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Commercially available lipid emulsions for parenteral nutrition are mainly composed by long chain triacylglycerol containing a high proportion of linoleic acid (LA) or oleic acid (OA). The immunological impact of such therapy is particularly important because parenteral diets are often administered to critically ill patients as a mechanism to supply adequate nutrition during catabolic stress conditions. The comparative toxicity of OA and LA on human lymphocytes and the type of cell death induced by these fatty acids were determined in vitro. Parameters of cell death were investigated by flow cytometry-cell viability, DNA fragmentation, phosphatidylserine externalization, mitochondrial depolarization, neutral lipid accumulation and production of reactive oxygen species-and by fluorescence microscopy-chromatin condensation. Additionally a spectrofluorometric assay was employed to determine the activities of caspase--3, 6 and 8. Evidence is presented herein that OA is less toxic to human lymphocytes than LA. However, both fatty acids promoted apoptosis and necrosis of these cells. The mechanism of cell death induced by OA involved activation of caspase 3 while the mechanism of death induced by LA involved mitochondrial depolarization and ROS production. Importantly, neutral lipid accumulation may be a mechanism to protect lymphocytes against the toxicity induced by OA. OA may offer an immunological less problematic alternative to LA with respect to fatty acid composition of parenteral nutritional emulsions.  相似文献   

The presence of a plasmid conferring resistance to penicillin (PC plasmid, e.g. pI258blaI-) in Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8325 increases the sensitivity of such a bacterium to the growth inhibitory effects of linoleic acid, whereas a plasmid conferring resistance to tetracycline does not affect linoleic acid sensitivity. The increased linoleic acid sensitivity of bacteria containing a PC plasmid may be related to the penicillinase protein itself since (i) strains having inducible penicillinase show increased sensitivity only after induction, (ii) strains in which penicillinase is directed from chromosomal or plasmid-borne genes show similar increased linoleic acid sensitivity and (iii) notwithstanding the above, the linoleic acid inhibitory effect is enhanced in a strain in which penicillinase activity is greatly reduced by a point mutation in the structural gene for penicillinase. The enhanced linoleic acid sensitivity seems to require the membrane-bound penicillinase since added extracellular penicillinase does not confer this sensitivity, and there appears to be a specific interaction between the membrane-bound penicillinase activity and linoleic acid.  相似文献   

Perturbation of the fatty acid composition of human lymphocytes in vitro was investigated by addition of linoleic acid complexed to bovine serum albumin (BSA-LA) and by mitogenic stimulation with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). BSA-LA resulted in a 45% increase in linoleic acid in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and over 100% in phosphatidylcholine (PC) in peripheral blood cells. Supplementation with BSA-LA in PHA-stimulated lymphocytes produced even greater changes: 100% increase in linoleic acid content for PE and over 300% for PC. There was a large decrease in oleic acid: 40% for PE and almost 100% in PC. Significant decreases in arachidonic acid occurred in both phospholipid fractions. PHA alone also altered membrane phospholipid fatty acid composition, with reductions in palmitic, stearic and linoleic acid for PE and increases in oleic acid and arachidonic acid (almost 100%). For PC, there were large decreases in stearic (40%), linoleic (30%) and arachidonic (40%) acids, together with an increase in oleic acid (65%). Cells supplemented with linoleic acid grown in the presence of PHA, compared with those grown in linoleic acid-supplemented medium alone, showed a 40% decrease in palmitic acid and a 55% increase in arachidonic acid in PE. For PC, there were large decreases in stearic acid (40%) and arachidonic acid (57%). Antibody-induced redistribution of surface molecules ('capping') was inhibited by some 14% after incubation with BSA-LA. However, no consistent alterations in PHA-induced cell proliferation were observed. These data suggest that profound alterations of membrane fatty acid composition occur spontaneously during the mitotic cycle, and may be further induced by experimental manipulation, without gross perturbation of cell function.  相似文献   

Studies in experimental animals and murine osteoblast cells in culture have produced conflicting findings on the effect of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on bone formation. The present study investigated the influence of CLA on viability and metabolism of two human osteoblast-like cell lines (SaOS2 and MG63). Both cell lines were exposed to increasing concentrations (0-50 microM) of CLA either as pure cis (c) 9: trans (t) 11 and t10:c12 CLA isomers or a blend of isomers, or linoleic acid (C18:2). Cell cytotoxicity and degree of DNA fragmentation were unaffected by any fatty acid treatment. PGE2 biosynthesis by both cell lines was variably reduced by CLA isomer blend and t10:c12 CLA, but not c9:t11 CLA. Alkaline phosphatase activity was variably increased by all CLA treatments. These results suggest a lack of cytotoxic effect of CLA on human osteoblast-like cells and tentatively suggest a possible beneficial effect on bone formation in humans.  相似文献   

The total sialic acid content of blood platelets from rats raised for 8 weeks or 12 months on a diet containing 1% linoleic acid (1LA) was significantly lower (by over 30%) than that from those raised on an isocalorific diet containing 6% linoleic acid (6LA). The transfer of sialic acid to endogenous glycoprotein acceptor was also significantly lower (up to almost 4-fold) in 1LA platelet and megakaryocyte-rich preparations but the transfer to exogenous glycoprotein acceptor was similar in both 1LA and 6LA platelets. The megakaryocyte-rich fraction of 1LA animals showed a reduced phosphodolichol-sensitive N-acetylglucosaminyl (but not mannosyl) transfer to endogenous glycoprotein compared with 6LA animals. No significant difference was found between the megakaryocytes of 1LA and 6LA animals in the incorporation of radioactive mannose and glucosamine into the glycoprotein of the whole cells. It was concluded that the decreased transfer of sialic acid to glycoproteins of platelets and megakaryocyte of animals on the 1LA diet was due to the decreased availability of sialyl acceptor. The formation of N-linked oligosaccharide was the same in both 1LA and 6LA megakaryocytes, and thus any differences in phosphodolichol-mediated N-glycosylation did not account for this decreased availability of sialyl acceptor.  相似文献   

The effects of a conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) mixture of single isomers (50:50, w/w, cis9,trans11:trans10,cis12) and the individual isomers on (a) the production of resting and calcium ionophore stimulated (14)C-eicosanoids and (b) the incorporation of (14)C-arachidonic acid (AA) into membrane phospholipids of human saphenous vein endothelial cells were investigated. The CLA mixture and the individual isomers were found to inhibit resting production of (14)C-prostaglandin F(2a) by 50, 43 and 40%, respectively. A dose dependent inhibition of stimulated (14)C-prostaglandins was observed with the CLA mixture (IC(50) 100 microM). The cis9,trans11 and trans10,cis12 (50 microM) isomers individually inhibited the overall production of stimulated (14)C-prostaglandins (between 35 and 55% and 23 and 42%, respectively). When tested at a high concentration (100 microM), cis9,trans11 was found to inhibit eicosanoid production in contrast to trans10,cis12 that caused stimulation. The overall degree of (14)C-AA incorporation into membrane phospholipids of the CLA (mixture and individual isomers) treated cells was found to be lower than that of control cells and the cis9,trans11 isomer was found to increase the incorporation of (14)C-AA into phosphatidylcholine. Docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and linoleic acid did not alter the overall degree of incorporation of (14)C-AA. The results of this study suggest that both isomers inhibit eicosanoid production, and although trans10,cis12 exhibits pro-inflammatory activity at high concentrations, the CLA mixture maintains its beneficial anti-inflammatory action that contributes to its anti-carcinogenic and anti-atherogenic properties.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on stomatal sensitivity to abscisic acid   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Abstract. The sensitivity of stomata of Commelina communis L. to abscisic acid (ABA) was evaluated by analysing the initial rates of response to the compound at different hormone concentrations. This was carried out at pH 6.8 and pH 5.5. The data were modelled and statistically analyzed by means of a computer program employing non-linear regression techniques and step-down analysis of variance. The response kinetics as quantified in terms of three sensitivity parameters were found to differ significantly between the two pH values. This finding is discussed in relation to previous research on purified ABA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Functional properties of the DNA-binding domain of the human glucocorticoid receptor were investigated using high titer polyclonal antibodies produced against single synthetic peptides or a mixture of peptides whose sequences were derived from the DNA-binding domain of steroid receptor proteins. Three of seven antisera recognized both native and denatured forms of the glucocorticoid receptor, although considerably lower antisera dilutions were required for antibody binding to native receptor. Activation of the glucocorticoid receptor to its DNA-binding form was required for antibody recognition of the native receptor. Antisera to the second finger region of the DNA-binding domain caused a portion of the activated 4S glucocorticoid receptor to sediment as 7 or 9S in sucrose gradients containing 0.4 M KCl, but did not alter the sedimentation of the nontransformed 8S receptor. Specificity of the glucocorticoid receptor-antibody interaction was demonstrated by loss of reactivity after preabsorption with peptide antigens. Antisera that interacted specifically with the glucocorticoid receptor inhibited DNA binding of the activated receptor by as much as 80%. Thus, antibody probes directed against DNA-binding domain sequences provide immunological evidence that glucocorticoid receptor activation exposes the DNA-binding region of the receptor.  相似文献   

Different reasons which justify differences between rodents and humans in body fat reduction produced by conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) could be proposed. The doses used in humans are lower than those used in rodents. Human experiments have been performed with CLA isomer mixtures instead of isolated isomers. The variable dilution of t-10, c-12, the active isomer, among different preparations might explain the reduced responsiveness in humans. Diet composition may modulate CLA effects on body fat accumulation. As far as human studies are concerned, a specific dietary pattern has not been established. As a result differences among studies and also among subjects in the same study are likely. In rodents, the effects of CLA vary with genotype, suggesting that genetic predisposition to fat accumulation can play an important role in the effectiveness of CLA. Human volunteers with different body mass index have participated in the published studies and even in the same experiment. So, differences in lipid metabolism among subjects could help to explain the discrepancies observed in the literature. Age and maturity may also be crucial. Experiments using rodents have been conducted with growing animals and there is little evidence of CLA effectiveness in adult animals. By contrast, human studies have been performed with adults. Inhibition of lipogenesis in white adipose tissue is one of the mechanisms which have been proposed to explain the body-fat lowering effect of CLA, but lipogenesis in this tissue is very low in humans. Another mechanism suggested is increased fatty acid oxidation in the liver associated with peroxisome proliferation, but humans are relatively insensitive to this effect.  相似文献   

Human adults are shown to be capable of conversion of linoleic acid (LA, 18:2 n-6) to arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4 n-6) in vivo. It is confirmed that they can also convert alpha-linolenic acid (LNA, 18:3 n-3) to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5 n-3) and to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 n-3) in vivo. The time course and the maximal response for these processes during the first week after a single dose of the 18-carbon precursor is described. A stable-isotope method in which the protons of the C17 and C18 carbons are substituted with deuterium atoms is used in order to provide for a safe method for the study of human metabolism. High sensitivity and selectivity of detection is assured with negative ion, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. It is clear that human adults on an ad lib diet carry out EFA metabolism in vivo.  相似文献   

The oxidation processes of linoleic acid in the presence of ferulic acid, and 1-pentyl, 1-hexyl and 1-heptyl ferulates were observed at various temperatures and different molar ratios of each additive to linoleic acid. The processes were analyzed based on a kinetic equation of the autocatalytic type to evaluate the oxidative rate constant, k, and the kinetic parameter, Y(0), by which the initiation period for the oxidation of linoleic acid was mainly governed. The k values for linoleic acid mixed with each of the alkyl ferulates were smaller than that for linoleic acid mixed with ferulic acid. The greater suppressive effect of the alkyl ferulates would be ascribable to their higher solubility in linoleic acid. Both the activation energy, E, and the frequency factor, k(0), for the oxidation of linoleic acid mixed with ferulic acid or pentyl ferulate decreased with increasing molar ratio of the additive to linoleic acid.  相似文献   

A Klein  B Bruser 《Life sciences》1992,50(12):883-889
In the present work we undertook to ascertain whether butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), which is used in food as an antioxidant, is capable of either inhibiting human lymphocyte stimulation or acting synergistically with cortisol and prednisolone to the same end. BHT cytotoxicity was observed at concentrations higher than 100 micrograms/ml. In the concentration range of 0.0 to 60.0 micrograms/mL, BHT showed no effect on the uptake of 3H-thymidine by PHA stimulated lymphocytes. However, at 50 micrograms/mL BHT suppressed mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR). A synergistic effect with regard to suppression of PHA stimulated lymphocytes was observed when the cells were incubated with BHT in the presence of either cortisol or prednisolone.  相似文献   

The results presented in this paper show that lysis of human erythrocytes by linoleic acid is not caused by peroxidation of the fatty acid. Peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and scavengers of O 2 and OH had no effect on the lysis while catalase showed only marginal inhibition suggesting that O 2 , OH, O 2 and H2O2 do not play any direct role in hemolysis by linoleic acid. Generators of H2O2 inhibited the lysis completely and methemoglobin cells were more resistant to hemolysis by linoleic acid. The fatty acid did neither bind to nor fomed complex with red cell ghosts. Membrane oxidation of sulphydryl groups was also not involved in the lysis. Β-Carotene, retinol and bile salts enhanced the lysis, while, cholesterol but not cholesterol acetate, inhibited it. Taurocholate-pretreated cells were more susceptible to linoleic acid lysis. These observations suggested-that lysis by linoleic acid may be due to its detergent property.  相似文献   

Linoleic acid (18:2n-6) is metabolised to arachidonic acid (20:4n-6), the precursor for 2-series prostaglandins (PGs). Increased consumption of 18:2n-6 during pregnancy may thus modify PG synthesis during labour. We have investigated whether increased 18:2n-6 composition during gestation altered the fatty acid consumption and PG synthesis of maternal and fetal tissues in the sheep. Ewes were fed a control diet or a diet providing 40% more 18:2n-6 from 96 days gestation. Half of each group received dexamethasone on day 136 to up-regulate the PG synthetic pathways promoting parturition. Maternal and fetal tissues were collected at 138 days. The 18:2n-6 diet significantly increased the 20:4n-6 content of maternal plasma, fetal plasma and allantochorion (51-81%) phosphatidylcholine, and fetal liver (40%) and maternal caruncular endometrium (57%) phosphatidylethanolamine. Increased 18:2n-6 intake increased production of PGF(2alpha) and PGE(2) in all placental tissues (maternal caruncular and intercaruncular endometrium and fetal allantochorion) by 23-98%, whereas dexamethasone increased it by 32-142%. This suggests that consumption of an 18:2n-6-enriched diet in late pregnancy enhanced placental PG production by increasing the supply of 20:4n-6. Variations in the extent to which the diet altered the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content of the different tissues indicated complex interactions between nutrient availability and metabolic adaptation.  相似文献   

The influence of occupational exposure to environmental carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (c-PAHs) on DNA damage detected in lymphocytes of exposed people (city policemen) was studied. The cellular susceptibility to the induction of the DNA damage and the repair capacity of exposed donors are presented in comparison with matched controls. Monitoring was performed and blood samples (164 donors) were collected in Prague, Czech Republic, during the winter and summer seasons. The single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay with an internal standard was applied to evaluate the DNA damage. A challenging dose of 2Gy of X-rays was used to study cellular capacities. In the results of studies of the DNA damage induced in vivo or as an immediate response to the challenging treatment no significant difference was found between exposed and unexposed subgroups. The percentage of non-repaired X-ray-induced DNA damage (residual damage, RD) overall in both seasons was significantly higher in lymphocytes of policemen exposed to c-PAHs than in matched controls (RD(T-DNA), %DNA in the comet tail: winter 36.4+/-22.1 versus 22.7+/-10.8, p < 0.001; summer 47.7+/-22.9 versus 34.7+/-15.2, p < 0.001). The results suggest that occupational exposure to environmental c-PAHs significantly reduces the cellular capacity to repair the DNA damage induced by a challenging treatment. A significant decrease of repair efficiency in donors occupationally exposed to environmental c-PAHs was also observed when subgroups were stratified according to smoking history. In conclusion, our results suggest that environmental exposure to c-PAHs affects the cellular repair processes and can lead to harmful effects hazardous to human health.  相似文献   

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