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(Na++K+)-ATPase (NKA) mediates positive inotropy in the heart. Extensive studies have demonstrated that the reverse-mode Na+/Ca2+-exchanger (NCX) plays a critical role in increasing intracellular Ca2+ concentration through the inhibition of NKA-induced positive inotropy by cardiac glycosides. Little is known about the nature of the NCX functional mode in the activation of NKA-induced positive inotropy. Here, we examined the effect of an NKA activator SSA412 antibody on 45Ca influx in isolated rat myocytes and found that KB-R7943, a NCX reverse-mode inhibitor, fails to inhibit the activation of NKA-induced 45Ca influx, suggesting that the Ca2+ influx via the reverse-mode NCX does not mediate this process. Nifedipine, an L-type Ca2+ channel (LTCC) inhibitor, completely blocks the activation of NKA-induced 45Ca influx, suggesting that the LTCC is responsible for the moderate increase in intracellular Ca2+. In contrast, the inhibition of NKA by ouabain induces 4.7-fold 45Ca influx compared with the condition of activation of NKA. Moreover, approximately 70% of ouabain-induced 45Ca influx was obstructed by KB-R7943 and only 30% was impeded by nifedipine, indicating that both the LTCC and the NCX contribute to the rise in intracellular Ca2+ and that the NCX reverse-mode is the major source for the 45Ca influx induced by the inhibition of NKA. This study provides direct evidence to demonstrate that the activation of NKA-induced Ca2+ increase is independent of the reverse-mode NCX and pinpoints a mechanistic distinction between the activation and inhibition of the NKA-mediated Ca2+ influx path ways in cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Summary This communication reports the kinetics of the Na+/ Ca2+ exchanger and of the plasma membrane (PM) Ca2+ pump of the intact human platelet. The kinetic properties of these two systems were deduced by studying the rate of Ca2+ extrusion and its Na+ dependence for concentrations of cytoplasmic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) in the 1–10-m range. The PM Ca2+ATPase was previously characterized (Johansson, J.S. Haynes, D.H. 1988. J. Membrane Biol. 104:147–163) for [Ca2+]cyt] 1.5 m with the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator quin2 (K d= 115 nm). That study determined that the PM Ca2+ pump in the basal state has a V max = 0.098 mm/min, a K m= 80 nm and a Hill coefficient = 1.7. The present study extends the measurable range of [Ca2+]cyt with the intracellular Ca2+ probe, rhod2 (K d= 500 nm), which has almost a fivefold lower affinity for Ca2+. An Appendix also describes the Mg2+ and pH dependence of the K dand fluorescence characteristics of the commercially available dye, which is a mixture of two molecules. Rates of active Ca2+ extrusion were determined by two independent methods which gave good agreement: (i) by measuring Ca2+ extrusion into a Ca2+-free medium (above citation) or (ii) by the newly developed ionomycin short-circuit method, which determines the ionomycin concentration necessary to short circuit the PM Ca2+ extrusion systems. Absolute rates of extrusion were determined by knowledge of how many Ca2+ ions are moved by ionomycin per minute. The major findings are as follows: (i) The exchanger is saturable with respect to Ca2+ with a K m= 0.97 ± 0.31 m and Vmax = 1.0 ± 0.6 mm/ min. (ii) At high [Ca2+]cyt, the exchanger works at a rate 10 times as large as the basal V max of the PM Ca2+ extrusion pump. (iii) The exchanger can work in reverse after Na+ loading of the cytoplasm by monensin. (iv) The PM Ca2+ extrusion pump is activated by exposure to [Ca2+]cyt 1.5 m for 20–50 sec. Activation raises the pump V max to 1.6 ± 0.6 mm/min and the K mto 0.55 ± 0.24 m. (v) The Ca2+ buffering capacity of the cytoplasm is 3.6 mm in the 0.1 to 3 m range of [Ca2+]cyt. In summary, the results show that the human platelet can extrude Ca2+ very rapidly at high [Ca2+]cyt. Both the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and Ca2+ pump activation may prevent inappropriate platelet activation by marginal stimuli.Abbreviations cAMP cyclic adenosine 3,5-monophosphate - cGMP cyclic guanosine 3,5,-monophosphate - Ca-CAM calcium calmodulin; - DT dense tubules - B intrinsic cytoplasmic Ca2+ binding sites - R rhod2 or 5-(3,6-bis(dimethylamino)xanth-9-yl)-1-(2-amino-4-hy droxy lphenoxy)-2-(2-amino-5-methylphen- oxy)ethane-N,N,NN-tetraacetic acid - [Ca2+]cyt cytoplasmic Ca2+ activity - quin2 2-[[2-bis[(carboxymethyl)amino]-5-methyl-phenoxy]methyl]-6-methoxy-8-[bis(carboxymethyl)amino]quinoline - V or Vextrusion true rate of Ca2+ extrusion - fura-2 1-[2-(5-carboxyoxazol-2-yl)-6-aminobenzofuran-5-oxy]-2-(2-amino-5-methylphenoxy)-ethane-N,N,NN-tetraacetic acid - AM acetoxymethyl ester - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - CTC chlortetracycline - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N- tetraacetic acid - HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethanesulfonic acid - NMDG N-methyl-d-glucamine - PIPES 1,4-piperazine-bis-(ethanesulfonic acid) - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - I fraction of high-affinity rhod2 complexed with Ca2+ - F the observed fluorescence - Fmin the minimal fluorescence observed in the absence of Ca2+ - Fmax the maximal fluorescence observed when the dye is saturated with Ca2+ - X1 the fraction of high-affinity dye - K d,1 dissociation constant of high-affinity dye - K d,2 dissociation constant of the low-affinity dye - -d1/dt rate of Ca2+ removal from the rhod2-Ca complex; - -dF/dt the slope representing the absolute rate of fluorescence decrease in a progress curve - Fmax (Fmax — Fmin)cyt difference between maximal and minimal fluorescence for cytoplasmic high affinity form of rhod2 - F50 fluorescence of the high-affinity form ofrhod2for[Ca2+]cyt=50 nM - [Ca2+]0 external Ca2+concentration - K p proportionality constant between the total number of Ca2+ ions moved and the change in high-affinity rhod2 complexation to Ca2 - (d[Ca2+]cyt, T)/dt rate of Ca2+ influx obtained with maximal levels of ionomycin - kleak rate constant for passive inward Ca2+ leakage - kinno rate constant for ionomycin-mediated Ca2+ influx - T total - [rhod2]cyt,T total intracellular rhod2 concentration - [quin2]cyt,T total intracellular quin2 concentration - [B]T total cytoplasmic buffering capacity - A[Ca2+]cyt,T total number of Ca2+ ions moved into the cytoplasm - [rhod2-Ca]cyt, T change in concentration of total intracellular high-affinity rhod2 complexed to Ca2+ - [B-Ca]T change in concentration of total cytoplasmic binding sites complexed to Ca2+ - [quin2]cyt, T change in concentration of total intracellular quinl complexed to Ca2+ - change in the degree of intracellular quin2 saturation - 1 change in degree of saturation of cytoplasmic high-affinity rhod2 - 1-/t rate of change in degree of saturation of cytoplasmic high affinityrhod2 - Vobs observed rate of Ca2+ removal from the rhod2-Ca complex - V8.3 m the rate of Ca2+ removal from the high affinity rhod2-Ca complex at [Ca2+]cyt = 8.3 m - /t rate of change in of the degree of quin2 saturation - [Ca2+]cytT/t initial linear rate of ionomycin-mediated Ca2+ influx - EC50 effective concentration giving a half-maximal effect - [Na+]cyt cytoplasmic Na+ activity - CAM calmodulin - ACN acetonitrile - TFA trifuloroacetic acid  相似文献   

Previous studies in chick embryo cardiac myocytes have shown that the inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase with ouabain induces cell shrinkage in an isosmotic environment (290 mOsm). The same inhibition produces an enhanced RVD (regulatory volume decrease) in hyposmotic conditions (100 mOsm). It is also known that submitting chick embryo cardiomyocytes to a hyperosmotic solution induces shrinkage and a concurrent intracellular alkalization. The objective of this study was to evaluate the involvement of intracellular pH (pHi), intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) and Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition during hyposmotic swelling. Changes in intracellular pH and Ca2+ were monitored using BCECF and fura-2, respectively. The addition of ouabain (100 M) under both isosmotic and hyposmotic stimuli resulted in a large increase in [Ca2+]i (200%). A decrease in pHi (from 7.3 ± 0.09 to 6.4 ± 0.08, n = 6; p < 0.05) was only observed when ouabain was applied during hyposmotic swelling. This acidification was prevented by the removal of extracellular Ca2+. Inhibition of Na+/H2+ exchange with amiloride (1 mM) had no effect on the ouabain-induced acidification. Preventing the mitochondrial accumulation of Ca2+ using CCCP (10 M) resulted in a blockade of the progressive acidification normally induced by ouabain. The inhibition of mitochondrial membrane K+/H+ exchange with DCCD (1 mM) also completely prevented the acidification. Our results suggest that intracellular acidification upon cell swelling is mediated by an initial Ca2+ influx via Na+/Ca2+ exchange, which under hyposmotic conditions activates the K+ and Ca2+ mitochondrial exchange systems (K+/H+ and Ca2+/H+).Deceased  相似文献   

Oxidative stress appears to be implicated in the pathogenesis of various diseases including hepatotoxicity. Although intracellular Ca2+ signals have been suggested to play a role in the oxidative damage of hepatocytes, the sources and effects of oxidant-induced intracellular Ca2+ increases are currently debatable. Thus, in this study we investigated the exact source and mechanism of oxidant-induced liver cell damage using HepG2 human hepatoma cells as a model liver cellular system. Treatment with 200 μM of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (tBOOH) induced a sustained increase in the level of intracellular reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) and apoptosis, assessed by 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein fluorescence and flow cytometry, respectively. Antioxidants, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) or N,N′-diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine significantly inhibited both the ROI generation and apoptosis. In addition, tBOOH induced a slow and sustained increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, which was completely prevented by the antioxidants. An intracellular Ca2+ chelator, bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid/cetoxymethyl ester significantly suppressed the tBOOH-induced apoptosis. These results imply that activation of an intracellular Ca2+ signal triggered by increased ROI may mediate the tBOOH-induced apoptosis. Both intracellular Ca2+ increase and induction of apoptosis were significantly inhibited by an extracellular Ca2+ chelator or Na+/Ca2+ exchanger blockers (bepridil and benzamil), whereas neither Ca2+ channel antagonists (verapamil and nifedipine) nor a nonselective cation channel blocker (flufenamic acid) had an effect. These results suggest that tBOOH may increase intracellular Ca2+ through the activation of reverse mode of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. However, tBOOH decreased intracellular Na+ concentration, which was completely prevented by NAC. These results indicate that ROI generated by tBOOH may increase intracellular Ca2+ concentration by direct activation of the reverse mode of Na+/Ca>2+ exchanger, rather than indirect elevation of intracellular Na+ levels. Taken together, these results suggest that the oxidant, tBOOH induced apoptosis in human HepG2 cells and that intracellular Ca2+ may mediate this action of tBOOH. These results further suggest that Na+/Ca2+ exchanger may be a target for the management of oxidative hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) is the primary Ca2+ extrusion mechanism in cardiomyocytes. To further investigate the role of NCX in excitation-contraction coupling and Ca2+ homeostasis, we created murine models with altered expression levels of NCX. Homozygous overexpression of NCX resulted in mild cardiac hypertrophy. Decline of the Ca2+ transient and relaxation of contraction were increased and the reverse mode of NCX was augmented. Overexpression also led to a higher susceptibility to ischemia-reperfusion injury and to a greater ability of NCX to trigger Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Furthermore, an increase in peak L-type Ca2+ current was observed suggesting a direct influence of NCX on L-type Ca2+ current. Whereas global knockout of NCX led to prenatal death, a recently generated cardiac-specific NCX knockout mouse was viable with surprisingly normal contractile properties. Expression levels of other Ca2+-handling proteins were not altered. Ca2+ influx in these animals is limited by a decrease of peak L-type Ca2+ current. An alternative Ca2+ efflux mechanism, presumably the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase, is sufficient to maintain Ca2+-homeostasis in the NCX knockout mice.  相似文献   

The data presented in this work suggest that in human umbilical artery (HUA) smooth muscle cells, the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) is active and working in the reverse mode. This supposition is based on the following results: (i) microfluorimetry in HUA smooth muscle cells in situ showed that a Ca(2+)-free extracellular solution diminished intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)), and KB-R7943 (5microM), a specific inhibitor of the Ca(2+) entry mode of the exchanger, also decreased [Ca(2+)](i) (40.6+/-4.5% of Ca(2+)-free effect); (ii) KB-R7943 produced the relaxation of HUA rings (-24.7+/-7.3gF/gW, n=8, p<0.05); (iii) stimulation of the NCX by lowering extracellular Na(+) increases basal [Ca(2+)](i) proportionally to Na(+) reduction (Delta fluorescence ratio=0.593+/-0.141 for Na(+)-free solution, n=8) and HUA rings' contraction (peak force=181.5+/-39.7 for 130mM reduction, n=8), both inhibited by KB-R7943 and a Ca(2+)-free extracellular solution. In conclusion, the NCX represents an important Ca(2+) entry route in HUA smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Na+/Ca2+ exchange (NCX) is a major Ca2+ extrusion system in cardiac myocytes, but can also mediate Ca2+ influx and trigger sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release. Under conditions such as digitalis toxicity or ischemia/reperfusion, increased [Na+]i may lead to a rise in [Ca2+]i through NCX, causing Ca2+ overload and triggered arrhythmias. Here we used an agent which selectively blocks Ca2+ influx by NCX, KB-R7943 (KBR), and assessed twitch contractions and Ca2+ transients in rat and guinea pig ventricular myocytes loaded with indo-1. KBR (5 M) did not alter control steady-state twitch contractions or Ca2+ transients at 0.5 Hz in rat, but significantly decreased them in guinea pig myocytes. When cells were Na+-loaded by perfusion of strophanthidin (50 M), the addition of KBR reduced diastolic [Ca2+]i and abolished spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations. In guinea pig papillary muscles exposed to substrate-free hypoxic medium for 60 min, KBR (10 M applied 10 min before and during reoxygenation) reduced both the incidence and duration of reoxygenation-induced arrhythmias. KBR also enhanced the recovery of developed tension after reoxygenation. It is concluded that (1) the importance of Ca2+ influx via NCX for normal excitation-contraction coupling is species-dependent, and (2) Ca2+ influx via NCX may be critical in causing myocardial Ca2+ overload and triggered activities induced by cardiac glycoside or reoxygenation.  相似文献   

Summary The relative contributions of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange and the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump to active Ca2+ efflux from stimulated rat pancreatic acini were studied. Na+ gradients across the plasma membrane were manipulated by loading the cells with Na+ or suspending the cells in Na+-free media. The rates of Ca2+ efflux were estimated from measurements of [Ca2+] i using the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye Fura 2 and45Ca efflux. During the first 3 min of cell stimulation, the pattern of Ca2+ efflux is described by a single exponential function under control, Na+-loaded, and Na+-depleted conditions. Manipulation of Na+ gradients had no effect on the hormone-induced increase in [Ca2+] i . The results indicate that Ca2+ efflux from stimulated pancreatic acinar cells is mediated by the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. The effects of several cations, which were used to substitute for Na+, on cellular activity were also studied. Choline+ and tetramethylammonium+ (TMA+) released Ca2+ from intracellular stores of pancreatic acinar, gastric parietal and peptic cells. These cations also stimulated enzyme and acid secretion from the cells. All effects of these cations were blocked by atropine. Measurements of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-OP)-stimulated amylase release from pancreatic acini, suspended in Na+, TMA+, choline+, or N-methyl-d-glucamine+ (NMG+) media containing atropine, were used to evaluate the effect of the cations on cellular function. NMG+, choline+, and TMA+ inhibited amylase release by 55, 40 and 14%, respectively. NMG+ also increased the Ca2+ permeability of the plasma membrane. Thus, to study Na+ dependency of cellular function, TMA+ is the preferred cation to substitute for Na+. The stimulatory effect of TMA+ can be blocked by atropine.  相似文献   

We have used a series of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to determine the degree of microscopic structural homology between the retinal Na+-Ca2+, K+ and the cardiac Na+-Ca2+ exchange proteins. Sets of mAbs were raised separately to partially purified preparations of either the retinal or the recombinant myocardial exchanger. Each panel of mAbs was then screened for crossreactivity with the respective heterologous exchanger using enzyme-linked immunoassay and immunoblotting techniques. Out of 43 anti-retinal exchanger mAbs, we found 3 detecting the cardiac exchanger on immunoblots, while 4 out of 36 anti-cardiac exchanger mAbs reacted with the retinal exchanger. The strength of the crossreactions was generally weak and suggested that only low affinity epitopes were available on the heterologous proteins. For two crossreacting anti-retinal mAbs the apparent binding affinities to the cardiac exchanger were lower by more than two orders of magnitude. The overall low degree of epitope sharing among the two sets of mAbs confirms that in spite of their obvious functional and topological similarities, microscopic structural homologies between the two proteins are scarce.  相似文献   

In order to identify defects in Na+-Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+-pump systems in cardiomyopathic hearts, the activities of sarcolemmal Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake, Na+-induced Ca2+ release, ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase were examined by employing cardiomyopathic hamsters (UM-X7.1) and catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy produced by injecting isoproterenol into rats. The rates of Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake, ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activities of sarcolemmal vesicles from genetically-linked cardiomyopathic as well as catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathic hearts were decreased without any changes in Na+-induced Ca2+-release. Similar results were obtained in Ca2+-paradox when isolated rat hearts were perfused for 5 min with a medium containing 1.25 mM Ca2+ following a 5 min perfusion with Ca2+-free medium. Although a 2 min reperfusion of the Ca2+-free perfused hearts depressed sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump activities without any changes in Na+-induced Ca2+-release, Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake was increased. These results indicate that alterations in the sarcolemmal Ca2+-efflux mechanisms may play an important role in cardiomyopathies associated with the development of intracellular Ca2+ overload.  相似文献   

Both signaling by nitric oxide (NO) and by the Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II α isoform (CaMKIIα) are implicated in two opposing forms of synaptic plasticity underlying learning and memory, as well as in excitotoxic/ischemic neuronal cell death. For CaMKIIα, these functions specifically involve also Ca2+-independent autonomous activity, traditionally generated by Thr-286 autophosphorylation. Here, we demonstrate that NO-induced S-nitrosylation of CaMKIIα also directly generated autonomous activity, and that CaMKII inhibition protected from NO-induced neuronal cell death. NO induced S-nitrosylation at Cys-280/289, and mutation of either site abolished autonomy, indicating that simultaneous nitrosylation at both sites was required. Additionally, autonomy was generated only when Ca2+/CaM was present during NO exposure. Thus, generation of this form of CaMKIIα autonomy requires simultaneous signaling by NO and Ca2+. Nitrosylation also significantly reduced subsequent CaMKIIα autophosphorylation specifically at Thr-286, but not at Thr-305. A previously described reduction of CaMKII activity by S-nitrosylation at Cys-6 was also observed here, but only after prolonged (>5 min) exposure to NO donors. These results demonstrate a novel regulation of CaMKII by another second messenger system and indicate its involvement in excitotoxic neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

Contryphan-Vn is a D-tryptophan-containing disulfide-constrained nonapeptide isolated from the venom of Conus ventricosus, the single Mediterranean cone snail species. The structure of the synthetic Contryphan-Vn has been determined by NMR spectroscopy. Unique among Contryphans, Contryphan-Vn displays the peculiar presence of a Lys-Trp dyad, reminiscent of that observed in several voltage-gated K(+) channel blockers. Electrophysiological experiments carried out on dorsal unpaired median neurons isolated from the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) nerve cord on rat fetal chromaffin cells indicate that Contryphan-Vn affects both voltage-gated and Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channel activities, with composite and diversified effects in invertebrate and vertebrate systems. Voltage-gated and Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels represent the first functional target identified for a conopeptide of the Contryphan family. Furthermore, Contryphan-Vn is the first conopeptide known to modulate the activity of Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the effects of various inositol polyphosphates, alone and in combination, on the Ca2+-activated K+ current in internally perfused, single mouse lacrimal acinar cells. We used the patch-clamp technique for whole-cell current recording with a set-up allowing exchange of the pipette solution during individual experiments so that control and test periods could be directly compared in individual cells. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins 1,4,5 P3) (10–100 m) evoked a transient increase in the Ca2+-sensitive K+ current that was independent of the presence of Ca2+ in the external solution. The transient nature of the Ins 1,4,5 P3 effect was not due to rapid metabolic breakdown, as similar responses were obtained in the presence of 5mm 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid, that blocks the hydrolysis of Ins 1,4,5 P3, as well as with the stable analoguedl-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphorothioate (Ins 1,4,5 P(S)3) (100 m). Ins 1,3,4 P3 (50 m) had no effect, whereas 50 m Ins 2,4,5 P3 evoked responses similar to those obtained by 10 m Ins 1,4,5 P3. A sustained increase in Ca2+-dependent K+ current was only observed when inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (Ins 1,3,4,5 P4) (10 m) was added to the Ins 1,4,5 P3 (10 m)-containing solution and this effect could be terminated by removal of external Ca2+. The effect of Ins 1,3,4,5 P4 was specifically dependent on the presence of Ins 1,4,5 P3 as it was not found when 10 m concentrations of Ins 1,3,4 P3 or Ins 2,4,5 P3 were used. Ins 2,4,5 P3 (but not Ins 1,3,4 P3) at the higher concentration of 50 m did, however, support the Ins 1,3,4,5 P4-evoked sustained current activation. Ins 1,3,4 P3 could not evoke sustained responses in combination with Ins 1,4,5 P3 excluding the possibility that the action of Ins 1,3,4,5 P4 could be mediated by its breakdown product Ins 1,3,4 P3. Ins 1,3,4,5 P4 also evoked a sustained response when added to an Ins 1,4,5 P(S)3-containing solution. Ins 1,3,4,5,6 P5 (50 m) did not evoke any effect when administered on top of Ins 1,4,5 P3. In the absence of external Ca2+, addition of Ins 1,3,4,5 P4 to an Ins 1,4,5 P3-containing internal solution evoked a second transient K+ current activation. Readmitting external Ca2+ in the continued presence internally of Ins 1,4,5 P3 and Ins 1,3,4,5 P4 made the response reappear. We conclude that both Ins 1,4,5 P3 and Ins 1,3,4,5 P4 play crucial and specific roles in controlling intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

With the help of a standard voltage-clamp technique, we investigated transmembrane ion currents in isolated smooth muscle cells of the guinea pigtaenia coli. In Ca2+-dependent K+ current, we identified and studied the properties of an apamin-sensitive voltage-independent component carried through the channels of low conductance (in many publications called small conductance,I SK(Ca)). This component did not show the temporal inactivation;I SK(Ca) was insensitive to the action of 4 mM tetraethylammonium, but was completely blocked by 500 nM of apamin. It was shown thatI SK(Ca) is very sensitive to changes in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] i ): a decrease in [Ca2+] i up to 50 nM resulted in the almost complete blockade of the current. The entry of Ca ions into a cell from the external solution through the voltage-operated Ca2+ channels of L-type was not an obligatory condition for activation ofI SK(Ca). The current-voltage relationship forI SK(Ca) had a maximum within the voltage range of +20 to +50 mV. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 87–94, March–April, 2000.  相似文献   

Summary Basolateral plasma membranes from rat kidney cortex have been purified 40-fold by a combination of differential centrifugation, centrifugation in a discontinuous sucrose gradient followed by centrifugation in 8% percoll. The ratio of leaky membrane vesicles (L) versus right-side-out (RO) and inside-out (IO) resealed vesicles appeared to be LROIO=431. High-affinity Ca2+-ATPase, ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport and Na+/Ca2+ exchange have been studied with special emphasis on the relative transport capacities of the two Ca2+ transport systems. The kinetic parameters of Ca2+-ATPase activity in digitonin-treated membranes are:K m =0.11 m Ca2+ andV max=81±4 nmol Pi/min·mg protein at 37°C. ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport amounts to 4.3±0.2 and 7.4±0.3 nmol Ca2+/min·mg protein at 25 and 37°C, respectively, with an affinity for Ca2+ of 0.13 and 0.07 m at 25 and 37°C. After correction for the percentage of IO-resealed vesicles involved in ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport, a stoichiometry of 0.7 mol Ca2+ transported per mol ATP is found for the Ca2+-ATPase. In the presence of 75mm Na+ in the incubation medium ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake is inhibited 22%. When Na+ is present at 5mm an extra Ca2+ accumulation is observed which amounts to 15% of the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport rate. This extra Ca2+ accumulation induced by low Na+ is fully inhibited by preincubation of the vesicles with 1mm ouabain, which indicates that (Na+–K+)-ATPase generates a Na+ gradient favorable for Ca2+ accumulation via the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. In the absence of ATP, a Na+ gradient-dependent Ca2+ uptake is measured which rate amounts to 5% of the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport capacity. The Na+ gradient-dependent Ca2+ uptake is abolished by the ionophore monensin but not influenced by the presence of valinomycin. The affinity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange system for Ca2+ is between 0.1 and 0.2 m Ca2+, in the presence as well as in the absence of ATP. This affinity is surprisingly close to the affinity measured for the ATP-dependent Ca2+ pump. Based on these observations it is concluded that in isolated basolateral membranes from rat kidney cortex the Ca2+-ATPase system exceeds the capacity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger four- to fivefold and it is therefore unlikely that the latter system plays a primary role in the Ca2+ homeostasis of rat kidney cortex cells.  相似文献   

External bioenergy (EBE, energy emitted from a human body) has been shown to increase intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i, an important factor in signal transduction) and regulate the cellular response to heat stress in cultured human lymphoid Jurkat T cells. In this study, we wanted to elucidate the underlying mechanisms. A bioenergy specialist emitted bioenergy sequentially toward tubes of cultured Jurkat T cells for one 15-minute period in buffers containing different ion compositions or different concentrations of inhibitors. [Ca2+]i was measured spectrofluorometrically using the fluorescent probe fura-2. The resting [Ca2+]i in Jurkat T cells was 70 ± 3 nM (n = 130) in the normal buffer. Removal of external calcium decreased the resting [Ca2+]i to 52 ± 2 nM (n = 23), indicating that [Ca2+] entry from the external source is important for maintaining the basal level of [Ca2+]i. Treatment of Jurkat T cells with EBE for 15 min increased [Ca2+]i by 30 ± 5% (P 0.05, Student t-test). The distance between the bioenergy specialist and Jurkat T cells and repetitive treatments of EBE did not attenuate [Ca2+]i responsiveness to EBE. Removal of external Ca2+ or Na+, but not Mg2+, inhibited the EBE-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. Dichlorobenzamil, an inhibitor of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers, also inhibited the EBE-induced increase in [Ca2+]i in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 of 0.11 ± 0.02 nM. When external [K+] was increased from 4.5 mM to 25 mM, EBE decreased [Ca2+]i. The EBE-induced increase was also blocked by verapamil, an L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel blocker. These results suggest that the EBE-induced [Ca2+]i increase may serve as an objective means for assessing and validating bioenergy effects and those specialists claiming bioenergy capability. The increase in [Ca2+]i is mediated by activation of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers and opening of L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. (Mol Cell Biochem 271: 51–59, 2005)  相似文献   

Summary To study the physiological role of the bidirectionally operating, furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system of human erythrocytes, the effect of furosemide on red cell cation and hemoglobin content was determined in cells incubated for 24 hr with ouabain in 145mm NaCl media containing 0 to 10mm K+ or Rb+. In pure Na+ media, furosemide accelerated cell Na+ gain and retarded cellular K+ loss. External K+ (5mm) had an effect similar to furosemide and markedly reduced the action of the drug on cellular cation content. External Rb+ accelerated the Na+ gain like K+, but did not affect the K+ retention induced by furosemide. The data are interpreted to indicate that the furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system of human erythrocytes mediates an equimolar extrusion of Na+ and K+ in Na+ media (Na+/K+ cotransport), a 1:1 K+/K+ (K+/Rb+) and Na+/Na+ exchange progressively appearing upon increasing external K+ (Rb+) concentrations to 5mm. The effect of furosemide (or external K+/Rb+) on cation contents was associated with a prevention of the cell shrinkage seen in pure Na+ media, or with a cell swelling, indicating that the furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system is involved in the control of cell volume of human erythrocytes. The action of furosemide on cellular volume and cation content tended to disappear at 5mm external K+ or Rb+. Thein vivo red cell K+ content was negatively correlated to the rate of furosemide-sensitive K+ (Rb+) uptake, and a positive correlation was seen between mean cellular hemoglobin content and furosemide-sensitive transport activity. The transport system possibly functions as a K+ and waterextruding mechanism under physiological conditiosin vivo. The red cell Na+ content showed no correlation to the activity of the furosemide-sensitive transport system.  相似文献   

The binding of Ca(2+) to two adjacent Ca(2+)-binding domains, CBD1 and CBD2, regulates ion transport in the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger. As sensors for intracellular Ca(2+), the CBDs form electrostatic switches that induce the conformational changes required to initiate and sustain Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange. Depending on the presence of a few key residues in the Ca(2+)-binding sites, zero to four Ca(2+) ions can bind with affinities between 0.1 to 20 μm. Importantly, variability in CBD2 as a consequence of alternative splicing modulates not only the number and affinities of the Ca(2+)-binding sites in CBD2 but also the Ca(2+) affinities in CBD1.  相似文献   

Activity-dependent modulation of synaptic transmission is an essential mechanism underlying many brain functions. Here we report an unusual form of synaptic modulation that depends on Na+ influx and mitochondrial Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger, but not on Ca2+ influx. In Ca(2+)-free medium, tetanic stimulation of Xenopus motoneurons induced a striking potentiation of transmitter release at neuromuscular synapses. Inhibition of either Na+ influx or the rise of Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i) at nerve terminals prevented the tetanus-induced synaptic potentiation (TISP). Blockade of Ca2+ release from mitochondrial Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger, but not from ER Ca2+ stores, also inhibited TISP. Tetanic stimulation in Ca(2+)-free medium elicited an increase in [Ca2+]i, which was prevented by inhibition of Na+ influx or mitochondrial Ca2+ release. Inhibition of PKC blocked the TISP as well as mitochondrial Ca2+ release. These results reveal a novel form of synaptic plasticity and suggest a role of PKC in mitochondrial Ca2+ release during synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

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