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The Varroa mite infestation level of honey bee, Apis mellifera, worker larvae reared in individual raised cells was 6-fold higher than in the adjacent six cells surrounding them; this differential infestation rate is similar to published values of higher mite infestations of drone cells compared to worker cells. Infestation levels in control cells were the same as in the surrounding cells. In contrast to infestation of these individually raised cells, Varroa mites invaded worker larvae in raised cells along the perimeter of a patch of raised cells (10 by 21 rows) 2.5 times more often than surrounding unraised cells, and similarly ca. 2.5 times more often than in the remaining raised cells (interior) of this patch. In similarly prepared frames of drone comb, Varroa mites invaded individually raised drone cells 3.3-fold more often than the adjacent surrounding cells and control cells. On the other hand, Varroa mites infested drone larvae in the interior of the raised-patch area as often as drones in raised cells along the perimeter of the raised-patch, and this rate was ca. 2.5-fold higher than for drone larvae in unraised cells surrounding the raised-patch and drone larvae in control cells. The higher levels of infestation of raised cells did not come at the expense of the surrounding cells, i.e., the infestation levels of the adjacent surrounding cells were the same as in control cells. For worker larvae, the increased number of mites invading individual raised cells and edge cells of the raised patch were proportional to the number of surrounding nonraised cells. The relationship between raised cell-edges, observations of mite walking behavior on comb surfaces, and larval-to-cell-rim distances are discussed in relation to their possible roles in eliciting mite invasion of honey bee larval cells and contrasted to the putative role of kairomones in larval-host location.  相似文献   

Chemical signals influence the selection of potential nest cavities by honey bee reproductive swarms. Attractants for swarms include the odors of old dark honey bee brood combs, odors from noncomb hive materials and propolis, and Nasonov pheromone, the odor released from the Nasonov glands of worker bees. Based on crossover and choice test experiments, swarms were shown to prefer, among otherwise identical cavities, those cavities containing Nasonov pheromone over cavities with only comb or other hive odors, cavities containing old comb over those with only noncomb odors or propolis, and cavities containing noncomb odors or propolis over those without bee or hive odor. Synergy between odors was not observed; that is, comb and/or noncomb hive odors did not enhance the attractiveness of Nasonov pheromone. The data support a model based on a hierarchy of olfactory attractants used by honey bee swarms, in order of highest to lowest: Nasonov pheromone, comb odor, noncomb and propolis odors, and, finally, absence of bee- or hive-produced odor.  相似文献   

Yanega's (1997) mating limitation hypothesis (MLH) states that if a female mates promptly after emerging, she then becomes a member of the maximally reproductive behavioral caste (i.e., in most cases an overwintering gyne). Females that do not mate early become workers. We tested the MLH in laboratory colonies of a eusocial population of Evylaeus albipes. Of 24 worker brood females (13 from queenright and 11 from orphaned nests), 13 mated on the first day of flight activity and all mated within the first 5 days; there were no significant differences between mating rates of females from the two colony types. All 24 commenced foraging as workers after an average of between 3 and 4 days postmating. We conclude that the MLH does not apply to this species despite the fact that the only known halictine for which this hypothesis has been experimentally tested is the fairly closely related E. marginatus.  相似文献   

Varroa mites and viruses are the currently the high-profile suspects in collapsing bee colonies. Therefore, seasonal variation in varroa load and viruses (Acute-Kashmir-Israeli complex (AKI) and Deformed Wing Virus (DWV)) were monitored in a year-long study. We investigated the viral titres in honey bees and varroa mites from 23 colonies (15 apiaries) under three treatment conditions: Organic acids (11 colonies), pyrethroid (9 colonies) and untreated (3 colonies). Approximately 200 bees were sampled every month from April 2011 to October 2011, and April 2012. The 200 bees were split to 10 subsamples of 20 bees and analysed separately, which allows us to determine the prevalence of virus-infected bees. The treatment efficacy was often low for both treatments. In colonies where varroa treatment reduced the mite load, colonies overwintered successfully, allowing the mites and viruses to be carried over with the bees into the next season. In general, AKI and DWV titres did not show any notable response to the treatment and steadily increased over the season from April to October. In the untreated control group, titres increased most dramatically. Viral copies were correlated to number of varroa mites. Most colonies that collapsed over the winter had significantly higher AKI and DWV titres in October compared to survivors. Only treated colonies survived the winter. We discuss our results in relation to the varroa-virus model developed by Stephen Martin.  相似文献   

Honey bees are essential pollinators of numerous agricultural crops. Since 2006, honey bee populations have suffered considerable annual losses that are partially attributed to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). CCD is an unexplained phenomenon that correlates with elevated incidence of pathogens, including RNA viruses. Honey bees are eusocial insects that live in colonies of genetically related individuals that work in concert to gather and store nutrients. Their social organization provides numerous benefits, but also facilitates pathogen transmission between individuals. To investigate honey bee antiviral defense mechanisms, we developed an RNA virus infection model and discovered that administration of dsRNA, regardless of sequence, reduced virus infection. Our results suggest that dsRNA, a viral pathogen associated molecular pattern (PAMP), triggers an antiviral response that controls virus infection in honey bees.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone acid methyltransferase (JHAMT) is an enzyme involved in one of the final steps of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in insects. It transfers a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) to the carboxyl group of either farnesoic acid (FA) or JH acid (JHA). Several genes coding for JHAMT have been cloned and characterized from insects from different orders, and they have been shown to play critical roles in metamorphosis and reproduction. However, the significance of JHAMT in Hymenopteran insects is unknown. We used RACE amplification method to clone JHAMT cDNA from the honey bee, Apis mellifera (AmJHAMT). The full length cDNA of AmJHAMT that we cloned is 1253bp long and encodes a 278-aa protein that shares 32-36% identity with known JHAMTs. A SAM-binding motif, conserved in the SAM-dependent methyltransferase (SAM-MT) superfamily, is present in AmJHAMT. Its secondary structure also contains a typical SAM-MT fold. Most of the active sites bound with SAM and substrates (JHA or FA) are conserved in AmJHAMT as in other JHAMT orthologs. Phylogenetic analysis clustered AmJHAMT with the other orthologs from Hymenoptera to form a major clade in the phylogenetic tree. Purified recombinant AmJHAMT protein expressed in E. coli was used to produce polyclonal antibodies and to verify the identity of AmJHAMT by immunoblotting and mass spectrometry. Quantitative RT-PCR and immunoblotting analyses revealed that queen larvae contained significantly higher levels of AmJHAMT mRNA and protein than worker larvae during the periods of caste development. The temporal profiles of both AmJHAMT mRNA and protein in queens and workers showed a similar pattern as the JH biosynthesis. These results suggest that the gene that we cloned codes for a functional JHAMT that catalyzes the final reactions of JH biosynthesis in honey bees. In addition, AmJHAMT may play an important role in honey bee caste differentiation.  相似文献   

Parasites and pathogens are apparent key factors for the detrimental health of managed European honey bee subspecies, Apis mellifera. Apicultural trade is arguably the main factor for the almost global distribution of most honey bee diseases, thereby increasing chances for multiple infestations/infections of regions, apiaries, colonies and even individual bees. This imposes difficulties to evaluate the effects of pathogens in isolation, thereby creating demand to survey remote areas. Here, we conducted the first comprehensive survey for 14 honey bee pathogens in Mongolia (N = 3 regions, N = 9 locations, N = 151 colonies), where honey bee colonies depend on humans to overwinter. In Mongolia, honey bees, Apis spp., are not native and colonies of European A. mellifera subspecies have been introduced ~60 years ago. Despite the high detection power and large sample size across Mongolian regions with beekeeping, the mite Acarapis woodi, the bacteria Melissococcus plutonius and Paenibacillus larvae, the microsporidian Nosema apis, Acute bee paralysis virus, Kashmir bee virus, Israeli acute paralysis virus and Lake Sinai virus strain 2 were not detected, suggesting that they are either very rare or absent. The mite Varroa destructor, Nosema ceranae and four viruses (Sacbrood virus, Black queen cell virus, Deformed wing virus (DWV) and Chronic bee paralysis virus) were found with different prevalence. Despite the positive correlation between the prevalence of V. destructor mites and DWV, some areas had only mites, but not DWV, which is most likely due to the exceptional isolation of apiaries (up to 600 km). Phylogenetic analyses of the detected viruses reveal their clustering and European origin, thereby supporting the role of trade for pathogen spread and the isolation of Mongolia from South-Asian countries. In conclusion, this survey reveals the distinctive honey bee pathosphere of Mongolia, which offers opportunities for exciting future research.  相似文献   

The polyandrous mating behaviour of the honey bee queen increases the genotypical variability amongst her worker offspring. Microsatellite DNA analyses revealed a total of 16 subfamilies in one colony of honey bees. The subfamilies were represented in significantly different proportions in two subgroups of bees, water collecting bees and scenting bees, indicating a genetic component in task choice.  相似文献   

We propose a model that combines the dynamics of the spread of disease within a bee colony with the underlying demographic dynamics of the colony to determine the ultimate fate of the colony under different scenarios. The model suggests that key factors in the survival or collapse of a honey bee colony in the face of an infection are the rate of transmission of the infection and the disease-induced death rate. An increase in the disease-induced death rate, which can be thought of as an increase in the severity of the disease, may actually help the colony overcome the disease and survive through winter. By contrast, an increase in the transmission rate, which means that bees are being infected at an earlier age, has a drastic deleterious effect. Another important finding relates to the timing of infection in relation to the onset of winter, indicating that in a time interval of approximately 20 days before the onset of winter the colony is most affected by the onset of infection. The results suggest further that the age of recruitment of hive bees to foraging duties is a good early marker for the survival or collapse of a honey bee colony in the face of infection, which is consistent with experimental evidence but the model provides insight into the underlying mechanisms. The most important result of the study is a clear distinction between an exposure of the honey bee colony to an environmental hazard such as pesticides or insecticides, or an exposure to an infectious disease. The results indicate unequivocally that in the scenarios that we have examined, and perhaps more generally, an infectious disease is far more hazardous to the survival of a bee colony than an environmental hazard that causes an equal death rate in foraging bees.  相似文献   

In 1967, American biologist Adrian Wenner (1928–) launched an extensive challenge to Karl von Frisch’s (1886–1982) theory that bees communicate to each other the direction and distance of food sources by a symbolic dance language. Wenner and various collaborators argued that bees locate foods solely by odors. Although the dispute had largely run its course by 1973 – von Frisch was awarded a Nobel Prize, while Wenner withdrew from active bee research – it offers us a rare window into mid-twentieth century discussions about animals, language, and cognition. Historians, sociologists, and scientists have commented on the debate and its outcome, but none has seriously questioned why von Frisch and Wenner pursued such different explanations of the bees’ dances. In this paper, I explore von Frisch and Wenner’s differing visions of animals and their behaviors and show how these contributed to their respective positions. Von Frisch’s early-twentieth-century training in experimental physiology disposed him to focus on individual animals, their abilities, and their behaviors’ evolutionary significance. Wenner, by contrast, was trained in mathematics and statistics and the Schneirla school of behavior. He viewed the bees’ behaviors probabilistically with an eye toward the entire hive and its surroundings and ultimately explained them in terms of simple stimulus–response conditioning. Finally, while the debate was resolved in von Frisch’s favor, he neither waged nor won the battle by himself. Instead, I show that practitioners, whose agendas ranged from the nascent fields of sociobiology to cognitive ethology, took up the cause of the communicating bees. Winner of the 2005 International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology Marjorie Grene Graduate Student Essay Prize.  相似文献   

Identifying the floral composition of honey provides a method for investigating the plants that honey bees visit. We compared melissopalynology, where pollen grains retrieved from honey are identified morphologically, with a DNA metabarcoding approach using the rbcL DNA barcode marker and 454-pyrosequencing. We compared nine honeys supplied by beekeepers in the UK. DNA metabarcoding and melissopalynology were able to detect the most abundant floral components of honey. There was 92% correspondence for the plant taxa that had an abundance of over 20%. However, the level of similarity when all taxa were compared was lower, ranging from 22–45%, and there was little correspondence between the relative abundance of taxa found using the two techniques. DNA metabarcoding provided much greater repeatability, with a 64% taxa match compared to 28% with melissopalynology. DNA metabarcoding has the advantage over melissopalynology in that it does not require a high level of taxonomic expertise, a greater sample size can be screened and it provides greater resolution for some plant families. However, it does not provide a quantitative approach and pollen present in low levels are less likely to be detected. We investigated the plants that were frequently used by honey bees by examining the results obtained from both techniques. Plants with a broad taxonomic range were detected, covering 46 families and 25 orders, but a relatively small number of plants were consistently seen across multiple honey samples. Frequently found herbaceous species were Rubus fruticosus, Filipendula ulmaria, Taraxacum officinale, Trifolium spp., Brassica spp. and the non-native, invasive, Impatiens glandulifera. Tree pollen was frequently seen belonging to Castanea sativa, Crataegus monogyna and species of Malus, Salix and Quercus. We conclude that although honey bees are considered to be supergeneralists in their foraging choices, there are certain key species or plant groups that are particularly important in the honey bees environment. The reasons for this require further investigation in order to better understand honey bee nutritional requirements. DNA metabarcoding can be easily and widely used to investigate floral visitation in honey bees and can be adapted for use with other insects. It provides a starting point for investigating how we can better provide for the insects that we rely upon for pollination.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that Apis mellifera workers exhibit plasticity in moving from fanning to guarding behavior. Bees marked when fanning are more likely to guard than fan on subsequent days, but guard to fanner reversals were common. Our findings suggest that bees can switch between these tasks, but that their bias between the two tasks changes over time, rather than a strict serial progression of worker tasks. The number of fanning workers is positively correlated with ambient temperature and negatively correlated with humidity; this conclusion gives insight into the environmental triggers for worker behavior.  相似文献   

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