links with pRTK remain unknown. Heightened and sustained receptor activation was demonstrated by LKB1-deficient A549 (lung) and HeLaS3 (cervical) cancer cell lines. Depletion (siRNA) of endogenous LKB1 expression in H1792 lung cancer cells also correlated with increased pRTK. However, ectopic LKB1 expression in A549 and HeLaS3 cell lines, as well as H1975 activating-EGF receptor mutant lung cancer cell resulted in dephosphorylation of several tumor-enhancing RTKs, including EGF receptor, ErbB2, hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-Met), EphA2, rearranged during transfection (RET), and insulin-like growth factor I receptor. Receptor abrogation correlated with attenuation of phospho-Akt and increased apoptosis. Global phosphatase inhibition by orthovanadate or depletion of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) resulted in the recovery of receptor phosphorylation. Specifically, the activity of SHP-2, PTP-1β, and PTP-PEST was enhanced by LKB1-expressing cells. Our findings provide novel insight on how LKB1 loss of expression or function promotes aberrant RTK signaling and rapid growth of cancer cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ephrin B2 receptor (EphB2) is a target of the canonical wnt pathway implicated in colorectal carcinogenesis, and its down-regulation may be associated with adverse prognosis. We evaluated its prognostic value in resected colon cancer stratified by microsatellite status and other clinicopathologic characteristics. METHODS: We identified all cases of resected stage III colon cancer from 1995 to 2009 managed in the Capital Health district of Nova Scotia. Tissue microarrays were constructed and immunohistochemistry (IHC) for tumor EphB2 staining assigned into quartiles. Microsatellite status was evaluated by IHC for MutL homolog 1 (MLH1) and MutS homolog 2 (MSH2). Microsatellite stable tumors were defined as both MLH1/MSH2 (+/+); tumors staining otherwise were classified with microsatellite instability (MSI-H). Primary and secondary outcomes were disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS), respectively. RESULTS: We identified 159 cases with sufficient tissue for microarray analysis having a median follow-up of 3.47 years (range, 0.14–14). Median age was 61, 52% were male, 40% had an event, and 29% died. MSI-H was present in 18 (13%). Univariate analysis of EphB2 expression on DFS and OS showed a hazard ratio (HR) of 2.00 (P = .01) and 2.14 (P = .03), respectively. Multivariate analysis of EphB2 expression on DFS and OS showed an HR of 2.24 and 2.23, respectively, with tumor IHC ≤ 50%. CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort, decreased EphB2 expression was an independent prognostic factor for recurrence and death and may have prognostic relevance in tumors with MSI-H. However, this would require prospective validation in a larger study.  相似文献   

The Erythropoietin-producing human hepatocellular carcinoma (Eph) receptors constitute the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases and interact with a group of ligands called Ephrins. An essential feature of the Eph receptors and Ephrin ligands is that both are membrane-bound and, upon cell–cell interaction, initiate a bidirectional signaling involving both the receptor (forward signaling) and the ligand (reverse signaling). They regulate a large set of pleiotropic functions in virtually every tissue and physiological system. In vitro as well as in vivo data support a role for Eph and Ephrin molecules in cellular processes such as proliferation, cell–cell attraction and repulsion, motility and sorting. An increasing amount of evidence supports a role for these molecules in apoptosis and, although this function in cell death has been barely examined, the available information warrants a global consideration, to identify unmet needs and potential research avenues. Here we propose a comprehensive analysis of the data available regarding the importance of Ephs and Ephrins in cell death mechanisms throughout a large array of physiological systems.  相似文献   

MERTK, a member of the TAM (TYRO3, AXL, and MERTK) receptor tyrosine kinases, has complex and diverse roles in cell biology. On the one hand, knock-out of MERTK results in age-dependent autoimmunity characterized by failure of apoptotic cell clearance, while on the other, MERTK overexpression in cancer drives classical oncogene pathways leading to cell transformation. To better understand the interplay between cell transformation and efferocytosis, we stably expressed MERTK in human MCF10A cells, a non-tumorigenic breast epithelial cell line devoid of endogenous MERTK. While stable expression of MERTK in MCF10A resulted in enhanced motility and AKT-mediated chemoprotection, MERTK-10A cells did not form stable colonies in soft agar, or enhance proliferation compared with parental MCF10A cells. Concomitant to chemoresistance, MERTK also stimulated efferocytosis in a gain-of-function capacity. However, unlike AXL, MERTK activation was highly dependent on apoptotic cells, suggesting MERTK may preferentially interface with phosphatidylserine. Consistent with this idea, knockdown of MERTK in breast cancer cells MDA-MB 231 reduced efferocytosis, while transient or stable expression of MERTK stimulated apoptotic cell clearance in all cell lines tested. Moreover, human breast cancer cells with higher endogenous MERTK showed higher levels of efferocytosis that could be blocked by soluble TAM receptors. Finally, through MERTK, apoptotic cells induced PD-L1 expression, an immune checkpoint blockade, suggesting that cancer cells may adopt MERTK-driven efferocytosis as an immune suppression mechanism for their advantage. These data collectively identify MERTK as a significant link between cancer progression and efferocytosis, and a potentially unrealized tumor-promoting event when MERTK is overexpressed in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Raloxifene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that binds to the estrogen receptor (ER), and exhibits potent anti-tumor and autophagy-inducing effects in breast cancer cells. However, the mechanism of raloxifene-induced cell death and autophagy is not well-established. So, we analyzed mechanism underlying death and autophagy induced by raloxifene in MCF-7 breast cancer cells.Treatment with raloxifene significantly induced death in MCF-7 cells. Raloxifene accumulated GFP-LC3 puncta and increased the level of autophagic marker proteins, such as LC3-II, BECN1, and ATG12-ATG5 conjugates, indicating activated autophagy. Raloxifene also increased autophagic flux indicators, the cleavage of GFP from GFP-LC3 and only red fluorescence-positive puncta in mRFP-GFP-LC3-expressing cells. An autophagy inhibitor, 3-methyladenine (3-MA), suppressed the level of LC3-II and blocked the formation of GFP-LC3 puncta. Moreover, siRNA targeting BECN1 markedly reversed cell death and the level of LC3-II increased by raloxifene. Besides, raloxifene-induced cell death was not related to cleavage of caspases-7, -9, and PARP. These results indicate that raloxifene activates autophagy-dependent cell death but not apoptosis. Interestingly, raloxifene decreased the level of intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and activated the AMPK/ULK1 pathway. However it was not suppressed the AKT/mTOR pathway. Addition of ATP decreased the phosphorylation of AMPK as well as the accumulation of LC3-II, finally attenuating raloxifene-induced cell death.Our current study demonstrates that raloxifene induces autophagy via the activation of AMPK by sensing decreases in ATP, and that the overactivation of autophagy promotes cell death and thereby mediates the anti-cancer effects of raloxifene in breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

二聚化:受体酪氨酸激酶活化的重要机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受体酪氨酸激酶家族是一类具有内源性蛋白酪氨酸激酶活性的生长因子受体。它们具有相似的分子结构 ,其配体介导的受体活化主要是通过二聚化的机制来实现的。配体介导同源或异源的受体二聚化 ,不同的配体以不同的机制介导受体的二聚化。本文介绍了受体酪氨酸激酶家族不同亚类受体在其配体介导下二聚化的机制 ,并着重介绍了表皮生长因子受体家族各成员间的异二聚化及其引起的胞内信号转导途径的多样化  相似文献   

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